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Full text of "The history of the Province of Moray : comprising the counties of Elgin and Nairn, the greater part of the County of Inverness and a portion of the County of Banff, all called the Province of Moray before there was a division into counties"

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OF    THE 


VOL.  II. 




Comprising  the  Counties  of  Elgin  and  Nairn,  the  greater  part  of  the  County  of 

Inrerness,  and  a  portion  of  the  County  of  Banff, — all  called  the  Province 

of  Moray  before  there  IPOS  a  division  into  Counties, 



Enlarged  and  brought  down  to  the  Present  Time 

BY   J.    F.    S.    GORDON, 

Author  of  "  Scotichronicon,"  "  Monasticon,"  &c. 


•Printtb  at  the  (Etutoer0itg  Jfress, 

HAMILTON,    ADAMS,    &    CO.,    LONDON, 






Elgin  Past  and  Present  (Cosmo  Innes),    ...         1 

The  Parish  of  Birnie, 39 

The  Parish  of  Dallas, 46 

The  Parish  of  Keneddar, 54 

The  Family  of  GORDON  of  Gordonstoun,       .        .       63 
The  Parish  of  Duffus,       .        .        .        .        .        .77 

MORAYS  of  DufFus, 87 

The  Parish  of  St.  Andrews, 93 

The  Parish  of  Spynie,      .  ...       94 

The  DUNBARS,      .  98 

The  DUNBARS  of  Westfield, 101 

The  DUNBARS  of  Thunderton,      .        .        .         .104 

The  LESLIES  of  Findrasie, 120 

The  Parish  of  Alves, 145 

The  Parish  of  Kinloss, 152 

The  Parish  and  Town  of  Forres,       .  .     163 

The  Parish  of  Kafford, .176 

Family  of  CUMMINE, 183 

The  Parish  of  Edinkillie, 185 

Family  of  CUMMINE  of  Rylucas,   .        .        .        .191 
Family  of  CUMMINE  of  Logie,       .        .        .        .193 

The  Parish  of  Ardclach, 195 

The  Parish  of  Moy  and  Dalarossie, ....     198 

The  Parish  of  Dyke, 208 

Family  of  CULBIN, 232 

EARLS  OF  MORAY,        ......    242 

Family  of  BRODIE,       ...  .  248 

The  Parish  of  Aldearn,     .         .  ...     252 

The  Town  and  Parish  of  Nairn,       .         .         .         .262 

The  Parish  of  Calder, 269 

The  Family  of  CALDER, 278 



The  Parish  of  Croy,  .  ....  284 

Family  of  ROSE  of  Kilravock,       ....  285 

Other  Branches  of  the  ROSE  Family,  .  .  .  296 

The  Parishes  of  Daviot  and  Dunlichty,  .  .  .  307 
The  Parish  of  Ardersier,  .  .  .  .  .  .314 

The  Parish  of  Pettie, 318 

The  Town  and  Parish  of  Inverness,  .  .  .  322 

The  Parish  of  Durris,  ...  .  334 

The  Parish  of  Boleskin, 340 

Family  of  LOVAT, 340 

The  Parish  of  Kilmanivack, 358 

Family  of  MAcDoNALD  of  Glengary,  .  .  .  360 

The  Parish  of  Urquhart, 361 

The  Parish  of  Kirkhill,  .  :  ...  373 

The  Parish  of  Kiltarlity, 377 

Family  of  CHISHOLM, 381 




A  Lecture  delivered  on  23rd  October,  1860,  for  the 
benefit  of  the  Elgin  Literary  and  Scientific  Associa- 
tion, and  printed  at  their  request. 

By  Cosmo  Innes,  formerly  Sheriff  of  Moray. 

Mr.  President,  and  Ladies  and  Gentlemen, — When  the 
gentlemen  of  the  Elgin  Literary  and  Scientific  Associa- 
tion did  me  the  honour  to  ask  me  to  deliver  a  lecture  here, 
their  request  found  me  very  ill  prepared.  I  was  at  a  dis- 
tance from  my  usual  books  and  libraries  of  reference. 
Even  some  notes  of  my  own,  the  memoranda  of  many 
years,  are  shut  up  at  home  and  inaccessible.  I  was  sepa- 
rated from  the  small  but  compact  band  of  literary  and 
antiquarian  friends,  among  whom  for  a  long  time  I  have 
been  accustomed  to  work,  and  from  whose  stores  I  draw 
more  than  it  might  be  discreet  to  make  known.  I  was 
not  even  in  Elgin,  or  one  of  your  good  burgh  towns,  where 
local  information  could  be  readily  had.  You  know  I  was 
dwelling  in  the  ghostly  old  palace  of  Gordonstown.  But 
alas!  the  Gordonstown  library  is  gone,  and  though  I 
did  take  counsel  with  the  shade  of  the  wizard,  Sir  Robert, 
who  never  failed  to  join  company  with  me  when  I  trimmed 
my  lamp  at  midnight,  preparing  for  a  spell  of  work  after 
the  world  was  quiet — I  found  his  line  of  study  was  different 
from  mine.  He  spoke  knowingly  about  a  pump  of  his 

VOL.  II.  1 


own  construction,  that  was  to  raise  water  higher  with  less 
power  than  was  ever  done  before,  but  I  soon  saw,  that 
was  only  company  talk ;  and  at  last  the  old  man — he  is  a 
tine  bearded  old  fellow,  with  some  of  the  features  we  see 
in  Sir  Alexander  Gumming — told  me  honestly  that  his 
whole  heart  was  in  his  crucibles  and  large  alembic,  which 
he  had  fitted  up  in  the  vault  of  the  west  wing  of  the 
chateau,  and  which  are  yet  to  produce  the  philosopher's 
stone,  and  to  yield  gold  and  life  as  much  as  the  possessor 
desires  to  have. 

You  may  be  sure  I  asked  the  wizard  all  about  old 
Moray  and  its  ways — how  the  people  lived  and  thought  in 
the  old  time.  But,  bless  you  !  he  knew  and  cared  nothing 
about  that.  He  told  me  how  his  grandfather,  the  tutor 
of  Sutherland,  made  Gordonstown — joining  Ogstown  and 
Pethnik  and  Burnside  to  Plewlands,  where  the  Marquis 
of  Huntly  had  a  grotesque  old  chateau  before — and  how 
the  son,  educated  in  Holland,  had  ornamented  it  with 
canals,  and  straight  terraces,  and  avenues — and  how  he, 
the  wizard  himself,  had  pulled  down  the  middle  of  the 
old  house  and  built  the  present  centre,  leaving  the  wings 
as  they  were  in  the  first  chateau.  All  that  he  told  me 
very  accurately — also  the  exact  number  of  bolls  victual 
that  came  into  his  granary — oats  and  bere ;  but  for  the 
people  that  paid  the  rent,  and  the  land  that  produced  it, 
he  took  no  care.  They  were  not  worth  the  thought  of  a 
gentleman  of  coat  armour,  and,  moreover,  a  philosopher 
on  the  very  point  of  discovering  the  great  secret ! 

But  something  too  much  of  this  fooling.  I  wish  only 
to  explain  to  you  that  I  have  been  taken  unawares — that 
I  might  have  declined  complying,  and  found  good  excuse; 
but,  conscious  of  no  ambitious  motive  but  the  desire  of 
giving  you  pleasure,  and  doing  some  little  thing  for  the 
honour  of  old  Moray,  and  relying  on  your  forbearance 
with  faults  and  errors,  I  hope  to  put  together  some- 
thing to  help  us  to  pass  away  an  autumn  evening 

Having  disclaimed  the  help  of  the  dead  magician,  I  may 
be  allowed  to  take  some  pride  in  the  assistance  of  living 
men.  My  friend,  Captain  Edward  Dunbar — I  may  say 
my  hereditary  friend,  for  our  grandfathers  were  close 
allies,  and  constant,  almost  daily,  correspondents — has 
brought  me  a  mass  of  family  papers,  accounts,  letters, 


notes,  many  of  the  most  trivial  kind,  but  all  how  inter- 
esting after  the  lapse  of  a  century  or  two  !  He  has  told 
me,  too,  the  results  of  his  own  study  and  intimate  ac- 
quaintance with  those  stores.  He  is  not  like  the  magi- 
cian of  Gordonstown,  and  nothing  fails  to  interest  him 
that  lets  in  the  least  light  on  old  manners.  Shall  we 
blame  him  if  he  seeks  his  favourite  sport  chiefly  on  the 
ground  occupied  by  the  great  name  of  Dunbar ! 

I  have  another  debt  to  acknowledge.  A  gentleman 
among  you,  more  knowing  than  most,  perhaps  than  any 
one,  in  the  local  antiquities  of  Elgin,  and  whose  time  is 
very  valuable,  did  not  hesitate  to  spend  an  afternoon  in 
pointing  out  to  me  scenes  and  houses  in  Elgin  that  inter- 
ested me.  He  has  even  been  kind  enough  and  zealous 
enough  for  our  common  object,  to  put  down  for  me,  in 
writing,  a  little  volume  of  interesting  notes,  taken  from 
the  title-deeds  that  have  passed  through  his  hands,  and 
which  I  hope  to  make  use  of  for  your  benefit  this  evening. 
Before  I  name  him,  you  all  know  that  the.  person  to  whom 
I  allude  is  Mr.  Robert  Young. 

I  won't  begin  with  the  Romans,  who  indeed  had  a  very 
slender  grip  of  Scotland ;  and  Dr.  Taylor  and  Mr.  Mac- 
donald  have  not  yet  determined  whether  they  were  in 
Moray  at  all. 

The  Norsemen,  too,  have  left  their  marks  on  our  coast, 
but  nothing  more.  Those  unaccountable  mounds  at 
Burghead  may  be  theirs;  and  the  singular  custom  of 
carrying  the  Yule  fire  round  the  village  and  harbour,  and 
blessing  the  boats,  savours  of  Scandinavia.  That  curious 
head-land,  with  its  harbour  sheltered  from  the  north-east, 
was  a  likely  haven  for  a  band  of  sea-faring  adventurers. 
But  I  give  them  nothing  more.  The  Forres  Stone  is  a 
native  Monument ;  so  is  the  ancient  Monument*  at  Elgin, 

*  The  Elgin  Pillar  was  discovered  in  1823  when  the  streets 
were  under  repair,  lying  about  two  feet  below  the  surface  in  a 
horizontal  position,  as  if  it  had  been  thrown  down  there  by 
accident,  a  little  to  the  north-east  of  the  old  Church  of  St. 
Giles.  Nothing  whatever  is  known  of  its  previous  history.  It 
is  now  preserved  in  the  Cathedral.  This  pillar  is  evidently 
incomplete,  a  part  having  been  broken  off  from  one  end  of  it. 
It  is  now  6  feet  in  length,  2|  in  breadth,  and  1  foot  thick ; 
composed  of  a  reddish  grey  granite,  very  like  that  of  Aberdeen- 
shire.  The  base  of  this  stone  is  of  less  breadth  than  the  top, 


now  preserved  in  your  Cathedral.  Both  have  the  Cross 
and  Christian  symbols,  while  the  Norse  invaders  were  all 
Pagans ;  and  what,  indeed,  of  lasting  edifice  could  we 
expect  from  those  hordes  of  plunderers,  spending  their 
summers  in  harrying  the  coast  or  fighting  among  them- 
selves, and  returning  to  their  northern  homes  in  winter, 
to  drink  ale  and  mead,  and  sing  the  glory  and  the 
riches  of  the  successful  pirate  ?  I  leave  "  the  Danes," 
then,  to  Mr.  Macdonald,  who  will  dig  them  out  if  any- 
body can,  and  pass  on  to  the  next  picture  in  the  peep- 

When  we  first  knew  something  of  our  own  people — say 
in  or  about  the  year  1200 — Moray  was  the  seat  of  a  pro- 
tracted rebellion,  supporting  what  we  may  call  the  Mac- 
beth family,  against  the  reigning  dynasty.  That  rebel- 
lion was  at  length  crushed,  and  with  such  violence  that 
our  chroniclers  assure  us  the  whole  people  of  Moray  were 
carried  away,  and  the  land  given  to  strangers — evidently 
a  great  exaggeration.  The  tillers  of  the  soil  were  never 
cleared  out.  But  at  that  time — during  the  reign  of  David 
I.,  and  his  grandsons  Malcolm  and  William — we  have 
evidence  of  a  great  influx  of  Southern  strangers — Norman 
and  Saxon  lords,  and  Flemings,  who  got  large  grants  of 
lands  in  Moray.  Whether  of  these  new  settlers  or  de- 

which  is  the  case  with  the  Mortlich  Stone.  One  side  represents- 
very  distinctly  a  hunting  party,  consisting  of  four  men  on  horse- 
back, and  three  dogs :  one  of  these  is  seizing  a  deer  by  the 
flank.  On  each  side  of  the  uppermost  horseman  are  two  birds,, 
most  probably  hawks.  It  is  difficult  to  say  what  the  figures 
above  this  hunting  party  represent.  One  is  a  crescent  reversed;, 
above  this  are  two  circular  bodies  united  by  two  bands,  through 
which  passes  a  zig-zag  belt  or  band.  Probably  the  whole  is 
some  form  of  the  mystic  knot,  so  common  in  Runic  carvings  \ 
or  it  may  be  some  representation  of  the  celestial  bodies.  The 
reverse  of  the  stone  contains,  near  the  base,  the  Runic  knot, 
with  indications  of  snakes'  heads.  In  the  upper  division  is  a 
cross  of  very  elegant  proportions,  also  covered  with  the  Runic 
convolutions.  Several  figures  of  priests  occupy  the  spaces  at 
each  of  the  four  corners :  the  one  on  the  left  appears  to  have 
some  ornament  round  his  neck.  The  Elgin  Pillar  may  have 
been  commemorative  of  the  death  and  burial  of  some  great 
general  or  chief ;  or  the  boundary-mark  of  hunting  grounds* 
(Rhine? s  Sketches,  p.  138.) 


scendants  of  the  old  lords  of  the  soil,  the  Family  of  De 
Moravia  (Moray),  taking  its  surname  from  the  Province, 
was  foremost  in  power  and  importance,  when  charters 
and  records  first  throw  some  light  upon  the  population  of 
the  province.  Undoubtedly  they  were  great  Lords,  those 
De  Moravias — Lords  of  Duffus  and  all  its  plain,  of 
Bucharn,  and  Arndilly,  and  Botriphny  over  Spey,  of 
Oroy-and  Artirlie,  of  Petty  and  Brachly,  besides  Inver- 
ness. All  these  are  their  proved  possessions,  proved  by 
charter  evidence.  But  I  think  it  very  probable  they  had 
moreover  Darnaway,  Alves,  and  the  other  great  possessions 
of  the  Earls  of  Moray.  They  built  castles,  one  of  .which 
is  still  the  admiration  of  the  antiquary.  They  sent 
some  of  their  family  to  civilize  the  wild  Norse  Earldom 
of  Caithness,  and  in  recompense  had  a  grant  of  the 
southern  side  of  it,  which  was  erected  for  them  into 
the  Earldom  of  Sutherland.  They  were  great  friends 
of  the  Church  too,  giving  lands  and  tithes  without 
number  to  the  Cathedral,  of  which  one  of  themselves 
was  Bishop. 

Do  we  know  anything  of  the  manner  of  life  of  these 
times  ?  Something — not  much  !  We  know  that  the 
great  lords  were  men  of  taste  in  building.  Witness  the 
fine  remains  of  Duffus,  still  so  imposing.  Witness  the 
strengths  which  still  give  interest  to  the  banks  of  the 
Fiddich  and  the  Spey.  The  De  Moravias  were  men  of 
some  adventure,  or  they  would  not  have  been  put  forward 
to  reclaim  Caithness,  and  they  must  have  been  stout 
warriors — good  men-at-arms — or  they  would  not  have 
gained  the  Earldom  of  Sutherland.  But  for  their  domestic 
and  personal  manners  what  shall  we  say  ?  No  doubt  they 
had  some  feeling  of  their  own  dignity  and  knightly  honour, 
they  had  assuredly  the  generous  feelings  of  strong  and 
brave  and  noble  men,  of  men  immeasurably  above  all 
that  surrounded  them,  and  I  am  far  from  undervaluing  the 
qualities  that  were  laced  up  in  the  corslet  and  cuirass  of 
the  iron  age  of  chivalry.  Of  domestic  comforts  they  had 
not  dreamt.  Their  Castle  of  Duffus  had  no  chimneys  nor 
any  window-glass.  When  the  winter  winds  blew  fiercely 
across  the  fen,  they  shut  their  stout  window-boards — out- 
side window  shutters — and  crowded  round  a  fire  of  peats 
in  the  middle  of  the  hall,  while  the  smoke  found  its  way 
out  as  it  could,  and  was  welcome,  as  communicating  some 


feeling  of  heat  to  the  upper  chambers.     There  was  then 
no  middle  class  of  rural  population. 

What  was  the  condition  of  the  other  extreme  of  society 
— the  labourers  of  the  soil  ?  I  fear  they  were  ill-housed, 
ill-clothed,  ill-fed,  not  considered  by  their  masters,  except 
as  hewers  of  wood  and  drawers  of  water.  The  beasts  of 
their  plough,  though  starved  also,  were  somewhat  better 
off — their  hide,  at  least,  was  thicker.  It  fared  ill  with 
such  a  population  in  seasons  like  this,  for  a  bad  harvest 
surely  brought  famine,  and  famine  brought  pestilence; 
and  the  marsh  fever  and  ague  swept  off  those  whom 
hunger  and  the  plague  spared.  For  the  most  part  they 
were  slaves,  bound  to  the  soil,  and  bought  and  sold  with 
it.  They  were  happy  only  in  knowing  no  better  lot. 
Still,  all  is  not  barren  from  Dan  to  Beersheba. 

There  are  two  pleasant  spots  for  the  eye  to  rest  upon, 
in  that  dreary  time.  The  little  burgh  built  on  the 
sheltered  bank  of  the  Lossie,  long  before  the  bishop  had 
chosen  it  for  his  seat,  was  strong  in  the  union  of  its 
inhabitants,  and  secured  by  the  protection  which  the 
good  King  David  threw  around  his  burgesses.  The  King 
had  erected  a  Castle  on  the  green  mound  at  its  western 
extremity — Ladyhill  (called  so  from  a  Chapel  dedicated 
to  the  B.  Virgin,  originally  within  the  Royal  Castle,  but 
which  survived  it) — for  defence  against  marauding  pirates 
from  the  sea,  and  the  lawless  bands  from  the  hills,  but 
still  more  to  support  the  burghers  against  the  oppression 
of  the  neighbouring  barons,  who  were  jealous  of  this  little 
knot  of  plebeians  presuming  to  be  independent — to  prefer 
the  government  of  their  own  Aldermen,  and  the  jurisdic- 
tion of  the  King's  Court,  to  the  tender  mercies  of  the 
court  of  the  Lord  Baron.  I  say  that  was  one  bright  spot 
to  rest  the  eye  upon.  It  was  pleasant  to  see  trade,  com- 
merce and  manufactures  bursting  into  life,  amidst  an 
industrious  people,  now  first  hoping  to  enjoy  the  fruit  of 
their  own  industry.  It  was  pleasant  to  see  the  simple 
domestic  comforts  which  a  town  life  renders  possible  for 
the  poor — the  cheap  luxuries — the  mere  security,  and 
warmth,  and  dryness,  which  formed  a  contrast  with  the 
circumstances  of  the  rural  population  of  Moray  of  the  13th 

[On  the  top  of  Ladyhill,  near  the  ruins  of  the  Castle,  a 
Tuscan  column,  80  feet  high,  was  erected  in  1839  to  the 


memory  of  the  last  Duke  of  Gordon,  the  funds  for  which 
were  raised  by  subscription  within  the  country.  A 
wheeling  stair  leads  to  the  top,  from  which  is  a  most 
extensive  panoramic  view,  extending  from  Covesea  to 
Cullen,  and  also  the  shores  of  the  Caithness  coast.  In 
1855,  a  statue  of  the  Duke  was  placed  on  the  top  of  the 
column — the  late  Alex.  Craig  of  Craigton  having  left  a 
bequest  therefor,  which  was  •  further  augmented  princi- 
pally by  the  Monty  shire  farmer  club.  The  statue  is  12 
feet  high,  and  is  from  the  chisel  of  T.  Goodwillie,  Elgin. 

In  1858,  the  Elgin  Literary  and  Scientific  Association 
conducted  excavations  on  the  top  of  Ladyhill,  when  the 
remains  of  three  human  bodies  were  discovered  a  little  to 
the  north  of  the  monument.  One  of  the  skeletons  is  in  a 
sitting  posture ;  the  others  were  in  a  horizontal  position 
and  placed  just  outside  the  outer  walls  of  the  Castle.  A 
flint  arrow-head,  several  pieces  of  pottery,  a  copper  coin  of 
Charles  II.,  a  quern,  and  several  detached  bones  were  also 
found.]  (Moray sldre  Described) 

Another  green  oasis  in  the  desert  was  the  Church, 
There  the  strong  man  learnt  of  a  power  greater  than 
brute  strength,  and  the  rich  man  was  taught  to  call  the 
poor  his  brother.  Thither  the  starving  despairing  serf 
went  for  food,  and  found  some  higher  consolation.  There 
he  sometimes  heard  the  strange  doctrine  that  in  the  eyes 
of  God  all  men  are  equal. 

If  you  look  to  the  time,  the  people,  the  circumstances, 
the  first  setting  up  of  the  Christian  minister  to  teach 
Christianity  is,  after  all,  the  greatest  step  in  the  civiliza- 
tion of  the  world.  You  must  think  first — and  it  isn't  very 
easy  for  us  now — you  must  think  of  the  utter  ignorance 
— or  worse,  the  degraded  Pagan  worship  of  stocks  and 
stones — you  must  think  of  the  real  savage — not  the 
melodramatic  Oscars  and  Selmas  of  Ossian — but  the  true, 
starving,  half  cannibal  savage,  without  food,  or  clothes,  or 
shelter,  without  comfort  or  support  in  this  world,  or  hope 
beyond  it — to  enable  you  to  appreciate  the  blessing  of 
the  simple  message  of  truth  and  peace  and  Divine  love. 
Simple  the  message  must  be  to  suit  the  people,  and  simple 
though  the  messenger  and  minister  of  truth  be  also,  the 
first  revealing  of  his  divine  errand  is  still  the  great  event 
in  man's  history. 

Next,   however,   and   no   unimportant  step,   was   the 


binding  of  Christian  men  together  by  the  organization 
of  the  Church.  An  establishment  of  a  Cathedral  in  the 
old  time  was  a  very  different  affair  from  the  setting  up 
of  Manchester  or  any  new  modern  Bishopric. 

The  Bishop  of  Moray — often  a  dignified  statesman  in 
the  King's  Court — sometimes  a  man  of  high  family  and 
even  royal  connection,  presiding  over  24  dignified  clergy- 
men of  the  Province — all  bound  to  residence  for  a  stated 
period  of  the  year  in  their  college — and  a  countless  num- 
ber of  chaplains,  choral  vicars,  and  subordinates  of  the 
choir — formed  a  society  of  great  influence — rivalling,  and 
even  counteracting,  the  warlike  element — the  rule  of  the 
strongest,  which  prevailed  around — introducing  a  respect 
for  religion  and  its  rites ;  for  peace ;  for  learning,  such  as 
then  was;  for  cultivation,  of  a  higher  standard  than  the 
burghers  could  otherwise  have  attained. 

The  Bishop  and  Chapter  kept  up  an  intercourse  with 
churchmen  of  their  own  country  and  England,  from 
whence  they  drew  their  constitution.  Many  of  them 
travelled  to  Rome.  One  Bishop  of  Moray  early  founded 
a  college  for  educating  his  countrymen  at  Paris — when 
Paris  was  the  great  University  of  Europe.  Now,  setting 
aside  their  study  and  learning — their  knowledge  of  books 
(they  were  the  sole  depositaries  of  some  memory  of  the 
great  ancients) — setting  aside  their  higher  accomplish- 
ment— think  how  their  communication  with  the  outer 
world  must  have  raised  them  above  the  rough  warriors — 
the  poor  serfs  who  cultivated  the  fields  around  their 
Cathedral.  Reflect,  too,  how  that  civilization  was  spread 
abroad,  when  the  Canons  of  the  Cathedral,  each  in  turn, 
retired  to  their  rural  benefices.  When  the  Dean  left 
his  pleasant  Deanery — you  call  it  the  "  North  College " 
now — and  went  to  pass  his  summer  months  at  his  "great 
stone  house"  of  Boath — for  so  he  proudly  designated 
the  old  Parsonage  House  of  Aldearn — still  more,  when 
a  Canon  connected  with  a  Highland  Cure,  like  the 
Parson  of  Kingussie,  went  out  of  Cathedral  residence 
and  returned  for  his  annual  sojourn  in  his  Strath- 
spey parish.  Be  sure  they  carried  with  them  some 
report  of  the  events  and  speculations  that  were  agitating 
Christendom — rumours  of  an  outer  world  which  could 
never  otherwise  penetrate  these  fastnesses. 

So  when  a  Monastery  was  planted  in  a  rural  district, 


its  effect  was  something  which  no  event  of  modern  times 
can  give  us  any  conception  of.  When  there  was  no 
travelling,  no  newspapers,  no  books,  no  schoolmasters 
(for  the  people,  I  mean),  the  establishment  of  a  set  of 
Cistercian  Monks,  brought  from  some  country  consider- 
ably in  advance  of  their  new  settlement,  was  like  a  re- 
volution. Poor  as  the  monkish  education  might  be  in 
the  13th  century,  the  Monks  placed  by  King  David  at 
Kinloss,  at  Urquhart,  at  Pluscarden,  were  as  far  in  ad- 
vance of  the  people  of  Moray,  as  the  most  well-appointed 
University  would  be  now.  We  know  that  the  Monks 
were  schoolmasters,  and  first  brought  some  education  to 
the  poor — such  education  as  the  rude  savage  could  receive 
— such  education,  too,  as  could  be  given  without  books. 
But  they  taught  still  more  by  example.  They  were  the 
architects,  the  artizans,  the  mechanics,  the  masons  and 
carpenters,  the  plumbers  and  glaziers,  first  of  their  own 
fabric — the  House  of  God,  which  they  loved  to  adorn — 
and  their  own  cloister — their  sheltered  walks — their  re- 
fectory— their  cells  and  sleeping  apartments — their  fish- 
ponds and  gardens — their  kitchen,  too,  be  sure,  with  its 
huge  chimney, a  comfort  for  themselves, and  fitted  for  hospi- 
tality. They  worked  for  themselves  first,  and  then  for  all 
the  country  round,  or  such  part  of  the  population  as  could 
be  roused  to  take  advantage  of  such  examples.  The 
monks  had  not  yet  become  the  lazy  gluttons  which  our 
story-books  take  care  to  represent  them.  Even  if  they 
took  too  much  thought  of  outward  things — if  they  pre- 
ferred the  cultivation  of  thejr  garden  and  their  farm 
(that  Abbey  land  of  Kinloss  was  worth  cultivating !)  to 
heavenly  meditation  and  penance,  neither  their  pool- 
neighbours,  nor  we,  their  successors,  had  cause  to  reproach 
them  much.  Under  their  direction,  some  improvement 
took  place,  and  the  seeds  were  sown  which  sprung  when 
circumstances  permitted  or  encouraged  their  growth. 

Now  let  us  leave  the  13th  century. 

Pull  the  string  of  our  puppet  show  and  see  what  picture 
next  comes  up.  Not  the  grand  Bruce  and  Balliol  wars. 
Not  the  "  crested  pride  of  the  first  Edward,"  and  the  long 
struggle  of  poor  Scotland,  which  produced  the  glory  of 
Bannockburn.  That  brilliant  chapter  of  our  history,  so 
far  as  regards  the  north,  has  been  written  so  carefully  and 
so  judiciously,  by  a  member  of  this  Association  (Dr.  James 


Taylor),  that  I  should  only  spoil  his  work  by  touching  on 
it.  Let  me  lead  you  a  little  forward,  but  stopping  for  one 
instant  to  note  the  changes  that  time  and  civilization  and 
even  these  great  wars  had  brought  in  our  province. 

The  National  patriotic  War,  interesting  all  classes, 
brought  them  nearer,  and  bound  them  in  closer  ties  than 
had  held  the  noble  and  the  peasant  before.  If  we  must 
have  war,  it  is  a  great  thing  to  have  a  good  war-cry  ;  and 
I  only  hope  that  Garibaldi's  cry  of  "  Italy  Independent " 
may  carry  his  countrymen  through  their  troubles  as  well 
as  "  Scotland  and  freedom  "  did  the  followers  of  Wallace 
and  Bruce.  It  is  some  compensation  for  the  horrors  of 
war,  even  at  the  time,  to  have  the  ennobling  feeling  of 
fighting  and  suffering  for  a  great  and  sacred  cause.  To 
after  generations  the  agony  of  the  great  war  of  Scotch 
independence  brought  yet  greater  recompense.  Believe 
me  that  even  the  blessings  of  peace  and  plenty  are  not 
the  whole  of  a  nation's  well-being.  It  is  something  to  be 
a  nation,  to  be  entitled  to  cherish  national  traditions,  to 
be  able  to  look  back  with  pride  to  the  gallant  deeds  of 
our  forefathers,  to  sing  the  songs  of  our  fatherland,  and 
still  to  call  it  ours.  It  is  to  that  war  we  owe  it  that  we 
are  not  a  mere  English  count}'' — a  less  fertile  Yorkshire — 
a  larger  Wales.  We  owe  to  it  that  we  have  a  national 
history  and  national  literature. 

Pass  with  me  now,  if  you  please,  to  the  year  1457. 

Moray  was  in  great  excitement  in  the  year  1457.  That 
was  the  year  of  the  great  Douglas  Rebellion,  arid  when 
the  Rebellion  was  suppressed,  and  the  Douglases — one  of 
whom  was  Archibald  Douglas,  Earl  of  Moray — were  all 
slain  or  forfeited  and  ruined,  the  young  King  James  II. 
determined  to  give  the  earldom  to  his  infant  son,  the 
Prince  David,  a  Prince  who  has  escaped  the  notice  of  our 
historians.  To  carry  out  that  resolution,  he  came  down 
to  Moray  in  person  to  set  the  Province  in  order,  and 
especially  to  arrange  anew  the  rentaling  of  the  Earldom 
lands,  which  stood  as  they  had  done  in  the  days  of  Ran- 
dolph. But  when  he  had  come  down  and  seen  the  Spey 
and  the  Lossie,  lived  for  a  time  at  Darnaway,  Elgin,  and 
Inverness,  he  felt,  as  all  men  have  done,  the  fascination 
of  the  country.  He  ordered  his  horses  to  be  brought 
down,  and  directed  certain  districts  of  Earldom  lands  to- 
be  left  untilled,  for  hunting — carefully  paying,  however, 


the  damage  to  the  tenants — or  rather  abandoning  all  rent 
for  those  years.  He  chose  Darnaway  as  his  hunting-seat, 
and  completed  the  repairs  of  Randolph's  hall  there,  begun 
by  the  Douglases.  But  he  had  taste  to  like  Elgin  and 
its  cultivated  society  of  dignified  churchmen.  *  He  some- 
times took  the  hospitality  of  the  Bishop  (John  Winchester, 
an  old  and  faithful  servant  of  the  Crown)  at  Spynie;  some- 
times dwelt  in  the  Manse  of  Duffus,  the  residence  of  his  own 
kinsman,  David  Stuart,  parson  of  Duffus — then  employed 
in  rentaling  the  Earldom,  afterwards  himself  Bishop,  and 
remembered  as  builder  of  the  magnificent  great  Tower  of 
Spynie.  While  the  King  stayed  in  the  Manse  of  Duffus 
an  accidental  fire  took  place,  which  did  some  damage  to 
his  Majesty's  simple  plenishing.  But  besides  the  mischief 
from  the  fire,  it  is  evident  he  found  the  Manse  too  small 
for  the  accommodation  of  a  Court,  for  we  find  in  the 
Exchequer  accounts  of  that  year,  the  expense  allowed  of 
building  a  new  kitchen  at  the  Manse  of  Duffus,  in  Elgin, 
while  the  King  dwelt  there.  It  stood,  you  know,  till 
quite  lately,  when  the  picturesque  old  Mansion,  which 
had  received  a  King  and  his  little  Court,  was  pulled  down 
to  make  way  for  the  comfortable  square  box  which  is  now 
occupied  by  Mr.  Allan. 

And  now  for  another  very  long  jump — over  quite  two 
centuries — not  for  want  of  materials  of  interest,  but  want 
of  room  and  time.  I  could  tell  you  how  King  James  IV. 
paid  a  visit  to  Innes,  in  one  of  his  northern  Pilgrimages, 
in  1490.  Then,  what  curious  local  history  does  Moray 
afford  in  the  early  stages  of  the  Reformation,  when  the 
stout  old  reprobate  Bishop  Hepburn  would  have  nothing 
to  do  with  their  new-fangled  ways,  but  shut  the  gates  of 
his  Castle  of  Spynie  against  the  Lords  of  the  Congrega- 
tion, and  set  the  Reformation  at  defiance !  Then  poor 
Queen  Mary  came  across  Spey,  and  left  the  interest  which 
attaches  to  every  place  where  she  set  her  foot.  Her 
brother,  "  the  good  Regent,"  was  your  Earl,  but  he  had 
little  time  for  his  own  affairs,  and  I  don't  find  him  much 
in  Moray.  Not  so  his  widow,  Annas  Keith  (daughter  of 
Keith  Marshall).  While  she  managed  the  affairs  of  her 
daughters,  even  after  her  second  marriage  to  Argyll,  she 
was  often  here — dwelling  at  Darnaway,  or  at  Elgin — 
keeping  up  great  state,  but  kindly  and  neighbourly  with 
the  gentry  around.  Still,  later  down,  in  the  days  of  th& 


Covenant,  the  Moray  barons  were  active  on  the  Covenant 
side,  with  the  successive  lairds  of  Innes  at  their  head. 
But  all  that  I  must  pass,  and  must  carry  you  with  me,  if 
I  may,  down  to  later  scenes. 

Most  of  you  know  that  I  am  more  than  half  an  Elgin 
man  myself!  My  grandfather  lived  at  the  West  Port, 
now  called  West  Park*  My  father  was  born  there,  and 
always  assured  me,  I  am  sure  quite  honestly,  that  the 
nectarines  and  apricoks  (he  spelt  the  word  with  a  k,  not 
in  the  modern  way),  on  the  open  wall  there,  were  better 
than  any  that  grew  elsewhere.  Most  of  my  old  Moray- 
shire  knowledge  is  from  my  father,  who  lived  to  be  an 
old  man,  and  the  reports  of  his  recollections  enables  me 
to  speak  of  more  than  a  century.  He  inherited  some 
lands  to  the  east  of  the  town,  and  I  well  remember  his 
description  of  the  yearly  scouring  of  the  deep  ditches,  and 
the  care  that  required  to  be  taken  of  the  embankments  of 
the  Lossie.  He  told  me  of  the  fresh-water  mussels  that 
sometimes  yielded  pearls — of  the  fat  eels,  which  the  poorest 
labourers  refused  to  eat — (perhaps  they  know  better  now.) 
He  told  me  that  the  Highlanders  who  came  down  in 

*  West  Park  is  now  the  property  of  the  Hon.  Lewis  A. 
Grant,  youngest  son  of  the  late  Francis  William,  Earl  of 
Seafield,  who  changed  the  Entrance  to  the  Grounds  and 
greatly  improved  the  House. 

It  was  here  where  the  WEST  PORT  of  the  Burgh  stood,  and 
where  the  heads,  arms,  &c.,  of  felons  were  spiked. 

Andrew  M'Pherson,  a  Deserter,  was  the  last  Culprit  who 
was  thus  served,  for  the  Murder  of  John  Gatherer,  Farmer, 
Netherbyre,  Pluscarden,  in  1713. 

The  West  Port  stood  right  across  the  High  Street  near  the 
kitchen-gate  of  West  Park.  Francis  Russell,  Advocate,  finding 
this  old  Entrance  to  the  City  to  be  in  his  way,  pulled  it  down 
one  night  or  morning  in  Oct.  1783,  and  built  his  Park  walls 
with  the  stones.  For  this  unwarrantable  act  the  Magistrates 
and  Council  resolved  to  prosecute  their  Ruling  Elder  before 
the  Court  of  Justiciary  along  with  the  workmen  he  employed. 
In  1785  the  dispute  was  hushed  up,  and  the  West  Port  was 
irrevocable.  At  this  period,  a  line  of  boulders,  called  "the 
croun  of  the  causeway,"  extended  from  the  West  Port  to  the 
Little  Cross,  upon  which  the  people  walked  in  wet  weather. 
There  were  no  drains  but  open  gutters,  with  every  deposit 
unveiled  to  eye  and  nose.  (ED.) 


bands  to  shear  his  harvest  at  Leuchars  and  Dunkinty, 
used  generally  to  take  home  with  them  a  shaking  ague 
from  the  marshy  land.  When  I  told  that  to  my  friend, 
Dr.  Simpson  of  Edinburgh,  he  said,  "  Ah,  we  have  driven 
out  the  ague  !  That  is  one  of  the  diseases  we  have  eradi- 
cated. There  is  no  intermittent  fever  now  in  Scotland." 
If  it  be  so — with  all  deference  for  Dr.  Simpson — with  all 
honour  to  his  noble  profession — I  must  say  we  owe  that 
victory  more  to  the  farmer  with  his  draining  tiles  than  to 
the  doctor  with  his  quinine. 

My  father  had  a  proverb — is  it  still  current  among 
you  ? — "  Speak  weel  o'  the  Hielands,  but  live  in  the 
laigh  ! "  He  had  a  very  confident  opinion  of  the  superi- 
ority of  the  Climate  and  Soil  of  Moray,  to  anything  else 
in  all  the  world ;  and  when  he  had  migrated  to  a  half- 
Highland  Estate  on  Deeside,  he  used  to  deplore  the  early 
frosts  that  mildewed  his  barley  on  the  haughs,  and  cut 
down  the  autumn  growth  of  his  young  oaks  by  the  burn 
side,  before  the  wood  was  ripened.  Some  of  his  young 
experience  serves  to  illustrate  the  change  of  manners. 
My  grandfather  had  many  transactions  with  the  then 
Gordon  of  Cluny,  which  produced  some  intimacy  between 
the  families.  Cosmo  Gordon,  the  eldest  son,  the  heir  of  a 
good  fortune,  was  bred  to  the  Bar,  and  lived  to  be  a  Baron, 
of  Ex  chequer.  Charles,  the  second,  was  a  Writer  to  the 
Signet,  in  Edinburgh,  and  took  my  father  as  apprentice 
in  his  office.  Notwithstanding  some  difference  of  age,  the 
young  men  were  great  friends ;  and,  several  seasons,  Cosmo 
Gordon,  the  young  councillor,  and  John  I unes,  the  appren- 
tice, travelled  to  Edinburgh  in  company.  Both  rode  the 
journey  on  horseback,  as  all  men  did — but  "  with  a  differ- 
ence." The  advocate  and  heir-apparent  of  Cluny,  rode 
his  own  horse,  and  his  groom  followed,  mounted  on 
another.  My  father  rode  a  horse,  hired  from  a  stable  in 
Elgin,  which  carried  him  and  his  saddle-bags,  in  five  or 
six  days  to  Kinghorn;  and  a  bare-footed  boy  (the  stabler's 
servant),  ran  at  his  foot,  to  care  for  the  beast,  and  to  take 
him  back  from  the  Ferry.  That  was  more  common  than 
"  riding  post,"  and  was  esteemed  safer — the  post-horse 
of  the  stages  having  an  indifferent  character  for  sound- 
ness. The  road  was  by  Huntly — "  the  Sowie  " — Alford — 
Cutties-hillock — the  Cairn-o'-month — and  so  forth.  Plea- 
sant journeys,  believe  me,  they  were,  for  two  young  men 


with  life  opening  before  them !  and  my  informant  never 
lost  his  love  for  the  primitive  rural  hostelry,  where 
country  luxuries  were  so  good,  and  the  known  hostess 
received  you  with  a  familiar,  almost  motherly  welcome. 

From  my  remembrance  of  my  father's  conversation,  and 
from  a  great  mass  of  my  grandfather's  letters ;  from  Mr. 
Robert  Young's  notes — (helped  by  some  Papers  which 
my  friend  Captain  Dunbar  has  dug  out  of  the  Charter- 
Room  at  Duffus) — I  will  try  to  describe  Elgin  and  its 
Neighbourhood,  the  Town  and  the  Country,  in  the  begin- 
ning of  last  Century,  say  150  years  ago.  And  first, 

Join  me  in  a  walk  from  end  to  end  of  your  Town,  and 
I  will  try  to  represent  it  as  it  stood  in  the  beginning  of 
last  Century — only  150  years  ago!  Leaving  Gray's 
Hospital  behind  us,  we  enter  old  Elgin  by  the  West  Port, 
under  an  arch  or  port,  like  that  still  preserved  at  the 
Pans  Port*  Adjoining  to  that  Gateway,  on  the  south 
side  of  the  street,  was  the  house  of  my  grandfather, 
Robert  Innes,  styling  himself  merchant  in  Elgin.  It 
stood  on  a  large  and  very  good  garden,  quite  retired  from 
the  noise  of  the  street — a  comfortable  old  mansion,  I 
-assure  you.  I  could  tell  you  some  stories  of  its  hospi- 
tality, and  of  the  claret  drunk  there,  but  I  must  pass  on. 
I  believe  the  Hon.  Lewis  Grant,  the  present  proprietor, 
wished  to  keep  up  the  old  House,  but  the  walls  were 
found  too  much  decayed  to  be  saved. 

Nearly  opposite,  reposing  at  the  foot  of  "  the  bonny 
Lady -hill,"  stood  the  Mansion  of  the  Martins  of  Mories- 
town — a  warm,  sheltered,  sunny  spot.  The  family  was 
of  good  estimation,  but  they  and  their  House  have  alike 
passed  away. 

Still  on  the  north  side  of  the  street,  a  little  to  the  east 

*  The  Eastern  Gate,  called  THE  WATER-GATE,  or  Paun's  or 
PANS  PORT,  or  Bishop's  Gate,  still  stands  at  the  north-east  corner 
of  South  College.  The  meadow-land  lying  east  of  PANNS  PORT 
is  termed  "  Pannis "  in  the  oldest  deeds,  and  seems  to  be  an 
abbreviation  of  Pannagium,  a  meadow  or  pasture  land. 

A  'venerable  beech  tree,  having  large  trunk  and  venerable 
branches,  probably  planted  by  some  now  unknown  ecclesiastic, 
still  adorns  these  precincts.  This  PORT  had  an  iron  Portcullis, 
the  groove  for  which  is  still  to  be  seen.  In  1857,  the  trustees 
of  the  Earl  of  Fife  substantially  repaired  this  only  remaining 
original  entrance  to  the  Cathedral.  (ED.) 


of  Murdoch's  Wynd,  an  old  Jialf  ruinous  House  is  still 
standing,  which  has  seen  better  days.  Of  old,  it  belonged 
to  the  Dunbars  of  Billhead,  then  to  James  Stephen,  Pro- 
vost of  Elgin,  who  married  a  daughter  of  Sir  Harry  Innes 
of  Innes,  latterly  to  a  Family  of  Duffus,  who  still  pos- 
sess it. 

On  the  south  side  of  the  street — on  the  site  of  the 
Caledonian  Bank  Office — stood  a  fine  old  Mansion,  built 
on  squat  pillars  and  arches,  known  to  most  of  you  as 
"Elchies  House."*  It  was  built  about  1670  by  George 
Gumming,  Provost  of  Elgin,  or  William  Gumming  of 
Achry,  his  son,  who  dwelt  there  at  the  time  we  are 
examining.  From  him  it  passed  to  the  first  William 
King  of  Newmill,  who  married  Margaret  Gumming,  the 
Provost's  daughter,  and  it  was  only  at  the  close  of  last 
century  that  it  passed  from  the  Newmill  family  to  Robert 
Grant  of  Elchies,  who  added  a  couple  of  handsome  rooms, 
and,  I  suppose,  gave  it  the  name  of  "  Elchies  House." 
Later,  it  was  Miss  Shand's  boarding-school,  and,  last  of 
all,  it  made  way  for  the  bank.  I  think  there  are  several 
views  of  it  engraved. 

On  the  same  side  of  the  street,  a  little  to  the  eastward, 
stood  the  Mansion  which  was  latterly  known  as  Thun- 
derton  House.  It  was  the  town-residence  of  the  Earls  of 
Moray,  after  the  Castle  on  Lady-hill  was  disused  and 
ruined,  and  earlier,  perhaps,  of  the  hereditary  Sheriffs — 
the  Dunbars  of  Westfield.  It  passed  into  the  possession 
of  the  Lords  DufFus  in  1653,  but  they  fell  into  poverty 
long  before  their  forfeiture,  and  this  Mansion  passed  from 
them  to  the  Dunbars  of  Newton  and  Northfield,  now  of 
Duffus.  It  was  a  very  fine  specimen  of  town-house,  and 
partook  of  the  ornaments  of  several  periods.  The  old 
part  of  the  building  which  still  stands  was  built,  I  sup- 
pose, by  the  Earls ;  the  western  front,  with  its  fine  balus- 
traded  tower — the  balusters  in  shape  of  their  names, 
"Sutherland" — by  the  Lords  Duffus.  The  rooms  were 
large,  and  the  cornices  and  ceilings  much  ornamented. 
One  cornice  still  remains.  In  the  gardens  were  included 
orchards  and  a  bowling  green — one  of  the  luxuries  of  our 
rather  laz}?  ancestors.  When  the  body  of  the  first  Duke 
of  Gordon  (who  died  at  Leith  in  1716)  was  brought  down 

*  This  House  had  open  piazzas,  which  were  common  during 
the  17th  century.     (ED.) 


to  be  buried  in  the  Cathedral  here,  his  son,  Duke  Alex- 
ander, borrowed  Thunderton  House,  as  the  one  in  Elgin 
most  suitable  for  the  ceremonial  of  his  interment — in- 
cluding, no  doubt,  the  funeral  banquet — and  prayed  the 
Lady  Thunderton  to  take  some  trouble  in  arranging  the 
solemn  hospitalities.  At  the  close,  of  last  century  the 
house  was  occupied  by  Alexander  Brodie,  Esq.,  of  Arn- 
hall,  father  of  Elizabeth  [and  wherein  Her  Grace  was 
born]  the  Duchess  of  Gordon,  who  lived  in  great  style, 
and  had  a  large  establishment,  with  horses  and  hounds ; 
but  the  fine  old  House,  like  everything  old  and  venerable 
in  Elgin,  was  doomed.  In  1800,  the  late  Sir  Archibald 
Dunbar  sold  the  property  to  John  Batchen.  It  has  since 
been  a  Haldanite  Church,  a  furniture  wareroom,a  preaching 
station,  and  a  windmill !  The  curious  balustraded  tower 
was  then  pulled  down ;  and  it  requires  careful  inspection 
now,  among  the  mean  and  crowded  lanes  that  press  upon 
it,  to  distinguish  the  ciphers  and  heraldic  bearings  of  the 
Earls,  Sheriffs,  and  Lords,  that  once  dwelt  there. 

The  Chapel,  built  in  its  garden,  is  the  same  which  went 
through  such  a  brilliant  career  of  occupants,  and  at  last 
blazed  off  in  such  a  bright  final  conflagration,  last  year.* 

On  the  opposite  side  of  the  High  Street — at  the  top  of 
what  is  now  North  Street — stood  a  stately  old  mansion, 
Calder  House,  with  turrets  to  the  street,  the  property  of 
successive  generations  of  the  Calders,  Baronets  of  Muir- 
town.  When  they  went  down,  the  house  and  large 
garden,  reaching  back  to  where  the  Episcopal  Chapel  now 
is,  became  the  property  of  Lawrence  Sutherland  of  Green- 

*Capt.  Dunbar-Dunbar,  in  his  interesting  "Social  Life  in 
Former  Days."  p.  282,  says  : — "  It  was,  we  believe,  originally 
known  as  the  King's  House.  In  1601,  it  belonged  to  the  three 
daughters  of  the  deceased  James  Dunbar  of  Westfield  (as  heirs 
of  their  father  and  of  their  great  grandfather,  Sir  Alex.  Dunbar, 
Sheriff  of  Moray),  and  was  designated  the  Sheriff's  Home. 

At  the  back  entrance  were  two  savages  cut  in  stone,  which 
were  removed  to  the  Priory  of  Pluscarden,  where  they  now  are. 

In  the  spring  of  1746,  a  few  weeks  before  the  Battle  of 
Culloden.  "Prince  Charlie"  slept  several  nights  at  this  Man- 
sion, at  that  time  inhabited  by  Lady  Arradoul,  eldest  daughter 
of  Dunbar  of  Thunderton,  who  was  shrouded  and  buried  in  the 
sheets  which  the  Prince  slept  in,  according  to  her  dying  orders. 



hall,  and,  in  the  latter  part  of  last  century,  was  occupied 
by  the  famous  Dr.  Alex.  Dougall.* 

Adjoining  it,  where  the  North  of  Scotland  Bank  now 
stands,  stood  Di^ummuir  House — a  large  edifice  on  low 
pillars  and  arcades,  after  the  approved  Elgin  manner.  It 
came  through  Dunbars,  Kings,  Sir  Archibald  Campbell  of 
Clunes  (a  man  well  known  at  Cawdor),  to  Robert  Duff  of 
Drummuir,  who  married  Sir  Archibald's  daughter  Isabella. 
Then  it  was  sold  to  the  Trades  of  Elgin.  Last  of  all  to 
one  of  the  numerous  banks  that  now  adorn  our  streets, 
and  I  hope,  "  Scatter  plenty  o'er  the  smiling  land." 

On  the  same  side  was  a  House  which  was  built  about 
the  year  1619  [1669  ?],  and  belonged  for  about  a  century 
to  a  Family  of  Donaldson.^  It  then  passed  through  the 
hands  of  Kenneth  Mackenzie,  surgeon-apothecary,  a  well- 
known  man  in  his  day,  and  some  Dunbars,  Duffs,  and 

*  The  Assembly  Rooms,  chiefly  erected  by  the  Trinity  Lodge 
of  Freemasons  in  1821,  at  a  cost  of  £3000,  occupy  the  site  of 
Colder  House.  The  only  remnants  of  it  preserved  are  the  two 
carved  door-posts  in  the  grounds  of  William  Young,  Lady- 
hill.  This  House,  after  it  had  ceased  to  be  habitable,  long 
remained  as  a  desolate  ruin,  and  had  the  reputation  of  being 
haunted.  As  often  as  the  unsatiable  desire  of  urchins  led 
them  to  enter  its  portals  and  advance  a  few  steps  up  the 
narrow  stair,  have  their  hearts  fainted,  as  some  gush  of  wind 
coming  in  hollow  sough,  arrested  their  course,  and  compelled 
them  to  retreat  ere  they  had  dared  to  peep  into  the  dark 
kitchen.  Here,  it  was  believed,  a  boiling  cauldron  was  con- 
stantly on  the  fire,  and  an  arm-chair  before  it,  to  entice  the 
wayfarer ;  when,  no  sooner  had  he  sat  down,  than  some  invisi- 
ble machinery  tilted  up  the  chair  and  threw  the  occupant  into 
the  enticing  broth-pot.  In  another  chamber,  the  apparition  of 
Nelly  Homeless  was  heard  to  patter  patter  up  the  long  winding 
dark  stair,  give  three  knocks  at  the  door,  and  unforbidden  enter 
with  grim  unearthly  look,  with  great  gash  in  her  breast,  imploring 
back  again  her  lichts  and  liver,  before  she  could  get  rest  in  her 
lonely  grave.  Medical  practitioners  then  got  the  repute  of 
doing  sad  things  to  the  dead  in  nightly  and  secret  labours. 
Colder  House  is  said  to  have  been  built  in  1669. 

t  Donaldson's  House,  now  down,  and  the  site  occupied  by 
shops,  had  a  bartizan  on  the  top ;  and  stones  still  kept,  bear 
J.  D.  J.  M.  1699,  i.e.,  James  Donaldson  and  his  spouse  Jean 
Mackean.  In  Lossie  Wynd,  within  a  Court,  there  is,  on  a 
large  mantelpiece,  built  by  the  same,  J.  D.  J.  M.  1689.  (ED.) 
VOL.  II.  2 


Ritchies.  It  has  never  been  a  great  Mansion,  but  as  it 
now  stands,  is  the  prettiest  of  the  old  Elgin  Houses  they 
have  left  us. 

Next,  we  come  to  a  House  with  a  stair  tower,  marked 
repeatedly  with  the  date  of  1634  and  the  arms  of  Leslie 
of  Rothes,  and  distinguished  by  the  Iron  Cross  at  the 
top,  which  marks  the  houses  held  under  the  Knights  of 
St.  John.  The  old  titles  are  lost,  and  I  cannot  tell  you 
what  Leslies  dwelt  there  in  1700  (the  time  we  are  trying 
to  look  back  upon).  Alexander  Forsyth,  merchant  in 
Elgin,  bought  it  in  1744.  I  have  lately  heard  that  he 
was  a  personal  friend,  at  any  rate,  an  admirer,  of  Dr. 
Isaac  Watts,  the  great  English  non-conformist  divine,  and 
named  his  son  after  him.  We  all  knew  and  loved  Isaac 
Forsyth*  the  late  possessor  of  that  quaint  old  edifice,  and 
many  of  you  can  remember  when  he  had  a  bookselling 
shop  there,  where  he  established  a  library,  issued  several 
excellent  works  of  local  history,  and  made  it  the  centre 
of  literature  for  the  city  and  county.  That  venerable  old 
man  would  have  loved  to  help  me  in  my  present  under- 

Mr.  Billings  gives  an  admirable  Plate  of  "  street  archi- 
tecture at  Elgin  " : — When  the  wanderer  has  entered  the 
town  itself,  he  will  find  himself  surrounded  by  objects 
that  might  occupy  his  pencil  or  his  pen  for  weeks. 
Besides  the  grand  mass  of  the  Cathedral,  and  the  clus- 
tered castellated  remains  of  its  Close,  every  street  and 
turning  presents  some  curious  quaint  architectural  peculi- 
arity, from  the  graceful  gothic  arches  of  the  Maison  Dieu 
to  the  old  grey  burgher's  house,  sticking  its  narrow  crow- 
stepped  gable,  and  all  its  fantastic,  irregular,  blinking 
little  windows,  into  the  centre  of  the  street.  Many 
decorated  niches,  let  in  to  abrupt  corners,  now  tenantless, 
mark  the  spots  where  once  stood  the  image  of  the  Virgin 
and  the  lamp,  to  arrest  the  notice  of  the  passer-by;  an 
indication  of  the  great  antiquity  of  the  street  architecture 
of  Elgin.  In  many  cases  the  houses  are  ranged  in  the 
old  French  manner,  round  square  court-yards  communi- 

*  Isaac  Forsyth  died  on  the  17th  May,  1859,  set.  90.  He 
bought  the  property  from  his  niece,  Ann  Forsyth,  wife  of 
Adam  Longmore  of  the  Exchequer,  Edinburgh. 

A  slater,  in  his  wisdom,  tore  up  the  Jerusalem  Cross  as  being 
an  encumbrance,  when  repairing  the  roof.  (ED.) 


eating  with  the  street  by  low  heavy-browed  arches.  A 
large  number  of  the  houses  are  supported  on  colonnades, 
the  designs  of  which  have  considerable  merit,  especially 
in  that  character  of  massiveness  which  seems  to  adapt  the 
pillar  and  arch  to  bear  the  superincumbent  weight.  From 
this  feature,  some  of  the  streets  of  Elgin  remind  one  of 
those  of  Berne ;  but  they  are  still  more  quaint,  fantastic, 
and  venerable  looking  than  those  of  the  gloomy  Swiss  city. 
Never  having  had  either  manufactures  or  trade,  Elgin  has 
changed  little  in  the  course  of  a  century  or  two ;  while,  as 
the  centre  of  a  rich  agricultural  district,  with  its  clubs 
and  county  meetings,  it  has  had  enough  of  vitality  to 
save  it  from  total  decay  by  the  removal  of  its  ecclesiastical 
honours.  It  is  inhabited  by  a  considerable  number  of 
people  with  good  connexions  and  small  incomes,  who 
naturally  surround  themselves  with  the  attributes  of 
modest  elegance  and  comfort.  (The  Baronial  and  Eccle- 
siastical Antiquities  of  Scotland,  by  Robert  William 
Billings,  Architect,  vol.  II.). 

This  includes  Isaac  Forsytes  tower,  and  a  picturesque 
old  house  on  piazzas,  which  has  been  removed  since  the 
date  of  that  work — such  is  the  rapid  pace  of  demolition 
among  you !  That  House  belonged  successively  to  Cra- 
monds,  Mills,  Captain  Peter  Innes,  Charleses,  Hay  of 
Edintore,  and  lastly  to  Mr.  Anderson,  who  pulled  it 
down,  and  has  built  a  very  fine  new  house  and  shop  on 
the  site. 

A  little  to  the  eastward,  a  large  old  House  still  stands, 
covered  with  grey  slates,  once  the  property  of  Thomas 
Stephen,  Provost  of  Elgin,  with  whose  daughter  it  passed 
to  Miln  of  Milnfield. 

Now,  cross  Lossie  Wynd,  and,  still  keeping  the  north 
side  of  the  High  Street,  at  the  corner  stood  a  fine  old 
House  with  a  double  roof  and  a  bartizan.  The  property 
of  old  extended  from  the  High  Street  to  the  back  of  the 
burgh  at  the  north,  the  northern  part  being  a  fine  garden. 
Very  early,  it  belonged  to  Annand  of  Morriston;  then, 
before  1600,  to  Alexander  Innes  of  Coxton.  Near  a  cen- 
tury later  (1669)  Sir  Alexander  Innes  of  Coxton,  with 
consent  of  George  Innes,  minister  of  Premriay,  disponed 
it  to  James  Donaldson,  merchant^a.ncestor  of  the  respect- 
able family  who  took  their  style  from  the  pretty  little 
Estate  of  Kmiicairdy  on  the  Dovern.  The  last  laird  of 


that  family  married  Anne  Innes,  daughter  of  Sir  James 
of  Coxton  (1777),  who  lived  to  be  old,  and  is  yet  remembered 
as  a  perfect  specimen  of  a  stately  lady  of  the  old  school. 

Over  the  way,  on  the  site  of  the  present  Court  House* 
stood  the  House  of  the  Family  of  Anderson  of  Linkwood, 
a  race  of  most  respectable  burghers — lawyers — sheriff- 
clerks — commissary  clerks — often  provosts  of  the  burgh 
— the  first  of  whom  was  in  the  employment  of  the  famous 
Sir  George  Mackenzie,  King's  Advocate  in  the  reign  of 
Charles  II.,  who  gave  him  some  lands  in  Pluscarden. 

Passing  by  the  House  with  the  mysterious  and  unex- 
plained name  of"  Lady  High  House," -f  we  come  on  the 
north  side  of  the  street,  to  an  old  House  originally  built 
on  arcades,  just  opposite  the  Little  Cross.  It  was  occupied 
as  a  place  of  business  by  William  Duff  of  Dipple,  father  of 
William  first  Earl  of  Fife.  The  late  Mr.  William  Young 
used  to  report  the  tradition  that,  while  carrying  on  busi- 
ness here,  Dipple  bought  the  Estate  of  Coxton  at  what 
people  ignorantly  thought  a  very  high  price — so  high 
that  the  Knight  of  Coxton  celebrated  the  event  by  an 
entertainment  which  was  not  temperate,  and  very  noisy, 
Dipple,  in  the  evening,  as  he  was  shutting  up  his  office, 
heard  the  noise  of  the  riotous  feast,  and  asked  the  cause. 
They  told  him  it  was  Coxton  rejoicing  with  his  friends 
at  the  price  he  had  got  for  his  land.  "  Poor  fellow ! " 
said  Dipple,  "he  is  as  well  pleased  at  parting  with  his 
inheritance  as  I  am  at  getting  it."  William  Duff  of 
Dipple  died  in  1722. 

*  The  Court  House  and  Jail  were  erected  in  1842.  Elizabeth, 
the  last  Duchess  of  Gordon,  heired  it  through  her  aunts,  and 
sold  it  to  the  Magistrates  of  Elgin  for  the  above  uses.  (ED.) 

t  Our  Lady  High  House  suggests  its  dedication  to  the  B.  V. 
Mary.  In  1546,  Sir  Thomas  Ragg  was  one  of  the  chaplains  in 
S.  Giles,  and  also  taught  a  school  in  this  house.  This  same 
year  the  Murrays  of  Fochaberis,  by  deed  disponed  it  to  James 
Innes  of  Crombie.  From  1770  till  1812  it  was  possessed  by 
the  Andersons  of  Linkwood,  who  sold  it  to  Alexander  Brodie 
of  Arnhall,  and  was  occupied  by  his  sisters,  the  Misses  Brodie 
of  Spynie.  Elizabeth,  the  last  Duchess  of  Gordon  (the  only 
child  of  Brodie  of  Arnhall),  heired  this  house  after  the  death  of 
her  aunts,  and  in  1835  sold  the  subjects  to  Provost  Grant,  who, 
in  1 840,  sold  them  to  Provost  Kussell,  who  erected  on  the  site 
buildings  for  a  printing  office  and  abode.  (ED.) 


I  am  sorry  I  must  not  detain  you  with  an  account  of 
that  most  worthy  family  of  your  citizens,  the  Kings  of 
Newmill,  who  acquired  the  Greyfriars,  many  canons' 
crofts,  the  lands  of  Newmill,  and  Pans,  and  were  peculi- 
arly an  Elgin  burgh  family,  and  an  honour  to  the  burgh. 

The  Huntly  Family  had  a  residence  in  Elgin,  at  the 
head  of  the  College,  not  now  to  be  traced.  My  ancestors, 
the  Innesses  of  Dunkinty,  lived  in  that  old  House  which 
stood  till  lately  at  the  corner  of  Grant  Lodge  gardens. 
You  know  it  in  Mr.  Khind's  "  Sketches  of  Moray."  After 
my  forebears  succeeded  to  Leuchars,  it  was  uninhabited, 
and  it  was  rather  ruinous  even  before  it  was  acquired  by 
the  Seafield  Family,  who  pulled  it  down  a  few  years  ago. 
I  used  to  admire  the  gables  of  the  dormer  windows,  deco- 
rated with  coats  of  arms,  the  remains  of  the  old  hangings 
of  stamped  Spanish  leather,  and  the  little  concealed  ora- 
tory, where  the  family,  zealous  Non-jurors,  could  keep  their 
service-books  and  say  their  prayers  in  times  of  trouble. 
The  entrance  was  from  the  west,  at  the  end  of  the  Gardens 
of  Elgin,  entering  at  the  foot  of  Lossie  Wynd. 

At  the  beginning  of  last  century  the  interesting  old 
College  Dwellings  had  of  course  all  passed  into  lay  hands. 
The  Bishop's  Town  Palace — the  work  of  that  great  archi- 
tect the  Chancellor  Lord  Dunfermline — was  then  in  the 
Gordon  Family. 

The  North  College — the  house  standing  where  the  Dean's 
residence  was,  and  preserving  some  of  its  walls — includes 
in  its  gardens  and  grounds  the  residences  or  manses  of 
the  canons  of  Botarie,  Inverkeithny,  the  Treasurer's, 
Croy,  the  Chancellor's — as  well  as  the  Deanery.  It  was 
for  a  time  the  town  house  of  the  Dunbars  of  Burgie,  and 
was  acquired  by  the  Family  of  Robertson,  its  present 
proprietors,  about  a  century  ago.  The  lands  of  Deans- 
haugh,  with  the  Dovecot,  were  of  old  attached  to  the 
Deanery,  and  the  Lossie,  which  now  separates  them, 
seems  to  have  run  much  to  the  north  of  its  present 

[The  Manse  of  Duffus,  as  old  as  the  15th  century,  in 
the  College  of  Elgin,  was  pulled  down  about  48  years  ago. 
A  good  sketch  of  the  quaint  house,  with  corner  square 
turret,  is  given  in  Rhind's  Sketches  of  Moray.  It  stood 
on  the  east  corner  of  King  Street.  King  James  II.  found 
lodging  for  himself  and  small  court  in  this  little  mansion. 


His  kinsman  David  Stuart  (then  Parson  of  Duffus,  and 
afterwards  Bishop  of  Moray),  was  absent  at  the  time  on 
some  embassy,  when  the  kitchen  of  the  Manse  accidentally 
took  fire,  and  was  re-built  at  the  King's  expense.  The 
house  was  long  the  possession  of  the  Family  of  King  of 
Newmill,  then  of  Captain  Stewart,  who  sold  it  to  Peter 
Brown  of  Linkwood,  who  built  on  the  stance  the  abode, 
now  the  property  of  John  Allan. 

Equally  good  etchings  of  Unthank  Manse,  Mantelpiece, 
and  Arms  of  the  Duffus  Family  quartered  on  the  Manse, 
are  given  in  Rhind's  Sketches.  On  the  mantelpiece  in 
large  figures,  is  the  date  ]679  (not  1670  as  given  in 
Young's  Annals  of  Elgin,  page  395),  with  the  initials 
W  B.  I O  on  either  side,  and  fierce  erect  Lion-Sup- 
porters. These  fine  jambs  are  now  at  one  of  the  garden- 
gates  at  Gordonstown  House. 

Unthank  Manse  was  also  purchased  by  the  above  Mr. 
Peter  Brown,  who  built  thereupon  the  domicile  occupied 
by  John  Kerr,  Inspector  of  Schools,  and  now  possessed 
by  Mrs.  M'William.]  (ED.) 

The  Sub-dean's  House  is  that  inherited  by  the  Hon.  G. 
S.  Duff,  from  the  Hon.  George  Duff  of  Milton,  son  of 
Wiliam,  first  Earl  of  Fife.  None  of  the  original  building 
remains,  but  the  massy  precinct  wall  of  the  Cathedral 
runs  to  the  south  of  the  garden;  and  with  its  fine  old 
trees,  it  formed  the  pleasant  quiet  residence  which  Charles 
St.  John  so  much  loved.  All  that  we  call  King  Street 
was  occupied  by  the  residences  and  gardens  of  the  Canons 
of  old.  Duffus  Manse,  the  picturesque  old  Mansion  where 
King  James  II.  kept  his  court,  is  now  Mr.  Allan's ;  Un- 
thank Manse,  Sheriff  Cameron's.  A  hundred  and  fifty 
years  ago,  these  and  many  other  mansions  of  good 
burghers — of  country  gentry  of  Moray  and  Banff — lined 
your  High  Street  on  both  sides — affording  covered  walks 
almost  from  end  to  end,  with  their  low  arcades  or 
"piazzas."  The  foot  pavement  did  not  then  project  into 
the  street,  and  perhaps  the  "  causey  "  was  not  so  clean  in 
its  every-day  state  as  it  is  now.  But  on  days  of  state  or 
holidays,  and,  of  old,  on  occasions  of  Church-processions, 
a  great  cleansing  and  ornamenting  took  place.  Then 
think  how  the  centre  of  the  spacious  street  was  occupied, 
at  the  time  of  our  visit — the  beginning  of  last  century. 

First — and  just  on  the  site  of  the  modern  fountain — 


stood,  during  all  last  century,  the  Jail  and  Burgh  Court- 
House.  It  was  built  only  about  the  beginning  of  the 
century,  in  room  of  a  former  and  more  humble  Tolbooth. 
There  was  not  much  architectural  merit  in  the  fabric,  but 
it  was  quaint  and  characteristic. 

Next  there  was  the  " Muckle  Kirk" — the  venerable 
and  most  ancient  Church  of  St.  Giles — the  Parish  Church 
of  Elgin;  a  place  so  ancient,  so  venerable,  so  mixed  up 
with  the  history  and  tradition  of  the  city,  that  one  might 
have  expected  it  to  have  been  spared,  if  anything  were  to 
remain  of  old  Elgin.  It  stood  just  where  the  new  Church 
stands;  and  of  old  was  surrounded  by  its  cemetery,  in 
which  among  later  graves  must  have  stood  the  elaborate 
Monument  of  primeval  Christianity,  now  placed  for  safety 
in  the  Cathedral,  which  was  found  in  levelling  the  street 
near  the  Church.  Probably  only  the  lower  walls  of  the 
Muckle  Kirk  were  of  high  antiquity.  The  roof  and  the 
upper  part  of  the  fabric  fell  in  1679,  on  a  Sunday,  after 
service ;  but  it  was  re-built  somewhat  in  the  old  manner, 
and  so  continued  till  1828.  Do  the  Bailies  and  the 
"  Trades "  fill  the  eye  as  well  in  their  fine  new  Church 
as  when  dear  William  Hay  sang  of  their  glories  in  that 
ghostly  old  fabric  ? 

The  "  Little  Kirk,"  though  separated,  and  made  of  late 
to  open  eastward,  was  originally  the  Choir  of  the  great 
Church  of  St.  Giles. 

Where  you  may  still  see  the  paving  stones  of  the  street 
laid  in  the  form  of  a  cross,  stood  the  "Muckle  Cross" 
What  its  ancient  form  and  structure  were,  we  do  not 
know.  That  which  stood  there  all  last  century  was  a 
hexagonal  Pillar  of  dressed  ashlar;  12  feet  high,  and  large 
enough  to  contain  a  spiral  stair.  Around  its  base  was  a 
stone  seat.  From  the  top  of  the  pillar  rose  a  shaft  of 
stone,  surmounted  by  the  Scotch  Lion  Rampant,  and  the 
initials  (C.  R.)  of  King  Charles  II. 

The  Little  Cross,  I  suppose,  is  not  much  changed  in  a 
century  and  a  half.  It  is  one  of  that  kind  of  which  we 
have  finer  specimens  at  Kinneddar,  at  Duffus,  and  other 
Moray  Churches;  but  from  its  situation,  this  of  Elgin 
is  liable  to  injuries,  and  the  shaft  may  have  been  re- 

[The  Muckle  Cross  was  removed  about  86  years  ago  for 
being  an  obstruction.  It  was  a  poor  specimen  of  archi- 


tecture,  consisting  of  a  small  hexagonal  roofless  apartment 
in  which  the  loons  used  to  stow  sticks  and  other  collec- 
tions for  the  annual  bonfire  on  the  King's  Birthday.  This 
chamber  was  carefully  guarded  with  an  oak  door.  A 
freestone  column  similar  to  that  of  the  Little  Cross  shot 
up  from  the  centre,  surmounted  with  the  Scottish  lion 
rampant  with  crown  and  cross.  The  latter  is  placed  on 
the  South  College  garden  wall. 

The  Little  Cross  still  remains  entire  in  its  original  posi- 
tion. It  has  four  circular  steps  or  pediments,  from  which 
rises  a  round  slender  Ionic  Monolith  about  15  feet  high, 
topped  by  a  sun  dial,  upon  which  is  cut  the  arms  of  the 
city.  The  summit  has  three  small  iron  rods,  one  perpen- 
dicular and  two  crossways,  indicating  the  four  points  of 
the  compass.  A  correct  etching  is  given  in  Rhind's 
Sketches  of  Moray,  p.  57.  Alexander,  3rd  son  of  the 
Lord  of  the  Isles,  with  his  captains,  on  the  3rd  July, 
1402,  plundered  the  Chanonry  of  Elgin :  and  on  the  6th 
Oct.,  the  same  year,  on  due  contrition,  was  absolved  by 
William  Spynie,  Bishop  of  Moray,  before  the  doors  of  the 
Church,  and  then  before  the  High  Altar.  He  and  his 
troopers  also  paid  as  penance  a  sum  of  money,  with  part 
of  which  a  Cross  was  erected  where  the  Chanonry  begins. 
This  is  reckoned  to  be  where  the  Little  Cross  stands  and 
has  stood  for  nearly  800  years — not  certainly  the  present 
superstructure.  From  the  Town  Council  Minutes  of  the 
1st  April,  1867,  the  Little  Cross  being  in  a  ruinous  and 
dilapidated  state,  and  threatening  to  fall,  was  ordered  to 
be  repaired. 

In  the  Burgh  Records  of  1542,  there  is  a  reference  to  a 
Cross  at  the  east  end  of  the  town,  but  as  it  is  there  called 
a  tree,  it  was  necessarily  of  wood. 

In  Rhind's  Sketches,  an  etching  is  given  at  page  57  of  a 
House  near  the  Little  Cross  of  the  old  burgh  architecture, 
yet  in  good  preservation,  erected  on  piazzas.  The  original 
possessors  are  not  known.  It  bears  the  date  1694,  and 
the  initials  I.  D.  above  the  windows.  It  is  said  that  it 
was  occupied  as  a  place  of  business  by  William  Duff  of 
Dipple,  father  of  William  1st  Earl  of  Fife,  when  he  resided 
in  Elgin  from  1703  to  1722,  at  which  latter  date  he  died. 
It  is  a  fact  that  Mr.  Duff  had  a  mortgage  upon  it  for  800 
merks  between  1709  and  1716.  It  afterwards  passed  to 
the  family  of  Anderson  of  Linkwood,  and  from  them,  in 


1769,  to  Patrick  Duff,  Town  Clerk  of  Elgin,  grandfather 
of  the  late  Town  Clerk.  He  was  called  Little  Clerk 
Duff,  in  contradistinction  to  Archibald  Duff  of  Bilbohall, 
who  was  called  the  Muckle  Clerk.  At  a  time  of  political 
excitement,  a  bullet  was  fired  in  at  the  middle  window, 
and  struck  the  wall  of  the  apartment  near  the  bed  where 
the  Little  Clerk  and  his  wife  were  lying.  From  the 
Duffs,  the  house  was  transferred  to  Sir  James  Grant  of 
Grant.]  (ED.) 

I  pray  you  not  to  be  alarmed  when  I  mention  the  Cathe- 
dral. I  have  no  intention  of  inflicting  an  .archaeological 
treatise  upon  you.  Just  one  word  of  explanation.  You 
know  that  the  early  Bishops  of  Moray  had  no  fixed  seat, 
making  their  Cathedral  sometimes  at  Birnie  (where  much 
of  their  structure  of  the  12th  century  still  remains),  some- 
times at  Spynie  or  Kinneddar.  But  at  length,  in  1224, 
Bishop  Andrew  de  Moravia  settled  his  Episcopal  See  per- 
manently at  the  Church  of  the  Holy  Trinity  beside  Elgin. 
That  little  primeval  Church  quite  disappeared,  and  the 
existing  Cathedral  may  be  safely  said  to  date  from  that 
year.  No  doubt  the  Cathedral  was  burnt  by  the  Wolf  of 
Badenoch  in  1390,  and  perhaps  suffered  by  fire  again  in 
1402,  when  another  noble  Savage  spoiled,  burnt,  and 
plundered  a  great  part  of  the  town  and  canonry.  But  I 
would  have  you  know  that  burning  of  a  Church  or  Castle 
in  those  times  did  not  imply  a  destruction  to  the  founda- 
tion. Most  commonly  the  massive  walls  resisted  the 
hurried  scorching  of  the  spoiler,  and  certainly  this  was  so 
in  Elgin.  The  architecture  proves  it  beyond  any  ques- 
tion. And  then  those  old  churchmen  made  their  repairs 
with  such  taste  and  feeling — refusing  none  of  the  im- 
provements of  their  own  day,  but  adapting  their  new 
work  to  the  original  style,  so  that  the  very  changes  which 
a  skilled  eye  detects  in  the  periods  of  architecture  are 
considered,  and  really  are,  beauties. 

I  must  not  pass  by  without  noticing  the  Monastic 
Foundations  of  which  some  vestiges  remain. 

The  Dominicans  or  Black-friars,  or  Friars  Preachers, 
had  a  House  founded  by  King  Alexander  II.,  about  1233, 
which  stood  in  a  field  called  Borrowbriggs,  now  scarcely 
to  be  traced,  owing  to  the  changing  of  the  bed  of  Lossie. 
It  was  not  far  from  our  friend  Mr.  Grigor's  house, 
at  the  Haugh.  The  place  no  doubt  inherits  its  hospi- 


tality,  as  well  as  its  beautiful  flowers,  from  the  old 
Friars ! 

There  was  a  Convent  of  Franciscans,  Minorites,  or 
Grey  Friars,  at  Elgin,  endowed  as  early  as  1281,  when  it 
is  described  as  "near  the  Cathedral  church."  Could 
that  be  the  place  which  we  know  as  the  Greyfriars,  or 
is  this  a  later  foundation?  The  architecture  of  that 
beautiful  Ruin  is  plainly  of  the  15th  century.  It  has 
been  supposed  that  the  older  House — that  described  as 
"  near  the  Cathedral  church  " — occupied  the  site  of  Mr. 
Cooper's  house  and  garden,  where  some  ancient  founda- 
tions and  vaults  below,  were  visible  until  lately. 

I  think  there  were  no  Nunneries  in  Elgin. 

The  society  of  Elgin  was  very  different  at  the  beginning 
of  last  century  from  what  it  is  now.  You  observe,  a  good 
many  country  families  lived  in  the  town,  some  preferring 
it  to  their  country  homes — at  least  in  winter ;  others,  like 
the  Laird  of  Dunkinty,  having  no  dwelling-houses  on 
their  estates.  The  last  Dunkinty  who  inhabited  that  old 
house  close  to  the  North  College,  was  one  of  the  last  sur- 
vivors of  that  society.  Though  he  was  my  granduncle — 
and  there  is  said  to  be  a  family  resemblance — I  beg  to 
state  that  he  was  a  very  good-looking  old  gentleman. 
His  picture  hangs  in  my  dining-room,  in  full  powdered 
wig  and  chapeau  bras.  You  know  it  is  a  small  property, 
for  he  did  not  live  to  inherit  Leuchars ;  but  the  old  man 
drove  about  the  town,  and  out  to  Calcotts,  in  his  coach 
and  pair,  chiefly  to  prove  his  gentility.  I  think  when  I 
came  here  as  Sheriff,  my  friend,  Mr.  Cameron,  showed  me 
the  old  Dunkinty  coach,  with  its  once  splendid  gilt 
nails  and  corners,  converted  into  a  summer  house  in  an 
inn  garden. 

Among  all  that  class  there  was  a  good  deal  of  society — 
a  very  genuine,  hearty  hospitality — a  kindly  welcome — a 
full  table,  and  at  least  enough  of  that  wine  which  was  to 
be  had  pretty  cheap,  paying  no  odious  duties.  But  to 
tell  the  truth,  the  great  enjoyment  of  the  gentry  at  that 
time  was  not  in  domestic  parties.  When  men  found  their 
days  tedious,  and  longed  for  something  to  stir  the  blood, 
they  did  not  assemble  their  friends  at  the  board  of  a 
stately  dame,  with  lappets,  and  hoop,  and  high-heeled 
shoes.  They  met  at  a  tavern — the  British  A  rms,  or  Mrs. 
Crombie's — and  drank  till  the  cares  and  sorrows  of  life 


were  forgotten.  Or,  if  they  were  not  fortunate  enough 
to  be  in  Elgin,  half  a  dozen  neighbour  gentlemen  would 
make  a  tryst  at  Findhorn,  or  still  oftener  at  the  little 
solitary  alehouse  on  the  Muir,  where  Lucky  Lightfoot 
supplied  them  with  pure,  cheap  claret  (it  might  well  be 
cheap  !)  and  where  the  want  of  ceremony  and  the  homeli- 
ness of  everything  around,  gave  it  a  zest  which  it  wanted 
in  their  own  castles.  You  must  not  imagine  they  were 
habitual  drunkards,  or  even  in  the  habit  of  drinking  a 
glass  of  wine  daily.  The  men  were  fine  gentlemen,  I 
assure  you,  though  the  young  fellows  swore  a  little, 
bragged  a  little  of  their  five  bottles  at  a  sitting,  and 
other  peccadilloes  which  we  think  better  to  hide.  Some 
of  the  pictures  of  our  forefathers  of  that  time  show  a 
quantity  of  lace  at  breast  and  wrist — a  powdering  of 
periwig,  and  smart  cock  of  hat — that  must  have  rendered 
it  horribly  inconvenient  to  be  caught  out  in  such  a  gale 
as  blew  down  our  valley  on  the  3rd  of  this  month.  The 
expense  of  that  dress  was  monstrous.  Sir  Richard  Steele's 
black  periwig,  we  know,  cost  him  forty  guineas,  and  to 
maintain  such  a  head-piece  in  curl  and  beauty  was  no 
trifle.  Do  you  remember  the  elegant  Lovelace  (the  lady- 
killer  of  Richardson's  imagination)  lamenting  his  wig  and 
his  linen  dabbled  with  hoar-frost  when  he  had  been  ex- 
posed to  the  cold  in  keeping  an  assignation  ? 

The  rich  and  somewhat  tawdry  dress  of  the  men  was 
the  folly  of  the  time — not  of  the  country.  I  only  wish 
you  to  observe  that  our  ancestors  in  the  North  were  not 
exempt  from  the  fashionable  follies  of  their  day.  Indeed, 
I  don't  find  that  they  were  much  addicted  to  out-door 
occupations.  I  find  no  letters  of  enthusiastic  farming  and 
planting,  no  passion  for  sport,  no  fishing,  and  very  little 
of  shooting — only  a  grey-hound  or  two  were  kept  about 
a  house  for  killing  hares,  and  frequently  lent  from  hand 
to  hand.  You  will  find  that  the  men  then  were  less 
accustomed  to  that  hardy  exercise  which  begins  with  us 
at  school,  and  lasts  as  long  as  health  and  strength  will 

The  ladies  were  more  stay-at-home  than  their  grand- 
daughters; many  of  them,  ladies  of  quality  or  fortune, 
never  left  Moray  after  returning  from  the  boarding-school 
in  Edinburgh.  They  were  not  for  the  most  part  accom- 
plished, in  our  sense  of  the  word.  A  slender  knowledge 


of  music,  playing  on  the  harpsichord  or  the  viol-de-gamba, 
and  a  sort  of  sampler  embroidery — not  so  conveniently 
easy  as  our  modern  ladies'  work — formed  the  whole. 
They  went  to  church,  or  to  the  Non-Juring  Chapel,  but 
were  not  much  addicted  to  theological  study — the  age  for 
that  had  gone  by.  They  didn't  read  much  ;  indeed,  books 
were  very  few,  and  the  taste  for  them  confined  to  two  or 
three  families.  But  then  they  were  notable  housewives 
— the  Countess  of  Moray  and  the  Lady  of  Gordon  Castle 
vieing  with  the  Squires'  wives  in  the  mysteries  of  the 
kitchen  and  the  comforts  of  good  housekeeping.* 

*  I  can  call  to  mind  a  good  many  ladies  of  Moray  who  made 
an  impression  on  society  in  their  time,  and  have  left  a  memory 
behind  them : — 

1.  ANNAS  KEITH,  Countess  of  Moray  and  Argyll,  who  filled 
a  large  sphere  in  this  county  for  a  time,  managing  the  proper- 
ties  of  both   earldoms.      Her  house  at  Darnaway,   and  her 
"lodging"  in  Edinburgh,  were  resorted  to  as  a  little  court  by 
Moray  men,  by  all  of  whom  she  was  beloved  for  her  own 
qualities  of  masculine  sense  and  kindness,  and  revered  as  the 
wife  and  widow  of  the  "  Good  Regent." 

2.  HENRIETTA  STUART,  daughter  of  the  Earl  of  Moray,  wife 
of  Sir  Hugh  Campbell  of  Cawdor,  was  a  notable  housekeeper 
and   careful  economist,  learned  in  the  qualities  of  tea  and 
chocolate,  and   of  great  taste  in  "napery."      She  was  long 
remembered   as   a  good  neighbour  and  amiable  lady.      Her 
books  were  a  thought  too  Puritanical  for  the  present  taste ; 
but  among  "  Sighs  from  Hell,"  and  "  Rutherford's  Letters,"  are 
placed   "  Hodder's  Arithmetic,"   and   "  Speed's   Husbandry," 
together  with  a  treatise  on  "  Psalmistry." 

3.  The  Mordaunt  DUCHESS  OF  GORDON,  wife  of  the  second 
Duke,  who  changed  the  religion  of  the  family  fen-  a  consideration 
— and,  during  a  long  widowhood,  managed  her  affairs  and 
those  of  her  children  with  great  vigilance  and  the  skill  of  a 
man  of  business,  and  yet  was  a  universal  favourite. 

4.  MARY  SLEIGH,  was  the  English  wife  of  the  Laird  of 
Brodie — the  laird  who  was  long  Lord  Lyon,  and  was  univer- 
sally known  in  Scotland  as  "  The  Lyon  " — a  very  popular  lead- 
ing man  in  Moray,  though  Lord  Lovat,  who  didn't  love  him, 
called  him  the  "king  of  beasts."     I  imagine  his  wife  was  an 
heiress.     At  any  rate  she  was  allowed  to  manage  and  spend 
liberally.     She  attended  to  farming  as  well  as  housewifery,  and 
directed,  herself,  the  breeding  of  her  horses,  &c.      She  was 
also  an  early  planter  of  hardwood.     I  have  noticed  a  present 


I  don't  find  that  the  ladies  attended  to  the  garden  or 
cared  for  flowers.  The  only  exception  I  can  name  is 
Kilravock.  But  the  gentlemen  in  and  round  Elgin,  and 
indeed  all  through  Moray,  were  fond  of  gardening,  and 
we  must  not  censure  them  if  in  their  eyes  the  fruit- 
garden  and  the  orchard  took  precedence  of  the  flower- 
border.  They  inherited  that  taste  from  the  Monks  of 
Pluscarden  and  Kinloss,  who  may  have  admired  a  clove- 
gilly  flower,  but  gave  their  whole  hearts  to  the  produce 
of  their  pear  trees. 

It  may  be  worth  recording  that  the  excellent  Robert 

she  made  to  the  Laird  of  Kilravock,  in  1750,  of  fifty  beech 
plants — probably  those  which  now  adorn  "  the  birch-ward  "  at 
Kilravock,  and  the  charming  bank  of  Coulmony.  The  tradition 
of  the  country  is,  that  she  was  the  great  planter  and  ornamenter 
of  Brodie;  and,  moreover,  that  she  planted  (and  protected) 
that  double  hedgerow  of  ashes  which  still,  at  intervals,  shades 
the  high  road  from  the  Hardmuir  to  Torres.  I  wish  she  had 
left  more  imitators. 

5.  Mrs.  ELIZABETH  ROSE  of  Kilravock,  a  lady  admirable  in 
more  ways  than  I  can  find  room  for  in  this  note.     She  was  the 
first  very  literary  lady  in  the  North,  but  her  literature  was  not 
her  greatest  recommendation.     In  conversation  she  was  always 
animated  and  natural,  full  of  genuine  humour,  and  keen  and 
quick  perception  of  the  ludicrous.     She  has  been  described  as 
the  leader  of  all  cheerful  amusements,  the  humorous  story- 
teller, the  clever  mimic,  the  very  soul  of  society.     She  was  a 
good  musician,  and  very  fond  of  music.    Those  were  her  surface 
accomplishments.     She  was  the  most  ardent  of  friends,  bene- 
volent,  hospitable,   kind   and  generous   beyond    her  means, 
zealously  religious,  without  parade,  ever  anxious  to  help  forward 
humble  talent. 

6.  If  it  were  not  too  near  her  own  time,  I  should  like  to 
place  here  a  memorial  of  Miss  MADDY  MACPHERSON,  the 
"  Queen  of  Forres,"  as  she  was  called.     I  do  not  think  she  has 
left  so  good  and  characteristic  a  specimen  of  the  Highland  lady 
behind  her.     Without  any  superfluous  education,  she  had  a 
consciousness  of  Highland  gentry — never  found  herself  unfit 
for  the  society  of  the  highest  and  most  cultivated.     Her  know- 
ledge of  her  countrymen  was  very  accurate,  and  she  communi- 
cated it  in  the  pleasantest  way.     With  good  broad  humour, 
and   a  play  of  satire  quite  free  from  malice,  she  made  her 
drawing-room  a  pleasant  place  of  resort  for  all  comers,  while  to 
her  friends  she  was  ever  hospitable,  kind,  and  cordial. 


Reid,  Abbot  of  Kinloss,  afterwards  Bishop  of  Orkney, 
among  other  schemes  for  civilising  his  house,  brought  to 
Kinloss  from  Dieppe  a  French  gardener,  named  Guillaume 
Lubias,  very  skilful  in  planting  and  grafting  fruit-trees, 
who,  writes  the  chronicler  of  the  Abbey,  "  executed  many 
works  in  the  Abbey  garden  and  round  the  place,  and 
indeed  through  all  Moray,  most  useful  and  worthy  of 
observation."  I  have  heard  from  that  authority,  which  I 
have  quoted  so  often,  that  when,  100  years  ago,  the  last 
of  the  old  pear  trees  of  Kinloss  were  blown  down  in  a 
storm,  it  was  found  that  they  had  been  under-paved  with 
flat  flag-stones,  after  the  most  approved  manner  of  modern 
orchard  cultivation — a  manner  which  we  moderns,  with 
our  usual  vanity,  had  declared  to  be  an  invention  unknown 
to  the  old  gardeners.  Some  papers  at  Kilravock  show 
that  the  makers  of  that  good  old  garden  got  some  of  their 
trees  from  Kinloss,  while  the  finer  kinds  came  from 

The  gardens  of  Kinloss,  (the  nursery  of  gardening,  and 
teacher  to  all  Moray)  have  left  worthy  successors ;  and  I 
doubt  if  the  Monks,  at  their  best,  grew  better  apples  and 
pears  than  the  present  Laird  of  Kinloss  and  his  brother, 
the  Baronet  of  Duffus.  I  am  sure  they  never  even 
dreamed  of  such  carnations  and  asters  as  our  friend,  Mr. 
Grigor,  grows  in  his  little  garden  at  the  Haugh. 

At  the  time  we  are  speaking  of — remember  it  is  150 
years  ago — Elgin  must  have  been  a  comfortable  place  to 
live  in  as  regards  vivers.  There  is  a  certificate  very 
formally  issued  by  two  worshipful  Justices  of  the  Peace, 
Sir  Thomas  Calder  of  Muirtown,  Bart.,  and  Robert  Dunbar 
of  Newton,  Esq.,  dated  the  last  day  of  the  year  1710. 
What  warrant  or  reason  they  had  for  setting  forth  the 
statement  I  cannot  tell,  but  certified  as  it  is  we  cannot 
doubt  its  truth. 

"  We,  Sir  Thomas  Calder  of  Muirton,  Knt.,  Rob.  Dunbar  of 
Newton,  Esq.,  J.Ps.  within  the  shire  of  Elgin,  do  hereby  testify 
and  declare  to  all  concerned,  that  the  manner  of  living  .... 
in  the  town  of  Elgin,  within  the  said  shire,  for  merchandise  of 
all  sorts  of  wines,  victuals,  and  other  necessaries  for  families, 
being  to  be  had  at  low  rates  as  follows,  viz. : — Ane  carcase  of 
best  beef  in  the  shambles,  at  8  pund  Scotts.  Item — Ane 
mutton  bulk  at  2  merks  Scotts.  Item — Ane  good  lien  at  2s. 
Scotts,  and  2s.  6d.  the  dearest.  14  eggs  for  ane  shilling  Scotts. 


Fourteen  haddocks  for  ane  shilling  and  six  pennies  Scotts,  or 
2s.  at  most.  14  whitings  for  Is.  Scotts.  Ane  stone  of  butter, 
of  the  best  sort,  at  3  pund  Scotts,  quhereof  there  goes  22  Ib. 
to  the  stone.  Ane  stone  of  the  best  cheese  of  the  north 
country  make,  2  merks  Scotts,  or  30s.  Scotts  at  most,  quhereof 
there  is  given  22  Ib.  to  the  stone.  Ane  pint  of  milk  for  sixteen 
pennies  Scotts.  Muirfowl  and  partridge,  at  2  shillings  Scotts 
the  pair.  Waterfowl  as  follows,  viz. : — Ane  goose  at  8s.  Scotts ; 
duck  and  drake,  wild  or  tame,  at  four  shillings." 

Take  the  prices  of  some  other  commodities,  in  that 
same  year,  gathered  from  old  shop-bills  and  inn-reckon- 
ings. A  man's  living  was  charged  so  much  a  meal  or  diet. 
Each  diet  was  2d.  English.  A  chopin  ale,  Id.  Claret, 
Is.  3d.  a  bottle.  Brandy,  Is.  2d.  Sugar,  Is.  4d.  a  pound. 
Bohea  (the  only  tea  used),  £1  5s.  to  18s.  Cheshire  cheese, 
5d.  per  pound. 

To  return  for  a  moment  to  the  society  of  Elgin  at  the 
beginning  of  last  century,  there  was  mixed,  an  element 
one  hardly  expected — a  class  of  merchants — and  I  will 
describe  to  you  their  dealings.  When  the  lord  and  laird 
drew  all  their  rents  in  corn,  it  came  to  be  of  consequence, 
I  may  say,  of  necessity,  to  find  a  market  for  so  much 
grain.  The  proprietors  soon  found  they  did  not  thrive 
best  when  they  went  to  a  foreign  market  on  their  own 
account,  and  thus  sprung  up  a  set  of  men  whose  chief,  or 
at  least  whose  first,  dealing  was  in  buying  up  the  meal 
and  barley  of  the  laird's  granary,  and  shipping  it  to 
southern  markets,  often  to  Holland  and  Flanders  or 
France,  but  more  commonly  to  Leith,  Newcastle,  and 
London.  The  return  cargo  was  often  wine ;  but  it  was 
by  no  means  beneath  the  dignity  of  the  trade  to  invest  a 
part  of  the  produce  in  foreign  fruit,  in  sugar,  and  such 
tempting  commodities  for  the  home  market.  The  younger 
sons  of  the  landed  gentry  soon  took  to  that  business,  and 
a  few  heads  of  decayed  houses  sought  to  retrieve  their 
fortunes  by  its  moderate  profits.  I  find  Sir  James  Calder 
of  Muirtown,  a  Baronet,  was  such  a  merchant  in  Elgin 
before  1700,  and  his  eldest  son,  Sir  Thomas,  carried  on 
the  same  trade  about  1730  and  lower.  Before  1700 
Cumming  of  Relugas,  and  about  1730  Charles  Brodie  of 
Lethen  and  Dunbar  of  Kincorth,  were  corn-merchants  in 
Inverness.  The  first  coals  I  have  found  in  the  North 
were  imported  by  Charles  Brodie.  A  little  later  my 


grandfather,  Robert  Innes,  a  younger  son  of  Dunkinty 
and  heir  of  Leuchars,  who,  I  told  you,  lived  at  the  West 
Port  of  Elgin,  carried  on  such  a  trade.  I  stop  in  passing 
merely  to  observe  that  he  paid  for  his  purchases  by  bills 
on  Thomas  Coutts  &;  Co.  of  Edinburgh,  and  those  bills 
were  in  great  demand,  for  you  must  remember  there  were 
no  banks  then  north  of  Edinburgh,  and  bank  notes  were 
making  their  way  so  slowly  that,  in  the  middle  of  the 
century,  the  Baronet  of  Gordonstown  asked  as  a  great 
favour  from  his  neighbour,  Dunbar  of  Duffus,  to  let  him 
have  a  bill  on  London  for  a  small  sum  of  money — some- 
thing, I  think,  under  £20.* 

There  were  many  of  these  merchant  gentlemen  con- 
nected with  Elgin  and  Inverness  during  the  first  half  of 
the  last  century,  but  none  so  extensive  in  their  dealings, 
nor  in  all  ways  so  remarkable,  as  several  members  of  the 
Family  of  Duff,  who  were  then  laying  the  foundations  of 
that  great  fortune  which  their  descendants  still  inherit. 
It  is  a  peculiarity  of  our  countrymen  of  the  lower  orders 
to  seek  to  lessen  and  disparage  men  who  have  risen 
rapidly  to  great  wealth  and  station,  and  they  have  been 
in  the  habit  of  speaking  slightly  of  those  founders  of  the 
Fife  fortunes — altogether  unjustly,  so  far  as  I  can  gather 
from  the  correspondence  of  the  time.  Like  the  other 
gentlemen,  some  of  whom  I  have  mentioned — and  the  list 
could  be  easily  and  largely  increased — the  Duffs — William 
Duff,  younger  and  elder,  of  Dipple,  merchants  in  Inverness 
and  Elgin,  and  William  Duff  of  Druminuir,  at  Inverness 
— bought  and  exported  corn,  and  imported  and  sold  all 
commodities,  great  and  small,  from  1650  to  far  down  in 
the  following  century.  They  supplied  their  customers 
with  wine  and  brandy,  lead  for  their  roofs,  and  musket 
barrels  for  their  defence ;  and  the  notable  housewives  of 
the  county  with  dried  fruit,  capers,  olives,  anchovies, 
bottles,  and  domestic  utensils,  and  the  fine  diaper,  which 
was  very  early  a  prized  luxury  of  our  Scotch  houses. 
But  they  had  other  dealings  than  these.  When  a  great 
barony  was  to  be  bought,  and  no  ready  mone}^  forth- 
coming, the  Duffs  found  the  money  for  the  purchase, 
taking  a  mortgage,  or  wadset,  over  the  land,  together 

*  A  good  deal  of  light  is  thrown  on  that  trade,  and  the  early 
banking  of  Scotland,  by  Sir  W.  Forbes'  History  of  his  Banking- 
house,  lately  published. 


with  the  security  of  the  borrowers.  In  truth,  before 
banks  were  established  or  insurance  companies  dreamed 
of,  the  Duffs  dealt  in  money  largely.  They  were  the 
bankers  of  the  North,  and  carried  on  the  business  much 
as  we  read  of  its  being  managed  in  Florence  and  Genoa, 
and  the  other  free  cities  of  Italy  in  the  old  time.  In  the 
next  half  century  to  that  we  are  now  speaking  of,  they 
invested  their  available  funds  in  extensive  purchases  of 
land,  and  had  the  full  advantage  of  the  extraordinary  rise 
in  its  value,  which  seems  not  yet  to  have  come  to  its 

Now,  let  us  walk  a  little  way  beyond  the  town  in  any 
direction — remember  we  are  looking  150  years  back. 
Suppose  we  go  down  across  the  Loch,  and  see  the  great 
house  Sir  Robert  is  building  at  Gordonstown.  The 
country  is  without  hedge  or  hedgerow — alas !  it  is  but 
too  much  so  still — and  to  add  to  the  inconvenience,  the 
land  was  at  the  date  of  our  walk  very  much  intermixed 
— held  run-rig,  as  we  used  to  call  it.  The  tillers  of  the 
soil  are  no  longer  serfs,  it  is  true ;  and  it  cannot  be  said 
that  they  pay  too  high  rents,  for  the  rents  have  not  varied 
for  a  hundred  years  and  more.  But  they  are  poor  in 
means,  poor  in  energy — without  knowledge  of  comfort 
and  without  hope.  Then  their  fashion  of  husbandry  is 
this.  The  farmer,  occupying  that  turf  hut — for  it  is 
nothing  better — manures  and  ploughs,  and  sows  with 
corn,  the  old  infield  lying  nearest  him.  He  has  no 
thought  of  changing  the  crop.  When  the  poor  exhausted 
soil  refuses  to  bear  more  white  grain,  he  gives  it  a  year 
of  dead  fallow,  and  takes  a  flying  crop  from  such  of  the 
outfield  as  is  freest  of  rocks  and  marshes,  and  may  have 
got  a  little  manured  by  cattle  lying  there.  When  that  is 
reaped,  he  leaves  poor  outfield  to  recover  a  skin  of  weeds 
or  grass  at  leisure,  and  returns  as  before  to  crop  the  old 
infield.  Sown  grass  there  is  none.  Turnips — potatoes — 
are  names  as  yet  unknown  beyond  the  kitchen  garden. 
My  father,  who  was  born  the  year  after  Culloden,  went 
to  school  in  Elgin  of  course.  In  his  time  potatoes  were 
so  uncommon,  even  round  the  town,  that  it  was  a  favourite 
frolic  of  the  school-boys  to  steal  them  from  some  garden 
and  take  them  to  be  roasted  in  the  kiln  fire  at  the  mill — 
just  as  orchard-robbing  has  been  recognized  as  the  peculiar 
privilege  of  school-boys  in  all  times.  Turnips,  as  a  field 

VOL.  II.  3 


crop,  are  of  much  later  date.  But  to  return — When  the 
crop  is  cut  and  housed,  the  cattle  wander  at  will  over  the 
unfenced  land,  and  from  the  stubbles  and  moors  pick  up 
a  sustenance  till  the  hard  snow  storm  drives  them  to  the 
byre,  when  straw  and  a  little  marsh  hay  or  rushes  must 
feed  them  till  spring.  No  wonder  that  many  die  of  cold 
and  hunger.  The  houses  are  not  water-tight,  and  the 
straw  always  a  short  crop.  It  is  well  if  the  poor  milk 
cows  can  stagger  out  on  their  own  legs  when  the  byre 
door  is  opened  at  the  disappearance  of  the  snow.  It  is 
well  if  the  poor  human  inmates  of  the  farm  have  not  been 
•driven  to  bleed  the  starving  cattle  to  keep  their  own  life 
in.  Do  not  accuse  me  of  exaggerating.  I  have  met  with 
many  instances  of  people  convicted  of  bleeding  their 
neighbours'  cattle  to  obtain  the  blood  as  food.  Even  in 
the  houses  of  the  gentry,  food  was  often  wanting  in  winter. 
When  Sir  Robert  Gordon  was  tutor  of  his  nephew,  the 
Earl  of  Sutherland,  he  kept  careful  accounts  of  household 
matters  at  Dunrobin.  In  more  than  one  of  these  yearly 
accounts,  the  meal  of  the  household  is  exhausted  in  spring, 
and  I  remember  at  least  two  instances  where  orders  are 
given  to  send  and  kill  deer  on  the  hill  for  the  support  of 
the  Earl's  family,  in  the  months  of  April  and  May,  when 
red  deer  is  mere  carrion  ! 

You  must  not  expect  me  to  dwell  on  the  manner  of 
living  and  thinking  of  those  poor  creatures,  the  cultivators 
of  the  soil  of  fertile  Moray  150  years  ago.  When  the 
struggle  is  for  life,  the  comfort,  the  cultivation — nay, 
the  very  decencies  and  charities  of  life — are  apt  to  be 

It  is  no  wonder  that  in  those  days  a  farmer  never 
became  rich.  We  have  no  such  thing  in  the  old  time  as 
a  farmer  acquiring  property.  That  was  reserved  for  our 
own  century,  with  all  its  high  rents  and  expensive  modes 
of  cultivation.  But  the  farming  population  did  at  last 
begin  to  improve,  at  the  same  time  when  Scotland  gene- 
rally took  such  a  start  forward,  its  progress  dating  from 
1760.  In  the  latter  half  of  the  last  century,  a  new  mode 
of  cultivation  was  introduced.  More  skill  and  energy 
were  required — perhaps  more  stock  and  capital — but  the 
results  were,  plenty  and  comfort,  and  comparative  wealth. 

Some  of  you  may  remember — all  of  you  have  heard — 
of  the  manner  of  the  farmer's  life  among  us  sixty  years 


ago.  The  farms  were  not  so  large  as  they  are  now,  but 
there  was  enough  of  land  to  employ  the  hands  of  the 
family,  and  plenty  of  moor  all  round  that  repaid  improv- 
ing. Wheat,  which  had  been  little  cultivated  before,  was 
now  common — I  may  say  universal.  There  were  clover 
and  rye-grass  for  summer  food,  and  hay  for  the  horses  in 
winter.  There  was  turnip  enough  to  make  the  season  of 
winter  the  most  plentiful  of  the  year.  A  few  men  actu- 
ally began  to  feed  fat  for  the  butcher ;  but  the  milk  cow 
and  her  calves  at  least  were  always  well  off. 

There  was  no  bothy  of  hired  servants,  but  a  neighbour 
farmer's  son  was  often  one  of  the  ploughmen ;  and  he  was 
not  despised  if  he  fell  in  love  with  the  daughter  of  the 
house.  I  am  old  enough  to  look  back  to  those  good, 
simple  manners,  and  I  am  not  sure  that  in  some  respects 
we  have  improved  in  the  last  generation.  Let  me  not  be 
misunderstood.  I  am  not  here  to  undervalue  the  farmers 
of  Moray.  I  have  known  them  long,  and  have  this  season 
lived  among  them,  and  been  indebted  to  them  for  much 
cordial  kindness.  With  the  shrewdness  and  sagacity,  the 
industry  and  activity  that  marked  their  fathers,  they 
have  joined  a  higher  cultivation  and  a  proper  feeling  of 
independence.  I  don't  object  to  the  smart  gig  and  the 
clever  nag  that  takes  the  farmer  to  market  any  more  than 
I  regret  that  the  uncomfortable  square  hat  has  taken  the 
place  of  his  father's  good  blue  bonnet.  These  are  trifles, 
and  on  the  whole  the  advantage  is  with  the  present  gene- 
ration. There  is  no  fear  of  dandyism,  no  fear  of  effeminacy, 
with  their  pursuits,  as  any  one  would  say  who  has  watched 
the  patient  hopefulness,  the  gallant  courage  with  which 
they  struggled  through  all  the  aggravating  difficulties  of 
this  harvest.  You  might  as  well  fear  the  dandyism  of 
men  who  had  lived  through  the  siege  of  Lucknow,  or 
served  in  the  trenches  before  Sebastopol.  I  don't  find 
fault  with  the  piano  and  its  use,  were  it  only  to  accom- 
pany the  goodman's  daughter  in  a  good  Scotch  song,  or 
to  set  the  children  to  dance  at  a  Christmas  merry-making. 
But  let  me  give  one  word  of  caution.  As  an  old  man 
who  has  seen  something  of  the  world,  I  would  warn  the 
farmers  of  Moray  and  their  wives  against  educating  their 
daughters  for  governesses.  Better  far,  teach  them  the 
management  of  the  dairy  and  of  the  kitchen — to  relieve 
their  mothers  of  housekeeping — to  take  charge  of  the 


younger  children — than  to  change  the  pure  air  and  free 
life  of  the  fields  and  woods  for  restraint  and  the  life  of 
cities  without  its  pleasures — to  leave  a  happy  home  for 
one  which  is  seldom  other  than  unhappy. 

May  I  venture  one  word  to  masters  and  servants  of 
the  agricultural  class  ?  We  cannot  return  to  the  old  way 
of  life,  perhaps,  and  in  many  respects  we  are  better.  But 
why  should  the  farmer  and  the  ploughman  stand  so  far 
apart  ?  I  know  the  insufficiency  of  houses  on  the  farms, 
and  the  wandering  tendency,  the  love  of  change,  of  the 
farm  servants,  are  pleaded  as  the  reason  or  the  excuse  for 
the  constant  shifting,  which  goes  far  to  destroy  the 
master's  interest  in  his  labourers.  I  wish,  indeed,  these 
reasons  or  excuses  could  be  removed,  and  I  am  quite  sure 
if  the  Moray  farmer  takes  this  view  of  the  matter,  and 
sees  that  what  serves  to  change  the  ploughman  from  an 
indifferent  hireling  to  a  friendly  dependent — a  zealous 
member  of  the  household — is  an  immense  advantage  to 
himself,  he  will  not  be  long  of  finding  means  to  bring 
about  that  end. 

I  beg  pardon  for  this  digression,  and  return  with  all 
humility  to  my  own  department — the  City  of  Elgin  and 
its  Antiquities.  You  know  I  am  a  professed  lover  of 
picturesque  antiquity,  and,  as  such,  I  cannot  but  feel 
some  indignation  at  the  vulgar  modernizing  which  Elgin 
has  undergone  in  our  time. 

If  it  was  absolutely  necessary  to  remove  the  ancient 
Parish  Church  of  St.  Giles,  why  place  a  sham  Greek 
Temple  in  its  place  ? 

The  old  Town-House,  with  its  heavy  double  forestairs, 
and  the  rude  old  Tolbooth  Tower,  were  perhaps  justly 
condemned,  though  I  loved  their  hoary  quaintness.  But 
what  ill  had  the  Muckle  Cross  done  that  caused  it  to  be 
ejected  from  the  spacious  street  which  it  adorned  ? 

The  irregular  tall  houses  standing  on  massive  pillars 
and  arcades — the  roofs  of  mellow  grey  stone,  broken 
picturesquely  with  frequent  windows — the  tall  cross- 
stepped  gables — are  poorly  exchanged  for  the  prim  and 
trim,  square,  modern  houses  and  shops.  It  is  not  merely 
my  love  of  antiquity,  though  I  confess,  with  a  true 
Yankee  poet — 

"  I  love  the  memory  of  the  past,  its  pressed  yet  fragrant  flowers, 
The  moss  that  clothes  its  broken  arch,  the  ivy  on  its  towers." 


Yet,  in  this  matter,  I  would  give  up  the  antique,  the 
picturesque,  if  it  were  necessary  to  repudiate  them  in 
studying  the  comforts  and  conveniences  of  life.  I  do  not 
think  they  are  incompatible.  Latterly,  a  somewhat  better 
style  of  architecture  has  sprung  up,  and  to  be  successful, 
the  architects  of  these  later  buildings  only  require  to 
study  the  genius  of  the  place — to  reflect  that  Elgin  has  a 
peculiar  and  not  ungraceful  style  of  street  architecture  of 
ts  own,  capable  of  adaptation,  I  venture  to  say,  to  all  the 
purposes  of  shop  and  dwelling-house. 

Excuse  this  last  antiquarian  growl,  and  let  me  lay  the 
antiquary  aside,  and  speak  a  word  of  Moray  and  of  Elgin 
as  they  are. 

They  tell  you  that  our  flat  country — our  laigh  of  Moray 
— is  not  picturesque.  No  doubt  it  isn't  a  land  of  rock 
and  wood,  and  flood ;  neither  is  it  the  rich  English  vale, 
with  its  green  pastures  shaded  by  hedge-row  elms.  But 
the  view  from  the  rocks  of  Covesea,  or  old  Burghead — 
taking  in  the  firth  and  the  Ross-shire  hills,  and  the  open- 
ing of  Cromarty  Bay,  and  all  down  from  Dunrobin  to  the 
airy  and  unknown  heads  that  may  be  Caithness  or 
Orkney — is  picturesque  in  the  highest  meaning  of  the 
term.  For  me,  I  confess  our  view  from  Duffus,  over  the 
long  flat,  broken  by  the  old  Keep  of  Duffus,  the  setting 
sun  glancing  on  the  Loch  of  Spynie,  with  its  fine  Palace 
Castle,  the  smoke  marking  the  whereabouts  of  the  little 
Oity  of  Elgin  over  the  Quarrywood,  the  opening  of  the 
Glen  of  Rothes,  and  the  two  heights  that  terminate  our 
landscape  on  that  side — Benrinnes  and  the  Bin  of  Cullen 
— have  charms  that  more  adorned  landscapes  do  not 
possess.  But  if  you  are  not  to  the  manner  born — if  you 
don't  enjoy  that  peculiar  Moray  landscape — wait  till  to- 
morrow morning,  then  mount  on  my  rough  Irish  car,  and 
let  me  drive  you  to  Elgin — not  the  direct  way,  but  a  little 
round — past  the  Lime  Kiln,  under  Lesmurdie's  Cottage, 
and — as  you  gaze  from  that  turn  above  Newmill  at  the 
old  Cathedral  towers  crowning  the  river  bank,  rising  from 
among  what  appears  a  goodly  wood  of  forest  trees,  with 
the  towers  and  spires  of  the  burgh  churches  behind, 
lighted  with  an  early  morning  sun — confess  that  no  man 
can  look  on  that  landscape  unmoved,  even  setting  aside 
all  the  associations  which  crowd  upon  us.  I  fancy  tha 
is  the  view  that  oftenest  rises  to  the  mind  of  the  Moray 


"loon"  in  his  log-hut  or  dark  shanty,  far  away  in  the 
backwoods,  when  he  shuts  his  eyes  and  presses  his  hands 
upon  them,  and  dreams  himself  back  to  the  school  holiday, 
by  the  banks  of  the  Lossie — back  to  the  days  of  the 
scantack  and  paperap. 

The  town,  with  all  its  faults  of  modern  art,  has  still  an 
air  of  some  dignity  that  distinguishes  it  from  country  towns 
in  general.  Out  of  the  streets,  there  is  nothing  to  blame. 
The  villas  that  have  grown  up,  and  are  daily  springing  up 
around,  delight  the  eye  with  their  appearance  of  comfort, 
their  neatness,  and  even  elegance,  and  with  the  proofs  of 
a  taste  for  gardening — a  great  symptom  of  civilization. 

I  don't  wonder  that  old  Moray  natives  draw  round 
Elgin  to  spend  the  evening  of  life.  I  am  not  surprised 
that  many  strangers  are  attracted  by  the  charming 
climate  and  the  many  conveniences  of  the  neighbourhood. 
Your  society  now  shows  a  cultivation  which  I  seek  in 
vain  in  other  country  towns.  Your  Museum  alone  proves 
a  great  amount  of  concentrated  intelligence  in  antiquities 
and  natural  science.  A  hundred  years  ago,  Lachlan  Shaw, 
then  minister  here,  put  forth  his  History  of  Moray,  the 
second  published  county  history  of  Scotland — a  very 
creditable  book  for  its  time.  But  he  stood  alone — without 
sympathy,  without  help,  without  fellow  workman  or 
successor.  What  a  different  book  might  be  made  of  a 
history  of  Moray  now!  You  have  in  your  own  circle 
almost  all  the  elements  of  a  most  efficient  band  of  statis- 
tical workmen.  Let  Dr.  Geddes  take  the  command.  In 
mediaeval  antiquities  he  will  be  supported  by  Dr.  Taylor 
and  Mr.  James  Macdonald.  For  charter  knowledge — the 
interesting  subject  of  the  descent  of  lands  as  well  as  of 
families — Mr.  Robert  Young's  stores  are  ample,  and,  what 
is  rare,  are  all  at  command  ;  nor  should  I  be  found  want- 
ing in  that  department.  Then,  for  family  history  and  the 
successive  changes  in  manners,  Captain  Edward  Dunbar 
has  accumulated  great  stores.  In  natural  science  we  are 
yet  richer.  In  geology  have  we  not  Mr.  Patrick  Duff — 
(I  wish  he  were  stronger  and  younger) — and  Mr.  Martin 
and  Mr.  Macdonald  again  ?  Botany  is  safe  in  the  hands 
of  Mr.  Stables  and  Dr.  Innes  of  Forres.  But,  for  natural 
science,  what  is  there  in  all  the  dominions  of  nature — 
earth,  air,  water — that  escapes  the  observation  of  Dr. 
Gordon  of  Birnie  ? 


With  such  a  band  from  volunteers  on  the  spot,  already 
drilled — with  assistance  of  all  lovers  of  nature  and  of  our 
country — with  a  rising  generation  striving  to  enter  our 
ranks,  we  could  do  more  than  Shaw  dreamt  of — some- 
thing really  worthy  of  the  Province  of  Moray,  which  we 
love  so  well ! 

And  now,' I  have  but  to  thank  you  for  the  kind  recep- 
tion you  have  given  your  old  Sheriff,  and  the  patience 
with  which  you  have  heard  him.]  (Cosmo  Innes.) 

Next  up  the  river  is 


Anciently  Brenoth,  i.  e.,  a  Brae  or  High  Land, 
it  extendeth  on  the  east  bank  of  Lossie,  3  miles 
from  north  to  south,  and  a  mile  from  east  to 

The  Church*  standeth  near  the  river,  a  half 
mile  above  the  north  end  of  the  parish,  2  miles 
south  from  Elgin,  and  4-  miles  north  east  of 

*  This  small  Fane,  next  to  the  Church  of  Mortlach,  is  the 
oldest  entire  in  the  Province  of  Moray.  It  has  been  repeatedly 
re-roofed.  The  windows  have  all  been  tampered  with — the 
parishioners  not  having  been  content  with  "  the  dim  religious 
light."  There  was  no  Altar  or  East  Window,  the  tapers  lit  at 
Mass  being  artificially  effective.  There  were  two  small  side 
windows,  deeply  splayed,  behind  round  arches  with  unequal 
sides.  A  plain  deal  Pulpit  is  upreared  in  the  centre  of  the 
Kirk,  at  the  fine  Norman  arch  which  divides  the  Chancel 
from  the  Nave.  The  former  is  boarded  off  for  a  Kirk  Session- 
house,  while  the  site  of  the  Altar  is  or  was  lately  supplanted  . 
by  a  poor  stove.  The  Church  is  built  most  substantially, 
inside  and  outside,  of  well-cut  ashler  freestone.  It  seems 
to  date  at  the  llth  or  12th  century,  and  may  stand  as  long  as 
it  has  stood. 

The  Stone  at  Birnie  (a  granite  boulder)  is  now  placed  at  the 
west  pillar  of  the  northern  entrance  to  the  Churchyard.  At  a 


The  whole  parish  was  a  part'  of  the  Bishop 
lands  of  Moray ;  and  when  Patrick  Hephurn,  the 
last  Eoman  Catholic  Bishop,  harboured  his  out- 
lawed nephew  James  Earl  of  Bothwell,  in  1566, 
he  resigned  these  and  other  lands  to  the  Earl  of 
Moray  Eegent ;  and  this  parish  is  a  part  of  the 
estate  of  the  Earl  of  Moray,  but  held  in  feu  by 
the  Earl  Fife,  William  King  of  Newmiln,  Leslie 
of  Finrossie,  Coupland  of  Stackhouse,  Duff  of 
Tomshill,  &o.  But  of  late  the  Earl  of  Findlater 
has  purchased,  and  is  now  sole  proprietor  of  this 


[Situation,  Soil,  Climate. — Besides  the  valleys  which 
the  rivers  occupy,  and  may  be  conceived  to  have  formed, 
in  the  chain  of  mountain  stretched  along  the  southern 
side  of  the  low  lands  of  Moray,  one  valley,  in  which  there 
is  no  river,  opens  southward  from  the  widest  part  of  the 
plain,  where  the  western  side  of  the  parish  of  Elgin 
borders  with  the  east  of  Birnie,  and  extends  quite  through 
the  mountain  to  the  banks  of  the  Spey.  A  square  hill,  about 
6  miles  along  the  base  of  every  side,  is  hereby  insulated  on 
the  east  of  this  defile,  having  the  plain  of  Rothes  on  the 
south,  on  the  east  partly  Rothes,  and  partly  Speymouth, 
and  the  champaign  of  Moray  on  its  northern  side.  The 
mountain  on  the  western  side  of  this  defile  extends 
beyond  its  length  to  either  hand,  from  Craig  Elachy 
overhanging  the  Spey,  to  the  lake  of  Mostowie  in  the 
parish  of  Alves ;  as  if  that  river,  once  occupying  a  channel 

former  period,  it  had  been  built  into  the  low  wall  which  sur- 
rounds the  Churchyard,  but  it  was  removed  some  years  ago  to 
its  present  site.  It  has  been  the  subject  of  many  surmises ; 
but  its  common  appellation  is  The  Bible  Stone,  from  its  having 
an  oblong  figure  resembling  a  book  cut  out  on  its  surface. 
Also,  The  Cairn  of  Kilfornan  and  vestiges  of  trenches  and  en- 
campments are  to  be  seen.  See  Plate  XVII.  Vol.  I.  Stuarts 
Sculptured  Stones  of  Scotland.  (ED.) 


along  its  base  60  feet  higher  than  its  present  bed,  had 
then  poured  its  whole  stream  through  this  defile,  and 
winded  over  the  plain,  in  a  variety  of  courses  during 
different  ages  into  the  sea. 

The  parish  of  Birnie  is  placed  in  the  entrance  of  this 
defile,  extended  partly  on  the  plain  and  partly  on  the 
side  of  the  mountain,  through  which  the  water  of  Lossie, 
issuing  from  its  own  valley  in  the  mountain,  bends  from 
its  original  direction  parallel  to  the  Frith,  winds  north- 
ward along  the  plain,  doubled  almost  in  its  stream  by  the 
increase  of  three  brooks,  the  Lenoch,  Bardon,  and  Rash- 
crook,  each  tumbling  from  the  hill  through  its  own  narrow 
vale.  It  appears  by  the  Chart.  MOT.  that  the  parish  has 
bore  the  name  Brenuth  since  times  that  were  ancient  in 
the  beginning  of  the  13th  century,  a  Gaelic  appellation, 
signifying,  in  its  literal  interpretation,  the  north  hill  side. 
The  cultivated  land  is  generally  a  shallow  soil,  sandy, 
stony,  and  steep,  lying  on  a  bed  of  rock,  or  much-con- 
creted gravel.  The  soil  on  several  fields  on  the  banks  of 
the  Lossie  is  loam  incumbent  on  sand,  or  clay ;  and  over 
the  whole  parish,  plots  of  moorish  or  peat  soil  are  found. 
The  air,  though  healthful,  is  rather  moist  and  cold  in  the 
hills,  where  the  frost  is  earlier  and  sharper,  and  more 
rain  and  snow  fall,  than  on  the  plain. 

State  of  Property. — The  whole  parish  was  part  of  the 
lands  of  the  bishoprick.  The  Regent  Earl  of  Moray 
obliged  Bishop  Hepburn,  on  the  pretence  of  entertaining 
his  outlawed  nephew  Both  well,  about  the  year  1566,  to 
annex  it  with  other  lands  to  his  private  estate.  The  hills 
affording  game  in  abundance,  one  croft,  for  the  Earl's 
accommodation  in  the  hunting  season,  was  assigned  to 
the  vintner,  for  the  yearly  payment  of  a  rose,  and  another 
to  the  blacksmith,  for  the  annual  delivery  of  a  horse-shoe, 
if  required.  This  last  has  still  remained  a  separate  property, 
and  appertains  to  Thomas  Stephen,  Esq.,  physician  in 
Elgin,  valued  in  the  Cess-Book  of  the  County  at  £6  16s.  6d. 
Scots,  now  rented  at  about  £12  sterling.  The  remainder 
of  the  parish  appertains  to  the  Earl  of  Findlater,  valued 
at  £727  17s.,  amounting  at  present  to  £360  sterling  of 
yearly  rent,  from  which  the  feu-duties  to  the  Earl  of 
Moray  are  8  bolls  and  £1  4s.  2d.;  and  to  the  Crown,  as 
succeeding  the  Bishop,  £3  10s.  lOd.  The  whole  arable 
land  of  the  parish  is  850  acres,  of  which  two  farms  only 


are  rented  above  £50  sterling;  and  there  are  40  under 
that  extent.  The  uncultivated  ground,  consisting  of  moor 
soil  and  peat  earth,  with  some  interjacent  plots  of  green 
pasture,  amounts  to  5000  acres. 

State  Ecclesiastical. — The  Church  was  the  first  Cathe  - 
dral  in  the  diocese.  There  is  no  account  when  the  present 
fabric  was  built :  though  small,  it  is  wholly  of  free-stone, 
neatly  squared  and  cut,  and  is  distinguished  by  its  nave 
and  choir.  The  fourth  Bishop,  Simon  de  Tonei,  was 
buried  in  it  in  the  year  1184.  The  stipend  is  £41  16s.  5d. 
and  88  bolls  2  firlots  of  victual.  The  glebe  is  nearly  9 
acres.  The  right  of  patronage  appertains  to  the  Earl  of 
Moray.  The  salary  of  the  school  is  £5 ;  and  as  the  num- 
ber of  souls  in  the  parish,  of  whom  2  only  are  Seceders, 
amounts  to  402,  the  emoluments  of  office,  arising  from 
about  20  scholars,  must  be  inconsiderable.  The  provision 
for  the  poor  arises  from  two  separate  bequeathments, 
amounting  together  to  £2  10s.;  and  the  double  of  that 
sum  is  added  by  the  contributions  of  the  people  who 
attend  public  worship  in  the  Parish  Church,  which,  after 
the  necessary  deductions  to  the  session-clerk  and  officer, 
affords  a  sorry  pittance  to  18  persons,  enrolled  on  the 
parish  list. 

Miscellaneous  Information. — The  people,  though  poor, 
are  industrious,  cheerful,  and  temperate :  music  is  their 
favourite  diversion ;  many  play  on  the  bagpipe,  and  seve- 
ral on  the  violin. 

There  is  a  very  ancient  Bell  of  copper  and  silver  ;  it  is 
called  the  Coronach  [or  Ronnel] :  its  figure  is  not  round ; 
it  is  square,  having  two  sides  wider  than  the  other  two : 
all  of  them  are  cut  into  open  decorations  near  the  top. 
It  was  made  at  Rome,  and  consecrated  by  the  Pope.  [It 
is  6  by  4  inches,  and  18  inches  high,  riveted  with  nails, 
with  a  handle.]  The  consecrated  Font  remains  also  entire, 
though  now  tumbled  about  without  reverence  in  the 
churchyard.  It  is  a  free-stone  vessel,  the  frustum  of  a 
cone,  and  appears  to  have  been  divided  by  a  plate  of 
iron,  that  the  water  for  the  baptism  of  males  might  not 
be  mixed  with  that  for  females.*  The  Church  is  still 
held  in  great  veneration.  It  is  believed  that  prayers 

*  Nonsense!  The  ancient  Fonts  and  those  of  modern  cor- 
rect design  are  so  divided;  for  the  intent  of  allowing  the  Water 
when  administered  to  nm  off  through  a  hole  at  the  bottom.  (G.) 


there  for  the  sick,  for  three  following  Sundays,  will  be 
heard;  and  people,  at  the  distance  of  60  miles,  have 
desired  these  prayers :  and  it  is  a  jocular  rebuke  among 
the  common  people,  upon  undue  complaints  for  any 
slight  distress  or  improper  behaviour,  that  "such  must 
be  prayed  for  in  the  Church  of  Birnie,  that  they  may 
end  or  mend." 

The  cairn  of  Kilforeman,  although  a  pile  of  stone  300 
feet  in  circumference  at  its  base,  hath  ceased  to  tell  the 
purpose  of  its  own  accumulation ;  and  "  the  Bible  Stone," 
about  a  mile  eastward  from  the  Church,  having  the  figure 
of  a  book  distinctly  engraven,  no  longer  marks  the  pro- 
perty of  the  Bishop :  but  the  cave  in  the  rock  of  Gedloch 
still  records  the  tradition  of  its  having  been  the  haunt  of 
a  band  of  armed  robbers,  who  plundered  and  distressed 
the  country,  and  reminds  the  passing  generation  of  the 
superior  advantages  of  the  present  constitution,  by  which 
every  species  of  oppression,  unauthorised  by  law,  is  most 
entirely  quelled. 

The  vestiges  of  an  Encampment,  protected  on  the  west 
by  the  brook  Bardon,  and  on  the  north  and  east  by  a 
deep  defile,  is  still  to  be  traced. 

A  ridge  of  rock  extends  from  east  to  west  through 
the  middle  of  the  parish,  and  quarries  of  free-stone,  slate, 
and  lime-stone,  have  lately  been  discovered.  There  are 
oak,  birch,  hazel,  and  plane-trees,  but  not  in  sufficient 
quantity  for  the  implements  of  husbandry;  and  large 
trunks  of  oak  and  fir  are  dug  in  the  tracts  of  peat  earth. 
Broom,  furze,  juniper,  sloes,  and  bramble,  are  in  plenty, 
and  the  water-lily  in  the  Gedloch  is  peculiar  to  the 
parish.  It  is  embellished  also  in  some  degree  by  two 
water-falls,  the  Linn  of  Shoggle,  and  the  Ess  of  Glen- 
laterach,  each  about  20  feet  in  height.  (Survey  of  the 
Province  of  Moray.} 

Birnie  is  a  place  of  great  antiquity  and  anciently  of 
importance.  It  seems  to  have  been  the  first  place  fixed 
on  by  the  holy  Christian  missionaries  as  a  suitable  place 
for  a  Cathedral  Church.  This  seems  to  be  proved  by 
Bishop  Brice's  Charter  for  the  erection  of  Spynie.  "  Our 
predecessors,"  says  he,  "  took  only  one  of  the  Churches  of 
Birnie,  or  Spynie,  or  Kinedar."  Here  the  fourth  Bishop 
was  buried. 

44          REV.  j.  B.  CRAVEN'S  NOTES  ON  BIRNIE. 

The  present  fabric,  however,  does  not  seem  to  be  of 
such  antiquity  as  this,  though  exceedingly  old. 

Many  curious  relics  are  here.  The  quaint  old  Church 
at  the  side  of  the  "  north  hill  side,"  as  the  name  implies, 
is  an  exceedingly  interesting  building,  one  of  the  oldest  it 
is  supposed.  It  consists  of  a  nave  and  chancel.  The 
pulpit  is  placed  now  in  the  centre  of  the  fine  arch  which 
divided  the  two,  and  the  chancel  used  as  a  vestry.  What 
the  old  Bishops  would  have  thought  of  this  I  know  not. 
The  chancel  is  lighted  with  narrow  lancet  windows,  the 
walls  being  of  great  thickness.  Here  is  a  very  ancient 
Bell  said  to  have  been  consecrated  and  brought  from 
Rome.  It  is  square,  having  two  sides  wider  than  the 
other  two ;  all  of  them  are  cut  into  open  decorations  near 
the  top.  It  has  a  handle,  square  also  on  the  top.  A 
curious  font  of  a  nature  seldom  to  be  seen  is  now  tumbling 
about  the  churchyard,  where  it  may  be  thrown  about  at 

At  the  gate  is  one  of  those  curious  sculptured  Stones  to 
be  met  with  often  in  such  old  places.  The  figures  can 
now  be  scarcely  traced.  A  drawing  is  given  in  Stuarts 
Sculptured  Stones  of  Scotland. 

After  its  desertion  as  the  Cathedral,  it  seems  to  have 
been  important.  Duncan  Thayne  of  Calder  had  a  charter 
in  1421,  part  of  the  scut  and  service  being  thrice  yearly, 
paying  scut  and  homage  at  the  Bishop's  Court  at  the 
Chapel  of  Birneth. 

In  1451  the  Barony  of  Byrne  th  was  incorporated  with 
that  of  Spyny  in  a  grant  made  by  King  James,  in  hand 
and  glory  of  the  Holy  Trinity  and  grateful  gift  to  John 
Bishop  of  Moray.  I  know  not  the  Patron  Saint,  neither 
does  Mr.  Shaw  speak  of  this.  (J.  B.  Craven?) 


I.  Here  lyes  under  this  pulpit   the   Corps   of  Mr.   Wm. 
Saunders,  late  minister  of  this  parochjn,  who  deceased  the 
13  of  May,  1670,  and  of  Katharine  and  Elspet  Saunders  his 

II.  Here.  lyes.  an.  honest,  man.  called.  Alex.  Adam,  some- 
time, lived,  in.  Whiteraith.  who.  departit.  1668.  and.  Elspet. 
Rvssel  his.  spouse,  who.  departed.  1688. 

A.  A  M.  O. 


III.  Here.  lyes.  Mariorie.  Robertson,  who.  lived,  in.  Birny. 
who.  deceast.  the.  20.  of.  September.  1694.  and  .... 

IV.  Here.  lyes.  ane.  honest,  man.  .  .  .  time,  lived,  in.  Bog- 
svde.  who.  departed,  the  ....  16. 

J.  R.  D. 

V.  Here.  lyes,  interred,  the.  bodie.  of.  John  .  .  .  dine.  who. 
dyed.   the.   7.  day.  of.   Feb.   1710.   and.  his.  spouse.  Agnes. 
Stephen,  who.  died.  the.  6.  of.  January.  1677.  and.  3.  children. 

I.  R.  I.  M.  1711. 

VI.  This.  is.  the.  burial,  place,  appointed,  for.  John.  Petrie. 
in.  Whitereath.  who.  departed,  the.  2.  day.  of.  October.  1709. 
and  ....  his.  spouse,  who.  died,  the*  ....  of*  ....  and. 
here.  lyes.  William.  Greager.  some.  time,  indualler.  in  .... 

VII.  Here  are  interred  the  bodies  of  James  Man  in  Bogside, 
who  died  the  25  of  March,  1727,  and  Janet  Brander,  who 
died  the  10th  of  August,  1745,  spovse  to  the  said  James  Man, 
and  their  children,  who   died — James   Man,  on  the   30   of 
November,  1731,  Margaret,  the  10th  of  March,  1742,  Isabella 
Man*  .  .  .  and  Janet  Man,  Alex,  James,  and  Eph erne, 
lawful  children  to  David  Stephen  and  Isabella  Man. 

VIII.  This.  is.  the.  burial,  place,  of.  John.  Smith,  sometime, 
smith  .  .  .  who.  died.  the.  4.  of.  May.  1740.  aged.  71.  and.  his. 
spovse.  Margaret.  Simpson*  .  .  .  and  their  children*  .  .  . 

IX.  Here.  lyes.  the.  corps,  of.  Wm.  Mvrdach.  farmer,   in. 
Auchtertyre.     He.  died.  the.  2.  day.  of.  June.  1741.  and  of 
Janet  Murdach  his  spouse,  who  dyed  the*  .  .  .  day  of*  .  .  . 
and  Alexander  Murdach  his  son,  who  dyed  the*  .  .  .  day  of* 
.  .  .  and  his  spouse,  Janet  Murdach,  who  dyed  the  5  day  of 
May  1750,  and  their  children. 

All  passengers  yt  does  goe  by 
And  viw  the  dust  wherein  I  ly, 
I  once  had  breath  as  well  as  ye, 
Therefore  be  mindful  for  to  di. 

X.  This.   is.   the.    bvrial.  place,  of.  Alexander.   Mortimar. 
sometime,    farmer,   in.   Rioch.   who.   died.    the.    11.   day.    of. 
November.    1736.    aged.    63.  and.  also.  of.  John.  Mortimar. 
farmer,  at.  the.  Eastport.  of.  Elgin,  his.  son.  who.  erected,  this, 
stone,  and*  .  .  . 

XI.  Here.   lies.  the.   dvst.    of.   Alleogr.    Cowie.  sometime, 
farmer,  in.  Iteraith.  who.  died.  the.  27.  of.  Feb.  1741.  aged.  63. 

*  Never  inserted. 


and.  Marjory.  Brander.  his.  spovse.  who.  died.  the.  21.  of.  Jany. 
1757.  and.  their,  children.  Anna.  Elspet.  Dorothy.  Mariorie. 

XII.  Here  lies   William  Michael,  lawlul   son  to   William 
Michael  in  Fa  ...  who  died  .  .  . 

XIII.  Here  lyes  James*  .  .  .  and   their  children,  Elspet, 
Elizabeth,  Anne,  lelan,  John,  Robert,  Samuel,  all  died  young, 
and  Alexander,  died  Octr.  1744,  aged  24,  and  his  son  James, 
who  was  at  the  charges  of  this  stone. 

XIV.  This  Stone  is  placed  here  by  James  Omfre,  in  memory 
of  his  parents  Alexander  Omfre,  sometime  farmer  in  Tanishill, 
who  died  1  March,  1762,  aged  63,  and  his  spouse. 

XV.  Here  lies  the  bodie  of  William  Cow,  farmer  in  White 
raith,  who  died  the  23  of  .  .  .   1777,  and  his  .  .  .  died  in  .  .  . 

XVI.  This   is  the   burial  place  of  John  Rush,  farmer  in 
Stainkhens,  who  died  20  Septr.,  1766,  and  Katherine  Rush, 
his   spouse,  who   died   September  the   18,    1749,   and    their 
children,  Elspet,  died  February  the  9,  1750,  and  Jean,  died 
March  the  1,  1750. 

XVII.  This  is  the  burial  place  of  James  Wiseman,  leat 
farmer  in  Thonishill,  who  died  Dec.  16,  1762. 

Interred  here  the  body  of  Alexander  Janken,  late  fanner  in 
Pettendrich,  who  died  the  4  January,  1789,  aged  61  years. 


(Dale-uis,  i.e.,  a  watered  valley)  is  surrounded 
with  hills,  except  to  the  east  towards  Birnie,  and 
a  small  portion  of  it  to  the  north-west. 

The  Church  standeth  on  the  west  bank  of 
Lossie,  about  4  miles  south-west  of  Birnie,  and 
near  5  miles  north  of  Knockando. 

In  the   lower  end  of  the  parish  is  Killess,  f 

*  Never  inserted. 

t  The  estate  of  Kellas  lies  on  both  sides  of  the  River  Lossie, 
below  the  Barony  of  Dallas,  and  borders  with  the  lands  of 
Pluscarden.  So  far  back  as  1237,  Robert  Fyndoc  held  Kellas 


church-land,  for  above  100  years  the  heritage  of 
Farquharson  of  Killess  now  extinct,  and  the  lands 
are  the  property  of  the  Earl  Fife. 

Above  this  is  the  barony  of  Dallas.  I  know 
not  if,  from  this  valley,  Dallas  of  that  Ilk  had  its 
name  and  designation.  But  I  find  Willielmus 
de  Doleys,  a  witness  to  Hugo  Herock's  donation, 
on  the  Feast  of  the  Nativity  of  the  Blessed  Virgin, 
1286,  and  "Johannes  de  Dolais,  Thanus  de  Crom- 
dale  on  12th  Sep.,  1367"  (Beg.  Epis.  Morav.), 
and  Elizabeth,  daughter  and  heiress  of  Archibald 
Dallas  of  that  Ilk,  with  consent  of  her  husband, 
Duncan  Fraser,  in  1428,  disponed  her  right  of 
Dallas  to  John  Dallas  of  Easter  Foord,  her  uncle, 
and  the  heir  male  of  that  family,  who,  in  exchange 
of  his  lands  in  the  south,  got  from  David,  Earl 
of  Crawford,  the  lands  of  Budzet  in  Calder  parish 
anno  1440  (Hist.  Kelr.).  This  barony  had  been 
long  the  property  of  Cumine  of  Altyre,  before  it 
was  sold  to  Sir  Ludovick  Gordon  of  Gordonstoun, 

in  feu  from  Bishop  Andrew  of  Moray ;  and  in  1443  Alexander, 
King  of  Scotland,  granted  it  to  God,  the  blessed  Virgin  Mary, 
the  Evangelist  S.  John,  and  to  the  Maison  Dieu  near  Elgin. 
The  lands  of  Easter  and  Wester  Kellas  and  Corponach  were 
granted  by  the  Bishop  and  Chapter  to  William  Farquarson, 
dated  at  Scone  26  Aug.  and  2  Sep.,  1562.  A  Precept,  dated 
at  Spynie  15  Jan.,  1584,  infefted  William  Cuming  or  Far- 
quharson in  the  lands  of  "  Ester  and  Vaster  Kellas  and  the 
Corponach."  The  family  of  Farquharson  descended  from 
Ferquhard,  2nd  son  of  Alexander  Cuming,  6th  laird  of  Altyre, 
who,  being  chagrined  by  the  refusal  of  the  Chief  of  the  Clan 
to  bury  some  of  their  deceased  relatives  in  the  family  burial- 
place,  dropped  the  cognomen  of  Cuming  for  Farquharson. 



in  the  end  of  the  last  century.  Sir  Eobert  Gordon, 
by  ditching,  draining,  and  manuring,  has  im- 
proved this  place  and  built  a  convenient  house, 
adorned  with  much  planting. 

A  mile  north-west  from  the  Church  is  Brenchil, 
some  time  the  property  of  Grant  of  Brenchil,  but 
lately  of  Cumine  of  Craigmiln,  who,  about  1752, 
sold  it  to  James  Grant  of  Knockando. 


[Situation,  Soil,  Climate. — A  part  of  the  parish  of 
Dollas,  the  estate  of  Craigmill,  lies  in  the  southern  end  of 
the  valley  which  has  been  considered  as  forming  the  body 
of  the  parish  of  Rafford.  Through  this  estate  the  stream 
of  Lochty  hastens  eastward,  through  a  narrow  cut  in  the 
rocky  hill,  to  loiter  in  the  vale  of  Pluscarden.  This  cut 
appears  as  if  made  merely  for  the  passage  of  the  Lochty, 
where  it  would  be  easy  to  turn  it  northward  by  the 
Church  of  Rafford,  if  that  was  not  originally  its  natural 
course.  The  greater  part  of  the  parish  of  Dallas  lies  on 
the  south  side  of  the  Hill  of  Melundy,  which  is  stretched 
between  the  courses  of  the  Lochty  and  the  Lossie.  When 
the  Lossie  occupied  a  channel  about  3  feet  higher  than 
the  bottom  of  its  present  bed,  a  great  proportion  of  the 
plain  on  the  south  side  of  the  Hill  of  Melundy  must  have 
been  a  lake ;  and  except  a  pool,  covering  only  a  few  acres, 
the  whole  of  this  plain  still  remains  a  deep  extensive  bed 
of  pure  peat  earth;  from  this  circumstance  its  Gaelic 
name,  dale  uisk,  the  water  valley,  has  probably  been 
suggested.  Along  the  course  of  the  Lossie,  from  Birnie, 
at  the  east,  to  its  sources  in  the  mountain,  which  is  inter- 
posed between  Spey  and  Findern,  the  parish  measures  12 
miles ;  its  breadth,  including  Craigmill,  southward  to  the 
borders  of  the  parish  of  Knockando,  is  9  miles ;  but  its 
mean  breadth,  which  is  pretty  equally  divided  by  the 
river,  taken  from  the  southern  side  of  the  Hill  of  Melundy, 
measures  only  about  6  miles.  Several  brooks  rushing 
down  from  the  hills  on  both  sides  intersect  the  parish 
across,  nearly  at  right  angles  to  the  river. 


Except  such  sandy  fields  as  lie  upon  its  banks,  the  soil 
may  be  accounted  moorish,  and  in  general  not  very  fertile ; 
the  crops  for  the  most  part  are  insufficient  for  the  support 
of  the  people  and  of  the  cattle.  The  air  is  cold  and  often 
moist,  retarding  the  seed  season  till  towards  the  middle 
of  April,  and  the  harvest  till  near  the  end  of  November. 

State  of  Property. — The  barony  of  Dollas  is  a  part  of 
the  estate  of  Gordonstown,  and  by  succession  is  become 
the  property  of  Col.  Alexander  Penrose  Cuming  Gordon 
of  Altyre.  The  family  of  Gordonstown  had  projected  a 
magnificent  seat  at  Rhininver,  under  the  southern  side  of 
the  Hill  of  Melundy,  in  the  form  of  a  crescent,  having  the 
house  in  the  diameter,  and  the  offices  in  the  periphery. 
The  offices  were  only  completed,  in  which  a  commodious 
temporary  accommodation  is  neatly  fitted  up.  The  Hill 
of  Melundy  behind,  on  which  a  semi-circular  garden, 
answering  to  the  form  of  the  building,  was  intended,  is 
planted  with  an  extensive  forest  of  Scots  fir ;  the  heathy 
peat  marsh  spreads  a  large  dun  plain  before,  having  the 
river  trailing  around  its  farther  verge. 

The  valued  rent  amounts  to  £818  15s.  6d.  Scots.  The 
real  rent  was  considerably  increased  about  30  years  ago 
by  the  improvements  in  the  hilly  parts  of  the  estate. 
The  landlord  gave  timber  for  the  buildings,  which  were 
of  sod ;  the  second  year,  the  first  rent  was  only  a  hen ; 
but  it  increased  by  Is.  for  every  succeeding  crop  of  the 
lease,  which  terminated  in  the  nineteenth  year,  when  the 
land  was  let  of  new,  at  the  value  to  which  it  had  been 
then  brought. 

The  estate  of  Killess  or  Kellas,  appertaining  to  the 
Earl  of  Fife,  lies  also  on  both  sides  of  the  river  below  the 
barony  of  Dollas,  and  borders  with  his  Lordship's  land  of 
Pluscarden.  There  is  a  considerable  extent  of  natural 
oak  wood  on  the  north  bank  of  the  river ;  it  has  been 
managed  only  as  copse  wood,  and  is  at  present  young. 
The  valued  rent  of  this  estate  is  £271  Us.  4d.  Scots.  A 
considerable  extent  of  land  has  also  been  recently  added 
by  improvements  in  the  hills.  The  only  other  proprietor 
of  the  parish  is  Robert  Grant  of  Elchies,  Esq.,  who  has 
the  lands  of  Craigmill,  valued  at  £301  19s.,  making  the 
valued  rent  of  the  whole  parish  equal  to  £1,392  5s.  lOd. 
Scots.  The  farms  are  but  of  small  extent.  The  rent  of 
the  arable  ground  stretches  from  Is.  to  15s.  the  acre — 

VOL.  II.  4 


from  the  least  improved  moor  to  the  highest  cultivated 
field,  the  mean  rent  will  be  about  11s.  the  acre,  exclusive 
of  the  natural  pasturage. 

State  Ecclesiastical. — The  parish  was  made  up  in  its 
present  form  in  the  year  1657,  by  detaching  Altyre  and 
conjoining  Killess.  It  is  not  now  particularly  known  in 
what  manner  the  consequent  dilapidation  of  the  stipend 
was  compensated  to  the  ministers  of  Elgin,  but  it  must 
be  from  the  record  inferred  that  these  ancient  worthies 
were  neither  raised  above  the  vain  concerns  of  this  tran- 
sitory life  in  any  superior  measure  to  that  of  their  modern 
successors,  nor  that,  like  to  the  primitive  Christians,  they 
were  at  all  disposed  to  have  their  worldly  goods  in 
common.  In  October,  1672,  Alexander  Cuming,  minister 
of  Dollas,  complains  to  the  Presbytery,  "  That  notwith- 
standing of  the  legal  annexation  of  Killess,  both  as  to 
benefice  and  office,  Mr.  James  Horn,  minister  of  Elgin, 
had  that  year,  without  warrant  from  bishop  or  synod,  but 
at  his  own  hand,  intermeddled  with  and  carried  off  a 
considerable  part  of  the  stipend."  This  complaint  was 
referred  to  a  meeting  of  the  Synod,  in  seven  days  after, 
who  appointed  a  committee  to  settle  the  business. 

A  few  years  ago  the  Church  was  a  very  ancient  fabric, 
thatched  with  heath,  and  without  windows,  save  2  or  3 
narrow  slits  which  yawned  to  a  very  disproporttoned 
wideness  within,  and  the  effigy  of  the  patron,  St.  Michael, 
;stood  weather-beaten  in  a  niche  near  the  top  of  the  eastern 
gable  without,  about  4  feet  high.  The  Church  and  Manse, 
however,  are  at  present  commodious  buildings,  though 
both  in  some  danger  of  being  sweeped  away  by  the  river. 
The  stipend,  including  the  allowance  for  the  Communion, 
is  £58  6s.  4d.  sterling,  of  which  about  £11  sterling  has 
been  drawn  from  the  vicarage  teinds  of  the  parish  of 
Auldern,  by  an  arrangement  which  seems  to  have  been 
continued  from  the  establishment  of  the  Church  of  Rome. 
The  glebe,  like  the  parish,  is  divided  by  the  Lossie ;  it 
contains  about  14  acres,  and  is  accommodated  with  a  little 
natural  wood  on  the  banks  of  the  river,  affording  some 
convenience,  but  not  an  object  of  any  profit. 

The  Parochial  School  is  only  a  recent  establishment. 
The  salary  is  £5,  and  the  fee  of  the  session-clerk  only  £1. 
The  Church  being  in  a  central  situation  is  sufficiently 
commodious  for  the  celebration  of  the  public  ordinances 


of  religion.  The  Parochial  School,  however,  can  accom- 
modate but  a  small  proportion  of  a  parish  of  such  length, 
intersected  by  so  many  streams,  often  impassable  in  every 
season.  The  Society  for  Propagating  Christian  Know- 
ledge have,  therefore,  established  a  school,  with  an  ap- 
pointment of  £10  in  the  year,  in  the  populous  district  of 
Killess,  and  which  has  hitherto  served  the  purpose  of  its 
settlement  in  a  very  satisfactory  manner.  The  poor  on 
the  parish  list  are  not  a  numerous  body^ — there  is  no  other 
fund  for  their  provision  but  the  charity  of  their  own 
neighbours,  all  of  whom  are  far  from  opulent.  The  whole 
people  appertain  to  the  National  Church,  amounting  to 
the  number  of  888  souls. 

Miscellaneous  Information. — In  the  churchyard  a 
neatly  cut  stone  Column,  12  feet  high,  terminated  by  a 
well  formed  flower-de-luce  for  its  capital,  still  remains  the 
Market  Cross,  at  which  the  effects  of  bankrupt  tenants  are 
occasionally  exposed  to  auction.  A  large  square  stone  is 
the  pedestal.  The  whole  length,  or  rather  height,  of  the 
Column  from  the  ground  is  12  feet. 

The  peats  for  fuel  are  of  an  excellent  quality,  and  the 
quantity  in  this  remote  quarter  deemed  inexhaustible. 
As  the  soil  does  not  afford  corn  sufficient  for  the  sup- 
port of  the  people,  the  deficiency,  the  rent,  and  other 
necessaries,  are  supplied  by  the  sale  of  sheep  and  black 
cattle  which  can  be  spared,  and  in  a  great  measure  by  the 
weekly  sale  of  peats  in  the  markets  of  Forres  and  Elgin, 
sold  from  8d.  to  Is.  2d.  a  small  cartfull,  drawn  by  a  very 
little  lean  horse.  The  wool  also  which  is  produced  in  the 
parish  is  spun  in  the  families  of  the  tenants,  and  several 
weavers  are  constantly  employed  in  making  it  into  coarse 
cloth  called  plaiden,  which  is  sold  from  9d.  to  Is.  the 
yard.]  (Survey  of  the  Province  of  Moray.} 


In  confirming  eight  of  the  old  canonries  of  the  Cathedral 
of  Elgin  in  1226,  mention  is  made  of  the  Church  of  Dolays 
Mychel.  In  1350  the  Church  of  Dolays  Mychel,  of  which 
the  Sub-Dean  of  Moray  was  incumbent,  is  rated  at  11s. 
Scots.  (Reg.  Ep.  Morav.) 

In  1574  the  Kirks  of  Birneth  (Birnie)  and  Doles  were 
under  one  minister,  and  Alex.  Johnstone  was  reader  at 
the  latter. 


The  River  Lossie  runs  past,  and  Michael's  Well  is  close 
beside  the  Kirk.  Michael  Fair  was  held  there  in  old 
times,  and  a  Market  Cross  of  the  fleur-de-lis  pattern — 
unfortunately  much  injured — stands  in  the  burial-ground. 
A  stone  effigy  of  the  Saint  (at  one  time  in  a  niche  in  the 
wall  of  the  old  kirk)  lies  beside  the  Cross. 

The  date  upon  the  belfry,  1793,  has  reference  to  the 
building  of  the  present  Church,  within  which  is  the  follow- 
ing inscription  upon  a  marble  tablet : — 

I.  Helen  Cuming,  lawful  daughter  of  Alexander  Cuming  of 
Craigmill  and  Elizabeth  Tulloch,  died  the  14th  Nov.,  1800,  and 
was  interred  in  the  family  burial-ground,  which  is  opposite 
to,  and  a  few  feet  distant  from,  the  outside  of  the  south-east 
door  of  this  church.     Also  are  interred  in  the  same  burying- 
ground  daughters  of  Alexander  Cuming  of  Craigmill :  Margaret 
Cuming,  who  died  at  Elgin  21st  January,  1808 ;  Jean  Cuming, 
who  died  at  Elgin  2nd  November,  1817  ;  Clementina  Cuming, 
who  died  at  Elgin  2nd  June,  1821 ;  Eliza  Cuming,  who  died  at 
Elgin  7th  December,  1835. 

William  Cuming,  the  eldest  son  by  a  third  marriage  of 
James  Cuming  of  Relugas  and  Presley,  was  the  first  of 
the  Craigmill  Cumings,  and  his  full  brother  George  was 
an  officer  under  Gustavus  Adolphus  (Douglas'  Baronage). 

One  of  this  family,  who  was  a  Commissioner  to  the 
Duke  of  Perth,  was  at  the  Battle  of  Culloden,  where  he 
was  taken  prisoner  and  carried  to  London.  Having  been 
released  from  prison,  through  some  influence  unknown  to 
himself,  he  returned  home,  and  about  1752  sold  the  pro- 
perty of  Craigmill  to  Mr.  Grant  of  Elchies. 

The  next  three  inscriptions  (in  the  churchyard)  relate 
to  members  of  the  same  family : — 

II.  Sacred  to  the  memory  of  Peter  Cuming  of  Craigmill, 
Esquire,  who  died  at  Blackhills  on  the  14th  April,  1811,  aged 
eighty-five  years;  and  Mrs.  Isobel  Leslie  of  Balnageith,  his 
spouse,  who  died  at  Blackhills  on  the  30th  November,  1823, 
aged  ninety  years. 

Mrs.  Cuming's  ancestors,  who  acquired  the  property  of 
Balnageith,  near  Forres,  about  the  end  of  the  17th  century, 
were  a  branch  of  the  noble  family  of  Rothes.  The  Rev. 
Mr.  Leslie,  minister  of  St.  Andre ws-Lhanbryde,  who  alsa 
attained  to  the  age  of  90,  was  the  father  of  Mrs.  Cuming 
and  other  children,  one  of  whom,  a  son,  sold  Balnageith 
about  the  year  1849. 


III.  Sacred  to  the  memory  of  Lachlan  Cuming,  Esquire  of 
Blackhills,  who  was  the  son  of  Peter  Cuining  of  Craigmill, 
Esqr.,  and  Mrs.  Isobel  Leslie  of  Balnageith.     Affectionate  duty 
and  kindness,  as  a  son  and  a  brother,  were  the  endearing  study 
of  his  whole  life.     He  died  19th  November,  1836,  aged  eighty 

IV.  Erected   by  his  children  to   the   memory   of  Thomas 
Cuming,  Esq.  of  Demarara,  who  died  in  Elgin  on  the  31st  of 
March,  1813,  aged  73  years.    He  lived  50  years  in  that  Colony; 
was  a  principal  promoter  of  its  prosperity  and  wealth,  an  affec- 
tionate husband,  an  indulgent  parent,  a  kind  friend,  and  a 
truly  benevolent  man,  esteemed  and  beloved  by  all  who  ever 
knew  him. 

V.  From  a  headstone : — 

This  is  the  burial  place  of  Alex.  Buie,  sometime  ventener  in 
Elgin,  who  died  June  the  12th,  1758,  aged  51,  and  Jannet 
Richard,  his  spouse. 

O,  mortal  man,  stay  and  observe 
That  strenth  nor  walth  cannot  preserve 
You  from  the  grave  where  now  I  ly, 
My  soul  is  far  beyond  the  sky ; 
Thy  thoughts  on  worldly  things  are  lost, 
When  death  appears  you  soon  must  post. 
Here  lyes  also  the  body  of  Charles  Buie,  sometime  farmer  in 
Torrie  Castle,  who  dyed  Feb.  the  9th,  1773,  aged  52  years,  and 
his  spouse,  Agnes  Watson,  who  dyed  Oct.  the  8th,  1793,  aged 
55  years. 

VI.  Near  the  above  : — 

This  stone  is  plased  here  by  John  Camron,  mason  in  Edinvil, 
in  memory  of  his  virtuous  mother,  Elisabeth  Camron,  who  died 
3rd  November,  1779,  aged  47  years.  She  was  prudent,  virtu- 
ous, temprat,  chast,  though  early  stript  of  life.  Her  soul  imortal 
among  the  blist  above  we  hope  treumphs  in  her  Redemer's  love. 

The  expression  "of"  in  next  inscription  is  scarcely 
correct,  Mr.  Dick  having  been  tenant  of  the  farm  of 
Rhininver,  under  Sir  William  Gordon  Cuniing,  Bart. : — 

VII.  Sacred  to  the  memory  of  Wm.  Dick,  Esq.  of  Rhininver, 
who  died  on  the  8th  day  of  October,  1846. 

This  district  gave  surname  to  the  family  of  Dollas,  or 
Dallas,  one  of  whom,  William  of  Doleys,  knight,  witnessed 
Hugh  Herock's  gift  of  the  lands  of  Daldeleyth  (Dandeleith) 
to  the  Church  of  the  Holy  Trinity  of  Elgin,  1286.  The 


direct  male  line  of  the  family  failed  in  Archibald  Dallas 
of  that  ilk.  In  1428  his  daughter  and  heiress,  Elizabeth, 
wife  of  Duncan  Fraser  of  the  Lovat  family,  disponed  her 
right  of  Dallas  to  her  uncle,  the  laird  of  Easter  Ford. 

Sir  Thomas  Cuming  of  Altyre,  some  time  before  1411, 
obtained  certain  lands  within  the  barony,  and  in  141  £> 
received  a  license  from  James  I.  to  erect  a  castle  or  fortalice 
at  Dallas.  Ruins  of  the  stronghold  and  outworks  of  Tura 
Castle,  which  appear  to  have  been  moated,  occupy  an 
eminence  on  the  side  of  Dorval  Burn,  about  a  mile  north 
from  the  Church. 

In  1622  James  Cuming  of  Altyre  had  a  charter  of  the 
advocation  of  the  Kirk  of  Dallas,  which  was  retained  by 
the  Baronets  of  Altyre  until  the  abolition  of  patronage. 

Farquhar,  second  son  of  Alexander  Cuming  of  Altyre, 
was  possibly  the  first  Cuming  that  held  the  Kellas  portion 
of  the  parish.  He  appears  to  have  had  a  mind  of  his  own, 
and,  as  tradition  avers,  having  quarrelled  with  his  brother, 
and  being  refused  burial  in  the  tomb  of  his  ancestors,  he 
assumed,  by  way  of  revenge,  the  surname  of  Farquharson. 
From  him  are  said  to  be  descended  the  Farquharsons  of 
Haughton,  and  other  families  of  that  name  in  Aberdeen- 
shire  (Epitaphs  i.,  118.) 

A  rude  undressed  boulder,  possibly  the  remains  of  a 
stone  circle,  which  stands  on  the  east  side  of  the  parish, 
is  said  to  mark  the  site  of  an  old  church  or  a  burial  place. 

A  bridge  which  crossed  the  Lossie  near  the  church  was- 
carried  away  by  the  floods  of  1829  and  was  replaced  by 
the  present  freestone  structure,  which  has  three  arches. 

The  village  of  Dallas,  which  is  a  feu  off  the  Altyre 
estates,  was  founded  about  80  years  ago,  and  contains 
from  40  to  50  houses. 

Dallas  (Dal-es)  appears  to  mean  the  river  haugh ;  and 
Kellas  (Keal-es)  the  narrow  river,  is  quite  descriptive  of 
the  latter  district  as  compared  with  the  former.  (Jemises 

I  now  return  to  the  mouth  of  the  river  Lossie. 


The  parish  of  Kineddar  (Cean-edir,  i.e.  a  point 
between  the  sea  and  the  loch)  is  two  miles  in 


length  and  one  in  breadth,  westward  from  Los- 
siemouth,  betwixt  the  frith  and  the  Loch  of 

The  Church  standeth  near  the  centre,  a  mile 
east  from  Duffus ;  2^  miles  almost  north  from 
New  Spynie,  and  2^  miles  from  St.  Andrews 
north-west.  At  the  mouth  of  Lossie  is  a  harbour,, 
but  so  barred  as  to  admit  only  small  craft.  It  is 
the  property  of  the  town  of  Elgin,  where  they 
have  some  fishing  boats.  (The  harbour  of  Lossie 
and  the  fishing  houses  were  the  property  of  the 
family  of  Brodie,  from  whom  the  Magistrates  of 
Elgin  purchased  it,  and  pay  a  small  feu-duty. 
The  harbour,  which  is  now  repairing,  will  be  of 
great  advantage  to  the  merchants  and  other  in- 
habitants of  the  town.)  Next  thereto  are  the  lands- 
of  Kineddar,  granted  by  Patrick  Hepburn,  Bishop 
of  Moray,  to  the  Earl  of  Moray  Eegent,  and 
purchased  from  that  family  by  the  Lord  Brodie. 
Here  there  is  a  fishing  of  white  fish  at  Stotfield. 
West  from  Kineddar  is  Drainie,  once  the  heri- 
tage of  Innes  of  Drainie,  now  extinct,  from  whom 
Sir  Eobert  Gordon  purchased  it  anno  1636,  as  he 
did  in  1638  the  adjacent  lands  of  Ettles  from 
Innes  of  Pathnack,  and  in  1639  the  lands  of 
Plowlands,  Ogstoun,  and  Bellormie,  from  the 
Marquis  of  Huntly.  Here  is  a  fine  seat  called 
Gordonston,  and  a  large  modern  house,  with  gar- 
dens, ponds,  and  planting.  At  Cave-Sea  there  is 
a  good  white  fishing. 



[Situation,  Soil,  Climate. — The  parishes  which  have 
been  described  may,  in  a  general  way,  be  considered  as 
extending  from  the. sea  to  the  mountain;  but  here  the 
country  opens  to  the  wideuess  of  10  or  12  miles,  and  a 
right  line  passing  over  the  plain,  by  the  Church  of 
Drainy,  would  measure  the  breadth  of  this  parish  and 
that  of  Spynie  and  Elgin  together.  The  coast  from 
Speymouth  to  Lossiemouth,  mostly  in  the  parish  of 
Urquhart,  lies  in  the  direction  from  south-east  to  north- 
west, and  has  been  described  a  low,  flat,  sandy  shore. 
A  rocky  head-land  called  Cotilard,  signifying  in  the 
Gaelic  back-height,  is  here  projected  into  the  sea,  round 
which  the  coast  turning,  tends  more  directly  west  to  the 
head  of  the  firth  at  Beaulie.  This  head-land  may  be 
regarded  as  the  termination  of  a  ridge  raised  along  the 
coast  for  the  whole  length  of  the  parish,  and  continued 
far  into  Duffus,  there  being  only  one  breach  on  the  west- 
ern end  of  the  Goulard,  through  which  the  level  land 
stretches  to  the  sea.  Between  this  ridge  and  the  lake  of 
Spynie  lies  the  parish  of  Drainie,  a  Gaelic  word,  import- 
ing the  thorny  field,  probably  the  natural  production  of 
the  land  about  the  Church  before  it  was  cultivated.  The 
parish  is  2  miles  in  breadth  and  4  in  length,  with  very 
little  inequality  of  surface ;  yet  scarcely  one  half  of  this 
plain  is  reduced  to  a  state  of  cultivation,  the  greatest  part 
consisting  of  barren  moor,  producing  only  short  heath, 
or  coarse  benty  grass.  The  land  under  cultivation  is 
very  fertile,  partly  a  rich  loam  or  clay,  and  partly  a 
light,  black,  or  sandy  soil.  The  climate  is  wholesome 
and  mild.  In  the  marshy  parts  both  of  this  and  the 
parish  of  Duffus,  agues  were  common  about  30  years  ago, 
but  have  for  some  time  past  been  totally  unknown. 

State  of  Property. —  Mr.  Brander  of  Pitgaveny  is  the 
proprietor  of  the  eastern  quarter  of  the  parish,  the  lands 
of  Kinedur  (in  Gaelic,  Cean-na-dur,  the  head  in  the 
water),  the  valued  rent  of  which  is  £831  12s.  8d.  Scots, 
and  not  quite  £500  sterling  of  real  rent.  The  rest  of  the 
parish,  except  the  village  of  Lossymouth,  is  the  property 
of  Alex.  Penrose  Cuming  Gordon  of  Altyr,  Esq.,  the  valued 
rent  of  which  is  £2213  4s.  8d.  Scots :  being  a  great  part 
of  the  estate  of  Gordonstown ;  the  family  seat  being  near 


the  western  end  of  the  parish,  a  great  heavy  square 
building,  said  to  be  in  the  Dutch  style.  A  considerable 
part  of  the  inside  has  never  been  finished.  The  approach 
is  a  straight  road  between  square  enclosures  and  planta- 
tions, with  an  artificial  pond  upon  one  side,  about  300 
yards  in  length  and  20  in  breadth,  with  a  little  stagnant 
water  spread  over  its  miry  bottom.  The  offices  are  built 
round  a  court  perfectly  circular,  occupying  one  acre  of 
ground,  and  the  pavement  of  the  court  regularly  concave. 
Some  parts  of  this  building  are  two  stories  high,  which  is 
supposed  to  be  the  cause  that  in  windy  weather  there 
is  no  shelter  within  the  court.  This  form  of  building 
offices  appears  to  be  commodious,  but  has  not  been 

The  real  rent  of  the  estate  in  this  parish  is  about  £800 

The  farms  in  general  are  small,  there  being  only  3  that 
much  exceed  the  extent  of  100  acres  ;  their  number  in 
whole  is  68.  The  land  rent,  when  paid  in  grain,  is  from 
a  boll  to  a  boll  and  an  half  of  bear  or  oats  the  Scots  acre  ; 
but  it  is  the  practice  to  give  5  firlots  of  oats  for  the  boll, 
nearly  equal  to  the  English  quarter;  when  let  for  money, 
the  acre  gives  from  15s.  to  21s.  Over  a  great  part  of  the 
estate  of  Gordonstown,  the  tithes  of  corn  were  drawn  in 
kind,  the  tenth  sheaf  being  taken  off  the  field  by  the  pro- 
prietor. This  was  accounted  equal  to  the  third  part  of 
the  rent,  but  it  has  of  late  been  given  up. 

[The  lands  of  Drainie  were  granted  by  Patrick  Hep- 
burn, Bishop  of  Moray,  with  consent  of  the  Chapter,  on 
16th  May,  1545,  to  James  Innes  and  Catherine  Gordon,  his 
spouse.  Robert  Innes  of  Drainie,  great-grandson  of  the 
above  James,  sold  his  paternal  estate,  including  Salterhill, 
on  20th  Oct.,  1636,  to  Sir  Robert  Gordon,  son  of  Alexander, 
Earl  of  Sutherland,  who,  in  the  course  of  six  or  seven 
years  had  the  whole  of  Ogstori,  Pathnik,  Burnside,  and 
Plewland  added  to  the  Gordonstown  estate.  From  the 
family  of  Innes  of  Drainie  (1st,  James  ;  2nd,  Robert,  his 
son  ;  3rd,  James,  his  son  ;  4th,  Robert,  his  son,  who  sold 
the  estate)  were  descended  the  Inneses  of  Drumgask, 
Balnacraig,  and  Ballogie,  in  Aberdeenshire.  The}7  were 
strict  Roman  Catholics,  and  many  of  them  Priests.  Of 
this  family  was  the  Rev.  Thomas  Innes  (born  1662,  died 
1744)  the  learned  author  of  a  Critical  Essay  on  the  His- 


tory  and  Antiquities  of  Scotland,  published  in  1729,  and 
of  a  Civil  and  Ecclesiastical  Histoi^y  of  Scotland. 

The  lands  of  Salterhill,  formerly  called  Little  Drainie, 
were  granted  by  Patrick,  Bishop  of  Moray,  with  consent 
of  the  Chapter,  24th  Jan.,  1547,  to  Patrick  Kinnaird. 
His  grandson,  Patrick  Kinnaird  of  Salterhill,  sold  the 
lands,  in  1615,  to  James  Innes  of  Drainie,  whose  son  and 
successor  sold  his  paternal  estate  to  Sir  Robert  Gordon,  as 
mentioned  above.]  (ED.) 

State  Ecclesiastical. — The  parishes  of  Kineadur  and 
Oguestown  were  annexed  in  the  year  1666,  about  which 
time  the  Church  was  built,  not  in  the  most  centrical 
situation  of  the  present  parish.  The  patronage  is  a  per- 
tinent of  the  estate  of  Gordonstown.  The  stipend,  in- 
cluding the  allowance  for  the  Communion,  is  72  bolls 
barley  and  oats,  and  X52  10s.  sterling.  The  manse  and 
glebe,  which  is  about  5  acres,  are  at  Kineadur,  a  mile 
eastward  from  the  Church.  At  this  place  also  is  the 
burying-ground  of  the  old  parish,  where  the  vestiges  of 
the  Castle,  where  the  Bishop  resided  before  that  of  Spynie 
was  built,  still  remain.  The  burial-ground  is  also  con- 
tinued in  the  parish  of  Oguestown,  where  a  magnificent 
tomb  in  the  Gothic  style  is  raised  over  the  vault  of  the 
family  of  Gordonstown.* 

*  On  a  rising  ground,  immediately  to  the  eastward  of  the 
House  of  Gordonston,  stood  the  Parish  Church  of  Ogston,  with 
its  old  churchyard.  On  the  site  of  the  old  church,  in  the  year 
1705,  Dame  Elizabeth  Dunbar,  widow  of  Sir  Robert  Gordon, 
3rd  Baronet  of  Gordonston,  nicknamed  "  the  Warlock,"  erected 
an  elegant  mausoleum  to  the  memory  of  her  husband,  who  had 
died  the  previous  year,  and  to  his  predecessors  in  the  estate. 
She  was  the  only  child  and  heiress  of  Sir  William  Dunbar  of 
Hempriggs,  by  whom  she  had  three  sons  and  four  daughters. 
She  married  for  her  second  husband  the  Hon.  James  Suther- 
land, second  son  of  James,  second  Lord  Duffus,  by  whom  she 
had  also  a  family.  He  assumed  the  name  of  Dunbar,  and  was- 
created  a  Baronet,  and  the  large  estates  of  the  Dunbar  family 
in  Caithness  were  settled  on  the  heir-males  of  the  second 

There  are  various  monuments  in  the  mausoleum  besides  the 
tablet  of  the  family  of  Gordonston.  The  Altyre  family  has 
been  interred  here  since  the  death  of  Sir  Alexander  Penrose 
Gordon  Cuming  in  1806.  (ED.) 


At  the  Parochial  School  there  are  about  60  scholars 
instructed  in  writing,  arithmetic,  reading  English  and 
Latin.  The  school  salary  is  12  bolls  of  barley,  and  £3 
sterling  from  the  office  of  Session-clerk,  besides  the  other 
perquisites  and  fees  of  parochial  schools. 

The  fund  for  the  provision  of  the  poor  does  not  exceed 
£20  sterling  yearly ;  from  which  the  salary  of  the  clerk 
and  beadle  being  deducted,  the  balance  contributes  to  the- 
support  of  about  50  poor.  The  whole  inhabitants  are 
members  of  the  Established  Church,  amounting  to 
about  1040. 

Miscellaneous  Information. — The  village  of  Lossie- 
mouth  is  the  harbour  of  the  town  of  Elgin.  A  Process 
carried  on  by  Bishop  Bar,  respecting  the  right  of  this 
port,  was  incidentally  mentioned  at  pages  337,  338,  vol. 
I.  It  appears  to  have  been  begun  by  his  lordship's 
arresting  a  ship,  the  property  of  two  of  the  burgesses. 
The  narrative  in  the  92nd  fol.  of  the  Chart  Mor.  sets 
forth,  "  That  on  Sunday  the  7th  of  June,  while  the  Lord 
Bishop  was  passing  from  his  castle  at  Kineadur  towards 
the  Church  of  Urquhart,  through  his  water  of  Lossie,  at 
the  ford  called  Krannokissi,  he  found  a  certain  barque,, 
namely  "  Farcost,"  lying  in  his  said  water,  near  the  sea;  to 
which  coming,  he  asked  at  the  only  person  who  was  found 
on  board  what  the  ship  was  called,  to  whom  it  appertained, 
and  by  whose  permission  it  had  entered  that  water,  who- 
replied,  The  barque  "Farcost"  was  John  de  Lany's,  and  had 
entered  there  by  the  burgesses  of  Elgin;  to  whom  the 
Bishop  said,  that  neither  the  burgesses,  nor  any  other,, 
could  grant  such  authority  or  permission,  for  that  water 
and  the  whole  channel  was  the  property  of  the  Church 
of  Moray,  and  appertained  to  him,  and  to  no  other  person, 
and  on  that  account  desired  that  a  pledge  might  be  given 
him  in  name  of  arresting  the  said  barque.  That  a  little 
axe  was  handed  to  the  Lord  Bishop,  which,  as  only  a 
pledge,  the  seaman  requested,  in  name  of  his  master,, 
might  be  returned,  which  the  Bishop  granted  on  the  con- 
dition of  its  being  restored  upon  demand. 

"  Likewise  on  the  same  day,  in  the  year  1383,  in  the 
month  above-mentioned,  the  same  Bishop,  returning  by 
the  same  road,  found  at  the  said  barque  certain  burgesses 
of  Elgin,  namely  Philip  Byset  and  Henry  Porter,  taking 


out  of  the  ship  some  barrels  of  ale,  and  some  sacks  of 
tallow,  and  some  of  meal  of  wheat,  together  with  horses 
and  sledges  standing  upon  his  ground  of  Kineadur, 
which,  together  with  the  ship,  he  by  his  own  proper 
authority  arrested,  as  unwarrantably  encroaching  upon 
his  Church  lands,  and  gave  up  the  same  in  pledge,  at  the 
instance  of  the  said  Philip  requesting  it,  in  the  name  of 
the  community  of  his  burgh,  to  be  remitted  to  the  said 
Bishop  at  his  Cathedral,  upon  eight  days'  requisition, 
there  to  receive  the  issue  and  termination  which  the  laws 
have  been  in  use  to  grant." 

It  must  be  presumed,  that  the  Bishop  prevailed  in 
establishing  his  claim,  which  accordingly  became  a  per- 
tinent of  the  estate  of  Kineadur,  and  was  only  purchased 
by  the  magistracy  of  Elgin  in  the  year  1698.     In  the 
Conveyance  it  is  described  as  a  piece  of  waste,  barren,  un- 
manured  ground,  and  was  nearly  80  acres  of  naked  gravel 
and   sand,  with   an  allowance  on   the   quarries   of   the 
Goulard,  for  the  restricted  purpose  of  building  and  up- 
holding the  pier,  and  for  the  accommodations  requisite  for 
the   town   of  Lossiemouth ;    for  which  the   community 
became  bound  to  pay  yearly  £2  Is.  7d.,  subjecting  the 
inhabitants  of  Lossiemouth  to  be  poinded  for  any  arrears 
that  may  be  incurred  ;  and  to  the  courts  of  the  superior, 
which  he  may  hold  either  in  the  town  or  at  the  Burn  of 
Kineadur,  for  any  riot  happening  either  among  them- 
selves or  with  the  superior's  tenants  of  the  barony  ;  and 
to  send  a  burgess  of  Elgin  yearly  to  the  head  court,  upon 
the  first  Thursday  after  Michaelmas,  to  answer  in  their 
name  ;  and  to  allow  the  accommodation  of  the  harbour  to 
all  ships  and  fishing  boats  appertaining  to  the  superior,  or 
freighted  by  any  merchant  upon  his  account,  or  employed 
by  him  for  exportation  or  importation,  without  payment 
of  any  dues  to  the  community.     Besides  irregular  streets 
fronting  towards  the  sea,  the  town  is  laid  out  into  four 
principal  streets  at  right  angles  to  the  shore,  each  42  feet 
wide,  and  commodious  lanes  cutting  across  the  streets, 
equal  to  half  their  breadth,  with  a  handsome  square  and 
cross  in  the  midst.     There  are  175  feus  marked  off  on  the 
plan,  each  120  by  180  feet,  granted  for  the  duty  of  5s. 
each  ;  but  many  remain  to  be  taken,  and  many  that  have 
been  granted  are  not  J7et  built ;  but  a  number  also  of 
handsome  houses  of  two  and  three   stories,   containing 


more  than  200  inhabitants,  have  been  erected.  The  har- 
bour is  sufficiently  commodious  for  vessels  about  80  tons 
burden.  The  community  say  that,  prior  to  the  year  1780, 
£1200  sterling  had  been  expended  in  the  formation  of  the 
quay ;  since  that  time  a  pier  opposite  on  the  other  side 
the  river,  for  clearing  out  the  sand  off  the  bar,  has  been 
erected  at  the  expense  of  £2000  sterling,  from  the  funds 
of  the  town,  aided  by  private  subscription  and  a  donation 
of  £200  sterling  from  the  Convention  of  Burghs.  The 
land  end  of  this  new  pier  was  left  unfinished,  and  unable 
to  withstand  the  violence  of  winter  storms.  So  much 
unheeded  ruination  has  befallen  it  that  £200  sterling  at 
present  would  be  insufficient  to  prevent  its  accelerating 
subversion.  There  is  only  one  sloop  and  two  fishing 
boats  belonging  to  Lossiemouth ;  but  during  one  year  41) 
vessels  from  55  to  60  tons  arrived,  of  which  loaded  witli 
English  coals  were  20  ;  Scots  coals,  6  ;  London  goods,  10 ; 
Leith  goods,  4 ;  tanner's  bark,  3 ;  native  salt,  2 ;  bottles, 
slates,  iron,  lime,  each  one,  4 ;  total,  49. 

The  exports  were  20  cargoes  barley  and  oats,  each  at 
an  average  about  400  bolls,  and  an  inconsiderable  quan- 
tity of  peltry.  There  are  two  other  creeks  in  the  parish, 
Stotfield  and  Covesea,  which  admit  boats.  On  the  estate 
of  Kineadur  are  3  fishing  boats,  each  yielding  a  yearly 
rent  of  £5  sterling ;  but  every  seventh  year  the  landlord 
is  obliged  to  furnish  a  new  boat,  which,  rigged  complete, 
costs  about  £20  sterling.  The  fish  commonly  caught  are 
cod,  scate,  hollibut,  haddocks,  whitings,  saiths,  and  crabs, 
but  none  in  greater  quantity  than  serves  the  consumption 
of  the  country.  Of  late,  however,  a  lobster  fishery  has 
been  undertaken  in  the  bay  of  Stotfield  by  an  English 
Company  for  the  London  market,  to  which  they  are 
transported  alive,  in  wells  formed  in  the  bottom  of  the 
ships,  which  communicate  directly  with  the  sea  water. 
60,000  were  in  this  manner  conveyed  the  first  summer, 
without  any  other  precaution  except  tying  their  claws  to 
their  sides.  They  are  caught  by  bait  in  small  iron  traps, 
though  a  simple  invention,  yet  never  used  before  on 
this  coast. 

In  the  Goulard  Hill  there  are  appearances  of  lead ; 
many  detached  masses  of  ore  are  to  be  seen  in  the  nor- 
thern side  of  the  hill,  where  the  rock  is  limestone.  Some 
adventurers,  however,  from  England,  several  years  ago, 


after  expending  about  £500,  could  discover  no  vein  worth 
working.  But  the  greater  part  of  the  Goulard,  with 
almost  the  whole  of  the  ridge  along  the  Covesea  shore, 
•consists  of  one  uninterrupted  mass  of  freestone,  lying  in 
horizontal  strata,  differing  in  thickness  and  in  hardness ; 
one  kind  being  white,  of  a  smooth,  compact,  and  firm 
substance,  yet  readily  yielding  to  the  hammer  or  the 
chise} ;  the  other  kind  more  brown  or  yellow,  softer  and 
more  friable.  There  are  about  20  masons  and  nearly  40 
labourers  constantly  employed  in  quarrying  and  cutting 
.stone  to  supply  the  demand  from  this  and  the  neighbour- 
ing countries.  The  western  part  of  this  ridge,  upon  the 
Covesea  coast,  forms  a  very  bold  shore.  The  penetrating 
power  of  the  surge  in  winter  storms,  with  the  reiterated 
play  of  the  ocean,  and  the  various  whirl  of  the  rebound- 
ing wave  upon  the  projecting  cliffs  of  the  freestone  rock, 
have  formed  several  detached  pyramids,  towers,  and  arches, 
of  various  height  and  form,  in  some  places  resembling  the 
broken,  shapeless  windows  in  a  Gothic  ruin,  having  the 
sea  boiling  round  their  bases  at  each  flow  of  the  tide. 
Under  this  hill  also  there  is  a  number  of  caverns  of 
whose  formation  it  is  difficult  to  conjecture  the  origin, 
without  supposing  the  sea  at  some  period  to  have  been  so 
much  higher  on  the  coast  as  to  have  in  secret  wrought 
out  the  softer  materials,  which  might  have  originally 
filled  these  shapeless  vacuities.  They  all  open  directly  to 
the  sea ;  and  it  is  likely  that  some  of  them  may  extend 
back  to  the  land  side  of  the  hill,  as  their  dark  recesses 
have  never  been  explored.  Some  of  them  are  lofty  even 
from  the  entrance,  and  their  bounds  everywhere  readily 
determinable ;  others,  with  a  low  entrance,  become 
gloomily  lofty,  and  uncomfortably  damp  within  ;  others 
are  low,  dismal,  dark,  and  damp,  throughout  all  their 
windings.  Neither  the  floor  or  roof  of  any  are  on  the 
same  level ;  some  of  the  lightest  are  used  as  a  shelter  by 
the  stone-cutters,  both  from  the  heat  and  rain,  and  are  in 
part  filled  by  the  chips  and  fragments.  One  of  them  was 
occupied  as  a  stable  to  conceal  the  horses  of  the  family  of 
Gordonstown  from  the  rebels  in  the  year  1745,  and  has 
the  entrance  built  up  into  a  neat  door.  Another,  behind 
the  village  of  Lossiemouth,  had  in  ancient  times  been 
formed  into  a  small  hermitage,  not  exceeding  12  feet 
square.  It  was  completed  by  a  handsome  Gothic  door 


and  window,  and  commanded  a  long  but  a  solitary  view 
along  the  eastern  shore.  These  artificial  decorations  were 
torn  down  about  30  years  ago,  by  a  rude  shipmaster  ;  and 
in  the  course  of  working  the  quarries,  the  whole  cave  has 
been  destroyed. 

There  was  a  fountain  in  the  rock  above  the  hermitage, 
called  St.  Gerard ine's  [Gernadius'J  Well ;  but  neither  this 
nor  any  other  spring  in  the  parish  has  acquired  fame 
for  medicinal  virtue. 

The  inhabitants,  like  all  others  employed  in  husbandry, 
are  robust  and  healthy.  They  are  in  general  a  sober, 
honest,  peaceable  people,  regular  in  their  attendance  on 
the  ordinances  of  religion,  rather  grave  than  lively,  sel- 
dom indulging  themselves  in  any  relaxation  or  diversion. 
Crimes  of  enormity  are  unknown  among  them  ;  but  this 
regularity  of  conduct  must  be  in  part  ascribed  to  the 
poverty  and  depression  of  the  people  ;  for  the  situation  of 
the  smaller  tenants  in  general  is  not  comfortable.  Few  of 
them  have  any  capital  to  set  them  out  into  the  world, 
and  fewer  have  the  inclination  or  the  means  of  adopting 
the  modern  improvements  of  husbandry,  while  the  rents 
and  the  wages  of  servants  have  of  late  been  considerably 
advanced.  The  women  spin  linen  yarn,  by  which,  with 
the  greatest  application,  they  can  only  earn  3d.  by  the 
day.  Even  this  yarn,  what  is  necessary  for  home  con- 
sumption excepted,  is  exported  unwrought  to  Edinburgh, 
Glasgow,  or  the  north  of  England.]  (Survey  of  the  Pro- 
vince of  Moray.) 


Sir  Bobert  Gordon,  the  first  of  Gordonstoun, 
was  second  son  of  Alexander,  15th  Earl  of  Suther- 
land. He  was  a  gentleman  much  and  deservedly 
respected.  [In  May,  1625,  he  was  created  a 
Knight  Baronet  of  the  Order  of  Nova  Scotia, 
with  precedence  of  all  the  Knights  of  that  Order. 
He  was  a  bearer  of  the  King's  train  at  the  Coron- 
ation, High  Sheriff  of  Inverness,  a  Commissioner 
to  Zetland,  and  historian  of  the  House  of  Suther- 


land.]  In  the  year  1606  he  was  made  Gentleman 
of  the  King's  Bed-chamber,  with  a  pension  of 
£200  for  life.  In  the  year  1634  he  was  appointed 
one  of,  the  Lords  of  the  Privy  Council  of  King 
Charles  I.,  and  by  the  Parliament  1642  was 
made  a  Privy  Counsellor  for  life.  He  married, 
in  1613,  Louisa,  only  child  of  John  Gordon,  Lord 
of  Glenluce,  and  Dean  of  Salisbury,  by  whom  he 
had  Ludovick  his  heir,  Eobert,  ancestor  of  the 
Gordons  of  Clunie,  and  two  daughters;  Katharine 
married  to  Colonel  David  Barclay  of  Urie,  by 
whom  she  was  mother  of  the  ingenious  author 
of  the  Apology  for  the  Quakers ;  and  Jean  mar- 
ried to  Sir  Alexander  M'Kenzie  of  Coull.  (2.) 
Sir  Ludovick  Gordon  of  Gordonstoun,  Baronet 
[was  educated  in  Holland  and],  succeeded  his 
father,  Sir  Eobert,  in  1656  [and  ornamented  the 
estate  with  canals,  terraces,  and  avenues].  He 
married  Elizabeth,  daughter  and  co-heiress  of  Sir 
Robert  Farquhar  of  Mounie,  by  whom  he  had 
Eobert,  his  heir  [four  sons],  and  three  daughters  ; 
Lucy,  married  first  to  Eobert  Cumine  of  Altyre  ; 
secondly,  to  Alex.  Dunbar  of  Moy ;  Katherine 
married  to  Thomas  Dunbar  of  Grange  ;  and 
Elizabeth  married  to  Eobert  Dunbar  of  West- 
field.  They  all  had  issue.  (3.)  Sir  Eobert 
Gordon  succeeded  his  father,  Sir  Ludovick.  By 
his  lady,  Elizabeth,  only  daughter  of  Sir  William 
Dunbar  of  Hemprigs,  he  had  Sir  Robert,  his  heir, 
and  a  daughter,  Lucy,  married  to  David  Scott  of 


Scotstarvet,  Esq.  (4.)  Sir  Eobert  succeeded  his 
father  in  1701.  He  married  Agnes,  only  daugh- 
ter of  Sir  William  Maxwell  of  Calderwood,  by 
whom  he  had  two  [four  (?)]  sons,  Eohert  and 
William,  and  a  daughter,  Christian,  who  died 
young.  (5.)  Sir  Robert  Gordon,  the  5th  Baronet 
of  Gordonstoun,  succeeded  his  father,  Sir  Robert, 
in  1772.  [He  died  a  bachelor  in  1776,  and  was. 
succeeded  by  his  brother,  William,  who  settled 
his  estate  on  Gumming  of  Altyre.  He  died  a 
bachelor  in  1795,  when  the  title  devolved  upon 
Sir  James  Gordon  of  Letterfourie,  and  the  estates 
fell  to  Sir  Alexander  Penrose  Gordon  Gumming 
of  Altyre.]— Ed. 

Arms  of  the  family  of  Gordonstoun.  Quarterly  1st  and  4th 
grand  quarters,  the  quartered  coat  of  Gordon,  2nd  and  3rd 
Gules,  three  stars  Or,  all  within  a  border  of  the  last.  In  the 
centre  of  the  shield  the  badge  of  NOVA  SCOTIA.  Crest,  a  cat, 
a  mountain  saliant,  argent,  armed  azure.  Motto,  SANS  CRAINTE.. 
[Fearless.]  Supporters  on  the  dexter,  a  deerhound  argent, 
collared  Gules,  and  thereon  three  buckles  Or.  And  in  the 
finister,  a  savage  wreathed  about  the  head  and  middle  with 
laurel  proper. 

In  the  year  1621  Sir  William  Alexander  of 
Menstry  undertook  to  plant  a  colony  in  Nova 
Scotia,  in  North  America,  and  was  joined  in  that 
undertaking  by  the  Earls  Marshal,  Melrose,  and 
Niddisdale,  Viscount  Dupplin,  and  the  lairds  of 
Lochinvar,  Lesmore,  Clunie,  and  Gordonstoun. 
For  their  encouragement  the  King  granted  them 
severally  large  districts  of  land  in  that  country, 
and  proposed  to  create  a  new  title  of  honour  that 

VOL.  II.  5 


should  be  hereditary.  This  Order  was  erected  in 
1625,  and  Sir  Eobert  Gordon  is  the  first  Knight 
of  it,  whose  Patent  beareth  date  at  Whitehall  the 
28  May,  1625. 

Knights  Baronets. 

Having  perused  this  Patent,  I  shall  set  down 
the  honours  and  privileges  granted  to  Knights 
in  Scotland,  and  (1.)  In  all  writings  they  are 
styled  Knights  and  Baronets.  (2.)  In  addressing 
them,  they  are  called  Sir.  (3.)  Their  wives  have 
the  honour  of  Lady.  (4.)  They  have  precedency 
of  all  Knights,  Lairds,  Esquires,  and  Gentlemen, 
except  the  King's  Commissioners,  Counsellors, 
and  Knights  Bannerets,  dubbed  in  the  field  of 
war  under  the  Eoyal  Standard,  Rege  Presents. 
(N.B.—The  Order  of  the  Thistle  or  St.  Andrew 
was  not  revived  at  that  time.)  (5.)  Their  wives, 
sons,  daughters,  and  sons'  wives  have  precedency 
as  themselves  have.  (6.)  Their  eldest  sons,  when 
21  years  of  age,  in  their  father's  life,  shall  receive 
the  honour  of  Knighthood,  if  they  ask  it,  upon  pay- 
ing only  the  fees  of  the  servants.  (7.)  In  Eoyal 
armies  they  shall  have  place  near  to  the  Royal 
Standard.  (8.)  No  other  degree  of  honour  shall 
ever  be  created  betwixt  them  and  Lords,  nor  any 
degree  equal  to  them  and  inferior  to  Lords.  (9.) 
The  honour  is  by  patent  under  the  Great  Seal, 
and  hereditary  as  that  of  Peerage.  (10.)  There 
shall  not  be  in  Scotland  at  any  one  time  more 


than  150  such  Knights.  (11.)  They  may  bear  the 
arms  of  NOVA  SCOTIA  in  a  Canton,  or  Shield  of 
pretence ;  and  the  same  enamelled  on  an  oval 
medal  of  gold  on  their  breasts,  hanging  at  a  broad 
orange  ribband  round  their  necks ;  as  by  Koyal 
Warrant  from  King  Charles  I.  dated  at  Whitehall 
17  November,  1629,  and  recorded  in  the  Lord 
Lyon's  Eegisters.  (12.)  They  are  allowed  two 
gentlemen-assistants  of  their  body,  ad  support- 
andum  velamen  (to  bear  their  robe) ;  and  at  their 
funerals  they  are  allowed  one  principal  mourner 
and  four  assistants. 

Besides  these  privileges  common  to  the  Order, 
Sir  Eobert  Gordon's  Patent  beareth,  That  he  is 
the  First  Knight  in  the  Order,  and  that  no  one 
has  had,  or  ever  shall  have,  the  precedency  of 
him.  And  he  had  16,000  acres  of  land  in  Nova 
Scotia  disponed  to  him  and  his  heirs,  with  ample 
privileges.  The  like  privileges  had  also  the  rest 
of  the  Baronets,  till  the  French  took  possession 
of  that  province ;  after  which  there  is  no  mention 
of  lands  in  any  of  the  Patents. 

The  arms  of  this  Order  are : — An  escutcheon  arg.  charged 
with  a  saltire,  az.  The  field  and  cross  of  St.  Andrews,  the 
tinctures  counterchanged,  and  thereon  the  Royal  Arms  of 
Scotland,  with  an  imperial  crown  above  this  last  shield.  Motto, 
FAX  MENTIS  HONESTY  GLORIA.  [Glory  is  the  torch  of  an 
honourable  spirit]  This  (without  the  motto)  may  be  placed  in 
a  canton,  or  a  shield  in  surtout. 


Ettles  and  Covesea. 

["  The  lands  of  Ettles  and  fyshing,  called  the  Coissey," 
were  granted  by  Patrick,  Bishop  of  Moray,  to  Thomas 
Innes  of  Pethnick  and  Elizabeth  Norie,  his  spouse,  and  to 
the  heirs-male  of  the  said  Thomas.  The  Charter  is  dated 
at  Elgin  and  Drainie  the  8th  and  18th  May,  1561,  and  is 
signed  by  the  Bishop  and  twelve  of  the  Canons  of  the 
Cathedral,  their  seals  being  also  appended.  Thomas 
Innes  of  Pethnick,  grandson  of  the  above  Thomas,  sold 
the  lands  and  fishings  on  the  17th  September,  1638,  to 
Sir  Robert  Gordon. 

Names  of  the  Inneses  of  Pethnick. 

1st,  Thomas ;  2nd,  Alexander,  his  son ;  3rd,  Thomas,  his 
son,  who  sold  Ettles  and  Covesea. 

Kvng's  Third  of  Duffus. 

The  changes  of  proprietors  on  this  estate  will  be  best 
shown  by  the  following  titles : — 

1.  Charter  of  alienation  by  Archibald  Douglas  of  Pitten- 
dreich,  in  favour  of  Alexander  Gordon  of  Sydra  (Sidderay  in 
Sutherland),  and  Margaret  Keith,  his  spouse,  of  the  third  of 
Duffus,  dated  21st  May,  1603.    The  sasine  following  thereupon 
is  dated  24th  May  same  year. 

2.  Charter  granted  by  Archibald  Douglas  of  Pittendreich,  in 
favour  of  Alexander  Keith,  lawful  son  of  Mr.  John  Keith, 
Rector  of  Duffus,  of  the  third  of  Blackgate ;  third  of  Starwood ; 
third  of  Inchkeil;  third  of  Roseisle,  with  the  milns  thereof; 
third  of  Burghsea ;  third  of  Bagro ;  third  of  Burnside ;  third 
of  Over  and  Nether  Crookmuirs ;  and  third  of  Sheriffmill,  with 
the  astricted  multures  thereof,  dated  24th  May,  1603.     The 
seisin  following  thereon  is  of  same  date. 

3.  Bond  of  alienation,  Alexander  Gordon   of  Sydra,  and 
Margaret  Keith,  his  spouse,  in  favour  of  Sir  Robert  Gordon,  of 
the  third  part  of  the  Kirktoun  of  Duffus,  Crosslots,  and  Salt- 
cots,  dated  2nd  June,  1629.     The  seisin  following  thereupon 
is  dated  6th  June  same  year. 

4.  Minute  of  .sale,  dated  llth  June,  1647,  at  Inverurie,  by 
Alexander  Keith  of  Midbeltie,  son  of  the  deceased  Alexander 
Keith,  portioner  of  Duffus,  in  favour  of  Sir  Robert  Gordon,  of 
his  share  of  the  King's  Third  of  Duffus,  and  third  of  Sheriff- 
mill,  and  of  the  Outletmill. 

5.  Contract  of  sale  betwixt  Sir  Ludovick  Gordon,  his  son, 


and  Eobert  Sutherland  in  Burghsea,  whereby,  for  £2,830  Scots, 
they  dispone  the  lands  of  Easter  Inchkeil,  and  third  of  the 
Burgh,  to  the  said  Robert  Sutherland,  9th  March,  1670. 

Ogston  and  Pleiuland. 

The  lands  of  Ogston  and  Plewland  are  the  particular 
part  of  the  estate  of  Gordonstown  where  the  venerable 
mansion-house  stands.  Before  the  Gordons  purchased 
the  estate  it  was  called  the  Bog  of  Plewland,  and  no 
doubt  was  a  fortalice,  built  in  the  marsh  for  defence.  The 
estate  was  long  held  in  property  by  the  Hogstouns,  or 
Ogstons  of  that  ilk ;  from  them  it  passed  to  the  Inneses 
of  Innes  and  Balveny,  thereafter  to  the  Marquis  of  Huntly, 
and  from  the  Marquis  was  purchased  by  Sir  Robert 
Gordon  on  13th  September,  1638.  The  following  curious 
inventory  of  titles,  as  well  as  the  references  to  the  other 
portions  of  the  estate  of  Gordonstown,  were  communidated 
to  me  by  a  friend,  to  whom  I  am  indebted  for  many 
similar  favours : — 

The  Inventor  of  the  wrytes  of  Hogstoune  and  Plewlands, 
delyverit  be  Robert  Innes,  then  of  Innermarkie,  nowe  of 
Balveny,  to  ane  nobill  and  potent  Lord  George,  Marquis  of 
Huntlye,  at  Plewlandis  the  7th  of  Februar,  1616  yeiris. 

Imprimis,  Ane  charter  given  be  Marjerie  Countess  of  Murraye, 
to  Jhon  Hogstoune  of  that  ilk,  sone  and  lawfull  air  to  Sir 
Rannald  Hogstoune,  his  father,  daitit  at  Bamf,  6th  May,  1417. 

Item,  Ane  precept  of  seasing  of  Allexander  Hogstoune  of 
that  ilk,  given  to  James  Innes  of  that  ilk,  upon  the  landis  of 
Hogstoune,  of  the  dait,  at  Aberdeen,  29th  December,  1473. 

Item,  Ane  reversion  given  be  the  said  James  Innes  of  that 
ilk,  to  the  said  Allexander  Hogstoune  of  that  ilk,  of  the  dait 

Item,  Ane  license  given  be  the  King  to  Allexander  Hogs- 
toune of  that  ilk,  fra  him  and  his  airis,  all  and  haill,  the  lands 
of  Hogstoune,  to  whatsoever  persone  he  pleasis,  to  be  halden 
of  himselfFe. 

Item,  The  gift  of  nonentrie,  given  to  Alexander  Livingstoune 
of  Dunnipeass,  upon  the  landis  of  Hogstoune,  and  Plewlandis, 
of  the  dait  at  Pearth,  15th  March,  1527. 

Item,  Ane  seasing  of  James  Innes  of  that  ilk,  given  to  Allex- 
ander Hogstoune  of  that  ilk,  upon  the  landis  of  Hogstoune, 
dated  12th  Jannuar,  1473. 

Item,  Ane  seasing  of  Elizabeth  Lady  Hogstoune,  upon  the 
landis  of  Hogstoune  and  Plewlandis,  given  upon  ane  precept, 
dated  8th  Jaunuar,  1501. 


Item,  Ane  resignation,  in  the  Kingis  handes,  of  the  landis  of 
Hogstoune  and  Plewlandis,  be  Elizabeth  Hogstoune,  with  con- 
sent of  hir  husband,  Adam  Habroune,  daitit  at  Edinburgh, 
llthMaij,  1501. 

Item,  Ane  instrument,  wher  Adam  Habroune  was  requyrit 
to  enter  Robert  Innes  of  Innermarkie  in  the  landis  of  Hogs- 
toune, daitit  6th  May,  1509. 

Item,  Ane  precept  of  seasing,  given  out  of  the  Chancellrie, 
to  Robert  Innes  of  Innermarkie,  and  Elizabeth  Stuart,  his 
spouse,  in  lyfrent,  and  to  Robert  Innes  of  Monikebback,  his 
sone,  appeirand  air  heritabille  of  the  landis  of  Hogstoune  and 
Plewlandis,  united  in  one  barrony,  daitit  at  Dundee,  1st 
September,  1539. 

Item,  The  charter  of  union,  whereupone  the  forsaid  precept 
was  given  under  the  Grayt  Seall,  of  the  landis  of  Hogstoune 
and  Plewlandis,  of  the  dait  of  the  said  precept. 

Item,  The  seasing  following  upone  the  said  charter,  of  the 
dait  4th  November,  1539. 

Item,  The  service  of  Adam  Habroun's  three  daughters,  Janat, 
Helein,  and  Isobell,  before  the  Shirreffe  of  Elgin,  daitit  the 
penult  of  Februar,  1527. 

Item,  Ane  charter  of  Andro  Oliphant  of  Berridel,  sone  and 
air  of  umqll.  Christen  Suderland  of  Berridel,  given  to  William 
Suderland  of  Duifus,  of  the  third  pairt  of  the  landis  of  Plew- 
landis, of  the  dait  at  Edinburgh,  10th  November,  1528. 

Item,  Ane  precept  of  seasing,  passit  thereupone. 

Item,  Ane  instrument  taine  be  Robert  Innes,  in  the  handis 
of  Mr.  William  Jamisone,  notar,  daitit  1st  September,  1539. 

Item,  Ane  resignation  of  Elizabeth  Habroune,  eldest  daughter, 
and  ane  of  the  heiris,  of  Adam  Habroune  of  Craigies,  and 
spouse  to  Mr.  Alexander  Livingstoune  of  Dunnipeass,  of  the 
landis  of  Hogstoune  and  Plewlandis,  in  the  Kingis  hands,  in 
favours  of  Robert  Innes  of  Innermarkie,  and  Elizabeth  Stuart, 
his  spousse,  and  to  Robert  Innes  of  Monykebbock,  their  sone 
and  appeirand  air,  daitit  at  Inglismaldie,  15th  August,  1539. 

Item,  Ane  sasine  given  be  Robert  Innes  of  Innermarkie,  and 
his  spouse,  Elizabeth  Stuart,  and  his  son,  of  Monykebbock, 
upon  the  landis  of  Hogestoun  and  Plewlandis,  under  the 
subscription  of  Mr.  William  Jamisone,  notar,  daitit  4th  Nov., 

Item,  Ane  saising  of  Robert  Innes  of  Innermarkie,  guidsir 
to  Robert  Innes,  now  of  Balveny,  of  the  landis  of  Hogstoune 
and  Plewlandis,  under  the  subscriptione  of  Mr.  Alexander 
Dowglasse,  notar,  daitit  29th  Maii,  1553. 

Item,  Ane  instrument  of  saising  to  Robert  Innes,  father  to 
Robert  Innes,  now  of  Balveny,  upon  the  landis  of  Hogestoun 


and  Plewlandis,  under  the  subscriptione  of  James  Guthrie, 
notar,  21st  Maij,  1586. 

Item,  The  Kingis  confirmatione  and  ratificatione  of  ane 
charter  of  alienatione,  maid  to  Jeane  Barclaye,  Lady  of  Inner- 
markie,  to  Eobert  Innes,  her  sone,  upon  the  landis  of  Plew- 
landis and  Hogestoune,  daitit  at  Edinburgh,  1 607. 

Item,  The  King's  confirmation,  containing  ane  novo  damus 
upon  the  landis  of  Hogstoune  and  Plewlandis,  and  Kirkhill  of 
Longbryde,  to  Robert  Innes,  now  of  Balveny,  and  Barbara 
Burnet,  his  spouse,  daitit  at  Edinburgh,  21st  Februar,  1607. 

Item,  Ane  tack  of  the  teinds  of  Plewlandis  and  Hogstoune, 
given  be  George  Douglasse,  Bishope  of  Murraye,  with  consent 
of  the  Dean  and  Chapter,  to  Robert  Innes  of  Innermarkie, 
father  to  Robert  Innes,  now  of  Balveny,  daitit  at  Spyny,  the 
first  and  last  of  Maij,  1585. 

Item,  Ane  tack  of  the  teind  sheaves  of  Hogstoune  and  Plew- 
landis, sett  be  Allexander  Douglass,  Bischope  of  Murraye,  to 
Robert  Innes,  now  of  Balveny,  and  to  Barbra  Burnet,  his 
spouse,  in  lyfrent,  and  nynteen  yeir  thereafter,  daitit  at  Elgin, 
10th  Marche,  1607. 

Item,  Ane  extract  of  ane  proper  contract  between  the  Laird 
of  Innermarkie  and  the  Laird  of  Innes,  on  the  landis  of  Hogs- 
toune and  Plewlandis,  and  heirschipe  of  Innes,  daitit  at  Edin- 
burgh, 9th  Marche,  1635. 

Which  haill  wrytes,  according  to  the  inventer  foresaid,  sub- 
scribit  be  us,  George,  Marquis  of  Huntlye,  and  Robert  Innes 
of  Balvenye.  We,  George  Marquis  of  Huntlye,  grant  us  to 
have  receavit  fra  the  said  Robert,  and  bindis  and  oblissis  us, 
and  our  aires  and  successoures,  to  make  patent  and  furthecom- 
minge  to  the  said  Robert,  his  aires  and  successoures,  for  defence 
of  the  saidis  landis  of  Hogstoune  and  Plewlandis,  as  the  said 
Robert  and  his  forsaidis  sail  be  persewit  for  warranclice  of  the 
said  landis.  In  witness  wherof  we  have  subscribit  thir  presents, 
at  Plewlandis  the  17th  of  Februar,  Jmvic  and  sixteen  yeires, 
befor  thir  witnes,  ALLEXANDER  GORDON,  Fiar  of  Strathawon ; 
Mr.  WILLIAM  GORDON  of  Tilligrigie;  JAMES  GORDON,  in 
Letterfurie ;  and  Mr.  ALEXANDER  INNES  of  Dalliestennie. 
(Sic  subscribitur),  HUNTLYE. 

ROBERT  INNES  of  Balvenie. 

A.  GORDOUN,  Witnes. 

J.  GORDOUN,  Witnes. 

The  original  Document  is  at  Gordonstown,  and  the 
Minute  of  Contract  of  sale  by  which  the  Marquis  of 
Huntly  sold  these  lands  to  Sir  Robert  Gordon,  dated  13th 
September,  1638,  is  also  there.  The  Marquis  subsequently 


sold  to  Sir  Robert  the  lands  of  Balorinie,  which  his  Lord- 
ship seems  to  have  purchased  in  1615  from  the  Douglasses 
of  Whittingham.]  (Young's  Parish  of  Spynie.) 


Like  Birnie,  Kinnedar  was  one  of  the  early  residences 
and  churches  of  the  Bishops  of  Moray.  It  was  a  parson- 
age belonging  to  the  Treasurer  of  the  Diocese.  Here  is 
an  ancient  Cross.  The  Bishop's  residence  was  a  castle,  the 
remains  of  which,  close  to  the  burial-ground,  may  yet  be 
discerned.  It  seems  to  have  been  their  only  residence 
before  the  building  of  Spynie,  as  almost  all  the  charters 
are  dated  at  "  Kineder  in  Moravia  "  before  the  erection  of 
the  great  palace. 

An  interesting  circumstance,  the  frequency  of  the 
names  Winchester  and  Wiseman  on  the  stones,  is  worthy 
of  notice ;  for  in  the  Bishop's  rental,  1565,  of  10  tenants  in 
the  Villa  de  Kynnedam  are  5  Wisemans  and  1  Winchester. 
Richard  Wiseman  had  also  the  Bishop's  garden  there  for 
a  yearly  rent  of  8s.  and  6  capons.  As  mentioned  when 
treating  of  Drainy,  this  parish  was  merged  1666. 

Not  only  is  the  churchyard  remarkable  for  its  Cross, 
but  the  immense  number  of  stones  is  particularly  worthy 
of  notice.  Literally  dozens  of  very  old  flat  monuments 
cover  the  surface.  Scarcely  any,  in  comparison  to  num- 
bers, can  be  read,  here  a  word  and  there  another  is  all 
that  can  be  made  out.  They  seem  all  to  be  inscriptions 
running  round  the  edge  of  the  stone.  No  trace  of  the 
old  church  remains,  only  the  appearance  of  a  deplessed 
centre.  (Rev.  J.  B.  Craven.} 

I son  to  Alex.  Rushel,  joyner, departed 

15  June,  1676. 

II.  Here  lyes to  Wm.  Young,  in  Newton, 


III.  Here  lyes  Janet  Mavor,  spouse  to  ....  Winchester, 
died  the  20  March,  1689. 

IV.  Here  lyes  Christian spouse  to  Walter  James, 

indweller  in  Etis,  she  departed  .... 

V.  Here  lyes  the  body  of  Mitchell,  some  time  dueller  in 
Plenton.     He  died  the  15  day  of  May,  1706. 


VI.  Here  lyes  James  Badon,  some  time Christian 

James,  his  spouse. 

J.  B.  C.  F. 

VII.  Here  lyes  the  dust  of  William  Winchester,  some  time 
du dyed  the  ...  of  Nov.  .... 

VIII.  Here  lyes  the   body  of  Alex.   Stephen,   some   time 
dualer  in  Kinedar.     He  died  the  6  day  of  September,  in  the 
year  1713. 

IX.  W.  Y.  A.  Y.  1711. 

X.  Here  lyes  the  body  of  Margaret  Elies,  spouse  to  James 
Anderson,  farmer  in  ....  ned,  who  died  January  .  .  .  1715, 
and  their  children,  John  and  Jean  Anderson,  who  died  in  their 

XI.  Here   lyes   the   body  of  John  Anderson,   some  time 
farmer  in  ....  who  died  June   8,   1729,  and  his   spouse, 
Jean  Baird. 

XII.  Here  lyes  the  body  of  James  Edwards his 

spouse,  some  time  duellers  in  Stotfield,  1713. 

J.  E.  M.  J. 

XIII.  Here  lyes  the  body  of  Charley  Anderson,  some  time 
dweller  in  Aikenhead,  who  died  the  24  of  August,  1722. 

XIV.  Here  lyes  the  body died  the  1 1  day  of  the 

1729 Anderson,  his  spouse,  and  their  son,  John  Laing, 

died  Dec.  16,  1738,  aged  28. 

XV.  Here  lyes William  Innes,  skipper  in  Stotfield. 

He  died  February,  1739. 

XVI.  Under  this  ston  lyes  the  dust  of  Michael  Findlay,  who 
was  church  officer  in  this  parish  of  Kinedar,  who  departed  this 
life  the  13  of  October,  1745,  aged  67. 

XVII.  This  stone  is  erected  in  memory  of  William  James, 
farmer  in  Ardonit,  who  dyd  Deer.,  1753,  and  H  .  .  .  . 

XVIII.  Here  lyes  the  body  of  Isobel  Ritchie,  spouse  to 
Peter  Stuart,  in  Kinedar,  who  died  August  23,  1739. 

XIX.  .....  James  Brander,  farmer  in their  son, 

John  Brander,  he  died  August  6th,  1742,  and  Janet  Brander, 
who  died  Sept.  the  5,  1768,  aged  13  years. 

J.B.  G.B. 

XX.  Here  lyes  the  body  of  James  Edward,  late  skipper  in 
Stotfield,  who  dyed  the  13  May,  1774,  aged  72  years,  and  his 
spouse,  Jean  Mitchell,  dyed  25  May,  1765,  aged  66  years. 



When  you  stand  in  the  old  churchyard  of  Drainy  and 
look  up  to  the  top  of  the  little  hill  above  it,  you  may  see 
a  vane  peeping  out  of  the  wooded  summit.  This  is  the 
mausoleum  of  the  Gordonston  family,  placed  above  what 
was  once  the  old  church  of  Ogston.  Undoubtedly  we 
owe  to  this  burial-place  the  continuance  of  the  very  old 
yard  surrounding  it.  When  you  arrive  at  the  top  of  the 
hill,  to  which  there  is  no  proper  road,  and  enter  through 
the  trees,  you  find  yourself  at  the  gable  end  of  the  mauso- 
leum. Very  possibly  others  as  well  as  I  may  go,  never 
thinking  of  finding  anything  more.  Even  the  name  has 
been  forgotten,  and  you  are  informed  that  it  is  Michael 
Kirk.  Whence  this  name  is  derived  I  know  not,  as  the 
Church  was  not  dedicated  to  St.  Michael  but  to  St.  Peter. 
I  was  surprised  to  find  not  the  vault  only  but  several 
huge  ancient  tombstones  surrounding  it ;  though,  from 
there  being  no  fence,  it  could  scarcely  be  called  a  cemetery; 
but  when  I  next  saw  the  fine  old  Cross  standing  alone,  I 
felt  sure  that  this  place  was  set  apart  for  holy  prayer  long 
before  the  earliest  stone.  Surely  this  must  be  Ogston,  I 
said  to  myself,  but  I  had  no  direct  information.  I  looked 
up  all  the  books  in  my  possession  and  found  no  trace  of 
any  remains  of  Ogston.  Even  one  author  seemed  to  say 
that  this  place  was  only  for  the  Gordonstons'  tomb. 
Months  afterward,  however,  I  fell  on  the  "  Survey  of 
Moray,"  quoted  before,  and  my  delight  was  great  when  I 
saw  there,  "  The  burial-ground  is  also  continued  in  the 
parish  of  Oguestown,  where  a  magnificent  tomb  in  the 
Gothic  style  is  raised  over  the  vault  of  the  family  of 
Gordonstown."  The  identity  was  complete  and  I  was 
now  at  no  difficulty  to  name  this  very  ancient,  dilapidated,, 
and  deserted  churchyard.  One  might  think  the  noble 
family  ought  to  preserve  these  venerable  relics  better ;  for 
when  wishing  to  copy  the  inscriptions  on  the  old  stones  I 
found  it  at  first  impossible,  for  the  simple  reason  that 
perhaps,  when  the  last  burial  had  taken  place,  the  turf 
sod  had  been  conveniently  placed  on  the  top  of  the  stones 
where  the  inscriptions  were,  and  it  was  only  with  difficulty 
that  those  could  be  cleared  off;  for,  so  firmly  fixed  was  the 
matter  into  the  turf,  that  when  at  last  I  had  them  off,  the 
stones  seemed  as  if  they  had  only  been  carved  lately,  and 


the  sods  themselves  might  have  served  the  purpose  of  a 
plaster  cast. 

We  have  already  spoken  of  the  holy  St.  Gernadius  who 
in  the  shire  not  far  off  loved  and  taught  the  people.  A 
few  particulars,  all  indeed  we  know  surely  of  his  history, 
has  to  be  added.  The  author  of  the  "Survey"  says  a 
cave  "  behind  the  village  of  Lossiemouth  had,  in  ancient 
times,  been  formed  into  a  small  hermitage,  not  exceeding 
12  feet  square.  It  was  completed  by  a  handsome  Gothic 
door  and  window,  and  commanded  a  long  but  a  solitary 
view  along  the  eastern  shore.  These  artificial  decorations 
were  torn  down  about  80  ye&rs  ago  (1760)  by  a  rude 
shipmaster ;  and  in  the  course  of  working  the  quarries  the 
whole  cave  has  been  destroyed.  There  was  a  fountain  in 
the  rock  above  the  hermitage,  called  St.  Gerardine's  Well." 
This  interesting  account  corresponds  exactly  with  the 
"  Aberdeen  Breviary,"  which  describes  the  holy  saint  to 
have  lived  between  Elgin  and  the  sea  in  a  cave  partly 
artificial,  partly  natural.  Were  the  Crosses  at  Kinnedar 
and  Ogston  the  places  where  he  preached  to  the  people 
here  ?  He  was  celebrated  in  the  Scottish  Church  on  the 
8th  November. 

It  was  a  mensal  church,  and  one  of  the  smallest  vicar- 
ages in  the  Deanery  of  Elgin.  Indeed  so  small  was  it 
then,  in  1642,  it  was  disunited  from  St.  Andrews,  both 
before  having  been  served  by  one  vicar,  "  that  the  Bishop 
might  draw  more  teinds,"  as  Shaw  somewhat  uncharitably 
says.  This  was  nothing  but  an  offensive  remark,  which 
he  might  have  left  out  of  his  book,  as  it  was  entirely 
groundless ;  for  the  author  of  the  "  Survey  "  tells  us  a  cir- 
cumstance which  shows  the  real  state  of  matters.  When 
the  lake  of  Spynie  was  being  cleared  off  "a  causeway 
emerged,  formed  of  freestone  from  the  quarry,  quite  across 
the  lake,  with  openings  for  the  passage  of  the  water,  each 
about  3  feet  wide,  covered  with  broad  flag-stones.  This 
revived  the  recollection  of  a  circumstance  there  almost 
forgotten,  that  the  causeway  was  called  the  Bishop's 
Steps,  and  had  been  formed  by  his  order  to  allow  his 
vicar  to  get  from  St.  Andrews  after  the  service  of  the 
forenoon  to  officiate  at  Oguestown  on  the  evening  of  each 
Sunday."  Expense,  therefore,  could  not  have  been  the 
motive,  but  probably  the  scarcity  of  preachers  was.  These 
parishes  were  united  from  the  Reformation  probably  till 


1642,  when  they  were  annexed  to  Kinnedar.  (Rev.  J.  B. 

I.  The  Gordonstoun  Monument,  &c. : — 

S  D 

17  RG  ED  05 

Here  is  a  register  of  the  age  and  death  of  considerable 
persons  of  the  family  of  Gordonstoun  here  interred : — 

Dam  Genewieu  Petau,  the  daughter  of  Gideon  Petau,  Lord 
of  the  Isle  of  France,  widow  of  John  Gordon,  Lord  of  Glenluce 
and  Dean  of  Salisbury,  and  mother-in-law  to  Robert  Gordon  of 
Gordonstoun,  died  December  6,  1643,  in  the  83  year  of  her 
age.  Sir  Robert  Gordon  of  Gordonstoun,  son  to  the  Earl  of 
Sutherland,  by  my  Lady  Jean  Gordon,  daughter  to  the  Earl  of 
Huntly,  died  March,  1656,  aged  77  years.  D.  Lucia  Gordon, 
his  lady,  daughter  to  John  Gordon,  Lord  of  Glenluce  and  Dean 
of  Salisbury,  by  D.  Genewieu  Pelau,  died  7ber,  1680,  aged  83 
years.  Mrs.  Katherine  Gordon,  daughter  of  Sir  Robert  Gordon 
of  Gordonstoun,  and  spous  to  Collionel  David  Barclay  of  Urie, 
died  March,  1663,  aged  43  years.  Mr.  Charles  Gordon,  son  to 
Sir  Robert  Gordon,  died  ,  1674,  aged  43  years.  D.Jean 

Gordon,  daughter  to  Sir  Robert  Gordon,  and  spouse  to  Sir 
Alexander  M'Kenzie  of  Coul,  died  ,  1676,  aged  43  years. 

Mrs.  Lucia  Gordon,  daughter  to  Sir  Robert  Gordon,  died 
before  her  father,  unmarried,  about  ye  18  year  of  hir  age.  Sir 
Ludovick  Gordon  of  Gordonstoun,  son  to  Sir  Robert  Gordon, 
by  D.  Lucia  Gordon,  died  December  1668,  aged  63  years.  D. 
Elizabeth  Farquhar,  his  1st  lady,  daughter  to  Sir  Robert 
Farquhar  of  Menie,  by  D.  Elizabeth  Buck,  died  November, 
1661,  aged  38  years.  Mrs.  Anna  Gordon,  daughter  to  Sir 
Ludovick  Gordon,  died  unmarried.  Alexander  Gordon,  son  to 
Sir  Ludovick  Gordon,  died  1666.  Benjamin  Gordon,  son  to 
Sir  Ludovick  Gordon,  died  1662.  Ludovick  Gordon,  son  to 
Sir  Ludovick  Gordon,  died  Sher,  1696,  aged  43  years.  Sir 
Robert  Gordon  of  Gordonstoun,  son  to  Sir  Ludovick  Gordon, 
by  D.  Elizabeth  Farquhar,  died  5  of  Sher,  1704,  aged  57  years. 
D.  Margaret  Forbes,  his  1st  lady,  daughter  to  my  Lord  Forbes, 
by  Mrs.  Jean  Campbell,  his  spouse,  1677.  William  Gordon, 
vson  to  Sir  Robert  Gordon,  by  Elizabeth  Dunbar,  daughter  to 
Sir  William  Dunbar  of  Hempriggs,  died  18  March,  1701. 
Mrs.  Margaret  Gordon,  daughter  to  Sir  Robert  Gordon,  by  D. 
Elizabeth  Dunbar,  died  16  March,  1703,  aged  10  years.  Mrs. 
Katherine  Gordon,  daughter  to  Sir  Robert  Gordon,  by  D. 
Elizabeth  Dunbar,  died  18  March,  1705,  aged  39  years.  Mrs. 
Elizabeth  Gordon,  daughter  to  Sir  Robert  Gordon,  by  D. 


Elizabeth  Dunbar,  died  8  December,  1705.  Lucy,  daughter  of 
Sir  Robert  Gordon  and  Dame  Elizabeth  Dunbar,  married  David 
Scott  of  Scotstarvet.  Sir  Robert  Gordon,  son  of  Sir  Robert 
Gordon  and  Dame  Elizabeth  Dunbar,  born  1696,  died  1772  ; 
married,  1734,  Agnes,  daughter  of  Sir  William  Maxwell  of 
Calderwood,  Baronet.  Dame  Agnes  Maxwell  died  at  Lossie- 
mouth  llth  March,  1808.  Sir  Robert  Gordon,  eldest  son  of 
Sir  Robert  Gordon  and  Dame  Agnes  Maxwell,  born  1736,  died 
unmarried  2nd  June  1776.  He  was  succeeded  by  his  brother, 
Sir  William  Gordon,  born  1738,  died  in  Edinburgh  unmarried 
5th  March,  1795.  Lewis  and  John,  younger  sons,  left  no  issue. 
A  daughter,  Christian,  died  young. 

II.  The  Gordonstoun  Monument,  No.  2  : — 

In  memory  of  those  of  the  family  of  Altyre,  whose  mortal 
remains  lie  in  the  vault  beneath.  Sir.  Alex.  Penrose  Gumming 
Gordon,  Bt.,  born  19  May,  1749,  m.  9th  Sept.,  1773.  Helen, 
5th  daughter  of  Sir  Ludovick  Grant  of  Grant,  Bt.,  by  Lady 
Margaret  Ogilvie,  eldest  daughter  of  James,  Earl  of  Findlater 
and  Seafield,  succeeded  to  the  Gordonstoun  estates  on  the 
death  of  Sir  William  Gordon,  Bart.,  1794,  died  11  Feby.,  1804. 
Dame  Helen,  his  spouse,  born  29  May,  1754,  died  1  January, 
1832.  They  had  issue,  7  sous  and  9  daughters,  of  whom  Jane, 
Mary,  and  Amelia,  lie  in  the  vault  beneath. 

III.  Here  lyes  ane  honest  man,  called  James  Dick,  mason, 
sumtym  indualler  in  Rewland,  who  departed  this  mortail  lyf 
the  9  of  Agyest,  1661. 

IV.  Here  lyes  the  body  of  John  Dick,  mason,  who  lived  in 
Pleuland,  and  died  the  22  of  Jully,  1692 ;  and  Christian  Innes, 
his  spous,  died  the  7  of  July,  1694;  and  their  son,  John  Dick, 
who  died  Feb.  1727. 

V.  Here  lyes  Christian  Dick,  spouse  to  Alex.  Sinclair,  mason, 
Causea,  who  departed  this  life  the  last  of  October,  the  year  of 
God  1697. 

VI.  Here  lyes  the  body  of  James  Chalmer,  sometime  Causea. 
He  died  the  18  of  December,  1706,  and  his  spouse,  Margaret 

VII.  John  Macdonald.     Elspet  Robertson.     1740. 


(Dubh-uis,  i.e.,  black  or  stagnating  water)  lieth 
west  of  Kinnedar,  between  the  Loch  of  Spynie 


and  the  sea.  It  extendeth  about  3  miles  from 
east  to  west,  and  1  mile  from  south  to  north. 

The  Church  standeth  in  the  east  end,  a  mile 
west  of  Kinnedar,  1J  miles  north-west  of  New 
Spynie,  and  3  miles  north-east  of  Alves.  The 
whole  parish  (except  a  small  feu  pertaining  to 
Sutherland  of  Keam)  is  the  property  of  the  Duke 
of  Gordon,  Sir  Robert  Gordon  of  Gordonston, 
and  of  Alexander  Dunbar  of  Thunderton.  This 
last  has  far  the  greater  share,  and  resides  here. 
His  seat  is  close  by  the  Church.  The  house  is 
neat,  convenient,  and  well  finished,  and  the  gar- 
dens, avenues,  and  enclosures  are  well  laid  out. 

A  half  mile  south-east  stood  the  house  and 
fort  of  old  Duffus  (Vid.  Milit.  Hist.),  and  2  miles 
west  is  the  Burgh-head,  a  remarkable  Danish 
fort  (Vid.  Milit.  Hist.),  close  by  which  is  the 
village  of  the  Burgh-Sea,  where  Gordonston  and 
Thunderton  have  a  good  fishing  of  white  fish, 
upon  which  the  town  of  Elgin  have  a  servitude, 
whereby  the  fish  must  be  brought  to  their  market. 
Here  about  300  people  live  by  fishing,  and  have 
no  corn  land  and  little  garden  ground.  At  this 
village  there  is  a  good  harbour  for  small  craft. 
And  I  cannot  but  observe  that  the  people  on  the 
coast  westward  having  plucked  up  the  bent-grass 
on  some  small  hills,  the  loose  sand  is  driven  so 
thick  by  the  west  wind,  that  much  land  in  Duffus 
and  Gordonston  has  been  covered  by  it ;  but  of 
late  years  there  has  not  been  much  hurt  done  in 


this  way,  the  strata  on  these  hills  becoming  pro- 
bably more  firm,  and  the  sanded  land  is  again 
tilled.  In  this  parish  there  is  much  freestone 
and  rich  quarries  of  limestone. 


[Situation,  Soil,  Climate. — In  every  region  of  the  earth 
where  the  clime  and  soil  do  not  spontaneously  afford  the 
subsistence  of  man,  it  appears,  by  the  earliest  notices  of 
historj',  that  society  was  at  first  supported  chiefly  by  the 
means  of  hunting ;  that  from  the  hunter  state  they  made 
in  general  a  sudden  advance  to  that  of  the  pastoral,  indis- 
pensable to  the  more  perfect  state  of  agriculture. 

In  a  country  so  narrow  as  this,  it  may  be  presumed 
that  its  different  quarters,  even  in  the  hunter  state,  would 
be  distinguished  by  names,  which,  though  not  appropriate 
now,  have  been  without  change  preserved.  The  name  of 
Duffus,  signifying  in  the  Gaelic  black  water,  carries  back 
the  imagination  to  that  early  state  of  society  when  this 
flat  country  was  an  uncultivated  forest,  almost  everywhere 
deformed  by  gloomy  black  pools  of  stagnate  water.  The 
plain  between  the  lake  of  Spynie  and  the  sea,  continued 
for  about  5  miles  westward  from  Drainy,  forms  the  whole 
extent  of  the  parish  of  Duffus.  Since  taking  off  the 
water  from  the  lake,  it  is  extended  about  3  miles  in 
breadth  ;  but  the  lake  is  not  continued  now  far  upon  the 
south  side,  and  the  ridge  along  the  coast  is  stretched  only 
about  one  third  of  the  length,  westward  of  which  the 
shore  is  sandy  and  flat,  raised  only  a  few  feet  above  the 
level  of  the  sea.  Towards  the  midst  both  of  the  plain 
and  parish,  at  a  little  distance  from  the  coast,  the  green 
arable  hill  of  Roseisle  embellishes  the  landscape.  It  is 
not  doubted  but  the  sea  once  communicated  with  the 
lake,  along  the  west  and  south  sides  of  this  eminence, 
which  then  formed  the  termination  of  the  isle,  extended 
eastward  to  the  headland  of  the  Goulard  at  Lossiemouth. 
Along  the  coast,  the  whole  length  of  the  parish,  for  the 
breadth  of  half  a  mile,  may  be  considered  as  downs,  the 
soil  sandy,  mixed  with  stone,  in  some  places  rising  in 
green  ridges,  composed  of  limestone  rock.  Towards  the 
middle  of  this  poor  benty  pasturage,  between  the  hill  of 


Roseisle  and  the  sea,  some  detached  fields  are  cultivated, 
and  one  farm,  of  considerable  extent,  offers  a  solitary  but 
commodious  and  pleasing  residence.  The  rest  of  the 
parish  is  an  unbroken  arable  field,  for  the  greater  part  a 
deep  rich  clay,  of  the  same  kind  with  the  carse  soil  of 
Gowrie  or  Falkirk,  producing  weighty  crops  of  wheat, 
pease,  and  beans.  Towards  its  western  end,  the  soil  i? 
black  earth,  very  fertile,  yielding  crops  of  barley  not  to 
be  surpassed  in  earliness,  quality,  or  increase  in  any  part 
of  Scotland.  In  some  places  of  this  quarter  the  soil  is  so 
mixed  with  sand  as  to  be  deprived  of  much  of  its  fertility, 
and  a  great  proportion  of  it  hath  been  deeply  covered  by 
dry  land,  drifted  almost  ten  miles  from  Coulbin,  and  its 
cultivation  by  man  for  several  generations  suspended, 
except  a  few  small  patches,  which  have  of  late  been 
recovered  by  bringing  the  soil  above  the  sand  by  the 

State  of  Property. — The  valued  rent  of  the  parish, 
amounting  to  £3,120  6s.  Id.  Scots,  is  shared  among  five 
proprietors,  of  whom  Sir  Archibald  Dunbar  only  is  resi- 
dent, in  a  handsome  modern  seat,  placed  in  a  small  park, 
sheltered  on  the  north  by  the  Church  and  the  village  of 
Duffus,  arid  on  the  other  three  sides  bounded  by  fields 
and  stripes  of  plantation.  It  commands  an  extensive 
landscape,  embellished  by  every  rural-  decoration.  His 
property  in  this  parish  is  valued  at  £1,800  Scots. 

A  considerable  part  of  the  estate  of  Gordonstown,  lately 
augmented  by  the  purchase  of  the  lands  of  Roseisle,  with 
which  a  part  of  it  lay  blended,  lies  also  in  this  parish, 
amounting  now  to  the  valuation  of  £1,019  Scots. 

Mr.  Brander  of  Pitgaveny,  as  was  observed,  holds  a 
considerable  part  of  the  extent  of  this  parish,  but  yet  so 
incompletely  drained  as  not  to  admit  of  perfect  cultiva- 
tion. It  is  valued  at  £244-  18s.  lid.  Scots.  The  other 
two  properties  are  inconsiderable — the  one  belonging  to 
Mr.  Baron  Gordon  of  Clunie  is  valued  at  £36  7s.  2d. 
Scots,  and  the  other  appertaining  to  Mr.  Lewis  Kay  only 
at  £20.  The  farms  are  but  of  small  extent,  two  only 
exceed  100  acres.  A  great  proportion  of  the  parish  is 
rented  at  £1  sterling  the  acre,  and  the  average  equals 
three-fourths  of  that  rate. 

State  Ecclesiastical. — The  Church  is  incommodiously 
situated  in  the  east  end  of  a  parish  of  such  length.  The 


Burying-place  is  a  small  square  enclosure  around  the 
Church,  having  a  pretty  broad  road  on  each  of  its  sides, 
rather  roughly  causewayed,  but  the  workmanship  of  a 
party  of  soldiers  who  were  stationed  here  by  Cromwell. 
The  stipend,  by  decreet  1793,  is  8  chalders  of  bear,  and 
£38  6s.  8d.  sterling,  including  the  allowance  for  the  Com- 
munion. The  patronage  has  been  in  the  possession  of  Sir 
Archibald  Dunbar  and  his  authors  since  the  year  1527. 
With  the  fees  for  teaching  already  stated,  and  the  statu- 
tory salary  as  session-clerk,  the  schoolmaster  has  an 
establishment  of  7  bolls  and  nearly  3  firlots  of  bear,  the 
number  of  scholars  amounting  to  about  50. 

The  only  provision  for  the  poor  arises  from  the  half- 
pence contributed  by  the  tenants  and  their  families  who 
attend  the  Parochial  Church,  amounting  to  about  £14? 
sterling  in  the  year,  which,  without  expense  to  the  heritors, 
contributes  to  the  subsistence  of  about  60  indigent  persons, 
the  number  enrolled  in  the  lists  of  the  Session. 

The  members  of  the  Established  Church  amount  to 
1,760 ;  there  are  30  Episcopalians,  who,  with  a  few  neigh- 
bours from  the  parishes  of  Spynie  and  Alves,  have  main- 
tained a  small  meeting  ever  since  it  was  the  national 
religion ;  and  there  are  4  Seceders,  of  the  Antiburgher  sect. 

There  is  a  small  burying-ground  at  Burgh-head  for  the 
accommodation  of  that  village;  there  was  a  chapel  also 
there  where  public  worship  was  long  ago  performed  by 
the  minister  of  the  parish.  Two  hamlets  bear  the  name 
of  College,  namely,  Roseisle  and  Unthank.  At  the  last 
of  these  the  foundations  of  the  chapel  were  lately  taken 
up  to  repair  the  mill. 

Miscellaneous  Information. — The  people,  although 
poor  and  depressed,  are  not  querulous ;  they  are  peaceable 
and  well-disposed ;  and  the  dislike  of  each  other,  on  the 
account  of  diversity  of  religious  opinions  and  modes  of 
worship,  has  greatly  subsided  among  them.  They  are 
sober,  and  but  little  addicted  to  the  intemperate  use  of 
spirituous  liquors. 

The  village  of  Burgh-head  on  the  coast,  the  property  of 
Sir  Archibald  Dunbar,  contains  about  400  souls.  A  small 
number  of  the  men  are  quarriers  and  stone-cutters,  but 
the  greater  number  follow  a  sea-faring  life — 7  large  boats, 
with  6  people  on  board,  are  hired  for  the  western  fishery ; 
5  of  the  same  kind  are  employed  in  freighting  commodi- 
VOL.  u.  6 


ties  along  the  coast;  2  sloops,  besides,  are  employed  in 
transporting  grain  to  the  south  of  Scotland,  and  in  bring- 
ing back  coals ;  and  there  are  a  few  small  boats  employed 
in  fishing.  At  this  village  nature  has  pointed  out  a 
station  for  a  deep,  capacious,  and  safe  harbour.  It  could 
be  formed  at  a  moderate  expense,  the  stone  just  waiting 
to  be  cut  from  the  adjoining  rock,  and,  with  little  precau- 
tion, success  would  be  certain.  Along  the  whole  southern 
coast  of  the  Moray  Firth,  from  Buchanness,  upwards  of 
100  miles,  to  Inverness,  there  is  no  good  or  safe  harbour. 
The  advantage,  therefore,  of  this  undertaking  appears  in 
the  strongest  light,  there  being  water  of  any  necessary 
depth,  on  a  fine  bottom  of  blue  clay,  moss,  or  sand,  and 
shelter  from  every  dangerous  wind.  It  is  nearly  at  equal 
distance  from  Elgin  and  Forres,  and,  with  a  good  harbour, 
it  would  soon  become  the  port  of  both  towns.  Commerce 
and  manu/acture  would,  of  consequence,  settle  in  this  part 
of  the  country,  and,  with  an  increasing  rise  in  the  value 
of  the  neighbouring  farms,  all  the  various  advantages 
arising  from  them  would  quickly  follow.  Here  at  present 
there  is  only  a  fishery,  and  but  of  small  consideration. 
Cod,  skate,  ling,  are  sold  at  Id.  and  l|d.  the  Ib.  There 
are  also  hollibut,  mackarel,  saith,  and  whiting.  Turbot 
are  on  the  coast,  but  the  people  are  not  instructed  in  the 
art  of  fishing  for  them.  Haddocks  have  been  for  years  in 
fewer  numbers,  and  farther  from  the  land,  in  deeper  water 
than  formerly.  They  sell  at  Id.  each,  six  times  dearer 
than  before. 

Near  the  western  end  of  the  ridge  along  the  shore, 
where  the  rocks  rise  to  a  great  height,  the  foundation  of 
a  Castle  called  Inverugie  remains.  It  was  occasionally 
the  residence  of  the  family  of  Marischal,  who  once  held 
the  third  part  of  the  property  of  the  parish,  and  was 
named  after  their  chief  seat  in  Buchan.  It  appears  that 
in  this  parish  many  battles  had  in  former  times  been 
fought.  Burying-ground  is  to  be  found  about  almost 
every  hamlet,  and  in  many  of  them  skeletons  of  human 
bodies  have  been  accidentally  dug  up,  and  this  has  given 
rise  to  many  fairy  hillocks  and  grounds  where  witches 
met  together. 

Near  the  western  end  of  the  parish  there  had  been  a  place 
of  worship  at  a  farm  called  Kirkhill,  where  the  remains  of 
the  cross  and  some  of  the  buildings  are  still  visible. 


In  several  places  are  indications  of  iron  ore  and  coal. 
All  the  water  seems  surcharged  with  iron,  and  in  one 
field,  near  Duffus  House,  there  is  a  strong  chalybeate 
spring,  near  to  which  appears  a  black  hard  earth,  mixed 
with  stone  resembling  the  refuse  of  a  forge. 

Although  now  there  is  no  natural  wood  in  the  parish, 
yet  from  old  tradition,  and  from  rotten  logs  of  wood  found 
in  the  corn  fields  and  pastures  throughout  the  whole 
lower  grounds,  and  even  in  the  stiffest  clay  soil,  this  part 
of  the  country  must  have  once  been  an  entire  forest  of 
different  kinds  of  timber — oak,  aller,  birch,  hazel,  and  fir ; 
and  it  is  reported  that  the  oppressed  inhabitants  were 
compelled  by  the  Danes  to  carry  oak  from  the  valley  near 
Roseisle  to  build  their  ships  at  Burghhead.]  (Survey  of 
the  Province  of  Moray.) 

{Duffus  Castle  is  about  4  miles  north  of  Elgin  and  2 
miles  west  of  Spynie  Castle.  It  was  built  in  the  reign  of 
David  II.,  and  was  long  the  seat  of  the  family  of  Suther- 
land, who  bore  the  peerage  title  of  Lords  Duffus  from 
1650  till  1843.  One  of  its  earliest  possessors,  and  probably 
its  founder,  was  Freskinus  de  Moravia,  whose  family 
became  conspicuous  in  Moray  in  the  reign  of  David  I. 
Bishop  Bricius  founded  a  Chapel  here  early  in  the  13th 
century,  and  we  find  from  the  Chartulary  that  Mary  de 
Federith,  an  heiress  of  the  house  of  De  Moravia,  held 
possession  of  it  from  1269  till  1312.  The  Castle  stood  on 
an  elevated  mound  on  the  north-western  shore  of  the 
Loch  of  Spynie,  now  drained.  A  deep  moat  surrounded 
it,  with  a  parapet- wall  and  drawbridge.  For  several 
miles  circumambient  no  elevation  surpassed  it.  From 
the  low-lying  marshy  state  of  the  ground  it  was  penin- 
sular, and  thus  well  secured  against  foes.  At  page  108 
of  Rhind's  Sketches  of  Moray  there  is  given  an  etching  of 
the  Castle  of  Duffus  in  1839,  surrounded  picturesquely 
with  clumps  of  trees.  The  walls  are  of  rude  workman- 
ship, a  considerable  portion  of  which  still  remains  on  the 
west  side ;  and  from  these  we  find  that  they  formed  a 
large  square,  rising  20  feet  high.  The  walls  are  formed 
of  rough  stones,  cemented  with  run  lime,  forming  a  mass 
5  feet  thick.  The  garden  and  orchard  are  yet  in  preser- 
vation. We  have  no  certain  information  when  this 
fortalice  ceased  to  be  occupied.  Alexander  Sutherland,  of 


the  ancient  family  of  Duffus,  was  created  a  Peer,  by  the 
title  of  Lord  Duffus,  8th  Dec.,  1650.  He  married  four 
wives — one  at  a  time  ;  the  first  two  and  last  were  barren 
to  him,  although  the  fourth  wife  (Margaret,  eldest  daughter 
of  William,  llth  Lord  Forbes)  married  for  her  2nd  husband 
Sir  Robert  Gordon,  3rd  Bart,  of  Gordonstown,  by  whom 
she  had  one  daughter,  married  to  John  Forbes  of  Culloden. 
Lord  Duffus  bought  or  acquired  from  his  father-in-law 
(his  2nd  wife's  sire,  James,  Earl  of  Moray)  the  lands  of 
Ardgay,  Leggat,  Kintrae,  and  others,  and  the  Earl  of 
Moray's  house  in  Elgin,  called  "  the  Great  Lodging,"  which 
he  enlarged  and  beautified.  At  this  time,  the  family 
estate  consisted  of  the  whole  parish  of  Duffus,  Quarrel- 
wood,  Ardgay,  Kintrae,  &c.,  in  Morayshire,  and  Skelbo, 
Torboll,  Morvich,  &c.,  in  Sutherlandshire.  Alexander, 
Lord  Duffus,  died  31st  Aug.,  1674,  and  was  succeeded  by 
his  only  son,  James,  2nd  Lord  Duffus,  the  offspring  of  his 
3rd  wife,  Lady  Margaret  Stewart,  2nd  daughter  of  James, 
5th  Earl  of  Moray.  This  James,  Lord  Duffus,  killed  Ross 
of  Kindeace  in  a  sudden  quarrel  under  much  provocation, 
and  had  for  some  time  to  leave  the  country  in  consequence. 
He  died  the  24th  Sept.,  1705,  but  previously  he  got 
embarrassed,  and  had  to  sell  the  greater  part  of  the  estate 
to  his  2nd  son,  James  Sutherland,  as  a  temporary  arrange- 
ment. He  borrowed  the  money  to  pay  the  price  from 
Archibald  Dunbar  of  Thunderton,  which  he  was  unable  to 
recoup.  The  title  was  attainted  in  1715.  Thus  the  great 
and  powerful  family  of  De  Moravia,  who  at  one  time  had 
large  territories  and  great  power  in  the  land,  have  now 
no  longer  a  house  nor  name  in  the  county  of  Moray. 

An  old  woman  of  the  parish,  who  survived  the  year 
1760,  related  that  she  was  a  servant  in  the  Castle,  and 
remembered  to  have  waited  on  the  company  at  table, 
when  Lord  Dundee,  the  celebrated  Claverhouse,  was  a 
guest,  about  1689;  that  she  brought  the  claret  to  the 
table  from  the  cask  in  a  timber  stoup  (a  jar,  the  work- 
manship of  the  cooper),  which  was  drunk  from  a  silver 
cup.  She  said  the  Viscount  was  a  swarthy  little  man, 
with  lively  keen  eyes,  his  hair  black,  verging  towards 
grey,  having  a  lock  covering  each  ear,  rolled  up  on  a  slip 
of  lead  twisted  together  at  its  ends.]  (See  Rhind's  Sketches 
of  Moray,  Young's  Annals  of  Elgin,  and  Morayshire 


Near  a  hamlet  called  the  Ream  or  Kaim,  supposed  to 
be  a  corruption  of  Camus,  a  Danish  leader  who  was  here 
killed,  was  a  Pillar  or  Obelisk,  alleged  to  commemorate  a 
victory  of  Malcolm  II.  over  the  Danes  under  the  above 

Ancient  Porch  at  Duffus. — This  beautiful  fragment  is 
probably  the  oldest  relic  of  ecclesiastical  architecture  in 
the  Province.  The  arch  approaches  to  the  Saxon,  an 
older  style  of  the  Gothic  than  the  acute-pointed  arch.  It 
may  either  have  formed  one  of  the  aisles  of  the  Church  of 
St.  Peter,  which  we  know  existed  here  in  the  llth  and 
12th  centuries,  or  it  may  be  part  of  the  Chapel  of  St. 
Lawrence,  founded  by  Freskinus  De  Moravia,  one  of  the 
Lords  of  Duffus,  and  who  was  buried  here  as  well  as 
several  of  his  ancestors.  He  died  about  1269. 

This  arch  forms  the  entrance  to  the  present  Church  of 
Duffus,  and  is  still  in  good  preservation.  An  etching  is 
given  at  page  31  of  Rhind's  Sketches  of  Moray. 

A  Cross,  also  apparently  of  considerable  antiquity, 
stands  in  front  of  the  Church. 

The  rocky  promontory,  on  which  the  town  or  village  of 
Burgh-head  is  built,  projects  into  the  Moray  Firth,  from 
the  general  line  of  the  coast,  in  a  north-westerly  direction 
to  the  extent  of  about  three  quarters  of  a  mile.  This 
promontory  rises  from  the  neck  uniting  it  to  the  main- 
land, at  first  with  a  gentle  inclination,  to  within  400  feet 
or  so  of  its  termination.  Of  the  remaining  extent,  which 
narrows  towards  the  extremity,  and  ends  in  a  perpendi- 
cular front  towards  the  sea,  the  south-west  half  is  a  level 
space,  of  an  average  width  of  250  feet,  and  80  feet  above 
the  water,  while  the  rest  of  the  ground  attains  a  some- 
what higher  elevation.  Where  the  declivity  commences 
three  parallel  ramparts,  15  and  20  feet  high,  with  inter- 
vening ditches  16  feet  wide  (considerable  portions  of 
both  of  which  still  exist),  were  carried  quite  across  the 
promontory.  Ramparts  on  some  sides  still  existing 
encompassed  both  the  upper  and  lower  terminal  areas 
within  these  breast  works.  The  houses  of  the  modern 
town  occupy  the  inclined  surface  in  regular  lines  of  low- 
size.d  buildings. 

About  80  years  ago  there  was  discovered  within  the 
rampart  of  the  upper  area  a  cubical-shaped  covered 
chamber,  the  sides  of  which  measured  14  feet  each,  cut 


in  the  solid  rock,  and  having  in  the  centre  a  cistern,  bath, 
or  reservoir,  4  feet  deep  and  10  feet  9  inches  square,  in 
which  springs  up  a  fountain  of  clear  water.  A  projecting 
cornice,  one  foot  broad,  runs  round  the  chamber,  about  6 
feet  from  the  top  of  the  walls ;  and  at  one  of  its  angles  is 
a  pedestal  apparently  for  a  statue.  The  communication 
from  without  is  through  an  excavated  passage  on  one 
side,  and  a  flight  of  stone  steps  ascending  to  the  surface 
of  the  ground.  The  chamber  is  coated  with  plaster, 
which,  though  now  faded,  was,  when  first  opened,  of  a 
deep  red  colour,  and  its  angles  are  rounded. 

No  Roman  coins  have  been  dug  up  here ;  but  on  some, 
at  least  two,  shapeless  slabs  of  freestone,  met  with  in  the 
ramparts,  the  figure  of  a  bull  (about  the  size  of  an  ordinary 
bull-dog)  is  outlined  in  basso-relievo.  Anthony  Carlisle, 
on  the  llth  May,  1809,  exhibited  to  the  Society  of  Anti- 
quaries, London,  a  drawing  of  the  animal,  taken  with 
moistened  paper,  given  in  vol.  xvi.,  p.  365  of  Archceologia. 
The  views  given  out  in  General  Roy's  Military  Antiqui- 
ties and  in  Chalmers'  Caledonia  are  not  accepted.  They 
asserted  that  the  Danish  fortress  here  (a  round  hill  of 
about  50  feet  high)  was  previously  the  "  ultima  Ptoroton  " 
of  the  Romans,  mentioned  in  the  Journal  of  the  Monk 
Richard  of  Cirencester,  A.D.  1338.  Recent  enquiries  and 
excavations  made  on  the  spot  have  failed  to  find  any 
reliable  evidence  that  the  Romans  ever  had  a  fortified 
station  or  camp  here ;  while  the  style  of  the  sculptured 
bulls  in  this  part  of  the  country,  though  bold  and  graceful, 
is  considered  to  be  undoubtedly  native  and  Celtic.  In 
the  deep  cutting  of  the  hoofs  and  the  circular  volutes  of 
the  tail  and  shoulder  blades,  the  figures  have  an  Eastern 
or  Nineveh  type ;  and  in  the  loose  rubbish  of  the  ramparts 
portions  of  carved  crosses  with  processions  and  animals 
have  been  found,  more  nearly  resembling  the  celebrated 
sculptured  stones  of  the  shires  of  Aberdeen'  and  Kincar- 
dine, which  exhibit  a  mixture  of  native  Pagan  and  Chris- 
tian forms. 

The  names  of  places  in  the  neighbourhood,  as  Tuesis  or 
the  Spey,  and  Farm  or  Forres,  and  the  remains  of  a 
very  old  road  leading  south  from  Burgh-head  through  the 
hills  of  Cromdale  and  across  the  Grampians,  of  which  a 
few  pieces  still  remain,  somewhat  like  a  Roman  paved 
way  in  their  structure,  alone  give  countenance  to  the 


Roman  theory  of  Ptolemy's  Geography  and  the  Monkish 
Itinera.  It  is,  at  all  events,  certain  that  the  Norwegian 
Earls  of  Orkney,  who  were  in  constant  warfare  with  the 
Scottish  Earls  of  Sutherland  and  Caithness,  and  the 
pirates  from  Denmark  and  Norway  who  infested  our  seas 
for  nearly  400  years,  are  known  to  have  found  here  a 
commodious  harbour  for  their  fleets,  and  an  impregnable 
fortress,  and  from  their  occupation  of  it  the  place  acquired 
its  Norse  appellation  of  Brough-Head. 

Attention  is  hereby  called  to  "  Historical  Notices  of  the 
Brocli  or  Burghead,  in  Moray,  with  an  Account  of  its 
Antiquities,  by  James  Macdonald,  Esq.,  A.M.,"  printed  in 
the  Proceedings  of  the  Society  of  Antiquaries  of  Scotland, 
vol.  iv.,  p.  321.]  (ED.) 

Before  I  describe  the  south  side  of  the  Loch  of 
Spynie,  I  shall  take  a  view  of  the  ancient 


Duffus  gave  title  to  a  noble  lord,  but  is  more 
remarkable  for  having  been  the  seat  of  the  princi- 
pal family  of  the  ancient  Moravienses.  (1)  Fris- 
kinus,  stiled  De  Moravia*  (for  particular  sirnames 
were  not  at  that  time  fixed)  was  Dominus  de 
Duffus,  in  the  reign  of  King  David  I.  (Chart. 
Morav.).  His  son  (2)  Willielmus  de  Moravia 
Filius  Friskini  had  a  charter  from  King  William, 
about  anno  1169,  of  the  lands  of  Duffus,  Eossile, 
Kintrae,  Inskele,  &c.,  "  Quas  terras,  Pater  suus 
Friskinus  tenuit  tempore  Eegis  David  Avi  mei "  f 

*  It  is  observed  that  Sir  Eobert  Douglas  often  calls  this 
person  De  Moravia;  but  it  is  much  doubted  if  he  had  any 
authority  for  calling  him  so.  It  is  supposed  that  he  gave  him 
this  appellation  because  his  son  William  is  called  De  Moravia. 

t  Translation. — Which  lands  his  father,  Freskin,  held  in  the 
reign  of  my  grandfather,  King  David. 


(Ibid).  He  had  several  sons;  as  Hugh,  his  heir, 
mentioned  in  a  charter  by  Eichard,  Bishop  of 
Moray,  to  the  Abbey  of  Kinloss  (Ibid).  Hugh* 
is  supposed  to  have  been  ancestor  of  the  Suther- 
lands,  who  dropt  the  name  De  Moravia,  and 
assumed  a  sirname  from  their  country,  for  both 
Sutherland  and  Caithness  were  anciently  called 
Catanesia,  afterwards  divided  into  Australis  and 
Borealis.  Sir  John,  Sheriff  of  Perthshire,  the 
undoubted  progenitor  of  the  family  of  Tullibar- 
dine,  represented,  in  the  direct  male-line  by  his 
Grace  the  Duke  of  Athole,  who  is  the  20th  gene- 
ration in  descent  from  this  Sir  John ;  Willielmus 
Filius  Willielmi  Friskini,  Dominus  de  Pettie, 
Brachlie  and  Boharm,  and  father  of  Walter  of 
Pettie,  of  whom  came  Sir  Andrew  Moray,  Lord 
of  Bothwell,  Governor  of  Scotland,  who  died 
anno  1338;  and  Sir  John  de  Moravia,  whose 
representative  in  the  right  male-line  is  Mr. 
Moray  of  Abercairny;  Andrew,  Bishop  of  Moray; 
Gilbert,  Bishop  of  Caithness ;  and  Richard  of 
Coulbin.  (3)  Hugh  was  father  of  (4)  Walterus 
de  Moravia,  films  quondam  Hugonis  de  Moravia, 
so  called  in  an  agreement,  anno  1266,  with  Archi- 
bald, Bishop  of  Moray,  about  a  part  of  the  wood 
and  moor  of  Spynie.  His  son  (5)  Friskinus  films 
Walteri  (Ibid)  had  two  daughters  co-heiresses, 

*  Hugh,  the  ancestor  of  the  family  of  Sutherland,  was  called 
Hugh  Frisken.  (See  Additional  Case  for  Lady  Elizabeth  Suther- 
land^ page  8.)  It  is  doubted  whether  he  was  the  son  of  William, 
or  his  brother,  and  father  of  the  persons  after  mentioned. 


viz.,  Hellen,  married  to  Sir  Beynold  Cheyne,  and 
Christine,  married  to  William  de  Federeth.  The 
family  of  Cheyne  of  Duffus  ended  likewise  in  two 
daughters,  viz.,  Mary,  married  to  Nicholas  Suth- 
erland, second  son  of  Kenneth,  Earl  of  Sutherland, 
who  was  killed  at  Halidon  Hill,  anno  1333 ;  and 
the  other  daughter  married  to  John  Keith, 
younger  son  to  Sir  Edward  Keith  Marshall  of 
Scotland,  and  with  her  got  Inverugie  lands  in 
Buchan  and  a  part  of  Duffus.  This  Duffus  was 
divided  into  the  King's  part,  Duffus's  part,  and 
Marshall's  part.  Alexander  Sutherland,  grand- 
son of  Nicholas,  married  Morella,  the  heiress  of 
Chisholrn  of  Quarrelwood,  which  greatly  increased 
his  fortune,  and  the  family  purchased  Marshall's 
Third  and  had  an  opulent  estate.  Alexander,  the 
fifth  in  descent  from  him,  was  raised  to  the 
dignity  of  the  Peerage,  by  the  title  of  Lord 
Duffus,  by  King  Charles  II.,  8  December,  1650. 
James,  the  second  Lord,  who  died  anno  1705, 
sold  the  greatest  part  of  the  estate  to  Archibald 
Dunbar  of  Thunderton  (a  branch  of  the  family  of 
Kilbuiak  and  Hempriggs)  whose  grandnephew 
now  enjoyeth  it.  Kenneth,  third  Lord  Duffus, 
who  was  a  Commander  in  the  Eoyal  Navy  in 
Queen  Anne's  time,  in  which  station  he  signa- 
lised himself  in  several  engagements,  had  the 
misfortune  to  enter  into  the  Eebellion  anno  1715, 
and  was  attainted.  His  grandson,  James  Suther- 
land, Esq.,  had  it  not  been  for  the  forfeiture, 


would  have  been  the  fifth  Lord  Duffus.     He  now 
represents  that  family. 

The  original  arms  of  Moray  are — Az.  3  stars.  Arg.  And 
of  Sutherland,  Gul.  3  stars.  Or. 

Arms  of  the  family  of  Lord  Duffus — Quarterly,  1st  and  4th, 
Gules,  three  stars,  Or.  2d,  Azure,  three  cross  crosslets  fitched, 
Argent.  3d,  Azure,  a  boar's  head  crazed,  Argent.  Crest,  a 
Cat  Sejant  proper.  Motto,  WITHOUT  FEAR.  Supporters,  two 
Savages  proper,  each  armed  with  a  baton  over  his  shoulder,  and 
wreathed  about  the  head  and  middle.  Vert 


[Willelmus  Filius  Freskin  witnessed  a  Charter  granted 
by  Malcolm  IV.  to  Berowaldus  Flandrensis  of  the  lands 
of  Innes  at  Christmas,  1160.  The  date  is  proved  by  its 
being  witnessed  by  William,  Bishop  of  Moray,  there  styled 
Papal  Legate,  which  rank  he  obtained  in  that  year,  and 
died  in  the  year  following.  Between  1162  and  1171  he 
obtained  a  charter  from  that  King  of  the  lands  "of  Strabok, 
Duffus,  Rosisle,  Inchikel,  Machir,  and  Kintrai,  quas  terras 
pater  suus  Friskin  tenuit  tempore  regis  David  avi  mei," 
(which  lands  his  father,  Frisken,  held  in  the  time  of 
King  David,  my  grandfather.)  This  Charter  certainly 
existed  in  the  middle  of  last  century  in  the  charter-chest 
of  the  Earl  of  Buchan,  the  proprietor  of  the  lands  of 
Strabrok  in  Linlithgowshire.  Though  now  missing,  it  is 
still  in  the  inventory  of  his  Lordship's  title-deeds,  and  it 
was  seen  and  copied  by  Nisbet,  from  whom  the  words 
above  are  quoted. 

He  witnessed  several  charters  of  King  William  between 
the  years  1187  and  1199,  and  never  any  but  those  granted 
in  Moray. 

Willelmus  Fresekyn  was  Sheriff  of  Invernaryn  in  1204. 
He  had  three  sons,  Hugh,  William,  and  Andrew. 

Andrew  was  a  churchmau — Parson  of  Duffus  in  1209. 
He  is  probably  the  parson  who  refused  the  Bishoprick  of 
Ross  in  1213.  He  is  mentioned  in  1221,  but  may  by  that 
time  have  been  dead. 

Hugh  appears,  along  with  his  father,  about  the  end  of 
the  12th  century.  He  inherited  the  lands  of  Duffus  and 
Strabrok.  He  had  assumed  the  name  of  De  Moravia,  and 
was  styled  Lord  of  Duffus  before  1203.  He  continues  to 


appear  in  the  transactions  of  the  Chartulary  between  1203 
and  1224.  He  was  dead  in  1226,  and  was  buried  in  the 
Church  of  Duffus,  near  the  Altar  of  St.  Katharine,  as  we 
learn  by  a  note  on  the  margin  of  the  older  Chartulary,  in 
a  hand  apparently  of  the  loth  century : — 

Iste  Walterus  de  Morauia  cum  patre  suo  beato  Hugone 
sepultus  est  in  ecclesia  de  Duffous  prope  altare  beate  Katrine 
in  eadena.  Ut  patet  intuentibus.  (That  Walter  of  Moray, 
with  the  blessed  Hugh  his  father,  was  buried  in  the  Church 
of  Duffus,  near  the  Altar  of  St.  Catherine  in  the  same.  As  is 
evident  to  all  going  in.) 

And  at  a  charter  granted  by  his  son  Walter,  endowing  a 
Chaplainry  in  the  Church  of  Duffus,  where  he  is  styled 
Walterus  de  Moravia,  filius  Hugonis  de  Moravia.  A 
scribe  of  the  15th  century  has  interpolated  the  word 
beati  before  Hugonis.  From  these  notes  it  appears  that 
he  was  canonized,  or  at  least  obtained  the  character  of 
sanctity  for  his  benefactions  to  the  Church.  He  had  two 
sons — Walter  who  succeeded  him,  and  Andrew,  who  was 
Parson  of  Duffus  during  his  father's  lifetime  and  during 
the  Episcopate  of  Bishop  Bricius,  whom  he  succeeded  as 
Bishop  of  Moray  in  1222.  Walter  de  Moravia,  Knight, 
Lord  of  Duffus,  the  eldest  son  of  Hugh,  occurs  very 
frequently  between  1224  and  1242.  He  married  Eufemia, 
probably  a  daughter  of  Ferchar,  Earl  of  Ross.  The  grounds 
for  stating  this  are  that  the  Earl  granted  to  Walter  de 
Moravia,  apparently  without  any  consideration,  certain 
lands  in  Ross,  which  we  find  her  afterwards  possessing  as 
dowery-lands.  Eufemia  was  a  favourite  name  in  the 
family  of  the  Earls  of  Ross.  Walter  de  Moravia  was  dead 
in  1262-3,  and  was  buried  with  his  father  in  the  Church 
of  Duffus,  as  appears  from  a  former  quotation,  and  from 
the  following  note  on  the  margin  of  the  older  chartulary 
against  a  charter  of  his : — 

Iste  verus  habetur  super  tumulum  eius  in  Duffus.  Hie  pater 
dormit  tumulatus  Hugoque  beatus.  (That  true  man  has  this 
upon  his  tomb  in  Duffus : — Here  sleeps  entombed  the  father 
and  the  blessed  Hugh.) 

Freskinus  De  Moravia,  Lord  of  Duffus,  was  the  son  and 
heir  of  Walter.  He  occurs  frequently  in  the  Register 
between  1248  and  1263.  In  a  composition  between  him 
and  Simon,  Bishop  of  Moray,  we  learn  that  he  held  the 


lands  of  Logie  by  grants  of  the  Bishop's  predecessors  to 
his  great-grandfather  and  great-great-grandfather  (proavo 
et  attavo).  He  occurs  in  public  life  as  a  party  to  the 
treaty  with  the  Welsh  in  1258.  His  wife  was  Johanna, 
of  what  family  is  unknown,  who  was  proprietrix,  appar- 
ently in  her  own  right,  of  extensive  lands  in  Strathnavir. 
He  was  dead  in  1269,  and  was  buried  in  the  Chapel  of 
St.  Lawrence,  in  the  Church  of  Duffus,  as  we  learn  from 
the  following  notes,  marked  in  a  hand  of  the  15th  century, 
upon  the  margin  of  the  older  Chartulary.  There  is  some 
reason  to  think  that  these  notes  on  the  sepultures  of  the 
family  of  Duffus  are  in  the  handwriting  of  Bishop  Alex. 

Stewart : — 


Iste  Friskinus  sepultus  est  in  capella  Sancti  Laurentii  ecclesie 
parochialis  de  Duffows.  Et  iste  erat  nepos  beati  Hugonis 
domini  de  Duffows  et  fundatoris  eiusdem  et  filius  Walteri  de 

Iste  Freskynus  sepultus  est  in  Capella  Sancti  Laurencii  de 
Duffous  quam  ipse  fundavit  et  dotavit  de  terris  suis  de  Dawey 
in  Straspey  et  Duffous  ut  patet.  Orate  pro  anima  eius. 

(That  Friskin  was  buried  in  the  Chapel  of  St.  Lawrence  in 
the  Parish  Church  of  Duffus.  And  he  was  the  grandson  of 
the  blessed  Hugh,  lord  of  Duffus  and  founder  of  the  same,  and 
son  of  Walter  of  Moray. 

That  Friskin  was  buried  in  the  Chapel  of  St.  Lawrence  in 
Duffus,  which  he  himself  founded,  and  endowed  with  his  land 
of  Palvey  in  Strathspey  and  Duffus,  as  is  evident.  Pray  for 
his  soul.) 

He  left  his  property  divided  between  two  daughters  and 
co-heiresses,  Mary  and  Christian. 

Christian,  who  occurs  from  1269  to  1294,  seems  to  have 
had  a  portion  of  the  lands  of  Duffus  and  Strabok,  and  four 
davachs  of  land  in  Strathnavir.  She  married  William  de 
Federeth,  who  was  constable  of  Roxburgh  in  1262.  Their 
son —  William  le  fir  William  de  Federed,  del  Counte  de 
Elgyn  en  Morref—  did  homage  to  Edward  in  1296.  The 
family  of  De  Federeth  seems  to  have  ended  in  an  heiress, 
probably  his  daughter,  in  the  time  of  David  II. 

Mary,  probably  the  elder  daughter,  occurs  from  1269  to 
1312.  She  inherited  the  Castle  of  Duffus  with  the  greater 
part  of  that  barony,  the  half  of  Strabrok,  with  lands  in 
Strathnavir.  She  married  Sir  Reginald  le  Chen  the 
younger,  and  their  descendants,  co-heiresses,  carried  their 


large  possessions  into  the  families  of  Sutherland  of  Duffus 
— sprung  of  Nicholas,  second  son  of  Kenneth,  Earl  of 
Sutherland,  and  Keith  of  Inverugie,  a  branch  of  the  family 
of  Marischal,  and  which  ultimately  merged  into  that 
great  house.]  (Preface  xxxiv-xxxvii  legist.  Episc.  Morav.) 

THE    PARISH    OF    ST.    ANDREWS.* 

Lieth  north  of  the  town  of  Elgin,  on  both  sides 
of  the  river  Lossie,  about  2^  miles  in  length,  and 
near  a  mile  in  breadth. 

The  Church  standeth  on  the  north  bank  of  the 
river,  11  mile  east  from  Elgin,  2  miles  E.S.E. 
from  New  Spynie. 

This  parish  was  formerly  called  the  Barony  of 
Kilmalemnock,  and  was  the  heritage  of  Sir  Gil- 
bert Hay  of  the  family  of  Lochluy  or  Park. 
Afterwards  it  came  to  the  family  of  Innes.  And 
Alexander  of  Innes,  having  killed  a  gentleman  on 
the  street  of  Edinburgh  in  1576,  purchased  a 
remission  from  the  Eegent  Morton,  at  the  ex- 
pense of  resigning  this  barony  (which  compre- 
hended Pitgavenie,  Bareflathills,  Dunkentie, 
Kirkton,  Fosterseat,  and  Scotstonhill)  in  his 
favour  (MS.  Hist,  of  Innes). 

East  of  the  river,  at  the  lower  end  is  Insh, 
pertaining  to  the  family  of  Innes.  Above  which 
is  Dunkentie,  which  once  belonged  to  Alexander 
Gordon,  son  of  Alexander  of  Strathdon,  who, 
with  his  two  sons,  was  killed  in  Glenavon,  by  a 

*  The  parishes  of  St.  Andrews  and  Lhanbryd  were  united  in 
1780,  and  now  bear  the  name  of  TJie  Parish  of  St.  Andrews- 
Lhanbryd.  Vide  Page  326.  (ED.) 


party  of  thieves  about  anno  16  ,  and  the  lands 
came  to  the  family  of  Gordon.  Dunkentie  is 
now  the  heritage  of  John  Innes  of  the  family  of 
Leuchars :  and  Fosterseat  is  the  property  of  the 
Duke  of  Gordon.  Farther  south  is  Barmukatie, 
lately  pertaining  to  a  branch  of  the  Dunbars,  and 
now  to  George  Duff,  Esq.,  the  third  son  of  the 
late  Earl  Fife.  Above  which  is  Linkwood,  which 
pertained  to  the  Gibsons,  from  whom  it  came  to 
Dunbar  of  Bishopmiln,  whose  nephew,  John  Dun- 
bar  of  Burgie,  sold  it  lately  to  James  Anderson, 
Provost  of  Elgin,  and  his  son  Robert  sold  it  in 
1767  to  the  Earl  of  Findlater. 

West  of  the  river,  at  the  lower  end  is  Pit- 
gavenie,  a  part  of  the  Bishop's  lands.  It  was 
purchased  by  Alexander  Brodie  of  Lethin,  who, 
in  1657,  disponed  it  in  favour  of  a  younger  son ; 
and  the  male  heirs  failing,  it  was  purchased  in 
1747,  from  the  co-heiresses,  by  Alexander  Brem- 
ner,  merchant  in  Portsoy,  from  whom  James 
Brander  bought  it. 

Next  above  it,  is  Caldcots,  Kirktoun,  and  a 
part  of  Newmiln,  pertaining  to  Innes  of  Dun- 
kintie ;  the  other  part  of  Newmiln  belongeth  to 
William  King  of  Newmiln.  Next  westward  is, 


Is  situated  betwixt  the  river  of  Lossie,  and 
that  loch  to  which  it  giveth  name.  It  was  for- 
merly 3  miles  in  length ;  but  now  by  drains  and 


banks,  it  is  much  confined.  At  the  east  end,  it 
is  near  an  English  mile  broad,  but  narrower  and 
of  unequal  breadth  westward.  It  abounds  with 
pikes  or  gidds,  and  is  in  winter  haunted  with 
swans,  that  yield  fine  diversion  in  killing  them. 
The  loch  (except  a  few  pits)  in  summer  is  not 
above  5  feet  deep,  and  might  be  easily  drained, 
could  the  gentlemen  proprietors  agree  about  the 
rich  soil  that  would  be  recovered.  The  hard 
shingly  beach  at  the  east  end,  makes  it  probable 
that  once  the  sea  flowed  into  the  loch. 

This  parish  stretcheth  about  3  miles  from  east 
to  west,  and  1  mile  in  breadth. 

The  Church  stood  in  the  extremity  to  the  east, 
and  in  1736  was  transplanted  to,  and  built  at, 
Quarrelwood,  and  called  New  Spynie.  It  is  1J 
miles  north  west  from  Elgin,  about  3  miles  east 
from  Alves,  and  2  miles  west-north-west  of  St. 

This  parish  was  most  part  Bishop's  land,  and 
in  the  east  corner,  on  the  bank  of  the  Loch  of 
Spynie,  stood  the  Bishop's  palace. 

In  1590  Sir  Alexander  Lindsay,  son  of  the  Earl 
of  Crawford,  was  created  Lord  Spynie,*  whose 
grandson  dying  1670  without  issue,  the  lands 

*  K.  Young,  in  his  History  of  the  Parish  of  Spynie,,  pp.  43,  44, 
observes  :  "  Mr.  Shaw,  in  his  History  of  Moray,  states  that  Lord 
Spynie  held  the  temporal  lands  of  the  Diocese  until  1670 — and 
we  are  unwilling  to  differ  from  one  so  accurate  in  general — but 
it  is  proved  by  so  many  authorities  that  he  sold  them  to  the 
Crown  in  1606,  that  the  fact  is  beyond  question."  (ED.) 


reverted  to  the  Crown,  and  were  granted  to 
Douglas  of  Spynie,  from  whom  the  barony  was 
purchased  by  James  Brodie  late  of  Whitehill, 
and  is  now  the  property  of  James  Brodie  his 
grandson.  But  the  castle  and  precinct  (paying 
about  £12  sterling  annually)  belong  to  the  Crown. 

Next  afterward  is  Myreside,  which  lately  per- 
tained to  Laurence  Sutherland  of  Greenhall,  and 
was  purchased  from  him  by  the  Earl  of  Findlater. 
Farther  west  is  Finrossie,  the  property  of  a  branch 
of  the  family  of  Lesly  of  Eothes ;  the  first  of 
which  was  Robert,  fourth  son  to  George  5th  Earl 
of  Rothes,  by  Margaret  daughter  of  the  Lord 
Crichton  Chancellor  of  Scotland.  Robert  was 
succeeded  in  his  lands  of  Finrossie,  by  his  eldest 
son  Robert ;  who,  by  Margaret  daughter  of  Alex- 
ander Dunbar  of  Grange  a  Lord  of  Session,  had 
Robert  his  successor,  who  married  Isabel,  daugh- 
ter of  Forbes  of  Blackston,  by  whom  he  had 
George,  fourth  of  this  family,  laird  of  Finrossie, 
who  married  Mary,  daughter  of  Bannerman  of 
Elsick,  but  died  without  issue.  I  shall  not  dip 
into  the  question,  Who  was  the  true  heir  of  Earl 
George,  after  the  disinheriting  the  eldest  son 
Norman  ;  whether  Andrew  who  succeeded,  or  the 
first  mentioned  Robert  of  Finrossie,  for  whom 
much  may  be  said. 

Westward  is  Quarrelwood,  so  called  from  a 
rich  quarry  of  free-stone  in  the  adjacent  hill, 
which  was  once  covered  with  a  large  oak  wood, 


whereof  there  are  yet  some  remains.  In  the 
year  1334,  Sir  Robert  Lauder  of  Quarrelwood 
was  governor  of  the  castle  of  Urquhart  (Aber- 
crombie).  His  grandson,  by  his  daughter  and 
heir,  Sir  Robert  Chisholm  succeeded  him,  whose 
sister  Janet,  was  married  to  Hugh  Rose  of  Kil- 
ravok  in  1334  (but  it  is  incredible,  that  Sir 
Robert  Lauder  should  be  governor  of  the  castle 
of  Urquhart  in  the  year  1334,  when  his  great- 
grand-daughter  was  married  to  Kilravock.  Aber- 
crombie  in  his  History,  vol.  ii.,  page  38,  in  the 
life  of  King  David  II.  calls  him  Robert  Lauder, 
captain  of  Urquhart),  (MSS.  Hist.  Kilr.).  And 
John,  brother  to  Sir  Robert,  succeeding  in  the 
estate,  his  grand-daughter  (heiress  to  his  son 
Robert),  married  Alexander  Sutherland  of  Duffus, 
and  brought  Quarrelwood,  Kinsterie,  Brightmonie, 
&c.,  into  that  family.  Now  Quarrelwood  and  its 
pertinents,  are  the  property  of  the  Earl  Fife. 

Below  Quarrelwood  is  Kintrae  (Cean-traidh, 
i.e.  the  Head  of  the  Strand  or  Shore,  for  it  was 
the  end  of  the  loch)  a  part  of  the  estate  of  Duffus, 
now  pertaining  to  the  Duke  of  Gordon.  On 
Lossie  side  is  Bishopmiln  Barony,  purchased  by 
James  Robertson,  late  Provost  of  Elgin,  from 
John  Dunbar  of  Burgie,  about  1752,  and  the  late 
Earl  of  Findlater  purchased  it  from  Mr.  Robertson. 
Next  up  the  river,  is  Moray stoun,  purchased  by 
Lord  Braco  in  1756,  from  the  heirs  and  creditors 
of  Martin  of  Moraystoun.  And  further  up  the 

VOL.  II.  7 


river  is  Aldruchtie,  probably  a  part  of  the  estate 
of  Quarrelwood,  and  for  generations  pertaining 
to  Nairn  of  Aldruchtie,  but  now  to  the  Earl  Fife.* 

.  —  Interesting  details  of  these  properties  and  of  the 
drainage  of  the  Loch  of  Spynie,  are  given  in  Young's  Parish  of 
Spynie.  (ED.) 

Below  Quarrelwood  on  the  plain  next  to  Duffus 
is  Westfield,  the  seat  of  Sir  William  Dunbar  of 
Westfield,  from  whose  son-in-law,  Captain  Thomas 
Dunbar,  Sir  Ludovick  Grant  of  Grant  purchased 
the  barony  of  Westfield  and  his  lands  about 
Forres,  anno  1767.  The  mention  of  the  family 
of  Westfield,  leads  me  to  speak  of 


The  name  of  Dunbar  is  plainly  patronymic, 
taken  from  Bar  their  progenitor,  and  Dunbar  is 
Bar's  hill.  The  Highlanders  do  not  use  the 
word  Dunbar,  but  Barridh,  i.e.  the  descendants 
of  Bar.  Our  history  favours  this,  and  mentions 
Bar  a  general  in  King  Kenneth  MacCalpin's 
army  about  anno  842,  who,  from  his  name,  called 
his  residence  Dunbar.  In  the  battles  of  Cullen 
anno  961,  and  Mortlich  anno  1010,  Dunbar  Thane 
of  Lothian  was  a  commander.  Earl  Patrick  de 
Dunbar  lived  about  anno  1061  (Buchann.  & 
Hume).  And  anno  1072  King  Malcolm  III.  gave 
to  Gospatrick  Earl  of  Northumberland,  "Dunbar 

*  "  After  the  most  anxious  search,  I  can  find  not  the  least 
trace  of  such  a  family  ;  and,  if  there  was,  they  must  have  been 
only  tenants."  (R.  Young.) 


cum  adjacentibus  terris  in  Lodonio"*  (Sim. 

Of  him  came  the  noble  family  of  the  Earls  of 
Dunbar  and  March,  in  a  direct  line,  to  the  year 
1434,  when  Earl  George  was,  in  an  arbitrary 
manner  forfeited,  and  the  direct  line  became 
extinct,  through  the  ambition  of  the  rival  house 
of  Douglas.  Of  this  great  family  came  the 
Homes,  Dundasses,  &c.,  but  the  name  was  con- 
tinued in  the  family  of  Moray. 

John  Dunbar  (2nd  son  of  George  llth  Earl  of 
March,  who  died  anno  1416,  whose  mother  was 
Agnes  Kandolph,  daughter  of  Thomas  Earl  of 
Moray)  married  King  Eobert  II. 's  daughter,  who, 
March  2nd  (anno  regni  2do)  1372,  gave  the  Earl- 
dom of  Moray  (except  Badenoch,  Lochaber,  and 
the  castle  of  Urquhart)  dilecto  filio  nostro  Joanni 
de  Dunbar  and  Mariotae  Sponsaa  ejus  filias  nostrse 
charissimse  "  f  (Publ.  Archiv.).  Their  sons  were, 
Earl  Thomas  and  Alexander  of  Frenderet.  Earl 
Thomas,  leaving  no  male  issue,  was  succeeded 
by  his  nephew  Earl  James  son  of  Frenderet,  who 
married,  1st,  Isabel,  daughter  of  Sir  Walter  Innes 
of  Innes,  who  brought  him  a  son  Alexander;  and, 
2ndly,  Janet  Gordon,  daughter  of  Huntley,  by 
whom  he  had  Janet,  married  to  James  second 

*  Translation. — Dunbar  with  the  neighbouring  lands  in 
Lothian.  (ED.) 

f  Translation. — To  our  beloved  son  John  Dunbar  and  Mariot 
his  spouse  our  dearest  daughter.  (ED.) 


Lord  Crichton,  Lord  Chamberlain  of  Scotland ; 
and  Elizabeth,  married  to  Archibald  brother  to 
the  Earl  of  Douglas.  Earl  James  died  about 
anno  1446,  and  his  son  ought  to  have .  succeeded 
him ;  but  because  his  mother  Isabel  Innes  (who 
stood  in  the  4th  degree  to  her  husband)  died 
before  a  dispensation  was  obtained,  the  power  of 
the  Douglasses  got  Alexander  declared  illegiti- 
mate, made  his  eldest  sister  renounce  her  right, 
and  Archibald  Douglas,  husband  of  the  younger 
sister,  was  made  Earl  of  Moray  anno  1446.  Thus 
was  Alexander,  son  of  EarlJames,  unjustly  deprived. 
But,  to  make  some  compensation  to  him  he  was 
knighted,  made  heritable  sheriff  of  Moray,  and 
got  an  opulent  estate.  And  Archibald  Douglas, 
having  joined  in  his  brother's  rebellion,  was  slain 
in  the  field  of  battle,  and  the  Earldom  of  Moray 
was  forfeited,  and  annexed  to  the  Crown  anno 
1455,  where  it  remained,  till  King  James  IV. 
bestowed  it  on  his  bastard  son  James,  by  Jean 
daughter  of  John  Lord  Kennedy  in  the  year 
1501 ;  Who,  dying  in  the  year  1544,  without 
male  issue,  it  again  reverted  to  the  Crown,  where 
it  remained  till  the  10th  of  February,  1562,  when 
Queen  Mary  conferred  it  on  her  base  brother 
James,  afterwards  Eegent ;  whose  eldest  daughter, 
Lady  Elizabeth,  conveyed  it  to  her  husband  James 
Lord  Down,  whose  issue  at  present  enjoy  it,  as 
will  be  more  fully  shown  afterwards. 


(1)  Sir  Alexander  Dunbar  of  Westfield,  only 
son  of  James,  5th  Earl  of  Moray,  had  great 
possessions  in  lands.  Beside  the  barony  of 
Westfield,  he  had  the  lands  of  Carnousie,  Fitter- 
house,  Kilbuyack,  Conzie,  Durris,  Tarras,  Balna- 
gath,  Fochabers,  Clunies,  Moyness,  Clavack, 
Golfurd,  Barlow,  &c.  By  Isabel,  daughter  of 
Alexander,  3rd  Baron  of  Duffus,  he  had  six  sons 
and  one  daughter,  viz.  :  Sir  James,  his  heir ; 
Sir  John,  who  married  [Margaret]  one  of  the 
co-heiresses  of  Cumnock,  whose  male  line  is 
extinct ;  Alexander  of  Conzie  and  Kilbuyack, 
third  son,  from  whom  Sir  Jas.  Dunbar  of  Moch- 
rum,  the  direct  heir-male  of  the  Earls  of  Moray, 
and  the  heritable  Sheriffs  of  Moray,  is  descended ; 
Gavin  Dunbar,  Dean  of  Moray,  Archdean  [Arch- 
deacon] of  St.  Andrews,  Bishop  of  Aberdeen, 
and  Lord  Clerk  Kegister  of  Scotland,  fourth  son. 
He  was  consecrated  Bishop  of  Aberdeen  anno 
1518,  and  died  anno  1532,  having  built  the 
Bridge  of  Dee,  and  founded  an  hospital  for  the 
maintenance  of  twelve  poor  men  ;  David  Dunbar 
of  Durris,  5th  son,  from  whom  the  Dunbars 
of  Grangehill  are  descended  in  a  direct  male 
line.  He  sold  the  lands  of  Durris  anno  1608, 
and  purchased  Grangehill;  Patrick,  sixth  son, 
Chancellor  of  the  Diocese  of  Aberdeen,  ancestor 
of  the  Dunbars  of  Bermagefield,  now  represented 


in  the  male  line  by  Archibald  Dunbar  of  Dyke- 
side,  Esq.  Sir  Alexander's  only  daughter  was 
Isabell,  married  to  Sir  William  Keith  of  Inner- 
ugie,  to  whom  she  had  two  daughters;  the 
eldest  married  to  William,  Earl  Marshall,  the 
other  to  William,  Lord  Forbes.  And  from  these 
two  marriages  all  •  of  these  noble  families  since 
that  time  are  descended. 

(2)  Sir  James  Dunbar  succeeded  his  father,  Sir 
Alexander,  in  his  estates  of  Westfield,  &c.,  and 
heritable  Sheriffship  of  Moray.  He  married 
Eupheme,  eldest  daughter  and  co-heiress  of 
Patrick  Dunbar  of  Cumnock  and  Mochrum,  by 
whom  he  had  (3)  Sir  James  Dunbar  of  Cumnock 
and  W^estfield,  who  was  served  heir  to  his  father 
anno  1505.  He  got  a  charter  erecting  his  town 
of  Auldern  into  a  free  burgh  of  barony,  with  all 
the  privileges  enjoyed  by  any  other  burgh  within 
the  kingdom,  dated  the  20th  of  August,  anno 
1511.  By  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Sir  James 
Ogilvie,  of  Deskford,  ancestor  of  the  Earl  of 
Findlater,  he  had  his  son  and  heir  (4)  Sir  Alexr. 
Dunbar  of  Cumnock  and  Westfield,  who  suc- 
ceeded his  father  anno  1535 ;  for  his  great  per- 
sonal courage  he  was  called  "  the  Bold  Sheriff.'' 
He  was  succeeded  by  his  son  (5)  Sir  Patrick, 
anno  1576.  He  married  Jean,  sister  of  John, 
the  14th  Earl  of  Sutherland,  by  a  dispensation 
from  the  Pope  on  account  of  consanguinity. 
With  this  lady  he  had  two  sons.  Sir  James,  the 


eldest  son,  had  a  son,  Sir  Alexander,  who  died 
without  issue  anno  1603  ;  (6)  Patrick  of  Boghole 
[Boghall],  second  son  of  Sir  Patrick,  was  killed 
with  the  Earl  of  Moray  at  Dunibristle,  anno 
1592.  He  left  four  sons :  Alexander,  the  eldest, 
who  died  without  issue ;  John,  second  son,  whose 
son,  Alexander,  died  anno  1646,  without  issue  ; 
James,  third  son,  died  unmarried ;  (7)  Thomas, 
fourth  son,  who  succeeded  his  nephew,  Alex- 
ander. He  was  succeeded  by  his  son  (8)  Kobert 
Dunbar  of  Westfield,  Sheriff  of  Moray,  who,  by 
Barbara,  daughter  of  Sir  Kobert  Innes  of  Innes, 
had  two  sons,  Kobert,  his  heir,  whose  grandson, 
Kobert  Dunbar  of  Westfield,  Sheriff  of  Moray, 
dying  anno  1711  without  issue,  was  succeeded 
by  his  cousin,  Ludovick,  son  and  heir  of  (9) 
Alexander  Dunbar  of  Moy,  second  son  of  Kobert 
Dunbar  of  Westfield  (No.  8  of  this  account) ; 
which  Alexander  married  Lucia,  daughter  of  Sir 
Ludovick  Gordon  of  Gordonstoun,  by  whom  he 
had  the  above-mentioned  (10)  Ludovick,  who 
succeeded  to  the  estate  of  Westfield  and  herit- 
able Sheriffship  of  Moray,  which  last,  that  had 
been  nearly  300  years  in  the  possession  of  his 
family,  he  sold  to  Charles,  Earl  of  Moray,  and 
disponed  his  estate  to  his  cousin,  Elizabeth,  heir 
of  line  of  the  family,  grand-daughter  of  Kobert 
Dunbar  of  Westfield,  his  father's  brother ;  which 
(11)  Elizabeth  succeeded  him  anno  1744,  and 
married  Sir  William  Dunbar  of  Hempriggs  (son 


of  Sir  James  Sutherland,  second  son  of  James, 
Lord  Duff  us),  with  whom  she  had  a  daughter 
(12),  Janet,  undoubted  heir  of  line  of  the  ancient 
Dunbars  of  Westfield,  heritable  Sheriffs  of  Moray. 
She  married  Captain  Thomas  Dunbar  of  Grange- 
hill,  now  of  Westfield,  with  whom  she  had  issue 
two  sons  (13)  Alexander,  the  eldest,  William 
Henry,  second  son,  and  a  daughter,  Elizabeth. 

It  is  observable  that  when  Ludovick  of  West- 
field  died  anno  1744,  I  could  not  find  a  male  that 
could  instruct  his  propinquity  to  him  without 
going  back  250  years,  and  tracing  down  the 
descendants  of  Sir  John  Dunbar,  the  first  of 

Arms  of  Dunbar  of  Westfield.  Quarterly,  1  and  4,  Gules, 
a  Lion  rampant  within  a  border  Argent,  for  Dunbar  ;  2  and  3 
Or,  three  Cushions  pendent  by  the  corners,  within  the  Eoyal 
tressures,  Gules.  Crest,  a  Sword  and  Key  disposed  in  Salty r 
proper.  Motto,  SUB  SPE  (Under  Hope.) 


Dunbar  of  Thunderton,  in  the  parish  of  Duffus, 
is  the  representative  of  Dunbar  of  Kilbuiak,  as 
mentioned  in  the  general  history  of  the  name 
of  Dunbar.  Kilbuiak  was  the  third  son  of  Dun- 
bar  of  Westfield,  who  was  only  son  of  James,  5th 
Earl  of  Moray.  In  1763  Sir  Patrick  Dunbar  of 
Hempriggs  and  Northfield  having  died  without 
male  issue,  the  title  of  Baronet  devolved  upon 
Dunbar  of  Thunderton  as  nearest  heir-male. 
Alexander  Dunbar  of  Thunderton  was  regularly 


served  heir-male  to  said  Sir  Patrick,  and  the  ser- 
vice is  recorded  in  the  Sheriff  Court-book  of 
Elgin.  This  Alexander  Dunbar  (afterwards  Sir 
Alexander)  married  Margaret,  daughter  of  John, 
Viscount  of  Arbuthnot,  by  whom  he  had  issue: 
1st,  Jean,  married  to  James  Coull,  Esq.  of  Ash- 
grove  ;  2nd,  Archibald,  who  succeeded  to  him  ; 
3rd,  Helen,  who  died  young;  4th,  John,  who 
died,  an  officer  in  the  army.  Sir  Archibald,  who 
succeeded,  married,  first,  Helen  Penrose  Gum- 
ming, daughter  of  Sir  Alexander  Penrose  Gum- 
ming of  Altyre,  by  whom  he  had  issue :  1st, 
Helen,  married  to  Eobert  Warden  of  Parkhill, 
Stirlingshire ;  2nd,  Margaret,  married  to  L. 
Macintosh  of  Eaigmore ;  3rd,  Alexander,  who 
died  young;  4th,  Jane,  married  to  Bawdon 
Forbes  Clavering,  Esq.,  Eoyal  Engineers ;  5th, 
Georgina ;  6th,  Archibald,  an  officer  in  the 
army ;  7th,  John,  in  the  Civil  Service  of  the 
East  India  Company,  married  to  Miss  Sophia 
Hagar ;  8th,  William,  who  died  in  India ;  9th, 
Charles,  an  officer  in  the  East  India  Company's 
Service;  10th,  Louisa;  llth,  Thomas;  12th, 
Emilia ;  13th,  Edward.  Sir  Archibald  married, 
secondly,  Mary,  daughter  of  John  Brander,  Esq. 
of  Pitgavenie,  by  whom  he  had  issue,  James 
Brander  Dunbar. 

Arms  Quarterly  ;  Dunbar  and  Randolph,  all  within  a  border, 
vary,  Gules  and  Or,  with  a  Lion  rampart,  par  surtout,  for  the 
Baronetage.  Crest,  a  drawn  sword  or  Key  Cross.  Supporters, 
•on  the  dexter,  a  Lion  rampant,  argent ;  and,  on  the  sinister,  a 


savage  holding  a  batton  over  his  shoulder,  proper.     SUB  SPE 
(Under  Hope.) 


[Soil,  Situation,  Climate. — Although  the  lake  of  Spynie 
has  retired  a  considerable  space  from  the  west  end  of  the 
parish,  and  although  the  river  Lossie  does  not  cover  the 
whole  of  its  southern  side,  yet  the  parish  may  be  in 
general  considered  as  lying  between  the  river  and  the 
lake.  From  near  the  precinct  of  the  castle  of  Spynie  at 
the  east,  a  ridge  of  moor  stretches  the  whole  length,  about 
4  miles,  rising  gradually  towards  the  west  into  a  high 
hill.  Upon  each  side  of  this  hill  lies  the  whole  of  the 
cultivated  land,  extending  the  general  breadth  of  the 
parish,  neai'ly  equal  to  its  length,  and  including  almost 
every  variety  of  soil,  from  the  heaviest  clay  to  the 
lightest  land.  On  the  southern  side  of  the  hill,  along  the 
banks  of  the  Lossie,  the  air  is  peculiarly  mild  and  warm, 
during  a  great  proportion  of  the  year.  On  the  northern 
side  the  climate  is  not  so  pleasant:  the  soil  is  wet  and 
cold :  the  lake  and  the  adjoining  low  ground,  imperfectly 
drained,  often  emit  a  disagreeable  fog,  yet  without  any 
bad  effect  on  the  health  of  the  inhabitants,  there  being  no- 
disease  more  prevalent  here  than  in  any  other  part  of  the 
country.  It  has  been  already  observed,  that  the  parishes 
of  Drainy  and  of  Duffus  lie  upon  the  north  side,  and 
between  Spynie  and  the  sea;  the  parish  of  Elgin  lies 
along  the  whole  length  of  its  southern  confines;  and  a 
fine  field,  a  plain  of  40  acres,  reaches  close  up  to  the 
north  side  of  the  town ;  the  river  having  once  run  up 
hard  by,  as  appears  by  title  deeds  of  the  adjoining  tene- 
ments, which  still  bound  them  by  the  river,  although  this 
broad  plain,  the  property  of  the  Earl  of  Findlater,  has 
been  from  time  immemorial  interjected.  The  reverse  of 
this  has  happened  a  little  lower  down,  in  a  small  semi- 
circular field  called  Dean's  Crook,  which  has  been  cut  off" 
from  the  cathedral-lands  of  Elgin,  by  the  river  occupying 
the  diameter  instead  of  the  periphery,  which  till  of  late 
remained  a  reedy  pond. 

State  of  Property. — The  valued  rent  of  the  parish, 
amounting  to  £3055  13s.  8d.  Scots,  is  divided  among  four 
proprietors,  of  whom  the  Earl  of  Fife,  holding  the  lands 
of  Spynie,  Morristown,  Sheriffmill,  Aultdroughty,  Leigate,. 
Rosehaugh,  Quarrywood,  and  Kintrae,  has  the  valuation 


of  £1691  3s.  8d.  The  Earl  of  Findlater,  holding  Bishop- 
mill,  Myreside,  and  Burrowbriggs,  has  £547  8s.  8d.  Francis 
Russel  of  Blackball,  Esq.,  advocate,  has  Westfield,  being 
valued  at  £488  16s.  2d.;  and  John  Leslie,  Esq.,  Writer  to 
the  Signet,  has  Findrossie,  valued  at  £327  5s.  2d.  The 
public  burdens  of  the  parish  are  supported  by  these  pro- 
prietors ;  but,  besides  them,  the  precincts  of  the  castle  of 
Spynie,  being  10  acres,  and  yielding  a  revenue  of  £12 
sterling,  is  the  property  of  the  Crown.  James  Milne, 
Esq.,  has  the  Mills  of  Bishopmill,  and  a  small  contiguous 
property,  which,  with  another  small  feu,  the  property  of 
John  Ritchie,  Esq.,  merchant  in  Elgin,  is  included  in  the 
valuation  appertaining  to  the  Earl  of  Findlater.  These 
mills,  on  the  river  Lossie,  comprehend  machinery  for 
making  all  the  varieties  of  pot  barley,  and  for  grinding 
wheat  and  other  grain,  of  the  most  improved  and  newest 
construction ;  and  a  little  farther  down  the  river,  on  Mr, 
Ritchie's  feu,  there  is  a  field  and  the  most  complete 
machinery,  whereby  the  bleaching  of  linen  and  of  thread 
is  carried  on  to  a  great  extent,  in  the  most  advantageous 

The  lands,  for  the  most  part,  are  occupied  in  small 
farms,  there  being  only  three  that  equal  or  exceed  100 
acres.  The  clay  soil  produces  more  weighty  crops  than 
the  sandy,  and  aifords  about  a  fifth  part  more  rent, 
although,  on  account  of  the  additional  expense  which 
attends  its  management,  it  is  reckoned  by  many  not  the 
most  profitable,  the  labour  being  often  suspended  by  the 
wet  during  a  great  part  of  the  winter  and  the  beginning 
of  spring,  while  all  the  necessary  operations  of  husbandry 
are  prosecuted  on  the  drier  lands.  Consequently  a  greater 
proportion  of  servants  and  cattle  is  required,  and  the 
crop,  being  in  general  more  late,  is  exposed  to  greater 
damage  in  harvest.  A  considerable  proportion,  however, 
of  this  kind  of  soil  is  rented  at  a  guinea  the  acre,  while 
the  sandy  soil  only  brings  from  10s.  to  17s.  The  estate 
of  Westfield  was  lately  modelled  into  allotments  from  20 
to  40  acres,  and  let  at  the  rate  of  nearly  £2  per  acre ;  yet 
the  mean  rent  over  the  whole  parish  cannot  be  estimated 
higher  than  £1  3s.  the  acre. 

It  will  not  be  deemed  improper  to  take  notice  of  the 
cultivation  of  the  farm  of  Sheriffmill,  rented  by  James 
Walker,  Esq.,  M.D.  This  gentleman  in  the  early  part  of 


his  life  entered  with  all  the  ardour  of  enthusiasm  into  the 
horse-hoeing  husbandry,  in  which  he  has  ever  since  per- 
severed with  unfailing  steadiness,  raising  crops  of  wheat, 
barley,  and  beans,  in  drills,  without  a  particle  of  dung, 
always  fallowing  the  intervals,  about  3  feet,  for  each  suc- 
ceeding crop  ;  hereby  completely  demonstrating  the  effect 
of  cultivation  without  the  use  of  manure.  Although 
every  operation  has  been  performed  with  the  nicest 
accuracy,  and  in  its  proper  season,  and  though  the  light 
sandy  soil  of  SherirFmill  seems  well  adapted  for  this  kind 
of  husbandry,  yet  the  result  has  not  been  such  as  to 
encourage  imitation.  The  quality  of  the  wheat,  though 
raised  successively  on  the  same  field  for  the  space  of 
almost  20  years,  without  dung,  has  not  been  impaired ; 
but  the  quantity  by  the  acre  is  less  in  a  very  great 
degree  than  is  raised  in  the  broadcast  way  in  the  same 
kind  of  soil,  well  ploughed  and  manured. 

State  Ecclesiastical. — The  Manse  and  Church  were  plea- 
santly situated  at  the  eastern  extremity  of  the  parish,  in 
the  vicinity  of  the  castle,  until  the  year  1736,  when  they 
were  removed  to  Quarrywood — a  centrical,  but  a  bleak 
situation,  nearly  under  the  highest  part  of  the  north  side 
of  the  hill.  The  glebe  and  garden,  consisting  of  about  6 
acres,  are  enclosed  with  stone  walls.  The  burying-ground 
has  been  continued  in  the  original  situation,  in  the  east 
end  of  the  parish.  The  stipend  and  allowance  for  the 
expense  of  the  communion,  are  4  chalders  of  barley,  and 
1  chalder  of  meal,  and  £46  6s.  8d.  sterling. 

The  right  of  patronage  at  present  is  perhaps  not  fully 
ascertained.  A  brief  detail  of  the  circumstances  which  are 
publicly  known  relating  to  it,  is  all  that  can  be  here 
stated.  Before  the  abolition  of  Episcopacy,  in  the  year 
1640,  the  patronage  appears  by  the  ecclesiastical  records 
to  have  been  undisputed  in  the  family  of  Innes  ;  and  they 
exercised  it  undisturbed  unto  the  present  times,  save  for 
the  short  interval  of  its  general  abolition,  during  which 
they  preserved  their  possession  by  the  disposal  of  the 
vacant  stipends,  and  by  preventing  the  benefice  being 
impaired,  by  objecting  to  the  annexation  of  the  land  of 
Burrowbriggs  to  the  parish  of  Elgin.  At  the  settlement, 
however,  of  the  last  incumbent,  the  Duke  of  Gordon 
claimed  the  patronage,  and  conjoined  in  the  presentation 
with  Sir  James  Innes,  who  before  the  late  settlement  had 

disposed  of  his  rights  to  the  Earl  of  Fife,  on  which  occa- 
sion the  patronage  was  also  claimed  by  Col.  Fullarton  of 
Boisack,  as  the  heir  of  Alexander  Lindsay,  Lord  Spynie, 
in  whose  behalf  the  church-lands  of  the  bishoprick  which 
remained  at  the  Reformation,  with  the  feu-duties  and 
patronages,  were  by  James  VI.  erected  into  a  temporal 
lordship.  The  Colonel  conjoined  with  the  Earl  in  the 
presentation ;  but  their  presentee  being  in  the  meantime 
elsewhere  appointed,  the  Peers  made  an  agreement  for 
that  vice,  in  which  the  Colonel  did  not  farther  interfere ; 
but  since  the  settlement,  the  right  of  patronage  has  been 
decided  by  the  Court  of  Session  in  his  favour.  During 
the  course  of  the  litigation,  however,  the  Duke  recovered 
an  ancient  and  more  special  evidence  of  the  validity  of 
his  claim,  on  which  he  has  brought  it  again  under  the 
review  of  the  Court. 

The  School  is  a  mean  cottage,  and  the  accommodation 
for  the  master  miserably  wretched.  It  was  built  about 
half  a  mile  northward  from  the  Church,  on  a  sterile  moor, 
a  corner  of  which,  during  the  hours  of  vacation,  had  been, 
by  the  industry  of  successive  masters,  cultivated,  exciting 
them  to  a  degree  of  exercise  advantageous  to  their  health, 
while  it  improved  their  slender  subsistence  by  its  produce 
of  potatoes  and  other  vegetables. .  As  by  these  means  so 
much  has  been  added  to  the  revenue  and  territory  of  the 
landlord,  who  has  some  time  exacted  an  adequate  rent 
and  as  there  is  a  considerable  extent  of  adjoining  rocky, 
moor,  yielding  no  pasturage  of  any  value,  and  only  im- 
provable by  the  manual  labour  of  the  spade,  it  would  per- 
haps be  but  equity  to  the  schoolmaster,  to  allocate  an  acre 
in  any  convenient  corner,  which  he  might  in  the  meantime 
improve,  and  to  which  the  school  might  be  removed,  when 
it  needs  to  be  rebuilt.  His  present  appointment  is  £4 
sterling,  paid  by  the  landlords,  and  8  bolls  of  meal,  col- 
lected from  the  tenants,  in  proportion  to  their  respective 
rents,  with  the  usual  fees  of  teaching,  and  the  pittance 
annexed  to  the  office  of  session-clerk. 

Besides  the  halfpence  contributed  by  the  people  in  the 
Church,  the  provision  for  the  poor  arises  from  the  interest 
of  a  donation  by  Mary  Bannerman,  a  widow  lady  of  the 
family  of  Findrossie,  in  the  year  1707,  accumulated  at 
present  to  £111  2s.  6d.  sterling,  double  the  original  endow- 
ment. It  is  placed  with  the  Magistracy  of  Elgin,  and 


under  the  care  of  the  proprietors  of  Bishopmill,  Westfield, 
and  Findrossie.  The  Rev.  William  Dougal,  minister  of 
the  parish,  left  a  similar  endowment,  almost  £17  of 
principal,  half  of  its  interest  to  be  applied  in  buying 
Bibles  for  poor  children;  and  his  maiden  daughter,  Katha- 
rine, by  her  will  in  the  year  1793,  bequeathed  £20  sterling, 
for  the  education  of  two  girls  successively,  for  two  years 
in  reading,  writing,  and  arithmetic,  when  6  or  7  years  old, 
and  for  the  next  two  years  in  knitting  hose,  and  sewing 
linens.  This  endowment  is  in  the  patronage  of  the  Ses- 
sion, but  limited  to  the  legitimate  children  of  Presby- 
terians. [George  M'Cummins  or  M'Kimmie,  of  Blackheath, 
Kent,  bequeathed,  in  1796,  £200  for  the  poor  of  the  parish.] 
The  members  of  the  Established  Church  amount  to  779  : 
there  are  20  of  the  Episcopalian  profession,  and  1  Seceder. 
Miscellaneous  Information. — The  people  are  indus- 
trious and  frugal,  maintaining  also  other  virtues,  not  so 
much  the  necessary  consequence  of  their  situation,  being 
in  general,  honest,  benevolent,  and  friendly,  entertaining 
also  a  high  respect  for  the  ordinances  of  religion.  The 
names  of  many  of  the  places  are  of  the  Gaelic  language : 
Kintrea,  the  head  of  the  tribe,  when  the  lake  was  an  arm 
of  the  sea ;  Inshagarty,  the  Priest's  island ;  Leigate,  the 
original  Lag-na-fhad,  the  long  hollow.  On  the  south 
side  of  the  hill,  towards  its  western  end,  there  is  a  large 
extent  of  natural  oak  wood,  the  property  of  the  Earl  of 
Fife.  It  is  well  preserved,  properly  thinned,  and,  when 
full  grown,  will  be  again  of  great  value.  Under  a  thin 
stratum  of  moorish  soil,  the  greater  part  of  the  hill  is  a 
mass  of  hard  excellent  free-stone,  of  which  a  quarry  near 
the  summit  is  wrought  to  a  considerable  extent,  supplying 
all  the  country  with  mill-stones,  and  Elgin  and  its  neigh- 
bourhood with  stones  for  building. 

On  this  hill,  the  traces  of  the  Danish  camp  that  has 
been  mentioned  are  still  conspicuous,  but  must  in  a  short 
time  be  effaced,  by  having  been,  indiscriminately  with 
the  circumjacent  moor,  planted  over  with  Scots  fir.  Were 
the  noble  owner  apprized  of  this,  he  might  perhaps,  from 
his  distinguished  taste,  be  induced  to  give  instructions  for 
the  preservation  of  such  a  monument  of  ancient  national 
history,  still  attesting  the  truth  of  venerable  records,  that 
our  ancestors  were  for  more  than  a  year  subjected  to  the 
most  cruel  and  oppressive  servitude,  being  without  dis- 


tinction  of  rank  or  sex  compelled  to  undergo  the  most 
intolerable  labour,  to  every  species  of  the  most  grievous 
exaction,  and  to  the  most  wanton  murder,  by  an  encamp- 
ment of  hostile  barbarians  in  the  heart  of  the  country. 
By  such  a  monument,  the  passing  generation  may  be 
inspired  with  thankfulness  to  a  good  Providence,  and  also 
taught  the  value  of  the  present  government,  whose  energy 
prevents  the  most  transient  apprehensions  of  such  insult- 
ing cruelties  from  their  enemies,  equally  rapacious  and 
more  blood-thirsty  than  the  northern  savages  of  the  llth 

In  preceding  times  also,  the  accommodation  of  civil  life, 
and  the  state  of  the  useful  arts,  were  vastly  inferior  to 
those  of  modern  times.  The  erecting  the  machinery  of  a 
corn-mill  could  not  then  be  undertaken  by  any  person  in 
a  rank  inferior  to  a  Baron,  a  Bishop,  or  an  hereditary 
Sheriff.  The  particular  year  1237,  in  which  the  mill  of 
Sheriffmill  was  built,  is  specially  ascertained  by  the 
remarkable  circumstance  of  the  ground  for  its  situation 
being  the  first  dilapidation  of  the  revenues  of  the  bishop- 
rick,  in  the  7th  incumbency,  by  that  respectable  Bishop 
who  laid  the  foundation  of  the  great  Cathedral,  Andrew 
de  Moravia,  of  the  family  of  Duffus,  in  favour  of  his 
brother.  The  conveyance  is  to  this  effect: — 

"Know  all,  that  we,  by  the  consent  and  free-will  of  our 
chapter,  have  given  and  granted,  and  by  this  our  charter  have 
confirmed,  to  Walter  de  Moravia,  and  his  heirs,  one  station  for 
a  mill  in  Lossie,  on  our  land  of  Auchter  Spynie,  on  the  eastern 
part  of  Royer  in  the  same  land,  to  grind  their  corn  and  that  of 
their  people,  as  freely,  quietly,  and  fully,  as  any  Baron  in 
Moray,  upon  delivering  to  us  and  our  successors,  as  an  acknow- 
ledgment, each  year  at  the  feast  of  Whitsunday,  one  pound 
weight  of  pepper,  and  another  of  cumin." — Gliart.  o/Mor.  fol.  32. 

And  this  mill,  though  at  the  distance  of  6  miles,  has 
ever  since  continued  to  be  the  mill  of  the  barony,  at  pre- 
sent the  property  of  Sir  Archd.  Dunbar  of  Duffus.  In 
those  times,  however,  it  appears  that  even  uncultivated 
ground  was  of  the  same  importance  as  at  present.  About 
10  years  before  this  dilapidation,  a  formal  contract  had 
been  ratified  by  the  same  brothers,  in  a  style  similar,  but 
more  brief,  than  the  deeds  of  the  present  day.  The  nar- 
rative represents: — 


"Whereas  there  is  a  dispute  between  Andrew,  Bishop  of 
Moray,  on  the  one  part,  and  Walter  de  Moravia,  son  of  the  late 
Hugh  de  Moravia,  respecting  a  servitude  on  the  moors  and 
woods  of  Spynie  and  Finrossie,  which  the  said  Walter  alleges* 
was  of  old  obtained  by  his  predecessors,  and  asserts  to  have 
been  granted  and  confirmed  to  his  father,  by  a  charter  from 
Bricius,  of  worthy  memory,  late  Lord  Bishop  of  Moray,  upon 
delivering  each  year,  as  an  acknowledgment,  an  half  stone  of 
wax,  it  is  thus  amicably  settled  between  them,  the  chapter  of  the 
Cathedral  of  Moray  willing  and  consenting :  namely,  that  the 
said  Walter  and  his  heirs  shall  have  in  perpetuity  to  themselves 
and  their  families,  a  servitude  upon  the  said  woods  and  moors 
on  the  west  side  of  the  highway  which  comes  from  the  castle 
of  Duffus  to  Levenford  in  this  manner,  that  the  moor  may 
be  used  by  digging ;  but  on  the  east  side  of  the  said  road  they 
make  it  common,  the  said  Walter  and  his  heirs  paying  yearly 
at  Whitsunday  to  the  Bishops  of  Moray,  one  merk  sterling  of 
lawful  money,  for  all  service  and  exaction  pertaining  to  the 
said  Bishops." 

And  in  1248,  twenty- two  years  after  the  date  of  this  con- 
tract, another  agreement  is  made  between  their  successors, 
Simon  the  Bishop,  and  Freskyn,  the  son  of  Walter.  To 
the  preceding  concession  the  Bishop  adds  the  land  of 
Logynhavedall,  and  instead  of  the  merk  obtains  again 
the  possession,  in  common,  of  the  pasturage  and  woods  as 
far  as  Saltcot,  which  is  between  Finrossie  and  Kintray. 
It  is  also  instructed  by  the  Chart,  that  the  lands  of 
Quarrywood,  not  then  under  cultivation,  made  part  of 
the  pasturage  at  that  time  of  such  importance;  for  it 
appears  by  a  reclaiming  petition,  directed  by  Dr.  Alex. 
Bar,  Bishop  in  1369,  to  the  honourable  and  potent  Lord 
Archibald  Douglas,  knight,  that  they  were  then  but 
recently  cultivated.  This  Bishop,  who,  as  has  been 
shown,  possessed  in  some  degree  the  spirit  of  litigation, 
thus  addresses  him : — 

"  Honourable  and  noble  Sir,  you  and  John  de  Hay,  Sheriff 
of  Inverness,  have  determined  a  certain  process  in  such  manner, 
as  God  knows,  to  the  grievous  injury  of  the  Priory  of  Plus- 
carden,  and  to  the  great  prejudice  of  the  jurisdiction  of  the 
Church,  which  we  crave  to  have  by  you  recalled ;  for  we  assert 
and  declare  that  Alexander,  King  of  Scotland,  of  pious  memory, 
gifted  to  the  prior  and  monks  of  Pluscarden,.  his  mills  of  Elgin 
and  Forres,  and  other  mills  depending  on  them,  and  the  mulc- 
tures  of  the  lands  of  those  mills,  which  he  then  received,  or 


ought  to  have  received,  as  they  were  for  the  deliverance  of  his 
soul,  which  mulctures  of  the  lands  then  arable,  by  virtue  of  the 
donation,  the  said  prior  and  monks  have  received,  like  as  they 
yet  without  dispute  receive  :  and  whereas  the  mulctures  of  the 
lands  of  Quarrywood,  in  the  sheriffdom  of  Elgin,  at  that  time 
unimproved,  but  now  reduced  to  cultivation,  belongs  and 
appertains  to  the  mill  of  Elgin,  from  which  it  is  scarcely  a  mile 
distant,  because  if  it  had  been  at  that  time  cultivated,  the 
mulctures  thereof  would  and  ought  to  have  been  received  by 
the  Royal  granter." 

The  petition,  after  instructing  more  valid  rights,  and 
undisturbed  possession,  with  the  knowledge  and  tolerance 
of  Robert  Chisholme,  knight,  during  the  preceding  reigns, 

"Farther  asserts  and  declares,  that  the  said  Robert  seized 
and  bound  a  certain  husbandman  of  the  lands  of  Finrossie,  to 
whom  the  Prior  had  by  contract  let  the  said  mulctures,  and 
thrown  him  into  a  private  prison,  by  which  he  directly  incurred 
the  sentence  of  excommunication." 

The  petition  proceeds  to  shew  cause  why  the  action 
could  not  be  determined  by  the  civil,  but  by  the  ecclesi- 
astical court,  and  concludes  by  threatening  to  excommuni- 
cate the  civil  judges,  if  they  attempted  anything  farther, 
by  which  the  Priory  might  be  wronged,  or  the  jurisdiction 
of  the  Church  injured. 

The  whole  roll  of  the  Bishops  of  Moray,  from  the  first 
erection  of  the  diocese  by  Alexander  I.  about  the  year 
1120,  to  the  final  abolition  of  Prelacy  in  the  year  1688,  a 
space  of  568  years,  amounted  to  the  number  of  37,  about 
16  years  to  each  incumbency.  Although  none  of  them 
made  any  conspicuous  figure  as  Statesmen,  yet  both  in 
the  Roman  Catholic  and  Protestant  Churches,  several 
appear  to  have  been  respectable,  and  to  have  possessed 
the  confidence  of  their  respective  contemporaries.  Several 
estates  are  still  bounded  according  to  decreets-arbitral  of 
Colin  Falconer,  the  last  Bishop  who  inhabited  the  castle 
of  Spynie,  and  who  died  in  1686.  The  whole  country,  of 
every  rank,  attended  his  funeral.  He  had  two  successors, 
Alexander  Rose  and  William  Hay ;  but  neither  of  them, 
had  any  personal  residence,  in  their  official  character,  in 
this  magnificent  castle.]  (Survey  of  Province  of  Moray) 

[At  what  period  the  first  Parish  Church  of  Spynie  was 
erected  we  have  no  trace.     It  was  very  likely  before  the 

VOL.  II.  8 


time  of  Bishop  Bricius,  and  it  perhaps  was  a  log-building, 
or  clay  wattled,  common  then.  When  the  Bishop  had  no 
fixed  seat,  but  moved  about  from  Birnie  to  Spynie,  and 
from  thence  to  Kinnedar,  as  their  necessity  required,  and 
had  an  occasional  residence  at  Spynie,  it  is  likely  that  a 
stone  Church,  similar  to  Birnie,  may  have  been  erected, 
and  which  was  dedicated  to  the  Holy  Trinity.  When 
Bishop  Bricius  fixed  the  Cathedral  at  Spynie,  and  obtained 
the  consent  of  the  Pope  to  that  effect,  a  Church  of  some 
pretentious  size  in  all  probability  must  have  been  built. 
However,  there  is  no  existing  writ  giving  details  of  the 
style  or  size  of  the  structure.  When  the  Cathedral  was 
finally  removed  to  Elgin  in  1224,  Spynie  would  fall  to 
the  level  of  a  Parish  Church.  Whether  it  shared  the 
general  fate  at  the  Reformation,  and  was  replaced  by  the 
usual  "  cheap  and  nasty  "  substitute,  there  is  no  record. 
All  that  remained  of  the  Parish  Church  was  a  Gothic 
gable,  which  fell  about  30  years  ago.  This  edifice  was 
74  feet  long,  and  35  feet  broad,  or  2590  square  feet,  in- 
cluding walls.  The  belfry  was  erected  in  1723,  which, 
with  the  cut  stones  of  the  doors,  were  utilised  in  the  new 
church  of  parsimonious  economy  erected  in  1736.  It  has 
a  sun-dial  placed  on  the  south  side,  made  by  a  son  of  the 
Rev.  William  Dougall,  which  has  a  margin  of  4  inches  all 
round.  On  the  upper  part,  on  the  curve,  is  engraved 
"  JOHANNES  DOUGALL  FECIT,  1740."  The  bell  was  brought 
from  the  old  Church,  and  from  the  maker's  name  seems 
to  have  been  cast  in  Holland,  the  great  commercial  centre 
of  that  time.  There  is  a  tradition  that  the  bell  was  the 
gift  of  Bp.  John  Guthrie  (1623-1638),  who  was  deposed 
by  the  General  Assembly  in  the  latter  year,  but  that  it 
was  not  rung  or  hung  until  he  left  Spynie  never  to  return. 
It  bears  the  following  inscription : — 

On  the  lintel  of  the  entry  door  of  the  old  Manse  were  cut 
the  initials  "  W.  D.,  1736,  K.  K.,"  indicating  the  minister 
and  his  wife.     A  new  Manse  was  built  in  1840.]     (ED.) 


[The  name  of  Spynie  occurs  in  the  Chartulary  of  Moray 
no  less  than  67  times,  which  shows  of  how  much  consider- 
ation it  was  as  the  seat  of  the  Bishop.  It  was  probably 


a  place  of  some  importance,  and  had  a  Parish  Church  at  a 
very  early  date.  When  Bishop  Bricius,  in  the  beginning 
of  the  13th  century,  fixed  on  this  spot  as  the  Cathedral 
Church  of  his  diocese,  he  had  strong  reasons  for  doing  so. 
It  was  most  conveniently  situated  near  the  town  of 
Elgin ;  had  a  communication  with  the  sea,  a  harbour 
immediately  adjoining,  where  all  commodities  could  be 
landed ;  was  a  delightful,  dry  situation,  with  pure  air,  and 
a  very  commanding  view  of  the  surrounding  country. 
There  was  little  arable  ground  around  it  at  this  early 
period.  Looking  to  the  north  and  west,  there  was  the 
arm  of  the  sea,  with  its  winding  shores ;  towards  the 
south  and  east,  a  considerable  quantity  of  woodland  and 
bare  moor ;  but,  under  the  fostering  care  of  the  Bishops, 
population  would  rapidly  increase.  Their  tenants  and 
vassals  enjoyed  an  easy  life,  compared  with  those  of  the 
military  barons  around  them.  They  had  leisure  to  attend 
to  their  agricultural  pursuits,  and  were  not  liable  to  be 
called  into  service  for  war ;  and,  when  attacked  from 
without,  they  had  the  powerful  arm  of  the  Church  to  rely 
on.  Such  advantages,  in  a  very  disturbed  age,  had  the 
tendency  of  bringing  a  great  increase  to  the  inhabitants 
of  the  district,  improving  the  surrounding  land,  and 
reclaiming  much  that  was  waste.  A  village  also  sprang 
up  on  the  borders  of  the  lake,  to  the  west  of  the  Palace, 
which  was  eventually  erected  into  a  Burgh  of  Barony, 
with  merchants  and  traders,  gradually  growing  in  popula- 
tion and  importance,  until,  by  an  unexpected  casualty, 
the  lake  ceased  to  be  connected  with  the  sea.  This 
locality  therefore  became,  from  the  above  causes,  and 
long  continued  to  be,  the  most  important  part  of  the 
parish  of  Spynie,  and  up  to  the  period  of  the  Reforma- 
tion, the  most  highly  cultivated  part  of  it. 

In  1599  Alexander,  Lord  Spynie,  4th  son  of  David,  9th 
Earl  of  Crawford,  appointed  Alexander  Innes  of  Cotts 
Constable  of  the  Fortalice  and  Castle  of  Spynie,  and  others 
within  the  precinct,  with  very  extensive  powers ;  and  that 
functionary  appears  to  have  looked  after  the  temporalities 
for  behoof  of  his  noble  employer.  The  property  con- 
tinued in  possession  of  the  Lindsay  family  only  for  16 
years.  In  1606,  after  King  James  VI.  succeeded  to  the 
throne  of  England,  it  was  his  determined  resolution  to 
restore  the  order  of  Bishops,  not  from  any  religious  feel- 


ing,  but  merely  from  temporal  motives.  Lord  Spynie 
sold  to  the  Crown  the  lands  belonging  to  the  Bishopric 
of  Moray,  granted  to  him  in  1590,  reserving  only  the 
patronage  of  the  Churches,  which  he  eventually  lost  by 
not  exercising  his  rights.  Lord  Spynie  and  King  James 
VI.  did  not  always  continue  on  terms  of  friendship.  On 
the  contrary,  they  became  quite  alienated  from  one 
another.  His  Lordship  was  killed  in  a  street  brawl 
in  Edinburgh,  by  his  cousin,  David  Lindsay  of  Edzell 
in  1607. 

When  Episcopacy  was  restored  in  1606,  Alexander 
Douglas,  minister  at  Elgin,  was  made  Bishop,  and  held 
the  See  for  17  years.  He  seems  to  have  resided  at  Elgin, 
and  but  little  at  Spynie,  which  continued  under  the  man- 
agement of  Innes  of  Cotts,  the  Constable  of  the  Palace 
and  Regality.  He  conveyed  the  lauds  of  Spynie,  as  well 
as  Morriston  and  Burgh  Briggs,  to  his  son,  Alexander 
Douglas,  retaining  for  himself  and  his  successors  only  the 
precinct  round  the  palace.  Alexander  Douglas,  the 
Bishop's  son,  is  said  to  have  inamed  Mary  Innes,  and 
died,  when  Provost  of  Banff,  in  1669. 

The  Douglases,  who  were  probably  a  branch  of  the 
Pittendrich  family,  continued  in  possession  of  the  estate 
of  Spynie  until  about  the  close  of  the  century,  when  they 
sold  it  to  James  Brodie  of  Whitehill,  a  cadet  of  the  family 
of  Brodie. 

After  the  Revolution,  the  whole  revenues  of  the  diocese 
and  the  Castle  of  Spynie,  with  the  precinct,  fell  to  the 
Crown.  The  Castle  was  allowed  to  fall  into  ruins.  The 
wood,  iron  work,  and  finest  stones  of  the  buildings  were 
carried  away  by  the  country  people.  The  palace  and 
precinct  continued  in  possession  of  the  Crown  down  to 
about  the  year  1840,  when  they  were  sold  to  the  Earl  of 
Fife,  on  the  valuation  of  the  late  Mr.  Peter  Brown,  at  a 
very  moderate  price.  About  15  years  previous  to  the 
sale,  the  Barons  of  Exchequer  had  given  orders  to  pre- 
serve what  remained  of  the  ruins.  They  erected  a  lodge 
for  a  keeper,  and  planted  and  enclosed  the  Hill  of  Spynie 
with  larch  and  fir  wood,  which  now,  after  the  lapse  of  40 
years,  is  pretty  well  advanced,  and  is  a  great  improve- 
ment. Round  the  palace  the  ground  has  been  planted 
with  hardwood,  which  also  has  made  good  progress,  and 
has  beautified  as  well  as  sheltered  the  place.  The  Earl 


of  Fife  has  taken  an  interest  in  the  palace  and  grounds, 
and  is  caring  for  and  protecting  the  fine  old  ruin. 

We  have  stated  before  that  the  family  of  Douglas  sold 
the  estate  of  Spynie  to  James  Brodie  of  Whitehill, 
about  the  close  of  the  17th  century.  There  were  three 
successive  proprietors  of  this  family,  viz. : — 1st,  James 
Brodie,  the  purchaser,  who  was  brother  of  George  Brodie 
of  Brodie  ;  2nd,  James  Brodie,  his  son,  who  was  Sheriff- 
Depute  of  the  County  of  Elgin  ;  and  3rd,  James  Brodie, 
grandson  of  the  purchaser.  This  last  proprietor  was  born 
in  1744.  In  1759,  by  the  death  of  his  second  cousin, 
Alexander  Brodie  of  Brodie,  he  succeeded  to  the  whole 
Brodie  estates.  He  married,  in  1768,  Lady  Margaret  Duff, 
daughter  of  William,  Earl  of  Fife.  About  or  shortly  after 
the  year  1770,  he  conveyed  the  estate  of  Spynie,  with 
Kinneddar,  Aikenhead,  Monaughty,  and  Aslisk,  to  his 
brother-in-law,  James,  Earl  of  Fife,  and  thus  terminated 
his  connection  with  Spynie.  The  Brodie  family  possessed 
the  estate  for  about  70  years.  The  Duffs  have  been  pro- 
prietors for  about  a  century,  four  Earls  of  Fife  succes- 
sively having  held  it. 


In  a  charter  of  Bishop  Bricius,  of  date  1203-1222, 
founding  the  chaplainry  of  the  Castle  of  Duffus,  mention 
is  made  of  the  Church  of  Kintrae  in  the  following  terms : 
— "  Ad  viam  que  vadit  de  veteri  ecclesia  de  Kyntra,"  i.e., 
To  the  road  which  goes  down  to  the  old  Church  of  Kyntrae. 
In  this  charter,  this  Church  is  three  times  stated  to  be  old. 
Lambert,  chaplain  to  William  the  Lion,  was  rector,  and 
appears,  under  the  designation  of  Parson  of  Kintrae,  as 
witness  to  a  deed  executed  between  the  years  1187  and 
1203.  The  Churches  of  Kintrae  and  Spynie  were  united 
by  Andrew,  Bishop  of  Moray,  prior  to  1242.  Not  a  ves- 
tige of  Kintrae  Church  or  Churchyard  now  remains, 
although  the  site  of  the  latter  is  still  traceable  in  the 
centre  of  a  field  on  the  south-west  corner  of  Westfield. 
It  has  been  remarked  that  it  has  scarcely  grown  anything 
to  reward  the  agricultural  enterprise  that  desecrated  it 
with  the  ploughshare. 


This  was  Church  land,  and,  at  an  early  date,  was  cer- 
tainly composed  almost  entirely  of  moor,  marsh,  and 


woodland,  and  only  by  slow  degrees,  and  under  the  fos- 
tering care  of  the  Bishops,  was  converted  partly  into 
arable  ground.  On  the  north  side,  it  was  washed  by  the 
waters  of  the  loch,  and  on  the  south  bounded  by  the 
lands  of  Bishopmill.  At  the  period  of  the  Reformation, 
it  was  occupied  by  five  tenants.  It  was  a  part  of  the 
land  granted  by  Bishop  Patrick  Hepburn  to  the  Regent 
Earl  of  Moray  at  the  Reformation.  We  find  the  lands 
referred  to  in  a  charter  granted  by  Alexander  Douglas, 
Bishop  of  Moray,  in  favour  of  James,  Earl  of  Moray,  after 
the  restoration  of  Episcopacy,  in  1606.  They  continued 
in  Lord  Moray's  family  probably  till  near  the  close  of  the 
17th  century,  when  they  were  sold  to  Sutherland  of 
Kinsteary  (afterwards  designed  of  Greenhall),  and  succes- 
sively held  in  property  by  John  Sutherland  of  Greenhall, 
and  his  son,  Lawrence  Sutherland.  By  the  latter,  they 
were  sold,  prior  to  the  year  1770,  to  James,  Earl  of 
Findlater  and  Seafield,  in  whose  family  they  still  continue. 

It  may  be  here  remarked  that  the  Findlater  family 
had  no  property  in  Morayshire  prior  to  the  middle  of 
last  centur}'. 

In  1758  the  Baronies  of  Rothes,  Easter  Elchies,  and 
Edinvillie  were  purchased  from  John  Grant,  Baron  of 
Exchequer,  and  between  that  date  and  1770,  the  estates 
of  Birnie,  Main,  Linkwood,  Bishopmill,  Myreside,  and 
Burgh  Briggs  were  acquired  by  the  Findlater  family. 

In  the  year  1772  a  very  considerable  improvement 
was  made,  partly  on  Myreside,  and  partly  on  the  Bishop- 
mill  lands,  by  planting  about  150  acres  with  Scotch  fir. 
It  was  moorland  and  very  bleak,  producing  no  pasture 
and  only  a  covering  of  short,  dry  heath,  and  did  not 
bring  in  a  farthing  of  rent.  The  plantation  was  made  at 
very  small  expense,  and  the  thinnings  soon  repaid  the 
outlay.  The  droppings  of  the  needles  of  the  fir  enriched 
the  soil,  and,  after  the  lapse  of  30  years,  an  experiment 
was  made  in  attempting  the  improvement  of  a  few  acres. 
It  was  found  that  the  ground  made  tolerably  arable  land. 
From  time  to  time  this  has  been  repeated,  until  almost 
the  whole  wood  has  been  removed,  and  converted  into 
good  arable  ground  at  a  moderate  expense.  The  farm  of 
Newfield  has  been  partly  made  out  from  the  ground 
covered^  with  wood,  and  that  of  Woodlands  entirely  so ; 
and  both  in  a  favourable  season,  when  rain  abounds,  yield 


good  crops  of  corn,  turnips,  and  grass.  The  wood  grown 
was  of  excellent  quality,  and  not  only  amply  repaid 
expenses  but  gave  a  good  return  in  the  way  of  rent  to  the 
proprietor.  In  the  progress  of  events,  part  of  the  farm  of 
Myreside  has  thus  been  added  to  Newfields  and  Wood- 
lands, and  the  boundaries  with  the  adjoining  estate  of 
Bishopmill  have  been  considerably  changed. 

During  the  latter  part  of  last  century,  the  lands  of 
Myreside  were  tenanted  by  Mr.  Lawrence  Sutherland  of 
Greenhall,  who  sold  the  property  to  the  Earl  of  Findlater, 
thereafter  by  Mr.  Hugh  Tod,  both  well-known  men. 
Since  that  time  the  farm  has  been  well  enclosed  with 
substantial  stone  dykes,  and  formed  into  neat  and  con- 
venient lots  adapted  for  modern  husbandry,  and  the  land 
is  well  farmed  by  Mrs.  Russell,  the  present  tenant. 


This  estate,  anciently  called  Fynrossy,  stands  on  the 
west  side  of  Myreside,  and  is  bounded  by  it  on  the  east 
and  south,  by  Quarrelwood  on  the  west,  and  by  the  now 
dry  bed  of  the  Loch  of  Spynie  on  the  north.  In  ancient 
times  it  was  principally  grass  and  woodland,  with  a  little 
corn-land  on  the  north  side.  It  was  washed  by  the  sea 
when  the  loch  was  salt  water ;  and,  when  it  became  fresh, 
there  was  abundance  of  coarse  star-grass  on  the  marsh 
beside  the  water,  and  on  the  four  holmes  or  islets  belong- 
ing to  the  estate.  Being  on  the  north  side  of  the  hill,  it 
is  not  so  sweet  and  sunny  as  upon  the  southern  slopes, 
but  still  it  is  a  pleasant  retired  residence.  It  was  Church 
land,  and  even  after  it  was  feued  out  by  the  Bishop 
of  Moray,  it  still  held  of  him  as  the  superior,  and,  in  some 
measure,  claimed  his  protection.  The  first  mention  of 
the  propert}7  is  in  a  dispute  between  Walter  de  Moravia 
and  Andrew,  Bishop  of  Moray,  about  the  use  of  the  wood 
and  moor  of  Spynie,  and  "  Fynrossy,"  which  appears  to 
have  been  amicably  settled  by  agreement,  on  the  10th 
October,  1226.  It  is  again  referred  to  in  a  dispute  on  the 
same  subject  between  Simon,  Bishop  of  Moray,  and  Fris- 
kinus,  Lord  of  Duffus,  in  1248.  The  lands  were  feued 
out  by  Alexander,  Bishop  of  Moray,  to  John  Forbes  of 
that  ilk,  and  Margaret  Forbes,  his  spouse,  for  good  and 
faithful  service  and  assistance,  on  18th  July,  1378.  They 
were  resigned  again  into  the  hands  of  the  Bishop  by  John 


Flathson,  Mair-General  of  the  diocese,  in  the  year  1395. 
A  charter  of  feu  farm  was  granted  by  Patrick  Hepburn, 
Bishop  of  Moray,  with  consent  of  the  Chapter,  to  James 
Innes  of  Rothmakenzie,  and  Catherine  Gordon,  his  spouse, 
dated  at  the  Cathedral  Church,  6th  November,  1540,  at  a 
feu-duty  of  15  merks.  1  mart,  1  sheep,  2  dozen  capons,  2 
bolls  of  oats,  with  fodder,  and  40s.  for  6  bolls  of  dry  mul- 
ture. Another  charter  was  granted  to  the  same  James 
Innes  on  7th  April,  1545,  and  a  charter,  confirming  a  sale 
by  Alexander  Innes  of  Crombie,  with  consent  of  Elizabeth 
Forbes,  his  wife,  to  George  Sinclair,  son  of  George,  Earl  of 
Caithness,  reserving  the  Bishop's  Moss,  otherwise  the 
Laverock  Moss,  dated  at  the  Palace  of  Spynie,  26th  May, 
3569.  In  the  latter  part  of  the  16th  century  the  estate 
was  in  possession  of  Robert  Leslie,  second  son  of  George, 
Earl  of  Rothes,  by  Lady  Margaret  Crichton,  his  first  wife, 
only  daughter  of  William,  Lord  Crichton,  by  the  Lady 
Cicely,  his  wife,  second  daughter  to  King  James  II.  of 
Scotland.  Robert  Leslie  was  the  immediate  younger 
brother  of  the  gallant  Norman  Leslie,  Master  of  Rothes, 
and  when  his  brother  was  forfeited  as  accessory  to  the 
murder  of  Cardinal  Beaton,  Robert  should  have  succeeded 
to  the  Earldom,  but  his  father,  for  some  reason,  passed 
him  over,  and,  with  consent  of  the  Crown,  got  the  title 
and  estate  of  Rothes  settled  upon  Andrew  Leslie,  his  son 
by  a  second  marriage — a  most  unjust  proceeding.  All 
that  Robert  got  in  lieu  of  it  was  Findrassie,  and  some 
other  lands  in  Moray  and  Ross.  The  reason  of  Robert 
being  deprived  of  the  estate  and  titles  of  Rothes  arose 
probably  from  the  fact  that  Andrew  Leslie,  his  half- 
brother,  married  Grizzel  Hamilton,  daughter  of  Sir  James 
Hamilton  of  Evandale,  natural  brother  of  the  Duke  of 
Chatelherault,  then  Regent  of  Scotland,  by  whose  influ- 
ence the  succession  both  to  the  estate  and  titles  of 
Rothes  was  settled  upon  Andrew  Leslie  and  Grizzel 
Hamilton,  to  the  deprivation  of  the  family  of  the  first 

The  family  of  Leslie  were  considerable  improvers,  and 
appear  to  have  done  a  good  deal  in  that  way  both  in 
Moray  and  Ross,  particularly  in  the  way  of  planting. 
These  improvements  were  executed  in  the  time  of  Abra- 
ham Leslie,  who  was  a  man  of  enlarged  mind,  had  seen 
much  of  the  world,  and  who  had  the  means  of  doing  so. 


The  moors  of  Findrassie  were  planted  with  Scotch  fir. 
The  trees  have  now  reached  maturity,  and  being  of  fine 
quality  yield  a  rich  return  to  the  present  proprietors. 

The  present  mansion-house  of  Findrassie  has  the  ap- 
pearance of  having  been  erected  about  a  century  ago,  and 
was  certainly  built  by  Abraham  Leslie.  It  is  a  commodi- 
ous dwelling  of  the  old  Scotch  style,  which  could  easily 
be  improved  by  giving  it  a  new  front.  The  garden  is 
large,  and  bears  great  cropk  of  fruit,  and  is  well-walled. 
The  grounds  are  well  laid  out  and  pretty  extensive. 
After  the  death  of  Mr.  Charles  Leslie,  in  1807,  the  estates 
both  in  Moray  and  Ross  were  soon  disposed  of  by  his 
successors,  and,  in  the  short  period  of  eighteen  years,  the 
whole  were  sold,  and  the  family  landless. 

During  Colonel  Grant's  occupancy  of  the  estate,  a 
period  of  about  ten  years,  considerable  improvements 
were  made  by  planting  and  embellishment,  and  some 
new  fields  added  on  the  west  side  of  the  Duffus  road,  by 
grubbing  out  the  fir  trees,  and  converting  the  ground 
into  arable  land.  Also  a  good  deal  of  draining  and  fenc- 
ing took  place.  Colonel  Grant  died  about  the  year  1835, 
.and  his  Trustees  sold  the  estate  in  June,  1836,  to  James 
Ogilvie  Tod,  Esquire,  who  had  been  in  the  Civil  Service 
in  India,  and  had  then  lately  returned  with  a  fortune. 
Mr.  Tod  did  not  long  enjoy  the  property,  having  died 
the  following  year,  and  left  the  estates  in  the  hands  of 
Trustees,  for  behoof  of  his  only  child,  Helen  Tod,  now 
Mrs.  Forster. 

See  "  Laurus  Lesbceana,"  published  by  the  Jesuit 
Fathers  of  the  Scotch  Mission,  on  the  Continent,  in  1692, 
where  there  is  an  account  of  the  four  first  Lairds  of  Fin- 
drassie ;  also,  an  account  of  the  Leslies  of  Findrassie,  by 
the  late  Colonel  Leslie  of  Balquhain. 


This  estate,  in  its  present  bounds,  is  much  more  exten- 
sive than  it  was  in  ancient  times.  It  now  comprehends 
Quarrywood,  Loanhead,  Kintrae,  Rosebrae,  Leggat,  Rose- 
haugh,  and  other  farms,  and  extends  to  the  top  of  the 
hill  bounding  Morriston,  Sheriffmill.  and  Aldroughty,  at 
the  south.  In  old  writings  it  is  written  "  Querelwode," 
"  Correilwod,"  and  "  Quarelwode ; "  and,  as  it  had  this 
name  before  there  were  quarries  in  the  hill,  it  may  be 


somewhat  difficult  to  ascertain  the  meaning  of  the  word. 
The  word  "  Quarrel,"  in  old  writings,  sometimes  means  a 
quarry  of  stones  ;  it  also  sometimes  stands  for  game,  or 
the  engines  by  which  game  is  killed.  The  name  may, 
therefore,  mean  either  the  Quarrywood,  by  which  it  is  now 
known,  or  the  wood  of  game,  or  in  which  game  is  killed. 
It  sufficiently  answers  to  either  of  these  appellations. 
It  is  probable  that  the  whole,  or  greater  part,  of  this 
estate,  in  ancient  times,  formed  part  of  the  Earldom  of 
Moray,  as  some  of  the  farms  continued  to  do  until  a  very 
late  date. 

The  first  proprietor  of  Quarrel  wood,  of  whom  we  have 
any  distinct  account,  is  Sir  Robert  Lauder,  or  Lavedre. 
His  father,  also  Sir  Robert,  was  Justiciary  of  Lothian, 
and  Ambassador  to  England,  in  the  time  of  King  Robert 
Bruce,  and  engaged  in  similar  service  for  King  David 
Bruce.  Both  father  and  son  seem  to  have  been  present  at 
the  battle  of  Halidon  Hill,  in  1333,  after  which  fatal 
event  the  younger  Sir  Robert,  being  Justiciary  of  the 
North,  hastened  to  occupy  the  Castle  of  Urquhart,  on 
Loch  Ness,  one  of  the  few  fortalices  which  held  out 
against  the  power  of  Edward  of  England.  It  is  supposed 
that  at  this  time  he  acquired  the  lands  of  Quarrelwoodr 
Grieshop,  Brightmony,  and  Kinsteary,  which  continued 
to  be  possessed  by  his  descendants,  in  the  female  line,  for 
many  generations.  He  designates  himself  as  "  Robertus 
de  Lavadre,  Dominus  de  Quarrelwood,  in  Moravia." 
This  Robert  Lauder  obtained  a  charter  from  John  Pil- 
more,  Bishop  of  Moray,  for  good  services,  of  the  half 
davoch  lands  of  Aberbreachy,  and  the  lands  of  Auch- 
munie,  within  the  Barony  of  Urquhart,  for  payment  of 
four  merks  yearly,  dated  at  Elgin,  in  the  feast  of  St. 
Nicholas,  1333.  He  founded  a  chaplainry  in  the  Cathe- 
dral Church  of  Moray,  at  the  Altar  of  St.  Peter,  out  of  his 
lands  of  Brightmony  and  Kinsteary,  and  Mill  of  Auldearn, 
for  his  own  soul,  and  those  of  his  ancestors  and  succes- 
sors, and  particularly  for  the  soul  of  Hugh,  Earl  of  Ross. 
The  deed  is  dated  at  Dunfermline  the  1st  May,  1362, 
which  gift  is  confirmed  by  a  writ  from  King  David  Bruce, 
dated  at  Elgin,  the  10th  May,  in  the  38th  year  of  his 
reign.  Sir  Robert  Lauder  is  said  to  have  had  a  family  of 
sons  and  daughters.  One  daughter  was  married  to  Sir 
Robert  Chisholm,  and  her  father  conveyed  to  her,  or  her 


husband,  in  her  right,  the  lands  of  Quarrelwood,  Kin- 
steary,  Brightmony,  and  others. 

He  had  a  daughter,  Janet,  married  to  Hugh  Rose  of 
Kilravock,  to  whom  he  conveyed  various  lands  in  Strath- 
nairn.  He  is  supposed  to  have  had  no  heir-male  of  his 
own  body,  and  to  have  been  succeeded  by  his  brother, 
John  Chishdlm,  who  was  again  succeeded  by  his  son, 
Robert,  who  had  a  daughter  and  only  child  Morella.,  pro- 
prietor of  the  lands  of  Quarrelwood,  Brightmony,  Kin- 
steary,  &c. — the  heir-male  of  the  Chisholms  succeeding  to 
the  paternal  estate  in  Strathglass.  Morella  Chisholm 
married  Alexander  Sutherland,  third  laird  of  Duffus,  of 
that  name,  who  thereupon  added  to  his  armorial  bearings 
a  boar's  head  erased,  being  part  of  the  arms  of  Chisholm. 
(See  "  Morays  of  Duffus,"  above,  pages  84,  89,  vol.  II.) 

The  small  farm  of  Hill  of  Quarrywood,  or  Laverock 
Loch,  tenanted  by  Mr.  Alexander  Lawson,  is  curiously 
situated,  in  the  midst  of  the  extensive  fir  wood  on  the 
hill.  Although  within  two  miles  of  the  town  of  Elgin,  it 
is  a  spot  of  extreme  solitude,  and  has  the  appearance  of  a 
clearance  in  an  American  forest.  The  eastern  part  of  the 
farm  is  the  bed  of  an  old  morass.  In  the  time  of  the 
Bishops,  it  was  a  moss,  attached  to  Spynie,  and  called  the 
Laverock  Moss.  When  the  peats  were  all  dug  out,  it  be- 
came a  shallow  lake,  on  which  the  young  men  of  Elgin 
used  to  skate  in  winter.  By  the  growth  of  long  grass  in 
it,  the  loch  was  converted  into  a  mere  marsh,  which  was 
drained  by  Mr.  Lawson  some  years  ago,  and  is  now  con- 
verted'into  an  arable  field  of  some  extent,  in  which  all 
kinds  of  crops  are  grown. 


The  estate  of  Westfield  consists  of  the  lands  of  Inch- 
brock,  Inchaggarty,  and  Westfield  proper.  The  two 
former  point  to  a  period  when  the  sea  ebbed  and  flowed 
in  the  Lowlands  of  Moray,  and  when  the  lands  of  West- 
field  were  submerged  in  the  waves.  The  time  when  the 
sea  receded  from  Westfield  is  uncertain,  but  it  must  have 
been  within  a  comparatively  recent  period,  and  when  the 
Saxon  or  English  language  had  taken  root  in  the  land. 
Previous  to  that  time,  Inchbrock  and  Inchaggarty  had 
been  islands  of  the  sea : — the  former  the  Isle  of  Brocks  or 
Badgers,  and  the  latter  the  Priest's  Island. 


The  estate  of  Westfield  is  described  in  the  titles  as  fol- 
lows : — "  All  and  whole  the  towns  and  lands  of  Westfield 
and  Inchaggarty,  with  the  manor  place,  houses,  biggings, 
yards,  orchards,  mills,  mill  lands,  parts,  pendicles,  and 
universal  pertinents  of  the  same,  lying  within  the  parish 
of  Spynie  and  Sheriffdom  of  Elgin  and  Forres :  As  also 
all  and  whole  the  town  and  lands  of  Inchbrock,  with  the 
houses,  biggings,  yards,  orchards,  tofts,  crofts,  parts,  pen- 
dicles, and  universal  pertinents  thereof,  as  the  same  were 
formerly  occupied  and  possessed  by  the  deceased  James 
and  George  Dunbarof  Inchbrock,  lying  within  the  parish 
of  Spynie,  Regality  thereof,  and  Sheriffdom  of  Elgin  and 
Forres,  aforesaid,  together  with  the  teinds,  parsonage  and 
vicarage  of  said  several  lands,  and  the  whole  seats  and 
lofts,  and  the  burial-place  belonging  to  the  said  lands  in 
the  Kirk  of  Spynie."  The  lands  of  Inchbrock  were 
Church  lands,  and  continued  in  possession  of  the  Bishops 
until  the  period  of  the  Reformation,  when  that  great 
dilapidator  of  the  Bishoprick,  Patrick  Hepburn,  feued  the 
same,  with  consent  of  the  Chapter,  for  a  sum  of  200 
merks,  to  Alexander  Anderson,  in  Wester  Alves,  and 
Alexander  Anderson,  burgess  of  Elgin,  his  son,  and  Bessy 
Gordon,  his  son's  wife.  The  lands  seem  to  have  been  pre- 
viously possessed  by  Alexander  Anderson,  the  father,  as 
tenant.  Westfield  was  never  Church  land,  and  the  earliest 
accounts  we  have  of  the  estate  show  that  it  belonged  to  the 
Earldom  of  Moray.  The  last  of  the  Dunbars  of  Grange- 
hill  (mentioned  above  by  Shaw)  sold  the  estate  to  Sir 
James  Grant  of  Grant  on  the  1st  June,  1769,  who  sold  it 
to  Joseph  Robertson,  merchant  in  London,  on  the  17th 
June,  1774 ;  who  sold  it  to  Francis  Russell,  advocate,  on 
the  24th  Oct.,  1781.  Mary  Bannerman,  his  wife,  conveyed 
it  to  Thomas  Sellar,  writer,  Elgin,  on  the  2nd  May,  1808 ; 
whose  son,  Patrick  Sellar,  heired  it  on  the  16th  Feb., 
1818 ;  whose  Trustees  sold  it  to  Hugh  Maclean  in  May, 
1862.  In  less  than  a  century,  Westfield  has  changed 
proprietors  no  fewer  than  six  times. 


The  small  property  of  Bishopmill  *  has  been  so  mixed 
up  latterly  with  the  improved  lands  of  Myreside  that  it 

*  This  estate  seems  to  have  been  known  in  ancient  times  by 
the  name  of  Frankoklaw. 


is  now  impossible  to  separate  them.  It  was  originally 
very  small,  comprising  the  ridge  of  land  overlooking  the 
Lossie,  and  extending  only  a  little  way  back.  It  now 
forms  a  kind  of  semicircle,  running  back  nearly  three 
quarters  of  a  mile  between  Deanshaugh  at  the  east,  and 
Morriston  at  the  west. 

It  is  probable  a  mill  was  erected  on  the  Lossie  here  as 
early  as  the  time  when  Bishop  Bricius  settled  at  Spynie, 
in  the  year  1203.  When  the  Episcopal  seat  was  fixed 
there,  the  convenience  of  a  mill  must  have  been  a  matter 
of  great  importance.  The  first  particular  mention  of  it, 
however,  does  not  occur  until  the  year  1393,  when  there 
seems  to  have  been  a  small  village  there,  perhaps  a  few 
houses.  It  is  stated  to  be  near  the  town  of  Elgin.  In 
the  Rental  of  the  Bishoprick,  in  1565,  the  lands  are  let  to 
six  tenants,  at  the  gross  rent  of  four  pounds,  three  quar- 
ters of  a  mart,  three  sheep,  four  dozen  of  capons,  three 
lambs,  three  fowls,  three  bolls  of  oats,  with  fodder,  nine 
bolls  of  dry  multure,  for  grassum,  and  other  services  ;  a 
small  croft  at  twenty-five  shillings,  six  capons,  one  fowl, 
and  8s.  8d.  of  mart  silver ;  four  small  houses,  being  the 
extent  of  the  village,  at  twelve  shillings,  and  twelve 
capons ;  the  mill,  with  knaveship,  and  outsucken,  at  four- 
pounds,  one  dozen  capons,  one  pig,  and  the  support  of  the 
mill.  In  the  year  1566,  Bishop  Patrick  Hepburn  granted 
a  charter  of  feu  farm  of  the  town  and  lands  called  "  The 
Bischopis  Mylne,"  with  the  corn  mill,  the  lands  called 
"  The  Acris,"  and  four  houses  called  "  The  foure  Cott 
Housis,"  in  the  same  town,  to  James  Innes  of  Drainie, 
and  Catherine  Gordon,  his  wife,  in  liferent,  and  Robert 
Innes,  their  son,  and  Helen  Ross,  his  future  spouse,  in  fee, 
with  liberty  of  digging  turfs  or  peats  in  the  moor  called 
"  The  Laverok  Moss,"  alias  "  The  Bischopis  Moss," — 
reserving  to  the  Bishop,  and  all  passing,  the  common  road 
which  goes  from  the  Palace  of  Spynie  to  Elgin,  and  also 
the  other  road  which  goes  by  the  cultivated  land  and  the 
moor,  towards  "  Bischoppis  Mylne,"  near  the  hill  called 
"  Cuthilbyrnye  Hill."  *  In  the  following  century  we  find 
Bishopmill  in  possession  of  Alexander  Dunbar,  son  of 
Robert  Dunbar  of  Burgie.  He  married  a  Margaret  Ayton, 
but  had  no  issue,  and,  dying  in  1723,  he  left  his  estate  to 

*  This  name,  "  Cuthilbyrnye,"  appears  to  be  now  entirely 
lost.  It  would  be  difficult  to  say  where  the  spot  is. 


his  nephew,  John  Dunbar  of  Burgle,  advocate,  who  died 
about  the  year  1750.  His  son,  John  Dunbar,  sold  the 
•  estate,  with  the  Dean's  House,  in  Elgin,  to  James  Robert- 
son, Provost  of  Elgin,  who  sold  it  to  the  6th  Earl  of 
Findlater,  prior  to  1770.  The  property  has  continued 
in  his  Lordship's  family  ever  since,  with  the  exception  of 
the  mill  and  mill  croft,  which  for  some  time  belonged  to 
James  Miln,  banker  in  Elgin,  but  were  acquired  by  the 
Earl  again  in  the  early  part  of  the  present  century,  and 
has  lately  been  feued  out  by  the  present  proprietor,  the 
Earl  of  Seafield,  to  John  Allan,  who  carries  on  a  large 
business  at  the  mills  in  flour  and  meal.  Shortly  after  the 
Earl  of  Findlater  purchased  the  estate,  his  Lordship 
planted  a  considerable  extent  of  moor  ground,  belonging 
to  Bishopmill  and  Myreside,  with  Scotch  fir  trees. 

To  ,the  eastward  of  Bishopmill  is  the  small  property  of 
DEANSHAUGH,  belonging  to  Adam  Longmore,  W.S.,  Edin- 
burgh. I  have  great  doubts,  however,  whether  it  is 
within  the  bounds  of  the  parish  of  Spynie,  but  rather 
in  St.  Andrews.*  As,  however,  it  is  generally  reckoned 
in  Spynie,  it  may  be  described  briefly.  In  the  end  of  last 
century  these  subjects  belonged  to  John  Ritchie,  mer- 
chant in  Elgin,  who  erected  on  the  Lossie  a  mill  for  the 
manufactory  of  tobacco,  a  waulkmill,  a  flaxmill,  and 
bleaching  machinery.  This  trade  was  carried  on  with 
considerable  success.  After  Ritchie's  time,  the  property 
was  sold  to  John  Forsyth,  banker  in  Elgin,  who  left  it  to 
his  only  daughter,  wife  of  the  late  Adam  Longmore,  of  the 
Exchequer,  and  it  now  belongs  to  his  son,  Mr.  Longmore, 
W.S.  The  manufactory  of  tobacco,  flax,  and  bleaching, 
have,  with  the  changes  of  the  times,  passed  away,  and  the 
only  work  now  carried  on  is  a  sawmill.  Mr.  Longmore 
has  erected  a  very  neat  villa  on  the  ground,  and  has 
planted  a  number  of  ornamental  trees,  with  a  variety  of 
shrubs,  and  the  place  is  kept  in  the  greatest  order  and 
neatness  by  his  present  tenants. 

The  parish  of  Elgin,  perhaps,  has  the  best  claim  to  Deans- 
haugh,  with  the  low  lands  adjoining,  for  it  is  perfectly  appar- 
ent that  at  no  very  distant  period  the  Lossie  had  flowed  to  the 
eastward  of  it,  and  that  it  was  then  embraced  in  the  Cathedral 



This  estate  was  Church  land,  and  belonged  to  the 
Bishop  of  Moray.  It  is  bounded  on  the  south  by  the 
Lossie,  on  the  east  by  Bishopmill,  on  the  north  by  Quar- 
relvvood,  and  on  the  west  by  Sheriffmill.  It  is  so  blended 
now  with  the  Earl  of  Fife's  other  lands  that  its  ancient 
boundaries  can  hardly  be  known.  It  consists  of  a  haugh 
of  considerable  extent,  lying  along  the  Lossie,  of  a  light, 
gravelly  soil,  with  a  considerable  extent  of  hill  ground. 
On  the  slope  extending  from  the  fir  plantations  to  the 
road  passing  to  Bishopmill,  this  hill  ground  had  probably, 
at  some  distant  date,  been  improved  from  the  moor.  The 
dwelling-house  is  very  pleasantly  situated  on  a  rising 
ground,  near  the  river,  a  fine,  dry,  warm,  and  sheltered 
situation,  having  some  young  plantations  and  a  few  old 
trees  about  it.  The  name  of  the  property  is  written  vari- 
ously— "  Murrastoun,"  "  Morristoun,"  and  "Murrays- 
toun."  *  The  first  notice  we  have  of  it  is  contained  in  a 
charter  granted  by  David,  Bishop  of  Moray,  to  William, 
the  son  of  Adam,  the  son  of  Stephen,  burgess  of  Elgin,  of 
the  half  davoch  land  of  "  Medilhalch,"  which  lies  between 
the  land  of  Wthyrspyuy  (Sheriffmiln),  on  the  one  part, 
and  the  land  of  Frankoklaw  (Bishopmiln),  on  the  other 
part,  on  the  north  side  of  the  water  of  "  Lossyn."  This 
charter  is  dated  at  Elgin,  the  23rd  March,  1309,  and  the 
reddendo  is  four  shillings  annually,  one  half  payable  at 
the  feast  of  Pentecost,  and  the  other  half  at  the  feast  of 
Saint  Martin,  with  other  services,  and  the  payment  of 
the  usual  multure  at  the  mill  of  Mallathy  (supposed 
Bishopmill).  The  next  charter  is  from  William  de 
Spyny,  Bishop  of  Moray,  without  date,  but  supposed  to 
be  at  or  prior  to  the  year  1400,  in  favour  of  Megota  de 
Moravia,  daughter  of  John  de  Moravia,  proprietor  of 
these  lands,  on  her  marriage  with  John  de  Dolas.  It  is 
probable  that  from  this  family  of  Moray,  or  de  Moravia, 
that  the  name  of  Moraystouri  had  been  given  to  the 
property.  The  estate  was  in  the  following  century  pos- 
sessed by  Innes  of  Crombie,  as  a  vassal  of  the  Bishop  of 
Moray,  and  it  is  contained  in  the  rental  of  the  Bishoprick 

*  The  property  is  also  called  Middlehaugh.  Auchter  Spynie, 
or  Sheriffmill,  was  called  Upperhaugh,  and  Burgh  Briggs, 
Westerhaugh.  (See  Old  Statistical  Account,  vol.  10,  page  628). 


in  1565.  We  find  a  charter  of  confirmation  by  Patrick 
Hepburn,  Bishop  of  Moray,  dated  at  the  Palace  of  Spynie, 
21st  March,  1570,  confirming  a  sale  by  Alexander  Innes 
of  Crommye,  with  consent  of  Isabella  Forbes,  his  spouse,. 
in  favour  of  John  Annand,  Provost  of  the  Burgh  of  Elgin, 
and  Janet  Gumming,  his  spouse,  of  the  lands  of"  Murras- 
toun,"  which  lie  between  the  lands  of  Uchter  Spynie,. 
now  called  "  Scherefemyln,"  at  the  west,  and  the  lands  of 
"  Frankoklaw  "  *  at  the  east,  on  the  north  side  of  Lossie, 
with  the  piece  of  land  called  Burrow  Briggs,  on  the  south 
side  of  Lossie.  After  the  above  description  the  following 
words  occur : — "  Reservand  to  me  and  my  airs,  ye  haill  hill 
callit  the  Hill  of  Murrastoun,  as  ye  merche  stanas  sail  be- 
set in  at  3^6  end  of  the  lang  riggis  descendand  nort  and 
sowt,  except  the  quarrel  thairof,  and  stanes  to  be  win 
yairin,  quhilk  I  will  to  stand  in  commountie  to  ye  said 
Jhone  and  his  airs."  The  feu-duty  payable  to  the  Bishop 
is  four  pounds  sixteen  shillings.  In  the  year  1606,  when 
Episcopacy  was  restored  in  Scotland,  the  lands  of  Morris- 
ton  seem,  by  some  means,  to  have  been  recovered  by 
Alexander  Douglas,  Bishop  of  Moray,  and  in  the  year 
1609  conveyed  to  Alexander  Douglas,  his  son,  and  Mary 
Innes,  his  spouse,  along  with  Spynie  and  Burgh  Briggs, 
From  Alexander  Douglas  the  estate  passed  to  Gavin 
Douglas,  perhaps  his  brother,  who  had  a  great  deal  of 
property  in  Elgin.  John  Douglas,  his  son,  succeeded. 
He  was  served  heir  to  his  father  in  a  great  variety  of 
burgh  lands,  before  the  Magistrates  of  Elgin,  in  1654,  and 
he  was  also  served  heir  before  the  Sheriff  of  Elgin,  in  the 
half  davoch  land  of  Middlehaugh,  or  Morriston,  on  28th 
December,  1655.  On  23rd  October,  1665,  John  Douglas 
wadset  these  lands  to  Robert  Martin,  writer  in  Edinburgh, 
for  8260  merks,  and  in  1668  he  discharged  the  right  of 
reversion,  and  Martin  became  absolute  proprietor.  His 
right  was  confirmed  by  charter  from  Murdo  Mackenzie, 
Bishop  of  Moray,  the  superior,  dated  22nd  October,  1672. 
He  also  acquired  about  the  same  time  great  part  of  the 
Douglas  burgh  lands,  in  and  about  Elgin. 

Robert  Martin  was  a  very  remarkable  public  man  in 

his  day,  and,  as  little  is  now  known  of  his  history,  I  shall 

here  endeavour  to  state  what  I  have  found  out  about 

him.     He  was  the   son   of  Robert   Martin,   burgess   of 

*  This  name,  Frankoklaw,  is  now  entirely  lost. 


Elgin,  and  received  a  liberal  education  from  his  father, 
who  seems  to  have  been  a  person  of  some  substance. 
The  date  of  his  birth  may  have  been  about  the  years 
1615  or  1620.  Being  bred  to  the  law,  he  went  to 
Edinburgh  in  early  life,  and,  after  having  finished  his 
education,  he  commenced  business  there  as  a  writer. 
He  married  a  Jean  Porterfield,  a  daughter  of  George 
Porterfield,  Provost  of  Glasgow,  about  1660. 

When  the  Episcopal  party  got  the  entire  ascendancy,, 
in  1662,  and  the  Presbyterian  side  entirely  put  down,  he 
must  have  become  a  marked  man,  and  deprived  of  his 
public  situations.  After  this  period  he  spent  his  time 
partly  in  Edinburgh,  attending  to  his  own  business  and 
to  the  interests  of  his  party  in  Church  and  State,  and  he 
was  also  a  good  deal  at  his  residence  in  Elgin,  looking 
after  his  properties  in  the  North.  He  was  a  great  friend 
of  Lord  Brodie,  and  was  occasionally  at  Brodie  House. 
In  the  Diary  of  Lord  Brodie  we  find  many  notices  of  Mr. 
Martin,  who  died  either  in  April  or  May,  in  Holland, 
being  exhausted  by  weakness,  disease,  and  increasing 
years,  and  the  troubles  of  these  distracted  times.  His 
estates  were  all  forfeited  to  the  Crown;  but  his  wife, 
Jean  Porterfield,  had  the  influence,  through  her  friends, 
to  procure  a  gift  of  the  lands  of  Morriston  in  favour  of 
herself,  which  is  dated  at  Whitehall,  the  9th  November, 

By  the  18th  Act  of  William  and  Mary,  the  forfeiture 
was  rescinded,  and  John  Martin,  the  eldest  son  of  the 
family,  made  up  a  title  as  heir  to  his  father,  by  re  tour 
dated  1st  December,  1691.  John  Martin  would  appear 
to  have  executed  a  conveyance  in  favour  of  his  mother 
in  1691,  and  probably  died  in  1692.  Mrs.  Martin,  his 
mother,  was  infefted  in  1696,  and  was  a  party  to  a  con- 
tract of  marriage  between  her  son,  William  Martin, 
writer  in  Edinburgh,  and  Margaret  Lockhart,  only  daugh- 
ter of  Mungo  Lockhart  of  Harwood,  dated  4th  March, 
1704.  Mrs.  Martin,  by  that  deed,  dispones  to  her  son  the 
lands  of  Aikenway,  with  salmon  fishing;  the  lands  of 
Collie,  Hillfold,  and  Whitewreath  ;  the  lands  of  Kirktown 
of  St.  Andrews,  Kirkhill,  Easter  and  Wester  Calcots, 
Middlehaugh,  or  Morriston,  Lady  Hill,  crofts  and  roods  of 
land  about  Elgin;  and  Margaret  Lockhart  dispones  to. 
William  Martin  and  herself,  and  the  longest  liver  of  them,. 
VOL.  II.  9 


in  liferent,  and  the  heirs  male  or  female  of  the  marriage, 
the  lands  of  Little  Harwood,  Cowhill,  and  Dybog.  The 
Martin  family  were  riot  prosperous.  By  the  year  1750, 
the  most  of  their  lands  had  been  sold,  and  what  remained, 
viz.,  the  estate  of  Harwood,  in  the  west  of  Scotland,  and 
Morriston,  with  part  of  Barflathills,  Baxter's  Croft,  and 
some  other  crofts  about  Elgin,  were  drowned  in  debt,  and 
a  process  of  ranking  and  sale  having  been  brought  by  the 
creditors,  the  lands  were  sold  by  the  Court  of  Session, 
and  Morriston  was  purchased  by  William,  Earl  of  Fife,  in 
1750.  In  this  family  the  property  has  remained  ever 
since,  which  makes  an  excellent  addition  to  their  lands 
in  this  parish,  having  a  fine  frontage  towards  Elgin. 


The  lands  of  SherifFmill  are  beautifully  situated,  hav- 
ing, the  Lossie  for  their  boundary  at  the  east  and  south, 
Aldroughty  on  the  west,  and  the  fine  oak  forest  at  the 
north,  sheltering  it  from  the  cold  northern  blasts.  It  has 
a  light  gravelly  but  kindly  soil,  and,  with  abundance  of 
summer  showers,  it  produces  good  crops  of  all  kinds  of 
grain.  The  old  name  of  the  property  is  Auchter  or 
Uchter  Spynie,  and  it  has  also  been  called  Upperhaugh. 
The  first  notice  we  have  of  this  property  is  contained  in 
a  grant  from  Andrew,  Bishop  of  Moray,  to  Walter  de 
Moravia,  Lord  of  Duffus,*  of  a  site  for  a  mill  on  the 
Lossie,  dated  the  6th  of  the  Ides  of  October,  1237.  The 
words  of  the  charter  are : — "  Dedisse  et  concessisse  et 
hac  carta  nostra  confirmasse  Waltero  de  Moravia,  et  here- 
dibus  suis,  unum  situm  Molendini  super  Lossy,  in  terra 
nostra  de  Uchterspyny."  The  mill  was  accordingly 
erected  by  the  family  of  de  Moravia,  and  until  nearly  our 
own  time  continued  a  separate  estate  from  the  lands,  as 
we  shall  have  occasion  to  show  hereafter.  The  mill  is 
also  mentioned  in  a  charter  by  Archibald,  Bishop  of  Moray, 
to  William  de  Fedreth,  and  Dame  Christiana  de  Moravia, 
his  wife,  who  had  rights  to  it  as  proprietors  of  the  third 

*  The  descendants  of  the  family  of  Moravia  are  still  the  high- 
est in  rank  in  Scotland.  Among  others,  are  the  ducal  houses 
of  Sutherland,  Athole,  Hamilton,  and  Buccleuch,  and  the  late 
Dukes  of  Douglas  and  Queensberry,  and  many  nobles  of 
less  rank. 


of  Duffus.  This  charter  is  dated  at  Kinneddar,  in  Moray, 
on  the  Sabbath  day  next  before  the  Feast  of  All  Saints,  in 
the  year  1294.  With  regard  to  the  lands.  The  earliest 
notice  of  the  lands  is  contained  in  a  charter  by  David, 
Bishop  of  Moray,  dated  at  Elgin  the  23rd  March,  1309, 
in  favour  of  William,  the  son  of  Adam,  the  son  of  Stephen, 
burgess  of  Elgin,  whereby  he  confirms  to  him  the  whole 
land  of  Wtyrspyny,  in  excambion  for  the  lands  of  Qwyt- 
ford  and  Innerlothy,*  the  mill  of  Innerlothy  and  Milton, 
but  reserving  the  site  of  the  mill,  which  is  called  the  mill 
of  the  Sheriff  of  Elgin,  upon  the  water  of  Lossyn.  This 
is  the  first  notice  of  the  name  Sheriffmill,  which  may  have 
arisen  from  the  family  of  de  Moravia  being  Sheriffs  of  the 
shire  of  Elgin,  and  of  their  successors,  the  Cheynes,  being 
Sheriffs  of  the  shire  of  Banff.  In  a  charter  by  Bishop 
Hepburn,  in  1570,  the  lands  get  the  name  of  Uchter- 
spynie,  but  are  there  said  to  be  now  called  "  Schere- 
femyln."  In  the  Rental  of  the  Bishoprick,  in  1565,  the 
proprietor,  or  vassal,  is  called  "Alexander  Urquhard," 
Provost  of  Forres,  perhaps  Urquhart  of  Burdsyards.  In 
the  year  1639,  Sheriffmill  was  purchased  by  Thomas 
Calder,  merchant  in  Elgin,  a-  descendant  of  Calder  ot 
Assuanlie,  a  cadet  of  the  house  of  Calder.  He  was  Pro- 
vost of  Elgin  in  1665  and  1669.  He  was  succeeded  by 
his  son,  Sir  James  Calder,  who  acquired  the  estate  01 
Muirton,  in  Kinloss  parish,  and  who  was  created  a  Baronet 
of  Nova  Scotia,  in  1686.  Either  he  or  his  father  erected 
the  fine  old  turreted  mansion  in  the  High  Street  of  Elgin, 
exactly  where  North  Street  and  the  Assembly  Rooms  now 
stand,  which,  with  its  extensive  gardens  behind,  must 
have  been  a  very  handsome  residence. 

Sir  James  Calder,  and  William  King  of  Newmiln,  car- 
ried on  a  very  large  foreign  trade  from  the  port  of  Find- 
horn,  exporting  barley,  malt,  hides,  tallow,  cured  beef, 
salmon,  and  other  commodities,  and  importing  wines, 
brandy,  tobacco,  sugar,  spices,  dried  fruits,  and  various 
other  articles,  in  return.  The  business  must  have  been  a 
large  one,  and  the  export  of  malt,  in  particular,  was  great, 
previous  to  the  union  with  England.  Sir  James  Calder 
was  succeeded  by  his  son,  Sir  Thomas,  who  married,  in 

*  The  lands  above  referred  to  are  probably  Whitefield  and 
Inverlochty.  If  there  was  a  mill  at  Inverlochty,  the  fall  of 
water  in  these  days  must  have  been  much  greater  than  now. 


1711,  a  daughter  of  Sir  John  Scott  of  Aucrum,  by  whom 
he  had  a  family.  His  father  had  left  the  estate  much  em- 
barrassed, and  Sir  Thomas  was  unable  to  keep  it.  Wm. 
Duff  of  Dipple,  father  of  William,  first  Earl  of  Fife, 
acquired  the  estate  in  the  beginning  of  last  century,  and 
it  still  continues  the  property  of  the  Earl  of  Fife.  The 
mill  of  Sheriffmill  has  gone  through  many  more  changes. 
Being  a  part  of  the  estate  of  Duffus,  on  the  failure  of  the 
family  of  de  Moravia,  it  fell,  in  the  proportion  of  two- 
thirds,  to  Reginald  Cheyne,  and  one-third  to  William  de 
Fedderet.  In  the  end  of  the  15th  century  the  proprietors 
of  the  mill  were — the  Earl  Marischal,  Douglas  of  Pitten- 
dreich,  and  Sutherland  of  Duffus.  In  1631,  Earl  Maris- 
chal sold  his  third  to  James  Sutherland,  tutor  of  Duffus, 
and  in  1659  Alexander,  Lord  Duffus,  purchased  from 
Sir  Ludovick  Gordon  of  Gordonstown,  the  successor  of 
Douglas  of  Pittendreich,  another  third,  so  that  the  whole 
mill  and  mill  lands  then  belonged  to  the  Duffus  family, 
and  continued  in  their  possession  until  1707,  when,  with 
the  rest  of  the  Duffus  estate,  they  were  sold  to  Archibald 
Dunbar  of  Thunderton.  His  successor,  Archibald  Dun- 
bar  of  Newton,  sold  the  mill  to  William,  Lord  Braco,  in 
1740,  who  settled  it  upon  Arthur  Duff  of  Orton,  his 
youngest  son.  The  late  Sir  Archibald  Dunbar  re-pur- 
chased the  mill  formerly  pertaining  to  the  Duffus  estate, 
from  Mr.  Arthur  Duff,  about  the  end  of  last  century,  and 
sold  it  to  the  late  James,  Earl  of  Fife,  on  22nd  June, 
1818.  The  mill  and  adjoining  estate  are,  since  that 
date,  one  united  property,  belonging  to  the  Fife  family. 

In  the  latter  part  of  last  century,  the  farm  of  Sheriff- 
mill  was  occupied  by  James  Walker,  doctor  of  medicine, 
a  very  eccentric  person,  who  had  been  a  practitioner  in 
Elgin  of  the  old  school.  He  had  married  the  Dowager 
Lady  Westfield  and  settled  at  Sheriffmill.  His  mode  of 
farming  was  to  keep  the  land  exceedingly  clean,  to  drill 
the  crops,  and  use  no  manure.  In  the  Old  Statistical 
Account  of  the  parish  we  find  the  following  statement 
regarding  Dr.  Walker's  farming :— "  It  will  not  be  deemed 
improper  to  take  notice  of  the  cultivation  of  the  farm  of 
Sheriffmill,  rented  by  James  Walker,  Esq.,  M.D.  This 
gentleman,  in  the  early  part  of  his  life,  entered  with  all 
theardour  of  enthusiasm  into  the  horse-hoeing  husbandry, 
on  the  plan  of  JETHRO  TULL,  in  which  he  has  ever  since 


persevered,  with  unfailing  steadiness  raising  crops  of 
wheat,  barley,  and  beans,  without  a  particle  of  dung, 
always  following  the  intervals  (about  three  feet)  for  each 
succeeding  crop,  and  thus  completely  demonstrating  the 
effect  of  cultivation  without  the  use  of  manure.  Although 
•every  operation  has  been  performed  with  the  nicest 
accuracy,  and  in  its  proper  season,  and  though  the  soil  of 
Sheriffmill  seems  to  be  well  calculated  for  this  kind  of 
husbandry,  being  light  and-  sandy,  yet  the  result  has  not 
been  such  as  to  encourage  imitation.  The  corn  is  indeed 
superior  in  quality  to  any  in  the  country,  but  the  quan- 
tity, by  the  acre,  much  less  than  is  raised  in  the  broad- 
cast way,  on  the  same  kind  of  soil,  well  ploughed  and 

Dr.  Walker  died  about  the  end  of  last  century,  or 
beginning  of  the  present  one,  and  was  interred  in  the 
Elgin  Cathedral,  not  far  from  the  west  gate,  on  the  right 
hand  side  of  the  entry.  His  tombstone  was  very  small, 
with  the  simple  words  "  James  Walker,  M.D."  on  it.  The 
stone  has  been  removed,  and  some  other  occupant  has 
seized  the  ground,  and  so  the  worthy  doctor  has  now 
nothing  to  mark  where  his  ashes  were  laid.  Since  his 
time  more  than  one  tenant  has  possessed  the  farm.  Lat- 
terly it  has  been  occupied,  along  with  the  mill,  by  the 
late  John  Lawson,  and  now  by  his  son,  Alexander 
Lawson.  By  the  late  Mr.  Lawson  the  farm  has  been 
•entirely  enclosed  with  substantial  stone  dykes,  and  laid 
off  in  neat  and  regular  fields.  The  land  is  now  laboured 
from  the  adjoining  farm  of  Oldmills,  and  the  steading  here 
is  not  required.  The  old  farm-house,  the  mansion  of  the 
•estate,  was  long  occupied  by  respectable  tenants.  The  last 
of  them  was  the  late  James  Me  His,  long  tenant  of  Spynie, 
who  died  here  some  years  ago,  at  a  very  advanced  period 
of  life.  Since  his  death  the  venerable  dwelling  has  been 
entirely  removed,  and  all  vestiges  of  it  carried  away. 


On  the  west  end  of  the  estate  of  Sheriffmill,  and  not 
far  by  the  road  from  the  lower  mill,  although,  by  the 
windings  of  the  river,  at  a  considerable  distance,  for  the 
stream  here  takes  a  most  tortuous  course,  stands  Scroggie- 
mill.  It  is  only  an  oatmeal  mill.  It  is  well  situated, 
with  a  great  command  of  water,  but  seems  now  to  be  of 


little  use  or  value.  I  have  not  found  out  when  this  build- 
ing was  erected.  It  has  no  appearance  of  any  great 
antiquity,  and  perhaps  is  not  older  than  the  early  part 
of  last  century.  It  was  likely  built  by  the  Earl  of  Fife, 
for  the  accommodation  of  his  tenants,  before  he  acquired 
Sheriffmill.  The  removal  of  this  mill  would  be  a  great 
improvement  to  the  country.  On  the  bank,  above  the 
mill,  there  are  beautiful  situations  for  small  villas.  The 
ground  looks  due  south,  warm  and  sunny  ;  protected  from 
the  north  winds  by  the  Quarrywood  plantations,  and 
having  a  delightful  view  of  the  windings  of  the  river.  It 
is  wonderful  that  such  pleasant  sites  have  not  long  since 
been  eagerly  purchased,  or  taken  on  feu. 


This  is  the  most  westerly  estate  in  the  parish,  being 
bounded  partly  by  the  Lossie,  and  partly  by  the  lands  of 
Inverlochty  and  Mosstowie,  at  the  south,  Sheriffmill  at 
the  east,  Quarrelwood  at  the  north,  and  the  parish  of 
Alves  at  the  west.  It  consists  of  a  long  narrow  field, 
extending  along  the  river,  at  the  east  side,  of  light,  sandy 
land.  At  the  west  side  the  land  is  of  a  rich  alluvial  soil,, 
and  bears  excellent  crops,  but  liable  to  be  flooded  in  wet 
weather.  The  name  Aldroughty,  or,  as  it  was  written  of 
old,  "  Aldrochty,"  is  said  to  mean  the  mischievous  burn. 
This  is  not  very  applicable  to  its  present  state,  for  there 
is  now  no  burn  here  ;  but  it  may  have  meant  the  Lossie, 
which,  in  ancient  times,  running  on  a  higher  level,  and 
with  a  stronger  current,  may  have  both  flooded  the  lands 
and  cut  its  banks  more  than  now ;  or  the  water  of  Lochty, 
now  entering  the  Lossie  farther  up,  may  have,  in  days  of 
old,  done  so  here ;  or  some  of  the  Mosstowie  burns  may 
have  then  terminated  their  course  at  this  spot.  In  short, 
with  so  many  changes,  it  is  useless  to  conjecture  what 
the  origin  or  cause  of  the  name  may  be.  The  house  of 
Aldroughty  is  pleasantly  situated,  on  a  high  bank  above 
the  river,  and  is  a  conspicuous  object  from  a  distance. 

This  estate  was  Church  land,  and  part  of  the  Bishoprick 
of  Moray.  It  seems,  however,  to  have  been  early  feued 
out,  and  in  the  14th  century  was  held  of  the  Bishop  by  a 
family  of  the  name  of  Sibbald.  An  inquisition  was  held 
at  Bishopmiln  on  the  penult  day  of  August,  1393,  before 
the  Bishop  and  a  jury  of  sixteen ;  among  whom  we  find 


the  names  of  Sir  Robert  Chisholm,  John  de  Dolles  of  that 
ilk,  and  Alexander  Innes  of  Innes,  by  which  it  was  found 
that  Robert  Sibbald  died  vest,  and  seized,  as  of  fee,  in  the 
lands  of  Aldroughty,  with  the  pertinents.  The  Bishop 
must,  however,  have  afterwards  resumed  possession  of 
this  estate,  for  I  find  that  Bishop  Patrick  Hepburn,  with 
consent  of  the  Chapter,  on  the  last  day  of  March,  1554, 
granted  an  assedation  of  "Meikle  Innerlochtie  and  Auld- 
rochtie,"  in  favour  of  David  and  Thomas  Hepburn,  in 
life  rent,  for  payment  of  £4  13s.  4d.  yearly  in  money,  be- 
sides grain  and  other  rents.  After  the  Reformation,  this 
property,  with  many  others,  was  conveyed  to  James, 
Earl  of  Moray,  Regent  of  Scotland,  by  Bishop  Patrick 
Hepburn,  by  which  he  secured  his  own  comfort  and 
safety,  and  a  right  to  dispose  of  the  remaining  lands  of 
the  diocese  as  he  thought  fit.  In  a  charter  of  feu-farm 
and  novo  damns,  granted  by  Alexander  Douglas,  Bishop 
of  Moray,  in  favour  of  James,  Earl  of  Moray,  Lord  Doune 
and  Abernethie,  about  the  year  1606,  we  find,  among  a 
long  list  of  estates,  the  lands  of  Auldrochtie  thereby  con- 
veyed, the  feu-duty  payable  annually  being  £4  13s.  4d. 
of  money,  three  quarters  of  a  mart,  two  sheep,  two  lambs, 
two  geese,  twelve  capons,  two  bolls  of  oats  with  fodder, 
three  bolls  of  barley  for  dry  multure,  and  £1  lls.  l|d.  for 
grassum,  every  three  years.  About  half  a  century  after 
this,  Aldroughty  seems  to  have  come  into  possession  of 
Lord  Duffus'  family,  perhaps  in  the  year  1653,  when  Lord 
Duff'us  purchased  Ardgay  and  other  lands  from  the  Earl 
of  Moray.  In  the  latter  part  of  the  17th  century  it  was 
in  possession  (along  with  Mosstowie,  which  it  joins)  of 
the  Honourable  William  Sutherland  of  Roscommon,  third 
son  of  James,  second  Lord  Duffus.  This  gentleman  mar- 
ried, in  the  year  1702,  Helen  Duff,  eldest  daughter  of 
William  Duff  of  Dipple,  and  sister  of  William,  Earl  of 
Fife.  After  the  Rebellion,  in  1715,  we  hear  little  more  of 
the  Hon.  Wm.  Sutherland. 

His  widow,  Helen  Duff,  better  known  by  the  name  of 
Lady  Roscommon,  was  well  cared  for  by  her  father,  and 
by  her  brother,  William,  Lord  Braco,  afterwards  Earl  of 
Fife.  She  had  the  mansion-house  or  Castle  of  Quarrel- 
wood  for  her  residence,  and  a  suitable  allowance  from  her 
husband's  estate,  and  was  much  respected.  From  what 
tradition  reports  of  her,  she  had  much  of  the  strong  sense 


of  her  father's  family.  She  was  alive  in  1736,  and  may 
have  lived  many  years  after  that  time.  After  her  death 
the  Castle  of  Quarrelwood  was  permitted  to  go  to  decay, 
and  was  at  last  converted  into  a  quarry,  its  materials 
being  used  for  erection  of  farm-houses  and  other  build- 
ings. The  foundations  were  only  finally  removed  about 
thirty  years  ago. 

Duff  of  Dipple,  having  large  securities  on  Aldroughty 
and  Mosstowie,  claimed  from  the  Commissioners  of  the 
forfeited  estates  to  be  put  in  possession  of  these  proper- 
ties under  the  deeds  which  he  held  from  his  son-in-law, 
William  Sutherland ;  and  special  instructions  were  given 
by  him  to  his  agent,  Mr.  Ludovick  Brodie,  Writer  to  the 
Signet,  to  that  effect,  on  4th  June,  1717.  Dipple  made 
good  his  rights,  and  got  possession  of  both  Mosstowie  and 
Aldroughty,  which  continue  to  be  the  property  of  his 
descendant,  the  Earl  of  Fife,  to  the  present  day. 

A  family  of  the  name  of  Hepburn  had  Aldroughty, 
either  as  tenants  or  feuars,  under  the  Bishops  and  Earl  of 
Moray,  during  the  end  of  the  16th  and  part  of  the  17th 
century.  They  were  also  proprietors  of  the  adjoining 
lands  of  Inverlochty,  of  the  lands  of  Tearie,  in  Dyke,  and 
part  of  Birnie.  They  were  illegitimate  descendants  of 
Bishop  Patrick  Hepburn.  The  male  part  of  this  family 
eventually  settled  in  the  south  of  Scotland  ;  but  in  the 
female  line  they  have  still  many  representatives  in  the 
north.  They  were  respectable  people,  and  attained  a 
considerable  position  in  the  country.  Eventually  Inver- 
lochty, as  well  as  Aldroughty,  were  acquired  by  the 
Duff  family. 

In  the  latter  part  of  last  century,  the  farm  of  Al- 
droughty was  tenanted  by  Alexander  Donaldson,  the 
eldest  son  of  William  Donaldson,  at  Morriston.  He  mar- 
ried a  sister  of  the  late  John  Lawson,  at  Oldmills,  and  had 
three  sons  and  a  daughter,  all  dead  long  since.  In  the 
present  century  it  has  been  occupied  by  William  Murdoch, 
who  had  been  in  Calcutta.  He  left  it  in  the  year  1829. 
It  was  then  tenanted  by  George  Taylor,  who  erected  the 
present  handsome  house,  at  a  very  considerable  expense  ; 
planted  trees  and  shrubberies,  and  laid  off  a  fine  early 
garden,  of  excellent  soil,  sloping  pleasantly  to  the  river ; 
of  which  we  have  many  agreeable  recollections  in  bygone 
days.  Taylor  gave  up  the  farm  in  1841,  and  it  was  taken 


by  William  Turnbull,  who  possessed  it  until  1864,  when 
he  died.  Turnbull,  although  not  a  native  of  the  parish, 
had  spent  the  years  of  his  boyhood  and  youth  there, 
under  the  care  of  his  relative,  the  Rev.  Alexander  Brown, 
minister  of  Spjmie,  and  was  much  attached  to  it.  He 
was  educated  for  a  surgeon,  and  went  into  the  service  of 
the  East  India  Company,  After  serving  his  full  time  in 
India,  he  returned  to  his  native  land  in  vigorous  health, 
but  for  some  years  had  no  settled  home.  He  eventually 
took  up  his  abode  at  Aldroughty,  where  he  spent  the  last 
thirteen  years  of  his  life.  He  was  an  excellent  scholar,  a 
great  reader,  and  kept  himself  well  informed  in  the  best 
literature  and  the  new  publications  of  the  day.  He  was 
a  lively,  pleasant  person,  social  in  his  habits,  enjoyed  the 
society  of  his  friends,  and  was  very  hospitable  ;  in  short, 
a  fine  specimen  of  the  East  India  gentleman  of  the  old 
school,  most  of  whom  have  now  passed  away.  The  farm 
is  now  tenanted  by  George  Leslie,  Sheriff-Clerk  of  Elgin- 
shire, who  keeps  it  in  great  order  and  high  condition,  and 
has,  at  considerable  expense  and  with  great  skill,  com- 
pleted the  drainage. 

We  have  stated  before  that  the  house  is  pleasantly 
situated  on  the  banks  of  the  Lossie,  which,  being  dammed 
up  by  the  mill  of  Scroggiemill,  immediately  adjoining 
Aldroughty,  gives  the  river  the  appearance  of  an  exten- 
sive lake.  It  is  indeed  a  very  beautiful  sheet  of  water, 
and,  having  such  a  fine  stretch  of  woodland  all  along  the 
north  side  of  it,  no  more  pleasant  spot  can  be  found  in  the 
country.  It  has  all  the  advantage  of  being  near  the  town 
of  Elgin,  while,  at  the  same  time,  it  is  quite  secluded  from 
it,  and  it  forms  a  most  romantic,  retired  residence.] 
(Young's  Parish  of  Spynie.) 


The  Church  of  Spynie  was  dedicated  to  the  Holy 
Trinity,  and  was  one  of  the  most  ancient  Churches  of  the 
diocese.  Here  the  Cathedral  Church  was  first  established 
by  Bishop  Brice,  and  in  1224  it  was  removed  therefrom 
to  Elgin,  the  reason  assigned  being  "  that  the  Cathedral, 
besides  being  exposed  to  danger  from  being  situated  in  a 
very  solitary  place,  that  it  happens  that  no  valuable 
commodity  is  found  there,  whence  it  frequently  happens 
that  by  the  remote  occasions  of  the  clergy  to  buy  neces- 


saries  for  themselves,  the  attention  to  divine  duties  is 
greatly  interrupted." 

Of  the  Castle  of  Spynie,  close  to  the  old  churchyard, 
and  the  Bishop's  residence,  we  have  spoken  before. 

In  the  loch  now  drained  was  an  island  called  Mid- 
hagarty — "the  Priests'  Isle."  Perhaps  here  was  an 
ancient  hermitage  like  St.  Gernadius'  at  Ogston. 

Henry,  the  Bishop's  brother,  was  parson  of  Spynie  in 
1187.  By  the  great  charter  of  Bishop  Brice,  Spynie  and 
Kintray  were  constituted  the  ninth  prebend.  In  133G, 
William  was  Canon.  In  the  ancient  Tax  also  the  preb- 
endary of  Spynie  was  valued  at  24  merks,  with  the  vicar- 
age. In  1488  John  Stewart,  prebendary,  was  one  of  the 
Council  anent  the  change  of  the  clock  of  the  Cathedral. 

The  old  churchyard  of  the  parish  is  a  pleasant,  sunny 
spot ;  has  a  beautiful  situation,  lying  on  the  southern 
slope  of  the  hill,  and  commanding  a  fine  view  of  the  sur- 
rounding country.  It  is  well  enclosed  with  a  substantial 
stone  wall,  and  there  are  some  thriving  trees  about  it ; 
but  in  the  interior  it  is  sadly  neglected,  and  the  ground  is 
covered  with  nettles  and  other  noxious  weeds,  with  quan- 
tities of  rubbish  lying  about,  probably  the  remains  of  the 
old  Parish  Church,  the  last  remnant  of  which  only  fell 
about  twenty  years  ago. 

A  great  many  very  old  stones,  too  old  to  be  read,  and 
some  very  old  set  down,  particularly  those  of  the  Leslie 
family.  Their  Family  vault  is  a  dark  and  very  curious 
place,  with  a  Cross  over  the  door-way,  evidently  thus  a 
pre-Reformation  structure. 

There  were  several  Bishops  of  the  Diocese  interred  here, 
and  perhaps  by  digging  about  the  site  of  the  old  Church, 
their  monuments  might  still  be  found  among  the  rubbish. 
The  other  monumental  tablets  are  not  of  great  age,  nor  of 
any  very  great  interest  ;  but  it  may  be  proper  to  notice  a 
few  of  them,  as  throwing  some  light  on  parochial  history. 
None  of  the  old  landed  families  of  the  parish  appear  to 
have  had  their  burial-place  here.  The  Leslies  of  Fin- 
drassie  had  for  a  long  time  their  place  of  interment  in  the 
north  aisle  of  St.  Giles'  Church  in  Elgin,  and  only  used 
the  churchyard  of  Spynie  latterly.  Their  tomb  is  in  a 
very  neglected  state  ;  but  the  monumental  tablets  on  the 
walls  are  still  entire  and  legible ;  some  of  them  on  the 
floor  are  much  covered  with  dust  and  earth,  and  illegible. 


I.  Hie  dormiunt  in  Christo,  Duse  Nobiles  Robertas  Leslie, 
Dominus  de  Findresy,  ejusque  conjunx  Joneta  Elphinstone,  ille 
obiit  22nd  Sept.,  anno  1588.     Ilia  M.  R.  O. 

Grip  Fast — Disce  mori — Causa  causit. 

Robertas  Leslie,  Comitis,  qui  filius  olim, 
Rothusise  fuerat  simul,  et  suavissima  conjunx 
Elphinstonii  soboles  herois,  conduntur  in  antro, 
Hoc  licet  obscuro  celebres  pietate  supersunt ; 
Hos  quondam  binos  Hymenseus  junxit  in  unum 
Corpus,  et  his  vivis  semper  una  voluntas, 
Unus  amor,  domus  una  fuit,  nunc  lumine  lasso, 
Una  duos  iterum  condit  libitina  sepultos. 

"  SUB  SPE." 

II.  Here  lyes  the  bodie  of  Mistress  Isabella  Leslie,  Ladye 
Burgie,  who  departed  this  life  the  10th  of  Januarie,  1688. 

rNoTE. — She  was  the  second  wife  of  Robert  Dunbar  of 
Burgie,  who  died  in  1690,  and  the  second  daughter  of  Robert 
Leslie,  third  laird  of  Findrassie,  by  his  wife,  Isabel  Forbes, 
daughter  of  Abraham  Forbes  of  Blackton. 

III.  Here  lyes  the  bodie  of  Mistress  Margaret  Ayton,  Lady 
Bishopmiln,  who  departed  this  lyfe  the  ninth  day  of  Septem- 
ber, 1714,  aged  56  years. 

NOTE. — She  was  wife  of  Alexander  Dunbar  of  Bishopmill, 
and  connected  with  the  Leslies  through  her  husband. 

IV.  Here  lyes  Abraham  Leslie,  Esquire  of  Findrassie,  who 
was  heir-male  of  George,  4th  Earl  of  Rothes,  his  Lordship 

—  being  father  of  Robert  Leslie,  the  first  of  the  family  of  Fin- 
drassie. He  died  at  Findrassie  House,  26th  May,  1793 ;  and 
to  the  memory  of  an  affectionate  husband  this  monument  is 
erected  by  Mrs.  Jean  Leslie,  his  widow. 

V.  This  stone  is  erected  by  Charles  Leslie,  in  memory  of  his 
mother,  Margaret  Gordon,  lawful  eldest  daughter  of  Charles 
Gordon  of  Glengerrack,  and  relict  of  John  Leslie  of  Findrassie, 
who  died  26th  December,   1764,  aged  67,  a  lady  who  was 
esteemed  in  life,  diligent  and  active  in  her  friendship,  generous 
and  disinterested,  a  tender  and  affectionate  parent,  benevolent 
and  liberal  to  all,  and  at  death  a  pattern  of  patience,  fortitude, 
and  resignation  ;  and  her  children,  Margaret,  who  died  in  the 
7th  year  of  her  age  ;  and  Margaret,  who  died  the  5th  year  of 
he^r  age  ;  and  Jean,  who  died  also  in  the  5th  year  of  her  age  ; 
James,  who  died  in  nonage.     Also  in  memory  of  the  above 
Charles  Leslie,  and  his  spouse,  Margaret  Macandrew. 


VI.  Erected  by  Charles  Leslie,  Esquire,  in  token  of  respect 
to  the  memory  of  Margaret  Macandrew,  his  spouse,  who  died 
llth  July,  1796,  aged  79,  a  woman  of  solid  sense,  simple  man- 
ners, sincere  piety,  and  virtuous  conduct. 

"  Precious  in  the  sight  of  the  Lord  is  the  death  of  his  saints." 

VII.  On  a  flat  stone  in  the  Findrassie  tomb  is  the  fol- 
lowing inscription  : — 

Here  lyes  Mrs.  Margaret  Leslie,  aunt  of  Sir  John  Leslie  of 
Findrassie  and  Wardes,  Baronet.  She  departed  this  life  at 
Findrassie  House,  on  the  13th  of  May,  1811,  aged  86;  and 
this  monument  is  placed  here  to  her  respected  memory  by 
direction  of  her  nephew. 

VIII.  A.  M.  B.  G.  L.  M.  1651. 

IX.  Here  lyes  Wm.  Navchtie  and  Jannet,  lawful  children  to 
William  Navchtie  and  Jean    Stronach,   in   Bvrnside.      Said 
William  died  10th  May  and  Janet  the  last  of  July,  1679. 

"  And  though  after  my  skin  worms  destroy  this  body,  in  my 
flesh  shall  I  see  God." 

Memento  mori. 

X.  In  an  old  tomb,  at  the  east  end  of  the  churchyard, 
are  the  following  inscriptions : — 

Hie  jacet  in  spem  beatse  resurrectionis,  vir  vere  pius  et  pro- 
bus  R.D.M.  Samuel  Tulloh,  Spyniensis  Ecclesise,  vigilantissimus 
quondam  pastor ;  qui  placidissime  in  Christo,  obiit  1 1  die 
Nov'bris,  circiterhor.  12  merid,  ann.  Dom.  MDCCVL,  set.  LXXV., 
et  officii  ibid  fideliter  administrati  XLVI.  Nee  non  pia  et  pudica 
Elizabetha  Gordon,  unica  ejusd.  conjunx  chariss.  cum  tribus 
eorund.  filiabus  virginibus  Agneta,  Marjoria,  et  Joanna. 

In  quorum  omniam  piam  gratam  memoriam,  hocce  monu- 
mentum  ab  ipso  prsestruct.  memoralia  ut  e  hac  inscriptione 
denique  exarand.  ejusdem,  et  monument  circumdat  extruend, 
curavit  Alexr.  Tulloh,  predict.  Samuel  et  Elizab.  films  unicus. 

Translation  by  Monteith. — Here  lies,  in  hopes  of  a  blessed 
resurrection,  a  man,  truly  good  and  pious,  Mr.  Samuel  Tulloch, 
lately  most  vigilant  pastor  at  Spynie,  who  died  most  pleas- 
antly in  Christ,  upon  the  llth  day  of  November,  about  12 
hours  mid-day,  in  the  year  1706;  of  his  age  74,  and  of  his 
office,  happily  administered,  46.  As  also  the  pious  and  chaste 
Elizabeth  Gordon,  his  only  and  most  beloved  wife,  with  their 
three  daughters,  virgins,  Agnes,  Marjory,  and  Jean. 

For  all  whose  pious  sake  and  memory,  Alexander  Tulloch, 
only  son  to  the  said  Mr.  Samuel  and  Elizabeth,  caused  this 


monument,  built  before  by  himself,  but  afterward  to  be 
adorned  with  this  memorial  inscription,  and  this  inclosure 
around  the  same  to  be  erected. 

XI.  In  spe  beatae  resurrectionis,  hie  deposuit  Reverendus  vir, 
Presbyter  pius,  probus  Magister  Robertus  Tulloh,  qui  ut  pie 
vixit,  decessit  13  Novembris  anno  1720,  ut  et  Anna  Tulloh,  uxor 
ejus  charissima,  quse  animam  deo  reddidit  20  Julii,  1715,  et 
eorum  filii  Alexr.  Tulloh,  qui  obiit  Januarii  18,  ann.  1731,  et 
Thomas,  qui  obiit  24  Janii,  anno  1715. 

Sand  Glass.         Cross  Bones.         Death's  Head. 

XII.  Here  lyes  Thomas  Laing,  mason  in  Quarriewood,  .  .  . 
in  1712,  and  Elspet  Innes,  his  spouse,  and  their  children. 

T.  L.  E.  L. 

XIII.  Here  lyes  the  body  an  honest  man,  called    .    .    .    ard 
Baird,  some  .  .  .  June,  1717,  and  .  .  .  Laing,  his  spouse.  .  . 

XIV.  Here  lyes  the  body  of  John  M'Ombie,  sometime  far- 
mer in  Under    .    .    .    May,  1722,    ...  his  spouse  .  .  .  Gum- 
ming, .... 

XV.  Here  lies  the  body  of  John  Jamieson,  somtime  in   .    . 
and  his  spouse,  Isabell  Cock,  who  died  the  .  .  .  of  .  .  .  1725. 

J.  J.  L  C. 

XVI.  Here  lyes  the  body  of  Thomas  Laing,  who  died  De- 
cember the  13,  1732,  lawful  son  to  Alex.    Laing,  sometime 
dwellar  in  Bormuchatie. 

XVII.  Here  lyes  the  body  of  John    .    .    .    son  to  William 
Jamieson,  in  Quarrelwood,  who  died  the  3rd  of  December, 
1732,  being  the  13  year  of  his  age. 

XVIII.  This  is  the  burial-place  of  John  Kintrea  in  Kintrea, 
who  died  the  *   ...    and  his  spouse,  Isabel  Laing,  who  died 
the  1st  of  April,  1735,  and  their  children,  Christian,  Jean,  and 
Agnes,  and  Barbara,  and  Margaret,  and  Elspet. 

XIX.  Here  lyes  the  body  of  Lenard  Laing,  who  died  March 
the  27,  17  2,  .  .  .  Janet,  Margaret,  Isobel  Laings,  children  to 
James  Laing  and  Jannet  Russell,  in  Mirside  (1),  with  mortality 
1738.     James  Laing,  who  died  1798,  aged  37  years. 

XX.  This  stone  is  placed  here  by  Andrew  Coban,  mason 
in  Rosehaugh,  in  memory  of  his  deceast  father,  John  Coban, 
late  farmer  in  Dykeside,  who  died  March  llth,  1740,  aged  63 

*  Never  inserted. 


XXI.  This  is  burial-place  of  John  .  .  .  sometime  farmer  in 
Spynie,  who  died  1742,  and  Barbara  Shaw,  his  spouse,  who 
died  1754,  and  John  and  Jannet,  ther  children,  who  died  in 
nonage.  James,  their  son,  sometime  farmer  in  Spynie,  who 
died  1769,  and  Barbara,  their  daughter,  placed  this  stone. 

XXII  David  Bege  and  Agnes  Ritchie,  1746. 
John  Ritchie.  Isobel  Bath. 

XXIII.  This  stone  is   placed  in  memory  of  James  Paul, 
sometime  farmer  in  Burnsford,  and  Janet  Forsyth,  his  spouse, 
who  died  the  6th  of  March,  1750,  aged  23  years. 

XXIV.  This  stone  is  placed  in  memorie  of  William  Gregor, 
sometime  farmer  in  Rosehaugh,  who  died  5    ...    1764,  and 
his  spouse,  Marjorie.  .  .  . 

XXV.  This  stone  is   placed  here   by  Beatrix   Johnson  in 
memory  of  John  Harper,   hir   husband,  sometime  farier  in 
Blackadit,  who  died  the  12  March,  1799,  aged  24  years. 

XXVI.  Sacred  to  the  memory  of  the  Rev.  Alexander  Brown, 
late  minister  of  Spynie,  who  died  on  the  8th  January,  1814,  in 
the  53rd  year  of  his  age  and  21st  of  his  ministry.     Also  of 
Isabella  Ord,  his  spouse,  who  died  on  the  llth  of  August,  1834, 
aged  70  years  ;  and  of  Williamina,  their  infant  daughter,  who 
died  on  the  4th  Deer.,  1807,  in  the  3rd  year  of  her  age. 

XXVII.  To  the  memory  of  the   Rev.    George   Machardy, 
minister  of  the  gospel  at  New  Spynie,  who  died  15th  Septr., 
1717,  aged  42.  This  stone  is  erected  by  his  affectionate  widow, 
Margaret  Smith. 

XXVIII.  Sacred  to  the  memory  of  William  Turnbull,  Esq., 
late  surgeon  in  the  H.E.I.  Company's  service,  who  died  at 
Aldroughty  the  8th  of  April,  1864,  aged  71. 

The  above  tomb  has  upon  it  the  following  mottoes  :  —  On  the 
south  side  —  "  Death  Pursueth  ;  "  on  the  west  side  —  "  Time 
Fleeth  ;  "  on  the  north  side  —  "  Conquer  Eternity  ;  "  and  on  the 
east  side  —  "  Mynd  Mortality,"  with  the  usual  emblems,  viz.:  — 
Skeleton,  Bell,  Coffin,  Sand  Glass,  Knife  in  Hand,  Crown, 
Skull,  and  Cross  Bones. 

XXIX.  On  a  tomb,  with  a  handsome  railing,  about 
the  centre  of  the  churchyard,  are  the  following  inscrip- 
tions :  — 

(On  a  flat  stone  on  the  floor  of  the  tomb)  —  1.  Hie  requiescunt 
reliquse  piae  castseque  Katharinaa  King,  uxoris  Mri.  Gulielrni 


Dougall,  ecclesife  Spyniensis  Novse  pastoris,  quse  obiit,  26 
Septembris,  anno  Domini  MDCCLIV.,  setatis  suae  LXV.  Atque 
eorum  filia  Elizabetha,  quae  obiit  Martie  xin.,  MDCCXXVI., 
retatis  suse  mense  xvi.  Ipse  autem  obiit  Octobris  die  xn., 
MDCCLXVI.,  setatis  suae  anno  LXXXIII. 

XXX.  On  five  monumental  tablets,  on  the  wall — : 

Hen  !  quanto  minus  est  eum  reliquis 
Versari,  quam.vestrum  meminisse. 

Within  this  tomb  lie  interred  the  remains  of  the  late  Rever- 
end  Mr.  Eobert  Paterson,  who  was  twenty-two  years  Minister 
of  this  parish,  and  died  upon  the  31st  July,  1790,  in  the  56th 
year  of  his  age.  He  was  eminent  for  the  faithful  discharge  of 
his  pastoral  office,  and  as  a  husband  and  father  he  was  nearly 
as  perfect  as  human  nature  will  admit. 

Here  also  lie  the  remains  of  Alexander  Paterson,  his  third 
son,  who  survived  his  father  only  nine  months,  having  died 
upon  the  13th  April,  1791,  in  the  17th  year  of  his  age,  after 
having  finished  his  academical  studies.  He  was  snatched 
from  this  transitory  life  to  the  inexpressible  grief  of  all 
his  relations. 

XXXI.  Here   lie   interred   the   body  of   Margaret   Collie, 
spouse  of  Mr.  Robert  Paterson,  Minister  of  New  Spynie,  and 
only  child  of  Mr.  William  Collie,  late  Minister  of  Drainie,  and 
Margaret  Mackenzie,  his  spouse.     She  was  a  dutiful  wife,  an 
affectionate  mother,  an  exemplary  Christian.     Her  soul  has 
been  early  removed  from  this  earth  to  bear  only  felicity,  and 
her  body  rests  in  hope  of  the  promised  resurrection.     This 
monument  is  erected  to  her  memory.     She  died  July  23, 1782, 
in  the  34th  year  of  her  age. 

XXXII.  Consecrated  by  the  Revd.  James  Paterson,  Minister 
of  Birnie,  to  the  memory  of  his  brothers — Mr.  William  Pater- 
son, who  died  5th  April,  1829,  aged  59;  and  Doctor  Robert 
Paterson,  H.E.I.C.S.,  who,  after  twenty  years'  service  in  India, 
and  when  on  the  eve  of  returning  to  his  native  country,  died  at 

Calcutta  on  the of  December,  1829,  in  the  48th  year  of 

his  age.     Also  sacred  to  the  memory  of  the  Revd.    James 
Paterson,  Minister  of  Birnie,  whose  benevolent  life  adorned 
the  doctrines  which  he  taught.     Born  13th  April,  1778 ;   died 
23rd  February,  1840. 

XXXIII.  In  this  tomb  lie  interred  the  remains  of  the  Revd. 
John  Paterson,  who  was  Minister  of  the  Gospel  at  Auldearn, 
from  1794  till  1813,  when  he  died  in  the  41st  year  of  his  age, 
an  accomplished  scholar  and  an  eloquent  preacher.     His  char- 


acter  was  adorned  by  integrity,  candour,  and  benevolence,  still 
more,  than  by  those  attainments. 

Here  also,  in  the  grave  of  her  parents,  lies  his  sister, 
Helen,  spouse  of  the  Revd.  Thomas  Macfarlane  of  Edinkillie, 
who  was  endeared  to  her  friends  by  every  amiable  virtue.  She 
died  on  the  7th  April,  1810,  in  the  34th  year  of  her  age. 

This  stone  is  placed  by  their  brother,  Dr.  Robert  Paterson, 
of  the  Bengal  Medical  Service,  as  a  memorial  of  their  virtues 
and  of  his  affection. 

XXXIV.  The  Rev.  James  Paterson,  late  Minister  of 
Birnie,  removed  this  stone  from  Drainie  in  1839,  for  pre- 
servation, the  old  Church  being  ruinous : — 

In  this  church  lie  interred  Mr.  Hugh  Anderson,  long  Minis- 
ter of  this  place,  and  Margaret  Munro,  his  spouse  ;  as  also  Mr. 
William  Collie,  his  immediate  successor,  and  27  years  Minister, 
who  died  April  29,  1768,  in  the  73rd  year  of  his  age ;  and 
Margaret  Mackenzie,  his  spouse,  who  died  April  27, 1773.  Of 
these  valuable  persons,  it  may  truly  be  said  that  they  acted  in 
their  several  stations  as  faithful  ministers  of  the  gospel,  good 
members  of  society,  and  upright  Christians. 

This  monument  is  erected  to  their  memory  by  Margaret 
Collie,  only  child  of  the  two  last  named,  and  spouse  of  Mr. 
Robert  Paterson,  minister  of  New  Spynie. 

XXXV.  On  a  neat  upright  stone,  near  the  centre  of  the 
churchyard,  is  inscribed  : — 

In  memory  of  John  M'Kimmie,  Esquire,  late  Provost  of 
Elgin  ;  born  4th  October,  1789,  died  26th  February,  1856. 

XXXVI.  Near^the  above  is  a  flat  stone  inscribed  : — 

This  stone  is  placed  here  by  Archibald  Mellis,  farmer  in 
Kintrae,  in  memory  of  his  spouse,  Ann  Falconer,  who  died  7th 
December,  1797,  aged  44  years.  In  memory  also  of  Jane 
Mellis,  his  eldest  daughter,  who  died  8th  August,  1791,  aged 
17  years;  also  of  Alexander  and  Janet  Mellis,  his  children, 
who  died  in  their  nonage. 

NOTE. — The  above  stone,  I  suppose,  refers  to  the  mother, 
brother,  and  two  sisters  of  the  late  Mr.  James  Mellis,  long 
tenant  of  the  farm  of  Spynie.  (R.  Y.) 

XXXVII.  In   a   tomb,  towards   the  east  end  of  the 
Church^  is  a  tablet  to  the  memory  of  the  late  Reverend 
Alexander  Simpson,  Minister  of  the  parish,  and  his  wife, 
as  follows : — 


Sacred  to  the  memory  of  Elizabeth  Patullo,  spouse  of  the 
Revd.  Alexander  Simpson,  Minister  of  New  Spynie,  who  died 
on  the  10th  April,  1848,  aged  Gl  years.  Also  in  memory  of 
the  Revd.  Alexander  Simpson,  who  departed  this  life  on  the 
7th  January,  1852,  aged  65  years,  in  the  26th  year  of  his 
ministry,  having  been  ordained  Minister  of  New  Spynie,  in 
the  year  1826. 


Lieth  to  the  west  of  Spynie,  extending  3  miles 
from  north  to  south,  and  as  much  from  east 
to  west. 

The  Church  standeth  near  the  centre,  4  miles 
west  of  Elgin,  above  2  miles  west  of  Spynie,  and 
above  2  miles  east  of  Kinloss.  .The  south  part 
of  the  parish  stretcheth  along  the  hill  that  divideth 
it  from  the  glen  of  Pluscarden.  Here  the  lands 
of  Cleves,  Monachtie,  and  Aslisk  have  been,  for 
above  100  years  past,  a  part  of  the  estate  of 
Brodie,  formerly  belonging  (as  they  were  church- 
lands)  to  the  Earls  of  Moray,  since  the  reforma- 
tion of  religion. 

In  the  middle  of  the  parish,  to  the  east,  are 
Newton  and  Ardgaoidh,  once  a  part  of  the  estate 
of  Duffus,  now  the  property,  the  first  of  the  Earl 
Fife,  and  the  other  of  the  Duke  of  Gordon. 

Next  westward  is  Alves,  pertaining  to  the  Earl 
of  Moray,  and  a  part  of  that  ancient  estate. 
Those  parts  of  this  parish  that  now  belong  to  the 
Earl  of  Moray,  have  so  long  been  the  property  of 
that  noble  family,  in  all  the  revolutions  of  it,  that, 
I  am  told,  about  40  years  ago,  a  tenant  gave  to 
Mr.  Eussel  late  factor,  a  discharge  of  rent  granted 

VOL.  II.  10 


by  Thomas  Kandolf,  Earl  of  Moray,  to  that  ten- 
ant's ancestor  in  that  land.  A  remarkable  evi- 
dence this  of  the  benevolence  and  goodness  of 
that  family,  in  continuing  the  farmers  in  their 
tenements  from  one  generation  to  another  for 
above  400  years. 

Close  by  the  Church  is  Kirktown,  the  seat  of 
Harry  Spens,  D.D.,  and  of  his  family  for  several 
generations.  West  from  which  is  Ernside,  which 
had  been  successively  the  heritage  of  the  Cum- 
mines  and  MacKenzies  for  some  centuries,  and 
now  is  the  property  of  Mr.  Spens  of  Kirktown. 
In  the  north  part  of  the  parish,  near  the  coast,  is 
Coltfield,  formerly  pertaining  to  William  Brodie, 
grandson  of  the  family  of  Brodie,  upon  whose 
death  without  issue,  the  lands  reverted  to  that 
family,  and  now  they  are  the  property  of  James 
Brodie  of  Brodie,  and  of  Watson  of  Westerton. 
Westward  is  Hemprigs,  which,  with  the  lands  of 
Kilbuyack  in  the  middle  of  the  parish,  was  the 
heritage,  for  several  generations,  of  a  branch  of 
the  Dunbars.  Kilbuyack  was  sold  to  Brodie  of 
Lethen ;  and  Sir  William  Dunbar  of  Hemprigs 
dying  without  male  issue,  and  his  daughter  and 
heiress  marrying  a  son  of  Sir  James  Sutherland's, 
the  honour  of  Baronet,  obtained  on  the  10th  of 
April,  1700,  came  to  his  brother  Sir  Eobert, 
father  of  Sir  Patrick  of  Bowermaden,  who  died 
without  male  issue,  and  the  lands  of  Hemprigs 
were  purchased  by  William  Dawson,  Provost  of 


Forres,  and  with  his  two  daughters  co-heiresses 
came  to  Alexander  Tulloch  of  Tauachie,  and 
Alexander  Brodie  of  Windyhills.  Windyhills,  in 
the  west  end  of  the  parish,  was  long  the  heritage 
of  the  Dunbars.  From  them  they  were  purchased 
by  Francis  Brodie  (son]of  John,  a  natural  son  of 
David  of  Brodie),  whose  grandson  John,  who  died 
a  captain  at  Carthagena  in  1741,  having  no  issue, 
disponed  his  lands  to  Major  George  Brodie,  son 
to  Milntown ;  by  whose  death,  inj!748,  they  came 
to  his  brother  Alexander  Brodie  of  Windyhills, 
the  fourth  in  descent  from  David  Laird  of  Brodie, 
who  is  now  Baron  of  Windyhills  and  Hemprigs. 


[Situation,  Soil,  Climate. — The  parish  of  Alves,  skirting 
along  the  western  sides  of  Duffus  and  Spynie,  compre- 
hends the  whole  breadth  of  the  champaign  of  Moray, 
from  the  firth  to  the  bottom  of  the  mountain,  which  in  this 
quarter,  ranging  along  the  north  side  of  the  vale  of  Plus- 
carden,  divides  it  from  that  limb  of  the  parish  of  Elgin. 
It  is  one  peculiarity  of  this  parish,  that  although  it  has 
no  stream  naturally  sufficient  to  turn  a  common  corn-mill, 
yet  the  tracts  of  a  great  river  remain  manifestly  evident, 
almost  over  all  its  length.  It  may  be  deemed  perhaps  a 
baseless  speculation  to  presume,  that  the  valleys  which 
the  rivers  now  occupy  were  not  miraculously  formed  at 
the  creation,  for  the  reception  of  their  waters,  but  have 
been  gradually  hollowed  out  by  the  natural  action  of 
their  respective  streams.  It  requires  an  exertion  of  the 
imagination  to  conceive  the  whole  country  without  valleys, 
uniformly  elevated  to  the  level  of  the  lower  hills,  and, 
instead  of  the  great  rivers,  numberless  small  streams  only, 
meeting  into  one  almost  by  accidental  congress,  in  the 
trackless  waste  of  unconsolidated,  bare,  oozy  mud,  when 
God  said  at  the  first,  "  Let  the  waters  under  the  heaven 

148         THE  DALES  OF  ALVES  ;   CASTLE  OF  ERNSIDE. 

be  gathered  together  into  one  place,  and  let  the  dry  land 

Although  this  might  be  in  general  presumed  to  have 
been  the  case,  its  application  in  any  one  particular  instance 
may  still  be  difficult.  It  requires  no  common  exertion 
of  the  mind,  even  in  idea,  to  represent  this  country  before 
the  excavation  of  the  Moray  Firth,  when 'the  highest  lands 
of  Birnie  were  continuously  conjoined  with  the  Sutherland 
hills,  and  no  sea  intervened  between  Duncan's  bay  and 
Peterhead;  but  that  the  river  Varrar,  receiving  the  waters 
which  now  constitute  the  Ness,  Nairn,  and  Findhorn,  in 
its  course,  meeting  with  the  Spey  also  from  the  south,  and 
the  Conan  from  the  north,  boiling  in  rapid  eddies  around 
the  Knock  of  Alves,  rolled  in  one  vast  volume  along  the 
side  of  the  hills  of  Enzie  and  Cullen,  and  discharged  an 
immense  cataract  of  extremely  turbid  water  far  eastward 
in  the  German  ocean.  But  having  conceived  this  idea, 
it  will  not  be  difficult  to  suppose,  that  the  river  of  Find- 
horn,  at  a  period  much  less  remote,  might  have  winded 
among  the  dales  of  Alves,  through  the  lake  of  Spynie  into 
the  sea.  Besides  the  evident  vestiges  of  its  tract  which 
remain,  its  memory  is  still  distinctly  preserved  in  the 
name  of  the  old  Castle  of  Ernside,  which  in  those 
days  decorated  its  banks;  it  being  well  known,  that 
the  Erne  is  the  proper  appellation  of  the  river;  while 
the  farm  upon  the  lake  of  Inchstellie  preserves  also, 
by  its  name,  the  memory  of  its  once  peninsular  situa- 
tion :  and  it  could  never  have  been  embosomed  by  any 
other  river. 

The  parish  is  nearly  a  square  of  5  miles,  presenting  a 
surface  considerably  diversified  by  sloping,  and  by  level 
plains  and  gently-swelling  eminences.  It  is  far  from 
being  so  uniformly  plain  as  that  of  Drainy  or  Duffus, 
although  a  great  proportion  of  its  surface  is  counted  level 
land.  The  soil  is  distinguished  for  its  fertility,  being  a 
deep  fat  loam  incumbent  on  clay,  in  a  very  few  places 
only  of  a  lighter  quality  :  it  produces  crops  of  oats,  valued 
in  particular  for  their  slow  and  late  ripening,  being  found, 
upon  the  warmer  sandy  soils  of  the  neighbouring  parishes, 
to  increase  the  luxuriance  of  the  stem  and  the  weight  of 
the  grain. 

State  of  Property.- — George  Forteath,  Esq.,  has  built  a 
spacious  and  splendid  house  upon  his  property  of  New- 


town,  where  he  has  also  formed  an  elegant  garden,  and 
made  a  considerable  extent  of  plantation.  The  valued 
rent  around  this  family  seat  extends  to  £165  10s.  Scots. 
Peter  Rose  Watson,  of  Westerton,  Esq.,  prefers  the  warm 
•castled  accommodations  of  his  ancestors  at  Coltfield,  to  the 
airy  painted  halls  of  modern  fashion.  The  valued  rent 
of  his  domains  in  this  parish  extends  to  £768  17s,  2d. 
Scots.  William  Brodie,  of  Miltown,  Esq.,  has  his  family- 
seat  under  the  north  side  of  a  green  serrated  mount ;  its 
exterior  appearance,  though  not  modern,  indicating  neat 
internal  accommodation.  His  valued  rent  of  Hempriggs 
and  Windyhills  amounts  to  £818  15s.  4d. 

The  lands  of  Ardgay,  Monaughty,  and  Asleesk,  apper- 
taining to  the  Earl  of  Fife,  are  valued  at  £1575  15s.  2d. 
Alves  and  Inchstellie,  the  property  of  the  Earl  of  Moray, 
are  valued  at  £1336  2s.  lOd.  Kirktown  Alves,  and  Erne- 
side,  the  property  of  Spence  Monro,  Esq.,  are  valued  at 
£426  9s.  8d.  The  lands  of  Kilbuyack,  at -£380  7s.,  belongs 
to  Miss  Brodie  of  Lethin :  making  the  valuation  of  i^he 
parish  equal  to  £5462  17s.  2d.  Scots.  The  real  rent  of 
the  parish  may  be  estimated  about  £3000  sterling.  The 
farms  in  general  are  of  respectable  extent,  there  being  few 
under  30,  and  several  above  100  acres.  The  mean  rent 
of  the  land  is  about  £1  5s.  the  acre. 

State  Ecclesiastical. — The  stipend  is  £46  13s.  4d.  ster- 
ling, 96  bolls  of  bear,  and  16  of  meal;  the  allowance  for 
the  communion  being  included.  The  right  of  patronage 
appertains  to  the  Earl  of  Moray.  The  school-salary  is  10 
bolls  of  bear,  and  £2  15s.  6d.  sterling;  and  by  the  Act  of 
Parliament  which  confers  the  emoluments  of  the  office  of 
session-clerk  upon  the  parochial  schoolmaster,  he  has  the 
fee  of  £1  12s.  and  the  customary  perquisites,  with  the 
usual  fees  for  teaching. 

In  the  year  1715  George  Duncan,  Esq.,  merchant  in 
Inverness,  bequeathed  £166  12s.  6d.  sterling,  for  the 
education  of  6  boys,  from  the  sixth  to  the  tenth  year  of 
their  age,  who  are  to  be  presented  by  the  session.  '  The 
poor,  who  are  not  numerous,  are  comfortably  supported 
by  the  charity  of  the  congregation,  in  the  conclusion  of 
their  public  worship,  the  dues  for  the  use  of  the  pall,  and 
some  charitable  donations,  among  which  is  the  sum  of  £30 
sterling,  bequeathed  by  Mr.  Watt,  who  had  transferred 
his  ministrations  from  this  parish  to  Forres.  The  mem- 


bers  of  the  National  Church  are  1030,  about  50  Seceders, 
and  30  Episcopalians. 

Miscellaneous  Information. — The  people  are  indus- 
trious, sober,  and  regular  in  their  attendance  on  the 
public  institutions  of  religion,  and  more  than  equal  to- 
their  neighbours  in  knowledge  and  information. 

The  conical  hill  of  the  Knock  of  Alves  terminates  a 
low  ridge  on  the  southern  quarter  of  the  parish.  It  is 
separated  from  the  ridge  that  ranges  through  the  parish 
of  Spynie  only  by  a  narrow  gap.  In  both  are  inexhaust- 
ible quarries  of  free-stone,  equally  fit  for  mill-stones  and 
for  building. 

In  the  western  end  of  the  parish,  there  is  a  large  circular 
pile  of  stone :  it  has  never  been  examined :  no  name  or 
circumstance  concerning  it  is  known.  Some  Danish  axes 
of  uncommon  form  have  been  found  in  a  tract  of  peat 
morass  in  the  vicinity  of  Erneside.]  (Survey  of  the  Pro- 
vince of  Moray.} 

[The  only  relic  of  feudal  times  is  the  Castle  of  Asleisl\ 
on  the  Earl  of  Fife's  property.]  (ED.) 


[By  the  great  charter  of  Bishop  Brice,  whereby  he 
established  the  use  of  Lincoln  in  the  diocese,  Alves, 
along  with  Llanbryde, are  granted  and  erected  into  a  pre- 
bendary to  be  the  seat  of  the  Precentor.  This  was  about 
1208.  Disputes  arose  between  the  Precentor  and  Succentor 
in  regard  to  the  boundaries  of  the  parish,  which  was 
determined  by  a  mutual  reference  in  1328.  The  name  of 
the  Precentor  at  this  time  was  Roger  de  Invernis. 

In  15G7  James  Spence,  vicar  of  Alves,  witnesses  a  feu 
charter  by  James  Thorntoun,  the  last  Precentor  of  Moray 
of  the  glebe  of  the  parish. 

In  1565  John  Watsone,  minister  of  Alves,  along  with 
John  Robison,  minister  of  Urquhart,  are  threatened  with 
the  censure  of  the  Church  for  leaving  their  Churches,  and 
in  1567  we  have  Patrick  Balfour,  minister.  The  old 
Church,  long  demolished,  contained  monuments  of  anti- 
quity, though  some  are  now  lost ;  fragments  of  two,  which 
seemed  to  have  formed  part  of  the  floor,  yet  remain. 

I.  ...  Vir.  Valterus.  troup.  portion.  .  .  alter  illos  conjugis 
.  .  .  25th  Die  Decembris  anno  Domini  1598.  . 


II.  Here  lyes  ane  honorable  man  John  Dassol.  .  .  . 

III.  Under  this  stone  lye  the  bodies  of  James  Eussel,  farmer, 
sometime  in  Mortown,  who  died  the  6th  of  May,  1691,  and  also 
James  Russel,  fanner,  sometime  in  Mortown,  his  cousin,  who 
died  October,  1731,  and  Jean  Kellie,  his  spouss,  who  died  March, 
1733,  and  James  Russel,  their  son,  farmer  sometime  in  Easter 
Alves,  who  died  May  10,  1742,  and  Jean  Anderson,  his  spouse, 
who  died  August,  1717. 

IV.  Here  on  part  of  the  wall  of  the  old  Church  is  the  tomb- 
stone of  Beivald  Innes,  who  was  ejected  after  the  Revolution. 
He  was  minister  from  1677,  and  died  1722. 

It  is  in  Latin,  on  a  curious  sort  of  red  stone.     From  its 
difficulty  to  decipher,  I  have  not  set  it  down  here. 

V.  ...  John.  Laing.   sometime  .  .  .  who.   died.  January. 
13.  1720.  .  .  .  Laing.  who.  died.  .  .  .  the.  6.  1730.  and.  his. 
spouse.  Margaret.  Petrie.  died.  October.  14.  17  .  .  . 

VI.  Here  lyes  the  body  of  John  Anderson,  sometime  in- 
dueller  in  East  Grange,  who  died  the  23  of  December,  1723, 
and  Isobel  Gumming,  his  spouse,  who  died  the  10  of  December, 
1727,  and  Margaret  Thane,  spouse  to  John  Anderson,  in  East 
Grange,  she  died  the  9  of  December,  1734.     John  Anderson, 
their  son,  placed  this  stone  in  memory  of  his  parents  and  his 
beloved  spouse. 

VII.  Here  lyes  the  body  of  James  Williamson,  sometime 
farmer  in  Mostown,  who  died  Nov.,  1731,  and  his  spouse, 
Elspet  Lyn,  who  died  July,  1731,  and  their  daughter,  Isobel, 
who  died  in  her  nonage. 

VIII.  Here  is  laid  till  the  coming  of  Christ  the  bodies  of 
Wm.    and   Allex.    Forsyth,    sometime    induellers    in    Mount 
Auchry,  and  George  Key,  who  lived  in  Coltfield,  and  died 
17  Feb.,  1742,  and  his  spouse,  Barbara  Mill,  who  died  12th 
November,  1752.     Interred  here  is  the  body  of  John  Key,  and 
his  wife,  Margy.  Forsyth,  sometime  duellers  in  Coltfield,  and 
their  son,  William  Key,  farmer  in  Duifus,  who  died*  .  .  .  and 
his  wife,  Emily  Sutherland,  who  died  Mar.  1808. 

IX.  Here  ly  the  bodys  of  Alex.  Funister,  late  farmer  in  the 
Ries,  who  died  26  of  July,  1767,  and  his  spouse,  Ann  Russ, 
who  died  16  July,  1745,  and  their  son,  William  Funister,  died 
22  July,  1779. 

X.  This  stone  is  placed  here  in  the  burying-place  of  Wm. 
Leim,  farmer  in  Coltfield,  by  Janet  Chrystal,  in  memory  of 

*  Never  inserted. 


John  Chrystal,  her  brother,  who  died  October  16,  1759,  aged 
22  years. 

XL  Mrs.  Isa  M'Lair,  wife  to  the  Rev.  Mr.  William  Smith,  min- 
ister at  Alves,  lies  buried  here.  Here  lies  interred  the  body  of 
the  Rev.  Mr.  William  Smith,  late  minister  of  Alves,  who  died 
26th  Jany.,  1792,  aged  46  years. 

XII.  This  stone  is  erected  by  Pitir  Ross,  mason  at  Burghead, 
in  memory  of  his  parents,  Hugh  Ross,  who  lived  in  Alves,  who 
died  April  the  6,  1780,  aged  69  years,  and  his  spouse,  Jean 
Davidson,  who  died*  .  .  . 

XIII.  Hear  lys  the  body  of  Thomas  Cobban,  sometime  resi- 
denter  in  Monauchry,  who  died  the  18  May,  1786,  aged  98 
years,  and  his  spouse,  Margt.  Young,  who  died  7  Nov.,  1801, 
aged  76  years.]     (Rev.  J.  B.  Craven's  Epitaphs.) 


That  is,  the  head  of  the  Loch  or  Bay,  from  the 
burgh  of  Findhorn,  runneth  within  land  a  mile  and 
a  half,  and  near  a  mile  in  breadth.  Here  the  river 
Erne  emptieth  into  the  firth.  It  riseth  in  the  hills, 
betwixt  Badenoch  and  Stratherick,  and  watering 
Strathern  and  the  Streins  from  south  west  to 
north  east,  at  Doulasie,  in  the  parish  of  Ardclach 
(a  bridge  of  two  arches  was  built  in  the  year 
1754),  thence  it  runneth  north,  and  after  a  course 
of  more  than  30  miles,  enters  into  the  bay  of 
Kinloss.  The  parish  of  Kinloss  lieth  on  the  east 
side  of  the  bay. 

The  Church  standeth  near  the  head  of  the  bay, 
about  2-J  miles  west  from  Alves,  1^  miles  north 
of  Forres,  and  near  3  miles  north  of  Kafford.  At 
the  mouth  of  the  bay  is  Findhorn,  or  Inverern,  a 

*  Never  inserted. 


burgh  of  barony.  The  bar  at  the  mouth  of  the 
river  allows  no  ships  of  burden  to  enter  the  bay, 
yet  a  good  trade  is  carried  on  by  small  merchant 
ships  and  fishing  boats.  It  is  the  sea-port  of  the 
town  of  Forres  ;  and  about  60  years  ago,  the  sea 
cut  off  from  the  land,  and  covered  the  town,  now 
called  Old  Findhorn.  The  present  town,  with 
the  barony  of  Muirtown,  lying  south  on  the  bay, 
was  the  property  of  Hugh  Eose  of  Kilravock, 
who,  in  1766,  sold  the  barony  of  Muirton  to 
Colonel  Hector  Munro  of  Navarre.  In  1656  it 
came  to  Sir  Eobert  Innes  of  Innes,  who  disponed 
it  to  Sir  James  Calder.  Sir  James  was  created 
a  baronet  of  Nova  Scotia,  by  Patent  dated  the 
5th  of  November,  1686,  and  was  son  of  Sir 
Thomas  Calder  of  Sheriffmiln,  of  the  Calders  of 
Assuanly.  About  the  year  1710,  Sir  James  dis- 
poned his  estate,  with  the  burden  of  the  debts,  to 
Hugh  Eose  of  Kilravock,  James  Sutherland  of 
Kinsterie,  William  Brodie  of  Coltfield,  and  Alex- 
ander Dunbar  of  Moy,  and  they  disponed  with 
absolute  warrandice  to  Kilravock.  The  value  of 
the  estate  fell  short  of  the  debts,  and  the  dis- 
ponees  bore  the  burden.  Kinloss  gave  title 
to  Edward  Bruce  (of  the  family  of  Clackmannan), 
•created  Lord  Kinloss  8th  July,  1604,  and  his  son 
Thomas,  Earl  of  Elgin,  19th  June,  1633.  From 
this  last,  Alexander  Brodie,  the  first  of  Lethen, 
purchased  the  Abbey  lands  in  Kinloss,  and  the 
superiorities  of  such  lands  elsewhere,  and  they 


are  now  the  property  of  the  eldest  daughter  of 
the  late  Alexander. 

The  south  end  of  the  parish  was  Abbey  land, 
now  the  property  of  Dunbar  of  Grange,  except 
the  Struthers  sold  to  Colonel  William  Grant  of 
Ballendallach,  about  1730.  On  the  bay  of  Kin- 
loss,  Lethen  has  a  salmon  fishing. 


[Situation,  Soil,  Climate. — The  parish  of  Kinloss  lies  on 
the  western  side  of  Alves,  and  may  be  regarded  as  occu- 
pying the  whole  breadth  of  the  champaign ;  although  a 
corner  of  Alves  is  protruded  for  a  little  way  along  the 
bottom  of  the  mountain,  and  in  this  quarter  the  mountain 
side  itself,  almost  wholly  cultivated,  appertains  to  the 
parish  of  Rafford.  Being  only  formed  into  a  separate 
parish  in  the  year  1657,  the  name  of  the  Abbey,  situated 
at  the  head  of  the  bay  of  Findern,  became  readily  that  of 
the  parish.  It  is  a  flat  country,  almost  a  square  of  4 
miles.  In  some  places  the  soil  is  light  sand ;  in  others, 
rich  deep  clay  and  fertile  loam  ;  an  incoherent  peat  earth 
is  the  surface  soil  of  many  hollow  lying  fields :  but  the 
whole,  when  properly  cultivated,  produces  luxuriant  crops 
of  every  kind  of  grain.  Most  of  the  springs  have  some 
mineral  taste,  and  the  water  is,  in  general,  bad.  The  air 
is  sharp  and  dry :  supposed  to  generate  rheumatism  and 
cutaneous  distempers  among  the  people,  who  are  obliged 
to  support  its  most  unfavourable  influences. 

State  of  Property. — The  parish  appertains  to  four  pro- 
prietors. General  Sir  Hector  Munro  of  Novar  has  the 
barony  of  Muirtown,  valued  in  the  county  Cess-Book 
at  £1859  14s.  8d.  Scots.  Miss  Brodie  of  Lethin  has  Kin- 
loss  and  East  Grange,  at  £1091  Is.  4d.  General  James 
Grant  of  Balnadalloch  has  Struthers,  Newtown,  and 
Winderlaw,  at  £475  5s.  4d. :  and  the  remainder  of  the 
parish  is  the  property  of  Lewis  Dunbar,  Esq.,  of  Grange, 
at  £297  17s.  7d.,  making  the  whole  valued  rent  equal 
to  £3723  18s.  lid.  Scots.  The  greater  farms  vary  from 
about  100  to  130  acres,  while  some  of  the  least  are 

SEA.  TRADE   OF  THE    VILLAGE  OF   FINDHORN.        155 

only  from  5  to  C.  The  average  rent  by  the  acre  is  from 
18s.  to  £1  4s.,  though  there  are  some  which  lat  at  £2  2s., 
and  a  small  part  has  risen  to  the  rate  even  of  £3  the  acre. 
The  whole  number  of  the  farms  amount  to  40. 

The  village  of  Findhorn,  on  the  estate  of  Muirtown,  at 
the  influx  of  the  river  Findern,  properly  the  Erne,  into 
the  Firth,  may  be  considered  as  the  Port  of  the  town  of 
Forres,  and  partly  of  Elgin  also. 

Four  vessels,  from  90  to  130  tons  burthen,  are  employed 
in  the  London  trade  to  this  Port,  and  to  those  of  Cromarty 
and  Inverness  conjoined ;  one  after  another  generally  ar- 
riving between  every  third  and  fifth  week,  and  completing 
five  or  six  voyages  in  the  year.  An  inconsiderable  quan- 
tity of  dyed  threads,  manufactured  in  the  village ;  a 
proportion  of  the  grain  of  the  country ;  and  the  salmon 
of  the  rivers  of  Nairn  and  Findern,  with  a  small  quantity 
from  the  upper  fisheries  of  the  Spey,  comprise  the  goods 
sent  to  London.  The  salmon  is  sent  in  vessels  appropri- 
ated for  that  article,  put  on  board  in  the  offing,  and  reach 
market  commonly  between  the  5th  and  9th  day.  From 
2500  to  4000  kits,  bringing  from  16s.  to  £1  10s.  the  kit  in 
London,  comprehend  the  yearly  quantity. 

The  articles  brought  back  from  London  are  sugar,  tea, 
hops,  porter,  and  cheese,  silk,  woollen,  and  cotton  cloths, 
hats,  ribbons,  and  buttons,  hardware,  household  furniture, 
tanned  leather,  and  grass  seeds. 

Three  vessels,  from  70  to  90  tons  burthen,  are  employed 
in  the  trade  from  Leith,  and  the  other  ports  in  the  Firth 
of  Forth,  to  the  same  places,  completing  their  voyages 
nearly  in  the  same  time.  The  only  article  carried  out  is 
grain,  generally  about  3000  bolls  in  the  year,  in  cargoes 
of  300  or  400  bolls :  in  some  years,  7000  or  8000  have 
been  shipped  :  but  the  failure  of  the  crop  1781,  from  an 
excessive  drought,  and  a  shake  by  a  storm  of  wind,  re- 
quired an  importation  of  2000  bolls ;  while  the  crop  of 
1782  required  a  supply  of  no  less  than  8000  bolls  from 
foreign  Ports. 

The  goods  brought  from  Leith  yearly  consist  of  a  con- 
siderable quantity  of  tanned  leather,  soap,  tallow,  and 
grass  seeds,  foreign  bar  iron,  and  manufactured  iron  from 
Carron,  farm  utensils,  and  furniture,  bottles,  window  and 
crystal  glass,  English  and  Scots  stoneware,  English  hard- 
ware, and  the  manufactures  of  the  looms  of  England, 


Glasgow,  and  Paisley.  Wines,  imported  by  the  mer- 
chants of  Forres  and  Inverness  from  the  places  of  their 
growth  to  Leith,  make  a  part  of  the  freights  of  these 
vessels,  there  being  now  seldom  any  wine  imported 
directly  here.  Small  quantities  of  spruce  or  black  beer 
made  at  Dantzick  are  also  forwarded  from  Leith.  The 
ships  employed  in  freighting  the  corn  bring  in  yearly 
about  100  tons  of  Scots  coal,  and  about  6  times  as  much 
from  Sunderland,  avoiding  Newcastle  on  account  of  the 
duty  paid  to  the  Duke  of  Richmond  on  coals  shipped 
there.  With  the  coal,  there  is  occasionally  a  small  quan- 
tity of  lime  brought  for  manure,  and  about  130  tons  of 
salt  from  the  different  saltworks  of  the  Firth.  Many  pas- 
sengers sail  in  these  vessels  both  to  and  from  London 
and  Leith. 

Two  vessels  are  generally  employed  in  bringing  flax, 
tow,  foreign  bar  iron,  hard  and  soft  soap,  ropes  and  dressed 
hemp  from  Aberdeen.  The  flax  is  dressed,  and  only  sent 
down  by  the  manufacturers  of  that  city  to  be  spun,  about 
Elgin,  Forres,  and  Nairn,  which  it  is  supposed  will  amount 
to  more  than  £2000  sterling  yearly,  for  spinning  the  yarn 
returned  from  this  Port.  These  vessels  generally  complete 
their  voyage  in  the  course  of  every  six  weeks,  and  occa- 
sionally carry  back  small  quantities  of  flour  and  a  few 
other  articles. 

Small  quantities  of  yarn,  manufactured  from  home- 
grown flax,  are  sent  also  by  Leith  for  the  Glasgow 
looms;  and  small  quantities  of  butter  by  private  orders 
for  particular  families.  The  pier  is  commodious,  but 
rather  too  limited ;  yet  the  harbour  is  capacious  and  safe  : 
there  was  always  sufficient  depth  of  water  on  the  bar,  and 
scarcely  any  vessel  was  ever  damaged  in  getting  over  it. 
Of  late,  the  channel  has  been  altered  even  for  the  better, 
and  vessels  of  almost  300  tons  can  easily  get  to  the  pier 
at  stream  tides.  The  Act  of  Parliament  for  building  it 
was  obtained  by  Sir  Hector  Munro  in  1778.  The  duties 
of  anchorage  which  it  allows  are,  for  every  vessel  under  6 
tons,  3d. — between  6  and  15  tons,  6d. — from  15  to  30  tons, 
Is. — from  30  to  50  tons,  2s. — from  50  to  75  tons,  3s. — 
from  75  to  100  tons,  4s.— from  100  to  150  tons,  5s. — from 
150  to  200  tons,  Cs.— from  200  to  300  tons,  7s.— and 
for  300  tons,  and  all  above  that,  8s.  The  duties  on  goods 
shipped  and  landed  vary  with  the  different  commodities. 


For  the  boll  of  grain,  salt,  barrel  of  English  coal,  100 
whole-barrel,  or  150  half-barrel  hoops,  |d. — for  each  barrel 
of  goods  imported  in  barrels,  for  each  gross  of  quart 
bottles,  and  for  each  parcel,  Id. — for  the  100  bolls  of 
lime,  Is.  6d. — for  the  1000  slates  or  tiles,  6d. — for  each  40 
feet  of  timber  in  logs,  4d. — and  for  all  coarse  goods  not 
particularly  rated,  in  the  proportion  of  £2  for  each  £100 
of  their  value. 

The  fees  exacted  by  the  Custom-house  are  equal  to 
three  times  these  in  the  Port  of  Leith  on  foreign  cargoes 
On  goods  carried  coast-ways,  2s.  are  demanded  from  every 
merchant  for  the  value  of  from  £20  to  £30  sterling — Is.  6d. 
to  the  comptroller  and  collector,  and  6d.  to  the  port  officer — 
deemed  so  exorbitant,  that  the  payment  has  of  late  been 
refused,  and,  by  steady  unanimity  among  the  merchants, 
redress  no  doubt  will  be  obtained. 

About  30  years  ago,  there  were  seven  or  eight  fishing  boats 
belonging  to  Findhorn,  constantly  employed.  There  are  at 
present  but  4  :  a  fifth  is  occasionally  rigged  out  in  winter. 
There  are  some  fine  beds  of  mussels  in  this  harbour :  100 
boats,  from  3  to  7  tons,  have  been  in  some  years  freighted 
for  bait  to  the  fish-towns  southward  on  the  Firth,  as  far 
as  Fraserburgh,  besides  the  home  consumpt,  both  for  the 
fishers  and  the  market.  Oysters  also,  about  20  years 
ago,  were  planted  by  Sir  Hector  Monro ;  but  the  scalp 
having  never  been  dragged,  their  fate  is  wholly  unknown. 

Of  late  some  cargoes  of  fir  timber  and  deals  have  been 
shipped  for  the  eastern  quarter  of  the  Firth ;  and  as  the 
plantations  in  the  country  advance,  this  branch  of  traffic 
will  probably  be  enlarged. 

State  Ecclesiastical. — While  the  Abbey  of  Kinloss  sub- 
sisted, this  parish  appertained  to  that  of  Alves  and 
Rafford.  In  the  year  1652,  William  Campbell,  minister 
of  Alves,  commissioner  from  the  Presbytery  of  Elgin  to 
the  brethren  of  Forres,  represented,  that  "  the  chapter- 
house of  the  Abbey  of  Kinloss  hath  been,  since  the 
Reformation,  a  place  for  preaching  the  word,  celebrating 
the  sacraments  and  marriage ;  and  by  a  condescendence 
between  Alexander  Brodie  of  Lethin,  and  the  English 
garrison  at  Inverness,  the  fabric  of  the  abbey  is  taken 
down  for  building  their  citadel,  save  the  place  of  worship; 
and  those  who  have  the  charge  for  to  transport  the  stone, 
have  it  in  command  to  take  that  also  down :  therefore  the 


brethren  at  Elgin  earnestly  desire,  that  the  presbytery  lay 
to  heart,  what  the  sequel  will  be,  seeing,  by  the  unani- 
mous consent  of  the  whole  heritors  of  the  adjacent  lands, 
and  of  all  the  members  of  the  Presbyteries  of  Elgin  and 
Forres,  it  is  agreed  that  there  shall  be  a  church  and  par- 
ticular parish  erected  for  Kinloss  and  the  people  there- 
about, who  are  now  almost  without  the  means  of  the 

On  the  consequent  application  of  the  Presbytery,  Mr. 
Brodie  declared, "  it  was  against  his  will  that  these  stones 
were  taken  away."  An  agreement  was  however  made, 
that  Sir  John  M'Kenzie  of  Tarbet,  the  proprietor  of  Muir- 
town,  should  give  up  his  claim  on  "  George's  Yard,"  a  part 
of  the  precinct  of  the  Abbey ;  and  that  the  Presbytery, 
who  claimed  the  whole  precinct,  should  renounce  all  pre- 
tence to  any  part  thereof,  as  lawfully  redeemed  by  Lethin, 
who,  having  acquired  the  Abbey  lands  from  Lord  Kinloss, 
engaged  on  his  part  to  give  a  sufficient  glebe,  and  station 
for  a  manse,  off  his  lands  of  Kinloss,  and  also  to  build  the 
manse  and  church  by  the  money  he  had  received  for  the 
stone  of  the  Abbey.  At  a  subsequent  meeting  of  the 
Presbytery,  the  whole  proprietors  agreed  on  their  par- 
ticular proportions  of  a  stipend  of  £22  5s.  and  3  chalders 
of  bear,  and  the  expense  of  the  Communion,  from  the 
tithes  of  their  respective  lands  within  the  new  parish. 
The  proprietors  also  of  the  lands  remaining  in  the  parish 
of  Alves,  agreed  to  make  up  the  proportion  of  £5  sterling, 
and  10  bolls,  formerly  paid  to  the  minister  of  Alves,  from 
the  lands  taken  off  that  parish;  of  which  Sir  Robert  Innes  > 
younger  of  Innes,  who  in  the  interval  had  acquired  the 
barony  of  Muirtown,  "  out  of  his  free  donation  and  gift, 
endows  £2  10s.  by  the  year,  for  the  payment  whereof  he 
doth  oblige  himself  and  his  heirs,  to  employ  £41  13s.  4d. 
in  the  hands  of  responsal  debtors,  by  the  advice  of  the 
Presbytery  of  Elgin,  and  the  minister  of  Alves;  and  to 
pay  £2  10s.  yearly,  so  long  as  it  remains  in  his  own  or 
foresaid's  hands."  The  other  £2  10s.  and  the  10  bolls, 
were  apportioned  on  the  lands  within  the  parish  of  Alves. 
The  minister  of  Raffbrd  was  compensated  by  the  annexa- 
tion of  the  parish  of  Altyr,  which  had  been  incommodi- 
ously united  to  Delias,  the  stipend  of  which  was  supplied, 
by  conjoining  the  lands  of  Killess  from  the  parish  of  Elgin. 

It  was  not,  however,  till  the  year  1659,  that  the  settle- 


ment  of  James  Urquhart,  the  first  minister  of  Kinloss, 
took  place ;  who  in  a  few  months  thereafter  attended  a 
meeting  of  the  Scots  Parliament  at  Edinburgh,  with  Sir 
Robert  Innes,  and  Mr.  Fullerton,  the  minister  of  Rafford, 
and  obtained  the  National  ratification  of  this  whole  pro- 
cedure by  the  Act  March  20,  1661,  "which  ratifies  and 
confirms  the  Act  and  ordinance  of  the  Presbyteries  of 
Elgin  and  Forres,  with  consent  of  all  concerned,  of  date 
the  6th  of  May,  1657;"  but  appointing  the  stipend  of 
Kinloss  to  be  £20  sterling,  and  4  chalders  of  bear,  includ- 
ing the  expense  of  the  Communion.     Upon  the  death  of 
the  usurper  in  the  succeeding  year,  and  the  restoration  of 
Charles  II.,  the  Presbyterian  Church   of  Scotland   was 
completely  overturned  and  abrogated,  and  the  Prelatic 
constitution  arbitrarily  and   violently  re-imposed.     But 
that  there  hath  been  an  ecclesiastical  establishment  in 
every  civilized  state,  Gentile,  Jew,  or  Christian,  the  his- 
torical records  of  all  ages  show ;  and  it  may  be  from  the 
Scriptures  inferred,  that  this  is  by  the  Deity  required  of 
all  who  have  been  favoured  by  the  light  of  Revelation. 
Although  it  may  not  be  obvious,  that  the  Presbyterian 
establishment  is  particularly  by  the  Scriptures  enjoined, 
yet  the  experience  of  more  than  100  years  hath  fully  con- 
curred to  show,  that  it  is  by  much  the  best  for  a  people 
who  in  general  are  far  from  opulent.     Instruction  in  the 
duties  of  morality  and  religion  is  not  lost  amidst  the 
pomp  and  splendour  of  external  worship :  and  while  the 
clergy  are  not  raised  above  the  requisite  intercourse  with 
the  lowest  of  the  people  by  power  and  dignity,  and  tem- 
poral wealth,  their  learning,  manners,  and  rank  in  society 
associating  them  with  the  superior  orders  of  the  State, 
form  the  link  by  which  the  highest  are  connected  with 
the  lowest,  affording  thereby  the  mutual  communication 
of  those  advantages  for  which  each  of  those  classes  is 
dependent  on  the  other.     Accordingly,  there  is  no  state 
where  the  common  people  are  of  more  decent  manners, 
better  informed,  and    more   attentive   to   the   duties   of 
morality  and  the  ordinances  of  religion. 

These  advantages,  however,  are  the  purchase  of  much 
of  the  blood,  and  of  almost  the  whole  of  the  treasure,  of 
our  ancestors,  and  were  only  secured  by  many  hard  con- 
tentions with  most  crafty  and  desperate  efforts  of  uncon- 
stitutional power,  continued  by  the  most  unrelenting 


persecution  of  every  rank  and  of  every  sex  for  almost 
half  a  century.  At  the  conclusion  of  such  a  distressful 
season,  the  State  ecclesiastical  could  not  at  once  assume 
that  comely  order  to  which  it  has  now  attained ;  and  for 
the  first  12  years  of  the  present  Presbyterian  establish- 
ment, the  number  was  so  few  of  faithful  ministers,  that, 
except  parochial  sessions,  the  Presbytery  of  Moray  was 
the  only  ecclesiastical  jurisdiction  in  the  Province.  In  a 
meeting  of  which  at  Forres  in  June  1702,  they  were  then 
first  able  to  make  up  three  Presbyteries,  one  comprehend- 
ing those  of  Inverness,  Nairn,  and  Forres ;  another  Elgin, 
Aberlaur,  and  Abernethie ;  and  that  of  Strathbogie  nearly 
as  it  has  since  remained,  and  in  consequence  of  this  the 
Synod  for  the  first  time  met  in  the  month  of  October 

In  1708  the  Presbytery  of  Forres,  which  is  now  to  be 
considered,  was  first  established,  which  until  the  year 
1733  comprehended  also  the  parishes  of  Auldern,  Nairn, 
and  Ardclach. 

The  stipend  of  Kinloss,  by  decreet  1789,  is  £46  8s.  3d. 
— 56  bolls  of  bear,  and  40  bolls  of  oatmeal.  The  right  of 
patronage  is  shared  between  the  Earl  of  Moray  and  Miss 
Brodie  of  Lethin.  The  salary  of  the  School  is  £2  16s.  4d., 
and  7  bolls  and  3  pecks  of  bear,  and  £2  as  the  fee  of  the 
session-clerk,  with  the  customary  dues  of  from  40  to  60 
scholars.  The  number  of  poor  on  the  parish  roll  in  the 
year  1776  was  34 ;  the  supply  raised  for  their  provision 
was  £6  11s.  6d.  In  the  year  1786  they  had  increased  to 
57,  and  the  fund  has  also  risen  to  £17  10s.  2d.  In  1796 
the  number  had  fallen  down  nearly  to  the  first  statement, 
being  only  36,  and  the  fund  only  decreased  to  £12  9s.  It 
is  wholly  formed  by  the  contributions  of  the  people  at 
their  meetings  for  social  worship,  in  the  Church,  the  hire 
they  pay  for  the  pall,  and  such  fines  as  the  Session  can 
exact  for  immoralities.  The  members  of  the  National 
Church  amount  to  1 023 :  there  are  about  9  Seceders  of 
the  Antiburgher  sect,  and  2  of  the  Nonjuror  Episcopalian 

Miscellaneous  Infomnat ion. — A  slip,  or  ridge  of  ground 
along  the  shore  on  the  western  side  of  the  river  Erne, 
appertains  to  this  parish  and  to  the  estate  of  Muirtown. 
About  100  years  ago,  the  river,  similar  to  what  has  been 
mentioned  of  the  ancient  termination  of  the  Spey,  and  of 


the  present  influx  of  the  Lossy,  flowed  westward  nearly  6 
miles,  converging  with  the  shore.  When  the  river  gained 
its  present  direct  course,  this  ground  by  the  water  stag- 
nate in  its  former  bed  became  an  island,  for  many  years 
affording  secure  pasturage  for  sheep  and  cattle ;  but  by 
the  drifting  of  the  sand,  this  ancient  channel  is  now  filled 
up,  so  as  to  be  an  island  only  during  high  water,  divested 
of  much  of  its  accommodation,  and  the  pasturage  greatly 
injured  by  the  overspreading  sand. 

Prior  to  the  year  1701,  the  town  of  Findhorn,  regularly 
built,  stood  upon  a  pleasant  plain,  a  mile  north-west  from 
its  present  situation,  and  now  the  bottom  of  the  sea.  The 
irruption,  though  completed  in  one  night,  and  by  one  tide, 
had  long  been  apprehended,  and  the  inhabitants  had 
gradually  withdrawn.  It  is  probable,  that  the  drifting 
sand  accumulated  by  the  united  power  of  wind  and  tide, 
dammed  back  the  river,  forcing  open  its  present  course, 
and  overwhelming  the  village.  At  that  time,  a  level  moor 
stretched  in  a  right  line  along  the  shore  from  Findhorn 
to  Burghead,  for  the  distance  only  of  5  miles.  The 
encroachments  of  the  sea  in  a  semi-circular  bay  has  made 
the  distance  now  by  land  a  little  more  than  10.  The 
inhabitants  of  Findhorn  were  in  a  great  measure  supplied 
with  fuel  from  this  moor,  the  cutting  up  of  which  might 
have  been  the  cause  of  the  encroachment.  On  this  moor, 
near  the  shore,  stood  a  conical  Mount,  evidently  artificial, 
about  40  fathoms  high:  it  was  called  the  Douff hillock, 
and  afforded  a  view  of  the  Firth  and  the  whole  countn- 
around.  An  old  man,  still  alive,  has  gathered  berries 
among  the  heath  around  its  base.  Many  roots  and  trunks 
of  oak  and  fir  trees  were  then  found  in  the  moor,  and  a 
few  are  still  dug  in  the  moss  of  Hatton,  confirming  the 
truth  of  the  tradition,  that  a  forest  once  occupied  what  is 
now  the  bottom  of  the  sea,  and  the  downs  between  Find- 
horn  and  Duffus.  The  sand-banks  oppose  a  feeble  barrier 
to  the  power  of  every  storm  from  the  north,  by  which 
they  are  themselves  forced  farther  on  the  shore,  and  banks 
of  peat-earth  are  thereby  discovered  C  or  8  feet  below  the 
sand.  Within  the  flood-mark  of  the  Bay  of  Findhorn, 
where  the  estate  of  Muirtown  borders  with  West  Grange, 
in  the  year  1787,  extensive  beds  of  peat  earth  were  dis- 
covered, deemed  such  a  treasure  at  the  first  as  to  excite  a 
law-suit,  as  on  the  records  of  the  sheriff  court,  between 
VOL.  ii.  11 


the  landlord  and  his  tenants,  even  for  the  duration  of  the 
current  leases  ;  but  after  the  commencement  of  the  litiga- 
tion, it  was  found  this  fuel  had  such  an  offensive  smell, 
and  corrosive  power  on  kitchen  utensils  of  copper  and 
iron,  as  to  be  absolutely  improper  for  any  domestic 
purpose.  This  peat  was  found  at  2  or  3  feet  under  the 
sand,  not  in  a  continuous  bed,  but  in  detached  banks,  as 
if  covered  by  sand  when  formerly  used,  in  a  period  beyond 
the  remembrance  of  the  passing  generation. 

Within  the  Bay,  near  the  course  of  the  river,  is  the 
"  yaar,"  probably  the  yard  fishery,  principally  of  salmon. 
It  is  an  enclosure,  formed  of  stakes  wattled  with  twigs  or 
brush-wood.  At  high  water,  the  fish  swim  over  the  fence ; 
but,  heedless  of  the  gradual  reflux  of  the  tide,  their  retreat 
cut  off,  they  are  left  gasping  on  the  sand.  This  fishery  is 
supposed  to  have  been  the  device  of  the  brethren  of  the 
Abbey.  On  its  dissolution,  the  "  yaar  "  was  acquired  by  the 
community  of  Forres,  and  was  then  placed  a  mile  nearer 
to  the  town,  and  still  pays  4s.  4d.  of  the  stipend  of  that 
parish.  The  vestiges  of  three  different  "yaars"  may  be  still 
traced  on  the  sands.  From  8  to  12  barrel  of  salmon  used 
formerly  to  be  the  produce ;  and  it  was  let  at  the  rent  of 
£6  in  the  year;  but  the  proprietor's  estate  afforded  wood 
for  its  repair,  of  which  at  present  no  vestige  remains. 
The  "  yaar  "  therefore  is  not  kept  in  very  good  repair,  and  it 
is  supposed  to  be  injudiciously  placed.  It  has  accordingly 
failed  much  in  its  returns,  which  probably  will  not  be 
recovered,  till  the  rising  plantations  afford  materials  at 
hand  for  its  necessities.  On  some  occasions,  herrings,  but 
rarely,  have  been  found  inclosed. 

How  far  the  industry  and  device  of  man,  in  conjunction 
with  the  ravage  of  the  fish  upon  each  other,  and  on  their 
respective  roes,  may  tend  to  diminish  their  numbers  on 
the  whole,  seems  as  yet  to  be  more  apprehended  than 
ascertained.  A  small  premium  for  the  destruction  of  the 
more  voracious  kinds  upon  the  coasts  of  Britain  might  be 
perhaps  not  improperly  conjoined  with  the  prohibitonr 
statutes  respecting  black-fish.]  (Survey  of  the  Province 
of  Moray.} 


Next  southward  is 

THE    PAEISH   OF   FORBES,       . 

Far-uis,  i.e.,  near  the  water.  The  parish  ex- 
tendeth  from  the  Bay  of  Kinloss  southward  upon 
the  river  3  miles,  and  from  the  east  to  the  river  2 
miles.  The  town  standeth  2  miles  north-west  of 
Kafford,  1^  miles  south  of  Kinloss,  and  2  miles 
east  from  Dyke.  It  is  situated  in  a  pure  and 
wholesome  air,  on  a  rising  ground,  sloping  to 
the  south  and  north,  and  commandeth  a  charm- 
ing view  of  the  Firth  and  the  adjacent  country. 
It  consists  of  one  street  from  east  to  west  of  well 
built  and  convenient  houses. 

In  the  middle  standeth  the  Tolbooth,  adorned 
with  a  steeple  of  modern  work  and  a  clock. 

Near  the  west  end  standeth  the  Church,  and 
beyond  it  the  Castle  Hill,  which,  with  some  lands 
about  it,  has  been  the  property  of  the  Dunbars, 
Sheriffs  of  Moray,  since  about  the  year  1450,  and 
belongs  now  to  Sir  James  Grant  of  Grant. 

In  the  parish  to  landward  the  House  of  Tanachie 
standeth  at  the  head  of  the  Bay,  the  seat  of  Alex. 
Tulloch  of  Tanachie,  whose  family  have  enjoyed 
these  lands  above  250  years.  A  part  of  the  lands 
of  Tanachie  have  lately  been  sold  to  Urquhart ; 
and  Loggie,  in  the  south  of  the  parish,  formerly 
the  property  of  Tulloch  of  Tanachie,  now  belongs 
to  Sir  James  Grant  of  Grant,  and  is  called  Cot- 
hall.  Here  there  are  a  neat  house  and  valuable 


improvements.  Near  to  Tanachie  is  Bogtounr 
the  small  heritage  of  a  cadet  of  Tanachie's  family. 
Close  by  Bogtoun  is  West  Grange,  a  part  of  the 
estate  of  Dunbar  of  Grange.  To  the  west  of  the 
town  is  Bennageth,  a  small  feu  belonging  to 
Alexander  Lesly ;  and  west  thereof  is  Mundole, 
which  has  often  changed  masters,  and  now  per- 
taineth  to  Sir  James  Grant  of  Grant.  Below 
Mundole,  on  the  side  of  the  river,  is  the  GriesTiipy 
purchased  by  David  Laird  of  Brodie  from  Suther- 
land of  Duffus  about  the  year  1620,  and  is  now 
the  property  of  the  Laird  of  Brodie.  It  was 
anciently  a  part  of  the  estate  of  Lauder  of 
Quarrelwood,  whose  heiress  brought  it  to  Chis- 
liolm,  and  his  heiress  to  Sutherland.  A  half 
mile  south  of  the  town  is  the  House  of  Sancharr 
the  seat  of  Duncan  Urquhart  of  Burdsyards. 
This  is  an  ancient  branch  of  the  Urquharts  of 
Croinarty.  I  find  in  an  indenture  between 
William  Thane  of  Calder  and  Hutcheon  Bose, 
Baron  of  Kilravock,  dated  at  Forres  21  June, 
1482 ;  Alexander  Urquhart  of  Burdsyards  is  a 
witness.  The  family  is  still  in  a  flourishing  way. 
West  of  Sanchar  are  the  lands  of  Benneferry, 
Cnockomie,  and  some  others  belonging  to  the 
family  of  Moray. 

[For  "  Sweno's  Stone"  see  Military  History.}     (ED.) 

[Situation,  Soil,  Climate. — The  parish  of  Forres,  south- 
ward of  Kinloss,  stretches  across  the  plain,  rather  from 


the  Bay  of  Findern  than  from  the  sea,  till  it  meets  the 
parish  of  Rafford  on  the  south ;  both  occupying  the  breadth 
of  the  low  land  from  that  bay  to  the  bottom  of  the  moun- 
tain. The  parish  is  nearly  in  the  form  of  a  triangle — its 
length  from  east  to  west  about  3  miles,  and  its  breadth 
from  north  to  south  nearly  6.  The  Royal  Burgh,  giving  its 
name  to  the  parish,  is  placed  on  a  rising  ground,  nearly  in 
its  middle.  The  name  denoting  upon  or  near  to  water, 
and  the  appearance  of  the  ground,  give  reason  to  suppose 
that  the  River  Findern  might  have  originally  held  its 
course  nearer  to  the  town,  and  a  considerable  stream  from 
the  southern  mountain  runs  close  by  the  houses  on  its 
northern  side.  The  south  and  south-east  parts  of  the 
parish  are  hilly,  covered  with  short  heath  and  furze,  but 
by  much  the  greater  part  is  one  continued  rich,  well- 
cultivated  field.  The  climate  is  inferior  to  no  part  of 
Scotland;  the  air  is  serene,  healthful,  and  dry.  The 
town  commands  an  extensive  prospect  of  a  fertile  country, 
embellished  by  the  seats  of  many  neighbouring  pro- 

State  of  Property. — The  parish  is  shared  among  nine 
proprietors,  besides  the  lands  belonging  to  the  town,  and 
some  smaller  proprietors  holding  of  the  burgh.  The  Earl 
of  Moray  has  Knockowney,  Flewis,  and  Belnaferry, 
amounting  in  the  Cess-Book  to  £290  18s.  lOd.  The 
estate  of  Sanchar  and  Burdsyards,  appertaining  to  George 
Grant,  Esq.,  amounts  to  £1,030  7s.  2d.  The  lands  of 
Grieshop,  belonging  to  John  Gordon  of  Edintore,  Esq.,  are 
£432  15s.  4d.  The  estate  of  Belnageith,  belonging  to 
Alexander  Leslie,  Esq.,  is  £225  3s.  4d.  Alex.  Penrose 
Ouming  of  Altyr  and  Gordonstown  has  Mundole  and 
Cotehall,  £126  9s.  6d.  Alexander  Urquhart,  Esq.,  has 
Tannachy,  £261  12s.  9d.  Joseph  Dunbar  of  Grange,  Esq., 
has  a  valuation  of  £213  8s.  8d. ;  and  John  Brander  of 
Pitgaveny,  Esq.,  has  Waterford,  valued  at  £117  13s.  5d., 
in  which,  however,  the  valuation  also  of  Cotehall  seems  to 
be  included.  The  whole  valued  rent  of  the  parish  amounts 
to  £2,954  6s.  6d.  Scots. 

The  farms  are  not  of  very  great  extent,  few  or  none 
exceeding  60  or  80  acres.  In  the  neighbourhood  of  the 
town  lands  let  from  £2  10s.  to  £3  sterling  the  acre.  These 
are  principally  farmed  by  horse-hirers,  and  are  chiefly  in 
grass ;  and  by  the  high  wages  they  get  for  the  hire  of 


their  horses,  are  enabled  to  pay  this  enormous  price  for 
land.  In  the  country  part  of  the  parish  the  average  rent 
will  not  exceed  £1  10s.  the  acre. 

Forres  is  a  handsome,  well-built  town — the  high  street 
from  east  to  west  about  one  mile  in  length — near  the 
middle  is  the  town-house  and  jail,  a  pretty  high  square 
tower,  and  a  kind  of  timber  spire.  It  is  not  known  when 
it  was  erected  into  a  royal  burgh.  The  charter  granted 
by  James  IV.,  dated  June  23,  1496,  narrates — "  That  the 
ancient  charters  have  been  destroyed  in  the  time  of  war, 
or  by  the  violence  of  tire,  and  grants  of  new  in  free 
burgage  with  the  lands  formerly  belonging  to  the  com- 
munity, particularly  the  lands  called  Griveship,  Baillie- 
lands,  Meikle  Bog,  with  the  King's  Meadow,  Lobranstowu, 
with  Crealties  and  Ramflat,  and  common  pasturage  in  the 
Forest  of  Drumondside  and  Tulloch ;  with  power  annually 
to  elect  a  Provost,  Bailies,  and  other  magistrates  and 
officers  necessary,  and  to  constitute  the  Provost  and 
Bailies  Sheriffs  within  the  burgh  and  its  liberties,  and 
discharge  the  Sheriff  of  the  shire  of  Elgin  and  Forres,  to 
exercise  his  office  within  the  said  burgh  or  its  liberties ; 
with  power  to  have  a  cross,  a  weekly  market,  and  an 
annual  fair  to  continue  for  eight  days,  with  all  and  sundry 
other  privileges  and  immunities  of  a  free  burgh,  &c." 

The  number  of  the  Council  is  17 — Provost,  Bailies, 
Dean  of  Guild,  and  Treasurer  included.  The  old  Council 
chooses  the  new,  and  the  new  Council  chooses  the  magis- 
trates, and  puts  them  off,  or  continues  them,  as  they  see 
cause.  The  burgesses,  inhabitants,  or  proprietors  in  the 
country,  may  be  chosen  into  the  Council,  timely  notice 
being  given  by  the  drum  and  other  customary  advertise- 
ments. The  revenue  is  nearly  £100  sterling  a  year,  and 
with  the  towns  of  Nairn,  Inverness,  and  Fortrose  in  the 
county  of  Ross,  has  a  representative  in  the  House  of 

State  Ecclesiastical. — The  yearly  value  of  the  living  is 
98  bolls  of  bear,  20  of  meal,  and  £40  16s.  8d.  sterling, 
with  a  glebe  of  4  acres,  and  a  manse  and  offices  in  town. 
The  Earl  of  Moray  is  patron.  The  burying-ground  is  on 
the  north  side  of  the  street,  near  the  west  end,  where  the 
Church  also  stands — a  heavy  building,  without  a  steeple. 
It  was  built  in  1775,  and  is  72  by  36  feet  within  walls, 
and  may  contain  1,800  people.  The  members  of  the 


Established  Church  are  about  2,987,  from  which  there  is 
only  to  be  deducted  a  few  Seceders,  who  are  not  increasing. 

The  provision  for  the  poor  arises  chiefly  from  the  charity 
of  those  who  attend  the  Church.  Mr.  Alexander  Watt, 
the  last  minister,  left  a  donation  to  the  poor  of  about 
£200  sterling.  The  whole,  with  the  sum  of  £15,  being 
the  interest  of  money  left  under  the  direction  of  the  Town 
Council,  and  divided  among  the  poor  within  the  town, 
amounts  to  about  £55  sterling  a  year,  and  is  distributed 
among  125  persons,  many  of  whom  are  heads  of  families. 

There  is  a  Grammar  School  in  the  town,  where  Latin, 
Greek,  French,  and  the  various  branches  of  the  mathe- 
matics, are  at  present  taught  with  great  success,  and  a 
young  gentleman  may  have  board  and  education  for  £20 
a  year.  To  this  the  school  for  reading  English,  writing, 
and  arithmetic,  has  been  of  late  conjoined,  under  the  care 
of  the  same  master,  assisted  by  an  usher.  The  conjoined 
salary  is  equal  to  £35  sterling  yearly,  and  the  fees  of 
generally  more  than  100  scholars,  besides  those  girls  who 
attend  at  a  stated  separate  hour  in  the  day. 

There  is  likewise  a  boarding  school  for  young  ladies, 
where  the  various  branches  of  needle-work,  music,  and 
other  parts  of  female  education  are  taught.  The  mistress 
has  a  salary  from  the  town  of  £16  a  year,  and  a  young 
lady  may  have  every  requisite  accommodation  for  £15  a 
year.  Music  is  taught  for  2  guineas  a  year,  gum-flowers 
for  4  guineas,  tambour  for  £1,  and  plain  work  for  10s. 
Particular  attention  is  paid  to  the  morals,  and  to  impress 
the  minds  of  the  young  people  of  both  sexes  with  proper 
sentiments  of  honour  and  discretion ;  and  from  the  abili- 
ties of  the  present  teachers,  and  the  attention  paid  by  the 
Magistrates,  and  the  healthy  situation  of  the  town,  there 
is  not  anywhere,  perhaps,  a  more  eligible  place  for  the 
education  of  youth.  Besides  these  established  schools 
there  are  private  teachers  both  for  girls  and  boys,  to 
whom  some  small  donations  are  also  made  by  the  Magis- 
trates for  their  encouragement.  In  one  the  pianoforte, 
and  some  of  the  other  branches  of  female  accomplishment, 
are  taught  for  half  the  dues  of  the  public  establishment. 

Miscellaneous  Information. — There  are  in  Forres  60 
merchants  and  shop  keepers.  The  only  manufactures 
earried  on  are  for  the  supply  of  the  town  and  its  vicinity, 
except  the  spinning  of  linen  yarn,  which  has  for  20  years 


back  brought  a  considerable  supply  of  money  into  the 
country.  The  merchants  are  in  the  use  of  buying  the 
yarn  and  sending  it  to  Glasgow,  where  there  is  a  ready 
sale,  unless  the  market  be  overstocked  with  Irish  yarn, 
which  only  on  account  of  its  cheapness  is  at  certain  times 
preferred.  But  since  the  year  1784  this  trade  has  been 
gradually  declining,  owing  to  the  increase  of  the  number 
of  machines  for  spinning  cotton,  and  many  of  those 
formerly  employed  in  spinning  yarn  for  sale  now  spin 
Dutch  flax  for  the  manufacturing  companies  of  Aberdeen 
and  Inverness.  In  the  year  1784  one  merchant  sent 
23,290  spindles  to  Glasgow,  collected  in  Forres  and  in  its 
vicinity,  the  other  dealers  in  this  article  sent  about 
47,000,  which,  at  the  rate  of  2s.  for  spinning,  produced 
£7,092  sterling. 

The  River  Findern  and  the  brook  at  Forres  are  the 
only  streams  in  the  parish.  The  fish  found  in  the  River 
and  Bay  of  Findern  are  salmon,  trout,  eels,  and  flounders ; 
haddocks  are  got  in  the  firth,  and  sold  in  the  town  and 
country  around.  The  quantity  of  salmon  exported  from 
Forres,  upon  the  average  of  the  ten  years  from  1773  to 
1783,  was  300  barrels  yearly,  besides  the  home  consumpt, 
not  very  considerable.  It  is  sold  at  4d.  the  Ib. 

The  River  Findern  is  navigable  for  boats  no  farther 
than  the  tide  flows.  The  distance  from  the  town  to  the 
harbour  does  not  exceed  three  miles,  and  the  tide  flows 
more  than  half  that  distance,  and  the  low  ground  at  the 
bottom  of  the  eminence  on  which  the  town  stands  does 
not  exceed  the  level  of  half  tide  by  14  feet,  and  that 
depth  of  canal  would  carry  vessels  to  the  town,  and  the 
canal  would  be  kept  clear  by  the  brook.  There  is  hardly 
any  place,  therefore,  where  there  is  more  encouragement 
to  make  a  canal,  did  the  commerce  of  the  town  require  it. 
The  flux  of  the  tide  covers  a  triangular  piece  of  ground, 
the  Bay  of  Findhern,  wholly  dry  at  low  water,  except  the 
channel  of  the  river,  and  a  little  space  at  the  inlet;  it 
contains  about  one  thousand  acres  of  a  stiff  clay  soil,  dis- 
tinguished by  the  epithet  of  carse  ground,  a  part,  however, 
being  a  fine  compact  sand,  with  light  particles  of  earth 
deposited  by  the  floods.  All  this  might,  at  an  expense 
inconsiderable  compared  with  its  value,  be  easily  recovered 
from  the  sea,  a  bar  of  sand  stretching  across  the  mouth  of 
the  river  would  prevent  the  violence  of-  any  surge  upon 


the  embankment  which  would  be  required.  There  is  one 
quarry  of  limestone  upon  Mr.  Cuming's  estate,  but  being 
mixed  with  other  matters,  it  has  never  been  used  in  any 
considerable  quantities.]  (Survey  of  Province  of  Moray. ,) 


[This  town  must  have  been  a  place  of  some  note  at  a 
very  early  period.  It  is,  in  all  probability,  the  Varris  of 
Ptolemy's  chart.  And  Boethius,  so  early  as  the  year  535. 
makes  mention  of  it  as  a  burgh  having  merchants,  who, 
for  some  trifling  cause,  were  put  to  death,  and  their  goods 
confiscated  to  the  King's  use.  Far-ius  (near  the  water), 
is  probably  the  Gaelic  derivation  of  the  name.  During 
the  9th  and  10th  centuries  it  was  frequently  visited  by 
the  Scottish  Kings.  Donald,  the  son  of  Constantine,  was 
slain  at  Forres.  Malcolm  frequently  resided  in  the  neigh- 
bourhood, and  was  killed  in  959  at  Ulern,  which  Shaw 
supposes  is  Aldern  [others  opine  Blervie  Castle].  King 
Duffus  was  murdered  in  the  Castle  of  Forres  by  Donevald 
{Donald],  the  governor,  about  the  year  966.  His  body 
being  interred  under  the  bridge  of  Kinloss.*  After  the 
establishment  of  the  bishoprick,  however,  Forres  does  not 
seem  to  have  increased,  or  indeed  kept  up  its  consequence 
so  much  as  Elgin,  which  then  became  the  centre  of  the 
•ecclesiastical  establishments  of  the  Province,  and  the  resort 
of  the  country  gentry.  The  consequence  is,  that  we  find 
fewer  remains  of  antiquity,  either  domestic  or  ecclesi- 
astical, about  Forres  than  in  the  latter.  It  was  the  seat 
of  the  Archdean  [Archdeacon],  however,  and  had  a  Par- 
sonage dedicated  to  St.  Laurence.  [The  remains  of  this 
residence  are  at  the  north-west  corner  of  Gordon  Street, 
which  was  built  on  the  site  of  the  one  burnt  in  May,  1390, 
along  with  St.  Laurence's  Church,  by  the  Wolfe  of  Bade- 
noch.]  There  was  a  chapel,  also,  [dedicated  to  St.  Leonard] 
&  mile  south  of  the  town  [where  the  foundations  yet 
remain]  and  one  at  Logie. 

The  ancient  charters  of  the  burgh  having  been  destroyed 
by  fire,  a  new  one  was  granted  by  James  IV.  in  the  year 
1496  [with  all  the  privileges  of  a  Royal  Burgh]. 

The  town  is  pleasantly  situated  on  a  fertile  plain,  with 
undulating  hilly  ground  to  the  south,  and  a  sloping  valley, 
extending  by  a  gentle  declivity  to  the  north,  where  the 
•*  Boethius,  Buchanan. 


River  Findhorn,  sweeping  round  from  the  south-west, 
forms  an  estuary  with  the  sea.  Findhom,  the  sea-port  of 
the  burgh,  lies  on  the  north  point  of  this  estuary,  3  miles 
distant,  and  the  ruins  of  Kinloss  are  situated  on  the 
margin  of  the  winding  bay. 

The  town  consists  of  one  long  street,  extending  from 
east  to  west,  with  lanes  or  closses  running  off  on  each 
side.  On  the  east  is  the  Cluny  Hill,  a  conspicuous  object, 
with  a  tower  on  the  summit. 

In  the  centre  of  the  town  is  the  new  jail,  a  very  hand- 
some structure  recently  erected.  The  old  jail,  which 
occupied  the  same  position,  was  built  about  the  year 
1700,  and  20  years  afterwards,  by  the  subscriptions  of  the 
spirited  burgesses,  four  pyramids,  and  a  central  dome  with 
a  clock,  were  added. 

The  Church,  at  the  western  extremity  of  the  main 
street,  is  a  plain  building  [having  a  double  belfry,  con- 
taining two  poor  bells,  good  enough  for  such  a  meagre 
establishment.  The  former  Church  of  St.  Laurence  was 
on  this  stance.] 

Anderson's  Institution,*  an  educational  establishment 
for  the  youth  of  the  burgh,  is  a  neat  and  commodious 
structure,  erected  within  the  last  20  years  from  a  fund 
left  by  a  native  of  the  town. 

The  Trafalgar  Monument,  an  octagonal  tower  of  three 
storeys,  and  b'6  feet  in  height,  was  built  on  the  Cluny 
Hill  by  subscription  in  1806-7,  in  memory  of  Lord  Nel- 
son's naval  victory.  It  contains  several  apartments,  where 
an  anniversary  dinner  is  held  to  commemorate  the  event 
which  gave  rise  to  its  erection.  [The  first  room  has  a  recess 
containing  a  marble  bust  of  Nelson.  The  other  flats  are 
empty.  Outside  on  panels  are  carved — "  In  memory  of 
Admiral  Lord  Nelson.  Nile,  1st  August,  1798;  Copen- 
hagen, 2nd  April,  1801 ;  Trafalgar,  21st  August,  1805."] 
The  view  from  the  top  of  this  [octagonal]  tower  embraces 
the  richly  wooded  and  fertile  plains  to  the  west,  through 
which  winds  the  River  Findhorn,  the  undulating  hills  to 
the  south,  a  large  open  country  to  the  east,  and  the  blue 
waters  of  the  ocean  flowing  up  on  the  north,  bounded  in 

*  Jonathan  Anderson  disponed  in  1814  to  the  Magistrate* 
and  Council  of  Torres  his  lands  of  Cowlairs,  near  Glasgow,  for* 
a  Free  Charity  School  for  the  parishes  of  Forres,  Eafford,  and 
Kinloss.  (ED.) 


the  distance  by  the  Sutherland  and  Ross-shire  hills,  and 
the  two  Soutors  which  guard  the  entrance  to  the  Bay  of 
Cromarty,  forming  a  combination  of  rich  and  varied 
scenery,  which  few  situations  can  rival. 

The  Castle  Hill  is  a  green  mound  at  the  western  ter- 
mination of  the  town,  surmounted  by  a  few  dilapidated 
walls,  the  only  remains  of  what  must,  at  one  period,  have 
been  a  bold  and  stately  Castle— a  place  of  defence  and 
safety,  and  frequently  the  abode  of  Royalty.  It  is  said 
that  after  the  foul  murder  of  King  Duffus  within  its  walls, 
it  was  demolished.  In  the  course  of  time,  however,  it 
must  have  been  rebuilt.  In  1346,  Randolph,  Earl  of 
Moray,  dates  his  charters  from  it.  During  some  subse- 
quent period,  the  Urquharts  of  Cromarty  were  appointed 
heritable  keepers  of  it.  In  still  later  times  it  became  the 
property  of  the  Dunbars  of  Westfield  [who  for  300  years 
held  the  office  of  hereditary  Sheriffs  of  Moray,  and  had 
the  Castle  as  their  official  residence.]  It  passed  into  the 
possession  of  the  Earl  of  Seafield  [and  is  now  the  property 
of  Sir  Charles  Roderick  MacGregor,  London.]  Like  the 
Castle  on  Lady  Hill  at  Elgin,  it  was  in  all  probability  a 
strong  square  tower  with  battlements,  and  a  moat  sur- 
rounding it,  and  served  as  a  place  of  defence  and  safety 
during  those  turbulent  periods. 

[The  ruins  which  occupy  the  centre  are  no  part  of  the 
old  Castle,  but  are  the  abortive  attempt  of  William  Dawsori, 
Provost  of  Forres,  about  1712,  to  build  a  town-house, 
which  never  reached  beyond  the  first  storey.  The  apart- 
ments are  arched  and  lighted  with  small  square  windows, 
which  had  been  guarded  by  iron  stanchions,  which  have 
been  taken  away ;  and  although  a  coating  of  grass  and 
mould  protects  the  arches,  they  are  rapidly  yielding  to 
decay.  The  foundations  of  the  old  Castle,  which  were  of 
more  extensive  proportions  than  the  stance  of  Dawsori 's 
Town-House,  were  exposed  while  the  slopes  on  the  north- 
west were  -being  planted  with  trees  some  years  ago. 

On  the  level  space  between  the  ruins  and  the  western 
slope  of  the  Castle  Hill,  stands  an  Obelisk  of  Peterhead 
granite,  65  feet  high,  erected  by  public  subscription  in 
1857.  The  reason  of  its  erection  here  is  that  the  projec- 
tors, having  been  refused  a  suitable  site  in  Dr.  Thomson's 
native  town  of  Cromarty,  his  friend,  Sir  C.  R.  MacGregor, 
who  took  a  leading  part  in  the  subscription  for  the  Monu- 


ment,  made  offer  of  a  site  on  the  Castle  Hill  of  Forres, 
which  was  accepted  by  the  subscribers. 

The  western  face  of  the  die  bears  this  inscription : — 

To  the  memory  of  Assistant-Surgeon  James  Thomson,  born 
nt  Cromarty  on  the  8th  March,  1823,  and  deceased  in  the 
Crimea  on  the  5th  of  October,  1 854.  He  was  with  the  54th 
Regiment  at  Malta  in  1850,  when  the  cholera  broke  out,  and 
shortly  proved  fatal  to  all  the  surgeons  of  the  corps,  himself 
alone  excepted.  The  skill,  fortitude,  and  humanity  displayed 
by  him  in  arresting  the  progress  of  that  disease  gained  for  him 
the  praise  of  the  Commander-in-Chief.  He  was  present  with 
the  same  regiment  at  the  Battle  of  Alma  in  1854,  and  a  few 
days  afterwards,  when  the  British  were  leaving  the  field,  he 
volunteered  to  remain  behind  with  700  desperately  wounded 
Russians.  Isolated  from  his  countrymen,  endangered  by  the 
vicinity  of  large  bodies  of  Cossacks  ill  supplied  with  food,  and 
exposed  to  the  risk  of  pestilence,  he  succeeded  in  restoring  to 
health  about  400  of  the  enemy,  and  embarking  them  for 
Odessa.  He  then  died  from  the  effects  of  excessive  hardships 
and  privation.  This  public  monument  is  erected  as  a  tribute 
of  respect  for  the  virtue  of  an  officer  whose  life  was  useful,  and 
whose  death  was  glorious. 

Opposite  the  gate  by  which  access  is  got  to  the  Castle 
Hill  is  Auchernack  Cottage,  belonging  to  the  Misses  Grant. 
Here  formerly  stood  the  humble  dwelling  of  James  Dick. 
the  founder  of  "  The  Dick  Bequest."  He  left  his  native 
parish  in  early  life  and  went  to  America,  where  he 
accumulated  a  large  fortune,  and  at  his  death  in  1828  he 
bequeathed  £140,000,  by  which  the  parochial  school- 
masters in  the  counties  of  Aberdeen,  Banff,  and  Moray  each 
receive  from  £20  to  £30  yearly.  The  Bequest  is  managed 
by  the  Society  of  Writers  to  the  Signet,  Edinburgh. 
Dick's  father  was  a  shoemaker  and  leather  merchant,  and 
a  burgess  and  burgh-heritor,  owning  a  close  of  houses  and 
residing  in  the  front  one,  which  was  an  unpretending  but 
and  a  ben,  with  open  fire-ingle.  Above  the  door  was  a 
freestone  lintel,  with  the  initials  A.D.,  E.D.,  for  Alexander- 
Dick  and  Elizabeth  Dick — the  father  and  the  mother— 
with  the  date  1742.  The  lintels  and  rybats  of  the  door- 
way were,  on  the  demolition  of  Dick's  house,  cared  for  by 
John  Miller  of  the  Forres  Gazette,  who  had  them  built 
into  the  wall  of  the  Clunyhill  Cemetery,  in  his  own  family 
burying-ground,  for  preservation.  Also  in  his  printing- 


office  he  has  preserved  the  flag-stone  on  which  the  great 
educational  benefactor's  cradle  was  rocked — the  only  bit 
of  pavement  in  the  kitchen,  conveniently  embedded  in 
the  clay  floor  by  the  ingle-side. 

Valetudinarians  at  the  Clunyhill  Hydropathic  Estab- 
lishment may  be  interested  in  the  Suspension  Bridge 
which  crosses  the  Findhorn,  built  in  1831,  at  a  cost  of 
£10,000,  from  plans  by  Sir  Samuel  Brown,  R.N. 

The  Market  Cross  is  rather  a  striking  attraction  in  the 
middle  of  High  Street.  It  was  erected  in  1844  at  a  cost 
of  £180,  from  designs  by  Thomas  Mackenzie,  Elgin. 

East  of  the  Cross  is  the  Toivn-House,  with  tower  and 
clock,  having  illuminated  dial-plates.  In  the  court-room 
is  a  painting,  by  Cranmer,  of  the  Riding  of  the  Marches 
by  the  Provost,  Magistrates,  and  Town  Council  in  1840. 
Behind  the  bench  is  a  stained-glass  window,  having  St. 
Laurence  standing  on  a  gridiron,  gifted  by  Smith  of  Coli- 
thie,  near  Huntly,  a  native  of  Forres.  In  the  Council 
Chamber  is  a  painting  of  the  tournament  held  at  St. 
John's  Mead  in  the  14th  century,  also  executed  by 
Cranmer,  presented  by  the  Earl  of  Fife. 

The  Agricultural  Hall,  erected  in  18G7  at  a  cost  of 
£1,700,  and  the  Mechanics  Institute,  having  a  library  of 
3,000  volumes,  and  a  collection  of  local  pictures,  are  worth 

The  Hard  Moor,  to  the  westward  of  Forres,  which 
commences  after  crossing  the  Findhorn,  is  the  traditional 
region  where  Macbeth  met  the  witches;  while  he  and 
Banquo  journeyed  from  the  Western  Islands  to  meet  King 
Duncan  at  the  Castle  of  Forres.  Such  is  the  wonderful 
power  of  Shakespeare,  that  out  of  a  few  meagre  and 
uncertain  legends,  he  has  ri vetted  the  imagination  of 
thousands  to  this  locality.  It  is  indeed  a  "  hard  moor  " 
and  "  blasted  heath  "  even  at  this  present,  and  well  befits 
the  imaginary  scene  of  such  a  supernatural  meeting.  A 
knoll  on  the  south  side  of  the  railway,  crowned  with  a 
group  of  dark  old  pines,  is  pointed  out  where  the  inter- 
view was  held. 

Banquo. — How  far  is't  call'd  to  Forres '(  What  are  these  so 
wither'd  and  so  wild  in  their  attire,  that  look  not  like  th' 
inhabitants  o'  th'  earth,  and  yet  are  on't  ?  Live  you,  or  are 
you  ought  that  man  may  question  1  You  seem  to  understand 
me,  by  each  at  once  her  choppy  finger  laying  upon  her  skinny 


lips.     You  should  be  women ;  and  yet  your  beards  forbid  me 
to  interpret  that  you  are  so. 

Macbeth. — Speak,  if  you  can ;  what  are  you  1 

1st  Witch. — All  hail,  Macbeth  !  hail  to  thee,  Thane  of  Glamis. 

2nd  Witch. — All  hail,  Macbeth !  hail  to  thee,  Thane  of  Cawdor. 

3rd  Witch.— Ml  hail,  Macbeth !  that  shall  be  King  hereafter  ! 

The  Witches'  Stane,  on  the  roadside  in  a  ditch  to  the 
east  of  the  town,  indicates  where  one  of  three  witches 
that  witched  King  Duffus  was  burned  and  buried.  When 
the  adjacent  house  of  Bronte  Place  was  being  built,  or  as 
others  give  out,  while  the  turnpike  road  was  in  progress, 
the  workmen  broke  this  Stone  and  had  part  of  it  built 
into  the  house,  when  the  townspeople,  discovering  the 
vandalism,  caused  it  to  be  clasped  with  iron,  in  which 
state  it  still  remains.  Other  two  Stones  have  long  since 

At  the  old  Toll  Bar,  the  Cross  formerly  stood,  where  is 
the  base  or  socket  of  the  Little  Cross  of  Forres. 

About  1790,  in  levelling  and  paving  the  streets  of 
Forres,  there  was  found  near  the  Cross,  a  good  depth 
under  the  sand,  a  Medallion  of  a  compound  substance  and 
chocolate  colour,  about  2|  inches  diameter,  and  f  of  an 
inch  in  thickness.  On  the  one  side  stood  an  elegant 
female  figure,  like  an  armed  goddess,  but  rather  in  a  civic 
Roman  dress,  having  in  her  hand  a  javelin  or  lance, 
reversed,  with  its  point  touching  the  earth.  She  stood 
between  two  altars.  On  the  one  there  seemed  to  be 
incense  burning,  and  on  the  other  a  dish  like  a  Roman 
ferculum  or  plate  for  food.  On  the  back-ground  of  this 
side  was  an  imitation  of  one  or  two  distant  fleets,  and  the 
inscription  on  this  side  was  CONSERVAT  UTRAMQUE,  i.e., 
she  presemes  each.  On  the  other  side,  two  warriors  in  the 
Roman  dress  (the  short  tunic  of  one  of  them  seeming  to 
be  party-coloured,  by  a  faint  appearance  of  chequering) 
were  in  the  act  of  leaping  on  warlike  instruments  or 
trophies  on  a  globe.  The  inscription  upon  this  side  was 
DURUS  PR^ELATA  TROP^EIS.  It  was  imagined  that  the 
artist  had  by  mistake  put  Duras  for  Duris,  because,  with 
such  a  small  change,  the  two  inscriptions  spoke  sense  and 
grammar,  and  chimed  into  one  hexameter  verse : — CON- 
natural  to  suppose  that  the  female  figure,  with  her  lance 
pointed  down,  was  an  emblem  of  peace,  which  had  pre- 


served  two  fleets  and  nations,  and  that  the  invaders  and 
invaded  had  mutually  preserved  the  blessings  of  peace  to 
their  hard- worn  trophies,  and  sealed  their  treaty  of  amity 
by  such  offerings  on  the  altars  as  were  suitable  to  their 
modes  of  worship. 

This  Medallion  was  transmitted  to  the  Secretary  of  the 
Society  of  Antiquaries,  Edinburgh,  requesting  the  opinion 
of  that  body ;  but  they  took  no  notice  of  this  curious  relic, 
probably  because  they  could  not. 

Had  it  been  found  near  Sweno's  Stone  it  might  possibly 
have  been  connected  therewith. 

A  bullet-shaped  Stone,  weighing  several  cwts.,  was 
found  at  Bahill,  Rafford,  which  was  given  to  Mr.  Matthews 
by  a  former  generation  of  his  family.  On  leaving  Forres 
for  Argyleshire  he  handed  it  to  the  Museum.  This  relic 
is  of  hard  granite,  without  a  single  scar.  Local  antiquaries 
opine  that  it  was  connected  with  the  worship  of  the 
Druids — such  being  in  the  vicinity  of  their  altars ;  sus- 
pected culprits  having  been  placed  in  a  cradle  on  its  top. 
If  the  cradle  rocked  on  the  stone,  the  victim  was  adjudged 
guilty ;  if  it  did  or  would  not  rock,  release  ensued.]  (Eo.) 

The  scenery  on  the  River  Findhorn  is  by  far  the  finest 
in  Moray.  This  mountain-river  takes  its  rise  in  the 
Monad-leadh  Hills,  and  traversing  a  country  of  60  miles  in 
direct  extent,  increased  by  its  windings  of  30  miles  more, 
it  falls  into  the  Moray  Firth.  In  its  course  to  the  sea  it 
struggles  on  through  many  opposing  barriers  of  granite 
mountains — rushing  through  these  narrow  gorges  with  boil- 
ing and  tumultuous  current — now  reposing  its  still  waters 
in  some  round  sweeping  dark  pool,  and  now  patiently  but 
assiduously  wearing  its  way  through  the  dark  red  sand- 
stone cliffs  which  jut  out  from  its  channel,  or  which  range 
in  layer  above  layer,  forming  high  barriers  on  its  banks, 
while  plants  and  shrubs,  and  lofty  trees,  crown  and 
encompass  the  steep  heights,  and  contrast  finely  their 
variegated  green  with  the  deep  red  of  the  cliffs  on  which 
they  grow.  Here,  where  in  some  overshadowed  dells  the 
summer  sun  with  difficulty  penetrates,  is  the  solitary 
abode  of  the  eagle  or  falcon,  or  the  eyries  of  the  congre- 
gated heron,  thickly  perched  among  the  trees ;  while 
during  the  hot  noon,  the  ascending  salmon  rest  by  dozens 
in  the  deep  dark  pools. 

As  the  stream  winds  towards  the  sea  its  course  becomes 


less  interrupted  and  boisterous;  it  now  sweeps  along- 
fertile  meadows  and  wooded  copses,  till  at  last  all  opposi- 
tion giving  way,  it  flows  out  a  broad,  still,  and  placid 
expanse  of  water,  and  meets  the  tides  of  the  ocean  half 
way  up  the  smooth  sandy  bay.  A  low  and  level  district 
surrounds  the  estuary  of  the  Findhorn,  and  during  the 
ever  memorable  floods  of  August,  1829,  such  was  the 
rapidity  of  the  rise  of  the  stream,  now  swelled  into  another 
Amazon,  that  the  whole  plain  to  the  north  and  west  of 
Forres  became  one  sea  of  water,  so  that  a  large  boat,  in 
full  sail,  swept  along  the  fields  to  within  a  few  yards  of 
the  burgh.]  (Rhind's  Sketches  of  Moray.} 


Lieth  south-east  from  Forres.  The  Church 
standeth  near  the  centre,  2  miles  south-east  of 
Forres,  and  5  miles  north-east  of  Edinkyllie.  In 
the  north-east  end  is  the  barony  of  Burgie,  and 
the  seat  of  Joseph  Dunhar  of  Grange,  a  brand i 
of  the  Dunbars  of  Mochrum.  Mr.  Alexander 
Dunbar,  Dean  of  Moray  (and  very  probably  son 
of  Mochram),  was  one  of  the  Lords  of  Session 
anno  1567  (And.  Col.}.  He  married  Katheririe 
Reid,  daughter  of  Thomas  and  niece  of  Robert 
Reid,  Abbot  of  Kinloss,  and  Bishop  of  Orkney, 
and  with  her  got  a  part  of  the  Abbey-lauds,  such 
as  Burgie,  Grange,  &c.  His  son  Thomas  Dunbar 
was  father  of  Robert  of  Grange  by  a  first  marriage, 
and  of  Robert  of  Burgie  by  a  second.  About 
1680  (Burgie  having  run  deep  in  debt  to  his 
cousin),  Grange  got  possession  of  Biirgie  by  ad- 
judication, and  made  it  his  seat.  Below  Burgie 
lieth  Tarras,  which  (with  Clunie  in  the  upper  end 


of  the  parish)  pertaineth  to  the  Earl  of  Moray. 
West  from  Burgle  is  the  barony  of  Blarvie,  a  part 
of  the  Church  or  Bishop's  lands.  It  was  long  the 
heritage  of  the  family  of  Dunbars.  In  the  begin- 
ning of  this  century,  it  was  purchased  by  Alex- 
ander Macintosh,  son  of  John  Macintosh,  bailie 
of  Inverness ;  and  from  him  it  was  purchased  by 
William,  late  Earl  Fife,  and  is  now  the  property 
of  his  son  Captain  Lewis  Duff.  South  from  the 
Church  a  mile  and  a  half,  stands  the  House  of 
Altyre,  the  seat  of  Cuminine  of  Altyre,  reputed 
chief  of  that  name. 

Altyre  House  is  fitted  up  in  the  modern  Italian  style, 
and  has  been  enlarged  and  improved  by  succeeding  baro- 
nets. Where  the  mansion  now  stands  was  a  shooting- 
lodge,  in  front  of  which,  in  1795,  Sir  A.  P.  Gumming  built 
a  residence — to  which  his  son  Sir  William  built  an  east 
wing;  and  in  1859  the  late  Sir  A.  P.  Gordon  Gumming 
added  a  west  wing,  and  other  improvements.  Miss  Cathe- 
rine Sinclair  eulogises  the  spot  "  as  a  perfect  cluster  of 
arbours  and  green-houses,  apparently  a  home  for  the 
muses  and  graces,  for  pleasure,  gaiety,  and  romance ;  but 
never  intended  for  the  mere  vulgar  ordinary  purposes  of 
life.  Within,  without,  and  around,  you  see  nothing  but 
flowers  rushing  in  at  every  window,  covering  every  table, 
and  besetting  all  the  doors.  This  is  the  Gourt  of  Flora 
herself,  and  you  would  suppose  we  had  come  to  a  horti- 
cultural show." 

The  paintings  and  statuary  are  unmatched  in  any  seat 
in  the  Province  of  Moray;  while  the  grounds  and  gardens 
vie  with  the  richest  examples  of  park  scenery  in  this 
country.  There  is  a  beautiful  semicircular  vale  called 
St.  Johns  Mead,  where  was  a  small  Religious  House. 

This  family  represents  the  Earls  of  Badenoch,  whose 
curious  Charters  and  Extracts  of  the  Baron  Court-books 
of  Altyre  have  been  published. 

[In  1657,  Robert  Comyii,  the  Laird  of  Altyre,  married 

VOL.  II.  12 


Lucy,  eldest  daughter  of  Sir  Ludovick  Gordon  of  Gor- 
donston,  through  whom,  on  the  death  of  Sir  William 
Gordon  in  1795,  the  estate  of  Gordonston  devolved  on 
Alexander  Penrose  Gumming  of  Altyre,  who  thereupon 
assumed  the  name  and  arms  of  Gordonston,  and  was 
created  a  Baronet  of  Great  Britain  in  1804,  and  died  in 
1806.  He  was  succeeded  by  Sir  William  Gordon  Gordon 
Gumming,  2nd  Bart,  of  Altyre  and  Gordonston,  who  mar- 
ried a  daughter  of  Campbell  of  Islay,  and  grand-daughter 
of  the  5th  Duke  of  Argyll.  Sir  William  died  in  1854,  and 
was  succeeded  by  his  son,  Sir  Alexander  Penrose  Gordon 
Cumming,  3rd  Bart.,  who  was  born  at  Altyre  in  1816. 
In  1845  he  married  Anne  Pitcairn  Campbell,  only  daughter 
of  the  Rev.  Augustus  Campbell,  Rector  of  Liverpool.  On 
Sir  Alexander's  death  at  Edinburgh  in  1866,  the  present 
Baronet,  Sir  William  Gordon  Gordon  Cumming,  succeeded 
to  the  titles  and  estates,  he  being  then  in  his  19th  year. 

Burgle  Castle  is  a  striking  fabric,  consisting  of  a  square 
tower  of  six  storeys,  built  in  1602,  now  situated  in  the 
garden  of  an  adjoining  mansion  of  three  storeys,  pictur- 
esquely built  partly  from,  the  stones  of  the  old  castle  in 
1702.  The  shrubberies  and  trees  are  beautiful.  Dr.  Wm. 
Gordon,  M.D.,  occupies  Burgie  House. 

Burgin  frequently  occurs  in  the  Registrum  Episcopates 
Moraviense.  It  was  attached  to  the  Abbey  of  Kinloss. 
Alex.  Dunbar  was  the  first  laird  of  the  estate  of  Burgie, 
who  married  Katherine  Reid,  the  niece  of  Robert  Reid, 
the  last  Abbot.  The  date  1662,  with  the  arms  and  initials 
of  these  Dunbars,  are  cut  on  the  chimney-piece  of  the 
hall.  Burgie  is  now  the  possession  of  the  trustees  of 
llobert  Tulloch,  deceased. 

Blervie  Castle  or  Tower  is  about  2£  miles  south-east  of 
Forres,  and  north  of  the  manse  of  Rafford.  A  mere  frag- 
ment now  exists,  excepting  the  square  tower  (containing 
the  staircase)  of  five  storeys — an  etching  of  which  is 
given  in  Rhind's  Sketches  of  Moray,  as  it  stood  in  1839. 
The  present  House  of  Blervie  was  built  from  the  stones  of 
the  old  castle  of  date  1398 — as  appears  from  a  stone 
forming  part  of  the  chimney-piece  of  the  hall,  still  in  the 
ruins.  The  old  pile  stood  for  several  hours  fire-proof, 
when  many  loads  of  wood  and  turf  were  piled  around  it, 
in  order,  as  was  conjectured,  to  get  more  easy  access  to 
the  stones  than  by  punching  them  down.  There  is  no 


trace  of  the  family  of  Blarie,  Blarvie,  Blairvie,  or  Blervie, 
farther  back  than  1713-1724,  when  Alexander  M'Intosh 
was  laird.  William,  Earl  of  Fife,  purchased  it  at  the  last 
date — and  it  is  now  the  possession  of  Mr.  Grant  Duff, 
M.P.  for  the  Elgin  Burghs.]  (ED.) 


[Situation,  Soil,  Climate. — The  body  of  this  parish  lies 
southward  of  Forres,  in  an  extension  of  the  plain  into  the 
mountain,  along  the  western  end  of  the  hill  which  sepa- 
rates the  vale  of  Pluscarden  from  the  dales  of  Alves,  to 
which  upon  the  northern  side  of  this  hill  a  wing  of  this 
parish  is  stretched.  From  the  extremity  of  this  wing  at 
the  east  to  the  border  of  Edinkillie  at  the  west,  the  parish 
measures  8  miles ;  but  its  mean  length  in  this  direction, 
equal  to  its  mean  breadth,  may  be  estimated  only  at  the 
half  of  that  extent.  The  name  in  Gaelic  may  be  Math-ard, 
signifying  the  hovel  of  the  height,  or  shealing,  as  it  is 
denominated  in  the  Highlands  of  Scotland,  a  sorry  tem- 
porary turf  cabin,  for  the  accommodation  of  mountain 
pasturage,  having  at  the  first  probably  occupied  the 
station  of  the  old  tower  of  Blervie. 

The  face  of  the  country  is  much  diversified:  a  con- 
siderable reach  of  the  bottom  of  the  valley  lies  so  level, 
as  easily  to  send  a  part  of  the  water  of  a  small  lake  south- 
ward towards  Dollas,  where  it  joins  the  Lochty,  turning 
eastward  through  Pluscarden,  and  northward  by  the 
Church  to  Forres  and  the  bay  of  Findern.  A  consider- 
able part  of  the  arable  field  lies  on  the  plains  at  the 
bottom,  and  a  great  pai't  on  the  sloping  sides  of  the  hills. 
In  some  places,  the  soil  is  a  deep  fertile  clay ;  in  others,  a 
light  burning  sand :  a  black  shallow  soil,  incumbent  on 
rock,  occupies  some  part ;  and  a  bed  of  moorish  soil,  in 
many  places  so  thin  as  scarcely  to  cover  the  flat  sloping 
rocks,  appears  in  other  parts ;  and  a  great  proportion  con- 
sists of  a  rough  brown  gravel,  on  a  bottom  of  small  pebble, 
so  firmly  cemented  by  some  mineral,  probably  iron  ore, 
as  to  be  impenetrable  by  the  utmost  power  of  the 
plough.  The  air  is  rather  dry  than  moist,  and  rather 
healthful  than  otherwise. 

State  of  Property. — There  are  three  family-seats  in  the 
parish.  Burgle  Castle,  the  property  of  Lewis  Dunbar, 
Esq.,  of  Grange,  has  been  above  described.  His  valued 


rent  in  this  parish  amounts  to  £877  13s.  8d.  Scots. 
The  Hon.  Major  Lewis  Duff,  of  Blervie,  quitting  the 
ancient  castled  residence  of  the  Dunbars  on  the  summit 
of  the  hill,  has  built  a  handsome  modern  seat,  snugly 
shelterednear  its  western  bottom,  embellished  with  plan- 
tations, gardens,  and  ornamented  grounds:  the  valued 
rent  amounts  to  £517  17s.  4d.  Scots.  Altyr,  the  family 
seat  of  Colonel  Alexander  Penrose  Cuming  Gordon,  is 
a  plain  old  building,  with  neat  modern  wings.  Widely- 
extended  plantations,  a  spacious  garden,  and  a  long  reach 
of  fruit  wall,  exhibit  at  this  place  utility  in  alliance  with 
embellishment:  the  valued  rent  is  £670  13s.  Scots.  While 
these  gentlemen  thus  contribute  to  the  improvement  of 
the  country  at  their  own  residences,  the  Earl  of  Moray 
has  done  more  than  co-operated  with  them,  in  the 
superior  neatness  of  the  dwellings  of  his  tenants  at 
Clunie  and  Tarras,  and  in  the  improved  appearance  of 
their  fields.  His  Lordship's  valued  rent  of  these  lands 
amounts  to  £541  14s.  lOd. — extending  the  valuation  of 
the  parish  to  £2613  18s.  lOd.  Scots:  the  present  real  rent 
is  estimated  at  £1800  sterling.  There  are  several  of  the 
farms  in  the  low  grounds  pretty  extensive ;  but  they  are 
of  small  extent  in  the  hilly  parts  of  the  parish.  Making 
a  reasonable  allowance  for  the  value  of  the  improved 
inclosures  in  the  occupation  of  the  proprietors,  the  mean 
rent  is  equal  to  £1  6s.  sterling  the  acre. 

State  Ecclesiastical. — Rafford  was  the  seat  of  the  sub- 
chanter  in  the  diocese.  Of  the  state  of  the  parish  of 
Altyr  before  the  Reformation,  there  is  nothing  certainly 
known :  it  never  had  a  pastor  for  itself,  under  any  of  the 
Protestant  dispensations.  Though  a  part  of  the  parish  of 
Delias,  it  had  an  independent  parochial  jurisdiction,  the 
separate  celebration  of  the  sacraments,  and  public  worship 
every  third  Sunday.  In  a  parochial  visitation  of  the 
clergy  during  the  fervour  of  the  Covenant,  everything 
was  found  well  ordered,  save  that  the  Sacrament  had 
not  been  celebrated  for  the  space  of  three  years,  which 
Mr.  Strachan  the  minister  excused,  by  the  ignorance  of 
the  people,  on  account  of  the  distance  of  his  residence, 
but  promised  to  do  all  he  could  to  prepare  them  for  it. 

Altyr  is  within  two  miles  of  Rafford,  and  nearly  14 
from  Dollas,  a  desert  mountain,  often  impassable,  inter- 
vening for  half  that  distance ;  yet  the  annexation 


obstinately  opposed  by  its  proprietor,  and  its  accomplish- 
ment required  the  utmost  exertion  of  the  clergy,  great  as 
their  influence  at  that  period  was.  The  record  bears,  "  it 
Avas  for  some  time  deferred,  because  the  laird  could  not 
be  found  at  home."  When  his  presence  was  at  last  won, 
"  he  alleged  he  had  weighty  reasons  against  the  annexa- 
tion, and  craved  a  delay  to  state  them  in  writing."  They 
were  not  entered  on  the  record  :  "but  after  many  addresses 
made,  and  debating  with  him  for  many  days,  and  Lord 
Brodie,  having  reasoned  with  him  apart,  reported,  that 
having  offered  all  arguments,  perceived  he  had  a  mind  to 
receive  no  satisfaction ;  the  presbytery  laid  the  business 
to  heart,  and  being  much  weighted  therewith,  did  desire 
the  laird  of  Altyre  to  tell  his  judgment,  who,  with  all  the 
elders  and  people,  do  acknowledge,  with  heaviness  of 
mind,  that  there  is  a  necessity  of  accommodation,  and 
wish  that  a  way  may  be  found  for  remedy :  the  presby- 
tery being  much  affected  with  the  sad  condition  of  Delias 
and  Altyr,  agree  that  Altyr  should  be  declared  to  be 
joined  for  accommodation  to  Rafford,  and  to  crave  the 
.approbation  of  the  synod.  And  upon  the  19th  of  August, 
1659,  Mr.  James  Strachan  of  Dollas  and  Altyr  was  or- 
dained to  intimate  publicly  to  the  people  of  Altyr,  upon 
the  Lord's  day  come  eight  days,  that  they  were  now  dis- 
joined from  Dollas,  and  annexed  to  the  parish  of  Rafford, 
and  ordained  to  repair  to  the  said  Parish  Church  in  all 
time  coming ;  and  Mr.  Fullerton,  minister  thereof,  to  take 
up  their  names,  and  have  a  care  of  them  as  of  the  rest  of 
his  parishioners."  Although  this  must  have  been  agree- 
able to  the  people,  both  from  their  own  ideas  concerning 
religious  obligation,  and  from  the  sanction  of  ecclesias- 
tical decree,  at  that  time  of  no  light  estimation,  yet  so 
greatly  did  the  awe  of  petty  despotism  preponderate,  when 
the  lives  and  properties  of  the  inhabitants  were  under 
the  arbitrary  award  of  each  capricious  baronial  proprietor, 
that  in  the  parochial  visitation  of  the  succeeding  year, 
"  complaint  is  made  by  the  minister,  that  Altyr  and  his 
people  totally  absented  themselves  from  Rafford  Church  ; 
and  the  presbytery,  after  application  and  addresses  made 
to  Altyr,  to  move  him  fairly  to  his  duty,  ordain  the 
minister  to  summon  before  them  the  Laird  of  Altyr,  and 
the  other  inhabitants  of  the  late  parish  there."  It  has 
-been  already  mentioned,  that  the  authority  of  the  Parlia- 

182      •"•"  KIHK  OF  RAFFORD;  SUENO'S  STONE. 

raent  was  in  the  following  year  conjoined  with  the  sanc- 
tion of  the  Church,  by  the  Act  which  ratifies  the  erection 
of  the  parish  of  Kinloss. 

The  Church  at  present  is  a  mean  fabric,  but  in  a  central 
situation.  The  stipend  is  £55  lls.  Id.  sterling,  and  G 
chalders  of  barley,  the  Communion  allowance  included. 
The  right  of  patronage  appertains  to  Miss  Brodie  of 
Lethin.  The  salary  of  the  school,  exclusive  of  the  fees 
of  teaching,  and  the  perquisites  of  the  Session-Clerk,  are  16 
bolls  of  bear.  The  poor  on  the  parish  roll  amount  to  40 : 
the  tenants  who  attend  the  Parochial  Church  contribute 
for  their  support  about  £9  sterling  in  the  year,  to  which 
there  is  only  to  add  the  interest  of  £50.  The  members 
of  the  National  Church  are  1064,  and  the  Seceders  are  7. 

Miscellaneous  Information. — The  people,  on  the  whole, 
are  a  sensible,  decent,  and  religious  society.  The  great 
occupation  of  the  female  part  is  spinning  flax  raised  on 
the  farms,  and  manufactured  into  sheeting,  diaper,  and 
sackcloth ;  and  many  of  the  poorer  class  spin  the  lint  of 
the  merchants,  at  lOd.  and  Is.  the  spindle.  This  gives 
employment  to  16  or  17  looms  in  the  parish.  Several  of 
the  farmers  also  work  up  timber,  and  make  their  own 
ploughs,  carts,  and  other  implements.  There  is  a  fine 
quarry  of  freestone  on  the  estate  of  Burgie,  to  which  the 
access  is  easy,  and  the  stone  durable  and  not  difficult  in 
working.  There  is  also  a  slate  quarry  on  the  estate  of 
Clunie,  let  out  by  the  tenant  of  that  farm  to  quarriers,  at 
the  rate  of  3s.  4d.  the  1000  untrimmed  slate.  The  noted 
Obelisk,  called  Sueno's  Stone,  on  the  estate  of  Tarras,  has 
been  amply  described  by  Pennant  and  Cordiner.  Ifc 
cannot  be  doubted,  that  it  has  been  erected  in  memory 
of  some  important  event  which  happened  before  the 
introduction  of  letters  into  Scotland.  It  is  at  once  a 
specimen  of  hieroglyphic  writing,  and  a  monument  of 
the  state  of  the  arts  in  this  kingdom  in  an  age  very 
remote.  The  sculpture,  if  it  had  remained  complete,  could 
not  even  yet  be  deemed  inelegant;  and  it  must  have 
required  no  small  degree  of  skill  to  have  quarried,  trans- 
ported, and  erected  a  Column  of  such  height.  Two  cir- 
cumstances are  somewhat  surprising :  that  curiosity  has 
never  thought  of  exploring  whether  anything  lies  hid 
about  its  base;  and,  that  regard  for  such  a  singularly 
splendid  Monument  has  neither  induced  its  noble  owner, 


or  the  gentlemen  of  the  county,  to  preserve  the  figures  it 
still  exhibits  from  the  effacing  influence  of  the  weather, 
by  such  a  simple  expedient  as  a  coating  or  two  of  paint ; 
seeing  the  expense  of  a  small  ornamental  building  over  it 
might  be  deemed  too  great  a  sacrifice  to  an  object  in 
which  our  ancestors  only  were  interested.]  {Survey  of 
the  Province  of  Moray.) 

And  this  leads  ine  to  speak  of 


Cummine  is  a  surname  of  great  antiquity  in 
Scotland ;  but  the  origin  of  it  is  not  agreed  on. 
Some  deduce  it  from  Hungary,  others  from  Nor- 
mandy with  William  the  Conqueror ;  but  I 
incline  to  think  that  the  name  is  a  Scottish 

It  was  anciently  the  custom  to  assume  a  sur- 
name from  reputed  saints,  or  eminent  men ;  as 
Anderson  from  St.  Andrew ;  Cuthbertson  from 
St.  Cuthbert ;  Catanach,  from  St.  Catan,  &c.  ; 
and  the  learned  Primate  Usher  (Antiq.  Eccles. 
Brit.  cap.  15,  p.  694  and  701)  shows  that  Comin- 
eus  Albus,  anno  657,  was  the  sixth  Abbot  of  the 
1st  ColumbKill ;  from  whom  I  would  deduce  the 
name.  And  the  frequent  mention  of  the  Cum- 
mines,  in  the  llth  and  12th  centuries,  is  a 
presumption  of  a  higher  original  than  the  days  of 
William  the  Conqueror. 

The  direct  line  of  the  family  of  Cuminine,  from 
father  to  son,  is  as  follows  : — (1)  Comes  Robertas 
Cummine  was  killed  in  the  battle  of  Alnwick  in 


1093.  His  son  (2)  John,  whose  brother  William 
was  Chancellor  to  King  David  L,  was  father  of 
(3)  Sir  William,  who  married  Hexilda,  grand- 
daughter of  King  Donald  the  Usurper,  and  was 
father  of  (4)  William,  Lord  Chamberlain  to  King 
William.  His  son  (5),  Sir  Eichard,  was  father  of 
Sir  John,  the  Red  Cummine,  Lord  Badenoch, 
and  of  Sir  Walter,  Earl  of  Monteith,  and  Sir 
William,  Earl  of  Buchan.  (6)  Sir  John,  Lord 
Badenoch,  was  father  of  (7)  John,  the  Black 
Cummine,  one  of  the  Governors  of  Scotland  in 
1286,  who  married  Marjory,  sister  of  King  John 
Baliol,  which  wrapped  him  into  the  Baliol  inter- 
est, to  the  ruin  of  his  family.  His  son  (8)  John, 
Lord  Badenoch,  was  killed  by  Eobert  Bruce  in 
the  Church  of  Dumfries,  in  1306,  leaving  a  son 
(9)  John,  who  died  without  issue  in  1326 ;  and 
in  hun  failed  the  direct  line  of  a  family,  once  the 
most  populous  and  powerful  in  Scotland. 

Tradition  bears  that  the  family  of  Altyre  is 
come  off  a  son  of  the  direct  line ;  but  at  what 
time  I  find  not.  They  resided  for  some  gene- 
rations in  Strath-Dallas,  and  built  the  Tower 
there.  How  early  they  assumed  the  title  of 
Altyre  I  know  not.  But  I  find  in  a  contract 
between  William  Thane  of  Calder  and  Hutcheon 
Rose  of  Kilravock,  21st  June,  1482,  Thbmas 
Cummine  of  Altyre  is  arbiter.  I  have  not  seen, 
the  writes  of  this  family,  and  therefore  will  not 
offer  to  deduce  the  genealogy  of  it. 


[The  present  representative  is  Sir  William  Gordon- 
Oordou,  Bart.  (cr.  1804),  eldest  son  of  the  late  Sir  Alex. 
Penrose  Gordon -Gumming,  Bart,  of  Altyre,  by  Anne, 
•daughter  of  the  Rev.  Augustus  Campbell,  Rector  of 
Liverpool,  born  1848  ;  succeeded  as  4th  Bart.,  1866  ;  edu- 
cated at  Eton.  Heir  presumptive,  his  brother,  Alexander 
Penrose,  educated  at  Harrow ;  born  1853 ;  married  at 
Washington,  1877,  Frances  Campbell,  only  daughter  of 
the  late  Hon.  Charles  Eames,  United  States  Minister  at 
Venezuela  ;  and  has  a  daughter,  Margaret  Campbell,  born 
^t  Washington,  U.S.,  3rd  April,  1878.]  (ED.) 

They  carry  the  paternal  arms  of  Cummine, 
without  any  mark  of  cadency,  viz.,  Az.  3  Garbs 
of  Cummines,  Or. 

Arms  of  the  House  of  Altyre.  Azure,  three  garbs  of  wheat, 
Or.  Crest,  a  Lyon  rampant,  Or.  holding  in  his  dexter  paw  a 
Dagger  proper.  Motto.  COURAGE.  Supporters,  two  Horses  at 
liberty,  Argent ;  Their  manes,  tails,  and  hoofs,  Or. 

Following  the  course  of  the  river  Erne,  I  now 
proceed  to 


I.e.  the  Face  of  the  Wood,  or  a  Wood  in  the 
face  of  the  Hill.  I  incline  to  think  that  here 
was  the  Kawood  and  Logiefoidikenach  men- 
tioned [in  a  Chart  by  Alexander,  King  of  the 
Scots,  dated  at  Dishington,  in  Northumbria,  the 
30th  Sept.,  in  the  22nd  year  of  his  reign,  grant- 
ing to  Andrew,  Bishop  of  Moray,  and  to  his 
successors  in  office,  three  davochs  of  Finlarg,  in 
$trathspey,  in  exchange  for  the  above],  and  that 
most  part  of  this  parish  was  anciently  a  forest. 
It  now  lieth  on  both  sides  of  the  river  Erne. 


The  Church  standeth  on  a  brook,  called  Duvie 
[Divie],  5  miles  south  of  Forres,  3  miles  north- 
east of  Ardclach,  and  7  miles  north  of  Cromdale. 

In  the  south-east  of  the  parish,  a  part  of 
the  estate  of  Altyre,  viz.,  Phorp,  Brylac,  Dallas- 
brachtie,  &c.,  lie  in  the  face  of  the  ridge  of  hills 
towards  Strathspey.  Westward  on  the  river 
is  Sluie,  pertaining  to  James  Cummine  (grandson 
of  Mr.  David  Cummine,  minister  at  Edinkillie)  of 
the  family  of  Relucas.  Above  which,  on  the 
river,  is  Logie,  the  heritage  of  Eobert  Cummine, 
a  branch  of  the  House  of  Altyre. 

Next  up  the  river,  and  south  of  Duvie-waterr 
which  here  falleth  into  the  river,  is  Eelucas, 
the  heritage  of  Dr.  Patrick  Cummine,  minister 
at  Edinburgh,  whose  family  have  enjoyed  that 
estate  for  several  generations. 

In  the  south  end  of  the  parish,  on  a  brook 
called  Dava,  are  the  lands  of  Knock,  Tombain, 
Kerraw,  &c.,  the  property  of  the  Earl  of  Moray. 
On  the  west  side  of  the  river  Erne,  the  parish 
runneth  north  to  the  gates  of  Tarnua  Castlo. 
The  lands  of  Dunduff,  in  this  parish,  were  the 
heritage  of  William  Falconer,  son  of  Alexander  of 
Halkerton  and  Leithin,  and  father  of  Colin, 
Bishop  of  Moray ;  but  now  all  this  part  of 
the  parish  is  the  property  of  the  Earl  of  Moray, 
and  the  whole  parish  was  anciently  a  part  of  that 

From  Relucas  to  the  S.E.,  on  both  sides  of 


Duvie  water,  is  the  barony  of  Dunphail,  which 
was  the  heritage  of  Dunbar  of  Dunphail,  de- 
scended of  Westfield,  for  near  250  years,  and 
about  1738  purchased  by  Colonel  Ludovick 
Grant,  brother  to  Sir  James  Grant  of  Grant. 
The  Colonel  dying  in  1742,  in  the  expedition 
to  Carthagena,  the  barony  is  now  the  property  of 
Sir  James  Grant. 

[Helen,  5th  daughter  of  Sir  Ludovick  Grant,  married  Sir 
Alex.  Penrose  Gordon  Gumming  of  Altyre,  and  the  estate 
of  Dunphail  was  purchased  by  Sir  Alexander  from  Sir 
James  Grant,  the  above  Lady  Helen  Grant's  brother.  On 
the  death  of  Sir  Alexander,  in  1806,  the  estate  was  willed 
to  his  second  son,  Major  Gumming,  who  married  Mary 
Bruce  of  Kinnaird  (a  grand-daughter  of  Bruce,  the  Abys- 
sinian traveller),  when  he  assumed  the  surname  of  Bruce. 

The  Old  Tower  of  Dunphail  Castle  stands  on  an  isol- 
ated rock  or  conical  hill  beyond  the  Kirk  of  Edinkillie, 
6|  miles  south  of  Forres.  It  withstood  a  siege  by  Ran- 
dolph, Earl  of  Moray,  after  the  Battle  of  the  Standard. 
The  modern  mansion,  in  the  Venetian  style  of  Architec-- 
ture,  from  plans  by  Playfair,  was  built  in  1829.1  (ED.) 


[Situation,  Soil,  Climate. — This  parish  extends  west- 
ward 12  miles  from  the  borders  of  Dollas  and  Rafford,  and 
as  far  southerly  from  the  confines  of  Forres.  It  lies 
partly  along  the  bottom,  and  upon  the  side  of  the  moun- 
tain, which  has  been  described  as  ranging  along  the 
champaign  of  Moray ;  from  which  circumstance  its  Scots 
name  is  Brea-Mway,  that  is,  the  acclivity  of  Moray. 
Its  ancient  Gaelic  appellation,  AODINCOILIE,  signifies  the 
face  of  the  wood ;  and  a  charter  from  King  David  Bruce, 
another  towards  the  end  of  the  15th  century,  and  the 
great  quantities  of  oak,  fir,  and  other  kinds  of  timber, 
still  dug  from  the  tracks  of  peat  soil,  concur  to  show  that 
the  whole  face  of  the  country  was  covered  with  wood. 
It  then  contained  two  royal  forests — Di  ummynde,  that  is. 
the  venison  hill,  now  destitute  of  wood,  and  Darnway, 

188         CUMMING   OF   LOGIE;   GUMMING   OF   RELUCAS. 

still  covering  almost  1000  acres.  The  river  Findern 
Divides  the  parish  for  some  miles,  and  two  of  its  most  con- 
siderable branches  have  the  whole  of  their  courses  within 
its  extent — the  Duvie,  that  is,  the  black  water,  descending 
from  the  hills  which  border  upon  Cromdale,  meets  a  little 
below  the  Church  with  the  Durbach,  discharged  from  the 
lake  of  Lochnadorb,  on  the  western  boundary  of  the 
parish.  These  rivers  are  supposed  by  their  rapidity  to 
purify  the  air,  which  is  healthful,  never  tainted  by 
noxious  fogs,  or  pernicious  exhalations.  The  soil  of  the 
lower  parts  near  the  rivers  is  sandy,  of  a  light  dry 
quality,  and  fertile  when  properly  managed ;  but  a  great 
proportion  is  moorish,  and  extensive  moors  remain  to 
be  improved. 

State  of  Property. — The  parish  appertains  to  four  pro- 
prietors. In  a  beautiful  wooded  dale,  on  the  southern 
bank  of  the  Findern,  is  the  family  seat  of  Robert  Cuming 
of  Logie,  Esq.,  a  large  modern  handsome  house  of  four 
storeys,  with  an  elegant  pavilion  roof.  To  the  extensive 
garden  which  his  ancestors  had  formed  he  has  added  an 
orchard  of  4  acres,  sheltered  by  groves  of  forest  trees,  and 
a  winding  bank,  from  every  adverse  blast.  A  number  of 
ash  trees  have  shot  up  to  the  height  of  almost  100 
feet,  but  the  fruit  trees  stand  open  to  the  reverberated 
power  of  the  southern  sun,  and  in  general  the  crop  is 
plentiful.  The  estate  is  embellished  by  plantations  and 
natural  wood  to  a  considerable  extent.  Its  valued  rent 
is  £239  15s.  lOd.  Scots. 

A  little  higher  up  upon  the  Divie  is  llelucas,  the  seat  of 
George  Cuming,  Esq.,  Writer  to  the  Signet.  The  house  is 
•elegant,  embellished  by  enclosures,  plantations,  and  many 
well-disposed  groves,  equal  in  whole  to  200  acres,  among 
which  are  intermingled  more  than  60,000  thriving  oaks. 
Many  enchanting  walks  have  been  also  formed  along  the 
winding  banks  both  of  the  Duvie  and  Findern,  which 
unite  their  streams  a  little  below  the  house.  The  valued 
rent  is  £194  9s.  8d. 

There  is  also  some  natural  wood,  and  a  full-grown 
plantation  of  fir  of  considerable  extent,  upon  the  barony 
of  Dumphail,  which,  with  the  lands  of  Phorp,  Edinkillie, 
Tulliglens,  and  Dallasbraughty,  appertain  to  Colonel 
Alexander  Penrose  Cuming  of  Altyr  and  Gordonstown, 
amounting  to  the  valuation  of  £679  9s.  2d. 

1)1?.    DUNCAN   GUMMING   OF   BELUGAS.  18J) 

The  rest  of  the  parish  is  the  property  of  the  Earl  of 
Moray.  In  the  higher  district,  the  lands  of  Brea-Moray 
extend  from  the  sources  of  the  Duvie  to  the  banks  of 
Lochnadorb,  upon  a  part  of  which  Mr.  Forbes  of  Culloden 
holds  a  lease,  and  has  built  handsome  hunting  quarters. 
In  the  lower  district  of  the  parish,  where  its  boundary  is 
formed  by  a  brook  winding  through  the  gardens,  and 
purling  under  the  Castle  of  Darnaway,  the  forest  extends 
more  than  5  miles,  mostly  on  the  northern  bank  of  the 
Findern.  exhibiting  a  vast  extent  of  oak,  ash,  elm,  and 
venerable  fir,  blended  with  the  distinguished  form  of  the 
weeping  birch,  in  countless  multitude,  and  the  bole  of 
many  more  than  8  feet  in  circumference.  His  Lordship's 
valued  rent  in  this  parish  of  £831  13s.  4d.  makes  its  total 
valuation  equal  to  £1945  8s.  Scots.  The  farms  are  of 
small  extent,  from  £3  to  £10,  a  few  rising  to  the  rent  of 
£20.  The  arable  laud  may  be  estimated  at  the  mean 
rent  of  15s.  the  acre. 

State  Ecclesiastical. — The  Church  is  in  a  central  situa- 
tion, on  the  banks  of  the  Duvie,  which  tumbles  through 
a  deep  rocky  channel  under  the  Manse,  in  a  steep  bank  of 
which,  inaccessible  to  cattle,  a  few  aspin,  birch,  and  geen 
trees,  have  established  themselves.  The  stipend,  includ- 
ing the  allowance  for  the  Communion,  is  £70  sterling,  and 
3  chalders  of  victual,  the  one  half  barley,  the  other  oat- 
meal. The  glebe,  which  the  incumbent  has  inclosed,  is  8 
acres,  exclusive  of  a  small  garden.  The  right  of  patron- 
age appertains  to  the  family  of  Moray.  The  salary  of 
the  parochial  school  was  doubled  in  the  year  1796,  and 
now  amounts  to  the  revenue  of  £11  2s.  2d.  8-12ths  ster- 
ling. With  the  fees  of  education,  and  the  emoluments  of 
Session-Clerk,  it  is  almost  equal  to  £18  in  the  year. 

Dr.  Duncan  Curning,  of  the  family  of  Relucos,  physician 
to  King  William,  at  the  Battle  of  the  Boyne,  settled 
afterwards  in  Dublin,  made  a  donation  in  the  year  1714 
to  the  Society  for  Christian  Knowledge,  with  a  recom- 
mendation to  establish  therewith  3  schools  in  the  parish 
of  his  nativity.  This  donation  of  £261  13s.  7d.  sterling, 
at  that  time  of  no  small  account,  is  equal  at  present  to  the 
maintenance  of  two  schools — one  established  at  Relucos, 
retaining  about  20  scholars,  and  the  other  in  the  forest  of 
Darnway,  retaining  about  30,  which  is  also  the  mean 
number  attending  the  parochial  school  ;  and  a  school- 

190         THE   DUN   OF   RELUGAS,   PARISH   OF   EUINKILLIE. 

mistress  upon  the  estate  of  Logic  retains  about  a  dozen. 
Though  pretty  numerous  in  winter,  they  fail  greatly,  on 
account  of  tending  the  cattle,  in  the  summer  months. 
The  whole  number  who  were  entered  in  all  the  schools  in 
the  course  of  the  year  1796,  amounted  to  200. 

The  number  of  the  poor  on  the  roll  is  33.  The  provi- 
sion for  their  support,  arising  wholly  from  the  contribu- 
tions of  the  people,  who  themselves  are  far  from  opulent, 
exceeds  not  £5  in  the  year.  The  number  of  the  people, 
by  an  accurate  enumeration  in  1793,  amounted  exactly 
to  1312,  all  members  of  the  National  Church. 

Miscellaneous  Information. — In  the  upper  part  of  the 
parish  the  Gaelic  language  is  much  in  use.  About  50 
years  ago,  half  the  public  worship  was  performed  in  that 
tongue ;  and  in  the  remaining  parishes  of  this  survey, 
Dyke  and  Auldern  excluded,  until  it  reach  to  Knockando 
and  Aberlour,  upon  the  banks  of  the  Spey,  that  dialect 
may  be  still  accounted  the  mother  tongue.  The  people, 
though  poor,  are  in  general  honest,  and  far  from  backward 
in  extending  their  charity.  Their  ideas  respecting  reli- 
gion are  rigidly  Calvinistical. 

The  Dun  or  Doun  of  Relugas  seems  to  have  been  a 
place  of  defence  more  ancient  than  the  ancient  fortresses 
of  Lochnadorb  and  Dunphail.  It  is  a  conical  hill.  Round 
a  considerable  part  of  its  base,  the  rapid  stream  of  Divie 
occupies  a  deep  rocky  channel.  The  other  part  is  guarded 
by  a  ditch  equally  impassable,  having  the  sides  lined  by  a 
strong  rampart  of  stone,  bearing  in  some  parts  the  appear- 
ance of  vitrification.  The  summit,  220  feet  of  perpendi- 
cular height  above  the  river,  is  a  level  space  of  60  by  20 
yards.  When  the  country  was  shrouded  in  wood,  it  must 
have  been  concealed,  and  so  far  inaccessible  as  to  have 
been  easily  defended  by  a  few.  It  is  at  present  occupied 
only  as  nursery  ground. 

Sir  James  Grant  of  Grant  has  lately  formed  a  new  road 
from  Grantown  to  Elgin,  lessening  the  distance  on  the 
whole  about  6  miles.  In  the  course  of  this  road,  passing 
through  the  southern  side  of  the  parish  tending  to  Plus- 
carden,  a  circumstance  was  discovered,  establishing  the 
formation  of  peat  earth,  from  the  natural  dissolution  of 
wood.  In  cutting  through  a  bed  of  this  substance,  about 
2  feet  from  the  surface,  a  matted  layer  of  the  roots  of  fir 
trees  was  found  to  have  grown  upon  an  under  bed  of  the 


same  kind  of  soil,  which  being  also  thrown  up,  a  second 
tire  of  similar  roots  appeared,  which  had  also  grown  upon 
a  third  bed  of  the  same  substance,  which  derived  its 
original  from  the  dissolution  of  the  timber  which  grew 
upon  the  natural  soil,  the  roots  of  which  in  a  similar  form 
remained  in  a  firm  sole  of  clay  gravel,  at  the  depth  of 
nearly  nine  feet  from  the  surface.]  (Survey  of  the 
Province  of  Moray.} 


It  cannot  be  questioned  that  Cummine  of 
Belugas  is  descended  of  the  family  of  Lord 
Badenoch.  It  is  said  that  they  possessed  the 
lands  of  Presley,  above  300  years  ago;  and 
I  think  it  probable  that  their  ancestor  was  a 
son  of  Curnmiue  of  Glenchernich,  a  direct  branch 
from  Lord  Badenoch.  The  lands  of  Belugas 
were  purchased  by  James  Cummine  of  Presley, 
son  to  William  Cummine  of  Presley.  This 
James  was  father  of  a  numerous  family  x  who 
were  much  and  justly  respected,  and  were  firm 
adherers  to  the  religion  and  liberties  of  their 
country,  in  the  reigns  of  the  Boyal  Brothers. 
James  of  Belugas  was  much  esteemed  in  the 
country  of  Moray.  He  was  succeeded  by  his 
eldest  son,  John  Cummine  of  Belugas.  His 
second  son,  William,  was  Professor  of  Philo- 
sophy in  the  University  of  Edinburgh.  John, 
the  third  son,  was  Minister  of  Aldearn,  and 
Dean  of  Moray,  a  man  of  great  piety  and  bene- 
volence. In  the  year  1681,  he,  with  many  more 
of  the  clergy,  subscribed  the  Test,  with  an  expli- 
cation ;  but,  upon  reflection,  he  retracted,  and 


demitted  his  charge  in  1682  ;  yet  so  much  was; 
he  regarded  that  the  Earl  of  Findlater,  to  whom 
he   was  related,   called  him   to   the    parish    of 
Cullen,  where  he  lived  undisturbed.     David,  the 
4th  son,  was  Minister  of  Edinkylie,  a  man  of 
such  knowledge  and  prudence,  that  his   house 
was   a  little   academy,    in   which   the    children 
of  the  best  families  in  the  neighbourhood  had 
their    education.      Patrick,   the    5th    son,   was 
Minister  of  Ormieston  ;  and  Duncan,  the  young- 
est, was  a  Doctor  of  Medicine,  and  was  Physi- 
cian to  King  William's  army  at  the  Battle  of  the 
Boyne  in  1690.     Afterwards  he  settled  in  Dublin, 
where  he  died  in  1724.     So  great  was  his  desire 
to  propagate  the  knowledge  of  the  Christian  reli- 
gion that  he  made  a  contribution  in  Ireland,  of 
which  he  himself  gave  .£100  St.,  and  upon  this 
three   schools   were    established    in    Edinkillie. 
John  was   succeeded  by  his  eldest  son,  James 
Cummine  of  Relugas,  who,  by  Jean,  daughter 
of  Robert  Cummine  of  Altyre,  had  two  sons — 
Robert,  his  heir,  and  John,  a  physician  in  Irvine. 
Robert    Cummine    of    Relugas,   by    Magdalene 
Fraser,  of  the  family  of  Kinkell,  a  cadet  of  the 
house  of  Lovat,  had  two  sons — Patrick,  his  heir, 
and  John.     Robert  was  succeeded  by  his  eldest 
son,  the  Rev.  Mr.  Patrick  Cummine  of  Relugas, 
D.D.,  Regius  Professor  of  Divinity  and  Ecclesi- 
astical History  in  the  University  of  Edinburgh, 
and  one  of  the  Ministers  of  that  city. 


[He  was  leader  of  the  General  Assembly  for  20  years. 
He  was  three  times  Moderator — in  1749,  1752,  and  1756. 
He  died  on  the  1st  April,  1776,  in  the  81st  year  of  his 
age  and  56th  of  his  ministry.  His  eldest  son,  Robert, 
succeeded  him  as  Professor  of  Church  History  and  Divinity, 
in  the  University  of  Edinburgh.  Dr.  Cumin  married 
Jean  Lauder,  daughter  of  David  Lauder,  3rd  son  of  Sir 
John  Lauder  of  Fountainhall ;  and  besides  Professor 
Robert,  above  mentioned,  and  another  son,  had  Patrick, 
Professor  of  Oriental  Languages  in  the  University  of 
Glasgow,  and  George,  a  Writer  to  the  Signet  in  Edin- 
burgh. This  younger  son  bought  the  estate  of  Relugas 
from  his  father,  who  set  about  improving  its  bare,  rugged, 
and  unpromising  appearance,  planted  large  tracts,  and 
made  it  romantic  and  attractive.  He  died  in  1804,  leav- 
ing an  only  daughter,  Charles  Anne  Cumin,  who  was 
heiress  of  Relugas,  and  married  her  3rd  cousin,  Sir 
Thomas  Dick  Lauder,  Bart,  of  Grange  and  Fountainhall, 
author  of  "The  Moray  Floods  in  1829,"  "  The  Wolf  of 
Badenoch,"  "  Lochindorb,"  &c.  In  1847  the  estate  was 
sold  to  Wm.  M'Killigan  of  Ceylon,  and  at  his  death  in 
1852,  it  was  purchased  by  the  present  proprietor,  George 
R.  Smith,  head  of  the  firm  of  Smith,  Payne  &  Smith, 
bankers,  London. 

All  that  art,  guided  by  good  taste,  could  accomplish,  in 
embellishing  and  exposing  to  view  the  natural  beauties  of 
the  estate,  has  been  done  for  it.  Part  of  the  former  abode 
remains,  bearing  the  date  ]  785.  In  1865  the  proprietor 
erected,  near  Randolphis  Bridge,  on  the  banks  of  the 
Findhorn,  a  tablet  with  a  Latin  inscription,  in  gratitude 
to  Major  C.  L.  Gumming  Bruce  of  Dunphail,  M.P.,  for 
having  designed  the  romantic  walks  through  the  woods 
and  rocks  along  the  hitherto  almost  inaccessible  banks 
of  the  Findhorn.  Graphic  and  exciting  details  of  the 
devastation  on  the  Relugas  property  are  given  at  Chap. 
VII.,  Account  of  the  Great  Floods  of  August,  1829.  '(ED.) 


[Robert  Gumming,  the  12th  Baron  of  Altyre,  by  his 
wife,  Isobel  Innes,  daughter  of  Sir  Robert  Innes  of  Bal- 
venie,  had  two  sons — Robert,  his  successor  in  the  estate 
of  Altyre  ;  and  John,  the  first  of  this  family. 

1.  John  Gumming,  second  son  of  Robert  Gumming  of 
VOL.  II.  13 


Altyre,  obtained  from  his  brother,  Robert,  the  lands  of 
Pittyveach,  in  the  parish  of  Mortlach,  which  he  after- 
wards sold,  and  purchased  the  estate  of  Logie,  in  the 
parish  of  Edinkillie.  He  was  a  Major  in  the  British 
army,  and  a  Commissioner  of  Supply  for  the  county 
of  Elgin  in  1678  and  1685.  He  married  Barbara,  a 
daughter  of  Gumming  of  Birness,  by  whom  he  had  three 
sons  and  three  daughters,  viz. — 1,  Robert,  his  heir ;  2, 
William,  who  was  a  Minister  of  the  Church  of  England, 
and  had  a  benefice  in  that  country  (he  married  there,  and 
had  a  son,  William,  a  doctor  of  medicine) ;  3,  David,  died 
unmarried.  First  daughter,  Jane,  married  to  William 
Sutherland  of  Rosehaugh  ;  second,  Barbara,  died  without 
issue ;  third,  a  daughter,  married  to  Robert  Innes  of  Mun- 
dole.  He  was  succeeded  by  his  eldest  son, 

2.  Robert  Gumming  of  Logie,  who  married  Margaret, 
daughter  of  Andrew  Leslie  of  Glen  of  Rothes  and  Bogs, 
by  whom  he  had  three  sons — 1,  Alexander,  his  heir ;   2, 
James,  died  unmarried ;   3,  William,  who  married,  and 
had  issue. 

3.  Alexander  Gumming  of  Logie  succeeded  his  father. 
He  married — first,  Lucy,  daughter  of  D unbar  of  Burgie, 
by  whom  he  had  no  surviving  issue  ;  second,  Grace,  eldest 
daughter  of  James  Grant  of  Rothiemurchus,  by  whom  he 
had  one  son,  Robert,  and  several  daughters.     The  eldest 
daughter  was  married  to  John  Rose  of  Holme. 

4.  Robert  Gumming  of  Logie,  only  son  of  the  preceding. 
He  married  Leslie  Baillie,  daughter  of  Robert  Baillie  of 
Mayville,   an    Ayrshire    proprietor.      Her    beauty    and 
accomplishments  have    been    immortalised    by   Robert 
Burns.     By  her  he  had  five  sons  and  one  daughter — ] , 
Alexander,  his  heir ;  2,  Robert,  an  officer  in  India ;   3, 
George,  doctor  of  medicine  in  India ;  4,  John,  Lieutenant- 
Colonel  in  the  East  India  Company's  service  ;  5,  William, 
doctor  of  medicine;   daughter,  Anne,  married — first  to 
Capt.  Eraser,  and  second,  to  Sir  James  Cox,  M.D.     Mr. 
Cumming's  five  sons  all  went  to  India,  and  most  of  them 
died  there  at  an  early  age.     The  only  survivor  of  the  sons 
is  Dr.  William  Gumming,  who  resides  in  Edinburgh,  is  an 
accomplished  scholar,  and  the  author  of  several  literary 
works.     Mrs.  Gumming  long  survived  her  husband,  and 
was  much  esteemed  for  her  benevolence   of  character, 
kindness  of  disposition,  and  agreeable  manners. 


5.  Alexander  Gumming  of  Logie,  who  went  to  India, 
married  Louisa,  daughter  of  Lieutenant-Colonel  Martin 
White,  Commandant  in  Bengal,  and  had  three  daughters, 
among  whom  were  Leslie  and  Emily  Frances.     He  died 
at  an  early  age.     His  eldest  daughter  succeeded.     She 
was  accidentally  burnt  to  death,  in  consequence  of  her 
dress   taking  fire.     She   was   succeeded    by  her   sister, 
Emily  Frances. 

6.  Emily  Frances,  married  to  Captain  Valiant  Gum- 
ming, younger  son  of  Sir  Thomas  Valiant,  who,  on  his 
marriage,  assumed  the  name  of  Gumming,  and  by  whom 
she  has  issue.     Her  husband  died  at  Bath  in  the  year 
1866,  from  the  effects  of  an  accident,  having  been  acci- 
dentally thrown  from  his  carriage. 

Logie  House  is  in  the  old  Baronial  style  of  architecture, 
and  has  been  greatly  enlarged  some  years  ago.]  (ED.) 

Next  is 


I.e.,  a  stony  high  ground,  on  both  sides  of  the 
river.  The  Church  standeth  on  the  south-west 
bank  of  the  river,  3  miles  south-west  of  Edinkillie, 
9  miles  south-east  of  Moy,  and  5  miles  east  of 
C  alder.  On  the  east  side  of  the  river  are  the 
lands  of  Ardrie,  Logie,  Femes,  and  Aitnach, 
pertaining  to  Hugh  Kose  of  Kilravock ;  and  above 
these  is  Dunern,  the  property  of  the  family  of 
Brodie  of  Lethin.  Close  by  the  Church  of  Edin- 
killie, on  the  opposite  side  of  the  brook,  is  Glen- 
ernie,  a  small  feu  possessed  for  several  generations 
by  a  branch  of  the  Erasers,  descended  of  Hugh, 
laird  of  Beaufort,  who  died  anno  1450.  In  1526, 
Dallasbrachtie,  Craigroy,  Glenernie  [Note,  these 
now  belong  to  Altyre],  Ardrie,  and  Logiegown, 
were  the  feu-property  of  James  Dunbar  of  Cunzie 

196          THE  PARISH  OF  ARDCLACH. 

and  Kilbuyack  (pen.  Cald.).  Mr.  James  Grant 
of  Ardnellie,  son  of  Duncan  Grant  of  Grant, 
purchased  Logie  and  Arderie ;  and  his  son,  John 
of  Logie,  having  purchased  Moyness,  his '  brother 
William  had  Logie,  from  whose  heirs  it  came  to 
Kilravock.  The  lands  of  Femes  and  Aitnach  were 
sold  by  Bishop  Patrick  Hepburn  to  John  Wood 
of  Tilliderie,  who  disponed  them  to  Kilravock. 

On  the  west  side  of  the  river,  and  close  by  it, 
is  Daltulick  and  Culmonie,  purchased  from  Bishop 
Hepburn  in  1545,  and  ratified  by  the  Pope's  bull 
in  1548.  At  Culmonie,  Kilravock  has  built  a 
neat  summer-house,  and  adorned  the  place  with 
planting  and  enclosures.  North-west  is  the 
barony  of  Bellivat  and  Middle  Fleenes,  which, 
for  several  generations,  were  the  heritage  of  Rose 
of  Bellivat  (afterwards  Blackballs),  and  about  the 
year  1605  were  sold  to  Falconer  of  Lethin,  and 
they  are  now  the  property  of  Brodie  of  Lethin, 
and  so  are  the  lands  above  Culmonie,  on  the  side 
of  the  river,  above  three  miles.  These  were  a 
part  of  the  estate  of  Lethin  (Vid.  Aldern.  Par.). 
The  lands  of  Keppernack  and  Boath,  in  the 
south-west  end  of  the  parish,  and  Benhir  in  the 
Streins,  are  the  property  of  John  Campbell  of 
Calder.  Anno  1236,  regni  Alexander  II.  22° 
Alexander  de  Horstrot  obtained  a  charter  of 
Boath  and  Benchir  (pen.  Gald.),  and  from  him 
the  Thane  of  Calder  purchased  it.  In  1568, 
Fleenes  and  Keppernach  was  the  property  of  Mr. 


Alexander  Campbell,  son  of  Sir  John  Campbell 
of  Calder,  sold  to  Sir  John  25th  June,  1545,  by 
Patrick  Hepburn,  Bishop  of  Moray  (pen.  Cold.}. 
And  Alexander's  great-grandson,  John  Campbell 
of  Moy,  sold  these  lands  to  John  Hay  of  Lochloy, 
anno  1665,  who  disponed  them  to  Sir  Hugh 
Campbell  of  Calder,  anno  1669  (Ibid.)  Two 
miles  above  the  Church  is  the  Bridge  of  Doulasie 
[Dulsie],  and  for  4  miles  farther  the  strath  or 
valley  is  very  narrow,  enclosed  with  high  hills, 
and  called  the  Streins  [or  Streens,  from  the  sides 
of  which  are  precipitous  mountains  of  granite], 
consisting  of  three  davachs  of  land,  the  lower  in 
Ardclach,  the  middle  in  Calder,  and  the  upper  in 
Moy  parish,  all  the  property  of  John  Campbell 
of  Calder. 

[The  Streens  have  been  made  accessible  to  carriages  by 
i\  road  formed  by  Lord  Cawdor  for  the  use  of  his  tenants, 
and  which,  proceeding  from  the  village  of  Cawdor  is 
about  9  miles  long. 

About  a  mile  below  Dulsie,  a  beautiful  sequestered 
holm,  adjoining  the  house  and  policies  of  Farness  (Dougall), 
greets  the  traveller,  enriched  with  terraced  banks  and 
birchen  bowers,  and  in  the  centre  of  it  rises  a  small  Cairn, 
with  an  ancient  sculptured  Tablet,  about  8  feet  high  and 
4  feet  broad,  standing  at  one  end  of  it,  and  having  a  rude 
Cross  and  many  runic  knots  discernible.  Tradition  calls 
it  the  Stone  of  memorial  of  a  Celtic  princess  who  was 
drowned  in  the  adjoining  river  while  attempting  to  ford 
it  on  horseback  with  her  lover,  a  Dane.  More  likely  it 
was  the  Cross  of  an  early  Christian  hermit.]  (ED.) 


This  leads  me  to 

THE    PAEISH    OF    MOY. 

The  united  parish  of  Moy  and  Dalarasie  [Dala- 
rossie,  or  Dalfergussie.]  Moy,  from  the  Irish 
Mayhj  signifies  a  meadow  or  plain;  and  Dale- 
Fergusie  is  Fergus's  valley.  This  parish  stretcheth 
on  both  sides  of  the  river  about  15  miles,  and  is 
strictly  called  Strathearn  [or  Stratlidearn,~\  a  part 
of  the  ancient  Earldom  of  Moray.  On  the  south 
west  of  the  river,  above  the  Streins,  the  Davach 
of  Moy  jutteth  north  west  among  the  hills  above 
2  miles,  in  the  middle  of  which  is  the  Loch  of 
Moy,  a  mile  long,  and  a  half  mile  broad.  Here, 
in  an  island,  the  Lairds  of  Macintosh  had  a 
house,  as  yet  entire,  where  they  resided  in  times 
of  trouble.  Now  they  have  Moyhall,  a  good 
house  and  convenient  summer-seat,  at  the  west 
end  of  the  loch.  So  rich  is  the  loch  of  delicious 
red-bellied  trouts,  called  Red-wames,  that  I  have 
seen  near  200  taken  with  one  draught  of  a  small 
net.  The  lands  of  Moy  were  purchased  from  the 
Bishop  of  Moray :  and  Macintosh  took  a  new 
right  from  Bishop  Hepburn  in  October,  1545  (in 
the  possession  of  the  family  of  Macintosh). 
Above  Moy,  on  that  side  of  the  river,  are  Toma- 
tin,  pertaining  to  a  gentleman  of  the  name  of 
MacQueen ;  Free  or  Forest,  belonging  to  Macin- 
tosh of  Holm ;  and  the  lands  of  Kylachie  (all 
holding  of  the  Earl  of  Moray),  the  property  of 


Alexander  Macintosh  of  London,  merchant,  the 
9th  in  descent  of  the  family  of  Kylachie.  Above 
Kylachie  is  Invermasran,  the  property  of  Kilra- 
vock,  from  the  year  1460. 

On  the  north  east  of  the  river,  in  the  lower 
end  of  the  parish  is  Pollochack,  the  property  of 
MacQueen  of  that  place.  Next  up  the  river  is 
Corebruch,  the  heritage  of  Macintosh  of  Core- 
bruch ;  above  which  is  Corebruch  MacQueen,  the 
property  of  Donald  MacQueen,  chief  of  that 
branch  of  the  Clanchattan.  Some  miles  further 
up  is  Delmigvie.  This  was  a  part  of  the  estate 
of  Westfield,  given  by  Sir  Alexander  Dunbar,  to 
his  son  David  in  1495,  disponed  to  Campbell  of 
Calder  in  1608,  and  feued  by  him  to  Lachlan 
Macintosh  of  Kylachie,  in  1614,  whose  great 
grandson,  Donald  Macintosh,  now  enjoyeth  it. 
Above  Dalmigvie,  on  both  sides  of  the  river,  is 
the  Davach  of  Sevin,  which  was  a  part  of  the 
castle  lands  of  Inverness  (Vid.  Milit.  Hist),  and 
given  by  the  Earl  of  Huntley,  as  a  part  of  the 
assythment  for  the  murder  of  Macintosh  in  1550r 
and  it  is  the  property  of  Macintosh. 

The  Church  of  Moy  standeth  on  the  west 
bank  of  the  Loch  of  Moy,  3  miles  south  of 
Deviot,  and  9  miles  south  west  of  Ardclach. 

[Moy  Hall,  at  the  head  of  the  loch,  is  a  plain  modern 
house  of  three  storeys,  with  wings.  The  present  occu- 
pant, Capt.  Grant,  inherited  it  from  his  father,  James 
Murray  Grant  of  Glenmorriston.  It  was  indeed  an  hospit- 
able hall,  when  Mr.  Suter  rescued  several  families  in  the 


terrific  flood  of  1829.  It  contains  the  sword  of  Viscount 
Dundee — as  also  another  given  by  Pope  Leo  X.,  to  King 
James  V.,  and  by  him  to  the  chief  of  the  Clan  Chattan. 

In  recounting  the  old  clan  fights  as  detailed  by  Sir 
Robert  Gordon — "the  Curse  of  Moy,"  as  preserved  in 
song — and  the  heroism  of  its  lady  and  its  blacksmith, 
who  saved  Prince  Charles  in  1746 — the  stranger  will 
have  enough  to  muse  on  as  he  hastens  by  its  low  and 
woody  shores.  Besides  the  main  island,  fortress,  and 
parterre,  "  where  many  a  garden  flower  still  grows  wild," 
there  is  a  small  islet  of  loose  stones  (said  to  be  artificial) 
near  the  southern  end  of  the  lake,  which  formed  the 
chieftain's  prison  house.  A  handsome  granite  obelisk,  70 
feet  high,  on  a  base  of  about  20  feet  square,  has  been 
erected  on  the  largest  island  to  the  memory  of  Sir  Eneas 
Mackintosh,  Bart.,  one  of  the  last  chiefs  of  the  clan.  On 
the  west  side  of  Loch  Moy,  are  the  Church  and  Manse  of 
the  parish ;  and  at  the  north  end,  Moy  Hall,  the  principal 
residence  of  the  chief  of  Mackintosh,  who  has  erected, 
hard  by,  a  small  but  convenient  inn. 

The  story  of  the  exploit  of  Lady  Mackintosh,  a  daughter 
of  Farquharson  of  Invercauld,  and  the  blacksmith  just 
alluded  to,  deserves  repetition,  as,  comparing  the  means 
with  the  end,  an  instance  of  almost  unparalleled  success 
attending  a  very  simple  ruse.  On  the  16th  March,  1746, 
she  received  intelligence  that  Lord  Loudon,  having  learned 
that  Prince  Charles  was  to  be  entertained  that  night  at 
Moy  Hall  by  the  Lady,  who  was  a  staunch  Jacobite, 
though  her  husband,  then  absent,  exerted  himself  on 
behalf  of  Government,  was  on  his  way  from  Inverness 
with  a  body  of  1500  men,  in  hopes  of  capturing  "  the  Pre- 
tender "  by  surprise.  Consulting  with  Donald  Fraser, 
blacksmith  at  Moybeg,  a  shrewd  and  enterprising  man, 
he,  with  five  other  men  selected  by  her,  proceeded  in  the 
dusk  of  the  evening  to  a  small  pass  at  the  Hill  of  Craig- 
an-Oin,  at  the  boundary  between  the  parishes  of  Moy 
and  Daviot.  Here  they  ensconced  themselves,  at  inter- 
vals of  some  hundred  yards,  behind  some  heaps  of  peat 
and  turf  set  up  to  dry.  On  the  approach  of  the  troops,  a 
command  was  passed  by  Donald,  and  from  man  to  man, 
in  a  stentorian  voice — "  The  Mackintoshes,  Macgillivrays, 
and  Macbeans  to  form  the  centre,  the  Macdonalds  on  the 
right,  and  the  Frasers  on  the  left."  A  few  shots  were  also 


fired,  when  a  soldier  of  the  advance  guard  was  killed. 
London's  imagination,  in  the  twilight,  converted  the  peat 
hags  into  armed  men,  and  concluding  that  the  Highland 
army  were  drawn  up  to  oppose  him,  he  actually  ordered 
his  men  to  the  right  about;  and  not  content  with  making 
them  retrace  their  steps  with  all  expedition  to  Inverness, 
carried  them  across  three  arms  of  the  sea  all  the  way  to 
Sutherland.  This  affair,  in  which  one  man  almost  literally 
put  a  thousand  to  flight,  was  aptly  characterised  as  the 
RoutofMoy.}  (ED.) 


[Situation,  Soil,  Climate. — This  parish,  comprehending 
the  sources  of  the  Findhorn,  conjoins  with  Ardclach  and 
Calder  on  the  south  and  south  west.  Its  greatest  length 
along  the  course  of  the  river  is  nearly  30  miles :  its  mean 
breadth  is  about  5.  The  country  is  barren,  bleak,  and 
mountainous.  The  cultivated  ground,  in  narrow  stripes 
or  small  stripes  on  the  banks  of  the  river,  exceeds  not  the 
30th  part  of  the  parish.  The  principal  source  of  the  Find- 
horn,  at  the  distance  of  50  miles  from  its  termination,  is 
a  copious  stream,  issuing  from  the  fissure  of  a  great  rock 
called  "the  Cloven  Stone."  The  Gaelic  name  of  the  river  is 
the  uisgern ;  and,  from  the  length  of  its  course,  between 
high  mountains  in  this  parish,  it  is  called  Strathem : 
-although,  from  a  narrow  pass  towards  Inverness,  by 
which,  in  the  honest  times  of  o\ir  more  godly  ancestors, 
inroads  were  made  into  the  low  country,  and  where  a  few 
could  stop  pursuit,  its  ancient  name  was  star-sach-na-gaul, 
the  threshold  of  the  Highlanders.  This  pass  was  found 
then  so  convenient  for  the  more  remote  banditti  of  Bade- 
noch  and  Strathspey,  that,  for  the  free  use  of  it,  they 
agreed  to  pay  the  proprietor  a  tithe  of  the  spoil.  The 
peculiar  Gaelic  epithet  of  this  honourable  acquirement 
is  impressively  remembered,  signifying  "the  collop  of  the 
prey,"  which  consisted  chiefly  in  cattle.  After  the  district 
was  cleared  of  wood,  and  partly  cultivated,  it  obtained 
the  softer  appellation  of  Moy,  denoting  the  plain.  The 
greater  part  of  the  district  under  this  appellation  is  a 
valley,  detached  in  a  direction  north  west  from  the  course 
of  the  river,  which  itself  stretches  up  towards  the  south 
west.  The  modern  name  of  the  other  district  signifies 
•"  the  valley  of  Fergus."  The  soil  of  the  cultivated  ground 


is  for  the  most  part  of  a  very  good  quality,  but  the  climate 
is  much  colder  than  that  of  the  neighbouring  parishes,  and 
the  crops  later.  The  snow  in  general  begins  to  fall  by  the 
middle  of  November,  and  frequently  continues  till  March 
or  April ;  but  the  inhabitants  are  healthy,  and  several 
have  attained  nearly  to  the  age  of  90  years. 

State  of  Property. — Moyhall,  the  family  seat  of  ^Eneas 
Mackintosh  of  Mackintosh,  the  chieftain  of  the  clan,  is 
valued  with  the  lands  of  Suffin  at  £674  13s.  4d.  Dr. 
James  Mackintosh  of  Kylachy,  the  author  of  the  Vindiciw 
Gal.  inherits  Easter  Banchar  and  Wester  Strathnoon, 
valued  at  £510  6s.  8d.  William  Mackintosh  of  Balnespie 
has  Easter  Strathnoon  and  Muckle  Corrybrugh,  at  £276 
13s.  4d.  Lachlan  Mackintosh  holds  Raigmore,  valued  at 
£90.  William  Mackintosh  of  Aberairder  has  Invermasron, 
at  £53  6s.  8d.  John  Mackintosh  possesses  Dalmigvie,  at 
£79  10s.  Angus  Mackintosh  of  Holm  inherits  Frae,  at 
£46  13s.  4d.  Dugald  Macqueen  holds  Pollockchak,  at 
£50:  and  Lachlan  Macpherson  has  West  Banchar,  at  £50  : 
extending  the  whole  valuation  of  the  parish  to  the  sum 
of  £2142  10s. 

The  real  rent  is  about  .£1000  sterling.  Pasturage  is 
the  important  object.  The  farms,  though  of  considerable 
extent,  are  for  the  most  part  let  from  £o  to  £10  of  rent : 
their  number  is  counted  about  200.  Besides  the  money 
rent,  each  tenant  is  burdened  with  the  payment  of  wed- 
ders,  fowls,  eggs,  and  other  articles,  and  much  labour  in 
the  digging  and  carriage  of  fuel,  in  reaping  the  corn,  and 
in  carriages  to  and  from  distant  parts  of  the  country :  all 
which,  though  noway  perceived  in  the  revenue  of  the 
proprietor,  most  effectually  check  the  improvement  of  the 
country,  and  mar  all  calculation  of  the  value  of  land. 
The  shortness  of  the  labouring  season  requires  246  ploughs, 
each  in  general  drawn  by  4  horses,  to  which  2  oxen  are 
in  some  cases  added.  The  number  of  horses  is  about  900, 
black  cattle,  1800,  and  sheep  12,000.  The  rents  are  paid, 
and  such  necessaries  as  the  farms  do  not  produce,  are  pro- 
vided by  the  yearly  sale  of  part  of  the  live  stock. 

State  Ecclesiastical. — It  has  been  already  noticed,  that 
the  Presbytery  of  Inverness  was  established  a  separate 
judicature  in  the  year  1708,  into  which,  in  the  arrange- 
ment of  this  undertaking,  this  parish  falls  to  be  the  first. 

Although  Moy  and  Dalarossie  in  some   respects   are 


unconnected,  each  having  its  own  Church,  they  have  been 
under  the  charge  of  one  pastor  since  Roman  Catholic 
times.  The  residence  is  in  Moy,  but  part  of  the  glebe  is 
9  miles  distant,  at  the  Church  of  Dalarossie.  The  stipend 
is  £69  14s.  2d.  sterling.  The  right  of  patronage  appertains 
to  the  family  of  Kilravock.  The  salary  of  the  school  is 
£8  6s.  8d.,  and  £2  10s.  as  the  fee  of  the  Session-Clerk, 
which,  with  the  other  emoluments,  makes  the  whole 
establishment  about  £20  yearly.  The  poor  in  general  do 
something  for  their  own  support :  the  annual  fund  raised, 
as  in  the  neighbouring  parishes,  is  about  £5  sterling. 
Many  depend  on  begging  for  their  maintenance.  There 
are  a  few  of  the  inhabitants  of  the  Episcopalian  persua- 
sion ;  but  as  the  whole  perform  the  duties  of  public  wor- 
ship in  the  Parish  Church,  they  may  be  all  accounted  of 
the  National  establishment :  their  number  amounts  to 
1813  souls. 

Miscellaneous  Information. — In  their  sentiments  the 
people  are  extremely  wedded  to  prejudice,  and  in  their 
manners  to  old  custom.  They  may  perhaps  be  religious; 
but  it  is  certain  that  in  one  case  they  preferred  sacrifice 
to  mercy.  The  language,  dress,  and  most  of  the  peculiari- 
ties of  the  ancient  Highlanders  continue  without  altera- 
tion :  their  houses  are  of  the  same  construction  with  those 
of  their  predecessors  for  many  generations,  the  fire-place 
near  the  middle,  and  the  family  seated  around  it.  In  the 
stormy  season  of  winter,  the  severity  of  the  weather 
arrests  all  industry  in  the  field :  the  care  of  their  cattle  is 
.almost  their  only  occupation.  In  the  spring,  their  exer- 
tions are  great  and  unremitting  till  the  seed  time  is  over; 
in  the  harvest,  they  are  equally  diligent  in  securing  their 
crop  before  the  winter  sets  in ;  and  the  great  labour  in 
summer  consists  in  providing  the  stock  of  fuel. 

The  Lake  of  Moy  is  somewhat  more  than  a  mile  in 
length,  and  rather  less  than  one  in  breadth.  It  abounds 
in  char,  and  a  variety  of  other  trout  of  various  size  and 
colour.  Near  its  middle  is  an  island,  [There  is  a  granite 
Obelisk,  70  ft.  high,  erected  on  this  islet  to  the  memory 
of  the  last  of  the  chiefs — Sir  Eneas  Mackintosh,  Bart.] 
about  2  acres  in  extent,  nearly  in  the  shape  of  a  violin : 
on  its  southern  end  are  the  ruins  of  ancient  buildings,  of 
considerable  extent:  the  remains  of  a  street,  the  whole 
length  of  the  island,  and  the  foundations  of  houses  on  each 


side,  are  readily  distinguishable.  In  the  year  1762,  two 
ovens  were  discovered,  each  capable  of  baking  150  Ib. 
avoirdupois  of  meal.  In  the  year  1422  it  contained  a 
garrison  of  400  men,  and  here  the  chief  of  Mackintosh 
resided,  except  during  the  winter,  when  the  country  was 
inaccessible.  The  walls  of  a  more  modern  building  remain 
pretty  entire :  an  Inscription  over  the  gate  imports,  that 
it  was  built  in  1655  by  Lachlan,  the  20th  chieftain  of  the 
clan.  The  garden,  stocked  with  fruit  trees  and  bushes, 
is  still  in  cultivation. 

At  the  distance  of  several  hundred  yards,  is  another 
small  island,  formed  by  the  accumulation  of  common 
rounded  stone.  It  was  the  prison,  when  the  punishment 
of  malefactors  was  vested  in  the  Chiefs.  The  miserable 
prisoner  could  scarcely  stand  with  dry  feet  when  the  lake 
was  at  the  lowest;  but  in  the  season  of  rain,  if  the  surface 
was  then  no  higher  than  now,  the  water  rose  nearly  to 
its  middle ;  but  within  the  space  of  24  hours  he  was  con- 
demned or  set  free, 

Near  the  north  end  of  the  Lake,  there  is  a  chalybeate 
spring,  accounted  medicinal  for  headaches  and  disorders 
in  the  stomach.  There  is  a  considerable  extent  of  natural 
wood,  chiefly  birch  and  aller,  upon  the  banks  of  the  Find- 
horn.]  (Survey  of  ike  Province  of  Moray.} 

[Moy  and  Dalarassie  (says  Shaw)  are  united  parishes. 
The  latter  is  probably  the  Church  of  "  Dalgergussyn  in 
Stratherne,"  which  Bishop  Andrew  confirmed  to  the 
Church  of  the  Holy  Trinity  of  Elgin,  about  1224-42  (Reg. 
Epis.  Morav.  71.)  It  stood  near  Moy,  and  under  the 
name  of  Tallaracie,  it  appears  as  one  of  the  mensal 
churches.  The  teinds  of  the  parish  of  Moy  were  con- 
firmed to  the  Church  of  the  Pope  in  1222,  and  the  Church 
"  de  Moy  "  (Theiner  )  is  rated  at  8s.  9d.  in  the  taxation  of 
1275.  In  the  taxation  of  the  diocese,  about  1350,  the 
Prebend  of  Moy  is  rated  at  10  merks.  In  1574,  George 
Simson  was  "  reidare  at  Moy,"  and  the  minister  bore  the 
same  sirname.  Simson's  predecessor  in  the  Kirk  of  Moy 
was  Sir  Wm.  Sutherland  (Sir  being  a  title  of  courtesy 
for  Churchmen  in  old  times) ;  but  Sutherland's  profession 
and  practice  of  "morality"  seems  to  have  had  little  in 
common ;  for  he  not  only  "  disobeyed  "  the  charge  of  the 
Commissioner  of  the  Church  who  had  ordained  him  to 


"  marie  the  woman  "  with  whom  he  had  been  cohabiting ; 
but,  "  in  despyte  of  the  said  Commissioner  [he  had]  ryven 
his  letters  of  charge  thereto." 

In  consequence  of  this  disrespect  to  his  brethren,  and 
his  non-appearance  at  the  bar  of  the  Assembly,  he  was,  in 
1564,  deprived  of  all  ecclesiastical  functions  by  the  General 
Assembly.  (Book  of  the  Universal  Kirk,  51.) 

The  chief  object  of  antiquarian  interest  in  the  united 
parishes  is  probably  the  sculptured  Stone  which  was  found 
by  the  workmen  in  digging  the  foundations  of  the  present 
Parish  Church  of  Dyke.  It  exhibits  what  are  known  as 
the  Spectacle  and  Elephant  figures;  also  a  curiously 
interlaced  Cross  and  other  carvings.  It  stands  within 
the  Park  of  Brodie  Castle,  and  is  engraved  in  Stuart's 
Sculptured  Stones  of  Scotland,  vol.  1.,  Plate  xxii. 

As  stated  before,  the  Churches  of  Dyke  and  Moy  were 
united  in  1618.  The  latter  stood  near  the  north-west 
corner  of  the  Burial-ground,  and  in  the  vicinity  of  Moy 
Hall.  The  Grave-yard  is  surrounded  by  fine  specimens 
of  ash  and  plane  trees. 


Some  tombstones  lie  upon  the  site  of  the  Kirk;  also 
the  nicely-dressed  top  of  a  lancet  window,  which  had  pro- 
bably belonged  to  the  old  Church. 

I.  One  of  two  Slabs,  which  exhibits  the  Campbell  and 
Morison  arms  impaled,  is  initialed  M.  I.  C.:  J.  M.;  and  the 
other  (broken  in  two  pieces),  bears  the  Campbell  and 
Barclay  arms,  also  the  initials,  M.  I.  C.:  C.  B. 

The  Stones  had  probably  been  upon  the  Burial-aisles 
of  the  Campbells,  who  were  lairds  of  Moy.  Both  Slabs 
belong  to  the  17th  century,  and  may  refer  to  John 
Campbell,  Sheriff-Clerk  of  Aberdeen,  and  his  grandfather, 
to  the  latter  of  whom  the  former  was  served  heir  "  in  the 
Eister  tua  parcialls  of  land  callit  the  Kirklands  of  Moy," 
&c.,  April  27,  1654.  On  the  9th  Aug.,  1684,  "Mr.  John 
Campbell  of  Moy  and  his  wiffe  were  heir  [at  Brodie],  and 
his  goodson,  and  daughter."  (Brodie's  Diary,  495.) 

The  Cawdor  family  were  the  first  of  the  Campbells  of 
Moy;  and,  in  1527,  Robert  Campbell  in  Moy  is  a  witness 
to  a  bond  betwixt  Sir  John  Campbell  of  Cawdor  and 
Mr.  M'Intosh  of  Clanchattan.  (Thanes  of  Cawdor,  p.  150.) 


II.  The  property  of  Culbin  was  bought  from  the  family 
of  Kinnaird  by  Alex.  Duff  of  Drummuir,  who  gave  it  to 
his  second  son,  John,  whose  first  wife  was  Miss  Gordon  of 
Ellon.     She  died  in  1728 ;  and  his  second  wife,  Helen 
Gordon  (a  daughter  of  Sir  James  Gordon  of  Park),  died 
in  1767. 

The  following  Inscription  (from  a  Slab  upon  the  site  of 
the  old  Kirk  of  Moy),  probably  refers  to  a  daughter  by 
the  latter  lady  : — 

Below  this  Stone  lyes  the  Body  of  Helen  Duff,  Daughter' to 
John  Duff  of  Cubin,  and  Helen  Gordon,  his  Spouse,  who 
departed  this  life  the  26  November  .  .  . 

Baird  of  Auchmedden,  in  his  Genealogical  Memoirs  of 
the  Duffs,  says  that  "  John  Duff  of  Cowbin  was  a  good, 
friendly,  honest  man,  but  unhappily  fell  into  acquaintance 
with  MacKay  of  Scoury  and  his  brother,  from  the  Shire 
of  Ross,  who  did  not  indeed  deserve  the  name  of  gentle- 
men. They  got  him  engaged  in  a  trade  to  North  America, 
and  the  honest  gentleman  was  in  a  few  years  ruined,  and 
everybody  was  convinced  that  he  had  been  egregiously 
imposed  upon  by  the  MacKays." 

III.  The  following  Inscription  preserves  the  name  of  a 
laird  of  Grangehill  (now  Dalvey),  which  is  not  given  in 
the  History  of  the  Inneses: — 

Here  lyes  a  godly  and  most  charitable  woman,  Agnis  Innes, 
Daughter  to  the  Laird  of  Granghill,  Married  to  Peter  Dunbar 
of  Easter  Bn,  and  four  of  ther  children.  Therafter  to  M. 
Kobert  Dunbar  and  four  of  ther  children. 

Rev.  14.  13,  Blessed  are  the  dead,  &c. 

And  also  the  forsaid  M.  Robert  Dunbar.  1707. 

Peter  Dunbar  was  served  heir  to  his  father,  John 
Dunbar  of  Binns,  17  June,  1693,  in  part  of  the  lands  of 
Nether  and  Upper  Binns,  &c.  It  was  about  1608  that 
Mark  Dunbar  of  Durris  bought  Grangehill  from  Lord 
Dunfermline,  who  was  Commendator  of  the  Abbey  of 
Pluscardine,  of  which  the  Dunbars  of  Durris  were  herit- 
able bailies. 

IV.  From  a  flat  Slab  :— 

This  Stone  is  placed  here  in  memory  of  ROBERT  RAIT, 
burges  of  Forres,  1728,  who  died  Nove.  the  9th,  175 — ,  aged 
70,  and  ELIZABETH  SINCLAIR,  his  spouse,  for  a  day  in  courts 


is  better  than  a  thousand.  I  had  rather  be  a  door-keeper  in 
the  house  of  the  Lord  my  God  than  to  dwell  in  tents  of 
wickedness.  Memento  Mori. 

The  next  three  Inscriptions  are  from  Table-Stones : — 

V.  Erected  by  Susanna  Blaik,  relict  of  ROBERT  BLUNTACH, 
an  elder  of  Dyke  Session,  in  memory  of  her  lamented  husband, 
and  affectionate  mother,  JEAN  WALKER,  of  Pitsligo  Parish, 
both  heir  buried  under  this  stone,  both  aged  81  years. 

John's  Gos.  xv.     Ps.  103. 

VI.  This  stone  is  placed  here  in  memory  of  PETER  COUPER 
in  Kintessack,  and  his  spouse  MARJORY  GORDON,  as  also  their 
children,  Margaret  and  Jean,  who  died  in  infancy.     Marjory 
Gordon  dyed  the  26  of  May  1732,  and  Peter  Couper  dyed  the 
14  of  April  1737. 

G.C.:  IF 
Blessed  are  the  dead,  &c. 

VII.  This  stone  is  erected  here  by  Wm.  M'Kay,  merchant, 
Nairn,  in  memory  of  his  grandfather,  John,  and  his  father,  Alex. 
M'Kay,  who  died  August  the  21st,  1780,  aged  31  years;  as  also 
William  M'Kay,  his  uncle,  who  left  few  such  behind  him,  who 
died  Feb.  3,  1799,  aged  61  years,  honoured  in  his  humble 
station,  to  be  eminently  useful.     His  praise  was  in  the  Gospel. 
His  reward  is  with  God. 

VIII.  The  following  is  the  oldest  of  several  Inscriptions 
to  a  family  named  Suter : — 

This  stone  is  placed  here  by  Alex.  Suter,  farmer  in  Mar- 
casie,  and  Ann  Squer,  spouse  to  the  said  Alex.  Suter,  and  in 
memory  of  JOHN  SUTER,  his  father,  sometime  tenant  in  Earn- 
hill,  who  died  Dec.  30,  aged  47  years,  and  MARY  DUNBAR, 
his  spouse. 

These  were  ancestors  of  Mr.  Suter,  who  rendered  so 
much  valuable  assistance  to  the  cottagers  in  and  about 
the  Broom  of  Moy  during  the  great  floods  in  August,  1829. 

The  hamlet  of  the  Brown  of  Moy  (?  Magh,  a  plain), 
consists  of  some  picturesque  dwellings,  and  is  the  landing- 
place  for  one  of  "the  ferry-cobbles"  on  the  Findhorn.] 
(Jemise's  Epitaphs.) 

Having  travelled  over  the  valley  of  Strathern, 
I  return  to  the  coast  to  describe 


The  parish  of  Dyke  and  Moy,  which  is  3  miles 
in  length  and  as  much  in  breadth,  is  bounded  by 
the  river  to  the  east,  by  the  sea  to  the  north,  by 
Aldern  parish  to  the  west,  and  by  the  Forest  of 
Tarnua  to  the  south. 

The  Church  standeth  near  the  centre,  2  miles 
west  of  Forres,  and  4  miles  east  of  Aldearn.  At 
the  mouth  of  the  river  is  the  barony  of  Caulbin, 
the  ancient  inheritance  of  a  branch  of  Moray  of 
Duffus.  Giles,  daughter  and  heiress  of  Moray  of 
Caulbin  [Culbin],  married  Kinnaird  of  that  ilk. 
About  the  year  1705  the  house,  gardens,  and  a 
great  part  of  the  lands,  were  quite  covered  with 
sand  blown  from  Mavieston  hills,  and  the  barony 
was  sold  to  Alexander  Duff  of  Drummuir.  Next 
up  the  river  is  Kincorth,  formerly  pertaining  to 
Falconer  of  Lethin,  and  given  by  Alexander  of 
Lethin  and  Hawkerton  to  his  natural  son,  Mr. 
Samuel  Falconer  (father  of  Mr.  William,  minister 
of  Dyke),  who  sold  it  to  Dunbar  of  Durn;  and 
Durn  sold  it,  in  1758,  to  Sir  Alexander  Grant  of 
Dalvey.  Farther  up  is  Easter  Moy.  This  was 
purchased  from  the  Earl  of  Eoss  by  Donald, 
Thane  of  Calder,  anno  1410  (in  the  possession  of 
the  family  of  Calder).  It  was  the  heritage  of  a 
branch  of  the  family  of  Calder  during  six  genera- 
tions; and  John  Campbell  of  Moy  sold  it  to  Alex. 
Dunbar,  son  of  Westfield,  whose  son,  Ludovick, 


disponed  it  to  Alexander  Duff  of  Drummuir,  who 
conveyed  Moy  and  Caulbin  to  his  second  son, 
John  Duff,  and  from  his  creditors  Major  George 
Grant  made  the  purchase  about  1732 ;  upon  whose 
death  in  1755,  without  issue,  these  lands  came  to 
his  nephew,  Sir  Ludowick  Grant  of  Grant.  Moy 
holdeth  of  Calder.  Next  is  Wester  Moy,  per- 
taining to  the  late  Archibald  Dunbar  of  Dykeside, 
Farther  south  is  the  barony  of  Grange  Hill. 
Here  the  Prior  of  Pluscarden  had  a  Grangier,  or 
farm,  and  a  cell  of  monks  to  manage  it.  With 
the  other  lands  of  that  Priory,  it  came  to  the 
Earl  of  Dunfermline,  who  sold  it  to  Mark  Dunbar 
of  Durris  about  the  year  1608,  from  whose  de- 
scendants Sir  Alexander  Grant  of  Dalvey  pur- 
chased the  barony,  anno  1740,  and  in  his 
charter  changed  the  name  Grangehill  into  Dal- 

In  the  south  end  of  the  parish  is  Tarnua  Castle 
and  Forest,  the  seat  of  the  Earl  of  Moray.  The 
Castle  is  a  large  but  irregular  pile,  built  at  different 
times.  The  hall  is  a  curious  room,  very  large  in 
all  dimensions,  80  feet  long  and  36  broad,  and 
built  (or  rather  the  foundation  of  it  was  laid  for 
a  hunting-house)  by  Thomas  Eandolph,  Earl  of 
Moray.  It  standeth  on  a  green  mount,  and  the 
great  wood  or  forest  close  by  it  makes  it  a  situa- 
tion romantic  and  delightful.  In  ancient  writs  it 
is  called  Tarnua;  in  Irish  Taranich,  probably 

from  Tar  an  or  Tarnacli,  i.e.,  thunder,  because 
VOL.  ii.  14 


there  Jupiter  Taranis  might  have  been  anciently 
worshipped  (See  Ecdes.  Hist.) 

North  from  Tarnua  is  the  harony  of  Brodie. 
Brodie  House,  the  seat  of  the  family,  is  a  large 
and  convenient  old  building.  The  improvements, 
by  enclosures,  planting,  avenues,  vistas  through 
the  adjacent  wood,  and  a  large  pond,  make  it  a 
delightful  seat. 

A  mile  north-west,  close  by  the  firth,  are  two 
small  pyrarnidical  mounts,  called  the  Hills  of 
Mavieston,  which,  being  quite  stripped  of  all 
sward  or  turf,  and  nothing  but  quick-sand  re- 
maining, are  the  sources  from  whence  the  sand 
has  covered  much  land  in  Culbin,  Duffus,  and 


[Situation,  Soil,  Climate. — The  arrangement  of  the 
parishes  in  the  Presbytery  of  Forres  makes  a  short  excur- 
sion southwards  into  the  mountain,  and  returns  back  by 
the  west  towards  the  shore  of  the  Firth.  The  southern 
quarter  of  the  parish  of  Dyke  borders  on  the  northern 
limits  of  the  parish  of  Edinkielie,  on  the  confines  of  the 
forest  of  Darnway.  From  this  it  stretches  eastward  along 
the  River  of  Findern,  and  partly  on  the  southern  bank, 
by  the  shifting  of  its  course  in  former  times.  The  old  bar, 
at  its  efflux  appertaining  to  the  parish  of  Kinloss,  has 
been  already  noticed.  The  Firth,  however,  may  be  re- 
garded as  its  boundary  for  the  space  of  6  miles  upon  the 
north,  till  it  meets  the  parish  of  Auldearn,  from  which  it 
is  separated  by  a  brook,  the  Ellands  Bourn,  and  the  moors 
called  the  Hardmoor  and  Broadshaw,  which  run  across 
the  western  limit  of  the  county  of  Moray,  bordering  on 
the  county  of  Nairn,  till  it  again  joins  the  parish  of  Edin- 
kielie at  the  south.  The  latitude,  by  an  observation 
taken  lately  at  the  shore,  is  57°  36'  21"  north. 

The  soil  of  the  cultivated  ground  is  for  the  greater  part 


a  light  fertile  loam,  generally  incumbent  on  sand,  and  not 
very  retentive  of  moisture.  In  some  places  the  sole  is 
sand,  concreted  by  some  mineral  substance,  water  probably 
surcharged  by  iron  ore.  In  ploughing  it  is  avoided,  as 
adverse  to  vegetation  when  mingled  with  the  soil.  The 
whole  superficies  of  the  parish  contains  21  square  miles, 
one  half  of  which  is  a  desert  tract  of  drifting  sand  along 
the  shore.  The  land  side  of  this  tract  is  bounded  by  a 
pretty  high  bank,  which  may  be  traced  westward  nearly 
to  Inverness,  as  if  the  sea  had  once  flowed  out  to  its 
bottom,  and  which  still  seems  in  this  quarter  to  have 
limited  the  overspreading  of  the  sand.  An  irregular  tract 
of  sterile  moor  spreads  along  the  margin  of  this  bank,  the 
soil  of  which  having  been  carried  off  in  turf  the  naked 
gravel  remains,  soliciting  to  be  clothed  by  plantation,  of 
which  at  present  it  exhibits  some  hopeful  specimens. 
Three  brooks  unite  near  the  Church,  forming  a  consider- 
able stream,  which  winds  through  the  middle  of  the 
country,  nearly  parallel  to  the  river.  The  air  is  healthful 
and  dry,  and  the  climate  so  genial  that  the  more  delicate 
kinds  of  fruit,  the  apricot  and  peach,  ripen  on  a  wall  in 
the  open  air. 

State  of  Property. — Darnaway,  the  Earl  of  Moray's  seat 
in  this  quarter  of  the  kingdom,  is  an  ancient  and  magnifi- 
cent edifice,  though  built  in  different  ages,  and  in  divers 
forms.  The  original  fabric  at  the  first  consisted  only  of 
one  hall,  89  feet  in  length,  and  35  in  breadth.  Its  walls 
rose  nearly  to  the  height  of  32  feet — a  range  of  vaults, 
constructed  for  cellars  on  its  floor,  has  lowered  its  internal 
elevation  to  20.  Its  roof  of  solid  oak,  similar  to  the 
Guildhall  of  London  and  the  Parliament  House  of  Edin- 
burgh, remaining  unceiled,  displays  the  strength  of  the 
workmanship  of  the  14th  century,  for  it  was  built  by 
Randolph,  the  Regent  of  Scotland  in  the  minority  of 
David  Bruce.  Part  of  its  original  furniture  yet  remains. 
Earl  Randolph's  chair  of  state,  similar  in  workmanship 
and  form  to  the  Coronation-chair  of  the  monarchs  of 
Britain,  60  Ibs.  weight  of  oak,  decorated  with  no  very 
elegant  carving,  part  of  the  coat  armorial.  Coeval  with 
the  chair,  the  table  also,  of  the  same  kind  of  timber, 
remains.  The  modern  fashion  of  folding  down  the  leaves 
upon  the  pillars  was  then  unknown — a  device  more  com- 
plicated served  the  same  purpose.  From  one  end  a  leaf 


may  be  drawn  out  equal  to  the  length  of  the  upper  board, 
which  is  a  quadrangle,  supported  on  6  massive  columns. 
This  hall  was  only  intended  for  the  temporary  accommo- 
dation of  hunting  quarters.  Tradition  relates  that  its 
whole  floor  was  deeply  littered  with  green  rushes,  or 
grass,  at  night ;  and  the  Earl  with  all  his  suite  reposed 
thereon  together.  Numerous  apartments  have  since  been 
added,  several  of  them  fitted  up  and  furnished  with  all 
the  elegance  of  modern  fashion.  The  Castle  rises  on  a 
green  mount  in  the  skirt  of  the  forest.  It  commands  a 
very  extensive  and  pleasant  landscape,  and  its  environs  are 
embellished  by  groves  and  gardens,  and  much  ornamented 
cultivation.  Its  name  has  been  with  some  ingenuity  in- 
terpreted from  the  Gaelic  to  be  Randolph's  Mount,  tor- 
rannich,  but  as  rwnmich  in  that  language  signifies  fern, 
and  as  that  herb  still  maintains  its  place  in  vast  quantity 
over  all  the  forest,  its  appellation  seems  rather  more  simpl}7 
to  denote  the  fern  hill.  The  original  name  of  the  district 
also  was  Fernway ;  and  it  is  also  highly  probable  that  the 
Bridge  of  Rannoch,  a  little  farther  up  in  the  forest,  long 
supposed  to  bear  the  proud  title  of  its  ancient  lord,  ought 
also  to  be  reduced  to  its  more  suitable  relation  to  the 
humble  weed,  overhanging  the  banks  which  it  but  art- 
lessly conjoined.  By  the  Cess-Book  of  the  county  the 
valued  rent  of  this  domain  within  the  parish  is  stated  at 
£913  13s.  lOd. ;  but  of  this  the  sum  of  £39  is  apportioned 
on  lands  in  the  parish  of  Edinkielie. 

Northward  from  Darnaway  is  the  seat  of  James  Brodie 
of  Brodie,  Esq.,  the  residence  of  the  family  for  600  years. 
The  fabric  is  a  great  building,  not  modern,  yet  displaying 
all  the  elegant  accommodation  of  the  present  fashion.  It 
rises  on  a  green  lawn  in  a  pretty  extensive  park.  A  little 
lake,  shaped  into  an  artificial  pond,  is  commanded  by  the 
front ;  a  great  extent  of  full-grown  wood,  in  all  the  variety 
of  the  forest,  rises  on  every  side;  long  straight  avenues 
stretch  under  its  shade  ;  and  square  inclosures  under  the 
best  cultivation  bask  in  its  shelter. 

[The  present  castellated  Mansion  has  over  the  door  the 
initials  of  the  present  proprietor  and  his  spouse,  W.B.  and 
E.L.B.,  with  the  date  1846.  The  Brodie  coat  of  arms  are 
on  the  right. 

At  the  north  end  of  the  park  stands  a  Stone,  which  was 
brought  here  from  the  Churchyard  of  Dyke  at  the  erection 



of  the  present  Parish  Kirk.  It  is  a  parallelogram  about 
6  feet  high,  having  an  elaborately  carved  Cross,  with  some 
rudely-sculptured  animals,  but  no  date  nor  inscription. 
It  is  said  to  commemorate  Rodney's  victory  over  the 
Count  de  Grasse.] 

The  valued  rent  in  this  parish  is  £1,263  6d.  Scots. 

Eastward  is  the  ancient  barony  of  Grangehill,  originally 
appertaining  to  the  Priory  of  Pluscarden,  where  a  detach- 
ment of  their  brotherhood  resided.  Its  name  by  a  late 
owner  was  changed  into  Dalvey,  signifying  in  the  Gaelic, 
the  Plain  of  Spey.  It  appertains  to  Captain  Macleod. 
Its  valued  rent  extends  to  £1,174  15s.  8d.  Northward  is 
the  estate  of  Kincorth,  the  property  of  George  Grant,  Esq., 
embellished  by  a  modern  handsome  manor-house.  The 
valuation  amounts  to  £371  10s.  6d.  Binsness,  valued  at 
£195  8s.  7d.,  is  said  to  have  been  lately  acquired  by  Lord 
Kinnaird,  with  the  salmon  fisheries  both  in  the  river  and 
in  the  salt  water,  valued  at  the  yearly  rent  of  £500 
sterling.  The  rest  of  the  parish  appertains  to  Col.  Hugh 
Grant.  The  family  seat  at  Moy  is  a  magnificent  modern 
structure,  embellished  by  gardens,  groves,  shrubbery,  and 
walks ;  also  a  princely  suite  of  farm  offices,  adorned  by  a 
spire  and  public  clock ;  a  highly  cultivated  Manor  spreads 
over  the  plain  along  the  bank  of  the  river.  The  valued 
rent  paying  cess  in  the  county  of  Moray  amounts  to 
£1,755  17s.  5d.  Scots,  extending  the  valuation  of  the 
parish  to  the  sum  of  £5,674  6s.  6d.  Scots.  But  the  lands  of 
Easter  Moy,  amounting  to  the  valued  rent  of  £218  10s.  6d., 
are  under  the  jurisdiction  of  the  Sheriffdom  of  Nairn, 
though  distant  from  the  borders  of  that  county ;  but 
having  been  in  the  possession  of  the  ancestors  of  Lord 
Cawdor,  when  hereditary  Sheriffs  of  Nairn,  this  portion 
of  the  domain  would  have  occasionally  subjected  their 
haughty  independence  to  the  Court  of  the  Sheriff  of 
Moray  had  not  this  accommodation  to  the  prejudices  of 
the  feudal  times  been  devised.  Many  places,  politically 
insulated,  on  the  same  account,  remain  both  in  England 
and  in  Scotland ;  and  the  inconveniences  which  this  occa- 
sions in  the  administration  of  civil  justice  in  its  present 
establishment  have  been  hitherto  wholly  overlooked. 

But  this  political  evil  becomes  of  no  consideration 
when  one  physical  calamity  in  this  parish,  of  ghastly 
nature  and  enormous  size,  is  taken  into  contemplation — 


the  astonishing  superinduction  of  sand,  by  which  the 
fertile  and  populous  barony  of  Culbin  has  been  reduced 
to  a  state  of  absolute  and  irremediable  sterility.  It  pays 
the  land  tax  in  the  county  of  Moray,  answering  to  its 
valued  rent  of  £913  18s.  4d.  Scots.  Though  included  in 
Colonel  Grant  of  Moy's  valued  rent,  it  is  the  property  of 
his  nephew,  Mr.  Grant  of  Redcastle,  whom  it  qualifies  to 
be  elected  to  represent  the  county  in  Parliament. 

Those  astonishing  mounds  of  sand,  raised  along  the 
whole  coast  of  the  parish,  although  no  doubt  produced  by 
the  sea,  and  probably  by  its  encroachments  on  the  shores 
nearer  the  head  of  the  Firth,  have  not  acquired  their 
form  under  the  action  of  the  water.  They  are  not  com- 
posed of  different  strata,  or  beds,  and  they  have  no 
mixture  of  pebbles,  sea- weed,  or  shells;  but  they  are 
immense  accumulations  of  pure  washed  white  sand,  of 
the  smallest  texture,  having  their  situation,  bulk,  and 
form,  determined  only  by  the  wind.  The  smallest  par- 
ticles, though  the  first  that  are  suspended,  are  the  last 
which  are  deposited  by  the  water,  and  thereby  exposed 
to  the  power  of  the  wind,  while  pebbles,  shells,  and  heavier 
sand,  remain  upon  the  beach. 

Extraordinary  commotions,  from  various  causes,  have 
been  sometimes  excited  in  the  German  Ocean.  They 
have  been  strongly  felt  upon  the  coast  of  Holland  when 
they  had  also  risen  high  upon  the  whole  length  of  our 
eastern  shore,  from  the  banks  of  the  Thames  to  the  Pent- 
land  Firth.  One  striking  example  needs  be  only  adduced. 
By  the  commotion  which  the  Lisbon  earthquake  in  1755 
excited,  although  so  far  distant  on  the  west  and  opposite 
side  of  the  island,  a  flock  of  sheep  of  this  parish  were 
drowned  in  their  cot,  though  far  beyond  the  reach  of  any 
ordinary  tide. 

The  wide  expanse  of  the  Moray  Firth,  at  its  termina- 
tion between  the  shore  of  Caithness  and  the  coasts  of 
Aberdeen,  opens  the  access  to  a  heavier  inundation  from 
the  ocean,  and  the  bold  shore  upon  the  northern  side  rolls 
it  large  upon  the  Moray  coast,  which  is  uncommonly  flat 
to  the  westward  of  Burghead,  as  the  vast  swell  from  the 
ocean  is  impelled  along  the  contracting  channel  of  the 
Firth :  and  some  dreadful  commotion,  both  of  the  land 
and  water,  it  must  have  been,  which  amassed  the  ample 
shore  for  such  a  ruinous  accumulation. 


The  time  in  which  this  dismal  visitation  first  began  has 
almost  escaped  the  notice  of  particular  record ;  yet  general 
history  affords  several  intimations  of  storms  and  inunda- 
tions, which  might  have  been  the  remote  cause  of  this 
perpetual  devastation. 

It  has  been  already  noticed,  that  the  inundation 
which  submerged  the  princely  fortune  of  Earl  Good- 
win, on  the  coast  of  Kent,  must  have  raised  a  dreadful 
commotion  in  all  the  estuaries  on  the  eastern  side  of  the 
island,  and  shaken  the  whole  coast  from  the  one  end  to 
the  other.  The  era  of  this  desolation  coincided  with  the 
reign  of  Rufus  in  England,  and  Canmore  in  Scotland, 
towards  the  end  of  the  llth  century.  Dr.  Trussler's 
Chronology  specifies  the  year  1100  as  the  epoch  of  the 
Goodwin  Sands.  Fordun  and  Buchanan,  it  has  been 
already  shown,  mention  inundations,  and  devastations  by 
sand,  in  this  kingdom,  alarmingly  astonishing,  about  the 
period  for  which  Trussler  marks  for  this  similar  visitation 
upon  the  English  shore.  Respecting  the  year,  Buchanan 
is  not  particular,  but  speaks  in  general  of  the  prodigies  of 
that  age:  but  Boethius  particularly  conjoins  the  inunda- 
tion with  the  year  of  Canmore's  death,  namely  1097, 
within  three  years  of  the  date  which  Trussler  has  set 
down;  and  he  expressly  relates,  that  its  ravages  were 
desolation  on  the  coast  of  Moray,  of  which  county,  it  is 
obvious,  the  ideas  of  Buchanan  were  extremely  indistinct. 

"  The  death  of  Malcolm,"  says  Boethius,  "  happened  on 
the  ides  of  October,  in  the  year  of  our  redemption  1097, 
and  in  the  37th  year  of  his  reign  ;  and  in  the  same  year 
Albion  was  terrified  by  many  most  alarming  prodigies. 
Many  villages,  castles,  towns,  and  extensive  woods,  both 
in  England  and  in  Scotland,  were  overwhelmed  by  an 
exundation  of  the  German  Ocean,  by  the  weight  of  which 
tempest,  the  lands  of  Gudowine,  near  the  mouth  of  the 
Thames,  which  we  have  formerly  mentioned,  wei*e  over- 
whelmed by  sand ;  and  likewise  the  land  of  Moray  in 
Scotland  was  at  that  time  desolated  by  the  sea,  castles 
subverted  from  the  foundation,  some  towns  destroyed,  and 
the  labours  of  men  laid  waste,  by  the  discharge  of  sand 
from  the  sea :  monstrous  thunders  also  roaring,  horrible 
and  vast ! " 

To  this  it  may  be  added,  that  in  the  Scotichronicon,  book 
7th,  chap.  50,  Fordun  mentions  a  Comet,  to  the  influence 


of  which  he  ascribes  the  excesses  of  these  waters.  "  The 
order  of  the  Trinity,"  says  he, "  was  instituted  in  the  year 
1097.  In  that  same  year,  the  41st  of  the  Emperor  Henry 
IV.  a  Comet  appeared  in  the  west  from  the  1st  of  October : 
the  sowing  of  winter  grain  is  prevented  (aquarum  nimia 
inundatione)  by  excessive  inundations  of  water,  and  a 
failure  of  the  crop  ensues." 

In  the  Advocates'  Library,  it  is  also  said,  the  Records  of 
the  Priory  of  Pluscarden,  called  the  Red  Book,  are  still 
preserved ;  in  which  it  is  recorded  that  the  whole  low 
country  of  Moray  was  deluged  by  the  sea  in  the  year 
1010.  If  there  be  an  error  by  misplacing  the  two 
middle  numbers,  this  date  accurately  coincides  with  the 
period  about  which  Fordun,  Boethius,  Trussler,  and  even 
Buchanan,  have  all  so  nearly  agreed. 

It  must  therefore  be  allowed,  that  inundations  of  the 
most  destructive  magnitude  did  happen  towards  the  close 
of  the  eleventh  century.  What  their  effect  upon  the  coast 
of  Dyke  may  have  particularly  been,  lies  beyond  the  reach 
even  of  conjecture,  farther  than  that  they  extended  not  so 
far  as  the  sand  has  now  spread ;  for  even  in  the  last  cen- 
tury, the  northern  quarter  of  the  parish,  including  the 
barony  of  Culbin,  was  distinguished  as  "  the  granary  of 
Moray."  Cultivation,  therefore,  was  long  continued,  and 
it  is  likely  that,  when  only  a  little  sand  had  been  deposited, 
the  fertilitjr  of  the  ground  would  be  thereby  increased. 
But  this  vast  magazine,  which,  it  is  conjectured,  the 
waves  may  have  produced,  by  washing  off  the  cape  which 
gave  the  name  to  Inverness,  and  the  promontory  from 
the  point  of  Arderier,  has  been  accumulated  somehow  into 
the  Mavistown  hills,  on  the  eastern  borders  of  the  parish 
of  Auldearn.  From  thence  they  began  to  drift  over  the 
nearest  fields  of  Culbin,  in  the  tract  of  the  south-west 
wind ;  and  even  the  greater  part  of  these  singular  mounds 
themselves  have  migrated  from  Auldearn  into  Dyke,  the 
heavier  sand,  when  moved  by  the  gale,  settling  upon  the 
lee  side.  The  encroachments  have  been  every  year  gradu- 
ally extended,  the  rents  paid  in  victual  proportionally 
reduced,  the  tenants  one  after  another,  and  the  landlord, 
with  their  families,  mournfully  expelled,  and  their  habi- 
tations and  possessions  covered  up,  it  is  supposed,  to  the 
height  of  the  trees  of  the  gardens  about  the  manor.  The 
desolation  must  have  been  completed  prior  to  the  year 

MARCH-STONE   ON  ONE   OF   THE   SAND   HILLS.        217 

1695,  as  by  the  narrative  of  the  Act  of  Parliament  then 
made  to  prevent  the  pulling  of  bent,  "the  barony  of 
Oulbin,  and  house  and  yards  therof,  is  quite  ruined,  and 
overspread  with  sand."  The  farm  of  Earnhill,  a  corner  of 
the  estate  without  the  tract  of  the  sand,  accommodated 
for  some  time  the  proprietor,  which  now  alone  remains, 
scarcely  yielding  a  rent  of  £80,  of  an  estate  which  other- 
wise, at  this  time,  would  have  produced  more  than  £1000. 

Although  little  farther  damage  in  this  quarter  needs  be 
apprehended,  yet  the  whole  body  of  the  sand  is  uniformly 
progressive  from  the  west,  being  little  affected  by  the 
wind  from  any  other  quarter.  About  20  years  ago,  a 
March-stone  was  placed  on  one  of  the  sand  hills,  about  40 
feet  in  height,  that  it  might  be  the  more  conspicuous  ;  and 
it  was  then  conjectured,  that  the  stone  would  either  bury 
itself,  by  sinking  in  the  hill,  or  that  the  hill  would  rise 
over  it.  The  stone  however  kept  its  place :  the  hill, 
moving  off,  left  it  on  the  plain.  That  the  sand  is  therefore 
blown  into  the  Bay  of  Findhorn  in  considerable  quantities, 
admits  of  no  doubt,  as  part  of  it  by  every  strong  gale  is 
carried  quite  across  the  water :  but  whether  it  be  borne 
eastward  by  the  tide,  to  be  deposited  on  some  other  shore, 
or  only  washed  back  again  in  perennial  alternate  succes- 
sion upon  its  own  coast,  may  be  perhaps  in  another 
century  discovered. 

The  real  rent  of  the  parish,  including  that  of  the  fisheries, 
and  the  value  of  the  grounds  about  the  seats  of  the  pro- 
prietors, may  be  stated  at  £3000.  The  number  of  acres 
under  cultivation  amounts  to  2697,  and  the  natural  and 
planted  wood  occupies  1191.  There  are  several  farms  of 
considerable  extent,  from  £60  to  upwards  of  £100  of  rent ; 
more  than  half  the  parish  may  be  occupied  in  smaller 
possessions,  from  £5  to  £20  of  rent.  The  average  rent 
upon  the  acre  may  be  estimated  at  18s.:  but  at  the  village 
of  Dyke,  it  is  let  at  £2  the  acre.  The  number  of  every 
kind  of  horses  may  be  384;  black  cattle,  1047;  sheep, 
1533,  of  the  small  white-faced  breed;  and  there  may  at 
times  be  about  40  hogs  of  swine :  the  particular  numbers 
however  are  by  no  means  permanent. 

State  Ecclesiastical. — In  the  year  1618  the  parishes  of 
Moy  and  Dyke  were  conjoined,  and  the  residence  and 
Church  then  fixed  at  Dyke,  a  Gaelic  word,  signifying  an 
enclosure,  also,  an  artificial  course  for  a  stream  of  water. 


The  glebe  at  Moy  is  let  by  the  incumbent  to  the  pro- 
prietor, at  6  bolls  of  barley ;  and  the  burying-ground  is 
still  in  occupation.  The  Church  was  rebuilt  in  the  year 
1781,  a  handsome  commodious  structure,  neatly  finished 
and  furnished  at  the  expense  of  £525,  exclusive  of  the 
carriage  of  the  materials. 

The  value  of  the  living,  including  the  allowance  for  the 
Communion,  and  £1  13s.  4d.  paid  for  the  pasturage  which 
the  law  annexes  to  the  glebe,  is  £48  8s.  6d.  sterling,  106 
bolls  1  firlot  barley,  and  1\  bolls  of  oatmeal.  The  right 
of  patronage  is  divided  between  the  Crown  and  the  pro- 
prietor of  Moy. 

The  school  is  in  the  vicinity  of  the  Church.  The  salary 
is  £2  15s.  6£d.  and  16  bolls  of  bear,  with  the  customary 
fees  from  about  40  scholars,  and  £1  as  the  fee  with  the 
perquisites  of  the  office  of  Session-Clerk,  makes  the  estab- 
lishment equal  to  about  £33  yearly. 

John  Anderson,  Esq.,  Writer  to  the  Signet,  in  the  year 
1702,  bequeathed  a  capital  for  the  establishment  of  a 
school  for  girls,  which,  with  an  addition  of  £27  15s.  6d. 
sterling  from  the  proprietor  of  Brodie,  who  built  the 
school  house  of  two  storeys,  and  endowed  it  with  a  little 
garden,  makes  the  salary  equal  to  £6  18s.  lOd.  sterling. 
This  appointment  is  under  the  charge  of  the  proprietors 
of  the  parish  and  the  session :  but  the  building  is  at  pre- 
sent fallen  almost  into  a  state  of  irreparable  decay. 

The  number  of  poor  amounts  to  61.  The  provision 
contributed  by  the  people,  chiefly  at  their  meetings  for 
social  worship,  amounts  to  about  £25  sterling  yearly. 
To  this  sum,  the  Rev.  William  Falconer,  senior,  proprietor 
of  Kincorth,  and  Minister  of  Dyke  to  the  year  1674, 
destined  an  annual  allowance  of  3  bolls  bear,  valued  about 
£2  14s.  secured  on  the  rent  of  a  croft.  Mr.  Henry  Vass 
also,  servant  to  Major  Grant  of  Moy,  destined  the  capital 
of  £100  sterling  to  12  poor  children.  Mr.  Vass  also  made 
a  donation  to  the  infirmary  hospitals  of  Edinburgh  and 
Aberdeen,  in  order  to  entitle  the  session  to  send  patients 
to  either  of  these  endowments. 

The  members  of  the  Established  Church  are  1490;  the 
Dissenters,  mostly  of  the  Antiburgher  sect  of  Secedersr 
are  39. 

Miscellaneous  Information. — This  parish  is  distin- 
guished by  affording  the  scene  of  the  main  spring  of  the 


drama  of  the  tragedy  of  Macbeth.  It  was  on  the  Hard- 
moor,  on  the  western  side  of  the  park  of  Brodie  House, 
where  Macbeth  and  Banquo,  returning  victorious  from  an 
expedition  in  the  western  isles  to  wait  on  King  Duncan, 
then  in  the  Castle  of  Forres,  and  on  a  journey  to  Inverness, 
are  represented  to  have  been  saluted  by  the  weird  sister- 
hood. It  may  be  observed  that  by  introducing  Hecate,  and 
blending  an  heathen  with  a  Christian  superstition,  Shak- 
speare  shows  that  he  himself  had  no  belief  in  either ;  that 
he  considered  King  James's  book  on  Deraonology,  re- 
printed about  that  time  at  London,  as  sillily  absurd;  and 
those  Acts  of  Parliament  which  condemned  poor  old 
women  to  be  burnt  to  death  for  working  miracles,  as 
abominably  cruel,  and  desperately  wicked. 

In  digging  out  the  foundation  for  the  Church,  an 
earthen  pot,  with  silver  coins  to  the  value  in  bullion  of 
.£46  sterling,  was  found.  By  Anderson's  Numisrnata 
Scotise,  they  were  discovered  to  be  4d.  pieces ;  they  were 
all  of  equal  size,  and  very  fine  silver,  larger  than  a  six- 
pence, but  very  thin.  They  had  been  stamped  in  different 
places  both  in  Scotland  and  England,  in  the  contemporary 
reigns  of  Henry  II.  and  William  the  Lyon.  Some  of  the 
oldest,  struck  at  Striviling,  bore  on  one  side  RE  VILLIAM, 
the  Gaelic  for  King  William. 

The  people  are  decent,  peaceful,  and  well  affected  to 
the  national  religion  and  government :  they  are  little 
addicted  either  to  a  seafaring  or  military  life :  they  live 
poorly,  that  they  may  dress  neatly ;  but  few  attempt  to 
save  money. 

Grain  is  annually  disposed  of  in  considerable  quantities,, 
oats  chiefly  and  barley,  sometimes  wheat.  Old  oxen  and 
dry  cows  are  sold  off  for  the  English  graziers.  When  young 
oxen  and  milch  cows  can  be  sent  to  market,  they  always 
sell  at  a  great  price.  The  spinning  of  flax,  formerly  of 
great  consideration,  may  still  bring  into  the  parish  about 
£300  yearly.  The  management  of  the  salmon  has  been 
already  noticed  in  the  trade  of  Findhorn.  A  kit  gene- 
rally contains  3  salmon,  about  10  Ib.  each.  Considerable 
quantities  of  cod  fish  are  caught  by  the  boats  of  Findhorn 
and  Nairn,  more  abundantly  at  that  season  which  doe& 
not  admit  of  their  being  dried  in  the  open  air.  A  quan- 
tity was  cured  in  barrels  like  salted  salmon,  and  tried, 
from  this  parish,  in  the  London  market ;  the  sale  was  not 

220  PARISH    OF   DYKE. 

such  as  to  encourage  the  continuance  of  the  trade.  It 
has  been  suggested,  that  if  they  were  boiled  in  vinegar, 
like  kitted  salmon,  they  might  find  a  brisker  market. 

A  considerable  number  of  seals  frequent  the  coast.  One 
man  killed  130  in  a  year;  the  oil  and  skin  of  each  brought 
4s.  This  fishery  is  an  object  of  the  greater  importance, 
because  the  seal  both  prey  upon  the  salmon  and  frighten 
them  off  the  coast. 

A  market  of  wood  has  been  lately  established.  One  of 
the  proprietors  has  disposed  of  a  plantation  to  be  felled 
in  7  years,  at  the  rate  of  £100  yearly ;  and  the  ground  is 
to  be  again  planted  as  soon  as  the  whole  is  cleared.  He 
has  a  similar  plantation  in  equal  forwardness,  and  several 
rising  in  succession.  The  larger  allers  are  employed  in 
the  construction  of  boats  and  small  vessels :  birch  is  made 
up  into  the  cheapest  kinds  of  agricultural  utensils :  the 
ash,  the  elm,  beech,  and  plane,  with  a  few  oaks,  that  can 
be  spared,  are  shipped  off  at  Findhorn  :  and  the  fir,  manu- 
factured into  deals,  and  timber  for  the  roofing  of  houses, 
begins  to  find  its  way  to  the  same  port.]  (Survey  of  the 
Province  of  Moray.) 


[Most  persons  on  going  from  Elgin  to  Forres,  either  by 
rail  or  by  the  public  road,  have  their  attention  generally 
attracted  to  an  immense  number  of  large,  bare  sand-hills 
lying  away  down  on  the  shore  of  the  Moray  Firth. 
These  are  the  sand-hills  of  Culbin.  When  seen  from  any 
point  along  either  of  the  lines  which  we  have  indicated 
they  present  a  dreary  and  sterile  aspect,  and  one  is  ready 
to  conclude,  without  making  a  nearer  approach  to  them, 
that  they  must  form,  altogether,  a  scene  of  extreme 
dreariness  and  desolation.  A  distant  view  of  them,  how- 
ever, gives  but  a  very  faint  idea  of  their  great  magnitude, 
or  of  the  immense  extent  of  ground  which  they  occupy. 
It  is  only  when  you  have  entered  among  them  and 
traversed  the  length  and  breadth  of  the  ground  which 
they  cover,  and  climbed  to  their  summits,  that  a  know- 
ledge of  their  true  character  is  obtained. 

Many  of  the  mounds  are  120  feet  in  height,  and  measure 
along  the  base  440  yards  in  length  and  220  in  breadth. 
The  sand  is  scarcely  ever  at  rest,  and  hills  of  sand,  100 
feet  in  height,  are  frequently  found  to  change  their 


appearance  altogether  in  a  single  night.     The  changes  are 
very  rapid  if  there  be  any  westerly  winds. 

The  shifting  nature  of  the  sand  may  be  understood 
from  the  following  circumstances : — In  the  heydays  of 
smuggling,  a  foreign  vessel  visited  the  coast,  and,  during 
the  night,  landed  a  valuable  cargo  of  contraband  goods  on 
the  back  shore.  As  the  owners  had  not  at  the  time  the 
means  of  conveying  them  to  their  destination,  it  was 
resolved  to  stow  them  away  under  the  slope  of  one  of  the 
great  sand-hills  until  the  party  had  time  to  collect  their 
forces.  This  was  successfully  accomplished.  Unfortu- 
nately for  them,  a  strong  westerly  wind  sprung  up  in  the 
night  time,  and  continued  without  the  least  abatement 
during  part  of  the  following  day.  On  the  evening  of 
that  day  the  owners  returned,  accompanied  by  a  number 
of  carts,  never  for  a  moment  imagining  that  there  could 
be  the  smallest  difficulty  in  finding  the  goods.  Whether 
they  found  the  exact  sand-hill  in  which  the  goods  had 
been  deposited  has  never  been  ascertained ;  but  when  the 
men  reached  the  slope  where  they  thought  they  had 
placed  them,  they  felt  themselves  in  a  complete  quandary. 
The  goods  were  to  be  found  nowhere.  A  few  men  had 
been  sent  there,  hours  before,  to  have  matters  arranged ; 
but  they  had  traversed  the  ground  again  and  again,  and 
even  trenched  the  sand  in  numerous  places,  and  still  not 
a  single  trace  of  them  could  be  seen.  So  bewildered  were 
the  men  on  account  of  the  sand  having  shifted  and  oblit- 
erated every  mark  of  their  movements  on  the  previous 
night,  that  it  became  a  question  among  them  which  of 
the  sand-hills  contained  the  missing  treasure.  When  the 
circumstance  became  generally  known,  the  carters,  and 
others  connected  with  the  affair,  bestirred  themselves, 
and  spread  about  in  all  directions  in  search  of  the  goods. 
As  an  encouragement  to  them,  the  moon  shone  brightly 
and  made  every  object  visible  for  a  great  way  around. 
At  this  time  men  were  seen  everywhere  searching  for  the 
lost  treasure.  Some  were  probing  the  sand  with  their 
whip-shafts,  others  were  busily  sounding  its  depth  with 
their  hands,  while  not  a  few,  with  spade  and  shovel,  were 
casting  deep  trenches  in  the  sides  of  the  sand-hills.  The 
whole  night  was  spent  in  the  search,  and  after  night  the 
day,  and  many  succeeding  days,  but  it  proved  all  labour 
in  vain.  The  valuable  cargo  of  brandy  and  tobacco  lay 


snugly  under  some  deep  sand-drift,  and  up  to  the  present 
time  not  the  slightest  trace  of  either  has  been  seen. 

On  my  first  visit  to  the  sand-hills  of  Culbin  the  weather 
was  very  mild,  and  of  course,  down  there,  exceedingly  close 
and  warm.  On  hearing  from  the  people  of  the  district  of 
the  extraordinary  appearance  which  these  hills  presented 
during  a  westerly  gale,  I  felt  most  anxious  to  see  them  in 
their  wildest  aspect.  Fortunately,  on  the  day  on  which 
a  strong  westerly  gale  prevailed,  I  had  an  opportunity  of 
visiting  them.  On  entering  among  them  the  wind  was 
tremendous,  and  as  it  came  rushing  down  through  the 
openings  between  the  hills,  carrying  with  it  immense 
torrents  of  sand,  its  force  and  violence  were  almost  over- 
powering. Clouds  of  sand  were  also  continually  falling 
from  the  tops  of  the  mounds,  and  whirling  about  in  the 
wildest  confusion.  Nothing  could  be  seen  but  sand  above, 
and  sand  below,  and  sand  everywhere.  The  place  soon 
became  very  uncomfortable,  and  after  having  passed 
about  an  hour,  groping  my  way  along  the  base  of  the 
great  sand  hills,  I  deemed  it  prudent  to  return,  lest  I 
should  get  bewildered. 

On  my  return  through  one  of  those  gorges  or  openings 
to  which  I  have  already  alluded,  I  felt  the  wind  much 
fiercer  than  when  I  passed.  The  sand  seemed  to  come  in 
waves,  which  had  a  sensible  weight,  and  the  force  with 
which  they  were  driven  made  it  somewhat  difficult  to 
withstand  them.  I  was  more  than  once  like  to  be  carried 
off  my  feet.  On  approaching  the  last  great  sand-hill, 
nearest  Kincorth,  the  wind  poured  down  through  the 
hollow  as  if  it  had  been  blowing  through  a  funnel.  The 
quantity  of  sand  drifted  along  must  have  been  immense. 
I  caught  it  in  handfuls  as  it  passed.  When  nearing  the 
gorge  the  wind  had  acquired  a  rotatory  motion,  and  the 
sand,  following  the  movement,  drifted  about  and  lashed 
me  at  times  with  some  severity,  as  if  it  were  done  inten- 
tionally and  for  a  purpose.  When  under  the  lee  of  the 
hill  the  force  of  the  wind  was  a  good  deal  broken,  but  the 
sand  came  pouring  down  in  torrents,  and  sometimes  in 
masses,  from  the  heights  above.  These,  by  being  again 
broken  and  whirled  about  in  all  directions,  had  a  most 
bewildering  effect.  Moving  onwards,  with  my  eyes  shut, 
like  one  blindfold — for  no  man  in  his  sober  senses  would 
venture  to  open  his  eyes  at  such  a  time  unless  he  wished 


to  have  them  sacrificed — I  expected  that  the  worst  would 
soon  be  past,  and  that  I  should  be  able  to  grope  my  way 
at  leisure  out  of  this  horrible  place,  but  the  moment  I 
got  beyond  the  shelter  of  the  sand-hill  I  was  met  by  such 
a  powerful  blast  of  wind  that  came  sweeping  round  the 
corner  of  the  hill  as  seemed  to  be  a  work  altogether 
beyond  the  common  operations  of  nature.  So  violent  and 
tormenting  were  these  attacks  that  I  could  not  help 
thinking  that  the  furies  must  have  leagued  together  to 
punish  me  for  entering  upon  their  domains.  Whether 
the  furies  took  a  part  in  the  affair  or  not  I  am  not  pre- 
pared to  affirm,  but,  on  coming  out  of  that  gorge,  I  felt  as 
if  a  dozen  thongs  were  lashing  me  with  great  force  round 
the  body,  and  I  actually  felt  as  if  the  points  of  them  had 
reached  upwards  and  were  twitching  my  face.  Ropes  of 
sand  are  generally  spoken  of  with  a  degree  of  contempt, 
but  really,  when  they  operate  like  the  thongs  of  Culbin, 
they  are  not  to  be  despised. 

No  sooner  had  I  got  beyond  the  fierce  influence  of  the 
sand-drift  than  I  felt  something  about  me  which  was 
quite  unaccountable,  and  which,  for  a  time,  made  me 
exceedingly  uncomfortable,  and  even  qualmish.  I  felt  a 
pressure  and  weight  on  my  body  which  had  the  effect  of 
dragging  me  down  and  retarding  my  progress,  as  if  the 
power  of  gravitation  had  been  increased  tenfold.  Certain 
dubious  thoughts  flashed  quickly  across  the  mind,  and 
for  a  moment  I  stood  like  one  petrified.  At  the  same 
time  I  felt  a  burst  of  perspiration  starting  from  every 
pore,  and  in  less  than  a  minute  my  whole  body  was 
suffused  with  moisture.  What  is  the  meaning  of  this  ? 
was  the  question  I  put  to  myself;  and  while  in  the  midst 
of  my  perplexity  I  put  my  hand  into  my  pocket  in 
search  of  my  pocket  handkerchief  to  wipe  away  the  big 
drops  which  trickled  down  my  face,  I  found  my  pocket 
crammed  with  sand.  I  tried  another,  it  was  equally 
filled.  Every  pocket  about  me  was  filled  with  sand,  and 
my  clothes  were  completely  saturated  with  it,  and  my 
shoes  were  like  to  burst,  and  my  eyes,  my  ears,  my  nos- 
trils, and  my  mouth  were  all  partakers,  more  or  less 
of  it.  On  moving  about,  I  observed  the  minute  particles 
of  sand  pouring  from  my  clothes  as  thick  as  when  a 
drizzling  rain  falls  from  a  summer  cloud.  In  short,  I 
felt  myself  to  be  nearly  altogether  a  man  of  sand. 


The  loneliness  of  the  place  is  often  extremely  dis- 
tressing. At  other  times  one  is  filled  with  interest  as  you 
notice  the  numerous  examples  of  sand-ripple  arranged  in 
all  the  order  and  regularity  that  you  see  displayed  by 
the  sands  on  the  shore. 

Shingle  beaches  are  found  below  the  general  level  of 
the  sand — remains  these  of  ancient  sea-beaches.  But 
you  will  speedily  see  something  else. 

On  leaving  these  beaches  and  crossing  a  ridge  of  sand, 
you  perceive,  towards  the  east,  a  tract  of  low  ground 
stretching  away  between  two  large  sand  hills.  Of  course 
you  conclude  that  this  is  another  series  of  sea-beaches, 
and  as  you  feel  a  desire  to  see  in  what  respect  they  will 
present  themselves,  you  move  down  upon  them,  plodding 
your  way  over  a  tract  of  recently  drifted  sand,  in  which 
you  sink  to  the  knees  at  every  step.  When  you  reach 
the  edge  of  this  piece  of  ground,  you  feel  greatly  sur- 
prised. Instead  of  a  series  of  sea-beaches,  you  see  before 
you  a  large  tract  of  the  old  fertile  lands  of  Culbin.  For 
some  time  you  stand  like  a  statue,  quite  absorbed  with 
reflections  on  the  past.  You  look  around  and  you  see 
the  big  ghostly  sand  hills  towering  upwards  on  either 
side.  What  ruin  !  What  desolation!  On  this  rich 
loamy  field  the  husbandman  had  no  doubt  driven  his 
team  with  a  merry  heart,  sowed  his  seed,  and  in  due  time 
reaped  a  plentiful  harvest.  The  hearty  laugh  of  the 
reapers  has  been  heard  ringing  merrily  across  this  field  ; 
and  wanton  herds  have  fed  luxuriantly  on  the  rich  herb- 
age ;  now,  there  is  not  so  much  as  a  single  blade  of  grass 
to  be  seen  on  any  part  of  the  ground. 

The  view  is  most  extensive,  ranging  from  Mealfour- 
vonie,  on  the  Ness,  to  the  Binhill  in  Banffshire. 

The  estate  of  Culbin  is  invested  with  a  melancholy 
interest.  About  200  years  ago  it  was  one  of  the  richest 
and  most  fertile  districts  in  Moray.  In  the  days  of  its 
prosperity  it  was  designated  "  the  Granary  of  Moray,"  and 
not  unfrequently  "  the  Girnal  of  Moray."  This  term  was 
applied  to  it,  not  merely  on  account  of  the  great  fertility 
of  the  soil,  but  as  indicating  the  delightfulness  of  the 
climate,  and  the  earliness  of  the  crops,  and  the  unfailing 
resources  of  the  district,  even  when  there  was  a  partial 
failure  in  other  parts  of  the  country,  occasioned  by  the 
lateness  of  the  harvest  arid  the  setting  in  of  early  frosts. 

CHURCH   ON   THE   SITE    OF   THE   CHAPEL   HILL.        225 

All  the  cultivated  land  on  the  estate  was  of  a  deep,  rich, 
alluvial  soil,  being  the  accumulation,  for  ages,  of  the 
fine  silt  carried  down  the  Findhorn  in  time  of  floods,  and 
spread  over  a  wide  extent  of  country,  when  it  and  the 
neighbouring  low  lands  formed  the  basin  of  a  large 
shallow  bay.  The  lands  of  Moy,  and  of  several  other 
fertile  estates  lying  on  either  side  of  the  river  Findhorn, 
consist  of  accumulations  of  this  kind.  The  extent  of 
arable  land  on  the  estate  of  Culbin  is  difficult  to  be  ascer- 
tained at  the  present  day.  It  contained  a  number  of 
small  farms,  besides  the  home  farm,  which  was  always 
kept  in  the  hands  of  the  family.  There  were  also  many 
small  crofts  occupied  by  families  who  derived  great  part 
of  their  living  by  fishing.  There  was  also  an  extensive 
range  of  good  pasture,  extending  both  to  the  north  and 
west  of  the  cultivated  lands,  before  they  were  defaced  by 
the  great  sand  drift.  At  one  time  the  population  must 
have  been  very  numerous,  for  there  was  a  Church  on  the 
borders  of  the  estate,  the  site  of  which  still  goes  by  the 
name  of  the  "  Chapel  Hill."  The  comparative  value  of 
the  lands  of  Culbin  may  be  known  when  it  is  stated  that, 
in  1654,  its  valued  rental  in  the  parish  of  Dyke  was 
£913  18s.  4d.  Scots,  while  that  of  Darnaway,  belonging 
to  the  Earl  of  Moray,  in  the  same  parish,  and  which  is 
of  great  extent,  was  only  £913  13s.  lOd.  Scots.  It  is 
evident,  from  this  statement,  that  the  estate  of  Culbin 
held  a  high  rank  amongst  the  properties  of  the  country. 

There  can  be  little  doubt  that  the  great  accumulation 
of  sand  which  overwhelmed  Culbin,  and  covered  an  ex- 
tensive district  in  its  neighbourhood,  was  derived  from 
various  parts  along  the  shore  of  the  Frith,  when  the  old 
coast  line  began  to  break  up.  On  many  parts  of  the 
coast  the  sea  has  made  extensive  encroachments,  espe- 
cially between  Burghead  and  Findhorn.  Although 
history  is  silent  on  the  subject,  there  is  a  tradition 
prevalent  among  the  inhabitants  of  these  villages  that, 
about  200  years  ago,  there  was  easy  access,  in  a  direct 
line,  along  the  shore  from  the  one  village  to  the  other, 
the  distance  being  then  about  six  miles.  It  is  evident 
that  the  sea,  since  that  time,  has  made  extensive  en- 
croachments upon  the  land;  and,  even  within  the  remem- 
brance of  some  of  the  old  inhabitants  of  the  place,  there 
have  been  great  changes  on  the  coast ;  they  have  long 
VOL.  II.  15 


remarked  a  visible  wasting  away  of  the  land.  At  the 
present  time  the  coast-line  between  Burghead  and  Find- 
horn  is  a  great  curve  inland,  and  the  distance  along  the 
shore,  between  these  villages,  is  now  nearly  doubled,  or 
about  ten  miles.  The  materials  which  the  sea  had  to 
work  upon  were  extensive  ranges  of  sea-beaches.  To  a 
casual  observer,  these  beaches  have  all  the  appearance  of 
being  composed  of  shingle  or  water-worn  stones  ;  but,  in 
most  instances,  the  appearance  is  deceptive.  When  a 
section  is  exposed  by  the  action  of  the  sea,  they  are  seen 
to  have  a  thin  covering  of  rounded  stones,  but  the  great 
body  of  the  beaches  is  a  mass  of  fine  sand,  interstratified 
here  and  there  with  thin  layers  of  small  pebbles.  By 
some  peculiar  tidal  movement,  very  different  from  that 
which  affected  the  coast  during  the  formation  of  these 
beaches,  the  sea  has  been,  for  a  long  time,  endeavouring 
to  recover  part  of  its  former  domain.  The  sand,  which 
formed  the  greater  proportion  of  these  beaches,  has  been 
gradually  carried  westward,  and  thrown  up  on  various 
parts  of  the  shore  between  Findhorn  and  Nairn.  These 
new  deposits,  thrown  up  in  the  form  of  sand  beaches,  had 
been  seized  upon  by  the  strong  westerly  winds  and 
carried  inland;  and  there  can  be  no  doubt  that  these 
were,  at  first,  the  great  feeders  of  the  huge  sand  hills  of 
Mavieston,  which  lie  some  three  or  four  miles  west  from 
Culbin.  By  degrees  the  sand  was  drifted  eastward,  and, 
in  course  of  time,  formed  numerous  mounds  of  immense 
size  and  extent,  and  spread  itself  over  a  tract  of  country 
fully  eight  miles  in  length,  and,  in  some  places,  upwards 
of  two  miles  in  breadth.  The  once  beautiful  and  fertile 
estate  of  Culbin  is  included  in  this  tract.  At  the  present 
time  it  is  altogether  deeply  covered  with  sand,  from 
which,  according  to  appearances,  there  is  little  likelihood 
that  it  ever  will  be  free. 

To  all  appearance  there  was  little  injury  sustained  by 
the  sand-drift  westward  of  Culbin.  All  the  way  from 
Mavieston  the  sand-hills  are  heaped  up  on  ancient  shingle 
beaches.  This  is  also  the  case  with  the  tract  of  ground 
lying  between  Culbin  and  the  back  shore  on  the  north. 
It  is  the  same  between  the  eastern  boundary  of  Culbin 
and  the  river  Findhorn.  Although  there  is  no  appear- 
ance of  any  great  extent  of  cultivated  land  having  been 
destroyed,  either  to  the  west  or  north  of  Culbin,  it  is 


evident  that  extensive  ranges  of  good  pasture  had  been 
rendered  wholly  useless.  In  some  places,  towards  the 
west,  there  are  extensive  plains,  fully  a  mile  in  length, 
and  about  a  quarter  of  a  mile  in  breadth,  lying  between 
one  series  of  sea-beaches  and  another.  These  low 
grounds  must,  at  one  time,  have  been  covered  with  a 
close  herbage,  for  even  now,  when  there  is  but  a  slight 
covering  of  sand,  various  kinds  of  coarse  grasses,  and 
several  species  of  carices,  are  seen  to  spring  up  and  make 
great  efforts  to  hold  their  place.  In  several  of  these 
places  a  great  number  of  Scotch  firs  have  been  planted, 
and  it  is  remarkable  how  healthy  they  look,  and  how 
well  they  thrive,  with  the  sand  heaped  up  about  them  to 
the  height  of  two  and  three  feet.  Although  these  green 
spots  present  little  of  the  refreshing  verdure  which  meets 
the  eye  in  the  cultivated  parts  of  the  country,  yet  they 
have  a  very  pleasing  appearance  when  seen  amidst  the 
wide  waste  of  sand,  which  bounds  the  view  on  every 
side.  They  are  like  oases  in  the  desert. 

The  injury  was  not  wholly  confined  to  the  estate  of 
Culbin.  About  the  time  of  Culbin  sand-drift,  there  was 
an  extraordinary  drifting  of  sand  over  most  of  the  country 
inland.  In  the  parishes  of  Kinloss  and  Duffus,  and  over 
the  northern  portion  of  the  parish  of  Alves,  sand  is  found 
in  considerable  depths.  It  overlies  in  some  places  a  deep 
reddish  clay,  which  is  most  favourable  to  vegetation. 

On  the  estate  of  Inverugie  the  sand  had  covered  the 
old  land  to  a  great  depth.  This  estate  came  into  the 
possession  of  the  late  William  Young,  Esq.,  a  gentleman 
of  no  common  energy,  and  one  of  the  most  persevering 
and  enterprising  men  of  the  north.  Although  he  de- 
lighted to  see  good  farming,  and  did  his  utmost  to 
encourage  the  cultivators  of  the  soil  and  promote  their 
prosperity,  yet  the  rich  old  spots  of  the  earth  presented 
few  attractions  to  him.  He  conceived  that  a  man  derived 
little  credit  by  raising  rich  crops  on  a  soil  that  had  been 
under  cultivation  for  centuries.  Nothing  afforded  him 
greater  pleasure  than  to  see  the  waste  and  unsightly 
parts  of  the  country  improved  and  made  useful.  In  this 
respect  he  set  an  example  to  all  around  him,  by  selecting 
the  most  worthless  and  forbidding  piece  of  ground  for  his 
experiments;  and  by  the  time  he  had  done  with  it  he 
seldom  failed  to  invest  it  with  all  the  charms  of  a  little 


paradise.  Mr.  Young  had  not  been  long  in  possession  of 
Inverugie  when  he  began  to  see  that  there  was  a  treasure 
concealed  under  the  sand.  He  went  to  work  with  a  will, 
and  with  a  spirit  that  never  fagged;  and  notwithstanding 
the  great  body  of  sand  he  had  to  work  upon,  he  trenched 
it  to  the  extent  of  some  hundred  acres,  and  brought  to 
the  surface  a  thick  covering  of  the  rich,  old,  black  soil, 
which  had  been  lying  in  many  places  fully  8  feet  under 
the  sand.  The  work  was  accomplished  at  an  enormous 
expense,  but  the  result,  in  due  time,  was  highly  remunera- 
tive, and  soon  became  apparent  on  the  different  farms  in 
the  well -filled  stackyards  and  the  luxuriant  pastures. 

It  may  not  be  uninteresting  to  mention  that,  while  Mr. 
Young  was  engaged  in  this  great  work,  his  friend,  the 
late  Sir  Thomas  Dick  Lauder  of  Relugas,  conceiving  this 
to  be  a  favourable  opportunity  for  testing  the  vitality  of 
seeds  after  being  long  'buried  in  the  soil,  procured  a 
quantity  of  the  mould.  This  was  in  February,  1817. 
After  carefully  tending  the  soil,  which  he  had  put  in  a 
couple  of  flower-pot  saucers,  he  had  the  pleasure  of  seeing 
no  fewer  than  46  plants  springing  up  in  May  of  the  same 
year.  In  a  short  time  he  was  able  to  identify  four  dif- 
ferent species  of  plants.  These  were  the  mouse-ear 
(Cerastium  arvense),  scorpion  grass  (Myosotis  scorpi- 
oides),  purple  archangel  (Lamium  purpureum),  and  the 
corn  spurrey  (Spergula  arvensis).  It  is  curious  that  this 
old  soil,  which  had  been  lying  inert  for  nearly  two  cen- 
turies, should  produce  the  same  species  of  plants  which 
are  troublesome,  as  weeds,  to  the  cultivators  of  the  soil  at 
the  present  day. 

Soon  after  the  overthrow  of  Culbin,  another  great 
change  took  place  in  its  neighbourhood.  Formerly,  the 
river  Findhorn  swept  round  to  the  north  of  the  lands  of 
Binsness,  and  thence  flowed  westward,  about  six  miles,  in 
a  course  nearly  parallel  with  the  shore,  before  it  entered 
the  Firth  at  the  Old  Bar.  At  the  present  time  the  river, 
after  passing  the  village  of  Findhorn,  flows  northwards, 
and  falls  directly  into  the  sea.  It  is  supposed  that  this 
change  in  the  course  of  the  river  was  caused  by  the  great 
quantity  of  sand  drifted  eastward  from  Culbin,  and 
which,  in  its  progress,  had  accumulated  in  the  bed  of  the 
river.  By  this  means  a  barrier  was  formed  in  the  channel, 
and  the  waters,  having  accumulated  behind  it,  sought  an 


outlet  at  the  lowest  level,  which  happened  to  be  in  the 
direction  which  it  now  holds.  It  may  easily  be  conceived 
how  soon  a  rush  of  water  would  form  a  channel  for  itself, 
when  there  was  nothing  in  its  way  but  a  tract  of  loose 
sand  and  shingle.  About  the  same  time  the  village  of 
Findhorn  stood  about  a  mile  to  the  north-west  of  its 
present  site.  It,  too,  was  affected  by  the  changes  that 
were  then  taking  place.  It  had  been  for  some  time 
threatened  by  the  sea  encroaching  upon  it  on  one  side,  and 
the  river  on  the  other ;  and  one  night,  during  a  fearful 
storm,  the  sea  broke  in  upon  it  and  swept  it  away. 
Fortunately,  the  villagers  were  aware  of  its  precarious 
position,  and  left  it  in  time,  so  that  there  was  no  loss  of 
human  life. 

An  opinion  has  been  long  prevalent  among  the  inhabi- 
tants of  the  district,  and  indeed  among  many  persons  at 
a  distance,  that  the  estate  of  Culbin,  with  the  mansion- 
house,  and  all  the  houses  of  the  numerous  tenantry,  were 
overwhelmed  in  one  night.  This  opinion  had  no  doubt 
arisen  from  the  circumstance  that,  after  a  most  tremen- 
dous night  of  sand-drift,  a  finishing  stroke  was  given  to 
the  great  work  of  destruction,  which  had  been  going  on 
gradually  for  a  number  of  years.  Previously  to  that 
time  the  mansion-house  and  several  of  the  houses  of  the 
tenantry  were  still  inhabited,  and  portions  of  the  land 
were  still  under  cultivation,  but  on  that  awful  night 
every  person  had  to  flee  for  safety.  The  relentless  sand- 
flood  poured  fiercely  over  houses  and  fields  and  gardens, 
and  when  the  poor  houseless  tenants  returned  in  the 
morning  to  look  for  their  homes,  nothing  was  to  be  seen 
but  a  wide  waste  of  sand.  So  bewildering  was  the  sight, 
that  it  became  a  subject  of  conjecture  among  them  where 
their  former  habitations  lay. 

The  history  of  the  family  also  affords  some  clear  and 
distinct  notices  of  the  gradual  destruction  of  the  estate. 
It  is  on  record  that  Alexander  Kinnaird  succeeded  to  the 
estate,  after  it  was  much  destroyed  by  the  blowing  of 
sand.  On  July  17th,  1695,  he  petitioned  Parliament  to 
be  exempted  from  paying  cess,  "  because  his  estate,  which 
20  years  before  was  one  of  the  most  considerable  in 
Moray,  was  nearly  all  covered  with  sand,  and  the  man- 
sion-house and  orchard  destroyed."  Two  years  after- 
wards, this  same  Alexander  applied  to  Parliament  for  a 


personal  protection  from  his  creditors,  on  the  ground  that 
three-parts  of  his  estate  were  overrun  with  sand,  and  the 
fourth  part  sold  for  payment  of  his  creditors. 

In  many  places  throughout  the  district,  where  the  sand 
has  been  drifted  away  from  the  old  sea-beaches,  large 
heaps  of  sea  shells  are  to  be  seen  lying  upon  the  top  of 
them.  They  all  belong  to  shell-fish  of  the  edible  kind, 
and  consist  mostly  of  the  oyster  (Ostrea  edulis},  cockle 
(Cardium  edule),  mussel  (Mytilus  edulis),  tapes  (Tapes 
decussata),  rock  Jenus  (Tapes  pultastrd),  and  buckie  or 
periwinkle  (Littorina  littorea).  In  early  times  the  basin 
of  the  Moray  Frith  must  have  afforded  a  favourable 
habitat  for  the  oyster.  Their  shells  are  found  in  great 
abundance,  not  only  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Culbin,  but 
in  many  other  places  both  to  the  east  and  west  of  it ; 
and  it  would  appear,  from  the  great  collections  of  them 
everywhere,  that  the  people  of  the  district  had  used  them 
largely.  In  many  places  their  shells  are  heaped  up, 
layer  above  layer,  to  the  depth  of  two  and  three  feet. 
Some  great  change  must  have  taken  place  in  the  bed  of 
Frith,  for  the  animal  is  now  completely  extirpated.  Per- 
haps it  would  not  be  erring  greatly  to  ascribe  their 
destruction  to  the  same  causes  which  ultimately  over- 
whelmed the  lands  of  Culbin.  The  great  tidal  movements 
which  had  gradually  broken  up  the  old  coast-line,  carried 
the  sand  westward.  This  sand  was,  no  doubt,  widely 
and  largely  distributed  over  the  basin  of  the  Frith  before 
it  was  thrown  up  on  the  shore,  and  when  it  overspread 
the  firm,  hard  ground,  which  had  been  the  favourite 
haunt  of  the  oyster,  its  destruction  was  inevitable. 

It  is  generally  supposed  that  these  heaps  of  shells  indi- 
cate the  places  where  human  habitations  had  once  stood, 
before  the  district  was  overblown  with  sand.  In  most 
instances  the  shells  are  intermixed  with  the  ashes  of 
peat,  and  this  gives  some  countenance  to  the  supposition ; 
but  if  there  were  houses  here,  every  trace  of  them  has 
long  since  disappeared.  However,  there  is  a  person  now 
living  in  the  neighbourhood  who  remembers  to  have  seen, 
about  40  years  ago,  the  walls  and  some  other  parts  of  a 
house  exposed  by  the  wind  blowing  off  the  sand.  The 
walls  of  the  house  were  formed  entirely  of  a  firm  clay 
turf,  which  had  been  very  carefully  cut  and  regularly 
placed.  A  few  wooden  supports,  very  much  decayed, 


were  still  remaining.  The  floor  was  neatly  causewayed 
with  rounded  stones  from  the  beach,  and  over  this  there 
was  a  layer  of  clay  about  four  inches  in  thickness.  The 
greater  part  of  the  materials  had  been  worn  away  by  the 
wind  beating  upon  it  at  some  former  time,  the  part  of  it 
which  remained  entire  had  been  preserved  by  its  being 
covered  with  sand. 

It  is  said  that  many  of  the  tenants  on  the  estate  of 
Culbin  lingered  long  in  their  old  habitations,  always 
cherishing  the  hope  that  the  sand  would  make  no  further 
progress.  So  determined  were  they  to  keep  possession 
of  their  dwellings,  that  when  the  sand  was  heaped  up  in 
front  of  their  houses,  they  still  managed,  with  great 
labour,  to  clear  an  entrance ;  but  soon  the  accumulations 
became  too  great  to  be  cleared  away,  and  at  last  every 
way  of  access  in  front  was  completely  blocked  up.  Not- 
withstanding the  threatening  appearance  of  matters,  they 
still  clung  to  their  abodes,  and  broke  out  an  entrance  in 
the  back  wall  of  their  houses ;  but  even  this  was  only  of 
temporary  advantage,  for  the  sand  accumulated  around 
them  with  every  wind  and  soon  overtopped  the  houses, 
and  at  length  engulphed  them  in  the  common  ruin. 

Although  the  Mansion-house  of  Culbin  has  been  for  a 
long  time  deeply  buried  under  one  of  the  large  mounds, 
yet  portions  of  it  have  at  times  been  fully  exposed. 
About  80  years  ago  there  had  been  a  furious  drifting  of 
sand,  which  continued  for  several  days  in  succession,  and 
which  greatly  altered  the  figure  of  many  of  the  large 
sand-hills.  During  this  change  a  great  part  of  the  old 
Mansion  appeared,  standing  like  a  skeleton,  apart  from 
the  great  mass  of  sand  in  which  it  had  been  long  en- 
tombed. It  was  firmly  and  substantially  built,  and  con- 
tained a  number  of  finely  dressed  stones.  While  it  lay 
exposed  it  was  used  by  the  people  in  the  neighbourhood 
as  a  quarry,  and  many  a  fair  building  in  the  district  now 
possesses  some  of  the  good  substantial  stones  that  once 
graced  the  old  baronial  Mansion  of  Culbin.  If  the 
weather  had  continued  favourable,  there  was  every  like- 
lihood that  all  the  materials  of  the  Mansion  would  have 
soon  disappeared.  Soon,  however,  another  furious  sand- 
drift  swept  across  the  district,  and  the  old  House  of 
Culbin  again  disappeared.  At  a  later  time  one  of  the 
chimney-tops  was  seen  peering,  like  a  large  march-stone, 


above  the  sand.  It  remained  visible  for  some  time,  and 
many  persons  went  to  see  it,  but,  during  a  night  of  severe 
drifting,  it  disappeared.  This  seems  to  have  been  the 
last  sight  obtained  of  any  part  of  the  House  of  Culbin. 

It  is  also  mentioned  that,  some  considerable  time  after 
the  estate  was  destroyed,  the  branches  of  a  cherry  tree, 
in  full  blossom,  were  seen  standing  out  from  the  side  of 
one  of  the  sand-hills,  under  which  the  garden  and  orchard 
lay.  It  is  also  stated  that  an  old  man,  who  died  about 
20  years  ago,  and  who  lived  to  the  age  of  80,  used  to 
relate  that,  in  his  younger  days,  he  observed  a  thriving 
branch  of  an  apple  tree  protruding  from  the  side  of  a 
sand-hill.  He  visited  the  locality  from  time  to  time, 
watching  the  progress  of  the  branch,  and,  as  it  was  a 
favourable  season,  it  budded  and  blossomed,  and  in  due 
time  bore  fruit,  which  he  had  the  pleasure  of  gathering. 
The  fruit  was  of  fair  size,  and  most  delicious  in  flavour. 

The  relics  obtained  from  the  old  lands  of  Culbin  belong 
to  a  period  too  close  at  hand  to  be  of  much  interest  to 
the  antiquary.  They  consist  of  fragments  of  pottery, 
bits  of  iron  and  brass,  and  stone -whorls  of  the  old- 
fashioned  distaff.  Persons  in  the  neighbourhood  state 
that  silver  spoons  have  been  found  in  the  soil.  Flint 
arrow-heads  and  celts  have  been  picked  up  in  several 
places  along  the  tops  of  the  ancient  sea  beaches,  and  in 
one  place,  in  the  neighbourhood  of  some  large  heaps  of 
marine  shells,  a  great  many  flint  arrow-heads  were  found, 
along  with  numerous  fragments  of  the  flinty  substance, 
leading  to  the  supposition  that  arrow-heads  had  been 
manufactured  in  this  particular  locality.  In  the  same 
place  were  found  a  few  fragments  of  what  seemed  to  have 
been  bracelets,  very  neatly  cut,  and  made  from  black  oak, 
but  these  belong  to  a  period  much  more  remote  than  the 
historic  days  of  Culbin. 

As  reference  has  been  often  made  to  the  Family  of  Cul- 
bin, it  may  not  be  deemed  unimportant  to  give  a  short 
genealogical  account  of  it,  from  the  only  authentic  source 
now  extant.  The  family  was  of  the  ancient  Moravienses, 
and  is  descended  from  the  great  Flemish  house  of  Fres- 
kyn,  who,  by  the  powerful  assistance  it  afforded  to 
William  the  Lion  and  his  immediate  successors,  acquired 
great  possessions  in  the  north  of  Scotland,  from  the  chief 
of  which  they  assumed  the  local  name  of  Moray.  The 


descent  of  the  Family  may  be  traced  from  Egidix  or  Giles 
Moray,  daughter  and  heiress  of  Walter  de  Moravia  de 
Culbin,  who  married  Thomas  Kinnaird  of  Kinnaird  about 
1400,  and  whose  successors  took  the  name  of  Kinnaird. 
Of  this  marriage  there  were  two  sons — Allan,  ancestor  of 
Kinnaird  of  that  ilk,  and  Thomas,  ancestor  of  the  Kin- 
naird of  Culbin.  Allan  succeeded  his  father,  Thomas, 
and  got  a  charter  of  the  barony  of  Culbin,  in  Perthshire, 
May  7,  1440.  He  likewise  got  a  charter  of  the  barony  of 
Culbin,  on  the  resignation  of  his  mother,  Egidia.  He 
was  succeeded  in  the  estate  of  Culbin  by  his  brother 
Thomas,  who  obtained  a  charter  of  confirmation.  He 
was  succeeded  by  his  son  Thomas,  who  was  succeeded  by 
his  son,  Walter  Kinnaird  of  Culbin,  who  was  retoured 
heir  to  his  father  Thomas  de  Culbin,  23rd  January,  1509. 
He  married,  first,  Marjory  Dunbar.  He  appears  to  have 
married,  secondly,  Margaret  Murray.  He  was  succeeded 
by  his  grandson,  Walter  Kinnaird  of  Culbin.  He  married 
Elizabeth  Innes,  of  the  family  of  Innes.  They  were  both 
living  in  1613,  which  is  ascertained  by  the  Inscription  on 
their  Tombstone,  still  preserved  in  the  Church  of  Dyke. 
Walter  was  succeeded  by  his  son,  Alexander  Kinnaird  of 
Culbin,  who  was  retoured  heir  to  his  father  Walter,  in 
1626.  He  was  succeeded  by  his  son  Walter.  This  gen- 
tleman is  frequently  mentioned  in  the  Rolls  and  Acts  of 
Parliament.  He  was  succeeded  by  his  son,  Thomas 
Kinnaird  of  Culbin.  He  was  named  a  Commissioner  for 
raising  public  duties  in  Morayshire  in  1685.  He  was 
succeeded  by  his  son,  Alexander  Kinnaird  of  Culbin. 
This  gentleman  succeeded  after  the  estate  was  much 
destroyed  by  the  blowing  of  the  sand.  He  married 
Mary,  daughter  of  Alexander,  10th  Lord  Forbes,  and 
relict  of  Hugh  Rose  of  Kilravock,  by  whom  he  had  a  son 
named  Thomas,  who  was  a  young  child,  and  left  an 
orphan  at  the  time  the  estate  was  destroyed.  A  female 
relation  took  charge  of  him,  removed  with  him  to  Edin- 
burgh, where  she  supported  herself  and  him  for  two 
years  by  needlework,  until  a  half-brother  of  his,  Colonel 
Alexander  Rose,  of  a  regiment  of  horse  stationed  in  Ire- 
land, took  him  under  his  care.  The  young  man  afterwards 
became  Captain  of  a  troop  of  horse,  and  died  about  1743. 
The  estate  of  Culbin  was  sold,  about  1700,  to  Duff  of 
Drummuir,  from  whose  family  it  came  by  purchase  into 


the  family  of  Grant.  In  1772,  the  late  Sir  James  Grant 
sold  it,  along  with  Moy,  to  Colonel  Hugh  Grant,  a  son  of 
Sheuglies,  upon  whose  death,  in  1822,  it  fell  by  disposi- 
tion to  James  Murray  Grant,  Esq.,  of  Glenmoriston.] 

(See  a  Lecture  delivered  before  the  Elgin  Literary  and 
Scientific  Association,  in  May,  1861,  by  John  Martin,  a 
native  of  Elgin,  having  been  born,  in  humble  circum- 
stances, at  Clackmarras.  He  became  teacher  of  the  Free 
School  of  Anderson's  Institution  in  1831,  and  retired  in 
1866  on  a  pension  of  £60.  He  died  set.  87,  on  Sunday  the 
8th  May,  1881.)  (Eo.) 

[By  charter,  dated  at  Elgin,  1189-99,  King  William 
gave  the  Churches  of  Foreys  and  Dyk,  with  the  tithes 
and  vicarage  of  the  same,  to  the  Bishop  of  Moray.  (Reg. 
Ep.  Morav.) 

The  Church  of  Dilse  (?Dyke)  (Theiner)  is  rated  at 
22s.  8d.  in  the  Taxation  of  1275,  and  at  4  merks  in  that  of 
1350.  It  was  a  prebend  of  the  Cathedral  of  Moray,  and 
one  of  the  mensal  churches  of  the  diocese. 

The  three  Churches  of  Dyke,  Moy,  and  Forres  were 
under  one  Minister  in  1574;  and  Alexander  Duff  was 
Reader  at  Dyke. 

A  decreet  was  pronounced  on  24th  Jan.,  1618,  "  Anent 
the  vneiting  of  the  Kirk  of  Moy  to  the  Kirk  of  Dyik, 
baithe  lyand  w'in  the  diocie  of  Murray"  (Acta  Part.,  v. 
569).  In  1641  the  right  of  presentation  to  the  Church  of 
Dyke  was  found  to  belong  to  the  Earl  of  Dunfermline, 
Lord  Fyvie  (ibid) ;  but  Campbell  of  Moy  entered  a  pro- 
test against  this  finding,  as  recorded  in  the  Presbytery 
books  of  Forres.  (Shaw's  History  of  Province  of  Moray). 

In  1780,  during  the  digging  of  the  foundations  of  the 
present  Church  of  Dyke,  and  near  the  steps  which  lead 
to  the  burial-place  of  Brodie  of  that  ilk,  a  quantity  of 
silver  coins  were  found.  They  belonged  to  the  time  of 
William  the  Lion,  and  were  from  the  mints  of  Edinburgh, 
Perth,  Roxburgh,  Stirling,  and  Berwick. 

Mr.  Cardonnel  (Numismata  Scotice,  Preface  3,  4),  who 
gives  a  description  of  the  coins  and  their  discovery,  says 
that  they  were  found  by  a  workman,  who  immediately 
closed  up  the  trench  where  they  la}r,  but  who  returned 
at  night,  along  with  his  wife,  and  carried  off  the  whole 
mass,  which,  adds  Mr.  Cardonnel,  "  must  have  been  very 


valuable,"  for  the  finder,  a  poor  man,  soon  became  a  con- 
siderable farmer.  Fortunately  some  specimens  of  "the 
find  "  were  saved  from  the  melting-pot,  and  deposited  in 
the  Museum  of  the  Society  of  Antiquaries  of  Scotland, 
where  they  are  still  to  be  seen.  This  discovery  was  one 
of  National  importance,  it  having  been  previously  doubted 
whether  there  was  a  silver  Coinage  in  Scotland  in  the 
time  of  King  William. 


The  Church  and  Churchyard  of  Dyke  occupy  a  rising 
ground,  and  on  the  south  side  of  the  Kirk  is  the  burial- 
place  of  the  present  noble  family  of  Moray.  It  is  enclosed 
with  a  railing,  and  marked  by  a  handsome  Obelisk  of 
white  marble.  The  family  arms  adorn  the  needle,  and  a 
tablet  in  the  plinth  bears : — 


In  the  Kirk-Session  Records  (Jan.  17, 1683)  it  is  stated, 
"This  day  being  Wednesday,  the  corps  of  the  right 
honourable  The  Countess  of  Murray  were  interred  in  the 
church  of  Dyke,  the  Right  Reverend  father  in  God,  the 
Bishop  of  Murray,  preached  the  funerall  sermon."  This 
entry  appears  to  relate  to  the  fourth  Countess,  Emilia, 
daughter  of  Sir  William  Balfour  of  Pitcullo,  and  mother 
of  the  fifth  Earl  of  Moray.  According  to  Douglas1  Peer- 
age, the  second  Earl  of  Moray,  who  died  at  Darnaway,  Cth 
August,  1638,  "was  buried  next  day  at  the  Church  of 
Dyke,  without  any  pomp,  according  to  his  own  directions." 

The  founder  of  this  branch  of  the  Earls  of  Moray  was 
James,  the  "Good  Regent"  (natural  son  of  James  V.), 
who  was  assassinated  by  Hamilton  of  Bothwellhaugh  at 
Linlithgow,  21st  January,  1569-70,  when  in  his  37th 
year.  He  was  buried  within  St.  Giles'  Church,  Edinburgh, 
in  which  is  his  Monument,  lately  restored.  His  wife  was 
a  daughter  of  Earl  Marischal,  and  by  her  he  left  two 
daughters,  the  elder  of  whom,  Lady  Elizabeth,  married 
James  Stewart,  afterwards  the  "  Bonny  Earl  of  Moray  " 
of  Scottish  song,  son  and  heir  of  Sir  James  Stewart  of 
Doune.  He  was  murdered  by  Huntly's  men  among  the 
rocks  near  Donibristle,  7th  February,  1591-2,  and  wa& 
succeeded  by  his  eldest  brother,  James,  from  whom  the 
present  Earl  is  descended. 


The  family  Burial-aisle  of  the  Brodies  of  that  ilk  is  at 
the  east  end  of  the  Church.  It  is  an  ashlar  building, 
with  a  stair  leading  to  a  vault,  in  which  are : — 

II.  The   coffins  of  William    Douglas-Rynett    and    George 
Gordon,  two  of  the  sons  of  the  Laird  of  Brodie.     The  former, 
born  20th  Jan.,  1815,  died  16th  Nov.,  1865,  and  the  latter, 
born  12th  Aug.,  1839,  died  3rd  Dec.,  1868. 

III.  A  coffin-slab,  built  into  the  north  end  of  the  upper 
flat  of  the  aisle,  presents  a  calvary  on  steps,  with  a  sword 
below  the  right  arm.      Round  the  margin  of  the  stone 
(part  of  which  is  unfortunately  covered  by  the  floor)  is 
this  inscription : — 

*%<  hie  iacet  richarbus  brothu  nt  nxore  s«a  xjut  xrbiit  x°  bi° 
iie ano  imi  tn°  =  ccct°  =  bcxx°  =  biii° 

This  is  the  only  inscribed  slab  within  the  aisle,  and 
nothing  is  recorded  of  the  persons  commemorated. 

IV.  There  are  also  three  inscribed  coffin-plates  within 
the  building : — 

The  Hon.  Alexander  Brodie  of  Brodie,  Esq.,  Lyon  King  at 
Arms  for  Scotland.  Obiit  March  9,  1754,  setat.  58. 

It  was  in  this  laird's  time,  says  Mr.  Young  in  his 
History  of  New  Spynie,  that  the  family  of  Brodie  reached 
its  greatest  height  of  prosperity,  being  then  possessed  of 
very  considerable  territory,  to  which  the  Lyon-King 
added  the  property  of  Lochloy.  He  was  sometime  M.P. 
for  Elginshire,  and  afterwards  for  the  Inverness  District 
of  Burghs. 

V.  Alexander  Brodie  of  Brodie,  Esq.,  born  May  29,  1741, 
died  at  Bristol,  Sept.  5th,  1759,  aged  18  years,  the  last  surviving 
son  of  Alex.  Brodie  of  Brodie,  Lord  Lyon,  deceased,  and  of 
Mary  Sleigh,  his  wife. 

VI.  Mary  Sleigh,  only  child  of  Major  Sam  Sleigh  and  of 
Isabella  Corbet,  his  wife.     This  truly  worthy  lady  died  univer- 
sally regretted  the  21st  March,  1769,  in  the  56th  year  of  her 
age,  the  widow  of  Alex.  Brodie  of  Brodie,  Esq.,  Lord  Lyon,  by 
whom  she  had  eight  children,  three  most  promising  sons  and 
five  daughters,  all  which  she  survived,  except  one  most  unspeak- 
ably afflicted  daughter,  Emilia,  the  wife  of  John  Macleod  of 
Macleod,  Esq. 

Tradition  says  that  "  a  weird  "  was  pronounced  against 
the  Brodies  of  that  ilk,  to  the  effect  that  no  son  born 

IN   THE   PARISH   OF   DYKE.  237 

within  the  Castle  of  Brodie  should  ever  become  heir  to 
the  property.  It  is  added  that  this  was  caused  by  one  of 
the  lairds  who  induced  an  old  woman  to  confess  being 
guilty  of  witchcraft  by  offering  her  a  new  gown,  and 
then,  instead  of  fulfilling  his  promise,  had  her  tied  to  a 
stake  and  burnt. 

It  is  further  stated  that  the  lady  of  the  Lyon-King 
treated  the  malison  with  indifference,  and  bore  all  her 
family  in  the  Castle  of  Brodie ;  but  as  she  had  the  mis- 
fortune to  see  one  son  after  another  pass  away  by  death, 
it  is  said  she  repented  of  her  neglect  of  the  warning,  and 
died  of  a  broken  heart.  But  the  malison,  whatever  effect 
it  may  have  had  in  days  of  yore,  has  now  quite  lost  its 
power,  the  present  laird  having  been  born  within  the 
Castle  of  Brodie,  8th  Sept.,  1840. 

On  the  death  of  the  son  of  the  Lyon-King  in  1759,  the 
succession  to  Brodie  devolved  upon  his  cousin,  James 
Brodie  of  Spyhie.  He  married  a  daughter  of  William, 
Earl  of  Fife,  by  whom  he  had  a  large  family,  and,  dying 
in  1824,  was  succeeded  by  a  grandson,  William,  who  died 
in  1873,  having  been  Lord  Lieutenant  of  Nairnshire  from 
his  succession  in  1824.  He  was  succeeded  by  his  second 
surviving  son,  Hugh,  who  married,  Jan.  1,  1868,  Lady 
Eleanor,  third  daughter  of  the  second  Earl  of  Ducie,  by 
whom  he  has  issue,  four  sons  and  one  daughter. 

The  present  laird's  grandfather,  who  was  accidentally 
drowned  at  Madras  in  1802,  left  two  sons  and  five 
daughters.  The  fourth  daughter,  Isabella,  married  Capt. 
Pattullo,  of  the  Madras  Cavalry;  and  within  an  aisle 
(adjoining  that  of  the  Brodies)  is  a  marble  Monument, 
with  war  trophies,  the  names  of  the  battles  in  which  the 
deceased  was  engaged — Alma,  Balaclava,  Inkerman — and 
this  Inscription  : — 

VII.  This  monument  is  erected  to  the  memory  of  Lieut.-CoL 
James  Brodie  Pattullo,  C.B.  of  the  30th  Regiment,  by  many 
friends  who  wished  to  record  their  affection  for  him,  and  their 
admiration  of  his  character,  conduct,  and  military  services. 
Distinguished  throughout  the  whole  Crimean  Campaign  for  his 
gallantry  and  zeal,  he  was  not  less  remarkable  for  the  fortitude 
with  which  he  bore  its  unparalleled  hardships,  and  for  his 
devotion  to  the  best  interests  of  the  soldiers.  He  fell  mortally 
wounded  at  the  attack  on  the  Redan,  8th  Sept.,  1855,  and  died 
the  following  day,  in  his  33rd  year,  greatly  beloved  and 


lamented.  Sustained  in  death  by  the  principles  which  guided 
his  life,  expressing  his  reliance  solely  on  the  merits  of  our  Lord 
Jesus  Christ,  he  died  in  the  sure  and  certain  hope  of  a  joyful 

The  surname  of  Brothu,  Brothy,  Brodie,  is  of  territorial 
origin,  and  seems  to  have  been  assumed  from  the  lands  of 
that  name  in  Dyke,  from  which,  under  the  name  of 
"Brochy,"  the  King's  collector,  in  1337  (Chamb.  Rolls), 
charges  himself  with  certain  payments.  Shaw  supposes 
the  family  to  be  a  branch  of  the  ancient  Moravienses,  or 
those  of  the  time  of  Malcolm  IV.,  and  begins  the  pedigree 
with  Malcolm,  Thane  of  Brodie,  who  died  in  1285,  a 
designation  which  occurs  in  the  case  of  John  of  Brodie, 
in  1492  (Reg.  Ep.  Morav.,  236).  It  is  further  said  that 
Thomas  of  Brothie  and  Dyke  had  a  charter  of  the  lands 
of  Brodie  from  Bruce  in  1311.  The  most  important  cadet 
of  the  family  is  Brodie  of  Lethen,  whose  ancestor,  Alex- 
ander, was  a  brother  of  David  Brodie  of  that  ilk,  and 
uncle  to  Lord  Brodie.  Mr.  John  Clerk  Brodie,  W.S., 
Laird  of  Idvies,  is  a  son  of  this  branch. 

It  was  one  of  the  lairds  of  Brodie  who  wrote  an  inter- 
esting Diary,  1652-80,  which  was  carried  on  by  his  son 
down  to  1685.  It  has  been  printed  for  "the  Spalding 
Club,"  under  the  editorship  of  Dr.  David  Laing,  of  the 
Signet  Library,  Edinburgh.  On  reference  to  Dr.  Laing's 
preface,  and  to  Spalding's  History  of  the  Trubles  (i.  376), 
it  will  be  found  that  the  Laird  of  Brodie  had  such  a 
share  in  the  destruction  of  two  oil  Paintings  of  the 
Crucifixion  and  of  the  Day  of  Judgment,  and  of  some 
carved  work  in  the  Cathedral  of  Elgin,  as  cannot  be 
sympathised  with  in  modern  times. 

VIII.  About  sixty  years  ago,  while  the  sexton  was 
digging  a  grave,  he  came  upon  a  carved  Stone  which  had 
formed  a  portion  of  the  tomb  of  the  old  family  of  Kinnaird 
of  Culbin.  It  bears  two  shields.  One  initialed  V.K. 
exhibits  the  Kinnaird  and  Innes  coats,  quarterly;  the 
other,  initialed  B.I.,  is  charged  with  the  Innes  arms,  and 
a  crescent  for  a  difference.  Below  are  the  following  date 
and  curious  rhyme  in  interlaced  Roman  capitals : — 


INNES  :  THE  :  BVILDARS  :  OF  :  THIS  : 


BED  :  OF  :  STANE  :  AR  :  LAIRD  :  AD  : 
TVA  :  AND  :  THAIRS  :  QVHANE  : 
BRAITHE  :  is :  GANE  :  PLEIS  :  GOD  : 
VIL  :  SLEIP  :  THIS  :  BED  :  VITHIN  : 

In  July,  1571,  the  above-named  persons  had  a  nineteen 
years'  lease  of  the  teinds  of  Culbyn,  Meretoun,  and  Leak 
from  the  Bishop  of  Moray,  for  the  yearly  payment  of 
£12  6s.  8d.  (App.  Reg.  Ep.  Morav).  Walter  Kynnaird, 
whose  daughter  was  probably  the  wife  of  Fraser  of  Braikie, 
in  Forfarshire,  died  about  1626,  as  on  4th  April  of  that 
year  his  son  Alexander  was  served  heir  to  his  father  in 
the  lands  of  Culbin  and  others. 

The  next  printed  Retour  (Aug.  15,  1677)  shows  that 
Thomas  Kinnaird  succeeded  his  father,  Walter,  in  Culbin, 
and  other  properties,  among  which  were  the  fishings  and 
ferry  coble  on  the  Findhorn,  and  the  "  Mansio  capellae 
Sancti  Niniani  infra  parochiam  de  Diser"  (?Dyke). 
There  was  a  Chapel  dedicated  to  St.  Ninian  near  Kincorth, 
where  the  name  is  still  preserved  in  Ninian's  Croft.  The 
tenant  of  the  farm  of  which  the  croft  forms  a  part  is 
bound  to  pay  to  the  Kirk  Session  yearly  the  price  of 
three  old  bolls  of  barley  for  behoof  of  the  poor. 

Culbin  was  an  ancient  inheritance  of  the  Morays  of 
Duffus,  Alexander  of  Moray  being  designed  Lord  of 
Culbin  in  1389  (Reg.  Ep.  Morav.  354).  The  heiress,  Egi- 
dia  de  Moravia,  having  married  Thomas,  son  of  Richard 
Kinnaird  of  that  ilk  (ancestor  of  the  Lords  Kinnaird  in 
Perthshire),  brought  Culbin  to  her  husband  about  1440. 
The  property  was  bought  from  the  Kinnairds  by  Alex. 
Duff  of  Drummuir,  from  the  creditors  of  whose  second 
son,  John,  Culbin  and  Easter  Moy  were  acquired  by 
Major  George  Grant  about  1732. 

IX.  An   enclosure   (near  the  Moray  obelisk)  contains 
two  marble  slabs,  thus  inscribed : — 

X.  The  Burial  Ground  of  the  Macleods  of  Dalvey. 

Sacred  to  the  memory  of  Mary  Mackintosh,  the  beloved 
wife  of  Eneas  Mackintosh,  who  died  3rd  Nov.,  1848. 

Grangehill,  the  name  of  which  was  changed  to  Dalvey 
by  Sir  Alex.  Grant,  of  the  Durris  family,  who  bought  the 
property  about  1749,  was  acquired  by  an  ancestor  of  the 


late  Mr.  Macleod  about  17  .  As  a  whole,  it  is  possibly 
one  of  the  loveliest  of  the  many  lovely  spots  in  Moray- 
shire  ;  and  the  gardens,  which  contained  a  number  of  rare 
and  valuable  plants,  were  much  visited  by  tourists  and 
others  during  the  time  of  the  late  proprietor,  who  died  in 
1876.  At  Grangehill  the  Prior  of  Pluscardine  had  a 
grange  and  a  cell  of  monks  who  cultivated  the  land. 

XI.  From  a  plain  headstone  to  the  east  of  the  Brodie 
vault : — 

The  Burial-place  of  the  Allans,  late  of  Muirhall,  Brodie. 

"The  Allans"  were  a  farmer  family,  and  a  daughter 
married  the  Rev.  Dr.  David  Brichan,  Minister  of  Dyke, 
"an  accomplished  scholar  and  elegant  writer,"  who  died 
in  1814.  A  son,  James  Brodie  Brichan,  who  adhered  to 
the  Free  Church,  and  died  of  pleurisy  at  Edinburgh,  17th 
March,  1864,  at  the  age  of  54,  was  an  industrious  and 
trustworthy  literary  antiquary.  He  assisted  the  late 
Professor  Cosmo  Innes  in  the  compilation  of  some  of  his 
valuable  works,  and  was  sole  author  of  the  .last,  and  of  a 
considerable  portion  of  the  first,  volume  of  Origines 
Parochiales  Scotice,  which  is  perhaps  one  of  the  most 
valuable  of  the  many  important  works  printed  for  the 
Bannatyne  Club.  This  great  work  is  unfortunately  un- 
finished. The  portion  issued  embraces  (vol.  i.)  the  Dioceses 
of  Glasgow ;  vol.  ii.,  part  1,  Argyle  and  the  Isles ;  part  2, 
Ross,  Caithness,  Argyle,  and  the  Isles. 

XII.  A  death's   head  and  crossed  bones   are   rudely 
carved  upon  the  stone,  which  bears  this  brief  record  : — 

Robert  Cowie, 
Christian  Mawer,  1682. 

The  next  three  inscriptions  are  from  tablestones : — 

XIII.  Placed  here  at  the  request  of  John  Clunes,  of  the 
parish  of  St.   Mary,   County  of  Middlesex,   and  Island   of 
Jamaica,  in  commemoration  of  the  remains  of  his  beloved 
parents,  James  Clunes  and  Jean  MacKintosh,  the  former  born 
in  the  year  1730,  died  in  the  year  1802 ;  the  latter  born  in  the 
year  1749,  died  in  the  year  1811. 

XIV.  Mary  William,  wf.  of  D.  Christie,  d.  1784,  a.  23. 

Well  did  she  act  the  different  scenes  of  life  j 
A  modest  virgin,  and  a  loving  wife ; 

FEMALE   SCHOOL   IN   THE  PARISH   OF  DYKE.         241 

A  darling  daughter,  and  a  mother  kind ; 
A  pleasant  neighbour,  and  a  constant  friend ; 
By  all  who  knew  her  worth,  she  liv'd  belov'd, 
And  all  with  sorrow  for  her  death  was  mov'd. 

XV.  William  Falconer,  and  his  wf.  Janet  Gavin,  "  who  once 
possessed  the  large  farms  of  Grange  Green."     Erected  in  1805 
by  the  late  Eobert  Falconer,  teacher  of  languages,  Newcastle : — 

When  resurrection's  hour  shall  come, 

And  death  itself  shall  die, 
The  Lord  will  take  his  servant  home 

To  endless  life  and  joy. 

XVI.  From  a  headstone : — 

Sacred  to  the  memory  of  James  M'Kenzie  and  Sophia 
Bower,  his  wife — 

When  thousands  of  winters  pass  over  my  head 
In  this  house  that  is  cold  and  dreary, 

With  me  the  worldling  is  confin'd, 

But  with  me  there  is  rest  for  the  weary. 
By  Jas.  M'Kenzie,  his  son,  State  of  Ohio,  N.A. 

The  Parish  Kirk  and  Public  School  stand  at  the  village- 
of  Dyke.  Near  the  manse  is  a  female  school,  into  the 
gable  of  which  two  triangular-shaped  slabs  are  built, 
with  these  inscriptions : — 

XVII.  Erected  for  Education  of  Youth  of  the  Female  Sex 
in  piety  and  virtue  by  Brodie  of  that  ilk,  1701. 

This  refers  to  a  donation  which  was  made  by  James 
Brodie,  who  wrote  a  continuation  of  his  father's  Diary,  in 
which  he  gives  some  quaint  notices  of  himself  and  his 
backslidings.  When  fined  £24,000  Scots  for  refusing  the 
Test  Act,  he  consoles  himself  by  remarking — "  The  world 
has  bein  my  idol,  and  the  love  of  it  and  covetousness  the 
root  of  much  evil,"  adding,  "and  the  Lord  justlie  may 
punish  in  this." 

Mr.  Brodie,  as  noticed  below,  was  assisted  by  a  legal 
"  friend  "  in  the  material  point  of  augmenting  the  teacher's 
salary : — 

XVII.  Bestowed  for  salary  by  lohn  Anderson,  writer,  our 
kindlie  freind,  the  rent  of  two  thousand  merks  yearly,  1701. 

Another  benefactor  to  the  parish  was  Henry  Vass,  who- 
died  in  1757.  He  was  some  time  in  the  service  of  Major 
Grant  of  Culbin,  and  left  the  interest  of  £100  to  assist  m 

VOL.  II.  16 

242  PARISH   OF   DYKE. 

clothing  twelve  indigent  children  in  Dyke,  as  recorded 
upon  his  tombstone  at  Elgin. 

The  Muckle  Burn,  which  runs  through  the  parish  of 
Dyke,  and  falls  into  the  Findhorn,  is  bridged  at  Dalvey, 
and  at  the  railway  station  of  Brodie.  A  handsome  sus- 
pension bridge,  which  cost  about  £7,000,  crosses  the 
Findhorn  on  the  Inverness  turnpike,  and  bears  these 
inscriptions : — 

XVIII.  The  stone  bridge  erected  here  in  1800  having  been 
swept  away  by  the  flood  of  the  4th  August,  1829,  the  suspen- 
sion bridge  was  built  1832.     Founded  1st  March,  1832. 

XIX.  Erected  under  Act  of  Parliament  by  the  subscription 
of  the  inhabitants  of  Forres  and  its  vicinity.     Samuel  Brown, 
Commander,  Royal  Navy,  Engineer.    Opened  30th  May,  1832.] 
(Jervise's  Epitaphs.) 

Before  I  proceed  further,  I  shall  give  a  sketch  of 


This  Earldom  continued  long  feudal,  reverting 
to  the  Crown  in  default  of  male  issue  in  the 
direct  line.  The  first  I  have  signed  Earl  of 
Moray  is,  OEngus  Comes  de  Moravia  interfectus 
est  cum  suis  (Chron.  Melr.)  anno  1130.  Mr. 
Myles  makes  him  descended  of  King  Duncan 
the  bastard.  Others  will  have  the  descendants 
of  Duncans  Earl  of  Moray  as  followeth  (1)  Dun- 
can, bastard  son  of  King  Malcolm  III.  He 
usurped  the  throne  anno  1094 ;  and  his  charter 
sheweth,  that  he  hoped  to  transmit  it  to  his  pos- 
terity ;  but  he  was  cut  off  anno  1095.  His  son, 
by  Ethelreda,  daughter  of  Gospatrick,  son  of 
Criman,  Earl  of  Northumberland  (Myles),  (2) 
William  Nepos  Comitis  David  et  Nepos  Eegis 
(Dalr.  Col.).  Dugdale  says,  if  my  memory  doth 


not  fail,  that  he  was  Earl  of  Moray,  and  married 
Ailtze  de  Eumelli.  This  is  the  more  probable, 
because  he  was  much  in  favour  with  King  David 
I.,  and  was  one  of  his  generals.  His  son  was  (3) 
Dovenald.  Hovedan  says,  He  was  called  Mac- 
William,  Mac  William  being  son  of  William,  the 
son  of  Duncan,  and  was  killed  anno  1187.  This 
is  agreeable  to  Chron.  Melr.  ad.  ann.  1186. 
"  Cumque  Eex  esset  apud  oppidum  Inverness 
cum  exercitu,  Comites  Scotiae  miserunt  suos 
homines  ad  praedandum,  inveneruntque  Mac  Wil- 
liam cum  suis  super  Moram  quae  dicitur  Man- 
garvia  prope  Mureff,  and  mox  cum  eo  pugnarunt, 
et  Deo  opitulante,  cum  multis  aliis  intersece- 
runt."  *  His  son  was  (4)  Dovenald,  of  whom 
the  Chron.  Melr.  ad.  ann.  1215  observeth,  that 
Dovenald,  son  of  Mac  William,  invaded  Moray, 
but  was  cut  off  by  Mac-in-Tsayairt,  ancestor  to 
Eoss,  Earl  of  Eoss,  and  his  head  brought  to  the 
king.  Possibly  from  these  Mac  Williams,  came 
the  Mac  Williams  in  Boharm,  &c. 

The  next  Earl  of  Moray  I  have  met  with,  is 
Sir  Thomas  Eandolph,  great  grandson  of  Eanul- 
fus,  who  is  a  frequent  witness  in  King  William's 
Charters.  His  son  Thomas  died  anno  1262,  and 

*  Translation. — When  the  King  was  with  his  army  at  the 
town  of  Inverness,  the  Barons  of  Scotland  sent  forth  their 
retainers  to  plunder;  and  they  found  MacWilliam  with  his 
troops  above  Moram,  which  is  called  Mangarvia,  on  the  bor- 
ders of  Moray,  and  they  directly  encountered  him,  and  with 
the  help  of  God  they  slew  him  with  many  besides. 


was  interred  in  the  Abbey  of  Melrose.  His  son, 
Sir  Thomas,  Lord  Chamberlain,  married  Isabel, 
sister  of  King  Robert  Bruce.  And  their  son,  Sir 
Thomas,  was  created  Earl  of  Moray  anno  1313 
or  1314.  Although'the  Charter  or  Patent  beareth 
no  date,  yet  it  is  certain  that  in  the  convention 
at  Ayr  1315,  he  was  Earl  of  Moray  (Anderson 
.Indep.).  Thomas  died  anno  1331,  and  his  son 
Thomas,  second  Earl  of  Moray,  succeeded  him. 
He  was,  according  to  Fordun,  "  paternae  probi- 
tatis,  imitator."  He  was  slain  fighting  gallantly 
against  the  enemies  of  his  country,  at  the  fatal 
Battle  of  Duplin  anno  1332;  and  having  no  issue, 
he  was  succeeded  by  his  brother,  Earl  John,  who 
was  a  strenuous  asserter  of  the  liberties  of  his 
country.  He  had  the  misfortune  to  be  taken 
prisoner  at  the  Battle  of  Kilblain  anno  1335,  and 
was  confined,  first  in  the  Castle  of  Nottingham, 
afterwards  in  the  Tower  of  London,  till  he  was 
released  by  the  mediation  of  the  King  of  France, 
and  exchanged  for  the  Earl  of  Salisbury  anno 
1341.  He  was  immediately  constituted  Warden 
of  the  west  Marches.  He  accompanied  King 
David  II.  in  his  unfortunate  expedition  into  Eng- 
land, and  was  killed  at  the  Battle  of  Durham 
anno  1346,  leaving  no  issue,  and  the  Earldom 
reverted  to  the  Crown.  But  Patrick  Dunbar, 
Earl  of  March,  in  right  of  his  wife  Agnes,  daughter 
of  Thomas  Randolph,  first  Earl  of  Moray,  was 
designed  "  Comes  Marciae  et  Moravise." 

THE   EARLS    OF   MORAY.  245 

John  Dunbar,  second  son  of  Earl  Patrick, 
marrying  the  Princess  Marjory,  King  Eobert  II.'s 
daughter,  was  made  Earl  of  Moray  1372,  but 
Badenoch,  Lochaber,  and  Urquhart  were  ex- 
cepted  out  of  the  grant.  And  upon  the  demise 
of  Earl  James  Dunbar,  the  last  of  that  name, 

Archibald,  brother  to  the  Earl  of  Douglas,  was 
Earl  of  Moray,  about  1446.  But  having  joined 
in  his  brother's  rebellion  in  1452,  he  was  for- 
feited, and  was  killed  in  1455. 

Upon  the  forfeiture  of  Archibald  Douglas,  the 
title  was  assumed  by  Janet  Dunbar,  daughter  of 
James  Earl  of  Moray,  and  wife  of  James  Lord 
Crichton.  In  1454,  there  are  several  charters 
granted  by  Janet  Dunbar,  Countess  of  Moray, 
and  Lady  Frenderet,  to  Alexander  Dunbar  of 
Westfield,  her  brother  (pen.  West.),  but  she  gave 
up  her  pretensions  to  the  Earldom  of  Moray,  and 
obtained  that  of  Caithness  to  her  son  George. 

In  1501,  James  Stewart,  natural  son  of  King 
James  IV.,  got  the  Earldom  of  Moray.  He  was 
called  the  Little  Earl,  and  died  in  1544,  without 
male  issue. 

In  1548,  the  Earldom  was  conferred  on  George 
Earl  of  Huntly ;  but  that  grant  was  recalled  in 
1554,  and  it  remained  in  the  Crown  till  the 
year  1562. 

It  was  then  granted  to  James  Stewart,  natural 
son  to  King  James  V.  In  the  Acts  of  Privy 
Council  12th  February,  1561,  he  is  designed 

246  THE   EARLS   OF  MORAY. 


Earl  of  Mar;  but  in  the  Council  held  at  Aberdeen 
15th  October,  1562,  he  is  designed  Earl  of  Moray 
(Keith's  Hist.).     His  eldest  daughter,  Elizabeth, 
married  James  Stewart,  Lord  Downe,  who,  in 
her  right,  became  Earl  of  Moray.     Lord  Downe 
was  descended  of  Robert  Duke  of  Albany,  third 
son  to  King  Robert  II.     James,  son  of  Murdac, 
Duke  of  Albany,  had  four  sons;   viz.,  Andrew, 
James,  Walter,  and  Arthur,  who,  because  they 
were  born  out  of  the  country,  were  legitimated 
anno  1472.     Andrew  was  created  Lord  Evendale 
1459 ;  and  having  no  issue,  was  succeeded  by  his 
nephew,  Alexander,  son  of  Walter,  whose  son 
Andrew,  third  Lord  Evendale,  with  the  consent 
of  ihe  Crown,  exchanged  that  title  for  Ochiltree. 
In  his  father's  lifetime,  he  married  Margaret, 
daughter  of  Sir  John  Kennedy  of  Blairquhan, 
with  whom  he  had  three  sons,  Andrew,  second 
Lord  Ochiltree,  whose  male  line  is  now  extinct ; 
Henry  Lord  Methven,  whose  male  line  is  also 
extinct;  and  Sir  James  of  Beith,  who  was  a  great 
favourite  of  King  James  V.,  and  was  by  him  made 
one  of  the  Gentlemen  of  his  Bed-chamber,  Lieu- 
tenant of  his  Guards,  Constable  of  the  Castle  of 
Down,  and  Stewart  of  Mentieth  and  Strathgartny. 
He  was  killed  in  Dunblain  by  the  Laird  of  Dun- 
treath,  and  his  two  brothers,  out  of  a  grudge  for 
his  having  obtained  the  Stewartry  of  Mentieth, 
which  was  formerly  in  their  family  1547,  and 
his  son  James  was  created  Lord  Downe  anno 


1581,*  whose  son  James,  married  Elizabeth 
Countess  of  Moray,  and  from  them  the  present 
family  is  descended. 

[It  was  this  Earl  who  was  murdered  at  Dunibristle  in 
1592,  who  was  succeeded  by  his  son,  James,  who  died  in 
1633.  His  son,  James,  survived  till  1652,  and  was  suc- 
ceeded by  his  son,  Alexander,  who  survived  his  first-born 
son,  Alexander,  Lord  Downe,  who,  being  the  father  of 
two  beautiful  daughters,  the  spouses  of  their  happy  hus- 
bands, Brigadier-general  Alexander  Grant  of  Grant,  and 
Thomas  Fraser  of  Strichen — their  uncle,  Charles,  the 
second  son,  succeeded  their  father,  Earl  Alexander,  who, 
being  removed  in  1735,  was  succeeded  by  his  brother 
Francis,  the  third  son  of  Earl  Alexander,  the  4th  Earl, 
who  left  his  rank  and  fortune  to  his  eldest  son,  James, 
the  7th  Earl.  He  was  succeeded  loy  his  son,  Francis,  who 
was  succeeded  by  three  of  that  name.  John,  the  llth 
Earl,  succeeded  Francis,  the  10th  Earl,  in  1859.  He  was 
succeeded  by  his  half-brother,  Archibald-George,  who  died 
unmarried  in  1782 ;  and  was  succeeded  by  his  only  sur- 
viving brother  George.  The  heir  presumptive  is  his  lord- 
ship's cousin,  Edmund  Archibald  Stewart  Gray  of  Gray, 
King  James  and  Balmerino.]  (Eo.) 

Arms  of  Eandolph,  Earl  of  Moray.  Or,  three  cusheons 
pendent  by  the  corners  within  the  royal  tressure,  Gules. 

Arms  of  Dunbar,  Earl  of  Moray.  Quarterly,  1st  and  4th, 
The  arms  of  Eandolph,  Earl  of  Moray,  above  blazoned.  2nd 

*  The  form  of  creating  Lord  Downe  a  Peer,  is  by  an  Act  of 
Parliament,  7th  of  James  VI.  anno  1581,  bearing,  that  the 
lands  of  Downe,  &c.,  were  feued  by  Queen  Mary  to  Sir  James 
Stewart  of  Downe,  Knight,  his  heirs,  &c.,  and  the  said  Sir  James 
being  descended  of  the  royal  blood :  "Therefore  his  Highness, 
with  the  advice  of  his  three  estates,  erects,  creates,  and  incor- 
porates, all  the  foresaid  bonds,  offices,  &c.,  in  an  Lordship,  to 
be  called  the  Lordship  of  Downe,  who  shall  have  the  dignity 
and  place  of  a  Lord  of  Parliament,  with  his  arms  effeiring 
thereto."  This  was  an  usual  form  (possibly  for  the  greater 
solemnity,  the  King  being  under  age)  in  imitation  of  the  old 
form  of  creating  an  Earl,  by  creating  his  lands  into  a  county. 
(Essay  on  Brit.  Antiq.). 

248  ARMS   OF   THE   EARLS   OF   MORAY. 

and  3rd  Gules,  a  lion  rampant  within  a  border  argent,  charged 
with  eight  roses  of  the  field. 

Arms  of  Douglas,  Earl  of  Moray.  Quarterly,  1st  and  4th, 
The  arms  of  Randolph,  Earl  of  Moray,  above  blazoned.  2nd 
and  3rd,  a  man's  heart  ensigned  with  an  Imperial  Crown 
proper,  on  a  chief  azure,  three  stars  of  the  field. 

Arms  of  James,  Earl  of  Moray,  natural  son  of  King  James 
IV.  Quarterly,  1st  and  4th,  The  imperial  arms  of  Scotland 
bruised  with  a  baton  sinister,  counter  charged  of  the  field  and 
charge.  2nd  and  3rd,  The  arms  of  Randolph,  Earl  of  Moray, 
above  blazoned. 

Arms  of  James,  Earl  of  Moray,  Regent  of  Scotland  in  Queen 
Mary's  time.  The  same  as  the  last. 

Arms  of  the  present  Earl  of  Moray.  Quarterly,  1st  and  4th, 
The  imperial  arms  of  Scotland  within  a  bordure  garbonated, 
azure  and  argent.  2nd,  Or,  a  fess  checkie  azure  and  argent. 
3rd,  The  arms  of  Randolph,  Earl  of  Moray,  above  blazoned. 

Above  the  shield  is  placed  his  Lordship's  coronet,  over  which 
is  set  an  helmet  befitting  his  quality,  with  a  mantling  Gules, 
the  doubling  ermine.  On  a  wreath  of  his  liveries  is  set  for  a 
crest,  a  pelican  feeding  her  young.  Or,  in  a  nest  vert.  In  an 
•escroll  above  the  crest,  this  motto.  SALUS  PER  CHRISTUM 
REDEMPTOREM.  And  on  a  compartment  below  the  shield,  are 
placed  for  supporters,  two  grey  hounds,  argent  collared,  Gules. 

I  shall  now  give  some  account  of 


This  name  is  manifestly  local,  taken  from  the 
lands  of  Brodie.  In  ancient  writings,  it  is  called 
Brothie,  softened  into  Brodie.  In  the  old  Irish, 
Broth  signifies  a  ditch  or  mire ;  the  same  as  Dyke 
in  Saxon,  and  Digue  in  French.  And  the  mire, 
trench,  or  ditch,  that  runneth  from  the  village  of 
Dyke,  to  the  north  of  Brodie  House,  seemeth  to 
have  given  this  place  the  name  of  Brodie.  Be 
this  as  it  will,  the  antiquity  of  this  name  ap- 
peareth  from  this,  that  no  history,  record,  or 


tradition  (that  I  know  of)  doth  so  much  as  hint, 
that  any  other  family  or  name  possessed  the 
lands  of  Brodie  before  them,  or  that  they  came 
as  strangers  from  another  country.  I  incline 
much  to  think,  that  they  were  originally  of  the 
ancient  Moravienses,  and  were  one  of  these  loyal 
tribes,  to  whom  King  Malcolm  IV.  gave  lands 
about  the  year  1160,  when  he  transplanted  the 
Moray  rebels.  At  that  time  surnames  were 
fixed ;  and  the  Macintoshes,  Innesses,  Bosses, 
then  assumed  their  names ;  and  probably  so  did 
the  Brodies.  And  their  arms  being  the  same 
with  these  of  the  Morays,  sheweth  that  they 
were  originally  the  same  people. 

The  old  writs  of  this  family  were  either  carried 
away  by  Lord  Gordon  when  he  burnt  Brodie 
House  in  1645,  or  were  destroyed  in  that  burn- 
ing ;  and  yet  the  descents  of  the  family  may  be 
traced  up  about  500  years.  (1)  Malcolm  was 
Thane  of  Brodie  in  the  reign  of  King  Alexander 
III.  (2)  Michael  films  Malcolmi,  Thanus  de 
Brothie  and  Dyke,  had  a  charter  from  King 
Kobert  Bruce  about  1311  (Hist,  of  Kilr.  and  Sir 
G.  MJc.  M.S.).  (3)  Joannes  de  Brothie,  accom- 
panied the  Earl  of  Mar  Lord  Lieutenant,  about 
the  year  1376  (Hist.  Kilr.  and  Maclnt.)  (4) 
John  of  Brodie,  assisted  the  MacKenzies  against 
the  MacDonalds,  in  the  conflict  at  Park,  anno 
1466  (Hist,  of  Sutherl.  &c.).  (5)  John  of  Brodie, 
witness  in  an  indenture  between  the  Thane  of 


Calder  and  the  Baron  of  Kilravock,  anno  1482 
(Pen.  Cald.).  (Here  two  or  three  descents  are 
wanting,  which  I  could  not  find  out.) 

Alexander  of  Brodie,  father  of  (9)  David,  who 
died  anno  1627,  leaving  six  sons;  viz.,  David, 
who  succeeded  him  ;  Alexander,  who  purchased 
the  lands  of  Lethin,  Kinloss,  and  Pitgavenie;  Mr. 
John,  who  was  Dean  of  Moray,  and  whose  son 
William  Brodie  of  Whitewreath,  was  father  of 
Mr.  William  Brodie,  Advocate,  who  died  a  bache- 
lor in  1741 ;  Mr.  Joseph,  the  fourth  son,  was 
Mnister  of  F  orres,  and  purchased  the  lands  of 
Main  near  Elgin,  which  his  son  Alexander  dis- 
poned  to  Pitgavenie,  and  bought  the  lands  of 
Muirhouse  near  Turiff,  which  Alexander's  grand- 
son sold  of  late  ;  Francis,  the  fifth  son,  purchased 
the  lands  of  Milntoun  and  others  near  Elgin, 
which  his  grandson  sold  to  Lord  Braco,  and  his 
great-grand-son  is  Alexander  Brodie  of  Windy- 
hills  ;  William,  the  sixth  son,  was  proprietor  of 
Coltfield,  and  his  son  William  dying  without 
issue,  the  lands  came  to  the  house  of  Brodie. 
(10)  David  had  two  sons ;  Alexander,  who  suc- 
ceeded him,  and  Joseph  of  Asleisk.  This  Joseph 
of  Asleisk,  was  father  of  George  of  Brodie,  and 
of  James  of  Whitehill,  who  purchased  Coltfield 
and  Spynie ;  and  whose  son,  James  Brodie  of 
Spynie,  Advocate  and  Sheriff-depute  of  Moray 
and  Nairn,  died  in  1756,  leaving  a  son  and  heir, 
James  a  minor,  who  now  enjoys  the  estate,  and 


represents  the  family  of  Brodie.  (11)  Alexander 
was  a  man  of  eminent  piety  and  prudence,  and 
was  chosen  a  Lord  of  Session  in  1649  ;  but  soon 
resigned.  He  was  one  of  the  Commissioners 
who  were  sent  to  treat  with  King  Charles  II.  at 
the  Hague  and  at  Breda.  He  died  in  1679, 
leaving  issue,  by  a  daughter  of  Sir  Eobert  Innes, 
a  son  James,  and  a  daughter  married  to  Sir 
Eobert  Dunbar  of  Grangehill.  (12)  James, 
married  Lady  Mary  Kerr  daughter  of  Kobert 
Earl  of  Lothian,  and  dying  in  1708,  left  nine 
daughters:  viz.,  Ann  married  to  Lord  Forbes; 
Catherine  married  to  Eobert  Dunbar  of  Grange- 
hill  ;  Elizabeth  married  to  Cummine  of  Altyre ; 
Grizzel  married  to  Dunbar  of  Dumphail ;  Emilia 
married  to  Brodie  of  Asleisk ;  Margaret  married 
to  James  Brodie  of  Whitehill ;  Vere  married  to 
Brodie  of  Muirhouse;  Mary  married  to  Chivez 
of  Muirtoun ;  and  Henrietta  the  youngest  who 
died  unmarried.  (13)  George  of  Asleisk  suc- 
ceeded, and  dying  in  1716,  left  two  sons,  James 
and  Alexander ;  and  two  daughters,  one  of  which 
was  married  to  Sinclair  of  Ulbster  in  Caithness, 
and  the  other  to  Munro  of  Navarre.  (14)  James 
succeeded  his  father;  and  dying  in  1720,  was 
succeeded  by  his  brother.  (15)  Alexander,  who 
was  appointed  Lord  Lyon  in  1727.  He  married 
Margaret  daughter  of  Major  Sley ;  and  dying  in 
1754,  left  a  son  Alexander  who  succeeded  him, 
and  a -daughter  who  was  married  to  John  Younger 

252        ARMS  OF  THE  FAMILY  OF  BRODIE. 

of  MacLeod.  (16)  Alexander  died  a  bachelor  in 
1759 ;  and  was  succeeded  by  (17)  James  Brodie, 
son  of  James  Brodie  of  Spynie,  and  grandson  of 
James  Brodie  of  Whitehill.  He  married  Lady 
Margaret  Duff,  daughter  of  the  late  Earl  of  Fife. 
[Their  first-born  son  was  drowned  in  India  by  the 
upsetting  of  his  boat  in  the  surge  along  the  shore 
—leaving  a  son  William  Brodie,  who,  on  the  death 
of  his  grandfather,  succeeded  to  the  estates.] 

The  arms  of  the  family  of  Brodie.  Argent,  a  chevron  Gules 
between  three  stars  azure.  Supporters,  two  savages  proper 
wreathed  about  the  head  and  middle  with  laurel.  Crest,  a 
right  hand  holding  a  bunch  of  arrows.  All  proper.  Motto, 



The  parish  of  Aldern  (Ault-Jaran,  i.e.  the  iron 
coloured  brook)  is  about  3  miles  from  east  to 
west,  and  as  much  from  north  to  south. 

The  Church'56'  standeth  about  a  mile  from  the 
sea,  and  from  the  east  end  of  the  parish,  about  4 
miles  west  from  Dyke,  2  miles  east  from  Nairn, 
and  4  miles  east  from  Calder.  In  the  lower  part 
of  the  parish,  towards  the  firth,  is  the  barony  of 
Inshoch,  with  a  large  old  house,  the  seat  of  the 
Hays  of  Lochloy  and  Park.  This  was  a  very 
ancient  branch  of  the  house  of  Errol,  and  were 
Lairds  of  Park  about  400  years.  By  their  de- 

*  John  Hay,  of  Lochloy,  who  deceased  in  July,  1640,  left  his 
body  to  be  buried  in  the  burial  place  of  his  forbearis  within  the 
queir  of  Aulderne,  and  ordained  ane  loft  to  be  biggit  within 
the  Kirk  of  Aulderne,  on  the  north  syd  therof,  toith  the  timber 
gotten  of  the  rhanrie  ^iirk  of  (Elgin.  (Kilravock  Papers.  ED.) 


clining,  the  lands  of  Inshoch  and  Park  came  into 
the  family  of  Brodie  about  the  beginning  of  this 
century.  The  lands  of  Park  (in  the  west  end  of 
the  parish)  were  sold  about  the  year  1724  to 
Hugh  Hay,  after  whose  death  they  were,  at  a 
judicial  sale  in  1755,  purchased  by  Sir  Alexander 
Grant  of  Dalvey. 

South-east  of  Inshoch  is  the  house  of  Penick, 
the  seat  of,  and  built  by  Alexander  Dunbar,  Dean 
of  Moray,  or  by  his  son.  This  was  a  part  of  the 
Priory  lands  of  Urquhart,  and  the  residence  of 
the  Dunbars  of  Grange,  till  about  the  1680,  when 
they  sold  Penick  to  the  Laird  of  Brodie,  and 
resided  at  Burgie.  Next  westward  is  Kinsterie, 
which  (with  Brightmonie  contiguous  to  it)  came 
from  the  Lauders  to  the  Chisholms,  and  from 
them  to  the  Sutherlands  of  Duffus.  A  branch  of 
the  family  of  Duffus  were  heritors  of  Kinsterie, 
which  they  sold  about  50  years  ago,  and  pur- 
chased Burrowsbridge  and  Myreside  in  Spynie 
parish,  and  took  the  title  of  Greenhall.  James 
Sutherland  late  of  Kinsterie,  was  a  surveyor  of 
the  customs.  The  lands  were  long  under  seques- 
tration for  debt,  but  lately  purchased  by  John 
Gordon  of  Clunie. 

Close  by  the  Church  is  the  barony  of  Boath, 
the  property  of  Alexander  Dunbar,  the  oldest 
branch  of  the  family  of  Durris,  and  possessors  •  of 
that  barony  above  150  years.  West  from  Boath 
is  Kinudie ;  this  was  a  part  of  the  estate  of 


Park,  and  in  1741  and  thence  to  1621,  Hay  of 
Kinudie  had  the  lands  of  Maine  near  Elgin. 
From  the  Hays,  Kinudie  came  to  the  Urquharts, 
and  in  1670  Hugh  Eose  of  Kilravock  purchased 
Kinudie,  Hunterbog,  &c.,  from  Alexander  Urqu- 
hart ;  and  in  1767  they  were  sold  by  Kilravock 
to  Mr.  James  Eussel. 

The  upper  part  of  the  parish  is  high  ground, 
and  in  the  east  end  of  it,  is  the  barony  of  Moyness 
and  Boghol.  This  was  a  part  of  the  estate  of 
Westfield,  given  to  John  Dunbar,  a  second  son 
of  that  family,  about  the  year  1584.  And  in 
1634,  Kobert  Dunbar,  son  of  the  said  John,  dis- 
poned  these  lands  to  John  Grant  of  Loggie, 
whose  son,  James  Grant,  sold  them  to  Sir  Hugh 
Campbell  of  Calder  in  1668,  and  they  are  now 
Calder's  property.  West  from  Moyness  is  the 
barony  of  Lethin ;  this  was  a  part  of  the  estate  of 
Falconer  of  Hawkerton  as  early  as  the  year  1295, 
and  continued  so,  till  soon  after  the  year  1600,  it 
was  sold  to  John  Grant  of  Fruechie,  who  about 
the  1613,  built  a  large  house,  and  there  resided. 
His  son  Sir  John  Grant,  after  he  came  to  the 
estate  in  1622,  sold  this  barony  to  Alexander 
Brodie,  second  son  to  David,  Laird  of  Brodie. 
This  gentleman  likewise  purchased  the  Abbey 
lands  of  Kinloss,  from  Bruce  Lord  Kinloss,  and 
in  1630  purchased  the  lands  of  Pitgavenie  from 
Alexander  Hay  of  Kinudie.  There  has  of  late 
been  built  at  Lethin,  a  fine  modern  house,  which, 


with  the  gardens,  inclosures,  and  planting,  makes 
a  delightful  seat. 


[Situation,  Soil,  Climate. — The  parish  of  Auldearn,  on 
the  eastern  frontier  of  the  county  of  Nairn,  extends  6 
miles  westward  along  the  coast,  from  the  boundary  of 
Dyke ;  and  it  is  stretched  to  the  same  extent  backward 
from  the  shore,  meeting  Ardclach  and  Calder  towards  the 
south.  The  village  of  Auldearn,  signifying  in  the  Gaelic, 
the  aller  brook,  although  not  entitled  now  to  that  appel- 
lation, is  near  the  centre  of  the  parish :  it  is  also  20  miles 
from  Elgin,  and  at  the  same  distance  from  Inverness.  A 
highway  between  these  towns  passes  through  it,  more 
pleasant,  in  equal  repair,  and  not  longer  than  the  post- 
road,  conducted  through  a  desert  skirt  on  the  outside  of 
the  parish. 

The  soil  in  the  eastern  quarter  of  the  parish  is  a  strong 
clay  of  a  red  colour ;  it  produces  luxuriant  crops,  but  is 
of  difficult  cultivation:  southward  towards  Ardclach,  it 
is  a  blacker  mould,  but  not  so  fertile  nor  early.  About 
the  village  the  soil  is  light,  and  the  crops  are  only 
weighty  and  full  in  rainy  or  moist  summers.  The  nor- 
thern side  of  the  parish  is  a  heavy  cold  loam,  difficult  to 
manage  in  a  wet  winter  or  spring. 

Lord  Cawdor's  property  is  so  much  encumbered  by 
baulks  and  stone,  that  its  value  might  be  raised  more 
than  one  fifth  by  clearing  properly  the  fields. 

The  climate,  healthful,  is  generally  serene  and  dry,  but 
a  little  colder  and  more  wet  in  the  higher  parts  of  the 

State  of  Property. — The  valued  rent  of  the  parish 
amounts  to  £7255  7d.  Scots. 

Lethin  House,  the  family-seat  of  Miss  Brodie,  is  a 
stately  handsome  edifice,  pleasantly  situated  in  a  valley, 
and  embellished  by  the  rural  decorations  of  gardens, 
enclosures,  walks,  and  a  great  extent  of  wood  on  either 
hand,  among  which  a  number  of  majestic  beeches  form 
a  striking  appearance,  by  the  bulky  strength  of  the  tall 
bole,  and  the  lofty  canopy  of  the  spreading  branches. 
The  valued  rent  is  £1100  Scots. 

In  a  green  dale,  northward  of  the  village,  is  the  seat  of 


the  ancient  family  of  the  Dunbars  of  Boath.  It  is  plea- 
santly situated  on  the  bank  of  a  winding  brook;  the 
garden,  plantation,  and  ornamental  cultivation,  decorate 
the  environs  of  this  handsome  structure.  The  valued 
rent  of  the  estate  is  £652  15s.  9d.  The  present  Boath 
House  was  erected  in  1830  by  Sir  James  A.  Dunbar,  Bart. 
James  Brodie,  of  Brodie,  Esq.,  is  the  proprietor  of  the 
barony  of  Inshoch  ;  on  which  there  is  a  ruined  castle,  and 
a  considerable  extent  of  natural  birch-wood  and  full- 
grown  fir  plantation. 

On  the  adjoining  estate  of  Penick,  originally  a  part  of 
the  lands  of  the  Priory  of  Urquhart,  there  is  a  commodi- 
ous old  house  of  three  stories,  which,  though  for  some 
years  uninhabited,  is  in  pretty  good  repair. 

The  valued  rent  of  these  estates  is  £1599  11s.  Scots. 
The  lands  of  Blackhills,  Raitlone,  Ley  lands,  with  Moy- 
ness,  Boghole,  and  Earl's  Seat,  valued  at  £1483  19s.  6d., 
appertain  to  Lord  Cawdor. 

The  estate  of  Knockandie,  valued  at  £96,  is  the  pro- 
perty of  Miss  Ore  of  Nairn :  and  the  rest  of  the  parish, 
Kinudie,  Kinsterie,  Auldearn,  and  Park,  appertain  to 
Charles  Gordon  of  Braid,  Esq.  On  this  property,  valued 
at  £2322  14s.  4d.  Scots,  there  is  an  elegant  country-seat, 
and  more  than  600  acres  in  wood,  in  groves,  stripes,  and 
extended  plantations.  The  land  is  also  greatly  embel- 
lished and  improved  by  drains,  hedges,  and  enclosures; 
the  fields  have  been  cleared  of  every  incumbrance ;  the 
larger  stones  burst  by  gunpowder ;  and  the  most  substan- 
tial and  perfect  cultivation  everywhere  completed. 

The  real  rent  may  rise  above  £3000  sterling.  There 
are  a  few  farms  rented  from  £60  to  £80 ;  but  the  greater 
number  from  £10  to  £26  sterling.  The  most  fertile  soils 
let  from  £1  5s.  to  £1  16s.  the  acre.  The  fields  indeed  are 
open ;  but  the  tenants  would  cheerfully  give  an  adequate 
rise  of  rent,  were  substantial  enclosures  formed.  About 
2000  bolls  of  barley,  and  the  same  quantity  of  oats,  may 
be  disposed  of  yearly.  The  number  of  horses  is  370. 
The  black  cattle  are  generally  starved  in  the  spring,  and 
but  poorly  fed  in  the  summer:  their  number  is  nearly 
910.  The  sheep  are  of  the  small  white-faced  breed,  and 
amount  to  about  1200.  The  village  of  Auldearn  consists 
of  41  dwellings,  which  contain  185  inhabitants,  whereof 
4  are  merchants,  and  3  are  inn  keepers. 


State  Ecclesiastical. — During  the  Roman  Catholic  dis- 
pensation, Auldearn  was  the  seat  of  the  Dean  of  the 
Diocese  of  Moray.  It  may  be  presumed  his  office,  first 
instituted  in  the  year  1220  by  Bishop  Brice,  obliged  him 
to  reside  principally,  with  the  other  canons,  at  the  Cathe- 
dral in  Elgin.  It  does  not  appear  that  he  had  any  other 
revenue  but  the  tithes  of  Auldearn  and  Nairn,  and  the 
field  at  Elgin  called  the  Dean's  Crook,  about  4  acres,  now 
in  the  parish  of  Spynie.  There  is  nothing  known  re- 
specting the  succession  of  the  deans:  their  scanty  revenue 
or  remote  situation  might  have  prevented  any  of  them, 
though  of  distinguished  abilities,  from  attaining  to  emi- 
nence :  it  may  be  presumed,  that  the  number  of  incum- 
bents, after  their  institution,  might  be  equal  on  the  whole 
to  that  of  the  bishops. 

In  the  year  1650,  about  the  time  when  the  formation 
of  the  parish  of  Kinloss  was  proposed,  some  parts  of  the 
skirts  of  Auldearn  were  more  commodiously  annexed  to 
Nairn,  Calder,  and  Ardclach. 

In  the  year  1773,  the  Presbytery  of  Nairn,  which, 
together  with  that  county,  is  here  to  be  considered,  was 
established  by  the  decree  of  the  General  Assembly,  con- 
joining Auldearn,  Nairn,  and  Ardclach,  from  the  Presby- 
tery of  Forres,  to  Calder  and  Croy  from  that  of  Inverness, 
and  to  Airdersier  from  the  Presbytery  of  Chanonry,  of 
the  Synod  of  Ross,  upon  the  other  side  of  the  Firth,  with 
which  it  had  been  incommodiously  classed. 

The  Church,  a  modern  building,  in  the  village,  is  con- 
joined to  the  walls  of  a  ruined  steeple;  yet,  like  a  house 
with  but  one  chimney,  stands  disfigured  by  the  char- 
acteristic of  Caledonian  frugality,  the  meanly  looking- 

The  stipend,  including  the  allowance  for  the  Communion, 
is  £48  15s.  6d.,  54  bolls  of  meal,  and  48  of  bear,  with  14 
wedders,  generally  converted  at  3s.  6d.  each,  being  paid 
when  only  one  year  old.  Eleven  shillings  of  the  money 
is  paid  from  the  Dean's  Crook,  probably  the  original  rent 
(10  merks  Scots),  which  has  been  ever  retained.  The 
right  of  patronage  appertains  to  Mr.  Brodie  of  Brodie. 
The  salary  of  the  school  is  16  bolls  in  meal  and  bear,  and 
the  customary  fees  of  about  30  scholars,  and  the  fee  of  the 
Session-Clerk,  about  £3,  with  the  customary  perquisites. 
The  provision  for  the  poor,  contributed  in  the  usual 

VOL.  II.  17 


manner  by  the  people  amounts  to  about  £10  yearly,  to 
which  is  added  £4  16s.,  arising  from  the  interest  of  a 
capital  saved  by  the  parsimony  of  the  Session  during  the 
last  incumbency,  distributed  annually  among  50  persons, 
or  occasionally  as  the  necessities  of  any  may  require. 

The  members  of  the  National  Church  amount  to  1309, 
and  there  are  97  dissenters  of  the  Antiburgher  Sect  of 
Seceders :  joined  by  a  few  of  their  brethren  in  the  neigh- 
bouring parishes,  they  support  a  clergyman  of  their  own 
sort:  his  residence  and  chapel  are  at  Boghole,  on  the 
frontiers  of  Edinkielie,  where  one  of  the  same  sect  has 
lately  opened  a  school  at  the  common  rates,  and  partly 
by  its  novelty,  and  partly  by  its  remote  situation  from 
the  Established  schools,  this  seminary  has  been  hitherto 
well  attended :  but  the  zeal  of  the  Session  waxes  gradually 
more  cold. 

Miscellaneous  Information. — The  people  rest  their  vir- 
tue in  the  observance  of  devotional  rather  than  in  the 
discharge  of  moral  duties.  From  the  strictest  attention  to 
the  last  they  believe  themselves  set  free,  by  formal  and 
prolongated  exercises  of  the  first.  Many  on  this  account 
make  long  pilgrimages  to  attend  those  popular  preachers, 
who  inculcate  chiefly  the  efficacy  of  Faith,  and  delight  to 
dwell  on  the  merits  of  the  Atonement ;  and  although  the 
people  in  general  deem  every  gratification  of  sense  to  be 
sinful  in  some  degree,  yet  petty  thefts  among  them  are 
not  uncommon.  Flagrant  immoralities,  however,  and  dis- 
graceful profligacy,  are  carefully  eschewed ;  and  they  err 
rather  through  illiberal  and  inveterate  prejudice,  than 
from  want  of  principle,  or  through  depravity  of  mind. 

It  is  ascertained  that  an  almost  inexhaustible  store  of 
pure  rich  marie  is  contained  in  the  moss  and  lake  of 
Litie,  on  the  property  of  Lord  Cawdor.  It  extends  over 
a  space  of  40  acres,  and  is  from  16  to  20  feet  deep.  It 
would  not  be  costly  to  drain  off  the  water:  and  Mr. 
Gordon  of  Braid  has  shown  the  beneficial  effects  of  similar 
marie  on  his  estate  of  Kinsterie,  in  his  crops  of  corn, 
turnip,  and  grass. 

It  appears  probable  to  people  skilled  in  opening  coal 
pits,  that  this  useful  mineral  might  be  found  in  the 
grounds  between  Boath  and  the  shore.  There  is  a  quarry 
wrought  of  dark  blue  stone,  which,  like  coal,  flames  in 
the  fire;  yet  its  bulk  was  not  diminished,  nor  on  the 


application  of  water,  does  it  fall  into  a  powder  like  lime- 
stone calcined. 

Large  fir  trees  are  dug  in  the  tracts  of  peat  earth  in 
different  parts  of  the  parish.  Some  have  been  found  60 
feet  in  length,  and  in  diameter  nearly  3 ;  they  are  used  in 
the  roofing  of  houses. 

Under  the  bank,  which,  it  has  been  said,  ranges  along 
the  coast  from  Dyke  nearly  to  Inverness,  there  is  in  this 
parish  a  lake  [Loch  Loy]  about  a  mile  in  length,  but  less 
than  the  half  of  that  in  breadth ;  it  is  below  the  level  of 
the  sea,  of  which  it  seems  to  have  been  once  a  part :  by 
the  drifting  of  the  sand,  it  is  still  more  and  more  dimin- 
ished both  in  extent  and  depth,  though  it  still  retains 
more  than  7  fathoms  of  water. 

The  temples  of  the  Druids,  pretty  numerous  over  all 
this  quarter  of  the  country,  bear  evidence  of  its  having 
been  inhabited  from  very  remote  antiquity.  An  artificial 
green  mount  near  the  Church,  though  called  the  Castle- 
hill,  is  generally  supposed  to  have  been  accumulated  for 
the  court  of  civil  justice,  when  these  temples  of  the  Druids 
were  forsaken.  And  it  may  be  presumed,  that  if  justice 
was  not  always  obtained,  yet  it  must  have  cost  less  when 
administered  on  a  green  mount,  in  the  open  air,  than  in  a 
splendid  hall,  on  cushioned  chairs,  ermined  robes  of  state, 
and  fantastic  wigs. 

There  are  three  annual  fairs  in  the  village,  where  black 
cattle  is  always  the  staple.  That  on  the  21st  of  June 
was  established  on  the  Festival  of  St.  Columba,  and  is  yet 
called  St.  Colm's  market. 

The  village  is  distinguished  as  the  field  of  one  of  the 
celebrated  victories  of  the  Marquis  of  Montrose  in  1645, 
for  Charles  I.  endeavouring  to  establish  Prelacy  in  Scot- 
land, and  despotism  over  all  the  empire.  If  it  be  at  any 
time  for  the  good  of  a  nation,  or  for  the  happiness  of  a 
people,  to  commence  a  civil  war,  it  must  be  to  oppose  the 
practical  establishment  of  the  doctrine  of  passive  obedience 
and  non-resistance:  yet  that  generation  involved  them- 
selves in  calamities  much  more  deplorable  than  any  which 
they  feared  from  the  king;  and  after  all,  they  tamely 
yielded  up  those  rights  to  an  upstart  usurper,  for  the 
defence  of  which  they  had  rebelled  against  and  murdered 
a  respectable  prince,  the  representative  of  a  long  line  of 
their  National  monarchs. 


The  inhabitants  of  Moray  in  that  age  were  ad  verse  to 
the  measures  of  the  Court,  respecting  both  the  Church  and 
State.  Montrose  therefore  plundered,  burned,  and  de- 
stroyed the  whole  country,  in  a  progress  from  Inverness, 
particularly  the  estates  and  houses  of  Brodie  of  Lethin, 
and  Brodie  of  Brodie,  Dunbar  of  Grangehill,  Kinnaird  of 
Culbin,  Burgie,  Duffus,  Garmach,  Innes,  and  Redhall, 
destroying  also  the  nets  and  boats,  to  ruin  the  fishery  of 
Spey.  Faster-eve's  market  at  Elgin  was  that  year  given 
up,  for  the  fear  of  this  gallant  plunderer :  and  the  most 
substantial  people  of  the  town,  abandoning  their  houses,  fled 
with  their  families  and  most  valuable  effects  to  the  Castle 
of  Spynie,  at  that  time  a  tenable  fortress.  In  this  situa- 
tion, the  forces  of  the  people,  under  Lieutenant  General 
Urry,  rendezvous  at  Inverness.  In  a  casual  skirmish,  as 
the  troops  marched  onward,  a  young  gentleman  of  the 
King's  party,  Mr.  Gordon  of  Rhynie,  being  wounded, 
retired  for  his  recovery  to  the  house  of  a  friend  at 
Struthers  near  Forres,  and  he  was  there  murdered  by  a 
party  of  the  people  from  Elgin,  under  the  conduct  of  the 
young  knight  of  Innes,  zealous  against  Prelacy  and  non- 
resistance,  hastening  to  join  the  army  at  Inverness.  Mon- 
trose followed  after  to  Auldearn,  with  1500  foot,  and  250 
horse;  where  he  was  met  by  Urry  and  many  of  the 
chiefs  of  the  people,  with  an  army  of  3500  men  and  400 
horse.  From  before  such  superior  powers  Montrose  was 
inclined  to  retreat :  but  that  was  extremely  hazardous,  by 
the  approach  of  General  Baillie  from  behind,  with  an  army 
still  better  appointed.  He  was,  therefore,  obliged  to  try 
the  fate  of  a  battle,  in  which  the  superiority  of  numbers 
was  in  a  great  degree  compensated  by  the  advantage  of 
the  ground.  Montrose  concealed  the  greater  part  of  his 
forces  behind  the  village,  at  that  time  on  the  height 
covering  the  valley  below,  in  which  he  placed  a  chosen 
band,  protected  by  an  earthen  fence.  He  gave  the  com- 
mand of  the  right  wing  to  Colonel  Alexander  Macdonald, 
placed  also  in  a  situation  protected  by  banks,  dykes, 
bushes,  and  great  stones.  There  the  Royal  standard  was 
displayed,  to  entice  the  enemy  to  waste  the  exertion  of 
their  best  forces,  where  it  must  be  impotent  from  the 
situation  of  the  ground,  commanding  the  Colonel  to  keep 
within  his  strength,  notwithstanding  any  provocation 
which  the  enemy  might  give.  Lord  Gordon  led  the 


cavalry,  and  himself  took  the  charge  of  the  rest  of  the 
infantry,  drawn  up  into  the  left  wing,  forming  no  main 
army,  unless  the  chosen  band  stationed  before  the  village 
might  be  so  termed.  This  the  van  of  the  army  of  the 
people  attacked,  bending  at  the  same  time,  as  had  been 
foreseen,  their  best  strength  against  the  right  wing  and 
the  Royal  standard,  pouring  in  fresh  supplies  of  men, 
relieving  the  troops  that  were  spent.  While  this  sug- 
gested to  Montrose  the  idea  of  a  general  attack,  he  was 
privately  informed  that  the  right  wing  were  put  to 
flight :  "  My  Lord,"  he  cried  aloud  to  the  leader  of  the 
horse,  dissembling  to  arouse  the  spirit  of  his  men,  "  Mac- 
donald  routs  the  enemy  on  the  right :  let  him  not  carry 
off  the  glory  of  the  day :  let  us  also  give  a  general  and  a 
vigorous  charge."  This  the  cavalry  of  Urry  were  unable 
to  sustain ;  in  their  rout  they  even  disordered  the  foot, 
whose  flank  they  left  also  exposed :  for  some  time,  how- 
ever, they  bore  against  the  shock,  but  were  at  last  also 
forced  into  flight.  And  Montrose  thereupon  hastened  to 
support  Macdonald,  who  in  the  ardour  of  the  onset  had 
rashly  advanced  from  his  strength,  to  which,  however, 
undismayed  he  re-conducted  his  men,  covering  their  re- 
treat himself,  protected  by  an  ample  shield,  and  defended 
by  a  keen  sword.  The  horse  which  had  encountered  him, 
perceiving  the  rout  of  their  fellows,  and  the  conquerors 
advancing  on  themselves,  fled  after  with  most  cowardly 
precipitation;  but  the  veteran  foot  maintained  their  ground 
till  almost  every  man  fell  in  his  rank,  and  the  victory  of 
Montrose  was  to  his  utmost  wish  complete,  with  the  loss 
only  of  20  of  his  men.  2000  of  the  enemy's  were  slain ; 
many  prisoners  were  taken;  the  whole  baggage,  much 
wealth  and  ammunition,  and  16  standards  were  won:  but 
the  horse,  by  their  inglorious  flight,  were  for  the  most 
part  unhurt.  Montrose  returned  southwards,  plundering 
and  burning  the  country  as  he  passed ;  the  estate,  in  par- 
ticular, of  the  family  of  Cawdor,  and  their  houses  in  the 
town  of  Nairn ;  and  for  avenging  the  murder  of  Rhynie's 
son,  the  houses  of  that  party,  in  the  town  of  Elgin,  were 
also  rifled  and  burned,  by  which  other  houses  of  the  town 
were  at  the  same  time  incidentally  destroyed.] 

(Survey  of  the  Province  of  Moray.)  [See  also  Browne's 
Hist,  of  the  Highlands,  I.  382.] 

[The  Rev.  William  Barclay,  Minister  of  the  parish  from 


1814  till  the  Disi^uption,  spent  time  and  money  in  caring 
for  ancient  gravestones  and  monuments  which  were  lying 
waste  in  the  Churchyard.  Among  such,  he  caused  to  be 
re-lettered  a  Tablet  and  Tombstone  which  commemorated 
some  of  the  heroic  Covenanters  who  were  slain  at  the 
Battle  of  Auldearn.  The  Tablet  is  in  the  Choir  of  the  old 
Church,  and  has  this  Inscription : — 

This  Monument  is  erected  be  Sir  Kobert  Innes,  younger  of 
that  ilk,  in  memorie  of  Sir  Alexander  Dromond,  of  Medhope, 
Sir  Johne  Morray,  and  Maister  Gideon  Morray,  who  lies  heir 
intered,  who,  fighting  valiantly  in  defence  of  their  religione, 
king,  and  native  countray,  died  at  Auldearn,  the  8  May,  1645. 

The  Tombstone  bears  this : — 

Heir  lyeth  Captain  Bernard  M'Kenzie,  who,  in  defence  of 
his  religion  and  countrie  feighting,  died  at  Auldearn,  the  8  of 
May  an.  1645. 

I  now  come  to 


In  Irish  Invernairn.  The  river  Nairn  riseth  in 
the  hills  between  Stratherick  and  the  Braes  of 
Strathern,  and  running  north-east  through  the 
parishes  of  Dunlichty  and  Deviot,  it  turneth 
almost  due  north,  and  dischargeth  into  the  Frith 
at  the  town  of  Nairn,  after  a  course  of  above  20 
miles.  It  is  called  Nairn,  from  the  Alder  trees 
growing  on  the  banks  of  it.  Uisge-Nearn,  is  the 
Water  of  Alders. 

The  Town  standeth  at  the  mouth  of  the  river 
on  the  west  side,  and  is  one  street  from  east  to 
west.  At  the  east  end  there  is  a  Bridge  of  three 
arches  upon  the  river,  built  by  William  Eose  of 
Clava  in  the  year  1631*  In  the  middle  of  the 

*  [It  sustained  great  damage,  first  from  a  flood  in  1782,  and 


town  standeth  the  Tolbooth  and  Town-House ; 
and  at  the  west  end,  Kilravock  has  a  good  house 
of  modern  architecture. *  A  little  above  the 
bridge,  on  the  bank  of  the  river,  is  the  Castle 
Hill,  where  stood  a  Royal  Fort  (now  quite  de- 
molished), whereof  the  Thanes  of  Calder  were 
the  hereditary  constables.  Within  the  flood- 
next  from  the  great  flood  in  1829.  An  inscription  upon  a 
stone  of  it,  which  long  ago  fell  into  the  river,  was  Gulielmua 
Hose  de  Clava,  with  the  motto  Non  est  Solus,  nisi  in  Christo  : 
Soli  Deo  gloria — i.e.,  There  is  no  salvation  but  in  Christ :  Glory 
to  God  alone.]  (ED.) 

*  In  1711  begin  accounts  for  repairs  done  on  the  Kilravock 
house  in  Nairn,  where  Kilravock  younger,  or,  as  he  now  began 
to  be  styled,  Geddes,  usually  resided.  The  repairs  extended 
over  several  years,  and  were  not  completed  probably  till  1722. 
Over  the  door  of  this  tall,  gaunt  old  house,  which  has  but 
comparatively  lately  been  denuded  of  its  quaint  • "  fore-stair," 
are  still  legible  the  Initials  of  the  young  laird,  and  his  second 
wife,  Jean  Ross  of  Broadley,  and  the  date  of  1 722,  with  some 
doggerel  not  inapplicable  : — 

1  H.  E.  7 

2  J.  R.  2 

Omnia  terrena  per  vices  sunt  aliena, 
Nunc  mea,  nunc  hujus,  post  mortem  nescio  cujus  ; 
Nulli  certa  domus. 

Of  which  a  loose  scrap  among  these  domestic  Papers  gives  this 
translation,  "  by  Mr  Allan  "- 

"  Allterrene  things  by  turns  we  see 
Become  another's  property ; 
Mine  now  must  be  another's  soon ; 
I  know  not  whose,  when  I  am  gone ; 
An  earthly  house  is  bound  to  none." 

On  the  27th  April,  1769,  George  Munro,  clockmaker,  Edin- 
burgh, advises  the  Magistrates  of  Nairn  that  he  has  shipped, 
by  Colonel  Hector  Munro's  orders  (their  M.P.),  a  new  steeple 
clock  for  the  town.  He  assures  them  that  he  has  "  proved  the 
clock,  and  it  goes  well,  and  he  believes  it  to  be  as  good  a  clock 
as  is  in  Scotland  for  its  size.  (ED.) 


mark  are  some  vestiges,  called  the  Pier-end ;  but 
the  mouth  of  the  river  is  now  so  barred,  that  no 
vessels,  but  fishing  boats  for  salmon  and  white 
fish,  can  enter. 

The  Church  standeth  on  the  bank  of  the  river, 
2  miles  west  from  Aldearn,  5  miles  east  from 
Ardersier,  3  miles  north  from  Calder,  and  4  miles 
N.N.E.  from  Croy.  The  lands  contiguous  to  the 
town  are  the  property  of  Rose  of  Kilravock,  Rose 
of  Newton,  and  Rose  of  Clava.  Mr.  Rose  of 
Clava,  in  1768,  sold  all  his  lands  in  Nairn,  Croy, 
and  Ardclach,  to  Sir  Alexander  Grant  of  Dalvey. 
Westward  on  the  coast  are  the  lands  of  Demies, 
held,  in  mortgage,  by  Alexander  Campbell  of 
Delnies,  of  the  laird  of  Calder.  These  were  a 
part  of  the  Church  lands  of  Ross,  and  David 
Panitar,  bishop  of  Ross,  disponed  Denlies  and 
Ardersier,  anno  1556,  to  his  brother  -  uterine 
Robert  Lesly,  from  whose  son  John  Campbell  of 
Calder  purchased  them  in  1575.  On  the  side  of 
the  river,  a  mile  south  of  the  town,  is  Kildrum- 
mie,  the  seat  of  Hugh  Rose  of  Brae ;  these  lands 
were  sold  by  Patrick  Hepburn  Bishop  of  Moray, 
to  Hugh  Rose  of  Kilravock,  in  1545.  (Pen.  Kilr.) 

On  the  east  side  of  the  river,  near  the  coast,  is 
Belmakeith,  the  property  of  Alexander  Dunbar 
of  Boath,  and  holding  feu  of  Calder.  William 
Thane  of  Calder  was  infeft  in  Belmakeith  anno 
1442  (Pen.  Cold.}  Next  up  the  river  is  Braid- 
ley.  This  was,  for  some  generations,  the  pro- 


perty  of  Rose  of  Braidley.  John  Rose,  the  last 
of  that  family  (and  father  of  Jean  Rose,  late  lady 
dowager  of  Kilravock),  having  no  male  issue, 
sold  his  lands  to  Alexander  Gordon  of  Ardach, 
from  whom  they  were  purchased,  about  the  year 
1726,  by  Hugh  Rose  of  Kilravock.  Further  up 
the  river  is  the  Barony  of  Geddes,  the  patri- 
monial estate  of  Rose  of  Kilravock  and  Geddes 
(Vide  Rose  of  Kilravock). 

Close  by  Geddes  is  Raite  Castle.  Here  is  an 
•old  Fort,  built  in  the  form  of  a  square,  which 
was  anciently  the  seat  of  Raite  of  that  Ilk,  who, 
having  killed  Andrew  Thane  of  Calder  about  the 
year  1404,  was  banished  that  county,  and  founded 
the  family  of  Raite  of  Halgreen  in  the  Mearns. 
A  part  of  Raite  was  Calder's  property  in  1442 
(Pen.  Cold.) ;  another  part  of  it  with  Meikle 
Geddes,  was  the  property  of  Ogilvie  of  Car- 
noustie,  from  whom  Sir  John  Campbell  of  Calder 
made  the  purchase  anno  1432  (Ibid)*  South  of 
Raite  lye  the  lands  of  Urchany,  once  a  part  of 
the  estate  of  Park.  John  Hay  of  Kinnudie  sold 
them  to  Chisholm  of  Comer,  in  1620;  and  Sir 

*  Two  miles  east  of  Cawdor,  and  near  the  House  of  Geddes 
are  the  ruins  of  Raits  Castle,  anciently  the  seat  of  the  Macin- 
toshes of  Raits.  The  castellated  part  is  gone,  but  a  religious 
•edifice,  apparently  of  a  more  modern  date  than  it  could  have 
been,  remains.  At  the  south  corner  it  is  terminated  by  a 
round  Tower  (lately  formed  into  a  dovecot)  resembling  those 
attached  to  the  bishop's  palace  at  Kirkwall  and  Spynie.  Close 
by  is  a  small  but  interesting  vitrified  fort,  called  Castle  Finlay. 


Hugh  Campbell  of  Calder  purchased   them   in 


[Situation,  Soil,  Climate. — From  the  borders  of  the 
parish  of  Auldearn,  Nairn  stretches  6  miles  westward 
along  the  Frith,  and  it  extends  backward  into  the  coun- 
try about  8.  It  is  intersected  by  the  river,  which 
imparts  its  name  to  the  parish  and  to  the  town,  denoting 
in  the  Gaelic,  the  water  of  oilers ;  its  banks,  to  a  con- 
siderable extent,  having  been  covered  with  that  species 
of  wood.  The  ground  on  the  north  side  of  the  river 
spreads  out  a  level  plain  to  the  shore  of  the  Frith ;  on 
the  other  it  rises  in  a  gentle  acclivity,  terminating  towards 
the  southern  corner  in  a  considerable  eminence,  named, 
from  the  adjoining  lands,  the  Hill  of  Urchany.  In  the 
environs  of  the  town,  and  along  the  coast,  the  soil  is 
sandy ;  the  same  kind  of  soil  is  continued  on  the  banks 
of  the  river,  but  greatly  mixed  with  clay,  and  the  country 
on  its  southern  side  is  of  a  rich  and  heavy  mould. 

State  of  Property. — The  parish  is  possessed  by  rive 
proprietors,  excluding  the  grounds  appertaining  to  the 
community,  and  the  small  heritages  about  the  burgh. 
Kildrummy  and  Torrich,  part  of  the  estate  of  Kilravock, 
are  valued  in  the  Cess-Roll  of  the  county  at  £273  5s.  lid. 
Scots.  The  barony  of  Geddes  and  Allanhall  are  valued 
at  £412  Os.  lid.  Scots.  The  lands  of  Dalnies,  mortgaged 
to  Mr.  Campbell  by  the  family  of  Cawdor,  are  valued  at 
£204  2s.  3d.  And  Belmakeith,  appertaining  to  Mr.  Dun- 
bar  of  Boath,  is  valued  at  £129  4s.  3d.  The  rest  of  the 
country  part  of  the  parish  appertains  to  Lord  Cawdor, 
which,  with  the  salmon-fishery,  is  valued  at  £462  5s.  9d. 
Scots ;  extending  the  whole  valued  rent  of  the  parish, 
with  the  valuation  of  the  burgh  lands,  about  £500 
Scots,  to  £1980, 19s.  Id.  The  number  of  farms  are  about 
50,  and  of  inconsiderable  extent,  generally  not  exceeding 
£20  sterling  of  rent,  there  being  only  two  equal  to  £50 
sterling.  In  the  immediate  vicinity  of  the  town,  the  acre 
rents  at  £1  15s.  sterling ;  farther  distant,  from  18s.  to  £1 
10s. ;  and  in  the  country,  from  5s  to  £1. 

The  salmon-fishery  on  the  river  (a  branch  of  which  is 
carried  on  likewise  in  the  salt  water,  near  its  influx, 
distinguished  by  the  epithet  of  still-fishing  from  the 


silent  mode  of  conducting  it,  by  a  signal,  in  the  smooth 
water)  is  the  joint  property  of  Colonel  Cuming  Gordon  of 
Altyr  and  Mr.  Davidson  of  Cantray.  It  is  separately 
occupied  by  their  tenants,  at  the  rent  of  £36  sterling- 
from  each,  and  is  alternately  carried  on  in  the  river  and 
in  the  sea.  Mr.  Brodie  of  Brodie  has  also  a  still-fishery 
on  the  east  side  of  the  river,  at  the  rent  of  £S  sterling. 
There  are  6  boats  in  the  town  and  2  in  the  country  for 
the  sea  fish,  in  each  of  which  7  men  are  employed.  Be- 
sides the  species  of  fish  got  eastward  in  the  Frith  already 
mentioned,  they  generally  find  some  herring  in  every 
season,  for  which  they  must,  however,  go  as  far  west  a.s 
the  influx  of  the  Ness.  Previous  to  the  year  1782,  all 
kinds  of  fish  were  found  in  plenty  just  opposite  to  the 
town ;  at  present  they  are  sometimes  not  to  be  got  nearer 
than  the  coasts  of  Sutherland  and  Caithness. 

The  town  is  pleasantly  and  commodiously  situated  on 
the  west  bank  of  the  river,  near  the  shore  of  the  Frith. 
The  Jail  and  Town  House  are  on  the  middle  of  the  street, 
from  which  many  narrow  lanes  extend  to  the  river  on 
the  one  side,  and  to  an  extensive  plain  of  fertile  corn 
field,  of  more  than  400  acres  on  the  other.  The  first 
Charter,  now  extant,  is  the  grant  of  James  VI.  in  the 
year  1589,  bearing  to  be  the  renewal  of  a  charter  by 
Alexander  I.  The  revenue  of  the  burgh  arises  from  a 
considerable  extent  of  moor,  let  on  various  leases  to  be 
improved,  by  which  a  considerable  increment  will  in  due 
time  be  made.  Some  feu-duties  are  likewise  derived 
from  the  burgh-lands,  and  from  the  tolls  of  6  stated  Fairs 
in  the  year,  and  the  weekly  market.  The  government  of 
the  burgh  is  committed  to  17 ;  the  Provost  and  3  Bailies, 
Dean  of  Guild,  and  Treasurer,  with  11  Counsellors.  As 
the  gentlemen  of  the  town  are  not  numerous  enough  for 
the  requisite  annual  changes,  gentlemen  from  the  country 
are  admitted  into  the  Magistracy ;  but  the  Bailies,  Dean 
of  Guild,  and  Cashier,  by  a  late  decision  of  the  House  of 
Peers,  must  be  resident  in  the  town. 

The  whole  Trades  are  formed  into  one  Incorporation. 

State  Ecclesiastical. — The  Church  and  Burying-ground 
are  on  the  south  side  of  the  town,  washed  by  the  river. 
The  stipend,  including  the  allowance  for  the  Communion, 
is  £32  sterling,  and  5  chalders  of  bear.  The  right  of 
patronage  appertains  to  Mr.  Brodie  of  Brodie.  The  salary 

268        ROYAL  FORT  ;  CHAPEL  OF  GEDDES. 

of  the  parochial  school  is  16  bolls  of  bear,  and  the  cus- 
tomary perquisites  of  office.  It  has  been  for  many  years 
in  a  very  flourishing  state.  The  number  of  scholars  sent 
from  all  quarters  of  the  country,  and  some  occasionally 
from  England,  is  seldom  below  80,  and  often  upwards  of 
100.  All  the  branches  of  education  carried  on  in  the 
academies  are  taught  with  ability  and  success.  There  is 
also  in  the  town  a  school  for  girls,  where  the  customary 
branches  of  female  education  are  properly  conducted;  the 
salary  paid  by  the  community  is  £10  and  a  house.  The 
Roll  of  the  poor  amounts  to  the  number  of  150.  The 
provision  collected  in  the  Church  for  their  support,  about 
£8  sterling  yearly,  and  a  small  sum  bearing  interest, 
admits  only  of  one  dividend  in  the  year;  but  the  ex- 
tremely needy  receive  occasional  supply.  The  number  of 
inhabitants  are  2400,  of  whom  about  1100  appertain  to 
the  burgh.  There  are  several  families  of  Antiburgher 
Seceders,  and  a  few  of  the  Episcopalian  persuasion. 

Miscellaneous  Infoivmatiofn,. — On  the  south  side  of  the 
town,  on  the  bank  of  the  river,  is  the  Castlehill,  where 
stood  a  Royal  Fort,  of  which  the  Thanes  of  Cawdor  were 
hereditary  constables  till  the  year  1747.  The  constabulary 
garden  is  still  distinguished  as  an  article  of  the  valuation 
of  the  estate,  to  the  extent  of  £3  10s.  Scots.  At  a  very 
remote  period  of  antiquity,  the  Castle  was  situated  nearer 
to  the  shore,  upon  the  influx  of  the  river ;  which,  similar 
to  the  Spey  and  Findhorn,  then  flowed  half  a  mile  farther 
westward  along  the  shore  than  its  present  termination. 
There  are  some  persons  still  alive  who  remember  to  have 
seen,  at  spring-tides,  vestiges  of  its  foundation,  at  present 
a  considerable  way  within  the  bed  of  the  ocean. 

The  Chapel  of  the  Virgin  Mary,  built  at  Geddes  in  the 
year  1220,  has  ever  been  the  Burial-place  of  the  Family  of 
Kilravock.  The  Burial-ground  around  it  is  also  still  in 
use.  In  1475  Pope  Sextus  IV.  granted  a  discharge  for 
100  days  Penance  for  every  visit  to  this  Chapel  on  certain 
high  Festivals,  and  also  for  a  certain  extent  of  donation 
for  the  repairs  of  the  building. 

The  county  of  Nairn  consists  of  4  parishes,  with  some 
inconsiderable  corners  of  some  that  are  contiguous  of  the 
county  of  Inverness.  In  the  representation  in  Parlia- 
ment, it  is  conjoined  with  the  county  of  Cromarty,  on  the 
opposite  side  of  the  Frith ;  each  electing  their  commis- 


sioner  alternately.  The  office  of  the  Sheriff  was  hered- 
itary in  the  family  of  Cawdor  till  the  year  1647,  when 
it  was  made  a  part  of  the  Sheriffdom  of  Moray.  And 
with  the  common  County  Courts,  that  also  of  the  Sheriff', 
by  his  Substitute,  is  regularly  maintained  in  the  town.] 
(Survey  of  the  Province  of  Moray.) 

Following  the  course  of  the  river  Nairn,  I  now 
come  to 


So  called  from  Cale,  a  wood,  and  Dur,  water ; 
for  here  is  a  fine  wood,  with  a  brook  of  water  on 
each  side  of  it.  The  parish  is  bounded  by  the 
river  Nairn  to  the  west,  and  by  the  hills  towards 
the  Streins  to  the  south-east. 

The  Church  standeth  near  the  centre,  from 
north  to  south,  and  is  a  neat  little  fabric,  orna- 
mented with  a  steeple  and  a  clock.  A  furlong 
east  from  the  Church  is  the  House  of  Calder,  the 
seat  of  John  Campbell  of  Calder.  The  Thanes 
of  Calder,  as  constables  of  the  King's  house, 
resided  in  the  Castle  of  Nairn,  and  had  a  country 
seat  at  what  is  now  called  Old  Calder,  a  half- 
mile  north  from  the  present  seat.  There  they 
had  a  house  on  a  small  moat,  with  a  dry  ditch 
and  a  drawbridge,  the  vestiges  whereof  are  to  be 
seen.  But,  by  a  Royal  licence,  dated  6th  August 
1454,  they  built  the  Tower  of  Calder  that  now 
standeth.  It  is  built  upon  a  rock  of  freestone, 
washed  by  a  brook  to  the  west,  and  on  the  other 
sides  having  a  dry  ditch,  with  a  draw-bridge. 


The  Tower  stands  between  two  courts  of  build- 
ings. Tradition  beareth,  that  the  Thane  was 
directed  in  a  dream  to  build  the  Tower  round  a 
hawthorn-tree  on  the  bank  of  the  brook.  Be 
this  as  it  will,  there  is  in  the  lowest  vault  of  the 
Tower  the  trunk  of  a  hawthorn-tree,  firm  and 
sound,  growing  out  of  the  rock,  and  reaching  to 
the  top  of  the  vault.  Strangers  are  brought  to 
stand  round  it,  each  one  to  take  a  chip  of  it,  and 
then  to  drink  to  the  Haivthorn-tree — i.e.,  "  Pros- 
perity to  the  Family  of  Calder."  This  House, 
with  spacious  enclosures,  fine  gardens,  a  park  of 
red  deer,  and  a  large  wood  close  by  the  house, 
make  a  grand  and  delightful  seat. 

[The  Donjon  or  Vault  is  about  10  feet  high,  and  the 
Hawthorn  reaches  to  the  top.  There  is  no  doubt  that 
the  walls  must  have  been  built  around  it.  An  old  iron 
chest  lies  beside  the  tree,  which  is  said  to  have  borne 
the  precious  burden  of  gold.  Two  qther  old  hawthorn 
trees  grew  within  a  few  score  yards,  in  a  line  with  the 
castle — one  in  the  garden,  which  fell  about  80  years 
since,  and  the  other  at  the  entrance  to  the  Castle,  which 
was  blown  down  after  a  gradual  decay,  in  1836.  Some 
suckers  are  yet  fenced.  King  Duncan's  chain-armour 
is  kept  in  this  vault — if  it  be  correct  that  he  was  mur- 
dered here,  for  there  are  four  other  localities  assigned  for 
the  scene — viz.,  Glammis  Castle,  Inverness  Castle,  and  a 
hut  near  Forres,  or  a  hut  near  Elgin.  Some  part  of  the 
great  Tower  of  Glammis  may  be  as  old  as  the  13th  cen- 
tury, but  no  portion  of  Cawdor  is  older  than  the  15th 
century,  so  that  the  time  when  they  were  built  was  more 
distant  from  the  days  of  Macbeth  on  the  one  side,  than 
those  of  Queen  Victoria  on  the  other.  Indeed,  had  we 
;my  actual  building  of  Macbeth's  day  in  Scotland,  it 
would  not  be  invested  with  so  much  tragic  gloom,  nor 
could  it  so  appropriately  associate  itself  with  deeds  of 


horror  ;  for  it  would  probably  be  made  of  wicker  ware  or 
slight  timber,  and  be  in  all  respects  unfit  to  represent 
the  proper  stage-properties  of  a  tyrant's  stronghold,  and 
the  scene  of  a  Royal  murder.  Yet,  not  many  years  ago, 
scepticism  was  put  to  utter  shame  at  Cawdor,  by  being 
shewn  the  identical  four-posted  bed  in  which  the  murder 
of  King  Duncan  was  committed,  of  a  fashion  so  old  that 
no  respectable  upholsterer  of  the  19th  century,  even  in 
Inverness  or  Forres,  would  have  tamely  submitted  to  the 
scandal  of  having  constructed  it.  The  room,  and  the 
bed  within  it,  were  both  burned  by  an  accidental  fire  in 
1815 ;  thereby  depriving  all  future  visitors  of  so  very 
interesting  an  exhibition  of  traditional  identifications. 

Shakspere  and  his  commentors,  following  the  autho- 
rity of  Buchanan,  assign  Macbeth's  Castle  at  Inverness 
as  the  tragic  locale.     In  the  places  mentioned  (except  the 
two  huts)  Macbeth  had  his  strongholds ;  as,  on  his  mar- 
riage, he  became,  in  right  of  his  wife  Gruock,  Maormor 
or  great  Celtic  lord  of  Moray ;  having  by  birth  the  same 
power  attached  to  that  name  in  the  adjoining  county  of 
Ross.     King  Duncan  was  betrayed  and  slain  while  re- 
siding at  one  of  his  nephew's  castles,  on  his  way  to  reduce 
Porfin,  the  Scandinavian  Earl  of  Caithness,  to  submission ; 
he  having  refused  to  surrender  the  customary  tribute  to 
the  Scottish  Crown.      Malcolm  (King  Duncan's  eldest 
son,  and  afterwards  called  Caenmore,  or  big-head)  fled, 
on  his  father's  murder,  to  England,  where  he  was  received 
by  King  Edward  the  Confessor.     He  waited  at  the  Eng- 
lish Court  until  the   dissensions   between   the   usurper 
Macbeth  and  the  Scottish  nobles  gave  him  a  favourable 
opportunity  of    recovering  his    inheritance.      Then  he 
sallied  forth  across  the  Borders,  supported  by  an  English 
army  of  10,000,  under  the   command  of  his  maternal 
grandfather,  Siward,  Earl  of  Northumberland.    Macbeth's 
inveterate  foe,  the  Thane  of  Fife,  raising  the  standard  at 
the  same  time  for  the  lawful  monarch,  entered  Angus- 
shire,  and  encountered  and  defeated  his  great  enemy  near 
his  own  Castle  of  Dunsinane. 

Such  is  the  bare  outline  of  facts  on  which  the  deeply 
exciting  tragedy  of  Macbeth  was  reared  by  Shakspere. 

Cawdor  Castle  is  still  inhabited — perched  upon  a  low 
rock  overhanging  the  bed  of  a  Highland  torrent,  and 


surrounded  on  all  sides  by  the  largest-sized  forest  trees, 
which  partly  conceal  the  extent  of  its  park.  It  stands 
a  relic  of  the  work  of  several  ages,  a  weather-beaten 
Tower,  encircled  by  comparatively  newer  and  less  elevated 
dwellings,  the  whole  being  enclosed  within  a  moat,  and 
approachable  only  by  a  drawbridge  which  rattles  on  its 
chains  just  as  in  the  years  long  by.  The  staircase — its 
ancient  tapestry  hanging  over  secret  doors  and  hidden 
passages,  the  iron-grated  doors  and  wickets,  the  large 
baronial  kitchen,  partly  formed  out  of  the  native  rock, 
the  hall,  the  old  furniture,  the  carved  mantel-pieces,  the 
quantity  of  figured  tapestry,  and  even  the  grotesque 
family  mirrors  in  use  200  years  ago — are  still  cherished 
and  preserved  by  the  family.  The  drawbridge  and  gate- 
way (overtopped  by  a  belfry  with  bell)  are  worthy  of  notice. 

In  one  of  the  compartments  is  a  carved  stone  chimney- 
piece,  having  the  family  arms  and  several  grotesque 
figures ;  among  which  are  a  cat  playing  the  fiddle,  a 
monkey  blowing  a  horn,  a  mermaid  playing  a  harp,  a 
huntsman  with  hounds  pursuing  a  hare,  &c.  One  of 
these  rude  representations  is  that  of  a  fox  smoking  a 
tobacco  pipe.  On  the  Stone  is  engraved  the  date  1510, 
when  this  wing  of  the  Castle  was  erected.  Tobacco  was 
first  introduced  into  this  country  by  Sir  Walter  Raleigh 
about  1585  ;  and  it  is  singular  to  find  the  common  short 
tobacco  pipe  thus  represented  at  the  above  period.  The 
fox  holds  "  the  fragrant  tube  "  in  his  mouth  exactly  as  it 
is  held  by  its  human  admirers,  and  the  implement  is  such 
as  may  be  seen  every  day  with  those  who  patronise  the 
"  cutty  pipe." 

It  is  doubtful  when  the  Saxon-like  title  "Thane  of 
Cawdor  "  was  first  assumed ;  but  it  occurs  with  the  name 
of  the  adjoining  Thanedom  of  Moyness  in  an  authentic 
document  in  1295.  There  is  no  question  as  to  Malcolm 
Caenmore  having  allotted  large  estates  to  the  English 
and  Flemish  knights  who  assisted  him  in  recovering  his 
native  possessions,  and  that  they  surnamed  themselves 
after  the  appellations  of  the  lands  thus  acquired. 

In  a  charter,  still  extant  in  the  charter-chest  of  the 
Castle,  dated  at  Forres,  22nd  July  1236,  in  the  22nd  year 
of  the  reign  of  Alexander  II.,  his  Majesty  grants  the  lands 
of  Both  and  Banchory,  in  the  balliary  of  Invernarn  or 
Nairn,  "  Gilberto  Hostiario,"  which  words,  by  a  stupid 


misreading,  are  marked  by  a  modern  scribe  on  the  back 
as  "  Oilberto  Horstrat."  Upon  this  mistake,  which  was 
unfortunately  copied  by  Shaw  (whose  valuable  History 
we  are  editing),  a  ludicrous  idea  prevailed  that  the 
family  name  at  first  was  Horse-trot!  The  charter  alluded 
to  was  attested  by  Walter  Fitzallan,  the  Justiciar  of 
Scotland  ;  Walter  Comyn  (whose  family  name  was  after- 
wards to  be  so  tragically  connected  with  Scottish  his- 
tory), Walter  Byset  (who  was  the  old  Norman  possessor 
of  the  territories  which  subsequently  belonged  to  the 
Lovat  family),  Henry  Beliol,  and  Allan  Durward.  The 
charter  is  in  favour  of  Gilbert  Durward  or  Doreward, 
whose  Latinised  name  Ostiarius  or  Hostiarius  in  Eng- 
lish is  Door- ward.  The  powerful  family  of  Ostiarii,  or 
hereditary  Doorwards  of  the  king,  held  large  possessions 
in  Mar,  and  obtained  Macbeth's  estates  in  Nairnshire ; 
and,  probably,  by  assuming  the  name  of  Colder,  one  of 
them  came  to  be  regarded  as  the  first  Thane  of  that  ilk. 
The  Thaneage  of  Calder  (now  pronounced  Cawdor}  in- 
cluded not  only  the  principal  messuage  lands,  but  also 
the  barony  of  Ferintosh  in  Ross,  and  several  parts  of 
Stratherrick,  Strathnairn,  and  Strathdearn,  and  a  large 
portion  of  the  lands  of  Glammis  in  the  Mearns,  all  of 
which  were  hence  politically,  and  for  several  other  pur- 
poses, considered  as  pertinents  of  the  SherifFdom  of  Nairn. 

In  1859  a  most  valuable  series  of  Papers  was  printed 
by  the  late  Earl  of  Cawdor,  titled  "The  Book  of  the 
Thanes  of  Cawdor,  from  1236  to  1742,"  pp.  471,  issued 
by  The  Spalding  Club,  and  edited  by  Prof.  Cosmo  Innes. 

Cawdor  Castle  is  indeed  a  fertile  spot  for  the  romantic 
and  imaginative.  The  mysteries  of  Udolpho  would 
vanish  in  contemplation  of  the  less  perspicuous  intricacies 
of  Cawdor.  Immediately  beneath  the  rafters,  in  one  part 
of  the  many  artfully  contrived  secrecies,  is  pointed  out 
the  concealment  of  the  famous  Lord  Lovat,  who  was  in 
Hight  from  his  pursuers.  By  means  of  a  ladder  the 
tourist  is  conducted  by  the  side  of  one  part  of  a  sloping 
roof  into  a  kind  of  channel  between  two  roofs,  such  as 
frequently  serves  for  conveying  rain-water  into  pipes  for 
a  reservoir.  By  proceeding  along  this  channel  he  arrives 
at  the  foot  of  a  stone-staircase,  which  leads  up  one  side 
of  the  roof  to  the  right,  which  is  so  artfully  contrived  as 
to  appear  a  part  of  the  ornaments  of  the  building  when 
VOL.  n.  18 


beheld  at  a  distance.  At  the  end  of  this  staircase  is  a 
room  with  a  single  window  near  the  floor.  Lord  Lovat 
(it  is  said)  used  to  be  conducted  to  this  place  when  his 
pursuers  approached,  the  ladder  being  removed  as  soon 
as  he  ascended.  When  the  search  was  over,  and  the 
enquirers  gone,  the  ladder  was  replaced,  by  which  means 
his  Lordship  lived  comfortably  with  the  family,  and 
might  long  have  done  so. 

It  is  a  pity  to  put  a  stumbling-block  in  the  path  of 
innocent  credulity,  but  Lord  Lovat  was  not  found  con- 
cealed at  Cawdor  Castle,  but  far  to  the  west;  and,  to  reach 
Cawdor,  he  must  needs  leave  his  own  choice  fortresses  in 
the  wilds  of  Inverness,  and  pass  through  a  territory 
bristling  with  Royal  troops.  Was  this  likely  ? 

Attached  to  the  residences  of  the  Thanes  of  Old  Caw- 
dor was  a  Chapel  dedicated  to  the  Blessed  Virgin  Mary, 
and  the  Chaplain  of  Cawdor,  or  "  the  Thane's  Chaplain," 
appears  as  a  witness  in  early  documents.  When  the 
new  Castle  was  built,  a  Chapel  was  included  in  it.  In 
the  same  year  (1467)  with  the  induction  of  Sir  Walter  of 
Tarbett  in  the  Chapelry  of  the  Castle,  his  patron  William, 
Thane  of  Cawdor,  died.  The  Castle-Chapel  is  said  to 
have  stood  on  the  south  side  of  the  Tower. 

An  ancient  Bell,  like  "  the  Ronnell "  of  Birnie,  of  square 
shape,  of  hammered  iron,  clasped  with  nails,  is  still  pre- 
served at  Cawdor,  the  only  relic  of  the  old  Castle  Chapel. 
It  is  13  inches  high,  including  the  square  iron  handle. 

The  Cawdors  of  old  buried  at  Barevan.  The  walls  of 
the  old  Church  are  still  comparatively  entire,  though  the 
chiselled  stones  have  been  mostly  taken  away.  The 
style  is  of  the  First  Pointed,  without  cusp.  One  window 
on  the  south  of  the  choir  is  curious,  from  the  top  of  the 
arches  and  of  the  mullion  being  formed  of  a  single  stone. 
It  has  been  a  double  lancet  outside,  and  semi-circular 
arched  inside.  The  dimensions  of  Barevan  Church  inside 
are  about  65  feet  long  by  17  feet  broad.  There  is  a  plain 
Piscina  under  an  arch  at  the  south  side,  as  usual,  where 
the  Altar  stood.  There  are  many  old  Gravestones,  and 
there  is  one  row  right  across  the  Church,  where  the  Choir 
and  Nave  joined,  having  no  inscriptions  nor  arms. 

The  following  occurs  in  an  Indenture,  of  date  the  30th 
November,  1725  : — "  As  to  the  Church  of  Colder,  which 


was  built  by  Sir  Hugh  Campbell's  grandfather,  Sir  John, 
being  the  only  heritor  ex'cept  Ross  of  Holme,  a  small 
heritor ;  the  roof  thereof  is  entirely  rott  and  many  of  the 
slate  fallen  off,  never  being  repaired  since  the  erection 
thereof,  except  three  or  four  couples  furnisht  in  Sir 
Hugh's  time,  when  the  pricket  or  top  of  the  steeple  was 
by  storm  blown  over  and  broke  these  couples  ;  needs  to 
be  immediately  repaired,  and  will  cost  double  the  money 
if  it  is  delayed  ane  other  year.  The  sacrament  not  being 
administrat  for  the  years  1722-25,  Sir  Archibald  has 
retained  the  element  money,  which,  being  yearly  £50 
Scots,  amounts  to  £150,  and  proposes  that  the  said  sum 
be  applyed  in  the  first  place  towards  the  repair,  which  he 
shall  finish  as  effectually  and  frugally  as  possible. 

"  The  families  new  buriall  place,  which  lyes  under  that 
part  betwixt  the  steeple  and  the  body  of  the  Church,  is 
much  abused,  and  like  to  goe  to  ruin  altogether  by  the 
insufficient  roof  of  the  Church  ;  and  the  old  burial  place 
called  Barrivan,  of  the  Thanes,  and  all  the  Campbells  of 
Calder  who  dyed  in  the  north  preceding  Sir  Hugh's  time, 
where  formerly  the  old  Kirk  of  Calder  was,  likewise 
needs  to  be  repaired,  which  Sir  Archibald  conceives  may 
be  done  for  £10  sterline,  which  he  expects  the  commis- 
sioners will  comply  with,  for  the  honour  and  memory  of 
the  family 

"  Sir  Archibald  has  sett  up  a  handsome  large  clock  in 
the  steeple  of  the  Church  of  Calder."]  (ED.) 

A  small  pendicle  in  the  south  of  the  parish, 
called  Drumurnie,  is  the  property  of  Rose  of 
Holm.  The  lands  of  Meikle  Budzeat,  west  of 
the  Church,  the  lands  of  Torrich,  a  mile  to  the 
east,  and  the  lands  of  Clunies  two  miles  to  the 
south-east,  are  mortgages  pertaining  to  the 
descendants  of  this  family,  and  all  holding  of 


[Situation,  Soil,  Climate.  —  Calder,  derived  from  the 
Gaelic  coil,  wood,  and  dur,  water,  is  connected  with 


Nairn  on  the  north,  and  Croy  on  the  south.  It  meets 
with  Auldearn  and  Ardclach  at  the  east,  and  extends 
southward  to  the  confines  of  Moy  and  Duthil.  It» 
southern  quarter  is  enlivened  by  the  river  Findhorn,  and 
part  of  its  northern  side  by  that  of  the  Nairn,  to  which 
the  stream  of  Calder,  partly  in  a  deep  rocky  channel, 
thickly  shrouded  with  wood,  a  variety  of  forest  trees, 
hastens  from  the  west.  The  flat  plain  of  the  lower  part 
of  the  parish,  as  it  stretches  southward,  rises  into  a  hilly 
tract,  and  elevates  its  boundary  with  Moy  into  a  lofty 
mountain.  The  soil,  in  general  neither  wet  nor  deep, 
may  be  described  as  kindly,  sharp  and  fertile,  diversified 
in  the  lower  part  with  plots  of  moorish  and  rocky  ground; 
in  the  higher  it  is  more  generally  brown  heath,  covering 
extensive  tracts  of  the  peat  morass.  The  air  is  accounted 
remarkably  salubrious. 

State  of  Property. — The  parish,  chiefly  in  the  county 
of  Nairn,  with  a  small  part  in  that  of  Inverness,  extends 
its  total  valuation  to  the  sum  of  £1963  12s.  Scots,  of 
which  the  property  of  Lord  Cawdor,  comprehending 
Auchendune,  Torrich,  Inchgeddle,  and  Streens,  amounts 
to  the  valuation  of  £1565  12s.  lOd.  This  is  the  family- 
seat  and  original  residence  of  the  ancient  Thanes. 
Similar  to  the  Mansion  of  Kilravock,  a  modern  building 
has  been  conjoined  to  an  ancient  Tower,  built  by  Royal 
licence  in  the  year  1454,  guarded  on  the  west  by  the 
deep  rocky  defile  of  the  stream  of  Cawdor,  and  sur- 
rounded on  -the  other  sides  by  a  ditch  and  drawbridge. 
The  environs,  it  has  been  noticed,  as  its  name  imports,  are 
naturally  embellished  by  the  landscape  scenery  of  wood 
and  water;  and  they  have  been  also  improved  by  the 
decorations  of  art.  In  the  lowest  vault  of  the  Tower,  the 
trunk  of  a  hawthorn  tree  still  stands  in  the  original 
station  where  it  grew  out  of  the  rock,  over  which  tradition 
relates  that  a  dream,  directing  the  situation  of  the  fabric, 
promised  prosperity  to  the  race  whilst  it  should  remain. 

The  lands  of  Clunes  and  Torbey,  mortgaged  to  Dr. 
Campbell,  are  valued  at  £114  7s.  2d.,  to  which  the  valua- 
tion of  his  estate  of  Budzeat,  in  the  county  of  Inverness, 
of  £160  Scots,  is  also  to  be  added.  Mr.  Rose  of  Holm 
has  Drumurnie,  valued  in  the  whole  at  £123  12s.,  of 
which  a  part,  amounting  to  £50,  appertains  to  the  county 
of  Inverness.  The  real  rent  may  be  at  present  estimated 


about  £1200  sterling,  aiising  from  about  4500  cultivated 
acres,  rented  from  2s.  6d.  to  15s.  the  acre ;  to  these  are 
conjoined  about  3500  under  wood,  broom,  and  natural 
pasturage;  the  remainder  is  moor  and  mountain  peat, 
about  18,000.  The  extent  of  the  farms  are  from  40  to 
100  acres ;  and  about  70  ploughs  are  employed  in  their 

State  Ecclesiastical. — The  old  name  of  the  parish  was 
Borivon,  properly  Bar  Ewan ;  literally  denoting  Ewan's 
height,  or  high  country;  and  figuratively  excellent,  or 
St.  Ewan,  to  whom  the  parsonage  was  dedicated.  The 
Church  originally  stood  in  the  southern  or  highest  quar- 
ter of  the  parish,  till  about  the  year  1619;  and  30  years 
after  it  was  moved  into  its  present  central  station,  a  wing 
from  the  parish  of  Auldearn  was  annexed  at  the  east. 
The  value  of  the  living,  including  20  bolls  of  bear  and  20 
of  meal,  is  equal  to  £80  sterling.  The  right  of  patronage 
appertains  to  Lord  Cawdor.  The  salary  of  the  school  is 
8  bolls  of  bear  and  8  of  meal,  and  £1  5s.  as  the  Clerk  of 
the  Session,  with  the  official  perquisites,  and  the  dues  of 
education  from  about  50  scholars,  the  mean  number 
through  the  year.  The  poor  upon  the  roll  amount  to  40, 
and  the  provision  for  their  necessities  about  £12  yearly, 
arising  from  the  contribution,  of  850  persons,  the  members 
of  the  National  Church ;  there  being  only  one  Episcopa- 
lian and  one  Seceder  in  the  parish. 

Miscellaneous  Information. — The  people  in  general 
are  humane,  moral,  and  religious,  there  being  few  law- 
suits or  quarrels  among  them ;  they  are  very  industrious. 
They  dispose  of  a  considerable  quantity  of  victual  at 
Inverness,  Nairn,  and  Fort  George,  where  their  fat  cattle 
and  sheep  are  likewise  sold ;  they  discover  no  propensity 
for  the  military  life,  in  which,  or  in  the  navy,  very  few 
engage ;  they  are  contented  with  their  situation,  and  dis- 
cover no  desire  to  leave  the  parish,  although  every  other 
year  a  few  lads,  as  adventurers,  apprentices,  or  servants, 
seek  their  fortunes  in  Edinburgh,  London,  or  America ; 
they  complain  of  the  uncertainty  of  their  leases;  and 
they  are  troubled  by  the  caprice,  wantonness,  and  extra- 
vagance of  the  farm-servants.]  (Survey  of  the  Province 
of  Moray.) 


I  shall  here  give  some  account  of 


The  surname  of  Calder  is  local,  taken  from  the 
place ;  and  the  family  has  been  among  the  most 
ancient  and  the  most  considerable  in  the  North. 
About  the  year  1040,  the  tyrant  Macbeth  cut  off 
the  Thane  of  Nairn  (Buchanan).  This,  no  doubt, 
was  the  Thane  of  Calder ;  for  no  history  or  tradi- 
tion mentioneth  a  Thane  of  Nairn,  distinct  from 
the  Thane  of  Calder,  who,  as  Constable,  resided 
in  that  town  ;  and  Mr.  Heylin,  in  his  Geography, 
expressly  calleth  him  Thane  of  Calder.  But  not 
to  deal  in  uncertainties,  (1)  Dovenaldus  Thanus 
de  Calder  was  one  of  the  estimators  of  the 
Baronies  of  Kilravock  and  Geddes,  anno  1295. 
His  son  (2)  William  had  from  King  Robert 
Bruce,  7mo  Augusti  anno  regni  4to  1310, 
"  Thanageum  de  Kaledor,  infra  vicecomitatum 
de  Inner  Nairn,  propter  servitia  debita  et  assueta 
tempore  Alexandri  Regis  predecessoris  nostri 
ultimo  defuncti,"  *  (Pen.  Cold.)  His  son  (3) 
Andrew  was  killed  by  Sir  Alexander  Raite, 
whose  son  (4)  Donald  was  served  heir  to  his 
father,  Andrew,  in  1405,  and  saised  in  the  offices 
of  Sheriff  and  Constable  of  Nairn  in  1406  (Ibid.) 
He  purchased  the  lands  of  Dunmaglass  from 

•*  Translation — The  Thanedom  of  Calder,  Constable  of  Inner 
Nairn,  on  account  of  services  due  and  assuetudes  in  the  time 
of  King  Alexander,  our  last  defunct  predecessor. 


William  Menzies  of  Balwhonzie  in  1414 ;  the 
lands  of  Moy,  in  Moray,  from  the  Earl  of  Boss, 
in  1419 ;  and  Urchany-beg,  in  Calder,  from 
Henry,  Bishop  of  Moray,  in  1421  (Ibid.)  His 
son  (5)  William  was  in  1442  infeft  in  the  Thane^ 
age  of  Calder,  the  Sheriffship  and  Constableship 
of  Nairn,  in  Boath,  Benchir,  half  of  Raite,  and 
six  merks  out  of  Belmakeith  (Pen.  Cald.)  In 
1450,  he  built  the  Tower  of  Calder  by  a 
royal  licence.  His  son  (6)  William,  in  1471, 
bought  from  Andrew  Lesly,  master  of  the  Hos- 
pital of  Spey,  with  consent  of  the  Bishop  of 
Moray,  the  Mill  of  Nairn,  with  its  pertinents 
(Ibid.) ;  and  in  1476,  the  Thaneage  of  Calder, 
Baronies  of  Clunie  and  Boath,  Belmakeith,  half 
of  Eaite,  Moy,  Dunmaglass,  two  Kinkells,  Kin- 
dess,  Invermarkie,  Mulchoich,  Drumurnie,  Ferin- 
tosh,  &c.,  were  united  in  one  Thaneage,  and  such 
lands  as  lie  in  Inverness  or  Forres  shires,  to- 
answer  to  the  Sheriff  Court  of  Nairn  (Ibid.) 
Hence  Ferintosh,  Moy,  Dunmaglass,  are  a  part 
of  the  shire  of  Nairn. 

This  Thane  had  five  sons,  viz.,  William,  John, 
Andrew,  Alexander,  and  Hutcheon,  on  whom  he 
entailed  his  estate,  allowing  the  immediate  suc- 
cession to  John,  to  which  William  (who  was  lame 
and  weak)  consented,  and  had  .£20  annually  and 
the  vicarage  of  Ewan.  All  this  was  settled 
by  charter  anno  1488  (Ibid.).  This  Thane  lived 
to  about  the  year  1500 ;  his  son  (7)  John  married 


Isabel  Rose,  daughter  of  Kilravock,  in  1492  (Pen. 
Rilr.),  and  dying  in  1494,  left  one  posthumous 
child,  a  daughter  (8),  Muriel  or  Marion.  Kil- 
ravock intended  this  heiress  for  his  own  grand- 
son, her  first  cousin ;  but  Kilravock  being 
pursued  in  a  criminal  process  for  robbery,  in 
joining  Macintosh  in  spoiling  the  lands  of  Urqu- 
hart  of  Cromarty,  Argyle,  the  Justice-General, 
made  the  process  easy  to  him,  got  the  Ward 
of  Muriel's  marriage  of  the  King  anno  1495,  and 
she  was  sent  to  Inverary  in  the  year  1499. 
(Penn.  Kilr.). 

In  autumn,  1499,  Campbell  of  Inverliver,  with 
60  men,  came  to  receive  the  child,  on  pretence  of 
sending  her  south  to  school.  The  lady  Kil- 
ravock, her  grandmother,  that  she  might  not  be 
changed,  seared  and  marked  her  hip  with  the 
key  of  her  coffer.  As  Inverliver  came  with  little 
Muriel  to  Daltulich,  in  Strath  Nairn,  he  was 
01ose  pursued  by  Alexander  and  Hugh  Calder, 
her  uncles,  with  a  superior  party.  He  sent  off 
the  child  with  an  escort  of  six  men,  faced  about 
to  receive  the  Calders;  and  to  deceive  them,  a 
sheaf  of  corn,  dressed  in  some  of  the  child's 
clothes,  was  kept  by  one  in  the  rear.  The  con- 
flict was  sharp,  and  several  were  killed,  among 
whom  were  six  of  Inverliver's  sons.  When  Inver- 
liver thought  the  child  was  out  of  reach,  he 
retreated,  leaving  the  fictitious  child  to  the  Cal- 
ders; and  Inverliver  was  rewarded  with  a  grant 


of  the  £20  land  of  Inverliver.  It  is  said  that,  in 
the  heat  of  the  skirmish,  Inverliver  cried,  "  Sfada 
glaodh  o'  Lochow,  'Sfada  cabhair  o'  chlan 
Dhuine,"  i.e.,  "  'Tis  a  far  cry  to  Lochaw,  and  a 
distant  help  to  the  Campbells  "  —now  a  proverb, 
signifying  imminent  danger  and  distant  relief. 
All  this  I  give  on  tradition.  % 

Muriel  was  married  in  1510  to  Sir  John  Camp- 
bell, third  son  of  Argyle,  in  memory  of  which,  in 
the  old  Hall  of  the  House  of  Calder,  is  cut  S.  I.  C. 
and  D.  M.  C.,  with  this  inscription,  "  Ceri  mani 
memineris  mane."  (1)  Sir  John  Campbell  of 
Calder,  in  1533,  purchased  from  John  Ogilvie  of 
Carnousie,  Meikle  Geddes,  Raite,  and  the  Fort  of 
it  (Pen.  Cald.),  and  in  1535  purchased  from 
David,  Earl  of  Crawford,  the  Barony  of  Strath 
Nairn,  Fortalice  of  Castle  Davie,  and  the  patron- 
age of  Lundichty,  now  Dunlichty  (Ibid.) ;  and  in 
1545  he  bought,  from  Patrick,  Bishop  of  Moray, 
the  lands  of  Fleenessmore  (Ibid.).  He  died  in 
1546 ;  and  his  son  (2)  Archibald  married  Isabel, 
the  daughter  of  the  Laird  of  Grant ;  and  dying 
in  1553,  his  son  (3)  John  purchased  Ardersier  and 
Delnies  (Vid.  Nairn  Parish),  and  was  murdered 
in  1592  by  Lochinel's  brother.  His  son  (4)  Sir 
John  got  from  the  Earl  of  Moray  a  renunciation, 
&c.  (Vid.  Daviot  Par.).  He  purchased  the 
Baronies  of  Durris  and  Borlum  (Vid.  Dur.  Par.), 
and  in  1609  took  a  charter  of  Little  Budzet, 
Little  Urchany,  and  Croy,  from  Alexander, 


Bishop  of  Moray  (Ibid.) ;  but  in  1614  he  feued 
out  Delmigvie  and  Holm.  In  1617  he  sold 
Croy  to  William  Dallas  of  Cantray,  and  in  the 
same  year  disponed  Ferintosh  to  Lord  Lovat, 
and  mortgaged  other  lands  ;  and  all  this  in  order 
to  purchase,  or  rather  to  conquer  the  island 
of  Hay.  His  son,  by  Glenurchie's  daughter  (5), 
John  Dow,  had  all  his  lands  in  the  North,  by  a 
charter  under  the  Great  Seal,  anno  1623,  erected 
into  a  Barony  called  the  Borough  of  Camp- 
belltown,  with  power  to  create  Bailies,  Con- 
stables, Serjeants,  and  other  officers;  liberty 
to  have  a  town-house  and  a  market-cross,  a 
weekly  market  on  Wednesday,  and  a  fair  to 
begin  on  July  15th  and  to  hold  eight  days  ;  and 
that  all  infeftments  may  be  taken  at  the  Castle 
of  Calder  (Ibid.)  Lord  Torphichen  had  some 
Temple-lands  in  Ardersier,  which  he  sold  to  Mr. 
Thomas  Bollock,  advocate,  with  the  office  of 
heritable  bailie  and  a  privilege  of  regality,  which 
he  disponed  to  Calder  in  1626  (Ibid.).  In  1626, 
Calder  granted  the  feu  of  Dunmaglas  to  Fer- 
quhard  Mac-Gillivray ;  and  in  1639  he  disponed 
all  his  lands  in  favour  of  his  eldest  son  (by 
Cromarty's  daughter),  viz.,  Colin.  I  find  that 
this  John  was  seized  with  melancholy  in  1639, 
and  was  yet  living  in  1650.  His  son  (6)  Colin 
died  at  the  University  of  Glasgow  a  bachelor, 
and  was  succeeded  by  (7)  Sir  Hugh,  son  of  Colin 
of  Boghol,  who  was  brother  to  the  last  John. 


This  gentleman  purchased  Moyness  and  Ur- 
chany,  as  formerly  observed.  In  1678  he  pur- 
chased Kaite  Castle  and  E-aite  Lone  from  John 
Hay  of  Lochloy,  and  redeemed  some  mortgages  ; 
but  mortgaged  other  lands,  and  feued  out  Kin- 
chyle  in  1685.  In  1688  he  disponed  his  whole 
estate  in  favour  of  his  son,  reserving  the  life-rent 
of  his  estate  in  the  North ;  and  died  in  1716. 
His  son,  by  Lady  Henriet  Stewart  (8),  Sir  Alex- 
ander, married  Elizabeth,  sister  to  Sir  Gilbert, 
Lord  of  Stackpole,  in  South  Wales,  and  died  in 
1700.  His  eldest  son  (9),  Gilbert,  died  in  1708, 
and  was  succeeded  by  his  brother  (10),  John 
Campbell,  now  of  Calder,  born  in  1695  ;  he  sold 
Hay  and  Muckarn,  to  disburden  his  estate  of 
debt.  He  married  Mary  Pryce,  heiress  of  Go- 
girthen,  in  North  Wales,  by  whom  he  has  three 
sons  and  three  daughters.  The  first  daughter, 
Ann,  married  Lord  Fortescue,  Mary  died  un- 
married, and  Elizabeth  married  Captain  Adams. 
Pryce,  the  eldest  son,  married  in  1752  Sarah 
Bacon,  daughter  of  Sir  Edmund  of  Garboldisham, 
first  Baronet  of  England,  and  dying  in  1768,  left 
four  sons,  viz.,  John,  Alexander,  George,  and 
Charles  ;  and  three  daughters,  Mary,  Sarah,  and 
Henrietta.  John,  the  second  son,  was  in  1754 
appointed  Lord  Lyon  for  Scotland.  He  married 
Eustachia,  daughter  of  Baffet  of  Heaton.  Alex- 
ander, the  third  son,  is  a  Lieutenant-Colonel,  and 
married  Francess,  daughter  of  Philip  Meadows. 


[Pryce  Campbell  having  died  during  his  father's  life- 
time, his  son  (11)  John  Campbell  succeeded  his  grand- 
father, and  was  created  a  British  peer  by  the  title  of  Lord 
Cawdor.  He  married  Lady  Caroline,  daughter  of  the 
Earl  of  Carlisle,  by  whom  he  had  two  sons — John 
Frederick  and  George  Pryce,  an  Admiral  in  the  Royal 
Navy,  who  married  Miss  Gascoygne,  daughter  of  General 
Gascoygne,  M.P.  for  Liverpool.  John  Campbell  died  in 
1821,  and  was  succeeded  by  his  eldest  son  (12),  John 
Frederick  (Lord  Cawdor),  who,  in  1816,  married  Lady 
Elizabeth,  daughter  of  the  Marquis  of  Bath,  by  whom 
there  was  issue. 

The  present  representative  is  Sir  William  Henry 
Walsingham  Calder,  Bart.,  of  Muirtown  (cr.  1686),  only 
surviving  son  of  the  late  Sir  Henry  Roddam  Calder,  by 
Lady  Frances  Selina,  daughter  of  Edward  Henry,  1st 
Earl  of  Limerick;  born  1820;  succeeded  as  6th  Baronet, 
1868 ;  married  1842  Julia,  daughter  of  Julius  Hutchinson, 
Esq.  She  died  1876.  Residence — Craven  Lodge,  Melton 
Mowbray.]  (ED.) 

Arms  of  the  Family  of  Calder.  Four  Coats  Quarterly.  1st, 
Or.  A  Hart's  Head  cabossed  Sable,  attired  Gules,  for  Calder. 
2nd,  Gyronne  of  eight,  Or,  and  Sable,  for  Campbell.  3rd, 
Argent,  a  Galley  with  her  Oars  in  action  Sable,  for  Lorn.  4th, 
Parted,  per  Fess,  Azure,  and  Gules,  a  Cross  Or,  for  the  name 
of  Lort.  Crest,  a  Swan  proper  crowned  Or.  Supporters,  on 
the  Dexter,  a  Lion  rampant  Guardant  Gules,  armed  Or.  And 
on  the  Sinister,  a  Heart  proper.  Motto  above  the  Crest, 
CANDIDUS  CANTABIT  MORIENS,  [The  Swan  will  sing  while 
dying.]  And  below  the  Shield,  BE  MINDFUL. 


Is  next  above  Calder,  on  both  sides  of  the 
river.  It  stretcheth  12  miles  in  length  on  the 
west  side  of  the  river,  and  4  miles  on  the  east 
side,  and  is  generally  2  miles  in  breadth. 

The  Church  standeth  on  the  west  side,  a  mile 
from  the  river,  4  miles  west  from  Nairn,  2  miles 
west-north-west  from  Calder,  3  south-east  from 


Petty,  and  4  north  from  Deviot.  The  north 
part  of  this  parish,  to  the  west  of  the  river, 
viz.,  Kildrummie,  Flemington,  and  the  Baronie 
of  Kilravock,  are  a  part  of  the  estate  of  that 


The  surname  of  Eose  cometh  from  the  Hebrew, 
Bosh,  a  Head,  and  Rhos  or  JRos,  signifying  a  pro- 
montory or  headland  jutting  out  into  water.  In 
many  nations,  places  are  called  Eose,  or  com- 
pounded with  it.  And  the  country  be-north 
Inverness  is  called  Eoss,  because  it  stretcheth 
out  into  the  sea.  I  question  not  but  Ross,  Earl 
of  Eoss, ,  took  his  surname  from  the  country. 
But  Kilravock' s  family  being  descended  of  the 
Eosses  in  the  south  country  (as  their  paternal 
arms  show),  and  the  name  being  anciently  writ- 
ten de  Roos,  which  we  found  much  as  Eose,  they 
have  changed  Eoos  into  Eose,  to  distinguish 
them  from  the  Earl  of  Eoss's  family.  And 
yet  I  have  found  this  family  in  ancient  writs 
called  Eoos,  Eoss,  Eosse,  Eose. 

Had  not  the  writings  of  this  family  been 
destroyed  (as  we  shall  see)  in  the  burning  of  the 
Cathedral  of  Moray  in  1390,  few  families  could 
have  better  instructed  their  antiquity  ;  and,  even 
with  that  misfortune,  few  can  exceed  it.  The 
Barony  of  Geddes,  in  the  parish  of  Nairn,  was 
their  ancient  inheritance.  Hugo  de  Eoos  Domi- 
nus  de  Geddes  is  a  witness  in  the  foundation 


charter  of   the   Priory  of  Beaulie,   anno   1230 
(M.S.  Hist.  Kilr.).      Sir  John   Bisset  of  Lovat 
had  three    daughters,   co-heiresses,   viz.,   Mary 
Domina  de  Lovat.  married  to  Sir  David  Graham ; 
Cecilia  Domina  de  Beaufort,  wife  of  Sir  William 
of  Fenton  ;  and  Elizabeth  Domina  de  Kilravock, 
married  to  Sir  Andrew  de  Bosco  (Wood)  of  Bed 
Castle ;  and  Mary,  daughter  of  Sir  Andrew,  was 
married  to  (1)  Hugh  Rose  Baron  of  Geddes,  and 
she  and  her  husband  obtained  a  charter  of  the 
barony  of  Kilravock  from  King  John  Baliol  anno 
1293  (Pen.  Kilr.) ;  and  in  1295,  the  baronies  of 
Kilravock  and   Geddes  were   estimated    by  an 
inquest,  the  first  to  £24,  and  the  other  to  £12 
yearly  rent  (Chart  Kilravock) .    [Hugh  Kose,  first 
of  Kilravock,  died  in  or  about  1306.]    Their  son 

(2)  William  married  Morella,  daughter  of  Alex- 
ander de  Downe,  and  had  Hugh  and  Andrew,  of 
whom  came  Rose  of  Achlofnn  in  Mar  [This  Sir 
William,   second  of  Kilravock,   died  in   1333.] 

(3)  Hugh  II.  died  about  1363 ;  his  son  (4)  Hugh 
III.  married  Janet,   only  child   of  Sir  Eobert 
Chisholm,  Constable  of  the  Castle  of  Urquhart 
anno  1364,  and  with  her  he  got  the  lands  of 
Cantra-na-bruich  in  Strathnairn  (Ibid.)    He  died 
about  1388.    His  son  (5)  Hugh  IV.  died  in  1420, 
whose  son  (6)  John  obtained  a  charter  of  de  Nova 
Damus  under  the  Great  Seal,  30th  May,  1433, 
"pro  eo,  quod  Chartae  suae,  tempore  combustionis 
EcclesiaB  de  Elgin,  in  Ecclesise  praedicta  fuerunt 


vastatse  et  destructse."  *  (Ibid.)  He  got  from 
his  grand-uncle,  John  Chisholm,  the  lands  of 
Little  Cantray  and  Ochterurchil,  in  1480  (Ibid.) 
[John  Eose  of  Kilravock  died  in  or  about  1454.] 
His  son,  by  Isabel  Cheyn,  daughter  of  Essilmont, 
was  (7)  Hugh  V.  who,  in  1482,  purchased  the 
lands  of  Coulmore  in  Eoss  (Ibid.)  He  married 
More  or  Marion,  daughter  of  [Malcolm  Begg] 
Macintosh  [Captain  of  the  Clanchattan] ;  his 
second  son  Alexander  founded  the  family  of 
Holm :  Hugh  died  in  1494 ;  and  his  eldest  son 
(8)  Hugh  VI.,  by  Margaret  Gordon,  daughter  of 
Huntly,  had  Hugh;  John,  progenitor  of  the 
Eosses  of  Bellivat;  and  Alexander,  of  whom 
came  the  family  of  Insh  in  the  Garioch,  and 
died  in  1517.  (9)  Hugh  VII.,  by  Agnes  Urqu- 
hart,  daughter  of  [Alexander  Urquhart  of]  Cro- 
marty,  had  Hugh  and  John  of  Wester  Drakies 
[30th  Dec.  1546  ?],  and  died  anno  1543  [also  9 
daughters].  (10)  Hugh  VIII.  purchased  from 
Bishop  Hepburn,  in  1545,  the  lands  of  Kildruin- 
mie,  Couhnonie,  and  Daltulich.  His  facetious 
humour  appeareth  in  a  submission  between  him 
and  two  neighbours,  his  subscription  to  which  is, 
"  Hutcheon  Eose  of  Kilravock,  an  honest  man  ill 
guided  between  you  baith."  He  died  in  1597 
[June  10],  leaving,  by  Catharine,  daughter  of 

*  Translation — Because  at  the  time  of  the  burning  of  the 
Church  of  Elgin  his  title-deeds  were  scattered  and  destroyed 
in  the  foresaid  Church. 


Hawkerton,   [eight   daughters   and]  a  son  (11) 
William  II.,  who,  by  Lilias  Hay,  daughter  of 
Dalgatie,  had  Hugh,  William  of  Clava,  John  of 
Braidley,  and  David  of  Earlsmiln,  and  died  [8th 
April]  1611.    (12)  Hugh  IX.  purchased  Fleming- 
ton  from  the  Earl  of  Moray  in  1639 ;  he  married 
Magdalene   Frazer,   daughter   of  Strichen,  and 
died  in  [June]  1643.      His  son  (13)  Hugh  X. 
married  [Margaret]  a  daughter  of  [Sir  John]  Sin- 
clair of  Dunbeth  [and  Christian  Mowat  of  the 
family  of  Bulquhollie],  who  brought  him  Hugh 
and  John,  of  whom  is  Hiltoun,  and  he  died  in 
[March]  1649.     [This  Lady  Kilravock  brought  a 
portion  of  £10,000  into  the  family.     She  died  in 
November   1654.]      (14)   Hugh  XI.   [succeeded 
when  8  years  old]  purchased  Kinudie,  &c,  (Vide 
Aldearn  Parish),  sold  Coulmore,  and  purchased 
Couless  and  Earichees  in  Ross  anno  1681  (Ibid.) 
By  Margaret,  daughter  of  Innes  of  that  ilk,  he 
had  Hugh  his  successor,  and  other  sons.     (15) 
Hugh  XII.  [born  in  the  House  of  Innes  in  Jan. 
1663,  was  24  years  old  at  his  father's  death] 
added  to  his  estate  the  Barony  of  Muirton,  near 
Kinloss,  and  the  lands  of  Brae  in  Ross.     He  was 
five  times  married  ;  1st,  with  Margaret,  daughter 
of  Sir  Hugh  Campbell  of  Calder,  by  whom  he 
had  a  son  Hugh,  and  two  daughters — Henrietta^ 
married  to  Sir  John  MacKenzie  of  Coul,  and 
Mary,  to  Duncan  Forbes  of  Culloden,  afterwards 
Lord  President;    2nd,  Joan,  only  child  of  Mr. 

HUGH    XIII.    ROSE   OF   KILRA.VOCK.  289 

James  Fraser  of  Brae,  and  had  by  her  a  son, 
James  of  Brae  [She  died  in  1699];  3rd,  Jean 
[Magdalene  ?],  daughter  of  [George]  Cuthbert  of 
Castlehill,  who  brought  him  Magdalene,  married 
to  MacKenzie  of  Dachmahiack,  and  Jean,  to- 
Eobertson  of  Glasgoego;  4th,  Elizabeth,  daughter 
of  Sir  James  Calder  of  Muirton,  who  had  Mar- 
garet, married  to  Sir  Charles  Campbell,  son  of 
Sir  Archibald  [By  this  marriage  about  1704,. 
there  was  a  numerous  issue,  who  all  died  in  in- 
fancy, except  Margaret,  married  in  1730  to- 
Charles  Campbell  of  Clunes] ;  5th,  Katharine,, 
daughter  of  James  Porteous  of  Inverness,  who- 
left  two  sons,  Arthur  and  Alexander.  He  died 
[23]  January  1732.  [He  was  buried  in  the 
Chapel  of  Geddes,  aet.  62]. 

Hugh  XIII.  sold  the  lands  of  Brae,  in  Ross,  and  pur- 
chased Broadley,  near  Nairn.  He  married,  1st,  Elizabeth, 
daughter  of  Sir  Ludovick  Grant  of  Grant,  by  whom  he 
had  two  sons,  Hugh,  his  heir,  born  in  1705,  and  Lewis  of 
Coulmony.  He  married,  2nd,  Jean,  eldest  daughter  of 
Hugh  Rose  of  Broadley,  by  whom  he  had  two  sons  and 
six  daughters.  His  sons  were  John  and  George,  who^ 
both  died  officers  in  the  army ;  and  his  daughters,  Mar- 
garet, married  to  John  Mackenzie,  M.D.,  Edinburgh ; 
Henrietta,  married  to  Sir  William  Dunbar  of  Hempriggs,, 
Baronet;  Anne,  married  to  Sir  Henry  Munro  of  Fowlis, 
Baronet — all  of  whom  had  issue;  Alexandrina;  Jean,, 
married  to  Duncan  Ross  of  Kindeace,  in  Ross-shire ;  and 
Caroline,  married  to  Major  Brodie.  He  died  28th  May 
1755,  and  was  succeeded  by  his  eldest  son,  Hugh  XIV.,* 

*  On  the  day  previous  to  the  memorable  battle  of  Culloden, 

the  Duke  of  Cumberland,  having  halted  with  his  army  at 

Nairn,  lodged  in  the  house  of  Hugh  Rose  of  Kilravock,  who 

was  then  Provost  of  that  ancient  burgh,  and  whose  loyalty  and 

VOL.  II.  19 


born  in  1705,  who  was  bred  to  the  Law,  and  was 
Sheriff-Depute  of  Koss  and  Cromarty.  In  1739  he 
married  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Colonel  William  Clep- 
hane,  nephew  of  Clephane  of  Carslogie,  in  Fifeshire,  by 
whom  he  had  three  sons  and  a  daughter — viz.,  Hugh,  his 
heir,  born  llth  March  1740  ;  William,  who  was  Captain 
in  the  Sutherland  Fencibles,  and  died,  unmarried,  in 
1772 ;  John,  who  was  a  wine  merchant  in  London,  and 
died,  unmarried,  in  1767 ;  and  Elizabeth,  born  19th 
March  174-7.  He  was  a  very  literary  character,  and 
added  greatly  to  the  library  of  Kilravock — particularly 

attachment  to  the  cause  of  King  George  the  Second  is  attested 
by  the  following  inscription  on  a  porter  cup,  preserved  in  the 
old  Castle  of  Kilravock — "  This  cup  belongs  to  the  Provost  of 
Nairn,  1746,  the  year  of  our  deliverance.  A  bumper  to  the 
Duke  of  Cumberland." 

About  two  o'clock  of  the  same  day,  an  officer  from  Prince 
Charles  Stuart  arrived  at  Kilravock,  to  announce  that  it  was 
the  intention  of  the  Prince  to  dine  that  day  at  the  Castle.  Mr. 
Rose  and  his  lady  made  the  best  preparation  that  the  shortness 
of  the  time  admitted  for  the  reception  of  so  illustrious  and  unex- 
pected a  guest ;  and  in  about  an  hour  after  the  Prince  reached 
the  Castle,  attended  by  a  numerous  retinue  of  gentlemen,  many 
of  whom  were  French.  The  manners  and  deportment  of  the 
Prince  on  this  occasion  were  described  by  Mr.  Rose  and  his 
lady  as  having  been  most  engaging.  He  asked  the  number  of 
Mr.  Rose's  children,  and,  on  being  told  three  sons,  he  requested 
to  see  them,  praised  their  looks,  and  kissed  each  of  them  on 
the  forehead.  Having  walked  (out  with  Mr.  Rose  previous  to 
dinner,  and  observed  several  people  engaged  in  planting  those 
trees  which  now  adorn  the  ancient  family  seat  of  the  Roses,  he 
remarked,  "  How  happy  must  you  be,  Mr.  Rose,  in  being  thus 
peacefully  engaged,  when  the  whole  country  around  you  is  in 
a  stir.' 

Mr.  Rose,  who  was  a  capital  performer,  having  taken  up  the 
violin  and  played  an  Italian  minuet,  said  to  the  Prince,  "  That, 
if  I  mistake  not,  is  a  favourite  of  your  Royal  Highness."  "  That 
it  is  a  favourite  of  mine,  Mr.  Rose,  is  certain,  but  how  you 
came  to  know  that  it  is  so,  I  am  quite  at  a  loss  to  guess." 
"That,  sir,"  replied  Mr.  Rose,  "may  serve  to  show  you  that  what- 
ever people  of  your  rank  do  or  say  is  sure  to  be  remarked." 
" I  thank  you,"  said  the  Prince,  "for  that  observation." 

Prince  Charles,  his  secretary  Mr.  Kay,  and  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Rose  dined  together,  in  what  is  now  the  parlour  of  the  old 


some  of  the  best  editions  of  the  Classics,  which  he  pur- 
chased in  Holland.  He  died  at  67,  at  Kilravock  House, 
on  the  26th  November,  and  was  interred  in  the  family 
burial-place,  1772.  He  was  succeeded  by  his  eldest 
son  (18)  Hugh  XV.,  who  was  also  bred  to  the  Law,  and 
passed  as  Advocate,  but  never  practised.  He  was  a 
highly  -  accomplished  gentleman  and  scholar,  was  ex- 
tremely fond  of  field  sports,  and  reckoned  one  of  the  best 
shots  in  Britain.  He  was  also  a  first-rate  performer  on 
the  violin ;  indeed,  the  whole  Kilravock  family  were 
celebrated  for  their  musical  talents.  In  1773  he  married 
Anne  Fraser*  of  Inverness;  but,  she  dying  without 

Castle,  while  forty  of  the  Prince's  attendants  dined  in  a  large 
hall  adjoining.  Between  these  two  rooms  there  is  a  short 
passage,  in  which  two  of  the  Prince's  officers  stood  with  drawn 
swords  while  he  was  at  dinner.  When  the  cloth  was  removed 
Mr.  Rose  proposed  to  the  Prince  that  he  would  allow  those 
gentlemen  to  go  to  dine,  adding  "  Your  Royal  Highness  may 
be  satisfied  that  you  are  perfectly  safe  in  this  house."  To 
which  he  replied,  "  I  know,  Sir,  that  I  am  safe  here ;  you  can 
desire  them  to  go  to  dinner." 

A  large  and  very  handsome  China  bowl,  capable  of  contain- 
ing as  much  as  sixteen  ordinary  bottles,  is  still  preserved  at 
the  Castle  of  Kilravock.  This  bowl  Mr.  Kay  greatly  admired, 
and  said  that  he  would  like  to  see  it  filled.  In  consequence,  im- 
mediately after  dinner,  the  bowl,  filled  with  good  whisky-punch, 
was  placed  on  the  Prince's  table.  After  drinking  a  few  glasses 
of  wine  Prince  Charles  rose  to  depart,  as  did  also  Mr.  Kay  ; 
but  the  Prince,  good-humouredly,  said,  "  No,  no,  Kay,  since 
you  have  challenged  that  bowl,  you  must  stay  to  see  it  out." 
Kay,  however,  took  only  a  glass,  and  accompanied  his  master 
to  Culloden,  where  they  slept. 

Next  day  the  Duke  of  Cumberland  stopped  on  his  march  at 
the  gate  of  Kilravock  Castle,  and  Mr.  Rose  having  gone  out  to 
receive  him,  the  Duke  said,  "  So  I  understand  you  had  my 
cousin,  Charles,  here  yesterday."  "  Yes,  please  your  Royal 
Highness."  replied  Mr.  Rose,  "  not  having  an  armed  force,  I 
could  not  prevent  his  visit."  "  You  did  perfectly  right,"  said 
the  Duke,  "  and  I  entirely  approve  of  your  conduct."  So 
saying,  he  rode  on  to  the  moor  of  Culloden. 

*  She  was  a  girl  of  low  birth,  albeit  captivating  in  propor- 
tions. Such  wedlock,  of  course,  brought  sorrow  and  dissension 
into  the  family.  Pamella  did  not  carry  her  honours  meekly. 
The  old  proverb  held  true  as  to  the  beggar  and  the  horse,  or 

292  HUGH    (XV.)    ROSE   MARRIES   ANNE   FRASER. 

issue  in  1782,  a  long  law-suit  followed  betwixt  his  sister 
Elizabeth,  who  claimed,  as  heir-of-line,  and  James  Rose, 
son  of  Dr.  Hugh  Rose,  by  his  first  wife,  Margaret  Russel, 
who  claimed,  as  heir-male  to  the  late  Kilravock.  After 
a  protracted  litigation  of  five  years'  duration,  Mrs.  Rose, 
having  appealed  to  the  House  of  Lords,  their  Lordships, 
on  the  2nd  April  1787,  gave  judgment,  deciding  all  the 
material  points  in  favour  of  Mrs.  Rose.  By  this  decision 
she  succeeded  to  the  Barony  of  Kilravock,  and  the  lands 
of  Kildrummie  and  Easter  Torrich,  while  James  Rose 
was  found  entitled  to  the  lands  of  Geddes  and  Fleming- 
town,  and  the  patronage  of  Moy  and  vice-patronage  of 

[Mrs.  Elizabeth  Rose,  born  1747,  was  a  great  letter- 
writer,  and  she  copied  drafts  of  her  correspondence.  She 
kept  a  common-place  book  for  many  years,  and  she  fol- 
lowed what  in  her  days  was  a  general  practice,  especially 
with  "  Blue-stockings,"  of  spending  time  in  copying  large 
extracts  from  books.  She  kept  a  Journal  from  1771  till 
the  year  of  her  death,  1815.  Volumes  of  MSS.  were  filled 
with  plans,  contemplations,  thoughts,  and  botherations. 
The  overflowings  of  a  naturally  cheery  lady  develope  in 
scribbling  into  a  sentimental  lachrymose.  She  sung  the 
airs  of  her  country,  and  she  learnt  from  her  father  to 
take  her  part  in  catches  and  glees.  She  played  the  violin 
like  male  artistes,  supported  against  her  shoulder.  The 
spinet  and  guitar  were  her  companions  in  all  her  changes  of 
abode  and  fortune.  The  Papers  of  Kilravock,  published 
by  "the  Spalding  Club,"  abound  in  various  pleasantries 
about  this  accomplished  heiress  of  Kilravock.  The  family 
adhered  to  the  Nonjurors.  In  her  "Book  of  Medita- 
tions," dated  Easter  week,  1774,  she  pens: — "I  passed 
the  eve  of  Good  Friday  in  tumults  of  soul.  Next  morn- 

rather  the  grey  mare  became  the  lest  horse.  She  was  insinuating, 
however,  and  she  and  her  husband  became  favourites  in  certain 
great  houses — especially  with  Jane,  Duchess  of  Gordon,  "  the 
Cock  o'  the  North "  in  those  days.  The  false  step,  notwith- 
standing, had  its  usual  consequents.  The  parvenue  Lady 
Kilravock  has  a  monument  in  the  Chapel  of  Geddes,  which 
records  that  "she  died  8th  day  of  August  1837,  in  the  90th 
year  of  her  age  ;  and  as  a  small  mark  of  esteem,  affection,  and 
gratitude,  this  stone  is  erected  by  her  attached  friend  Mary 
Scott."  (ED.) 


ing  I  ventured  to  the  chapel,  and  found  myself  soothed 
by  the  Divine  worship.  Next  day  was  the  preparation 
for  the  Communion  in  the  Parish  Church,  and  though  of 
another  persuasion,  I  thought  my  time  would  be  well 
bestowed  in  hearing  a  discourse  suitable  to  the  work  I 
had  in  hand."  She  corresponded  with  Burns ;  for  what 
lady  of  such  metal  at  the  time  did  not  ? "]  (ED.) 

In  1779  she  married  Dr.  Hugh  Rose  of  Broadley,  who 
died  in  1780,  and  by  whom  she  had  an  only  son,  Hugh, 
born  February  8,  1781.  After  the  death  of  her  husband 
she  removed  from  Forres  to  Nairn,  where  she  resided,  in 
the  Kilravock  house,  with  her  mother,  for  some  years ; 
but,  on  her  accession  to  the  estate,  she  and  her  mother 
took  possession  of  Kilravock  Castle,  where  she  devoted 
much  of  her  time  to  the  improvement  of  the  remains  of 
the  once  extensive  possessions  of  her  ancestors — though 
harassed  by  two  very  tedious  and  expensive  law-pleas. 
She  planted  nearly  1000  acres  of  moor  ground  with 
Scotch  fir  and  larch,  which,  in  the  course  of  a  few  years, 
will  add  greatly  to  the  value  of  the  property.  She  en- 
closed with  substantial  fences,  and  drained  several  exten- 
sive farms  ;  and  by  her  influence  over  the  tenantry,  with 
whom  she  was,  deservedly,  very  popular,  she  persuaded 
them  to  build  comfortable  houses,  with  suitable  farm- 
steadings.  She  also  drained,  at  a  very  considerable 
expense,  great  part  of  the  Loch  of  Clans,  formerly  an 
extensive  lake,  in  the  hope  of  finding  marl  in  it,  and, 
though  in  this  she  was  disappointed,  it  has  added  nearly 
100  acres  to  the  estate,  which,  by  proper  culture,  will 
soon  become  of  much  value. 

On  the  death  of  Mrs.  Rose,  in  November  1815,  she  was 
succeeded  by  her  eldest  son,  Hugh  XVI.,  who  served  for 
some  years  as  Lieutenant-Colonel  of  the  Inverness-shire 
regiment  of  militia  during  the  late  war,  and  afterwards 
commanded  the  local  militia  of  the  county  of  Nairn,  of 
which  he  is  at  present  vice-lieutenant.  He  married,  1st, 
Catherine,  daughter  of  Colonel  John  Baillie  of  Dunain, 
by  whom  he  had  three  sons  and  four  daughters — viz., 
Hugh,  John,  Ensign  in  the  50th  regiment  of  Foot; 
George,  Isabella,  Elizabeth,  Margaret,  and  Catherine 
Duff.  He  married,  2nd,  Catherine,  daughter  of  James 
Macintosh,  Esq.  of  Farr,  by  whom  he  had  three  sons  and 
three  daughters — viz.,  James,  William,  Wellington  (born 


on   the   ever-memorable    18th   of  June),  Anne    Fraser, 
Harriet,  and  Caroline. 

[Major  James  Rose  of  Kilravock,  only  surviving  son  of 
the  late  Hugh  Rose,  by  his  2nd  wife,  Catherine,  daughter 
of  James  Macintosh  of  Farr ;  born  1820 ;  succeeded  his 
brother,  John  Baillie,  in  1854;  married,  first,  in  1850, 
Anna  Maria,  daughter  of  Lieut.-General  H.  Ivenslow,  of 
the  Bengal  Artillery.  She  died  in  1867.  Married,  2nd, 
in  1868,  Eliza,  widow  of  Farr  W.  Hockin  of  Sherborne, 
Dorset.  Has  by  the  first  wife,  with  other  issue,  Hugh, 
born  in  1863.  Major  Rose,  who  was  educated  at  Edin- 
burgh and  Addiscome  College,  is  a  J.P.  and  D.-L.  for  the 
county  of  Nairn,  Lord  of  the  Barony  of  Kilravock,  and 
Major  in  the  Indian  Army,  retired. 

"  A  Genealogical  Deduction  of  the  Family  of  Rose  of 
Kilravock  from  1299  to  1847"  was  issued  by  the  "  Spald- 
ing  Club"  in  1848,  under  the  supervision  of  Cosmo  Innes. 
This  History  was  written  by  Hew  Rose,  minister  of 
Nairn,  a  cadet  of  the  long  race,  in  1683-4,  and  continued 
by  Lachlan  Shaw,  minister  of  Elgin — a  Digest  of  which 
has  been  given  above. 

A  range  of  castellated  buildings  and  bastioned  tower, 
with  gaunt  appendages  of  later  but  not  quite  modern 
days,  stand  on  the  edge  of  a  richly  wooded  declivity  of 
rock,  looking  down  upon  the  river  Nairn.  The  square 
keep  was  built  by  "Huchone  de  Ross;"  i.e.,  Hugh 
Rose,  the  7th  Baron,  in  1460,  having  obtained  licence  to 
do  so  from  John,  Lord  of  the  Isles ;  confirmed  in  1475  by 
King  James  III.  Tradition  says  that  the  Towers  of 
Calder,  Ironside,  Dallas,  and  Spynie  were  built  about  the 
same  time,  and  that  the  architect  was  Cochrane,  the 
minion  of  James  III.,  whom  that  monarch  created  Earl 
of  Mar,  who  was  afterwards  hanged  over  Lauder  Bridge 
in  July  1482. 

Besides  the  destruction  of  the  Kilravock  Papers,  when 
the  Cathedral  of  Elgin  was  burned  in  1390,  also  in  or 
about  1482,  Duncan  Macintosh  surprised  the  Tower,  com- 
mitted slaughter  and  destroying  papers.  Hugh,  8th  of 
the  name  and  the  10th  succeeding  in  the  family,  "builded 
the  lower  part  of  the  mannor  place"  in  1553.  He  was 
bound  by  contract  to  give  John  Anderson,  mason,  "  meall 
at  2  sh.  8d.  the  boll."  George  Robertson,  smith  in  Elgin, 
made  the  iron  gate  to  the  tower,  which  gate  weighed  34 


stone  and  3  libs,  for  which  he  granted  the  "recept  of 
threttie-four  pounds  3  sh.  9d.,  with  three  bolls  meall,  ane 
stone  of  butter,  and  ane  stone  of  cheese,  by  his  recept, 
February  5,  1568."  This  iron  gate  was  taken  off  by  the 
English  in  the  wars  of  Cromwell.  This  Hugh,  "the 
Black  Baron,"  who  died  in  1597  set.  90,  entertained  Queen 
Mary  in  his  tower — her  Majesty's  bedroom,  which  is  still 
in  its  original  state,  having  no  fire  place  in  it,  nor  was  it 
lathed  nor  plastered,  while  the  floor  consisted  of  great 
coarse  boards,  roughly  sawn,  and  nailed  together. 

The  name  of  Kilravock  indicates  the  Cell  or  Chapel 
dedicated  to  some  now-forgotten  Saint;  and  tradition 
points,  alas !  to  the  present  pigeon-house  as  the  site  of 
that  Chapel.  No  ancient  rights  are  ascertained  by  the 
verdict  of  an  Inquest  in  the  cause  between  "the  Lord 
Prior  of  Urquhart  and  Hugh  de  Ros  of  Kilravoc,"  held  in 
the  Chapter  of  the  Cathedral  Church  of  Elgin  in  1343. 
The  Prior's  duty  was  to  defray  the  expense  of  the  Vicar 
of  Dalcross,  who  was  to  celebrate  in  Divine  Service  twice 
a  week  in  the  Chapel  of  Kilravock.  Incidentally  this 
chart  introduces  the  Hermit  of  St.  Mary's  Chapel  at  Rate. 
It  is  a  finely  written  indenture.  Of  the  five  seals  that 
have  been  attached,  only  the  labels  remain. 

In  some  of  the  old  copies  of  the  Kilravock  History  are 
given  the  inscriptions  on  the  tomb  of  Mr.  Rose,  in  the 
Chapel  of  Geddes,  "  taken  off  the  loose  stones  after  the 
chapel  had  fallen."  Nothing  now  remains  even  of  "  the 
loose  stones  "  which  formed  this  monument,  which  seems 
to  have  been  ornamented  in  the  bad  taste  of  that  day — 
loaded  with  reflections  on  mortality,  scriptural  and  classi- 
cal, in  verse  and  prose.  The  purpose  of  its  erection  is 
given  in  these  words  : — 



.As  in  the  vegetable  world  the  old  branches  wither 
and  drop  off,  while  the  stem  and  the  younger  branches 
flourish,  so  in  families  the  stock  and  the  younger  cadets 


remain  after  the  old  branches  have  become  extinct.  It 
cannot  be  doubted  that,  in  the  first  age  of  this  family  of 
Kilravock,  some  considerable  branches  had  sprung  from 
it,  which  time  has  consumed,  so  that  now  these  cannot 
be  traced ;  yet  some  of  near  to  300  years'  standing  do 
still  remain,  for  example  the  following  in  the  order  of 
seniority: — 

I.  The  Roses  of  Braidley  or  Dunern. 
II.  Rose  of  Holm. 

III.  Rose  of  Bellivat  and  Blackhills. 

IV.  Rose  of  Insh. 

V.  Rose  of  Wester  Drakies. 
VI.  Rose  of  Clava. 
VII.  Rose  of  Braidley. 
VIII.  Rose  of  Earlsmill. 
IX.  Rose  of  Rosehill. 


This  family  was  famous  for  their  ecclesiastical  prefer- 
ments and  dignities.  (1)  Alexander  of  Larachmore, 
brother-german  to  John  the  First  of  Bellivat,  and  third 
son  of  Hugh,  the  8th  laird  of  Kilravock,  was  father  of  (2) 
Henry  of  Larachmore,  who  was  father  of  (3)  James  Rose 
of  Insh,  one  of  the  ministers  of  Aberdeen,  father  of  (4) 
John  Rose  of  Insh,  minister  of  that  parish.  He  had  two 
sons,  viz.,  Alexander  and  Arthur.  This  last  Arthur 
Rose  was,  in  1675,  consecrated  Bishop  of  Argyle,  from 
which  he  was,  in  167.9,  translated  to  the  metropolitan 
See  of  Glasgow;  and,  in  1684,  he  was  advanced  to  the 
Primacy,  and  made  Archbishop  of  St  Andrews.  Being 
deprived  at  the  Revolution,  he  lived  a  retired  life,  and 
died  13th  June  1704.  His  elder  brother,  (5)  Alexander 
Rose,  was  parson  of  Monymusk,  and  was  father  of  two 
clergymen — viz.,  John  and  Alexander.  This  latter  was 
for  some  years  one  of  the  ministers  of  Perth,  from  whence 
he  was  translated  to  Glasgow,  and  made  Professor  of 
Divinity  in  that  University.  In  1686  he  was  consecrated 
Bishop  of  Moray,  from  whence  he  was  translated  to  Edin- 
burgh in  1688.  After  his  deprivation  and  the  death  of 
his  uncle  in  1704,  Bishop  Alexander  Rose  was  Primus 
(or,  in  Roman  Catholic  terms,  Vicar-General),  to  whom 
it  belonged  to  call  meetings  of  the  clergy,  and  to  preside 
in  consecrating  Bishops.  The  following  sketch  of  him  is 


by  a  contemporary,  from  an  MS.  written  about  1730,  in 
the  library  at  Slains: — "He  was  a  man  of  breeding  and 
parts,  and  so  well  accomplished  and  exercised  in  business, 
that  though  the  Revolution  happened  the  very  first  year 
of  his  government,  yet  he  continued  to  command  an 
universal  respect,  and  to  fill  this  chair  with  commenda- 
tion to  the  last.  After  the  Primate's  death  (1704)  he 
maintained  the  character  of  Vicar-General,  and  took  care 
to  preserve  the  succession,  and  having  outlived  all  the 
•deprived  bishops  in  this  kingdom,  came  at  last  to  have 
the  sole  government  of  the  Church.  He  was  tall  and 
graceful  to  look  at,  and  of  a  very  healthful  constitution, 
but  was  cut  off  by  a  sudden  fit  of  an  apoplexie  at  the  age 
of  74,  at  Edinburgh,  March  20,  1720,  and  was  buried  in 
the  Lord  Balrnerinoch's  burial  place  at  Restalrig."  His 
elder  brother,  (6)  John  Rose  of  Insh,  was  parson  of 
Foveran].  (ED.) 

Kilravock's  Paternal  Arms  are  :   Or.  3  Water  Budgets,  Sab. 

Now  to  describe  the  Parish  : 

The  House  of  Kilravock  standeth  on  a  rock, 
on  the  west  bank  of  the  river.  It  is  a  large  pile 
of  building,  with  a  strong  Tower,  built  in  1460 
by  a  patent  from  the  Earl  of  Boss.  (Ibid.)  The 
river,  gardens,  enclosures,  and  adjacent  birch- 
wood,  make  it  a  very  agreeable  seat.  South-west 
on  the  river  is  Holm,  the  property  of  John  Kose 
of  Holm,  the  9th  descent  in  a  direct  line ;  the 
small  heritage  is  a  part  of  the  Barony  of  Strath- 
nairn  (Vide  Daviot.  Par.)  Next  up  the  river  is 
Cantray,  which,  with  Galcantray  and  Bellaffresh 
on  the  east  side  of  the  river,  and  the  lands  of 
Croy  near  the  Church,  are  the  property  of  Mr. 
Davidson,  who  lately  purchased  them  from 
Dallas  of  Cantray.  Croy  was  purchased  from 


Campbell  of  Calder  in  1617 ;  but  Cantray  (and 
Budzet  in  Calder)  has  been  the  seat  of  Dallas  for 
many  generations. 

North-west  from  Cantray,  on  the  top  of  the 
hill,  standeth  the  Castle  of  Dalcross,.  built  in 
1621  by  Lord  Lovate,  whose  property  the  land 
was  at  that  time.  It  came  afterwards  to  Sir 
James  Frazer  of  Brae,  who  gave  it  as  a  portion 
with  his  daughter  Jean  Frazer  to  Major  Bate- 
man.  The  major  sold  it  to  James  Eoy  Dunbar 
Baillie  of  Inverness,  and  from  him  Macintosh  of 
Macintosh  purchased  it  in  1702.  About  4  miles 
farther,  on  the  west  brae  of  the  hill,  is  Easter 
Leys,  pertaining  to  Eobertson  of  Inches  (Vide 
Inverness  Par.)  Next  is  Mid  Leys,  the  property 
of  George  Baillie,  son  of  John  Baillie,  late 
Writer  to  the  Signet  in  Edinburgh,  who  was 
son  of  James  Baillie,  Sheriff  Clerk  of  Inverness, 
of  the  family  of  Dunean.  Farther  is  West  Leys, 
the  heritage  of  Alexander  Shaw  of  Tordaroch, 
who  sold  it  lately  to  Sir  Ludowick  Grant  of 
Grant  (Vide  Daviot  Par.)  These  Leys  hold  of 
Lord  Lovat,  as  a  part  of  the  ancient  estate  of 
that  family. 

To  return  to  the  side  of  the  river  Nairn. 
Above  Cantray  are  Little  Cantray,  Contra-na- 
bruich,  Orchil,  &c.,  pertaining  to  Kilravock  ;  and 
further  up  is  the  Barony  of  Clava,  the  heritage  of 
Kose  of  Clava ;  of  which  branch  Hugh  of  C  ava 
is  now  the  6th  in  descent.  This  Barony  is 


situated  on  both  sides  of  the  river.  And  in  the 
upper  part  of  the  parish  is  Daltulich,  a  mortgage 
possessed  by  a  branch  of  the  Frasers  for  5 
generations  past. 


[Situation,  Soil,  Climate. — Croy  lies  on  the  southern 
side  of  Ardersier,  and  upon  the  west  of  Nairn.  It  is 
intersected  through  8  miles  of  its  length  by  the  river  of 
that  name,  on  the  western  side  of  which  it  is  extended  in 
the  direction  north-west  from  Nairn  for  the  space  of  16 
miles,  consisting  almost  of  one  continued  low  ridge  of 
white  moorish  ground,  on  which  there  are  several  small 
plots  of  poorly  cultivated  land.  The  soil  along  the  river 
is  a  fertile  loam,  and  in  several  parts  fields  of  a  good 
quality  are  found ;  but  a  great  part  is  poor  and  thin,  on 
a  cold  hard  soil,  and  the  crop  subjected  to  damage  when 
the  harvest  is  late  and  wet. 

State  of  Property.  —  The  parish,  in  the  counties  of 
Nairn  and  Inverness,  is  shared  among  10  proprietoi's. 
The  family  seat  of  Kilravock  is  an  old  tower,  supposed  to 
have  been  built  in  the  year  1460,  to  which  an  elegant 
modern  mansion,  on  a  rock  overhanging  the  river,  is  con- 
joined. The  gardens,  an  orchard,  and  a  considerable 
extent  of  natural  and  planted  wood,  embellish  the  en- 
virons. The  domain  is  in  the  county  of  Nairn;  the  valued 
rent  amounts  to  £792.  A  little  farther  up,  pleasantly 
situated  on  the  banks  of  the  river,  is  Holme,  the  seat  of 
John  Rose,  in  the  county  of  Inverness,  a  neat  modern 
house,  embellished  by  natural  and  planted  wood ;  the 
valuation  is  £120.  Still  farther  up  the  river,  in  the  same 
county,  is  Cantray,  the  mansion-house  of  David  David- 
son [now  Hugh  G.  Davidson].  He  has  at  once  orna- 
mented and  improved  his  ample  property  in  a  very  high 
degree ;  more  than  400  acres  of  waste  have  been  brought 
into  the  highest  state  of  cultivation.  His  plantations 
exceed  2000  acres  ;  he  has  built  a  splendid  and  commo- 
dious mansion,  and  a  handsome  bridge  in  its  environs, 
of  the  greatest  utility  and  ornament.  His  domains  are 
in  both  counties  ;  the  estate  of  Clava  in  Nairn,  valued  at 
£292  15s.  8d.,  added  to  those  of  Cantray  and  Clavala  in 


the  county  of  Inverness,  extends  his  valued  rent  in  this 
parish  to  the  sum  of  £839.  Arthur  Forbes  of  Culloden, 
Esq.,  has  lands  in  both  counties  within  this  parish ;  his 
valuation  in  Nairn,  of  £358  14s.  6d.,  added  to  that  of 
Lenoch  and  Bellbraid  in  the  county  of  Inverness,  makes 
his  valuation  equal  to  £4)49  4s.  6d.  The  rest  of  the 
parish  is  wholly  in  the  county  of  Inverness. 

The  old  castle  and  estate  of  Dalcross,  the  property  of 
Mackintosh  of  Mackintosh,  is  valued  at  £190.  Part  of 
the  barony  of  Inches,  the  property  of  Robertson,  is  valued 
at  £230.  Daltalich,  a  part  of  the  estate  of  Lovat,  is 
valued  at  £116  13s.  4d.  Mid  Leys,  the  property  of  Mr. 
Baillie,  is  valued  at  £133  6s.  8d.  Leys,  the  property  of 
Col.  Fraser  of  Culduthel,  is  valued  at  £130 ;  and  the  pro- 
peity  appertaining  to  Cuthbert  of  Castlehill,  valued  at 
£56,  makes  the  whole  valuation  of  the  parish  amount 
to  £2995  14s.  6d.  Scots. 

The  greater  part  of  the  farms  are  below  £20  sterling  of 
rent.  Several  of  them  are  inconsiderable  crofts,  lately 
brought  into  culture,  and  threatening  to  return  to  their 
original  state  of  moor.  There  are  a  few  rented  from  £40 
to  £50,  managed  in  the  best  manner. 

State  Ecclesiastical. — The  parish,  in  its  present  extent, 
consists  of  Croy  and  the  parish  of  Dalcross,  annexed 
before  or  about  the  Reformation.  The  vicar  of  Dalcross 
is  mentioned  in  the  records  of  Roman  Catholic  times ; 
and  the  Burial-ground,  still  used  a  little,  and  the  walls  of 
its  Church  remain ;  and  its  glebe  makes  a  part  of  the 
present  glebe.  The  names  of  both  parishes  are  supposed 
to  be  originally  French,  Croix,  the  cross,  and  De  la  Croix; 
but  as  a  district  in  the  western  quarter  of  the  kingdom  is 
named  Glencro,  or  croy,  it  may  be  of  Gaelic  birth.  The 
stipend,  including  the  allowance  for  the  communion,  is 
£30  11s.  sterling,  and  80  bolls  of  grain.  The  right  of 
patronage  is  equally  shared  between  the  families  of  Caw- 
dor  and  Kilravock.  The  district  called  Leys  is  so  distant 
from  the  Church,  that,  during  the  summer  and  autumn 
months,  public  worship  is  performed  there  every  fourth 
Sunday  in  the  open  air.  The  salary  of  the  parochial 
school  is  16  bolls  of  bear ;  the  fees  of  education,  and  the 
perquisites  of  the  office  of  session-clerk  make  the  whole 
establishment  equal  to  £22  sterling  yearly.  The  Society 
for  Christian  Knowledge  maintain  also  a  school  in  the 


parish,  with  an  appointment  of  XI 2  sterling,  besides  the 
house,  garden,  fuel,  and  the  maintenance  of  a  cow,  fur- 
nished by  the  proprietor  and  the  people.  Both  schools 
are  flourishing  and  well  attended.  Except  4  of  the  Epis- 
copalian persuasion,  the  whole  of  the  people,  amounting 
to  1552,  appertain  to  the  national  Church. 

Miscellaneous  Information. — It  was  in  this  parish, 
near  the  middle  of  the  ridge  of  moorish  ground  on  the 
side  towards  the  river,  that  the  decisive  and  important 
action  of  Culloden  was  achieved.  After  Prince  Charles 
Edward  had  fully  ascertained  the  sentiments  both  of 
England  and  Wales  to  be  adverse  to  his  desperate 
attempt,  and  found  himself  duped  in  the  support  which 
had  been  so  liberally  promised  by  France  and  Spain,  the 
councils  of  his  adherent  chiefs,  distracted  by  jealousy  and 
dissension,  were  deeply  marked  by  the  infatuation  of 
despair ;  for  though  presumption  only  could  flatter  them 
with  the  hope  of  success,  and  defeat  must  be  attended  by 
inevitable  destruction,  yet  under  the  advantage  of  the 
terror  and  alarm  which  they  had  thrown  over  the 
capital,  their  successful  retreat  almost  from  the  environs 
of  London,  so  wonderful  in  every  circumstance,  the 
resources  which  they  still  possessed,  and  the  additional 
support  which  they  might  acquire,  had  they  then  sued 
for  peace  and  carried  on  at  the  same  time  the  war,  they 
would  have  obtained  an  amnesty  for  the  whole  of  the 
common  people,  and  easy  terms  for  the  less  distinguished 
chiefs ;  and  while  they  retained  the  command  of  several 
ports  on  both  sides  of  the  island,  the  Adventurer  himself, 
and  such  as  could  not  reasonably  hope  for  pardon,  might 
have  easily  retreated  to  an  asylum  on  the  Continent. 
This,  however,  they  did  not  attempt.  In  the  meantime 
royal  forces  thickened  everywhere  around  them;  every 
district  almost  of  the  Western  Highlands  (Inverness  and 
Fort-Augustus  excepted)  was  occupied  by  formidable 
detachments  of  adverse  troops.  The  Duke  of  Cumberland 
arrived  at  Aberdeen  about  the  end  of  February,  andr 
having  completed  his  magazines,  commenced  his  march 
with  the  last  division  of  his  forces  upon  the  8th  of  April, 
and  rendezvoused  at  Cullen  with  the  whole  army  on  the 
llth.  On  the  morning  of  the  12th,  Major-General  Huske, 
with  the  cavalry,  a  body  of  loyal  Highlanders,  15  com- 
panies of  grenadiers,  and  2  field  pieces,  attended  by  the 


Duke  himself,  preceded  the  army  to  the  banks  of  the 
Spey.  The  Duke  of  Perth,  the  Lords  John  Drummond, 
Kilmarnock,  and  Balmerinoch,  and  Secretary  Murray, 
had  for  some  time  taken  up  their  quarters  in  the  manse 
of  Speymouth,  on  the  other  side  of  that  river.  The 
minister  has  left  it  on  record,  that  though  they  used  him 
civilly,  and  gave  him  no  disturbance  concerning  his  prin- 
ciples, yet  it  was  expensive  to  him,  and  public  worship 
was  suspended  during  their  sojourn  there.  2000  men 
was  the  force  under  their  command,  able  to  have  pre- 
vented the  passage  of  the  royal  army,  or  to  have  defeated 
them  when  struggling  with  the  power  of  the  stream ;  but 
on  their  appearance  on  the  southern  bank,  the  rebels  fled 
off  towards  Elgin,  with  the  most  unaccountable  precipi- 
tation. The  horse,  sustained  by  the  grenadiers  and 
Highlanders,  immediately  passed  over,  but  not  with  such 
expedition  as  to  warrant  a  pursuit.  The  whole  army 
thereafter  forded  the  river  to  the  depth  of  their  middles, 
and  one  grenadier  and  4  women,  borne  down  by  its 
rapidity,  were  drowned.  They  encamped  in  the  vicinity 
of  the  manse,  and  his  Royal  Highness,  with  a  more 
cordial  welcome,  occupied  the  state  bed,  from  which  the 
Duke  of  Perth  was  dispossessed.  Their  march  on  Sun- 
day the  13th  reached  to  the  Church  of  Alves;  the  en- 
campment was  formed  on  an  arable  field,  then  green  with 
the  springing  corn ;  the  owner  considered  the  crop  to  be 
destroyed,  but  it  was  found  to  have  been  thereby  greatly 
improved.  On  the  14th  they  marched  forward  to  the  town 
of  Nairn.  The  Duke  entering  into  the  27th  year  of  his 
age,  they  rested  on  the  15th,  solemnizing  the  auspicious 
anniversary,  and  trimming  their  accoutrements  and  arms. 
By  this  time  the  greater  part  of  the  rebel  troops,  from 
various  quarters,  under  different  chiefs,  had  rendezvoused 
with  the  Prince  at  Inverness.  But  instead  of  prudently 
retreating  to  the  fastnesses  of  the  mountains,  which  then 
afforded  store  of  live  cattle  for  provision,  where  their 
regiments  would  have  been  recruited,  and  their  force 
augmented  by  a  strong  reinforcement  of  the  Macphersons, 
then  actually  in  full  march  to  their  aid,  and  where  per- 
haps the  disaster  of  Closterseven  might  have  by  anticipa- 
tion been  prevented,  they  weakly  drew  out  to  meet  their 
fate  upon  Drummossie  Moor,  where  they  lay  the  whole 
night  under  arms,  having  very  little  provision — two 


bannocks  of  bread  only  to  each  man.    And  in  the  anxious 
expectation  of  the  advance  of  the  royal  army  they  waited 
in  the  order  of  battle  the  whole  of  the  succeeding  day, 
during  which   they  were  joined   by  1400   men,  under 
young  Lovat,  Keppoch,  and  Locheil.     Having  formed  the 
weak  purpose  of  surprising  the  Duke's  army  in  the  night 
of  the  birth-day  solemnization,  they  marched  eastward 
after  sun-set  in  two  columns ;  but  then  faint  with  hunger 
and  fatigue,  many  were  unable  to  come  up  ;  embarrassed 
by  the  length  of  the  columns,  they  were  obliged  to  make 
several  halts,  and  many,  overpowered  with  sleep,  dropped 
off  unperceived  in  the  dark,  and  lay  hid  in  the  fields ; 
and  at  the  distance  of  3  miles  it  was  found  impossible  to 
reach  the  Duke's  army  before  the  rising  of  the  sun,  and 
only  then  with  half  the  that  had  marched  off  the 
moor.     Charles  therefore  was  reluctantly  prevailed  upon 
to  measure  back  his  way  to  the  ground  first  chosen  for 
the  battle,  in  which  he  was  rejoined  by  the  greater  part 
of  those  who  had  straggled  in  the  nocturnal  march.     Im- 
mediately on  regaining  their  station,  great  numbers  dis- 
persed in  quest  of  provisions,  and  many,  overpowered  by 
fatigue,  lay  down  to  sleep  on  the  heath.     About  5  o'clock 
in  the  morning  the  army  began  their  march  from  Nairn, 
nearly  15  miles  distant  from  the  place  of  engagement, 
and  the  repose  of  the  wearied  clans  was  disturbed  by  the 
alarm  of  their  approach.    They  formed  the  order  of  battle 
with  at  least  1000  fewer  than  they  had  mustered  on  the 
preceding  day;  the  front  in  13  divisions,  each  clan  under  its 
respective  chief,  having  6  field  pieces  in  the  middle  of  the 
line;    to  support  the  front  were  disposed  Fitz- James's 
horse  on  the  right,  covered  by  the  wall  of  an  enclosure  ; 
4  companies  of  French  piquets  composed   the   middle 
column,  and  on  the  left  were  5  companies  of  Lord  John 
Drummond's  foot,  and  a  body  of  horse  composed  of  the 
Prince's  guards ;  open  to  the  centre  of  the  foot  was  the 
young  Adventurer  and  his  body  guards,  and  in  his  rear 
was  the  line  of  reserve. 

The  Duke's  army  formed  in  2  lines  also,  and  3  regi- 
ments for  the  corps  of  reserve;  the  dragoons,  under 
Hawley,  were  on  the  left  flank,  -and  Kingston's  horse 
guarded  the  right;  the  artillery,  consisting  of  10  field 
pieces,  were  placed  two  in  the  centre  of  each  regiment,  so 
that  some  pieces  were  capable  of  flanking  the  enemy  on 


whatever  part  of  the  line  the  impression  might  be  made. 
The  royal  army  consisted  of  8811,  and  the  other  num- 
bered 8350.     About  one  o'clock  afternoon  the  artillery  of 
both  parties  opened ;  that  of  the  rebels  was  ill  served  and 
inefficient,  but  the  king's  made  dreadful  havock  among 
them,  which  Lord  George  Murray,  the  leader  of  the  right 
wing,  perceiving,  called  on  them  to  advance,  and  500 
charged  the  left  wing  with  their  usual  impetuosity.    Bar- 
rel's regiment  and  Monro's  were  yielding  to  the  pressure 
of  this  column  when  they  were  sustained  by  2  battalions 
under  Wolfe,  advancing  from  the  second  line,  by  whose 
close  fire  great  numbers  fell,  while  the  cannon  continued 
to  pour  destruction  with  their  cartridge  shot.    Meanwhile 
the  dragoons,  aided  by  the   militia  of  Argyle,  having 
opened  passages  in  the  dyke,  brol^  in  upon  the  right 
flank,  while  Kingston's  horse,  upon  the  left,  met  them 
in  the  centre,  completing  the  confusion  of  the  rebels; 
their  rout  in  less  than  30  minutes  was  final,  and  the  field 
covered  with  the  slain.      The  French  piquets  in  their 
right  covered  their  retreat  for  a  little  by  a  close  and 
regular  fire,  then  retiring  to  Inverness,  they  surrendered 
themselves  prisoners  of  war.     The  road  to  that  town  was 
strewed  with  the  bodies  of  the  dead.    Many  friends  even, 
who  had  come  to  share  the  victory,  were  sacrificed  in  the 
undistinguishing  exultation  of  the  victors  over  the  unre- 
sisting foe.      An   entire   body   of  the   rebels,  however, 
marched  off  the  field  of  battle,  their  pipes  playing,  and 
the  standard  of  Charles  displayed.     On  the  succeeding 
day  2000  met  on  the  road  to  Badenoch,  and,  after  a  little 
deliberation,  finally  dispersed. 

In  every  instance  of  civil  war,  rapine,  desolation,  and 
murder  will  be  the  cruel  lot  of  numbers,  though  unresist- 
ing to  either  side.  The  moderation,  however,  of  the  rebels 
in  the  season  of  their  success,  considering  their  necessities, 
is  deservedly  worthy  of  the  most  distinguished  praise  -r 
private  property,  save  a  trifling  exaction  at  Manchester 
and  Glasgow,  remained  inviolate  in  both  their  peregrina- 
tions from  one  end  of  the  island  almost  to  the  other.  Yet 
the  objects  of  spoil  were  most  tempting  to  undisciplined 
and  needy  adventurers,  and  their  ideas  of  honesty  and 
justice  had  impressed  but  faintly  the  virtue  of  forbear- 
ance and  self-denial ;  and,  save  only  in  the  rage  of  battle, 
they  were  extremely  delicate  and  gentle,  respecting  the 


effusion  of  blood.  But  with  an  extremely  different  mea- 
sure was  it  meted  to  them  in  the  day  of  their  calamity. 
And  notwithstanding  the  wickedness  of  'their  attempt  to 
subvert  our  religion,  liberty,  and  glorious  constitution,  it 
was  not  possible  to  regard  the  fallen  sufferers  without 
pity,  without  condemning  the  rigour  of  that  vengeance  to 
which  the  weak  and  submissive  were  doomed.  The 
soldiers  of  the  king,  not  contented  with  the  blood  which 
had  been  so  profusely  shed  in  the  heat  of  action,  traversed 
the  fitild  after  the  battle,  and  massacred  those  miserable 
wretches  whom  they  found  unresisting  and  maimed ; 
some  officers  even,  uninspired  by  sentiment,  untinctured 
by  humanity,  bore  a  part  in  this  cruel  scene  of  assassina- 
tion. But  that  day  did  not  sate  the  vengeance  of  the 
loyal  powers.  In  the  month  of  May  they  advanced  into 
the  Highlands  and  encamped  at  Fort  Augustus,  which 
had  been  lately  by  the  rebels  blown  up ;  whence  detach- 
ments were  to  every  quarter  sent  off;  the  men,  hunted 
down  like  wild  beasts,  were  shot  upon  the  mountains,  or 
put  to  death  in  cold  blood,  without  the  form  of  trial ; 
the  women,  having  seen  their  fathers,  brothers,  and 
husbands  murdered,  subjected  to  violation,  were  turned 
out  naked  with  their  children,  to  starve  upon  the  bar- 
ren hills.  One  whole  family,  shut  up  in  a  barn,  were 
consumed  to  ashes.  Every  house,  hut,  or  habitation, 
was  without  distinction  burned.  So  active  and  alert 
were  those  ministers  of  vengeance,  that  in  a  few  days 
neither  house  nor  cottage,  man  nor  beast,  was  to  be  seen 
within  the  compass  of  50  miles ;  all  was  ruin,  silence, 
and  desolation ! 

Yet  jollity  and  glee  alone  resounded  in  the  camp  at 
Fort  Augustus.  Upwards  of  2400  black  cattle,  with 
droves  of  sheep  and  goats,  and  troops  of  horses,  were 
brought  in — the  plunder  of  the  murdered  peasants,  and 
horse-racing  among  every  rank  and  sex  prevailed.  His 
Royal  Highness  gave  a  holland  smock  for  a  prize,  and 
the  wives  of  the  soldiers  started  on  the  bare  backs  of 
garrans,  riding,  with  their  legs  on  each  side,  like  the  men. 
On  the  same  coursers  Hawley  and  Colonel  Howard  run  a 
match  for  20  guineas,  and  the  first  of  these  heroes,  by  4 
inches,  won. 

While  these  circumstances  are  recorded  in  the  page  of 
history,  let  each  succeeding  generation  beware  of  foster- 
VOL.  ii.  20 


ing  rebellion,  or  exciting  insurrection,  but  only  to  obtain 
relief  in  situations  that  can  be  hardly  rendered  more 

The  vanquished  Adventurer,  all  his  hope  of  a  crown  in 
one  half  hour  dispelled,  rode  off  the  field  with  a  few 
horsemen,  accompanied  by  Lord  Elcho  and  the  Duke  of 
Perth.  Crossing  the  river  Nairn,  he  retired  to  the  house 
of  a  gentleman  in  Strath-herrick,  and  after  a  mournful 
conference  with  Lord  Lovat,  dismissing  his  followers,  he 
wandered  about  a  wretched  solitary  fugitive,  surrounded 
by  armed  enemies,  chased  from  hill  to  dale,  from  wood  to 
heath,  and  from  shore  to  shore,  lurking  seldom  in  a 
cottage,  sometimes  in  a  cave,  and  frequently  on  the  bare 
waste,  without  attendants,  and  without  other  support 
than  what  the  poorest  peasant  could  supply.  Sometimes, 
assuming  women's  attire,  he  appeared  a  lady's  maid  ;  and 
sometimes,  in  the  habit  of  a  travelling  mountaineer,  with 
a  wallet  on  his  back.  He  was  rowed  in  fisher  boats  from 
isle  to  isle  among  the  Hebrides,  passing  through  the 
midst  of  his  enemies  unknown,  exposed  to  hunger,  thirst, 
and  weariness,  to  cold  and  wet,  in  continued  peril.  He 
trusted  his  life  to  the  fidelity  of  more  than  50  individuals, 
mostly  in  the  lowest  paths  of  fortune,  and  knowing  that 
to  betray  him  raised  them  at  once  to  affluence  and 
wealth,  by  the  price  of  £30,000  set  upon  his  head ;  but 
they  detested  riches  on  such  infamous  terms,  and  they 
ministered  to  his  necessities  with  the  utmost  fidelity 
and  zeal,  even  at  the  hazard  of  their  own  destruction. 
Through  the  whole  course  of  his  distresses  (which  were 
such  as  hardly  any  other  person  ever  outlived)  he  main- 
tained the  most  amazing  equanimity  and  good  humour ; 
never  abandoned  by  his  hope  and  recollection,  he  still 
found  some  expedient  that  saved  him  from  captivity  and 
death.  At  length,  in  the  5th  month  of  his  painful  peril, 
he  got  on  board  a  privateer  of  St.  Malo ;  by  means  of  a 
thick  fog  he  passed  through  Lestock's  squadron  unseen, 
and  arrived  in  safety  at  Roseau  in  Bretagne,  his  eye 
hollow,  his  visage  wan,  and  his  constitution  greatly  im- 
paired by  famine  and  fatigue.  The  history  of  his  race,  in 
every  generation,  loudly  admonishes  "all  kings  to  be 
wise,  and  all  judges  of  the  earth  to  be  instructed;" 
ever  to  govern  with  discretion,  and  with  such  care  for  the 
public  weal  as  may  preserve  the  love  of  their  subjects, 


and  maintain  their  reign  over  people,  happy  because  they 
feel  themselves  free. 

There  is  little  now  to  be  seen  on  the  field  of  battle,  but 
it  is  still  visited  by  many.  The  graves  of  those  who  fell 
are  strikingly  distinguishable  by  their  verdant  surface 
of  grass  rising  through  the  brown  surrounding  heath. 
About  50  only  of  the  army  fell,  of  whom  6  were  officers,  one 
of  them  Lord  Robert  Ker ;  the  number  of  the  rebels  who 
were  killed  in  the  action  and  in  the  pursuit  has  been 
computed  at  2500.  Bullets  and  fragments  of  armour, 
which  are  picked  up  by  the  people  of  the  neighbourhood, 
are  anxiously  sought  after,  and  preserved  with  care  as 
curiosities,  or  as  valuable  relics.  (Survey  of  the  Province 
of  Moray!) 

Following  the  river,  I  come  to 


Stretching  on  both  sides  of  the  river  Nairn, 
about  10  miles  in  length,  and  in  few  places  2  in 
breadth.  It  is  enclosed  with  hills,  except  to- 
wards Croy.  The  Church  standeth  on  the  west 
bank,  a  mile  above  the  north  end  of  the  parish, 
3  miles  north  from  Dunlichtie,  which  is  united 
with  it,  4  miles  south  from  Croy,  4  miles  S.E. 
from  Inverness,  and  3  miles  north-west  from 
Moy.  The  Barony  of  Strathnairn  was  the 
freehold  of  the  Earl  of  Crawford  before  the 
year  1500.  David,  Earl  of  Crawford,  married 
Catharine,  daughter  of  King  Eobert  II.,  and 
with  her  got  the  Barony  of  Strathnairn,  &c., 
anno  1378  (Bot.  Rob.  II.) ;  and  he  disponed  it  in 
feu  to  Ogilvie,  laird  of  Findlater,  who  resided  at 
Hall-hill  in  Pettie,  and  was  designed  laird  of 
Strathnairn.  Sir  John  Campbell  of  Calder  pur- 


chased  Crawford's  right  in  1535,  and  thereafter 
Findlater  conveyed  his  feu-hold  to  the  Earl  of 
Moray.  This  Earl,  unwilling  to  hold  of  Calder, 
privately  obtained  a  Charter  from  the  Chancery, 
by  which  he  was  to  hold  of  the  Crown.  Sir 
John  Campbell,  great-grand-son  to  the  former 
mentioned,  carried  on  a  reduction  of  the  Earl  of 
Moray's  right,  and  obtained  from  Earl  James  an 
ample  renunciation,  dated  17th  November  1608, 
acknowledging,  "that  he  held  of  Sir  John  Camp- 
bell of  Calder  the  lands  of  Meikle  Davie,  cum 
Fortalicio,  Budzeat,  Little  Davie,  Coulclachie, 
Meikle  and  Little  Craggies,  Inverarnie,  Gask, 
Wester  Larg,  Aberchaladers,  Aberarders,  Dal- 
crombie,  Letterwhiln,  Brinns,  Fleechtie,  Far, 
Holm,  Failie,  and'Drumornie  "  (Pen.  Cold.)  Thus 
the  Earl  of  Moray  holdeth  this  barony  of  Mr. 
Campbell  of  Calder  as  his  superior. 

On  the  west  side  of  the  river,  in  the  lower  end 
of  the  parish,  is  Coulclachie,  a  sub-vassalage  of 
Angus  Macintosh,  who  now  representeth  the 
Macintoshes  of  Connidge.  Next  southward  is 
Davie,  the  property  of  the  laird  of  Macintosh. 
Here  was  a  Fort  built  by  David,  Earl  of  Craw- 
ford, and  after  him  called  Davie  Fort.  Next  is 
Failie,  the  heritage  of  MacBean  of  Failie,  a 
branch  of  the  old  Clan  Chattan,  who  have  long 
possessed  this  small  estate.  South  thereof  is 
G-ask,  which,  with  Dunmaglass,  are  the  property 
of  William  MacGillivray  of  Dunmaglass.  This 


last  was  purchased  by  the  Thane  of  Calder  in 
1414,  and  feued  to  Ferquhard  MacAlaster  in 
1626;  but  they  had  immemorial  Duchus  or 
possession  of  it.  Dunmaglass  is  Chief  of  the 
ancient  clan  of  MacGillivray. 

On  the  east  side  of  the  river,  the  first  north- 
ward is  Craggie,  the  property  of  the  late  William 
Shaw  of  Craigfield,  cousin  to  Tordaroch,  south 
of  which  is  the  Barony  of  Largs,  a  part  of  Mac- 
intosh's estate.  Further  south  is  Inverarnie,  a 
mortgage  from  Rose  of  Kilravock,  who  is  the 
Earl  of  Moray's  sub-vassal.  MacPhail  of  Inver- 
arnie is  the  Chief  of  that  ancient  tribe  of  the 
Clan  Chattan.  Above  Inverarnie,  on  the  brook 
of  Fearnie,  is  Far,  the  property  of  Macintosh  of 
Far,  a  branch  of  the  family  of  Kylachie.  Above 
Inverarnie,  on  the  side  of  Nairn,  is  Tordaroch, 
the  seat  of  Alexander  Shaw,  an  ancient  branch 
of  the  Shaws  of  Eothemurchus.  This  family's 
heritage  is  Wester  Leys,  in  the  parish  of  Croy ; 
but  they  hold  Tordaroch  in  lease  of  Macintosh, 
and  have  resided  in  it  above  200  years.  In  the 
south  end  of  Dunlichtie  parish  is  Aberarder,  the 
heritage  of  William  Macintosh  of  Aberarder,  a 
branch  of  the  family  of  Macintosh;  and  west 
of  Aberarder  is  Dunmaglass,  of  which  I  have 
spoken.  There  are  in  this  Brae-country  some 
other  sub-vassals  of  the  Earl  of  Moray. 



[Situation,  Soil,  Climate. — The  river  Nairn  winds 
eastward  from  its  sources,  for  the  length  of  23  miles, 
through  this  parish.  The  cultivated  grounds  extend  from 
about  2  to  nearly  4  miles  in  breadth.  The  name  of 
Daviot  is  believed  to  have  been  given  to  the  smaller 
district  in  honour  of  David,  Earl  of  Crawford,  once  its 
proprietor,  who  built  a  fortress,  lately  razed  for  the  lime- 
rubbish  as  manure.  The  other  name  in  Gaelic  is  DUN- 
LE-CHATTI,  the  hill  of  the  Clan  Chattan.  This  ancient 
tribe,  under  the  various  surnames  of  Macintosh,  the 
chief,  Macgillivray,  Macpherson,  Macbean,  Shaw,  Smith, 
and  Gow,  continue  in  the  possession  of  an  extensive  tract 
upon  either  side  of  this  hill,  which  yet  bears  upon  its 
summit  the  tokens  of  having  been  the  rendezvous,  and 
the  place  whence  the  signals  were  made,  as  the  exigencies 
of  remote  times  required.  The  Church  of  this  district 
stands  near  its  bottom ;  that  of  the  other  a  few  miles  to 
the  north-west  of  Moy.  The  appearance  of  the  country 
is  not  inviting;  where  the  hills  are  not  covered  with 
heath,  "  on  which  no  tree  is  seen,"  they  are  naked  rock, 
while  large  tracts  of  peat  morass  or  barren  moor  deform 
the  vales  below.  Among  the  mountains  there  are  several 
lakes ;  that  of  Dundlechak  is  of  the  most  consideration ; 
it  discharges  one  of  the  branches  of  the  river,  it  is  very 
deep ;  it  is  the  lake  which  never  freezes  in  winter  by  the 
most  intense  and  longest  frost,  but  in  a  calm  night  during 
the  Spring  it  is  readily  frozen  over  in  the  space  only  of 
one  night.  The  lake  of  Ruthven,  though  about  half  the 
extent  of  the  other,  being  3  miles  in  length,  and  nearly 
1  in  breadth,  is  vastly  its  superior  in  the  estimation  of 
the  angler ;  there  is  no  pike  in  it,  but  it  is  well  stocked 
with  trout  of  the  Lochleven  kind,  similar  to  salmon  when 
dressed ;  4  or  5  dozen,  from  3  to  8  lb.,  are  at  times  caught 
in  the(space  of  two  hours  ;  and  one  or  two  boats  are  kept 
on  the  lake  for  the  purpose  only  of  fishing.  Westward 
for  some  miles  from  the  Church  of  Dunlighty  the  hills 
are  chiefly  composed  of  rock,  and  almost  everywhere 
along  their  base  innumerable  fragments  of  enormous 
bulk,  appearing  to  have  been  violently  severed  from  their 
parent  cliffs,  exhibit  the  most  satisfactory  proof  that 
earthquakes  have  been  more  frequent  and  more  dreadful 


in  this  quarter  of  the  island  than  either  tradition  or  his- 
tory records.  Near  the  Church  of  Daviot,  and  for  some 
miles  above  it,  on  both  sides  of  the  river,  there  is  a 
natural  object  of  another  kind  more  striking  still;  the 
ground  is  more  than  300  feet  of  perpendicular  height 
above  the  level  of  the  Frith ;  it  nevertheless  presents  a 
great  many  sand-hills,  which  evidently  appear  to  have 
been  formed  by  the  current  of  contrary  tides,  under  the 
flux  and  reflux  of  the  ocean.  At  that  period  not  only 
this  island,  but  the  greater  part  of  Europe,  must  have 
been  the  bottom  of  the  sea,  probably  during  the  antedilu- 
vian era,  or  in  that  more  early  period  when  "  the  Spirit 
of  God  moved  upon  the  face  of  the  waters,  before  he 
divided  the  waters  which  were  under  the  firmament  from 
those  which  were  above  it." 

In  some  places  the  soil  is  sandy  and  light ;  in  others  it 
is  spongy  and  wet,  incumbent  on  clay;  there  are  alsa 
tracts  where  it  is  black,  of  the  quality  of  peat  earth ;  and 
in  many  places  all  these  kinds  are  compounded  together. 
A  considerable  proportion  of  the  soil  is,  however,  fertile, 
and  capable  of  producing  pretty  plentiful  crops,  but  the 
climate  is  variable  and  unpropitious,  and  oftentimes  the 
whole  labour  and  hope  of  the  year  is  blasted  in  one  night 
or  morning  in  the  months  of  August  or  September  by  the 
mildew  frost,  to  which  the  best  and  lowest  fields  are  most 

State  of  Property. — In  its  political  circumstances  the 
parish  is  placed  in  the  counties  of  Nairn  and  Inverness. 
It  is  at  present  the  inheritance  of  8  proprietors.  John 
Macgillivray  of  Dunmaglass,  Esq.,  has  the  valuation  of 
£400  Scots  in  the  county  of  Nairn,  and  £486  in  that  of 
Inverness.  David  Davidson  of  Cantray,  Esq.,  holds  a 
valuation  of  £226  6s.  8d.  Captain  Macpherson  of  Inver- 
eshie  has  a  valuation  of  £56  13s.  4d.  tineas  Mackintosh 
of  Mackintosh,  Esq.,  has  the  property  of  Daviot  at  £448, 
William  Mackintosh  of  Culclachy,  £313  10s.  Captain 
Mackintosh  of  Aberairder,  £694  6s.  8d.  James  Mackin- 
tosh of  Far,  £200  ;  and  Arthur  Forbes  of  Culloden,  £108 
6s.  8d.,  extending  the  whole  valuation  of  the  parish  to  the 
sum  of  £2933  6s.  8d.  At  the  family  seats  of  Dunmaglass 
and  Far,  the  improvement  of  draining,  enclosing,  and 
planting,  has  been  for  some  time  carried  on  with  pro- 
priety and  success.  The  state  of  agriculture  is  in  extreme 


backwardness ;  the  small  black  hairy  oats  and  rye  are 
the  principal  crops  ;  common  oats  and  barley  succeed  but 
in  few  places,  and  frequently  misgive.  The  quantities  of 
land  are  denominated  davochs,  ploughs,  and  aughteen 
parts :  they  were  at  first  ascertained  with  regard  to  the 
quality  rather  than  to  the  extent;  and  as,  in  several 
cases,  the  quality  has  been  since  improved,  these  deno- 
minations now  appear  arbitrary  and  uncertain.  Few 
tenants  occupy  more  than  one  aughteen  part,  the  rent  of 
which  is  from  £3  to  £5,  besides  a  variety  of  services 
exacted  by  the  landlords,  both  in  seed  time  and  harvest 
— so  flagrantly  detrimental  to  all  improvement,  that  of 
late  some  of  the  proprietors  begin  to  discover  that  the 
practice  of  the  landlords  in  the  highest  cultivated  dis- 
tricts of  the  kingdom  is  more  wise  than  theirs ;  that  they 
will  become  more  respectable  by  having  their  revenue 
wholly  in  money,  ascertained  by  the  number  of  the  acres 
on  their  estates ;  having  their  tenants  in  other  respects 
entirely  independent,  and  hiring  farm  servants  sufficient 
for  the  cultivation  of  the  lands  in  their  own  occupation. 
Of  late  the  blackfaced  sheep  have  been  introduced  into 
the  higher  parts  of  the  district  of  Dunlighty,  and  they  do 
not  appear  to  suffer  from  the  climate ;  the  mean  value  is 
9s.  each,  and  the  number  about  2000.  The  common  cross 
breeds  are  double  that  number,  and  their  mean  value 
about  5s.  each.  The  number  of  black  cattle  have  been 
diminished  by  increasing  the  number  of  the  sheep ;  they 
still  count  to  about  1300,  and  their  mean  value  about  £2 
each.  Horses  are  generally  used  in  the  cultivation  of 
the  land ;  they  are  of  small  size,  their  number  about  800, 
and  their  mean  value  about  £2  10s. 

State  Ecclesiastical. — The  parishes  of  Daviot  and  Dun- 
lighty were  united  about  the  year  1618.  The  residence 
is  at  Daviot,  at  the  distance  of  7  miles  from  the  Church 
of  Dunlighty,  where  public  worship  is  performed  every 
alternate  Sunday.  The  stipend  is  £77  6s.  sterling,  with 
a  small  glebe,  detached  in  parts  as  in  the  original 
parishes.  The  right  of  patronage  appertains  to  Lord 
Cawdor.  The  appointment  of  the  schoolmaster,  including 
the  emoluments  of  the  office  of  Session-Clerk,  is  about 
£12.  The  number  of  the  poor  is  nearly  46,  and  the 
funds  for  their  provision,  raised  in  the  common  form,  and 
augmented  by  an  endowment  of  £36,  bearing  interest, 


exceeds  not  £5  yearly.  The  members  of  the  National 
Church  are  1265;  and  there  are  430  of  the  Communion  of 
the  Episcopalian  Church  of  Scotland,  who  have  a  chapel 
for  themselves  in  the  parish,  but  can  only  afford  to  have 
public  worship  there  once  in  3  or  4  Sundays  ;  during  the 
interval  they  assemble  with  their  neighbours  in  the 
parish  Church.  There  are  two  Seceders  of  less  liberality 
of  sentiment. 

Miscellaneous  Information. — The  people  are  devout 
and  regular  in  their  profession  of  religion,  disposed  to  rest 
somewhat  on  external  forms,  which,  however,  does  not 
appear  to  have  any  bad  effect  on  their  morals,  although 
in  some  of  the  less  essential  duties  they  are  not  wholly 
pure.  They  have,  however,  a  sense  of  shame  and  honour 
in  a  high  degree  for  their  station.  They  are  frugal,  and 
they  would  be  industrious  if  the  climate  and  other  parti- 
cular circumstances  offered  the  same  excitements  which 
happier  situations  possess.  There  are  about  60  young 
men  who  migrate  southwards  for  employment  during  the 
seasons  of  Spring,  Summer,  and  Harvest ;  but  by  this 
means  they  have  not  generally  increased  their  stock. 
They  have  introduced  expensive  dress  and  other  luxuries 
among  the  labouring  class ;  they  have  also  raised  the 
price  of  labour  at  home,  and  they  live  through  the  winter 
a  burden  on  the  common  stock  of  their  families.  The 
gentlemen  of  the  country  want  not  encouragements  in  its 
own  improvement,  sufficient  to  retain  them  at  home,  and 
which  would  greatly  redound  to  their  mutual  advantage ; 
for  this  end  they  must  no  doubt  place  their  tenants  in 
the  same  situation,  as  to  ease  and  independence,  with 
those  in  the  South,  who  can  thus  afford  to  abstract  the 
labour  of  the  North.  By  this  means  also  the  industry  of 
a  great  part  of  the  people  who  live  within  4  or  6  miles  of 
Inverness  would  be  in  a  short  time  directed  into  a  more 
profitable  channel,  both  for  landlord  and  tenant,  than 
that  in  which  it  presently  runs — namely,  in  preparing 
peat  and  turf  fuel,  and  carrying  it  to  the  markets  of  the 
town,  which  is  regularly  continued  twice  in  every  week 
round  the  whole  year,  not  excepting  either  Spring  or 
Harvest.  About  Daviot  there  is  lime-stone  rock  in  the 
bed  and  banks  of  the  river;  it  contains  a  great  many 
small  metallic  cubes,  not  exceeding  the  fourth  of  an  inch, 
consisting  of  a  great  proportion  of  lead,  and  of  that 

314        ARDERSIER   OR   THE   HEIGHT  OF   THE   EDGE. 

colour.  There  is  a  considerable  number  of  weavers 
employed  in  making  coarse  woollen  stuff.  The  other 
artizans  only  accommodate  the  country,  for  which  there 
are  also  1  fulling  and  14  corn-mills.]  (Survey  of  the 
Province  of  Moray.) 

But  I  return  to  the  coast. 


Lieth  on  the  west  Coast  from  Nairn.  It  is  a 
promontory  running  into  the  Moray  Firth,  from 
south-east  to  north-west,  and  is  about  2  miles  in 
length,  and  little  more  than  a  half  mile  in  breadth 
at  the  south-east;  and  at  the  north-west  it  ter- 
minates in  a  narrow  point,  on  which  the  Fort  is 
built.  The  whole  parish  is  the  property  of  John 
Campbell  of  Calder,  and  was  a  part  of  the  lands 
of  the  Bishop  of  Boss,  with  some  Temple  lands 
formerly  belonging  to  the  Knights  Templar. 
More  than  a  third  part  of  the  whole  bounds  was 
purchased  about  1746  by  the  Government  for  a 
precinct  of  the  fort.  The  Church  formerly  stood 
within  the  precinct,  but  of  late  there  is  a  new 
Church  built  a  little  without  it,  about  5  miles 
west  from  Nairn,  3  miles  north  from  Croy,  and  4 
miles  north-east  from  Pettie.  Whether  the  pre- 
cinct shall  be  intra-parochial,  or  extra-parochial, 
is  not  as  yet  determined. 


[Situation,  Soil,  Climate. — This  parish  lies  on  the  shore 
of  the  Firth,  westward  of  that  of  Nairn,  having  a  wing  of 
the  parish  of  Petty  interjected  between  its  southern  side 
and  the  mountain.  The  name  in  the  Gaelic,  when  a  little 


corrected,  denotes  the  height  of  the  edge.  The  greater 
part  of  the  cultivated  land,  lying  upon  a  plain  extended 
backward  from  the  sharp  edge  of  a  steep  bank,  rising  100 
feet  above  the  level  beach  of  the  sea.  [Ardersier  is  written 
Ardnaseer  in  the  Records  of  the  parish.]  The  southern 
or  land  side  of  the  parish  is  stretched  a  little  more  than  2 
miles,  and  it  might  be  conceived  as  a  promontory  termin- 
ating in  the  Firth,  having  the  cape  washed  off  almost  to 
the  level  of  the  sea  by  some  inundation  in  an  sera  beyond 
the  notice  of  historical  record,  while  the  appearance  of 
the  ground,  both  in  the  smoothness  of  the  compacted 
gravel  of  the  plain  below  the  bank,  and  in  the  steepness 
of  the  bank  itself,  suggests  this  idea.  It  might  also  with 
probability  be  conjectured,  from  the  quality  of  the  sand 
of  which  the  bank  appears  to  be  composed,  that  the  sub- 
stance of  this  promontory,  washed  up  again  upon  the 
shore  of  the  parish  of  Dyke,  formed  the  Mavis  Hills  and 
the  magazine  for  the  irruption  over  the  estate  of  Culbin. 

There  is  in  the  parish  a  considerable  variety  of  soil — 
stiff  clay,  deep  black  mould,  shallow  black  soil,  and  light 
sand.  The  parish  lying  either  pretty  high,  or  stretched 
out  into  the  sea,  the  climate  is  rather  cold,  but  neither 
wet  nor  unhealthy. 

State  of  Property. — The  whole  parish  is  the  property 
of  Lord  Cawdor,  except  the  ground  purchased  by  Govern- 
ment for  the  station  of  Fort  George,  and  a  farm  for  the 
accommodation  of  the  Governor.  His  Lordship  pays  the 
whole  of  the  land  tax  affecting  the  valued  rent,  which 
extends  to  £600  Scots.  The  real  rent  of  the  parish  when 
Fort  George  was  built  was  £315  sterling,  and  £50  more, 
which  was  the  rent  of  the  farm  sold  to  Government. 
The  parish  contains  1,985  acres,  of  which  966  are  moor. 
After  supplying  the  inhabitants  it,  in  general,  disposes  of 
300  bolls.  It  is  let  in  whole  to  one  tenant,  who  sublets 
the  greater  part,  in  farms  of  20  or  30  acres;  the  best 
arable  land  at  £1  10s.  the  acre,  and  that  of  an  inferior 
quality  from  5s.  to  7s.  6d . 

The  situation  of  Cromwell's  Citadel  upon  the  influx  of 
the  river  at  Inverness  was  originally  chosen  by  Govern- 
ment for  the  station  of  Fort  George ;  but  the  magistracy 
of  that  town,  from  an  apprehension  of  its  tendency  to 
corrupt  the  morals  of  the  people,  eluded  its  erection  there 
by  such  an  exorbitant  demand  for  the  price  of  the  ground 


that  the  Duke  of  Cumberland,  in  a  huff,  upon  the  report 
of  able  engineers,  found  the  ground  whereon  it  now  stands 
to  be  the  most  eligible,  which,  with  the  farm  that  has 
been  mentioned,  was  purchased  from  the  family  of  Cawdor. 
The  work  was  commenced  in  the  year  1747  under  the 
direction  of  General  Skinner.  The  original  estimate  was 
£120,000  sterling,  but  it  required  a  little  more  than  the 
addition  of  £40,000.  to  that  sum.  The  Citadel  occupies 
15  English  acres  of  the  point  of  low  ground  already 
described.  On  three  sides  the  ramparts  rise  almost  out 
of  the  sea,  which  can  be  introduced  at  pleasure  into  a 
formidable  excavation  stretched  along  the  fourth,  with 
which  the  ancient  fosse  round  any  Gothic  castle  could 
not  either  in  breadth  or  in  depth  be  compared.  It  is  said 
to  be  the  only  regular  fortification  in  Britain — every 
member  of  the  work  is  covered  by  the  defence  of  some 
other,  and  the  besiegers  can  take  no  station  without  being 
exposed  to  its  fire.  The  depression  of  the  outworks  is  so 
managed  that  the  interior  of  the  Citadel  commands  every 
part  around  it,  and  the  plain  is  so  broad  on  the  land  side 
as  to  afford  no  advantage  from  any  higher  ground,  while 
its  gravel  is  so  compact  and  solid  as  to  make  the  opening 
of  trenches  extremely  difficult.  It  has  4  bastions,  is 
mounted  by  80  cannon,  and  well  supplied  with  water. 
Besides  the  bomb-proof  apartments  under  the  ramparts, 
the  interior  of  the  Citadel  consists  of  handsome  squares 
of  barracks,  elegant  accommodation  for  the  Governor  and 
other  officers,  a  spacious  armoury,  a  secure  bomb-proof 
magazine,  convenient  stores,  and  a  neat  chapel.  It  is 
sufficient  for  the  accommodation  of  3,000  men. 

It  is  hardly  possible  to  contemplate  the  art  and  science 
displayed  in  rendering  it  defensible,  without  admiring 
the  advancement  in  fortification  since  those  rude  ages  in 
which  the  Capital  of  Asia  was  protected  by  a  simple 
earthen  rampart,  flanked  only  with  some  towers  of  wood, 
and  without  even  the  security  of  a  ditch.  Homer  repre- 
sents Patroclus,  upon  having  repulsed  a  sortie  of  Trojans, 
springing  lightly  on  the  top  of  the  wall,  an  action  which 
the  judicious  bard  would  never  have  admitted  upon  a 
perpendicular  stone  wall  and  a  broad  ditch. 

The  usefulness  of  Fort  George  is  not  now  very  obvious, 
great  improvement  has  no  doubt  taken  place  in  the 
manners  and  sentiments  of  the  people  of  the  country 


around,  since  it  was  first  garrisoned,  to  which  it  is  not 
easy  to  say  how  much  it  may  have  contributed.  Con- 
sidering the  state  of  the  country  at  that  time,  its  influence 
may  have  been  considerable,  but  it  would  have  been 
ineffectual  still,  without  the  free  access  to  every  quarter 
which  the  formation  of  roads  has  opened,  the  knowledge 
and  new  ideas  which  the  establishment  of  schools  has 
diffused ;  to  which  it  may  be  added,  that  the  protection  of 
the  persons  and  of  the  substance  of  the  common  people, 
by  the  equal  extension  of  the  laws  to  every  rank,  hath 
produced  among  them  a  satisfaction  and  elevation  of 
mind  unknown  to  their  ancestors,  the  slaves  of  baronial 

State  Ecclesiastical. — The  Church  was  removed  from 
the  vicinity  of  the  ground  sold  to  Government,  to  the 
plain  above  the  bank,  about  the  year  1769.  Its  walls,  as 
well  as  those  of  the  manse,  are  formed  of  clay,  without 
any  stone  or  lime.  The  Burial-ground  remains  at  the 
old  station  of  the  Church,  and  is  also  used  by  the  people 
of  the  Fortress.  The  right  of  patronage  appertains  to 
Lord  Cawdor.  There  is  no  parochial  school.  The  num- 
ber of  the  poor  amounts  to  50  ;  the  money  contributed  in 
the  Church  for  their  support  amounts  to  about  £15  sterling 
in  the  year.  The  number  of  people,  exclusive  of  the 
inhabitants  of  the  Fort,  is  802 ;  there  are  only  a  few 
Seceders  dissenting  from  the  national  Church. 

Miscellaneous  Information. — The  Gaelic  and  English 
languages  are  spoken  with  equal  readiness. 

There  is  a  considerable  village,  Campbeltown,  contain- 
ing about  300  inhabitants,  which  has  been  raised  in  con- 
sequence of  the  occasions  of  the  garrison.  It  maintains  8 
boats,  from  5  to  8  tons  burden,  employed  in  the  white 
and  herring  fishery ;  the  herring  are  chiefly  sold  to 
fishing  busses.  Salmon  are  also  caught  in  the  Frith. 

On  the  boundary  of  the  parish  of  Nairn  there  is  a  rude 
Obelisk  about  G  feet  in   height,  reported  to  have  been 
erected  on  the  grave  of  a  Chief,  who  lost  his  life  in  a  silly 
scuffle    about  a  cheese.]      (Survey   of  the   Province  of 


Westward  on  the  coast  is 


Is  pleasantly  situated  in  a  plain  betwixt  the  Firth 
and  the  hills  towards  Strathnairn.  It  is  in  length 
from  east  to  west  near  5  miles,  and  in  breadth 
not  above  1J  mile. 

The  Church  standeth  on  a  rising  ground,  a 
furlong  from  the  sea,  almost  2  miles  from  the 
west  end  of  the  parish,  5  miles  north-east  from 
Inverness,  4  miles  south-west  from  Ardersier, 
and  near  3  miles  north-west  from  Croy. 

The  barony  of  Pettie  was  anciently  a  part  of 
the  Earldom  of  Moray,  but  upon  the  death  of 
Earl  Archibald  Douglas,  anno  1455,  the  Castles 
of  Inverness  and  Urquhart,  and  the  lordships  of 
them,  the  water  mails  of  Inverness,  the  Lordship 
of  Abernethie,  the  baronies  of  Urquhart,  Glen- 
urchan,  Boneich,  Bonochar,  Pettie,  Brachlie,  and 
Strathern,  with  the  pertinents,  were  annexed  to 
the  Crown  (Act  Parl.  1455).  Some  time  after 
this  the  Laird  of  Findlater  held  the  barony  of 
Pettie  of  the  Crown,  and  afterwards  of  the  Earl 
of  Moray.  I  find  that  Elizabeth,  daughter  of 
Sir  James  Dunbar  of  Cumnock,  who  died  in 
1505,  was  married  to  John  Ogilvie  of  Strathnairn 
(Pen.  West/.).  Ogilvie  resided  at  Hallhill  in 
Pettie.  Lachlan,  Laird  of  Macintosh,  being 
murdered  by  some  of  his  Clan  in  1524,  James, 
Earl  of  Moray,  committed  the  young  Laird  of 


Macintosh  (who  was  his  nephew)  to  the  care 
of  the  Laird  of  Strathnairn.  The  Macintoshes 
resented  this  as  an  indignity,  demolished  the 
house  of  Hallhill,  and  killed  24  of  the  Ogilvies 
about  the  year  1531  (M.S.  Hist.  Macintosh  and 
KilravocJc).  It  is  probable  that  this  barbarous 
treatment  induced  Findlater  to  dispone  his  right 
of  Strathnairn,  Pettie,  and  Borlum,  to  the  Earl 
of  Moray. 


[Near  the  west  end  of  the  Moss  of  Petty,  and  opposite 
the  Dalcross  Station,  may  be  seen  to  the  right  the  parish 
School-house,  on  a  gentle  rising  ground,  formerly  said  to 
have  been  an  island,  surrounded  with  its  moat  and  lake. 
On  it  once  stood  the  fortified  House  or  Castle  of  Halhill, 
the  scene  of  a  marauding  raid  in  1513,  called  "The  Her- 
ship  of  Petty,"  the  spulzie  taken  or  destroyed  at  which 
gives  a  good  idea  of  the  plenishing  of  a  wealthy  baron's 
residence  in  those  days,  and  a  favourable  view  of  the 
agriculture  of  the  district,  if  all  the  corns  were  of  native 
growth.  This  hership  was  the  work  of  the  Mackintoshes, 
the  Roses,  Dallas  of  Cantray,  Stewart  of  Clava,  and  Ross 
Kinsteary,  aided  by  Donle  More  Macgilliecallum.  The 
House  of  Pettie,  called  Halhill,  was  then  occupied  by 
John  Ogilvie,  son  of  the  deceased  Sir  William  Ogilvie  of 
Strathearn,  Knight,  who  is  said  to  have  obtained  Petty 
from  James  IV.,  because  his  wife,  called  "  Nanny  Pant," 
an  Englishwoman,  was  the  first  to  communicate  to  the 
King  the  birth  of  his  son,  afterwards  James  V.  The 
Mackintoshes  were  not  likely  to  sympathise  with  this 
parental  feeling,  which  deprived  them  of  their  ancient 
possession.  They  attacked  the  house  and  plundered  the 
barony,  root  and  branch.  Thereafter  the  Lords  of  the 
Council  decreed  that  all  the  rich  "spulzie"  should  be 
given  back  and  full  restitution  made.  The  plunderers, 
however,  had  at  least  three  years'  possession,  and  it  is 
doubtful  whether  Halhill  was  ever  again  seen  in  its 
former  glory.  The  Mackintoshes  afterwards,  in  1543,  got 


a  new  liferent  back  of  Petty,  and  went  on  combating  with 
their  deadly  enemies — the  Earls  of  Moray  and  Huntly— 
and  sill  others  who  dared  to  "  TOUCH  THE  CAT  EOT  A 
GLOVE" — their  emblazoned  motto.]  (See  Andersons' 
Guide  to  the  Highlands. — ED.) 

In  the  east  end  of  the  parish  is  Calder's 
Brachlie,  a  skirt  of  the  Thanedorn  of  Calder. 
Near  to  it  is  Easter  Brachlie,  pertaining  to  Kil- 
ravock.  All  the  rest  of  the  parish  is  the  property 
of  the  Earl  of  Moray,  except  a  small  feu  in  the 
west  end  called  Alterlies,  which  pertaineth  to 
Forbes  of  Culloden.  Near  the  Church  standeth 
Castle  Stewart,  one  of  the  seats  of  the  Earl  of 
Moray,  but  now  out  of  repair ;  and  near  thereto 
is  a  Corn-mill,  set  agoing  by  the  Sea-water. 


[Situation,  Soil,  Climate. — A  circuit  up  into  the  moun- 
tain and  back  again  to  the  shore,  through  6  parishes,  has 
made  no  advance  in  the  course  towards  the  west ;  for  the 
parish  of  Petty  lies  next  to  Airdersier,  in  a  progress  up 
the  Frith  from  the  east;  it  extends  8  miles  along  the 
shore,  and  inland  for  about  the  half  of  that  extent.  The 
face  of  the  country  is  nearly  level,  containing  large  tracts 
of  cultivated  h'eld,  where  it  rises  gently  into  the  moun- 
tain ;  they  are  separated  by  brooks,  which  in  some  places 
fall  over  the  rocks  in  natural  cascades ;  and,  besides  tufts 
of  trees  almost  at  every  farmhouse,  the  Earl  of  Moray's 
plantations  of  fir,  and  oak,  and  other  forest  trees,  in 
different  places,  have  clothed  more  than  500  acres,  which 
about  20  years  ago  were  bleak  and  barren  heath.  The 
soil  in  part  is  a  fertile  black  mould,  but  the  greater  pro- 
portion of  it  is  sandy  and  light,  yet  capable  of  being 
cultivated  to  good  account  by  grass  seed  and  the  other 
green  crops.  Although  the  ground  is  rather  flat,  there 
are  no  marshes  nor  stagnate  water.  The  air  is  generally 
serene,  and  the  climate  dry,  the  crops  being  frequently 
damaged  by  drought  in  the  summer  months. 


State  of  Property. — The  parish,  in  the  Sheriffdom  of 
Inverness,  except  a  small  spot  in  the  county  of  Nairn,  is 
possessed  by  4  proprietors,  of  whom  the  Earl  of  Moray 
has  the  valued  rent  of  £2423  10s.  Arthur  Forbes  of 
Culloden,  Esq.,  £441  15s.  James  Rose  of  Brea,  Esq., 
£157  3s.  And  Lord  Cawdor  £120,  extending  the  valued 
rent  of  the  parish  to  the  sum  of  £3142  8s. 

Castle  Stewart,  a  large  old  building  on  the  Earl  of 
Moray's  property,  has  been  for  many  years  uninhabitable. 
It  is  surrounded  by  an  extensive  grove,  which  shelters  a 
spacious  garden  and  orchard,  distinguished  by  varieties  of 
strawberiy  and  a  species  of  small  cherry,  the  black  and 
red  geen,  transplanted  from  Kent  about  a  century  ago  by 
Alexander  Earl  of  Moray. 

The  number  of  farmers  is  not  less  than  90,  of  whom  .5 
or  4  pay  from  £60  to  £100  of  rent ;  the  greater  part  only 
vary  from  £20  to  £25.  There  are  several  below  £10. 
And  besides  these,  a  number  of  still  smaller  tenants  are 
planted  as  improvers  of  waste  ground,  with  cottagers, 
who  are  labourers  and  mechanics,  and  as  many  fishers  as 
man  3  boats.  The  greater  part  of  the  land  is  let  from 
12s.  to  14s.  the  acre,  some  of  the  best  as  high  as  £1,  and 
some  as  low  as  os.,  making  the  mean  rent  about  14s.  the 

State  Ecclesiastical. — The  Church  is  inconveniently 
placed  on  a  spot  almost  detached  from  the  parish,  near 
the  manse,  on  an  eminence  rising  from  the  head  of  a 
small  bay  which  sets  in  from  the  Frith,  The  stipend  is 
£30  sterling,  and  78  bolls  of  barley  and  meal.  The  glebe 
is  about  10  acres  of  poor  light  soil.  The  Earl  of  Moray 
holds  the  right  of  patronage.  The  school  is  in  a  pretty 
central  situation,  about  half  a  mile  from  the  Church. 
The  salary  is  12  bolls  of  oatmeal,  collected  in  small  but 
various  proportions  from  among  all  the  tenants.  The 
scholars  are  numerous,  but  with  the  fees  and  official  per- 
quisites as  Session-Clerk,  the  whole  appointment  exceeds 
not  £20  sterling  yearly.  The  poor  are  not  numerous, 
owing  to  the  great  and  increasing  scarcity  of  fuel,  but  the 
country  is  much  infested  with  beggar  vagabonds  from 
other  parishes.  The  provision  for  the  parochial  poor  is 
contributed  in  the  assemblies  of  public  worship;  it 
amounts  to  about  £G  yearly.  The  number  of  inhabitants 
is  1518,  of  which  a  few  are  Dissenter  Antiburghers. 

VOL.  II.  21 


Miscellaneous  Information.  —  The  inhabitants  are 
sober,  industrious,  and  peaceable.  They  have  frequent 
convivial  meetings,  where,  after  spending  some  hours 
cheerfully,  they  part  in  a  friendly  manner.  Drinking  to 
excess  and  quarrelling  are  accounted  reproachful,  and 
those  addicted  to  these  are  avoided.  They  show  attach- 
ments to  old  fashions ;  the  plaid  is  the  only  part  of  the 
Highland  dress  which  is  generally  laid  aside,  but  the 
women  have  adopted  more  of  the  dress  of  their  sex  in  the 
low  country  than  the  men.  About  40  years  ago  there 
were  oysters  in  this  part  of  the  Frith,  but,  one  small  spot 
excepted,  they  are  now  entirely  gone.  The  water  is 
shallow  near  the  shore,  and  the  sea  retires  to  a  great 
distance.  There  are  places  where  a  commodious  harbour 
for  the  smaller  vessels  might  be  made  at  little  expense. 
There  are  4  corn-mills  in  the  parish,  one  is  turned  by  the 
flux  and  reflux  of  the  tide.  There  are  2  earthen  mounts 
near  the  Church,  evidently  artificial ;  they  are  composed 
of  sand  enclosed  in  a  cover  of  sod,  exactly  circular,  con- 
tracted gradually  from  the  base,  150  feet  in  circumfer- 
ence, to  the  top  only  120,  perfectly  level  at  the  height  of 
42  feet.  Their  name,  TOM  MHOIT,  the  Court  Hill,  imports 
they  were  intended  for  the  administration  of  justice.] 
(Survey  of  the  Province  of  Moray.) 

Next  to  Pettie,  westward,  is 


The  town  standeth  on  the  east  hank  of  the 
Kiver  Ness,  a  little  above  the  mouth  of  it.  It 
consisteth  of  two  streets,  cutting  one  another, 
from  south  to  north  and  from  east  to  west.  The 
buildings  are  good  and  convenient,  all  of  stone. 
In  one  of  the  angles,  at  the  intersection  of  the 
streets,  standeth  the  (Tolbooth  and  Court  House, 
adorned  with  a  lofty  steeple  and  a  clock ;  and  in 
an  opposite  angle  is  the  Town  House,  a  large 
building  of  modern  work.  The  Churches  stand 


— — — 1 __^_____^__ 

on  the.  river  bank  at  the  north  end  of  the  town, 
and  near  to  them  is  Dunbar's  Hospital,  a  large 
house  with  a  garden,  mortified  by  Provost  Alex. 
Dunbar.     Below  the  Churches  is  the  harbour, 
which  receive th  merchant  ships,  but  standeth  too 
open  to  the  strong  west  wind,  and  close  by  the 
harbour  are  the  vestiges  of  Cromwell's  Fort.     In 
the  middle  of  the  town  is  the  Bridge,  of  seven 
arches  and  beautiful  architecture,  with  a  prison- 
room  in  one  of  the  pillars.     Formerly  there  stood 
here  a  bridge  of  wood,  supported  by  pillars  of 
oak,  some  of  which  are  yet  to  be  seen.    It  fell  on 
the  28th  September,  1664,  and  though  more  than 
a  hundred  persons  who  stood  on  it  dropt  all  into 
the  river  no  life  was  lost  (M.S.  Hist,  of  Lovat). 
The  present  Bridge  was  finished  about  the  year 
1686.      Several  gentlemen  contributed  liberally 
for  it,  and  by  an  Act  of  Privy  Council  there  was 
a  collection  for  it  through  the  Diocese.      The 
Council's  Act  and  Eecommendation  was  for  a 
general  collection  throughout  the  whole  king- 
dom, and  no  doubt  brought  in  a  considerable 
sum.     Sir  Hugh  Campbell  of  Calder  gave  £400 
Scots,  the  Laird  of  MacLeod  £800,  the  Ministers 
of    the    Diocese   of    Moray    ,£500   (Syn.   Reg.). 
Others  likewise  contributed  liberally.      On  the 
west  bank  of  the  river  there  is  a  large  suburbs  of 
two  streets,  and  a  little  above  the  town  there  is 
a  pleasant  little  Island  in  the  river,  where  the 
magistrates    entertain    strangers    with    salmon 


killed  in  their  presence  with  spears.  The  town 
is  very  populous,  and  the  houses  being  too  much 
crowded,  and  the  streets  narrow,  under  the 
Castlehill  and  Barnhill  the  air  is  thick  and  moist. 
The  parish  lieth  on  both  sides  of  the  river. 
On  the  west  side  it  extendeth  8  miles  and  on  the 
east  4  miles.  The  town  standeth  5  miles  south- 
west from  Pettie,  5  miles  almost  east  from  Kirk- 
hill,  5  miles  north  from  Durris,  and  4  miles  west- 
by-north  from  Daviot.  The  town  lands  lie 
adjacent  to  it  (Vide  Civ.  Hist.'),  and  the  countiy 
parish  is  full  of  gentlemen's  seats. 

[Inverness,  like  other  of  our  Scotch  towns,  owes  its 
origin,  at  a  very  early  date,  to  its  convenient  situation  as 
a  sea-port,  and  to  its  river,  being  likewise  admirably 
situated,  as  the  centre  of  a  large  district,  and  opening 
easily  to  both  the  Lowlands  and  the  Mountainous  circle 
by  which  it  is  surrounded.  Its  earliest  charters  are  from 
David,  William  the  Lion,  and  Alexander.  In  the  latter 
the  King  orders  the  town  to  be  surrounded  by  a  ditch 
and  good  paling  (fossa  et  bona  palicio);  and,  by  the 
privileges  which  are  granted  to  the  Moravians  (Moravi- 
enses  Mei),  it  seems  evident  that  the  monarch  meant  to 
colonise  Inverness  with  his  low  country  subjects,  probably 
for  the  purpose  of  civilizing  the  barbarians  of  the  High- 
lands. This  plan  has,  probably,  been  aided  by  the  estab- 
lishment of  Religious  Houses  in  the  town.  As  early  as 
the  reign  of  Alexander  II.,  1215,  a  Royal  grant  is  recorded 
in  the  Chartulary  of  Moray  to  that  Bishoprick  of  the 
barony  of  Kinmylies,  which  remained  with  it  till  1544, 
when  Bishop  Patrick  Hepburn  sold  it  to  Lord  Lovat.  In 
the  same  reign  there  is  an  entry  in  the  Chartulary  of 
these  words — "  Thane  et  firmarii  suppositure  Kinmylies," 
which  Lord  Hales  quotes,  in  order  to  prove  that,  anciently, 
the  term  Thane  meant  not  always  Comes  or  Count,  but 
the  head-director  of  a  district  or  barony.  About  1280, 
the  Count  of  St.  Pol,  being  wrecked  in  the  Orkneys, 


passed  the  winter  in  Inverness,  and  built  a  ship  in  Inver- 
ness in  which  he  returned  to  France  the  succeeding 

Long  before  this  period  the  Castle  of  Invei'ness  (pro- 
bably situated  where  the  foundations  of  buildings  have 
been  lately  dug  up,  upon  the  hill,  near  the  Mill  Burn, 
called  the  Auld  Castle  Hill)  was  celebrated  as  the  place 
where,  early  in  the  llth  century,  Macbeth  murdered  King 
Duncan.  In  these  ruins  several  ancient  coins  were  found, 
and  a  leaden  amulet  perforated  with  a  leather  cord,  which 
is  now  at  Muirtown.  The  amulet  bears  two  keys  crossed 
saltire  ways,  and  the  letter  I  between  the  handles  of  the 
keys.  The  Battle  of  Clachnahary  [the  Watchman's  Stone], 
fought,  by  different  accounts,  in  1341  and  1378  (Shaw 
makes  it  in  1454,  quoting  the  Macintosh  and  Lovat 
manuscripts),  was  a  bloody  contest  between  the  Clan 
Chattan  and  Munroes,  about  a  mile  west  of  Inverness. 
Many  human  bones  have  been  found  among  the  rocks ; 
and  the  proprietor  of  Muirtown,  in  1822,  has  ornamented 
the  spot  by  erecting  a  handsome  Monument  in  memory 
of  the  event.  In  1411,  Donald  of  the  Isles  burnt  the 
greatest  part  of  Inverness  and  the  beautiful  Oak  Bridge 
in  his  march  to  Harlow.  James  I.,  about  1440,  in  his 
progress,  visited  Inverness,  and  had  many  desperate 
robbers  seized  and  executed.  His  exclamation  upon  the 
occasion  is  recorded: — "Ad  turrim  fortem  caute  duce 
cohortem  Christi  per  Sortem  Quia  hi  meruent  mortem."  * 

Towards  the  end  of  the  loth  century,  the  town  was 
visited  by  James  III.  during  his  troubles,  and  he  granted 
a  charter  to  the  community;  among  other  grants  renewing 
that  of  the  lands  of  Merkinch  for  the  redendum  of  one 
pound  of  pepper  annually.  In  1555  Mary  of  Guise  visited 
Inverness,  and  in  1562  her  daughter,  Queen  Mary,  paid  a 
visit  of  some  short  continuance.  The  Governor  of  the 
Castle  making  some  delay  in  receiving  the  Queen  was 
hanged  upon  the  bridge,  which  circumstance  seems  to 
have  had  little  effect  upon  the  Queen's  gaiety,  for  Ran- 
dolph writes,  that  he  was  present  when  the  guards  came 
into  town  with  Jack  and  knapsack,  and  the  Queen  being 
informed  that  they  had  been  watching  all  night  in  the 

*  Translation. — By  a  cautious  leader,  a  strong  band,  through 
the  providence  of  Christ,  brought  quietly  to  the  Tower,  for 
they  deserved  death. 


fields,  she  said  merrily  that  she  wished  she  had  been  with 
them.  A  few  years  after  this,  the  Regent  Moray  came  to 
Inverness,  and  the  chief  of  the  Clan  Gunn  was  hanged  for 
"taking  the  Crown  of  the  causeway  from  the  Earl  of 
Moray."  In  1625  the  town  of  Inverness  suffered  much 
oppression  by  the  heavy  fines  levied  upon  many  of  the 
merchants  by  the  Earl  of  Moray,  acting  under  a  commis- 
sion from  the  King.  The  cause  was  their  having  furnished 
some  small  articles,  such  as  salt  and  soap,  to  the  Clan 
Chattan,  at  that  time  in  rebellion.  Mr.  Forbes  of  Cul- 
loden,  by  going  to  London,  got  the  inhabitants  some 
redress,  as  appears  by  the  Papers  published  in  the  Cul- 
loden  Collection. 

The  Castle  of  Culloden,  long  the  chief  building  in  the 
parish,  was  founded  about  1624  by  Macintosh,  who,  about 
1625,  sold  the  estate  to  Mr.  Forbes.  Early  in  the  17th 
century,  the  Earl  of  Huntly,  Lord  Lovat,  and  many  of  the 
northern  chiefs  residing  in  Inverness,  that  town  became 
the  centre  of  much  conviviality  and  gaiety,  which  was 
succeeded  by  a  long  period  of  military  troubles  during 
the  contests  between  the  Royal  and  Covenant  parties,  in 
the  reign  of  Charles  I.  During  the  early  part  of  Crom- 
well's government,  the  person  whom  he  sent  to  survey 
the  sea-ports  of  Scotland  (1651)  reports  Inverness  as 
possessing  but  little  shipping,  and  but  one  merchant  of 
any  consequence. 

In  1652  Cromwell  commenced  the  Citadel  of  Inverness, 
and  it  was  finished  in  5  years.  This  work  is  said  to  have 
cost  £80,000  sterling.  The  oak  came  from  England.  The 
Religious  Houses  of  Kinloss  and  Inverness  were  dilapi- 
dated for  the  mason  work,  and  Struy  is  said  to  have 
received  30,000  merks  for  the  fir  timber.  Upon  the 
ramparts  the  standard  of  Cromwell  was  erected,  having 
the  word  EMANUEL  in  large  gold  letters.  This  work  was 
a  small  pentagon,  with  counterscarp,  covered  way  and 
glacis,  surrounded  at  full  tide  with  water  sufficient  to 
float  a  small  barge.  The  breastwork  was  three  storeys 
high,  all  of  hewn  stone,  and  lined  with  brick  inside.  The 
sally-port  lay  towards  the  town.  The  principal  gateway 
was  to  the  north,  where  was  a  strong  drawbridge  of  oak 
and  a  stately  structure  over  it,  with  this  motto,  TOGAM 
TUENTUR  ARMA — Awis  presei've  the  Gown. 

From  this  bridge  the  Citadel  was  approached  by  a 


vault  70  feet  long,  with  seats  on  each  side.  In  the  centre 
of  the  Fort  stood  a  large  square  building,  three  storeys 
high,  the  lower  storey  contained  the  granary  and  magazine. 
In  the  highest  was  a  church,  well  finished,  within  a 
pavilion  roof,  surmounted  by  a  steeple  with  a  clock  and 
four  bells.  At  the  south-east  stood  a  long  building,  four 
storeys  high,  called  "  the  English  Building,"  because  built 
by  English  masons,  and  opposite  to  it  a  similar  one 
erected  by  Scottish  architects.  The  accommodations 
altogether  would  lodge  1,000  men.  So  abundant  were  the 
provisions  and  supplies  of  the  garrison  that  a  Scots  pint 
of  claret  was  sold  for  a  shilling,  and  cloth  was  bought  as 
cheap  as  in  England.  Upon  the  Restoration,  Charles  II. 
gratified  the  Highland  Chiefs  by  having  it  dismantled,  in 
which  state  it  still  shows  its  original  dimensions. 

In  1664  the  Timber  Bridge  of  Inverness  suddenly  fell, 
and  was,  in  three  years  thereafter,  replaced  by  the  present 
stone  bridge  of  seven  arches,  a  work,  certainly,  of  great 
magnificence  for  that  period.  A  narrow  and  dismal  vault 
between  the  first  and  second  arches  from  the  east  end, 
lighted  by  a  little  grated  window  on  the  upper  side  of 
the  bridge,  was  long  used  as  a  prison,  and  latterly  as  a 
place  for  confinement  of  lunatics.  It  was  shut  up  in  1800 
on  account  of  a  maniac  having  been  almost  devoured 
by  rats. 

In  1665  the  townsmen  suffered  much  oppression  from 
the  Macdonalds,  which  was  repeated  after  the  abdication 
of  James  II.  in  1689.  In  1690  the  last  wolf  known  to 
have  been  seen  at  large  in  this  kingdom  was  killed  above 
the  House  of  Kinmylies,  about  a  mile  and  a  half  from 
Inverness.  Captain  Frank,  one  of  Cromwell's  officers, 
probably  in  a  lurking  expedition,  after  the  Restoration, 
came  to  Inverness;  he  describes  the  Citadel  as  a  veiy 
superb  work.  The  walls  which  fortified  the  town,  he 
says,  were  then  tumbling  into  ruin ;  and  the  soldiers  of 
General  Dean  had,  during  Cromwell's  time,  drawn  the 
first  galley  from  the  river  at  Inverness  overland  to  the 
end  of  Loch  Ness,  an  exertion  worthy  of  the  energy  of 
the  soldiers  of  Cromwell.  From  this  period  Inverness 
became  the  regular  place  of  arms  in  the  north. 

At  the  commencement  of  the  operations  for  the  Royal 
succession  in  1715,  the  town  of  Inverness  was  first  seized 
for  the  Jacobite  interest  by  the  exertions  of  Alexander 


Duff  of  Drummuir,  who  introduced  his  son-in-law,  the 
Laird  of  Macintosh,  into  the  town  at  the  head  of  his  clan  ; 
and  the  Magistrates  being  much  under  Druminuir's  influ- 
ence, he  having  been  Member  of  Parliament  and  Provost 
for  Inverness,  seemed  strongly  on  the  side  of  the  Stuart 
dynasty.  The  exertions  of  Culloden  and  Kilravock,  aided 
by  Lord  Lovat,  however,  were  effectual  in  recovering  this 
important  post  for  the  King  (George  the  First),  though 
not  without  some  contest  and  bloodshed.  The  Castle  was 
soon  afterwards  much  augmented  and  repaired,  and 
received  the  name  of  Fort  George,  which  it  retained  till 
blown  up  after  the  Battle  of  Culloden ;  soon  after  which 
event  the  present  fort  of  that  name  was  erected  upon  the 
promontory  of  Ardersier,  the  Magistrates  having  refused 
their  consent  to  the  erection  near  Inverness,  an  act  of 
folly  which  indisputably  deprived  the  town  of  the  means 
of  beauty  and  riches,  which  would  have  rendered  it  one 
of  the  most  elegant  and  imposing  capitals  in  the  kingdom. 
Thus  its  two  ancient  Castles  are  no  more,  and  its  Citadel, 
erected  by  Cromwell,  only  faintly  shows  its  original 
outlines,  while  their  present  succedaneum  is  too  far 
removed  to  add  to  the  appearance  and  importance  of 

Captain  Carleton  describes  it  about  1  690  and  Captain 
Burt  about  1730-8.  The  latter  states  that,  at  the  Union, 
few  houses  in  the  town  were  slated.  The  Castle  was 
repaired  and  augmented,  being  then,  and  long  before  this 
period,  situated  upon  the  small  hill  close  to  the  river; 
and  although  his  description  of  the  natives  is  by  no 
means  calculated  to  please  the  pride  of  the  Invernessians, 
still  the  evident  truth  of  his  narrative  must  disarm  even 
prejudice  of  its  anger. 

During  the  Rebellion  in  1745,  the  town  of  Inverness 
was  the  chief  scene  of  the  exertions  of  both  parties,  and 
for  some  time  the  residence  of  Prince  Charles  and  the 
Duke  of  Cumberland,  who  both  successively  occupied  the 
same  bed  in  the  house  of  Catherine  Duff,  Lady  Drummuir, 
in  Church  Street.  It  was  almost  the  only  house  in  the 
town  in  which  there  was  a  room  without  a  bed.  This 
old  lady  used  to  say  "that  she  had  lodged  twa  kings' 
bairns,  but  never  wish'd  to  lodge  any  more."  The  exer- 
tions of  that  great  man,  President  Forbes,  and  Lord 
Lovat,  were  long  the  themes  of  the  narratives  of  the 


persons  who  were  witnesses  of  the  different  actions  of 
these  persons  at  Inverness. 

From  the  Union  till  many  years  after  the  Battle  of 
Culloden  the  town  was  evidently  in  a  state  of  progressive 
decay,  but  for  the  last  40  or  50  years  a  new  stimulus  has 
been  given.  The  parish  and  town  have  started  into  new 
life,  and  display  on  every  side  the  effects  of  wealth, 
industry,  and  liberality  of  enterprise.  The  journey  to 
Edinburgh,  which  used  to  consume  a  week,  and  to  guard 
.against  the  accidents  of  which  people  have  made  their 
Wills,  is  now  performed  in  a  day.  Elegant  architecture 
on  every  side  adds  to  the  natural  beauties  of  the  situation 
of  the  town,  and  the  great  Canal  promises,  by  joining  the 
Eastern  and  Western  Oceans  at  Inverness,  to  make  it  in 
-a  short  time  the  Queen  of  the  North,  and  the  emporium 
of  many  a  distant  shore. 

Of  antiquities,  the  town  contains  but  few  worthy  of 
notice.  The  Grey  Friars  had  a  slated  house  here,  sold,  at 
the  Reformation,  to  Inches ;  one  pillar  of  the  Grey  Friars 
Church  alone  remains.  About  the  vitrified  Fort  of  Craig 
Phadrick  much  has  been  written.  It  is  situated  upon  the 
estate  of  Muirtown,  above  a  mile  west  of  the  town,  and 
has  evidently  been  a  stronghold,  containing  an  area  of 
about  80  yards  by  40,  for  the  purpose  of  communicating 
signals  by  means  of  fires.  It  is  at  about  equal  distance 
from  Knockfarril,  Dunevan,  and  Dungardel,  which  are  all 
in  view  from  the  top.  The  vitrified  masses  are  evidently 
the  deposits  of  the  walls  for  retaining  the  burning  wood, 
for  as  no  vitrified  masses  are  found  in  situations  where 
such  means  of  constructing  walls  might  from  their  greater 
weakness  be  more  naturally  expected,  it  is  not  probable 
that  such  means  of  strength  would  be  contemplated  for 
the  tops  of  hills.  The  Romans  left  the  kingdom  without 
arms  or  energy,  and,  during  the  long  night  of  eight 
centuries  after  their  retreat,  the  miserable  natives  had  to 
suffer  the  constant  descents  of  the  northern  tribes,  and 
had  their  safety  alone  to  look  to,  from  being  early  apprized 
of  the  appearance  of  their  fleets.  Many  bones  and  burnt 
wood  have  been,  by  the  proprietor,  dug  up  upon  Craig 

Castle  Spinitan  is  a  ruin,  situated  upon  a  small  pro- 
montory, near  the  end  of  Loch  Ness.  This  Castle  has 
been  supposed  the  remains  of  the  Roman  station  Bonatium, 


which  the  name  of  Bona  (its  present  appellation)  seems 
to  countenance,  as  well  as  the  form  of  the  ditches  and 
agger.  It  has,  however,  more  modernly  been  one  of  those 
forts  which  formed  a  line  of  defence  from  the  Eastern  to 
the  Western  Seas ;  and  with  Lochindorb  Castle,  Inver- 
ness, Castle  Spinitan,  Castle  Urquhart,  and  Inverlochty 
Castle,  the  communication  was  easy  and  straight.  The 
Cummins  and  the  English,  after  the  invasion  of  Edward  I.,. 
occupied  the  strongholds. 

Of  Druidical  Circles,  there  are  several  in  the  parish. 
About  20  years  ago  a  double-linked  silver  chain  (each 
link  as  thick  as  a  man's  little  finger)  was  dug  up  in  the 
progress  of  making  the  Caledonian  Canal,  near  the  Bught. 
It  contained  about  15  double  links,  and  this  curiosity  has 
at  last  been  decided  to  form  part  of  a  dog  couple — 
certainly  the  property  of  some  personage  Royal,  or  little 
below  the  rank  of  Royalty. 

A  gold  trilateral  rod,  15  inches  long,  and  with  hooks 
at  each  end,  has  been  found  lately  upon  the  lands  of 
Leys  in  ploughing  some  new  lands.  This  has,  probably, 
been  the  means  of  suspending  a  lamp,  and  if  the  value  of 
gold  and  silver  is  considered  in  the  olden  times,  these 
ancient  remains  of  splendour  must  attest  the  rank  of  the 
persons  residing  in  Inverness. 

About  3  years  ago  several  hundreds  of  silver  coins 
were  found  in  a  jar  near  the  site  of  the  ancient  Grey 
Friars'  House — they  were  of  the  reigns  of  Henry  III., 
Edward  I.,  and  some  other  kings  nearly  contemporary, 
and  have  probably  been  concealed  at  some  period  of 
sudden  alarm,  and  through  some  casualty  have  been  forgot. 

A  gold  coin  of  Edward  III.  has  been  found  near  Dunain, 
and  is  now  at  Muirton.  The  arms  of  France  and  England 
are  quartered  upon  one  side ;  upon  the  other  is  a  Cross, 
with  four  Leopards ;  in  the  angles,  Exaltat  gloria  crucem. 

At  the  Bught  (Killivean)  many  bones  and  the  stone- 
head  of  a  battle-axe  were  dug  up  about  40  years  ago. 

Although  Boethius  speaks  highly  of  the  fruitful  soil 
and  wheat  crops  near  Inverness,  Mr.  Burt  gives  the  most 
miserable  view  of  the  state  of  agriculture  in  his  time,  and 
says  a  wheat  field  would  be  as  great  a  rarity  in  the  north 
as  a  Cat-a-Mountain  (or  Mountain  Cat)  in  Middlesex. 
At  present  the  crops  are  as  plentiful,  and  the  seasons  as 
early,  in  Inverness  parish  as  anywhere  north  of  Tweed, 


and  as  much  so  as  a  great  part  of  England.  Peachesr 
nectarines,  apricots,  and  all  wall- plants,  ripen  in  the 
greatest  perfection,  so  that  many  have  remarked  those 
fruits  as  superior  to  any  not  ripened  by  means  of  hot- 
houses which  they  had  seen  in  more  southern  climates — a 
fact,  probably,  owing  to  the  great  length  of  the  action  of 
the  sun  during  the  long  days  of  summer  in  the  north. 
The  Gardens  of  Culloden,  Muirtown,  Dochfourne,  Drakies, 
Bught,  and  many  others,  are  remarkable  for  fine  and  early 
fruit  of  the  finest  kinds.  In  short,  from  the  great  liber- 
ality of  Government,  and  from  the  expenditure  of  indi- 
viduals, this  Northern  Capital  is  on  the  eve  of  emerging 
with  a  consequence  and  grandeur  hitherto  beyond  the 
reach  of  the  most  sanguine  hopes.]  (See  Grant's  Edition 
of  Shaw's  History  of  Moray ;  and  Editor.) 

On  the  east  side  of  the  river,  2  miles  north- 
east of  the  town  is  Culloden,  a  good  old  house, 
gardens  well  laid  out,  with  much  planting,  which 
make  it  an  agreeable  seat.  This  land  belonged 
to  a  gentleman  of  the  name  of  Strachan,  who 
married  the  daughter  of  Hugh  Rose  of  Kilravock 
that  died  anno  1543.  Of  that  marriage  there 
were  only  two  daughters  portioners,  and  the 
Laird  of  Macintosh  purchased  from  them  and 
their  hushands  the  rights  of  that  barony.  Mac- 
intosh built  a  part  of  the  House  of  Culloden,  and 
his  successor  sold  the  barony  about  the  year 
1626  to  (1)  Duncan  Forbes,  son  of  Tolquhon  and 
Provost  of  Inverness,  whose  son  (2)  John  of 
Culloden,  purchased  Fairentosh  and  Bunchrive 
anno  1673.  His  son  (3)  Duncan,  was  father  of 
(4)  John,  who  had  no  issue,  and  of  Duncan,  Lord 
President  of  the  Session,  who  died  the  10th 
December,  1747.  His  son  (5)  John  has  left  (6) 


Arthur,  now  of  Culloden.  Of  this  family  is 
Forbes  of  Pitnacrief. 

South-west  is  Easter  Drakies,  the  property  of 
Hugh  Falconer,  merchant  in  Inverness ;  and 
Wester  Drakies,  pertaining  to  the  estate  which 
belonged  to  Cuthbert  of  Castlehill,  both  holding 
of  the  town  of  Inverness.  Next  is  the  barony  of 
Castlehill.  In  the  reign  of  King  David  II., 
Susanna  and  Adda  were  sisters  and  heiresses  of 
Castlehill,  and  a  gentleman  of  the  name  of 
Cuthbert  marrying  Susanna,  became  thereby 
Baron  of  Castlehill  (MS.  Hist,  of  Kilr.).  From 
that  time  the  Cuthberts  have  been  in  possession 
of  these  lands. 

Further  is  the  barony  of  Inches,  the  first  of 
which  family  was  a  son  of  Eobertson  of  Strowan, 
who  married  the  widow  of  Cuthbert  of  Castlehill 
about  1548,  and  his  son  became  Laird  of  Inches, 
which  was  a  part  of  the  barony  of  Castlehill. 
Arthur  Eobertson  of  Inches  now  represents  the 

The  lands  of  Essich  are  the  farthest  south,  and 
are  a  part  of  Macintosh's  estate.  Below  Essich 
towards  the  river  are  Coulduthil,  Knocknagial, 
and  Torbreak,  all  Castle  lands.  Torbreak  was 
the  property  of  Captain  William  Baillie,  and  by 
a  judicial  sale  in  1758,  became  the  property  of 
Doctor  James  Frazer,  son  of  Phopachie.  And 
on  the  side  of  the  river  is  Holm,  this  is  the  fief 
of  Alexander  Macintosh  of  Holm,  a  branch  of 


the  family  of  Kylachie,  who  have  possessed  this 
small  estate  ever  since  the  year  1614,  and  hold  it 
mainly  of  Campbell  of  Calder. 

I  pass  now  to  the  west  side  of  the  River  Ness. 
At  the  mouth  of  it  is  Markinch.  This  for  150 
years  was  the  property  of  Eose  of  Wester  Drakies 
and  his  descendants,  and  has  lately  been  purchased 
in  a  judicial  sale  by  James  Frazer  of  Phopachie. 
Next  is  the  barony  of  Muirtown,  a  part  of  the 
estate  of  Lovat,  sold  about  the  year  1620  to 
Thomas  Skivez  for  2,000  merks  Scots  (MS.  Hist, 
of  Lovat).  His  descendants  lately  sold  it  to  Sir 
Ludowick  Grant  of  Grant,  who  disponed  it  to 
William  Duff,  third  son  of  Alexander  Duff  of 
Drummuir.  Farther  south  is  Kylmiles,  a  part, 
of  the  Bishop's  lands  of  Orkney,  purchased  by 
Thomas,  Lord  Lovat,  from  Bishop  William 
Tulloch  about  the  year  1464.  It  was  afterwards 
sold  to  Colonel  Hugh  Frazer  of  Kinerries,  who 
disponed  it  to  Mr.  David  Poison.  From  him  it 
was  purchased  by  Alexander  Frazer  (son  of  David 
Frazer  Baillie  of  Inverness)  of  Fairfield,  who 
lately  sold  it  to  George  Ross  of  Pitkerries,  mer- 
chant in  London.  Next  up  the  river  is  the  barony 
of  Dunean.  This  family  has  enjoyed  this  barony 
about  300  years.  The  first  of  it  was  a  son  of 
Baillie  of  Hoprig  and  Lamington,  who,  for  his 
brave  behaviour  as  a  volunteer  in  the  Battle  of 
Brechin,  anno  1452,  was  soon  after  rewarded  by 
the  Earl  of  Huntly  with  this  and  other  lands,  a 


part  of  the  Castle  lands  of  Inverness.  South  of 
Dunean  is  Dochgarach,  the  property  for  some 
generations  of  a  branch  of  the  MacLeans.  Next 
to  which  is  Dochfoure,  pertaining  to  Baillie  of 
Dochfoure,  a  branch  of  the  family  of  Dunean. 
The  very  upper  end  of  the  parish  is  Aberiachan, 
in  the  face  of  the  hill,  at  the  side  of  Loch  Ness. 
This  is  a  part  of  the  barony  of  Urquhart,  pertain- 
ing to  Sir  James  Grant  of  Grant,  of  whom  Ewan 
Baillie,  son  of  Dochfoure,  holdeth  it  in  mortgage. 
Following  the  course  of  the  river,  I  now  come  to 


From  Dur,  i.e.  water,  because  the  parish  lieth 
on  the  side  of  the  river  and  the  Loch  of  Ness. 

Before  I  proceed  further,  I  shall  shew  the 
course  of  the  River  Ness ;  and  if  we  trace  it  to 
its  fountain,  we  shall  find  the  springs  of  it  in  the 
hills  of  Knoidart,  and  its  course  thus :  to  Loch 
Queich,  4  miles;  Loch  Queich,  7;  to  Loch  Garie, 
9 ;  Loch  Garie,  5 ;  to  Loch  Eoich,  2.  All  this 
course  is  from  west  to  east,  and  Garie  falleth  into 
the  middle  of  Loch  Eoich,  which  is  4  miles  long; 
so  to  the  end  of  Loch  Eoich,  2  miles ;  to  Loch 
Ness,  4 ;  length  of  Loch  Ness,  22 ;  to  Inverness, 
5  :  in  all  60  miles.  The  course  from  Loch  Eoich 
is  from  S.S.W.  to  N;N.E.;  from  the  Moray  Firth 
at  Inverness,  to  Fort  William,  is  one  continued 
valley  of  48  Scots  miles,  running  from  N.N.E. 
to  S.S.W. ,  without  any  bending,  except  that  it 

..;..     SITUATION   OF  THE   PARISH   OF  DURRIS.  335 

turneth  one  point  towards  the  west,  from  Loch 
Lochie  to  Fort  William.  It  is  called  Glean-mor- 
na-halben,  i.e.  the  great  valley  of  Scotland.  Loch 
Ness  lieth  in  this  valley,  and  is  in  length  about 
23  English  miles ;  at  the  north  end  it  is  3  miles 
broad,  and  thence  gradually  tapereth,  so  that  at 
the  south  end  it  is  not  2  miles  broad.  It  has  no 
bending,  no  bay,  except  a  small  one  at  Urquhart. 
The  high  hills  on  both  sides,  are  so  variegated 
with  hanging  rocks,  shady  groves  of  wood,  mur- 
muring cascades,  and  streams  of  water,  and  some 
plots  of  corn  land,  that,  to  one  who  sails  the 
loch  in  the  summer  season,  they  present  a  most 
charming  landscape. 

This  parish  extendeth  about  6  miles  from  north 
to  south,  and  as  much  from  east  to  west.  The 
Church  standeth  at  the  north-east  corner  of  the 
loch,  5  miles  south  of  Inverness,  7  miles  north  of 
Bolesken,  and  6  miles  south-west  of  Daviot.  The 
lower  and  champaign  part  of  the  parish  compre- 
hendeth  the  baronies  of  Borlum  and  Durris. 
Above  Inverness,  3  miles  on  the  river,  is  Borlum. 
This  was  a  part  of  the  estate  of  the  Earl  of 
Moray  ;  and  after  the  forfeiture  of  Earl  Archibald 
Douglas,  the  Laird  of  Findlater  obtained  this 
barony  and  held  it  of  the  Crown,  and  his  son 
was  designed  Ogilvie  of  Cardale.  Findlater  con- 
veyed his  right  to  Stewart  Earl  of  Moray,  and 
Earl  James  disponed  "  Borlum  cum  Fortalicio, 
with  the  fishing  on  the  Eiver  Ness,  the  lands  of 

336       BORLUM  ;   KINCHYLE  ;    IN  THE  PARISH  OF  DURRIS. 

Coulard  and  Kinchyle,  the  Loch  of  Lochindorbr 
the  houses  within  the  same,  cum  adjacentibu^ 
shelingis,  to  Sir  John  Campbell  of  Calder,  31st 
October,  1606  (Pen.  Cald.)."  Borlum  was  there- 
after given  in  feu  to  William  Macintosh  of  Bor- 
lum. The  barony  of  Borlum,  was  feued  by  Shaw 
Macintosh,  late  of  Borlum,  to  his  cousins  Wil- 
liam and  Angus  Macintoshes,  Bailies  of  Inver- 
ness, but  redeemable  by  him  in  a  certain  term  of 
years.  At  the  expiring  of  that  term,  the  barony 
was  brought  to  a  public  sale,  and  was  purchased 
by  Simon  Fraser,  merchant  in  Gibraltar,  son  to 
John  Fraser  (MacTavish),  late  merchant  in  In- 
verness, who  lately  sold  the  lands  to  John  Fraserr 
Writer  to  the  Signet,  his  brother.  Kinchyle 
lying  south  of  Borlum,  was,  in  1685,  feued  to 
William  MacBean,  whose  ancestors  had  the 
Duchus  or  possession  thereof  for  many  genera- 
tions. .Tradition  beareth,  that  Bean-mor,  son 
of  Maolmuir  MacGilonie,  of  the  ancient  Clan 
Chattan,  came  to  this  country  with  Lad}*  Macin- 
tosh, heiress  of  Clan  Chattan,  soon  after  the 
year  1291,  and  was  the  ancestor  and  chief  of  the 
MacBeans,  now  represented  by  the  son  of  Giliose 
MacBean,  who  was  killed  in  the  Battle  of  Cul- 
loden  anno  1746. 

Next  thereto,  and  on  the  loch,  is  the  barony  of 
Durris.  This  was  a  part  of  the  estate  of  Sir 
Alexander  Dunbar  of  Westfield,  "who  disponed 
Durris,  half  of  Holm,  Little  Bellacheranich, 


Tirchirochan,  and  Dalmigvie  in  Strathern,  in 
favour  of  his  son  David  Dunbar,  27th  October, 
1495 ;  and,  by  a  charter  under  the  Great  Seal, 
17th  December,  1569,  these  lands  were  erected 
into  a  free  barony,  of  which  Lopan  (the  seat  of 
the  family)  was  the  principal  messuage.  Like- 
wise, Alexander  Earl  of  Dunfermline  sold  the 
Kirk  lands  of  Durris  (a  part  of  the  lands  of  the 
priory  of  Urquhart),  to  Mark  Dunbar  anno  1592, 
reserving  the  patronage  and  teinds;  and  Mark 
Dunbar  disponed  the  whole  barony  to  Sir  John 
Campbell  of  Calder,  4th  August,  1608,  who,  in 
1610,  purchased  from  Dunfermline  the  patronage 
of  Dalcross,  and  the  patronage  and  teinds  of 
Durris."  (Pen.  Cald.). 

Durris  and  Auldaurie  were  sold  by  Calder  in 
feu  to  Macintosh  of  Kylachie,  who  conveyed  his 
right  to  Bailie  John  Barbour,  of  Inverness,  whose 
son  disponed  in  favour  of  William  Eraser,  writer 
in  Edinburgh,  and  son  of  Balnaine. 

South  of  the  Church  are  the  lands  of  Drummin, 
possessed  long  by  the  MacBeans,  and  now  the 
property  of  Angus  Macintosh,  merchant  in  Inver- 
ness, and  grandson  to  Borlum. 

Next  thereto,  is  Erchit,  the  property  of  the 
said  William  Eraser,  writer  in  Edinburgh.  In 
the  hilly  part  of  the  parish,  are  the  lands  of 
Bochrubin,  Dundelchag,  &c.,  pertaining  to  Mac- 
intosh, and  other  lands,  a  part  of  the  estate  of 


VOL.  ii.  22 



[Situation,  Soil,  Climate. — This  parish  extends  along 
the  river  and  lake  of  Ness,  from  the  borders  of  the  parish 
of  Inverness,  about  20  miles,  to  that  of  Boleskin.  Its 
Gaelic  name,  dar-uish,  awkwardly  expresses  its  situation, 
signifying  water  of  water — the  river  of  or  from  the  lake. 
Its  eastern  side  borders  with  Daviot  and  Dunlighty,  and 
its  breadth  is  nearly  4  miles.  It  may  in  general  be 
regarded  as  a  valley,  between  mountains  upon  the  south 
and  north.  By  this  situation,  the  winds  are  for  the 
greater  part  from  the  west  or  the  east;  and  in  dry 
summers,  did  not  heavy  dews  commonly  fall  during  the 
night  of  a  warm  day,  the  corn  and  grass  would  be  quite 
parched.  The  soil  is  generally  light:  in  some  parts  of 
the  higher  grounds  it  is  the  best ;  and  in  seasons  free  of 
frost  or  very  frequent  rains,  it  is  very  productive.  The 
air  is  esteemed  salubrious.  The  lake  of  Dandlechak,  as 
well  as  that  of  Lochness,  is  partly  within  the  bounds  of 
this  parish. 

State  of  Property. — The  parish  is  shared  among  8 
proprietors.  Mr.  Fraser  Tytler,  advocate,  has  Balnain,  at 
the  valuation  of  £880  6s.  8d.  Alexander  Fraser,  of  Dell, 
Esq.,  has  the  valuation  of  £90  10s.  lOd.  James  Fraser, 
of  Gortuleg,  Esq.,  Writer  to  the  Signet,  that  of  £59  18s.  Id. 
Simon  Fraser,  of  Farralin,  Esq.,  £59  16s.  Simon  Fraser, 
Esq.,  of  Coleman  Street,  London,  £533  6s.  8d.  The  valu- 
ation of  the  Lovat  estate  in  this  parish  is  £392  9s.  od. 
.dilneas  Mackintosh  of  Mackintosh,  Esq.,  holds  the  valu- 
ation of  £90,  and  David  Davidson,  of  Cantray,  Esq.,  that 
of  £73  15s.,  extending  the  total  valuation  of  the  parish  to 
£2180  2s.  8d. 

State  Ecclesiastical. — The  Church  and  Manse  are  situ- 
ated towards  the  middle  of  the  parish,  upon  the  end  of 
the  lake  of  Ness,  near  where  it  begins  to  discharge  the 
river.  The  stipend  is  £40  sterling,  24  bolls  of  barley,  and 
24  bolls  of  oatmeal.  The  right  of  patronage  appertains 
to  Lord  Cawdor.  The  school  is  not  flourishing:  the 
salary  is  £5  11s.,  and  the  number  of  scholars  about  20. 
The  poor  amount  to  the  number  of  60 :  about  £4  yearly 
is  contributed  by  the  people  in  their  assemblies  for  public 
worship ;  to  which  there  is  the  farther  provision  of  the 
interest  of  £70,  bequeathed  by  gentlemen  once  landholders 


of  the  parish.  The  number  of  the  people  amounts  to 
1365,  of  whom  a  very  small  proportion  are  distinguished 
as  Dissenters. 

Miscellaneous  Information. — The  memorial  of  the 
thraldom  and  incursions  of  the  Danes  is  still  preserved 
in  this  country,  as  well  as  on  the  coast  of  Moray.  About 
3  miles  inward  from  Loch  Ness,  the  vestiges  of  a  For- 
tress, known  by  the  appellation  of  Chastal  dun  ri-chuan 
(the  strong  Castle  of  the  King  of  the  Ocean),  reminds  us, 
that  Britannia  did  not  always  rule  the  waves,  but  that 
the  kings  of  Norway  and  Denmark  once  assumed  the 
title  of  the  Masters  of  the  Sea ;  and  suggests  the  hum- 
bling speculation  of  the  rank  we  should  now  hold  among 
nations,  were  times  such  as  these  to  return.  Yet  these 
were  the  times  when  the  heroes  of  Morven  moved  in 
their  strength;  when  the  King  of  Selma  shone  in  the 
brightest  robe  of  renown.  Their  tombs  still  rise  on  the 
heath :  their  fame  still  rests  on  the  stones.  Here  fought 
the  father  of  Ossian ;  and  here  fell  the  son  of  the  Norwe- 
gian king.  Many  piles  of  stone  mark  the  dark  dwellings 
of  the  slain :  one,  larger  than  the  rest  together,  rises  over 
their  youthful  chief:  his  name,  Ashee,  transferred  to  the 
adjoining  hill,  is  still  recognised  in  Drumash ;  and  Sheire 
fiann  (the  chair  of  Fingal)  is  shown  as  the  seat  of  that 
hero,  when  the  roar  of  battle  ceased  along  the  heath,  when 
he  retired  from  the  strife  of  the  field. 

About  9  miles  from  Dun-Ri-Chuan,  another  Fortress, 
Dundaradel,  is  recognized  as  one  of  that  chain  of  strong 
holds,  which  the  state  of  society  then  required,  for  trans- 
mitting telegraphing  signals  from  the  one  shore  to  the 
other  along  the  great  vale,  from  the  German  Ocean  at 
Inverness  to  the  Atlantic  at  Fort  William. 

The  people  now,  with  very  few  exceptions,  live  in 
peaceful  industry.  The  deer  and  roe  still  bound  over  the 
desert,  and  herd  in  the  extensive  plantations  of  fir,  in 
which  the  lower  part  of  the  parish  is  clothed.  But  oats, 
barley,  and  potatoe,  are  the  principal  productions  of  the 
soil :  upon  the  last  of  these,  the  poorer  class  in  a  great 
measure  depend  for  their  frugal  subsistence.]  (Survey  of 
the  Province  of  Moray.} 



The  parish  of  Boleskin  and  Abertarf,  which 
lieth  on  the  east  side,  and  the  south  end  of  the 
loch.  Boleskin  parish  (Baloscian,  i.  e.,  the  town 
over  the  Loch,  for  the  Church  standeth  on  the 
face  of  the  hill,  over  the  Loch  Ness)  is  properly 
Stratherik,  or  StrathfarigacJc,  scattered  in  the 
valleys  betwixt  Loch  Ness  and  the  hills  towards 
Badenoch.  The  Church  standeth  near  the 
Loch,  7  miles  south  of  Durris,  and  12  north  of 

Here  entering  the  country  of  the  Frasers,  I 
shall  speak  of 


I  shall  not  attempt  to  assign  the  origin,  or  to 
determine  the  antiquity  of  the  name  of  Fraser. 
Some  would  fetch  the  Frasers  from  Frieseland, 
and  it  favours  this  conjecture  that,  in  ancient 
writings,  they  are  called  Frisele,  in  Irish  Frise- 
lech,  and  not  Fraser.  Others  bring  them  from 
France  as  early  as  the  reign  of  Charlemagne r 
and  derive  the  name  from  the  French,  Frasier,  a 
strawberry  plant.  But  passing  these  conjectures, 
I  may  say  with  Buchanan,  that  in  Scotland  they 
were  right  early,  "  Gens  numerossima,  et  de  re 
Scotica  bene  merita." 

The  late  Lord  Lovat  caused  publish  in  Nisbet's 
Heraldry,  Vol.  II.,  an  account  of  his  family. 


"  disclaiming  his  ancestor's  marriage  with  a 
daughter  of  Bisset  of  Lovat,  and  affirming  that 
Sir  Simon  Fraser  (who  was  executed  in  London 
after  the  battle  of  Methven,  anno  1307)  had  a 
son,  Simon,  that  was  killed  at  Haledon-hill,  anno 
1333,  leaving  a  son  Hugh,  who  got  the  Barony 
of  Lovat  from  King  David  II.,  and  the  3  Crowns, 
as  Arms  of  Concession."  But  this  wholly  un- 
vouched  account  will  not  bear  a  trial.  It  is 
uncertain  if  the  great  Sir  Simon  had  a  son ;  and 
if  he  had,  he  certainly  left  no  issue,  for  the 
families  of  Tweedale  and  Wigtoun  quarter  the 
Frasers'  arms,  because  their  ladies  (daughters  of 
Sir  Simon)  were  co-heiresses,  which  they  could 
not  be  if  their  brother  had  issue  and  succession. 
Besides,  it  cannot  be  instructed  that  the  Barony 
of  Lovat  was  in  the  King's  gift ;  nay,  the  con- 
trary is  apparent  from  Char.  Morav.  and  the  MS. 
Hist,  of  the  Family  of  KilravocJc.  Nor  were  the 
3  Crowns  Arms  of  Concession.  Lovat's  striking 
them  out  shows  that  he  considered  them  as  the 
Arms  of  Bisset,  with  whom  he  disclaimed  a  con- 
nection, for  had  they  been  a  royal  Concession, 
they  ought  to  possess  the  first  place  in  the  Field, 
as  the  most  honourable.  Lovat's  apparent  de- 
sign was  to  establish  a  right  of  Chieftainry  in  his 
family,  which  no  history  or  genealogy  I  have 
seen  will  admit. 

I  incline  to  think  that  Sir  Simon  of  Tweedale 
or   Oliver-castle,   called    Simon    Pater    by  Mr. 

342         LORD  SALTON,   CHIEF  OF  THE   CLAN  LOVAT. 

Eymer,  William  Bishop  of  St  Andrews,  and 
Gilbert  Sheriff  of  Traquair  (Reg.  Kelso)  were 
brothers.  Simon  Pater,  son  of  Bernard,  is  al- 
lowed to  have  been  Chief  of  the  name,  and  had 
two  sons,  viz.  Sir  Simon  and  Sir  Alexander  (Life 
of  King  Robert  Bruce).  Sir  Simon  was  put  to 
death,  and  his  daughters  were  married  as  above 
mentioned.  Sir  Alexander  then  became  Chief, 
was  made  Lord  Chamberlain  anno  1325,  married 
Mary  Bruce,  sister  of  King  Kobert,  and  widow  of 
Sir  Neil  Campbell,  and  that  King  gave  him  the 
Thanedom  of  Cowie  and  other  lands  (Rotul. 
Rob.)  Sir  Alexander's  son  was  Sir  William  of 
Cowie  and  Dores,  whose  son,  Sir  Alexander, 
married  Janet,  daughter  of  William,  Earl  of 
Boss,  by  whom  he  got  the  lands,  and  took  the 
title  of  Philorth  in  Buchan.  He  died  about  1412, 
leaving  two  sons,  Sir  William  and  Alexander  of 
Dores  ;  Sir  William  of  Philorth  died  anno  1441, 
whose  son  Sir  Alexander  was,  14th  April,  1461, 
served  heir  to  Sir  Alexander  of  Cowie,  the  Laird 
of  Lovat  being  one  of  the  inquest.  His  lineal 
descendant,  Alexander  of  Philorth,  in  1598, 
married  Margaret,  daughter  of  George  Lord 
Abernethie  of  Saltoun,  and  their  grandson,  Alex- 
ander, upon  the  death  of  Alexander  Lord  Saltoun 
in  1669  without  issue,  served  heir  to  Lord  George, 
and  in  Parliament  1670  had  the  honour  and  rank 
of  Saltoun  confirmed  to  him;  and,  in  my  opinion, 
Lord  Saltoun  is  undoubted  Chief  of  the  Clan. 


Gilbert  Sheriff  of  Traquair  probably  was  ances- 
tor of  the  family  of  Lovat.    His  son,  Sir  Andrew, 
was  father  of  Simon  Fraser,  who  married  the 
daughter  (or  grand  daughter)  of  Sir  John  Bisset 
of  Lovat.     The  three  daughters,  co-heiresses  of 
this  gentleman,  were,  according  to  their  birth, 
Mary  Lady  Lovat,  Cecilia  Lady  Beaufort,  and 
Elizabeth  Lady  Kilravock.     Mary  the  eldest  was 
married  to  Sir  David  Graham,  second  son  of  Sir 
David  of  Kincardine ;  and  Sir  David  Graham  was 
alive  anno  1294,  and  had  a  son,  Patrick  Graham. 
If,  therefore,  Mary  Bisset  was  married  to  Simon 
Fraser,  it  must  have  been  some  time  after  the 
1294,  and  she  must  have  been  of  an  advanced 
age,  for  Mary  Wood,  daughter  of  the  youngest 
sister  Elizabeth,  was  married  to  Hugh  Eose  of 
Geddes  before  that  year  1294.     Either,  then, 
Simon's  wife  was   Mary   Bisset,  widow  of  Sir 
David  Graham,  and  well  stricken  in  years,  or  the 
daughter  of  Sir  David  became  heiress  of  Lovat 
upon  the  death  of  her  brother  Patrick,  without 
issue.     Leaving  this  uncertain,  the  first  of  this 
name  I  find  designed    "  Of   Lovat,"  is  Hugh 
Frisele,   who    does    homage  to  the  Bishop   of 
Moray,  anno  1367,  for  some  lands  in  the  Aird. 
I  shall  now  deduce  the  succession,  according  to 
the  MS.  account  of  the  family. 

In  the  law-suit  in  1730,  by  the  late  Lovat,  for 
obtaining  the  Peerage,  it  was  acknowledged  that 
it  does  not  certainly  appear,  by  any  writing  or 


record,  in  what  year  the  dignity  of  a  Lord  was 
conferred  on  that  family  ;  and  that  Lord  Lovat 
is  marked  in  the  Bolls  of  Parliament  in  1540, 
and  not  more  early.  But  in  the  additional  case 
of  Elizabeth  Countess  of  Sutherland  in  1771,  I 
find  that  the  Eetour  1430  calls  him  Hugh  Fraser 
de  Lovat ;  and  in  a  Hoyal  Charter  in  1480,  he  is 
designed  "Hugo  Fraser  Dominus  de  Lovat,"  and 
thus  the  family  was  ennobled  betwixt  the  years 
1430  and  1480,  and  the  third  or  fourth  descent 
seems  to  have  been  the  first  Lord. 

(1)  Simon  Frisele  was  father  of  (2)  Hugh,  who 
married  Margaret,  daughter  and  heiress  of  Wil- 
liam Fenton  of  Beaufort,  son  of  Thomas  of 
Dounie,  and  by  her  got  the  lands.  He  died 
about  1420,  leaving  three  sons  —  viz.,  Hugh, 
Alexander,  of  whom  is  Feralin,  and  James  an- 
cestor of  Craigray  and  Glenernie.  (3)  Hugh  II. 
married  Janet,  daughter  of  Thomas  Dunbar  Earl 
of  Moray,  and  with  her  got  the  lands  of  Aber- 
tarf.  His  son  (4)  Hugh  III.  married  a  daughter 
of  Lord  Glammis,  and  was  killed  at  Floudon 
anno  1513,  leaving  a  son  Thomas,  and  a  bastard 
son,  who,  having  been  some  time  in  France,  was 
called  Hutcheon  Franchoch,  of  whom  is  Fraser 
of  Fohir.  (5)  Thomas  seems  to  have  been  the 
second  who  was  advanced  to  the  Peerage ;  he 
married  Janet  Gordon,  daughter  of  Sir  Alexander 
of  Midmar,  brother  to  Huntley,  and  in  his  favour 
Huntley  renounced  all  right  he  had  to  Strath- 


erick ;  he  died  anno  1526,  leaving  a  son  Hugh, 
and  a  bastard  son  Hutcheon  Bane,  ancestor  to 
Eelick.  (6)  Hugh  IV.  married  a  daughter  of 
John  Grant  of  Freuchie,  and  by  her  had  Hugh  ; 
and  by  his  second  Lady,  a  daughter  of  Belna- 
gawn,  he  had  Alexander  and  William  of  Strawie. 
Lord  Hugh  and  his  eldest  son  were  killed  in  the 
battle  of  Cean-Lochlochie,  anno  1544.  (7)  Alex- 
ander married  Jean,  daughter  of  Sir  John  Camp- 
bell of  Calder,  and  had  Hugh,  Thomas  of 
Strichen,  and  James  of  Ardachie.  Lord  Alex- 
ander purchased  Strowie,  Coulgaran,  Kilwadie, 
Crochils,  and  Comer,  from  William  Forbes  of 
Kinaldie ;  and  his  son  Thomas  married  Isabel 
Forbes,  widow  of  Chalmers  of  Strichen,  and  pur- 
chased the  lands  of  Strichen  in  Buchan  about 
1580.  Lord  Alexander  died  1588.  (8)  Hugh  V. 
married  Elizabeth  Stewart,  daughter  of  John 
Earl  of  Athole,  and  purchased  from  Sir  Walter 
Keid,  Prior  of  Beaulie,  the  lands  and  tythes 
thereof,  about  1569,  and  died  1576.  His  son  (9) 
Simon  II.  by  his  first  wife,  daughter  of  Kintail, 
had  Hugh ;  and  by  his  second  wife,  daughter  of 
the  Earl  of  Moray,  had  Simon  of  Inveralachie, 
and  Sir  James  of  Brae.  He  sold  Glenelg  to 
MacLeod,  and  mortgaged  Kilmiles,  Fanellan, 
and  Kingylie,  to  Strichen,  and  Phopachie  to 
Coulkokie.  In  1617  he  purchased  Ferintosh  and 
Inveralachie,  and  disponed  these  and  Bunchrieve 
to  his  second  son.  He  died  1633.  (10)  Hugh 


VI.  by  his  Lady,  a  daughter  of  Weemys,  had 
Hugh,  and  Thomas  of  Beaufort.  He  sold  Aber- 
tarf  to  Glengary  for  5000  merks,  and  Muirtoun 
to  Thomas  Shevez  for  2000  merks ;  he  died  in 
1646.  (11)  Hugh  VII.,  by  a  daughter  of  the 
Earl  of  Leven,  had  (12)  Hugh  VIII.,  who  sold 
Kilmiles  to  Eraser  of  Kinaries,  Kingyle  to  Coul- 
bokie,  Belladrum  to  Hugh  Eraser,  and  Buntaite 
to  Chisholm  of  Comer ;  and  Sir  James  of  Brae 
gave  Dalcross  as  a  portion  with  his  daughter  to 
Major  Bateman.  Lord  Hugh  died  about  anno 
1672,  leaving,  by  the  daughter  of  MacKenzie  of 
Tarbet,  a  son  (13)  Hugh  IX.  who  married  Emilia, 
daughter  of  John  Marquis  of  Athole,  who  brought 
him  three  daughters — viz.  Emilia,  married  to 
MacKenzie  of  Prestonhall;  Anne  to  the  Laird 
of  MacLeod,  and  again  to  Pourie ;  and  Catharine 
to  William  Moray,  son  of  Achtertyre.  By  his 
marriage  articles,  this  Lord  provided  his  estate 
to  heirs  whatsoever.  He  died  in  1696.  (14) 
Simon  III.,  son  of  Thomas  of  Beaufort,  by 
Sybilla,  daughter  of  MacLeod,  being  out-lawed, 
lived  in  exile  till  the  year  1714.  He  then  ob- 
tained a  remission,  next  year  got  the  life-rent 
Escheat  of  Prestonhall,  and  an  annual  pension  of 
£300.  In  1730  the  honours  were  adjudged  to 
him  by  the  Court  of  Session  ;  he  was  made  Cap- 
tain of  an  independent  Highland  regiment ;  paid 
a  sum  of  money  to  PrestonhalTs  son  for  his  right 
to  the  estate ;  but  his  behaviour,  in  1745  and 


1746,  brought  him  to  the  block,  9th  April,  1747, 
and  his  estate  was  forfeited,  and  honours  extin- 
guished. By  his  first  wife,  daughter  of  Ludowick 
Grant  of  Grant,  he  left  issue,  Simon  now  a 
Colonel,  Alexander,  Janet,  married  to  MacPher- 
son  of  Clunie,  and  Sybilla ;  by  his  second  wife, 
daughter  of  Campbell  of  Mamore,  he  left  a  son 
Archibald.  Simon,  the  eldest  son,  having  been, 
against  his  inclination,  driven  by  his  father  into 
the  late  Eebellion,  soon  obtained  a  remission ; 
and  having  served  in  the  military  in  America  and 
Portugal,  he  was  advanced  to  the  degree  of  a 
Major-General ;  and  by  an  Act  of  Parliament  in 
1774,  the  King  granted  to  him  the  lands  and  estate 
of  his  father,  upon  certain  terms  and  conditions. 
The  above  mentioned  MS.  gives  an  account  of 
a  branch  of  the  Frasers,  called  the  Family  of 
Fruid  in  Tweedale,  of  which  John  Fraser,  Bishop 
of  Koss  in  1485,  was  a  son.  In  1492  Anne 
Wallace,  widow  of  Fruid,  with  her  7  sons,  came 
into  the  north.  Paul  and  Almond,  the  2  eldest, 
were  clergymen;  of  John,  the  third  son,  is 
descended  Fraser  of  Dunbalach ;  Alexander,  the 
4th  son,  was  ancestor  of  Phopachie ;  James,  the 
5th  son,  was  ancestor  of  Mr.  Eobert  Fraser,  advo- 
cate, and  Mr  Michael  Fraser,  minister  of  Daviot; 
of  Duncan,  the  6th  son,  is  descended  Fraser  of 
Daltulich,  in  the  parish  of  Croy ;  and  of  Kobert, 
the  7th  son,  came  the  Frasers  called  Mac-Eobie 


The  Proper  Arms  of  Fraser  are :  Az.  three  Fraises  Arg. 
Motto,  JE  Suis  PREST  [I  am  ready].  The  Family  quartered 
the  Bissets  Arms — viz.,  Gul.  three  Antique  Crowns,  Or.  But 
the  late  Lovat  struck  out  these,  and  having  come  peaceably  to 
the  possession  of  the  estate,  added  another  Motto — viz.,  SINE 
SANGUINE  VICTOR  [A  bloodless  victory]. 

I  now  return  to  the  parish  of  Boleskin. 
Stratherick  was  the  ancient  seat  of  the  Grants 
before  they  came  into  Strathspey ;  they  left  some 
vestiges  behind  them  to  confirm  this,  for  we  find 
the  same  names  of  country  seats  in  Stratherick, 
as  Gartmore,  Gartbeg,  Dellachaple,  &c.,  which 
they  gave  to  the  places  where  they  settled  in 
Strathspey.  The  above  mentioned  MS.  of  the 
Family  of  Lovat  affirms  that,  in  the  15th  cen- 
tury, there  were  many  Grants  and  Kerans,  or 
Clanchiaran,  living  in  Stratherick  ;  and  that 
Thomas,  Lord  Lovat,  having  married  the 
daughter  of  Alexander  Gordon  of  Midmar, 
brother  to  the  Earl  of  Huntley,  that  Earl,  in 
1493,  renounced  in  Lovat's  favour  all  his  right 
to  the  lands  of  Stratherick.  What  right  Hunt- 
ley  had,  or  claimed,  I  know  not ;  but  it  is  cer- 
tain that  the  Erasers  have  possessed  that  country 
for  many  generations. 

The  Water  of  Faragack,  which  giveth  name  to 
the  country,  runneth  through  the  north  of  the 
parish,  from  east  to  west,  and  falleth  into  the 
Loch  two  miles  north  of  the  Church;  and  the 
Water  of  Feachlin  runneth  through  the  middle 
of  the  parish,  emptying  into  the  Loch  at  Fohir, 


a  little  south  of  the  Church.  Upon  these  waters, 
and  the  branches  of  them,  stand  the  seats  of 
many  gentlemen  of  the  name  of  Fraser,  such  as 
Fohir,  Gortuleg,  and  Balnaine,  feuars;  Taralin, 
Gartmore,  Gartheg,  Drumyample,  Kinbrylie, 
Kilchoinlim,  Drummin,  &c. 

Abertarf  came  to  the  Family  of  Lovat  by 
marriage,  and  was  sold  to  MacDonald  of  Glen- 
garry, as  above  related.  A  small  glen,  or  valley, 
called  Glendoe,  runneth  up  into  the  hills  near 
the  south  end  of  the  Loch,  and  upon  the  banks 
of  the  water  Doe,  are  Molagan,  Glendoe,  &c., 
but  the  main  part  of  this  parish  lieth  upon  the 
rivers  of  Tarf  and  Eoich.  Tarf,  a  rapid  stream, 
riseth  in  the  hill  of  Corryarack,  near  Gamrvaore, 
in  Badenoch,  and  running  north-west,  falleth 
into  the  south  end  of  Loch  Ness.  On  the  banks 
of  it,  in  the  face  of  the  hill,  are  some  corn  lands, 
and  at  the  mouth  of  it  is  Kilhuiman,  Borlum, 
&c.  The  river  Eoich  is  the  great  source  of  the 
Ness,  rising  out  of  Loch  Eoich,  and  running  4 
miles  north-east,  falleth  with  a  deep  stream  into 
Loch  Ness.  In  the  point  between  Eoich  and 
Tarf,  standeth  Fort  Augustus.  On  the  west 
side,  at  the  mouth  of  the  Eoich,  is  Inshnakir- 
dich,  the  seat  of  Fraser  of  Coulduthill,  and  south 
from  it  are  the  lands  of  Pitmean. 


A  correspondent  writes  to  us  (5  Jan.,  1881) : — "  I  lately 
visited  the  Kilmuir  Churchyard,  which  is  situated  about 

350          THE  TOMB  OF  THE  LOVATS. 

half  a  mile  from  the  hotel  at  Dunvegan,  alongside  the 
public  road  leading  to  Portree.  In  the  middle  there  is  a 
ruin  of  an  old  Catholic  Church,  used  now  as  the  family 
burying-place  of  Macleod  of  Macleod.  We  spent  a  great 
deal  of  the  day  reading  inscriptions  on  the  tomb-stones. 
Our  special  attention  was  attracted  to  one  of  these,  which 
we  have  no  doubt  will  interest  a  good  many  of  your 
readers.  The  edifice  on  which  this  inscription  was  is  in 
the  form  of  a  pyramid,  which  was  built  over  the  tomb  of 
one  of  the  Lovats,  and  is  situated  immediately  in  front  of 
the  chapel  ruins.  There  was  a  small  tablet  on  it  facing 
to  the  west,  but  through  the  effects  of  inclement  weather 
of  ages  this  tablet  fell  a  number  of  years  ago,  and  broke 
in  pieces,  by  which  a  part  of  the  inscription  is  obliterated, 
but,  by  putting  the  broken  pieces  together,  it  reads  thus : 
— '  This  Pyramid  was  erected  by  Simon,  Lord  Fraser  of 
Lovat,  in  Honour  of  Lord  Thomas,  his  father,  a  Peer  of 
Scotland,  and  Chief  of  the  great  and  ancient  Clan  of  the 
Frasers.  Being  attacked  for  his  birthright  by  the  family 
of  Athole,  then  in  power  and  favour  with  King  William, 
yet,  by  the  valour  and  fidelity  of  his  clan,  the  alliance  of 
the  Campbell's,  the  old  friends  and  allies  of  the  family,  he 
defended  his  birthright  with  such  greatness  and  bravery 
of  soul,  and  such  valour  and  activity,  that  he  was  an 
honour  to  his  name  and  good  pattern  to  all  brave  Chiefs 
of  Clans.  He  died  in  the  month  of  May,  1699,  in  the  63 
year  of  his  age,  in  Dunvegan  Castle,  house  of  the  Laird 
of  Macleod,  whose  sister  he  married,  and  by  whom  he  had 
the  above  Simon,  Lord  of  Lovat,  and — (few  words  here 
obliterated) — children,  and  for  the  great  love  he  bore  to 
the  family  of  Macleod,  he  desired  to  be  buried  near  his 
wife's  relatives,  the  place  where  two  of  her  uncles  lay, 
and  his  son,  Lord  Simon,  to  show  the  posterity  his  great 
affection  for  his  mother's  kindred,  the  brave  Macleods, 
chooses  rather  to  leave  his  father's  bones  with  them  than 
carry  them  to  his  own  burial-place  near  Lovat.' " — (ED.) 


{Situation,  Soil,  Climate. — The  island  of  Great  Britain 
is  intersected  by  plains,  or  valleys,  depressed  almost  to 
the  level  of  the  surrounding  main,  in  four  different  tracks, 
from  the  one  shore  to  the  other.  The  first  may  be  con- 
ceived along  the  southern  side  of  the  Cheviot  hills,  where 


Scotland  borders  with  England,  from  the  Solway  Frith 
to  the  influx  of  the  Tyne.  The  second  lies  along  the 
great  canal,  from  the  Frith  of  Clyde  to  the  estuary  of  the 
Forth.  The  third,  beginning  also  from  the  shore  of  the 
Clyde,  lower  down  at  Dumbarton,  stretches  through  the 
broadest  and  most  central  parts  of  the  kingdom,  along 
the  southern  base  of  the  Grampian  mountains  to  Stone- 
haven  on  the  eastern  shore.  The  last  is  stretched  from 
the  Atlantic  at  Fort  William,  through  the  parishes  of 
Kilmanivack,  Boleskin,  and  Durris,  to  the  Murray  Frith 
at  Inverness. 

Imagination  may  easily  conceive  the  Continent  to  have 
once  extended  entire  to  the  northern  extremity  of  the 
Orkney  Isles ;  and  the  Pentland  Frith  to  have  been  only 
a  deep  valley,  similar  to  these  so  little  raised  above  the 
level  of  the  sea,  or  composed  of  such  yielding  materials 
as  to  have  given  way  in  some  storm  to  the  violence  of  the 
weighty  surge,  impelled  by  all  the  power  of  the  western 
wind,  rushing  on  unchecked  from  the  American  shore. 
The  headlands,  stretching  out  to  each  other  from  the 
opposite  sides  of  the  Frith,  seem  to  suggest  the  idea  of 
some  violent  disruption.  Thus  Duncan's  Bay  Head  pro- 
jects a  ridgy  bottom,  so  high  as  to  form  a  ripple  both  by 
the  flowing  and  ebbing  tide,  called  the  Boars  of  Duncan's 
Bay,  similar  to  the  swell  of  the  same  name  at  the  mouth 
of  the  river  Indus.  The  Pentland  Skerries  still  remain  in 
the  same  direction,  and  are  met  by  the  Lowther  Rock, 
covered  only  during  the  tide,  projected  from  the  island  of 
South  Rhonaldshay  on  the  other  side.  In  the  same  manner 
St.  John's  Head  sends  out  a  ridge,  which  forms  the 
breakers  called  the  merry  men  of  May,  meeting  a  swell 
off  Cantie  Head,  upon  the  opposite  shore  of  the  island  of 
Walls ;  while  the  lofty  Cape  of  Dunnet  frowns  against  its 
rival  the  Beary  (the  Berubium  of  Ptolemy),  on  the 
western  end  of  the  same  island.  The  probability  of  such 
a  junction  is  not  less  than  that  of  Dover  with  the 
opposite  coast  of  France.  If  the  extreme  rapidity  of  the 
tide,  driving  through  the  Pentland  Frith,  had  ever  been 
altogether  stopped,  as  it  is  sometimes  partially  checked 
by  the  wind,  there  is  no  doubt  but  the  sea  must  have 
risen  higher  and  flowed  farther  in  upon  the  shores  of  the 
Moray  Frith  than  now. 

The  parish  of  Boleskin,  with  the  Lake  of  Ness  upon  its 


western  side,  occupies  a  section  of  the  last  of  these 
valleys  that  have  been  described.  Abertarff,  a  district  of 
this  parish,  lies  nearly  on  a  level  with  the  lake  upon  its 
southern  end,  as  has  been  already  noted.  The  other  dis- 
trict, named  Strath  erick,  may  be  conceived  a  valley 
parallel  to  the  lake,  about  300  feet  above  its  level,  and 
screened  from  its  view  by  an  intervening  rocky  ridge 
rising  still  higher,  and  stretched  the  whole  length  of  the 
lake.  The  side  of  this  ridge,  which  faces  the  lake,  rises 
to  a  great  height,  and  with  a  steepness  almost  perpendi- 
cular, from  the  very  edge  of  the  water,  and  save  2  or  3 
small  plots,  admits  not  of  cultivation  throughout  its 
whole  length  of  22  miles,  from  the  Church  of  Durris  to 
the  citadel  of  Fort  Augustus.  The  road  from  Inverness 
to  this  fortress  is  cut  out  for  more  than  12  miles  upon  the 
side  of  this  rocky  steep,  as  far  as  the  Fall  of  Foyers.  It 
has  been  formed  by  great  labour,  and  at  much  expense, 
under  the  conduct  of  General  Wade,  who  was  then  quar- 
tered in  a  slope  of  the  mountain,  thence  distinguished  by 
the  appellation  of  the  General's  hut,  the  present  station  of 
the  inn,  about  a  mile  distant  from  the  fall.  This  road  is 
not  unpleasant  riding,  being  hard,  smooth,  and  level ;  it 
is  frequently  immersed  in  wood,  of  birch  and  hazel,  but 
in  general  it  is  open  enough  to  admit  a  view  of  the 
waters  of  the  lake  far  below,  waving  their  surface  in 
gentle  undulation  towards  the  precipitous  shore,  and  the 
summits  of  the  lofty  mountains  towering  high  upon 
either  of  its  sides.  Above  the  zone  of  the  woods  the 
mountains  are  reared  up  in  sterile  nakedness,  the  brown 
heath  and  grey  rock  but  little  diversified  by  a  few  small 
streams  trickling  down  the  steep.  Sometimes  the  road 
is  cut  along,  and  sometimes  around  the  rocky  sides  of  the 
hill,  forming  on  the  one  hand  a  black  insurmountable 
wall,  on  the  other  an  alarming  precipice  overhanging 
the  deep  lake,  that  even  the  stumbling  only  of  the  horse 
impresses  the  idea  of  inevitable  destruction.  This  route 
is  generally  described  as  pleasant  and  romantic,  yet  the 
unvaried  landscape,  consisting  of  little  besides  the  long 
narrow  reach  of  the  lake  below  and  the  sky  above,  while 
the  steepness  of  the  mountain  admits  of  no  deviation 
from  the  path,  impresses  a  languor,  after  proceeding  a 
little  way,  with  the  idea  of  dereliction  and  restraint ;  for 
no  habitation,  no  trace  of  the  works  of  man  are  seen,  save 


the  desolation  of  the  Castle  of  Urquhart  rising  out  of  the 
water  on  the  other  side,  which  is  but  little  relieved  by  a 
deserted  Church  in  ruins,  and  a  lonesome  Burying-ground, 
by  which  the  road  winds,  near  the  summit  of  the  ridge. 
In  ancient  times  it  might  have  been  the  sequestered  resi- 
dence of  some  holy  hermit,  and  in  that  regard  might 
have  been  chosen  for  the  situation  of  the  parish  Church, 
of  late  more  conveniently  placed  in  the  interior  of  the 
countiy,  and  more  centrical  upon  the  other  side  of  this 
interposing  ridge. 

The  common  soundings  of  the  lake  of  Ness  are  from 
116  to  120  fathoms,  in  one  place  they  ran  to  135.  By 
Hoods  or  sudden  thaws,  it  is  raised  about  10  feet  above 
the  lowest  watermark.  The  depth  even  at  the  very  sides 
would  admit  a  ship  of  any  burden  to  sail  from  the  one 
end  to  the  other.  Though  widening  considerably  toward 
its  southern  end,  where  it  is  about  2  miles  in  breadth,  its 
sides  are  straight  over  its  whole  length  as  the  even  banks 
of  an  artificial  canal,  save  the  Bay  where  the  river  of  Urqu- 
hart falls  in.  To  accomplish  its  navigation  by  sails 
requires  3  days  of  moderately  favourable  wind,  as  the 
vessel  must  anchor  during  the  dark,  which,  excepting  at 
the  ends,  in  Urquhart  Bay,  and  the  Creek  called  the 
Horse  Shoe,  can  be  only  done  at  Aultsay  and  Portclair 
on  the  western,  and  at  the  influx  of  the  Faragack  and 
Feachlin  on  the  eastern  side.  Excepting  an  accidental 
blast  from  either  of  these  glens,  or  an  eddy  squall  from 
any  of  the  more  elevated  summits  of  the  enclosing  ridges, 
the  winds  must  always  blow  right  along  the  lake ;  yet 
were  the  navigation  between  the  seas  completed,  a  path 
could  be  formed  along  the  margin  of  the  lake,  and  the 
trade  in  all  weathers  rendered  certain  and  secure  by  the 
draught  of  horses. 

This  immense  reservoir  of  water  is  distinguished  by 
two  peculiarities,  drawn  either  from  the  lake  or  river ;  it 
is  laxative  to  people  who  are  not  accustomed  to  drink  it, 
and  it  has  the  same  effect  on  horses  unhabituated  to  its 
use.  Such,  therefore,  at  the  town  of  Inverness  are 
invariably  conducted  to  another  stream.  Besides  this, 
neither  the  lake  nor  river  was  ever  known  to  be  frozen 
by  the  most  intense  cold  experienced  in  a  latitude  so 
high  as  nearly  the  58th  degree.  No  chemical  analysis 
lias  been  attempted  for  investigating  the  causes  of  these 
VOL.  ir.  23 


qualities.     When  drawn  either  from  the  lake  or  river,  it 
freezes  as  quickly  as  any  other  water,  even  in  the  carriage 
to  any  part  of  the  town  distant  from  the  river,  it  is  some- 
times frozen  by  the  way ;  yet  during  the  most  intense 
frosts  both  the  lake  and  river  smoke,  a  thick  fog  hangs 
over  them,  mitigating  the  cold  to  some  distance  upon 
either  side,  and  linens,  stiffened  by  the  frost,  are  dipped 
in  the  river  to  be  thawed.     There  is  not  the  least  degree 
of  current  in  any  part  of  the  lake,  and  the  river  runs 
gently  onwards  to  the  Frith,  never  overflowing  its  banks, 
in  a  channel  whose  fall  is  scarcely  10  feet.     There  cannot 
be  much  difference,  therefore,  in  the  level  between  the 
fresh   water  and  the  salt;   and   without  regarding  the 
soundings  by  Mr.  Scott  and  Capt.  Orton,  who  did  not 
reach  the  bottom  with  500  fathoms,  the  depth  of  the  Lake 
is  probably  greater  than  that  of  the  Frith.     Both  these 
properties  may  be  therefore  probably  derived  from  the 
same  causes  in  general,  which  produce  hot  springs,  or 
from  some  unexplored  connection  with  volcanic  fire.   This 
idea  is  countenanced  by  the  extraordinary  manner  in 
which  the  Lake  was  affected  on  the  1st  of  November, 
1755,  during  the  time  of  the  awful  earthquake  at  Lisbon. 
Raised  above  the  surface,  near  the  indraught  of  the  river, 
the  water  flowed  up  the  Lake  with  vast  impetuosity,  and 
drove  up  more  than  200  yards  against  the  rapid  current 
of  the  river  Eoich,  breaking  on  its  banks  in  a  wave  about 
3  feet  high.     It  thus  continued,  in  alarming  agitation,  to 
flow  and  ebb  for  more  than  an  hour.     About  11  o'clock  a 
wave,  higher  than  any  of  the  rest,  loaded  with  brushwood, 
drove  up  the  river,  and  overflowed  to  the  extent  of  30 
feet  upon  the  bank.     A  boat  near  the  General's  Hut  was 
three  times  dashed  on  shore,  and  twice  carried  back  ;  the 
rudder  at  the  second  time  was  broken,  the  boat  filled 
with  water,  the  loading  of  timber  dashed  out  and  left 
upon  the.  shore.     Although  this  commotion  at  the  bottom 
of  the  Lake  .affected  the  fluid  so  powerfully  through  all  its 
depth,  it  was  yet  unable  to  shake  the  solid  earth,  through 
a  mass  but  of  equal  height  only  with  the  water,  for  no 
degree  of  agitation  was  in  any  place  perceptible  on  land. 
The  vale  of  Stratheric  is  separated  from  Laggan  and 
Kingussie,  on  the  banks  of  the  Spey,  by  a  wide  and 
desert  mountain.      It   is   watered   by  two  considerable 
streams — the  Faragack  from  its  northern,  and  the  Feach- 


lin  from  its  southern  end.  It  might  be  conceived  that 
this  vale  had  been  itself  a  lake,  till  its  waters  forced  their 
passage  down  through  the  rocky  mound  to  Loughness. 
The  Faragack  has  torn  the  mountain  sloping  uniformly 
from  its  summit  to  the  base ;  the  impending  rugged  rocky 
banks  of  the  channel  bear  testimony  of  the  violence  of 
the  disruption. 

The  Feachlin  has  been  opposed  by  more  solid  materials, 
although  its  influx  is  only  about  2  miles  distant  from  the 
other.  Winding  for  10  or  12  miles  from  the  extremity 
of  the  glen,  and  in  its  progress  collecting  many  streams 
from  the  mountain  on  the  south  or  east,  and  grown  into  a 
river  of  no  small  consideration,  its  current  turned  towards 
the  lake,  forced  its  passage  also  through  the  intervening 
ridge.  Just  entering  within  its  rocky  jaws,  it  pours 
perpendicularly  from  the  cliff  about  the  height  of  30  feet, 
in  a  form  resembling  the  unequal  columns  of  a  great 
cathedral  organ,  into  an  abyss  every  way  environed  by 
uncouth  and  rugged  masses  of  sable  rock,  to  the  height  of 
more  than  60  feet  above  its  tumultuous  surface,  save  the 
breach  through  which  its  course  is  continued,  which  is 
covered  by  a  narrow  stone  bridge  fully  in  the  front  of 
this  thundering  torrent,  boiling  in  the  cavern  which 
itself  has  hollowed,  in  turbulent,  foaming,  and  ceaseless 
ebullition,  as  if  some  vast  subterranean  fire  glowed  in- 
tensely underneath  this  horrible  cauldron.  Its  effect  is 
greatly  heightened  by  the  dark  red  tinge  which  the  river 
for  the  most  part  bears,  from  the  peat  soil  of  the  moun- 
tain through  which  its  several  currents  flow.  Considera- 
bly farther  within  this  sinuous  chasm  is  the  grand 
cataract,  the  celebrated  Fall  of  Foyers.  A  profile  view  of 
it  may  be  easily  obtained  from  the  highway,  where  a 
wall  of  substantial  masonry  prevents  the  danger  of  falling 
over  the  verge  of  the  gulph ;  but  to  gain  a  nearer  view, 
and  in  the  front,  requires  a  guide  aslant  the  side  of  the 
profound  steep,  down  to  a  grassy  hillock,  projected  half 
across  the  chasm,  which  is  readily  by  some  neighbouring 
cottagers  supplied.  The  greatness  of  the  effect  is  even 
somewhat  augmented  by  this  perilous  approach,  which 
cannot  be  accomplished  but  by  clinging  from  space  to 
space  to  some  straggling  tree,  or  hanging  by  some  bushr 
whilst  the  foot,  unseen,  is  groping  for  a  hold  under- 
neath. The  river  at  times  is  descried  at  a  vast  distance 


below,  increasing  its  tumult  as  it  advances,  struggling 
among  the  multiform  masses  of  rock  which  embroil  its 
course,  and  roaring  against  the  opposing  cliffs  which 
shoot  rudely  from  the  sides  of  its  torn  channel ;  mean- 
while the  hoarse  roar  of  the  unseen  cataract  swells  louder 
on  the  ear,  the  hoary  vapour  is  beheld  in  turbulent 
eddies,  and  in  rapid  ascent  over  the  gulph,  as  the  dense 
smoke  of  some  bursting  volcano. 

Gaining  at  last  the  lowest  ledge  of  the  rock,  a  pinnacle 
detached  from,  but  every  way  environed  by  the  craggy 
steep,  which  from  thence  seems  unsurmountable,  though 
scarcely  lower  than  the  middle  of  the  fall,  the  attention 
is  overpowered,  and  the  astonished  view  arrested  by  this 
august  object ! 

The  river  is  beheld  edgeways  shot  from  a  cleft,  a  resist- 
less rapid  column,  about  a  yard  in  thickness,  and  20  feet 
in  height.  Its  breadth  upon  the  upper  side  remaining 
still  unseen,  it  dashes  with  so  much  momentum  upon  a 
slanting  shelve  of  the  rock  as  to  be  entirely  divested  ol 
the  appearance  of  the  element  of  water  in  any  of  its 
forms,  but  forced  into  the  semblance  of  furiously  drifted 
snow.  It  hisses  down  the  slanting  steep,  broad  spreading 
as  it  drives  into  the  unexplored  profound  at  the  depth  of 
80  or  100  feet  below  the  shelve  by  which  the  column  is 
first  broken,  where,  clashing  not  in  union  with  deep  roar 
above,  it  imperceptibly  resumes  its  elemental  form,  and 
seems  feebly  to  simmer  off  from  the  bottom  of  the  rock 
through  a  pool  that  might  be  imagined  to  be  of  no  un- 
common depth ;  even  the  red  tinge  of  mountain  soil, 
which  was  wholly  dispelled  as  it  drifted  down  the  steep, 
is  also  unexpectedly  restored. 

The  remaining  part  of  its  course  is  continued  placidly 
for  a  short  space  between  the  wooded  cliffs;  it  then  meets 
the  lake  in  a  plain  of  no  great  extent,  formed  probably  by 
the  alluvion  of  its  own  current,  as  it  is  the  only  field 
upon  the  eastern  border  of  this  long  expanse,  decorated 
by  the  family  seat  and  gardens  of  Mr.  Fraser  of  Foyers, 
an  agreeable  but  seemingly  a  solitary  residence. 

In  the  contemplation  of  a  scene  so  sublimely  august, 
which,  day  after  day  and  year  after  year,  continues  its 
perennial  turbulence  and  thunder,  without  rest  or  cessa- 
tion, the  feebleness  of  man,  and  the  short-abiding  power 
of  mortal  energy,  are  deeply  impressed  upon  the  mind ; 


sentiments  of  reverence  spontaneously  arise  for  that  Al- 
mighty Being  who  at  the  first  arranged  the  springs  of 
nature,  and  regulates  for  ever  its  unconscious,  though 
varied,  and  most  powerful  exertion. 

The  soil  is,  in  general,  a  light  and  gravelly  loam,  in 
some  places  moorish.  The  climate  may  be  accounted,  on 
the  whole,  rather  severe  than  mildly  temperate  through- 
out the  greatest  proportion  of  the  year ;  yet  in  summer 
it  is  sometimes  unpropitiously  dry,  and  it  would  be 
reckoned  early,  were  not  the  harvests  generally  retarded 
by  rains  which  frequently  begin  to  fall  out  about  the 

State  of  Property. — The  parish  is  partitioned  among  7 
landholders.  It  comprehends  a  part  of  the  Lovat  for- 
tune of  the  Honourable  Archibald  Fraser,  equal  to  £2101 
18s.  4d.  Scots.  Simon  Fraser  of  Foyers,  Esq.,  holds  £463 
13s.  4d.  Simon  Fraser  of  Faralin,  Esq.,  holds  £82,  4s. 
lOd.  James  Fraser  of  Gortuleg,  Esq.,  holds  £38  13s.  1  Id. 
Captain  Fraser  of  Knocky  amounts  to  £163  Scots.  Cap- 
tain Fraser  of  Ardachy,  £141  17s.  Scots.  And  Alexander 
Macdonald  of  Glengarry,  Esq.,  £308  5s.  8d.  Scots,  in 
which  the  valuation  of  the  property  of  the  Crown  is 
included,  being  a  farm,  and  part  of  the  appointment  of 
the  Deputy-Governor  of  Fort  Augustus,  and  the  ground 
occupied  by  the  citadel  itself,  extending  the  whole  valua- 
tion to  the  sum  of  £3299,  13s.  Id.  Scots.  There  are  some 
of  the  lands  in  the  personal  occupation  of  the  proprietors. 
The  farms  let  to  tenants  are  in  general  comprehended 
under  a  small  extent  of  arable  field,  to  which,  however, 
there  are  some  exceptions  where  the  rent  rises  to  above 
£50  in  the  year.  The  average  rent  of  the  acre  of  the 
arable  land  may  be  estimated  at  16s.,  but  the  pasturage 
connected  prevents  it  from  being  accurately  ascertained. 

State  Ecclesiastical. — The  Church  is  now  placed  about 
3  miles  up  the  river  above  the  Fall,  and  about  a  mile  east- 
ward from  the  bank.  The  living,  including  the  allowance 
for  the  Communion,  is  £105.  The  right  of  patronage  is 
a  pertinent  of  the  Lovat  estate.  The  appointment  of  the 
missionary  resident  at  Fort  Augustus,  and  the  extent  of 
his  charge,  has  been  mentioned  in  the  preceding  number. 
In  the  central  parts  of  the  parish,  between  the  Fall  and 
Fort  Augustus,  the  farmers  hire  a  teacher  for  their  chil- 
dren by  a  small  subscription  among  themselves.  The 


conductor  of  the  music  employed  in  the  public  devotions 
of  the  Church,  and  the  poor,  which  make  up  a  pretty 
long  roll,  have  a  provision  arising  from  the  donations 
made  in  the  religious  congregations  of  the  people,  who, 
except  a  few  of  the  Roman  Catholic  communion,  are  all 
members  of  the  Established  Church,  amounting  to  the 
number  of  1402. 

Miscellaneous  Information. — The  original  name  of  the 
ground  where  Fort  Augustus  stands  was  KILLIE-CHUMIN, 
the  burial-place  of  the  Cumings.  The  cause  of  this 
appellation  is  now  wholly  unknown.  It  may  be  con- 
jectured that,  similar  to  I'Columbkill,  the  cemetery  of  the 
monarchs  of  several  kingdoms,  the  consecrated  ground  of 
the  Chapel  of  Abertarff  might  have  been  appropriated 
by  this  ancient  clan,  during  the  period  in  which  they 
numbered  14  titled  chiefs,  as  the  place  of  general  inter- 

The  Citadel,  rather  in  a  beautiful  than  in  a  strong 
situation,  is  seated  on  a  narrow  plain,  commanded  by 
pretty  high  grounds  upon  the  south  and  north.  It  has 
the  great  river  Eoich,  pouring  a  deep  and  rapid  flood  into 
the  lake,  upon  the  one  side,  and  the  gentle  Tarff,  gliding 
in  a  slender  stream  through  the  plain  upon  the  other. 
Loughness  washes  the  ramparts  on  the  third  side ;  they 
are  composed  of  4  bastions,  and  they  afford  accommoda- 
tion for  a  garrison  of  400  or  500  men.  It  was  originally 
built  about  the  year  1730,  and  received  its  present  name 
in  compliment  to  the  father  of  George  III.  Its  des- 
truction by  the  rebels  in  1746  has  been  incidentally 
mentioned  above.  It  has  contributed  somewhat  to  the 
improved  police  of  the  country.  The  little  sloop  which 
rides  under  its  walls  adds  greatly  to  the  scenery  of  such 
a  mountainous  landscape,  and  it  establishes  the  advan- 
tages of  the  navigation  of  the  Lake.]  (Survey  of  the 
Province  of  Moray.) 


A  small  part  only  of  this  parish  lieth  within  the 
Province  of  Moray,  viz.,  Glengary  and  Achadrom. 
From  Loch  Ness,  to  Loch  Eoich,  are  4  miles,  a 
part  of  Abertarf.  Loch  Eoich  is  4  miles  long, 


from  north  to  south,  and  1  mile  broad.  From 
the  south  end  of  Loch  Eoich,  to  the  north  end 
of  Loch  Lochie  (the  utmost  boundary  of  Moray) 
is  1  mile,  called  Achadrom;  a  fertile  little  valley, 
not  above  a  half  mile  broad,  betwixt  chains  of 
high  hills.  Here  are  Lagan-Achadrom,  Dunan, 
Kyleross,  &c.  The  country  of  Glengary  lieth  on 
the  west  bank  of  Loch  Eoich,  and  stretcheth 
into  the  hills  westward,  on  both  sides  of  Loch 
Garie,  7  miles.  It  is  a  rough,  unequal  valley, 
full  of  birch  wood,  but  warm  and  fertile.  At  the 
mouth  of  the  Eiver  Garie,  where  it  falleth  into 
Loch  Eoich,  is  Invergary,  the  seat  of  Alexander 
MacDonald  of  Glengary.  And,  in  this  glen,  are 
the  seats  of  several  gentlemen,  such  as  Lie, 
Lundie,  Ardnabee,  &c.  The  inhabitants  of  Acha- 
drom are  Kennedies,  called  Clan  Ulric,  from  one 
Ulric  Kennedy,  of  whom  they  are  said  to  have 

Glengary  is  planted  by  MacDonalds,  a  branch, 
it  is  said,  of  the  Clan  Eonald,  or  MacDonalds  of 
Moidart.  Lord  MacDonald  of  Aros  (descended 
of  MacDonald  Earl  of  Boss),  having  died  in  1680 
without  issue,  the  honours  became  extinct,  and 
his  estate  (by  a  marriage  connection)  came  to 
Glengary;  by  which  means  the  fortune  of  the 
family  lies  in  Glengary,  Abertarf,  and  Knoidart, 
and  is  very  considerable. 



The  MacDonalds  derive  themselves  from  Colla 
Uais,  King  of  Ireland,  in  Century  IV.,  and  are 
said  to  have  come  to  Scotland  in  the  reign  of 
Malcolm  Canmore.  They  have  spread  into  many 
branches  of  which  the  family  of  Glengary  (de- 
scended of  the  Clan  Konalds  of  Moidart)  are  as 
follows : — 

John,  Lord  of  the  Isles,  had  a  son  Kanald, 
who,  by  a  daughter  of  MacDougal  of  Lorn,  had 
two  sons,  viz.,  Allan  of  Moidart,  and  Donald  of 
Glengary.  (1)  Donald  was  father  of  (2)  Alex- 
ander, father  of  (3)  Alexander,  who  married 
Margaret,  heiress  of  MacDonald  of  Loch  Alsh, 
and  had  Alexander  and  Angus,  ancestor  of  Lord 
MacDonald  of  Aros,  and  died  about  the  year 
1515.  (4)  Alexander  married  a  daughter  of  Mac- 
Kenzie  of  Kintail,  and  dying  about  1550,  was 
succeeded  by  his  son  (5)  Alexander,  who  married 
a  daughter  of  Lachlan  More  of  Macintosh ;  and 
dying  anno  1604,  his  son  (6)  ^neas,  married  a 
daughter  of  Macintosh,  and  had  Alexander  and 
Angus  of  Scothouse ;  and  having  been  killed  by 
the  MacKenzies,  before  his  father's  death  (7) 
Alexander  succeeded  his  grandfather,  and  by  a 
daughter  of  Lord  Lovat,  had  Donald  Gorm,  and 
Alexander;  and  upon  the  demise  of  Lord  Mac- 
donald,  anno  1680  without  issue,  Alexander  ob- 
tained his  estate,  and  died  about  1685.  (8) 


Donald  Gorm,  was  killed  at  Killiecrankie  1689, 
unmarried.  His  brother  (9)  Alexander,  married 
a  daughter  of  Seaforth,  by  whom  he  had  John, 
Ranald,  and  Donald.  His  loyalty  led  him  into 
the  Battles  of  Killiecrankie  1689,  Cromdale  1690, 
and  Sheriflmuir  1715,  and  dying  in  1724;  (10) 
John,  by  MacKenzie,  had  Alexander,  and 

Angus  of  Tyindrish ;  and  by  a  daughter  of  Glen- 
buckit,  had  James  and  Charles.  And  dying  in 
1754  (11)  Alexander  being  a  prisoner  in  London 
in  1745,  his  brother  Angus  led  the  Glengary  men 
to  that  rebellion,  and  was  himself  killed  at  Fal- 
kirk,  in  January,  1746,  by  an  accidental  shot. 
Alexander  returned  home,  and  died  unmarried, 
anno  1761,  and  was  succeeded  by  the  son  of 
Angus,  by  a  niece  of  Struan,  viz.,  Duncan,  now 
of  Glengary,  who  married  Marjory,  daughter  of 
Sir  Lewis  Grant  of  Dalvey,  and  has  issue. 

From  the  frequency  of  the  name  Alexander, 
the  Chief  of  this  Family,  is  called  Mac-Mhic- 

I  now  return,  by  the  west  side  of  Loch  Ness,  to 


The  parish  of  Urquhart  and  Glenmoriston, 
which  lie  on  the  west  side  of  the  loch,  over 
against  Stratherick.  Urquhart  stretcheth  up 
into  the  hills  westwards  towards  the  Aird,  about 
5  miles,  and  is  a  warm  and  fertile  valley. 

The  Church  standeth  near  a  mile  west  from 


the  loch,  12  miles  south-west  from  Inverness. 
The  Castle  or  Fort  stood  on  the  edge  of  the  Loch. 
In  the  valley  is  Corimonie,  a  feu-holding  per- 
taining to  a  branch  of  the  Grants;  Shoglie,  a 
mortgage  of  a  Cadet  of  Corimonie ;  Achmonie, 
the  heritage  of  a  gentleman  of  the  name  of 
MacKay,  or  rather  MacDonald.  All  the  rest  of 
the  parish  is  the  property  of  Sir  James  Grant  of 
Grant.  Urquhart  was  probably  a  part  of  the 
estate  of  Cummine  Lord  Badenoch,  upon  whose 
forfeiture  it  was  granted  to  Eandolph  Earl  of 
Moray.  The  MS.  History  of  the  Family  of 
Sutherland  bears,  that,  in  1359,  King  David  II. 
gave  the  barony  and  Castle  of  Urquhart  to  Wil- 
liam, Earl  of  Sutherland,  and  his  heirs.  If  so, 
the  grant  was  afterwards  revoked.  It  is  true, 
Urquhart  was  excepted  out  of  the  grant  to  John 
Dunbar,  Earl  of  Moray,  anno  1372;  and  upon  the 
forfeiture  of  Earl  Archibald  Douglas,  anno  1455, 
Urquhart  was  annexed  to  the  Crown.  In  a 
decreet  arbitral,  betwixt  Duncan  Macintosh, 
Captain  of  Clan  Chattan,  and  Hutcheon  Eose  of 
Kilravock,  anno  1479,  the  possession  and  Duchus 
of  Urquhart  is  adjudged  to  Kilravock  (Pen.  Kilr.) ; 
and  in  1482,  the  Earl  of  Huntley  gave  Kilravock 
a  discharge  of  the  rents  of  Urquhart  and  Glen- 
moriston  (Pen.  Kilr.).  What  right  Huntly  had 
to  these  lands,  I  know  not,  if  it  was  not  as  factor 
for  the  Crown.  I  incline  to  think,  that  after  the 
death  of  Earl  John  Kandulph,  in  1346,  the  barony 


of  Urquhart  was  the  salary  of  the  governor  of 
that  Fort,  until  it  was  no  longer  garrisoned  (Vide 
Milit.  Hist.).  Be  this  as  it  will,  the  Laird  of 
Grant  purchased  Urquhart  and  Glenmoriston,  in 
the  reign  of  King  James  VI. 

Glenmoriston  is  distant  from  Urquhart  south- 
ward 8  miles  of  hills.  The  Eiver  Moriston 
riseth  in  the  hills  of  Glensheil,  near  Kintail, 
passeth  through  Loch  Clunie,  watereth  Glen- 
moriston, and  after  a  course  of  above  30  miles, 
emptieth  into  Loch  Ness,  4  miles  below  Fort 
Augustus.  The  inhabited  Glen  extends  8  miles 
in  length,  from  the  mouth  of  the  river,  but  the 
breadth  is  inconsiderable.  The  whole  valley  is 
warm,  fertile,  and  well  inhabited.  It  is  a  part  of 
the  barony  of  Urquhart,  and  has  been  the  heritage 
of  Grant  of  Glenmoriston,  for  above  200  years ; 
that  family  has  a  good  house  at  Invermoriston, 
on  the  bank  of  Loch  Ness.  Urquhart  and  Glen- 
moriston are  separated  from  Kirkill  and  Kiltar- 
latie,  by  a  ridge  of  hills. 


[Situation,  Soil,  Climate. — The  course  of  this  survey 
has  been  hitherto  conducted  from  the  east,  towards  the 
west ;  but  it  is  directed  southward  from  the  banks  of  the 
Beaulie,  along  the  western  limits  of  the  Province,  to  the 
sources  of  the  Spey. 

The  parish  of  Urquhart  skirts  along  the  southern  limits 
of  those  of  Inverness,  Kirkhill,  and  Kiltarlity,  sweeping 
also  in  part  by  the  eastern  boundary  of  those  of  Kilmorac, 
Kintail,  and  Glensheal,  to  where  the  parish  of  Kilmani- 
vack,  stretched  from  the  Atlantic  Ocean,  conjoins  with 
that  of  Boleskin,  bending  round  from  the  east,  across  the 


western  termination  of  Lough  Ness.  The  communication 
from  the  town  of  Inverness,  on  the  eastern  coast,  to  Fort 
William  on  the  western  shore,  opened  along  the  length  of 
Lough  Ness,  has  led  its  course,  in  a  general  view,  to  be  con- 
sidered in  the  same  direction  :  but  although  the  termina- 
tion of  the  lake  at  Fort  Augustus  be  greatly  to  the 
westward  of  Inverness,  it  is  also  so  much  to  the  south, 
that  if  the  cardinal  points  of  the  compass  are  only  in 
regard,  its  course  with  more  accuracy  may  be  considered 
as  lying  in  the  direction  of  north  and  south.  Accordingly 
in  Urquhart,  the  whole  eastern  side  of  the  parish  is 
described  as  being  washed  by  the  waters  of  the  lake,  by 
which  it  is  separated  from  Boleskin  on  the  other  side. 

By  the  lofty  mountain  of  Mhalfourvonnie,  the  parish 
is  divided  into  two  districts,  Urquhart  upon  its  northern, 
and  Glenmoriston  on  its  southern  side ;  and  they  may 
be  both  conceived  as  valleys  stretching  nearly  parallel, 
towards  the  west,  from  the  margin  of  the  lake.  That  of 
Urquhart,  a  little  inward,  divides  itself  into  two,  by 
extending  a  branch  southerly  into  the  skirts  of  Mhalfour- 
vonnie. Each  branch  is  watered  by  its  own  blue  stream, 
which,  meeting  in  their  courses,  have  opened,  as  it  were, 
the  country  to  the  breadth  of  several  miles  of  plain ;  and 
they  deliver  their  water  into  a  bay,  expanded  to  a  con- 
siderable length  from  the  lake,  and  more  than  a  mile  in 
breadth,  the  only  place  where  the  lake  of  Ness  is  not 
bounded  by  rock  upon  either  of  its  sides. 

The  mountain  of  Mhalfourvonnie  rises  almost  perpen- 
dicular, in  one  uniform  face  from  the  lake,  to  the  height 
of  30GO  feet.  On  the  other  three  sides,  a  rounded  rocky 
peak  hath  shot  up  about  a  fifth  part  higher  than  the 
general  elevation  of  the  mountain.  From  this  it  seems 
to  have  derived  its  appellation,  signifying  in  the  Gaelic,  a 
cold  wart,  or  excrescence  of  a  hill.  Upon  the  western 
side,  at  the  bottom  of  the  peak,  is  a  small  lake,  which 
makes  a  conspicuous  figure  among  the  fictions  of  all  the 
systems  of  geography,  and  which  otherwise  in  this  place 
would  have  met  with  no  regard.  Its  surface  is  equal  to 
about  4  acres :  it  is  supported  by  springs,  and  the  rains 
which  drift  pretty  frequent  around  the  sides  of  the  peak. 
In  dry  weather,  the  evaporation  is  equal  to  the  water  it 
receives  :  in  seasons  of  rain,  it  emits  a  small  stream  from 
its  southern  end.  It  might  be  inferred,  from  its  being 


well  stocked  with  trout,  which  require  an  extent,  propor- 
tional to  their  number,  of  moderately  shallow  water,  that 
it  is  nowhere  of  unfathomable  depth ;  which  has  of  late 
been  ascertained  to  be  the  fact,  by  the  minister  of  the 
parish  and  another  gentleman.  From  its  situation  so  far 
within  the  stormy  wilderness,  it  is  more  than  probable, 
that  it  has  never  been  beheld  during  any  intense  frost. 
The  trout  are  in  such  numbers  as  to  have  distinguished 
this  little  lake  by  their  own  Gaelic  characteristic,  namely, 
the  lake  of  the  red-bellied  trout. 

The  prospect  from  the  summit  of  the  peak  is  highly 
interesting:  the  faculty  of  vision  itself  seems  to  have 
received  additional  power :  the  view  is  chiefly  extended 
in  the  course  of  east  and  west,  commanding  an  extent 
from  the  environs  of  Fort  George  nearly  to  Fort  William. 
The  whole  expanse  of  the  lake  lies  together  under  the 
eye,  but  at  such  a  distance  below,  as  to  suggest  the  idea 
of  a  narrow  ditch,  deep  sunk  within  steep  banks.  The 
distant  horizon  from  the  west,  round  over  the  north,  is 
bounded  by  the  mountains  through  Ross  and  Sutherland, 
to  the  shores  of  Caithness ;  and  though  nothing  but  the 
dun  waste,  thinly  diversified  by  the  glittering  of  scattered 
lakes,  is  to  be  seen,  a  trackless  desert  of  boundless  extent, 
yet  it  is  hardly  possible  to  banish  the  idea  of  the  many 
fertile  peopled  vales,  with  the  various  toils  and  luxuries, 
pains  and  pleasures,  which  form  this  station  are  so  com- 
pletely overlooked.  The  whole  district  of  Stratheric  is 
displayed  upon  the  opposite  side  as  a  painted  landscape 
under  the  eye;  but  though  the  peak  itself  may  be  descried 
by  the  mariner,  immediately  on  his  clearing  Kinnaird's 
Head,  where  the  Moray  Firth  is  lost  in  the  German 
Ocean,  yet  the  prospect  is  bounded  by  the  mountain 
between  Stratheric  and  the  course  of  the  Spey.  The  Fall 
of  Foyers,  directly  over  against  the  peak,  upon  the  other 
side  of  the  lake,  at  the  distance  of  nearly  6  miles,  in  a 
right  line  from  the  eye,  is  among  the  most  interesting 
objects.  Its  white  spray,  contrasted  with  the  bleak 
mountain  through  which  it  dashes  down,  resembles  the 
lights  of  the  sky  seen  through  the  arch  of  a  distant  gate- 
way :  its  roar  meanwhile  grows  or  dies  upon  the  ear,  as 
the  airy  breeze  propels  or  bears  away  the  sound.  The 
valley  of  Glenmoriston  may  be  distinctly  traced  for  20 
miles  westerly  from  the  lake;  it  is  inhabited  only  for 


about  the  half  of  that  length,  and  its  breadth  is  nowhere 
considerable:  it  opens  at  the  distance  of  10  miles  from 
the  influx  of  the  river  of  Urquhart.  The  road  between 
winds  over  the  declivities  in  the  precipitous  face  of 
Mhalfourvonnie,  much  encumbered  by  loose  angular  frag- 
ments of  the  rock.  The  path  too  narrow  for  a  carriage, 
along  the  verge  of  the  wooded  steep  which  overhangs  the 
lake,  is  carried  over  the  stream  of  Altkenis  upon  an 
ancient  arch,  named  Trochet-na-cre-kit-renish,  the  bridge 
of  the  wooded  rocks.  Glenmoriston  itself,  signifying  the 
great  valley  of  the  deep  cascade,  opens  on  the  lake  between 
the  fronts  of  two  lofty  cliffs,  reared  up  in  gloomy  gran- 
deur: the  one  is  called  Graig-kinian,  the  giant's  rock ;  the 
other,  a  sable  peak,  projecting  over  the  lake,  is  denomin- 
ated Struan-muich,  the  promontory  of  the  boar.  The 
wildness  of  these  characteristic  appellations  distinguishes 
these  interior  regions  no  less  than  the  striking  appear- 
ance of  their  sublime  scenery.  The  road  is  continued  to 
Fort  Augustus,  across  the  river  of  Moriston,  by  an  elegant 
light  bridge  of  two  arches,  meeting  on  a  great  rock  in  the 
middle  of  the  stream,  with  a  pretty  cascade  in  each  of  its 
channels.  A  trim  path  winds  down  the  river,  through 
a  grove  upon  the  level  bank,  for  about  300  paces,  to 
a  neat  octagon  building,  overhanging  the  margin  just 
before  the  great  fall.  Although  the  river  has  its  origin 
far  distant  in  Glensheal,  forming  in  its  progress  the  long- 
winding  lake  of  Clunie,  yet  the  volume  of  water  is  not  so 
large  as  that  which  forms  the  Fall  of  Kilmorack  ;  but  the 
height  from  which  it  is  precipitated  is  nearly  the  same. 
The  torrent,  however,  spreads  to  a  greater  breadth,  and 
advances  with  rapidity  and  increasing  tumult  to  the 
farthest  verge  of  the  gulph ;  and  broken  by  a  rock  in  its 
fall,  it  tosses  itself  into  spray  and  foam,  and  at  times,  from 
some  slight  alteration  perhaps  in  the  pressure  of  the 
atmosphere,  as  if  animated  by  some  internal  impetus  of  the 
stream,  it  bounds  considerably  higher  than  its  ordinary 
repercussion,  which  adds  much  to  the  vivacity  of  this 
fascinating  object.  Here,  too,  as  at  Kilmorac,  and  with 
no  better  success,  the  salmon  attempt  to  vault  over  the 
fall,  and  by  a  pole  similarly  armed  with  hooks,  many 
with  dexterity  are  occasionally  caught,  in  the  momentary 
flash  of  their  ill-fated  bound.  Below  the  cataract,  the 
river  sweeps  round  in  the  sullen  eddies  of  a  deep  and 

THE   FALL  OF  DIVAH.  367 

gloomy  pool,  seeming  to  pause  in  the  shadow  of  the 
dark  surrounding  cliffs  and  overhanging  hills.  Then  on  a 
sudden  it  bursts  away  in  a  straight  and  narrow  channel, 
through  which  it  shoots  in  deepened  and  condensed 
rapidity,  rushing  with  a  whizzing  din  along  the  sides 
of  the  rock,  cut  down  by  its  own  ceaseless  violence, 
driving  on  resistless,  amid  the  echoes  of  the  impending 
cliffs  and  high  towering  hills. 

In  both  districts  the  soil  is  light  and  warm :  in  Urqu- 
hart,  it  is  a  fertile,  though  not  a  deep  loam;  in  Glen- 
moriston,  it  is  inferior,  in  general  sandy  and  light.     The 
arable  grounds  are  pleasantly  interspersed  with  pasturage, 
and  sheltered  by  natural  groves,  varied  by  murmuring 
brooks.    In  one  of  them  is  the  distinguished  Fall  of  Di  vah, 
about  100  feet  of  perpendicular  height :  a  winding  path 
through  a  wooded  bank  leads  easily  to  its  bottom;  a 
volume  of  water  only  is  wanting  for  the  completion  of  its 
grandeur.     The  close  shelter  of  the  woods,  and  the  warm 
reflection  of  the  sun  from  the  rocks,  have  ranked  this 
country  among  the  earlier  Highland   districts:  yet  in 
autumn  the  return  of  rain  is  so  unwelcomely  frequent,  as 
seldom   to   admit   of  saving  the  corn  in  the  open  air. 
Fabrics,  therefore,  peculiar  for  this  purpose,  are  pretty 
generally  erected:  the  roof  between  ordinary  gables  is 
supported  upon  timber  posts,  and  it  projects  almost  a 
yard  over  the  sides,  which  are  wattled  with  wands  neatly 
trimmed;  the  inside  is  fitted  up  with  rails,  in  which 
pegs  are  fastened,  upon  each  of  which,  like  the  muskets 
in  an  armoury,  a  single  sheaf  is  separately  hung,  where 
in  a  short  time  they  become  so  dry,  in  any  weather,  as 
to  keep  otherwise  safe,  when  their  removal  makes  way 
for  the  crop  of  another  field.    Such  dryhouses  are  common 
upon  the  western  coast.     On  smaller  farms,  the  walls  of 
the  barns  are  built  of  angular  stone,  in  such  an  open 
manner  as  to  admit,  or  rather  draw  in,  the  wind,  while 
the  rain  trickles  down  along  the  outside. 

State  of  Property. — James  Grant,  Esq.,  Advocate,  the 
author  of  Essays  on  the  Gaelic  tongue,  and  on  the 
manners  of  the  Celts — a  subject  which  the  distinguished 
ingenuity  and  abilities  of  the  author  have  not  been  able 
to  make  generally  interesting  now — has  his  paternal  seat 
at  Corrymonie,  signifying  in  the  Gaelic  St.  Mona's  hollow 
or  valley,  transmitted  through  a  line  of  ancestors  reaching 


back  to  the  year  1509,  in  the  reign  of  James  IV.  It  is 
situated  in  the  mountains  towards  Killtarlity,  and  upon 
the  sources  of  the  river  of  Urquhart.  It  is  the  farthest 
cultivated  land  in  that  district,  the  desert  stretching 
beyond  unbroken  almost  to  the  western  shore.  The 
building,  although  not  modern,  is  plain,  without  turrets, 
or  any  ornament  of  architecture ;  but  it  is  embellished  by 
groves,  a  garden,  and  inclosed  fields,  and  those  bewitching 
beauties  of  a  mountainous  and  stormy  region,  so  inexpli- 
cably fascinating  to  the  natives  educated  among  them. 
The  valued  rent  of  this  ancient  inheritance  amounts  to 
£210  Scots. 

The  whole  district  of  Glenmoriston  is  the  property  of 
Major  John  Grant,  and  an  inheritance  coeval  with  that  of 
Corrymonie.  The  family  seat  stands  upon  the  side  of 
Loughness,  at  such  a  distance  from  the  cataract,  as  to  be 
soothed  only  by  its  gentle  and  uniform  murmur.  It  is  a 
plain  but  commodious  mansion,  commanding  an  extensive 
and  varied  view  of  the  lake,  woods,  and  rocky  mountains ; 
but  except  the  House  of  Foyers,  far  distant  on  the  other 
side  of  the  lake,  it  is  not  in  sight  of  any  other  dwelling, 
and  of  the  little  cultivated  field  only  in  its  own  environs. 
In  its  close  vicinity,  there  is  a  pretty  handsome  building, 
erected  about  the  year  1760  by  the  trustees  of  the  for- 
feited estates,  to  promote  the  industry  of  the  Highland 
lasses,  to  instruct  them  in  spinning  fine  yarn,  and  in  some 
other  domestic  arts,  rendering  their  time  more  valuable, 
and  making  the  youth  of  both  sexes  better  acquainted 
with  the  advantages  of  diligence  and  the  blessings  of 
industry ;  in  the  knowledge  of  which  they  might  be  still 
improved.  This  building,  converted  now  to  less  interest- 
ing purposes,  is  not  the  seat  of  any  manufacture,  and 
remains  the  monument  only  of  laudable  design.  The 
valued  rent  of  Glenmoriston  is  £896  10s.  Its  principal 
crops  are,  black  oats,  potatoe,  bear :  a  little  rye,  and  white 
oats,  and  cultivated  grass,  may  be  also  produced:  it 
supports  about  500  milch  cows,  and  about  1000  other 
black  cattle :  with  a  proportion  of  these,  it  spares  also 
butter  and  cheese;  but  the  country  was  not  able  to 
supply  provision  for  its  own  inhabitants,  about  600  souls, 
before  the  general  cultivation  of  potatoe.  Besides  the 
sheep  it  can  now  spare,  it  also  disposes  yearly  of  a  con- 
siderable number  of  horses. 


The  rest  of  the  parish,  valued  at  £1113  5s.  Scots,  is  the 
property  of  Sir  James  Grant  of  Grant,  Bart.;  extending 
its  whole  valuation  to  £2219  15s.  Scots.  There  is  a  great 
proportion  of  the  parish  occupied  in  farms  of  respectable 
extent,  varying  from  about  £50  to  about  £100  of  rent. 
Among  these  also,  are  several  handsome  buildings,  occupied 
by  gentlemen  who  cultivate  this  sequestered  vale,  and 
live  happily  in  each  other's  sociality.  Three  of  these, 
Shewglie,  Lockletter,  and  Lakefield,  are  pleasantly  situ- 
ated round  the  borders  of  a  little  lake  in  the  course  of  the 
river  of  Urquhart,  about  1  mile  in  length,  and  more  than 
half  a  mile  in  breadth.  The  cut  freestone  of  the  House  of 
Lakefield,  which  is  on  the  property  of  Corrymonie,  was 
carried  from  the  shore  of  Duffus,  at  the  expense  of  more 
than  £50.  Sir  James  Grant  has  also  built  a  neat  commo- 
dious mansion  in  the  beautiful  situation  of  Ballnaceaun, 
and  where  he  occasionally  visits.  The  greater  number  of 
the  tenants  hold  small  farms,  reaching  from  less  than 
£1  to  £7,  or  £15.  The  average  value  of  the  acre  may 
be  estimated  at  18s.  A  very  considerable  revenue  is 
derived  from  the  wood,  part  of  which  is  burned  in 
making  red  herring  in  Caithness,  transported  by  the 
lake  and  river  of  Ness  to  the  boats  which  receive  it  in  the 
Firth.  The  number  of  black  cattle  in  the  Urquhart 
district  are  reckoned  to  amount  to  2400,  of  which  the 
third  part  are  milch  cows.  The  real  rent  of  the  whole 
parish  is  not  supposed  to  exceed  £3000  sterling. 

State  Ecclesiastical. — The  gradual  organisation  of  the 
Church  of  Scotland  into  the  local  unconnected  judicatures 
of  Presbyteries  and  Synods  has  been  already  noticed.  It 
was  not  till  the  year  1724  that  the  Synod  of  Glenelg, 
consisting  of  5  Presbyteries,  and  29  Parishes,  was  at  the 
first  established.  Prior  to  that  period,  the  parishes  of 
Urquhart,  Boleskin,  and  Laggan,  appertained  to  the 
Synod  of  Moray ;  with  Killmallie  and  Kilmanivak,  they 
now  compose  the  Presbytery  of  Abertarff :  the  two  last 
were  never  in  any  shape  connected  with  the  Province 
of  Moray. 

The  Church  is  prettily  placed  in  a  wood  upon  the  bank 
of  the  river,  and  near  the  head  of  the  bay.  For  the 
accommodation  of  the  upper  part  of  the  vale,  there  is  also 
a  Chapel,  about  two-thirds  of  the  way  from  the  lake  to 
Corrymonie,  where  public  worship  is  celebrated  every 
VOL.  II.  2* 


third  Sunday.  The  stipend,  by  a  decree  in  1796,  is  £105, 
including  the  allowance  for  the  expense  of  the  commun- 
ion. The  glebe  is  about  6  acres.  Sir  James  Grant 
holds  the  right  of  patronage.  The  parochial  school  is  in 
the  vicinity  of  the  Church,  with  the  salary  of  £14  ster- 
ling, and  the  other  whole  emoluments  equal  to  £10  more; 
it  retains,  at  an  average,  about  50  scholars :  reading  Eng- 
lish only,  with  writing  and  arithmetic,  are  taught. 

In  Highland  districts,  widely  separated  from  each  other 
in  the  trackless  wilderness,  the  thousand  pounds  of  Royal 
bounty  are  distributed  with  the  most  parsimonious  economy : 
but  had  it  been  originally  adjusted,  so  as  to  make  one 
permanent  establishment  yearly,  the  whole  Highlands 
ere  now  would  have  almost  been  sufficiently  appointed 
with  regular  clergymen,  each  with  a  living  of  £50  sterling 
in  the  year,  and  this  annual  expenditure  saved  at  the 
last.  In  the  solitary  glens  of  Kiltarlity  and  Kilmorack, 
the  missionary,  as  has  been  noticed,  toils  laboriously  in 
rotation  through  four  separated  congregations.  In  Glen- 
moriston,  where  the  minister  of  the  parish  can. only  make 
occasional  visitations, the  public  ordinances  of  the  National 
religion  are  celebrated  every  third  Sunday  by  the  mis- 
sionary established  for  that  district,  in  connection  with 
Abertarff  in  the  parish  of  Boleskin,  and  Glengary  in  that 
of  Kilmanivack,  with  a  salary  of  £35  yearly.  The  com- 
mittee for  managing  this  bounty  have  also  appointed  a 
catechist  for  the  whole  parish,  with  an  allowance  of  £12 
yearly.  The  Society  for  Christian  Knowledge  have 
established  a  school  in  Glenmoriston,  and  another  in  the 
interior,  upon  the  river  of  Urquhart;  the  first  with  an 
appointment  of  £15  yearly,  and  the  other  with  one  of 
£10,  to  which  £4  is  added  to  his  spouse,  as  mistress  for 
the  girls  in  sewing.  The  statutory  accommodations  of  a 
house,  kitchen  garden,  and  the  means  of  supporting  a  cow, 
are  furnished  in  the  districts.  Both  masters  teach  the 
reading  of  the  Scriptures  in  the  Gaelic  as  well  as  in  the 
English  tongue :  and  both  also,  as  well  as  the  catechist, 
are  most  assiduous  in  waiting  on  the  people  most  remote 
from  the  situations  of  public  worship ;  instructing  them 
on  the  Sundays  in  the  principles  and  duties  of  religion, 
in  assisting  their  devotions  by  prayer,  and  their  Christian 
edification  by  reading  the  Holy  Scriptures.  The  Society, 
with  the  country,  are  taking  measures  for  establishing 


another  school  in  the  track  of  country  between  the  two 
districts,  about  the  skirts  of  Mhalfourvonnie. 

In  Urquhart,  the  number  of  the  poor  on  the  roll  is 
about  30 ;  with  a  capital  of  £100  bearing  interest,  the 
contributions  in  the  assemblies  of  public  worship  make 
the  fund  equal  to  £15  yearly  for  their  support;  from 
which  £2  4s.  6d.  is  allocated  to  the  Clerk  and  Session 
officer.  The  fund  for  the  poor  of  Glenmoriston,  kept 
wholly  apart  from  the  other,  is  only  about  £3  of  Church 
contributions,  and  the  interest  of  £25,  although  their  roll 
of  poor  exceeds  that  of  the  other  district. 

The  number  of  the  inhabitants  in  the  whole  parish,  by 
an  accurate  enumeration  obtained  since  the  Population 
Table  was  printed,  amounts  to  2355,  exceeding  the  number 
stated  in  that  Table  by  306,  and  making  the  increase  of 
the  whole  population  of  the  province,  since  the  year 
1755,  equal  to  537,  instead  of  the  254  there  stated.  The 
whole  inhabitants  of  both  districts  are  of  the  National 
religion,  except  about  80  of  the  people  of  Glenmoriston, 
many  of  whom,  in  the  absence  of  their  own  Roman 
Catholic  clergyman,  attend  the  meeting  of  their  Pro- 
testant brethren. 

Miscellaneous  Information. — Before  the  year  1746,  the 
parish  was  much  distressed  by  the  depredations  of  their 
neighbours  in  the  western  Highlands,  who  plundered 
their  cattle  and  other  property.  The  advantages  of  good 
government  having  reached  the  most  uncivilised  quarters 
of  the  island,  property  is  now  completely  secure.  For 
more  than  30  years,  all  differences  among  the  people 
have  been  most  satisfactorily  adjusted  by  a  gentleman  in 
the  country,  in  the  character  of  Baron  of  Bailie ;  the 
people's  money  is  thereby  saved,  and  even  the  spirit 
itself  of  litigation  dies  gradually  away.  The  people  are 
religious,  industrious,  and  loyal.  In  the  year  1793,  80 
men  entered  cheerfully  into  the  first  fencible  regiment. 
At  present  there  is  one  company  of  volunteers  in  Urqu- 
hart, of  60  men ;  and  one  in  Glenmoriston,  of  40.  The 
length  of  the  road  that  has  been  made,  and  is  kept  in 
repair  by  the  parish,  is  about  50  miles.  The  fund  for 
this  object  is  a  commutation  for  the  statute  labour  of  2s. 
from  each  male  above  15  years  of  age,  and  about  £9 
assessed  on  the  valued  rent,  at  Id.  sterling  upon  the 
pound  Scots,  amounting  together  to  about  the  sum  of 


£60.  The  road  from  Inverness  to  the  inn  on  the  bank  of 
the  river  of  Urquhart,  about  15  miles,  was  a  grand  under- 
taking :  for  a  great  way  through  the  rocks  of  Abriechan, 
it  required  in  many  places  the  blast  of  gunpowder; 
besides  the  perseverance  of  the  people,  the  county  aid, 
and  liberal  subscriptions  from  the  proprietors  and  gentle- 
men of  the  parish  were  bestowed.  The  modes  of  agricul- 
ture among  the  gentlemen  are  the  same  as  in  the  low 
country.  Sir  James  Grant  has  encouraged  the  improve- 
ment of  his  estate  by  donations  of  grass  seeds  to  the 
smaller  tenants :  and  he  has  built  a  lint  mill,  and  gives 
similar  donations  of  lint  seed ;  and  the  appearance  of  the 
people  is  much  improved,  by  being  dressed  in  linen  of 
their  own  raising  "and  manufacture. 

There  is  plenty  of  limestone  on  Sir  James  Grant's 
estate,  and  he  encourages  its  application  as  a  manure  by 
the  free  use  of  the  quarry ;  and  by  quarrying  the  stone  at 
his  own  expense,  and  calcining  it  also  for  the  poorer 
tenants,  for  cultivating  ground  in  the  waste,  at  the  rate 
of  about  300  bushels  to  the  acre,  and  from  the  expense  of 
fuel,  the  expense  of  each  bushel  is  estimated  at  4d.,  more 
than  100  acres  of  waste  have  of  late  been  gained ;  and 
the  rents  have  been  increased  almost  threefold  in  the 
course  of  the  last  30  years :  yet  the  situation  and  comforts 
of  the  people  have  been  also  in  the  same  time  greatly 
ameliorated.  The  price  of  provisions  is  regulated  by  the 
market  of  Inverness.  Unmarried  farm  servants  have 
raised  their  wages  to  about  £6  sterling  in  the  year ;  and 
women  servants  to  half  that  sum ;  a  day  labourer,  without 
victuals,  gets  Is. 

The  Castle  of  Urquhart  has  been  already  described. 
It  may  be  inferred,  from  its  being  an  object  of  so 
much  importance  in  the  regard  of  Edward,  the  monarch 
of  England,  that  we  are  not  well  informed  of  the 
state  and  circumstances  of  society  in  ancient  times.  Its 
walls  are  still  decorated  with  a  considerable  quantity 
of  cut  freestone  of  a  coarse  texture  and  hardy  quality : 
but  the  conjecture  is  hopeless  about  where  it  was  found, 
and  by  what  means  it  was  transported ;  when  it  is  con- 
sidered, that  a  gentleman  now  found  it  most  convenient 
to  import  the  cut  stone  for  his  house  from  the  quarries  on 
the  coast  of  Duffus.]  (Survey  of  the  Province  of  Moray.} 


I  now  return  to  the  Moray  Firth,  near  Inver- 
ness, to  take  a  view  of 


The  parish  of  Kirkhill,  formerly  called  Ward- 
laiu,  because  the  garrison  of  Lovat  kept  ward  or 
watch,  on  this  law  or  hill.  In  Irish  it  is  called 
Knock-Mhuire,  i.e.  Mary's  Hill,  dedicated  to  the 
B.  Virgin.  This  parish  stretcheth  about  3J  miles 
on  the  side  of  the  Firth,  to  the  head  of  it  at 
Beaulie ;  and  from  the  head  of  the  Firth  about 
1  \  miles,  up  the  east  side  of  Beaulie  river ;  and  a 
ridge  of  hills  to  the  east,  separate  it  from  the 
parish  of  Inverness. 

The  Church  standeth  an  half  mile  from  the 
sea,  and  as  much  from  the  river;  near  5  miles 
west  from  Inverness,  and  near  3  miles  north-east 
from  Kiltarlaty.  In  the  east  of  the  parish,  on 
the  Firth,  is  Bunchrive,  sold  by  Inveralachie  to 
Forbes  of  Culloden  (as  also  sold  to  him  Ferin- 
tosh),  anno  1673.  Next  westward  on  the  Firth  is 
Phopachie.  A  branch  of  the  Frasers  had  this 
land  in  mortgage  near  150  years,  but  it  was 
redeemed  by  the  late  Lord  Lovat.  A  mile  far- 
ther west,  on  the  Firth,  is  Newtoun,  the  seat  of 
Fraser  of  Dunballoch,  a  gentleman  of  a  good 
fortune,  and  a  baron.  At  the  mouth  of  the  river 
Beaulie,  stood  the  Tower  and  Fort  of  Lovat, 
anciently  the  seat  of  the  Bissets  of  Lovat,  and 
afterwards  of  the  Frasers,  pleasantly  situated  on 


a  rich  and  fertile  soil.  South  of  the  Church  is 
Achnagairn,  the  heritage  of  Duncan  Fraser, 
Doctor  of  Medicine,  descended  of  Fraser  of  Bella- 
drum.  At  the  foot  of  the  hills  eastward,  is  the 
barony  of  Eelick,  where  James  Fraser,  lately  of 
Eelick  built  a  neat  and  convenient  house  at 
Easter  Moniack.  And  close  by  it  is  the  tower  of 
Wester  Moniack,  once  the  seat  of  Fraser  of 
Strichen,  and  the  land  continued  to  be  the  pro- 
perty of  that  family,  until  it  was  lately  sold  to 
the  last  Lord  Lovat.  The  whole  of  this  parish 
is  a  rich  soil,  fertile  in  corn  and  pasture  ground. 


[Situation,  Soil,  Climate. — This  parish  extends  about 
5  miles  from  that  of  Inverness  along  the  Firth  to  its  head, 
and  nearly  3  miles  farther  upon  the  bank  of  the  river 
Beaulie,  to  the  limits  of  the  parish  of  Killtarlity. 

The  plain  or  low  country  of  Moray  has  been  described 
as  spread  out  along  the  shore,  but  contracting  its  breadth, 
as  does  also  the  firth,  as  they  stretch  towards  the  west. 
This  great  plain  terminates  upon  the  eastern  confines  of 
this  parish,  which  may  be  conceived  as  an  acclivity 
rising  gently  from  the  edge  of  the  water  to  the  breadth 
of  nearly  a  mile.  Westward  of  this,  the  Firth  contracts  so 
as  to  leave  a  plain  along  the  bottom  of  a  hill,  which  may 
be  still  regarded  as  one  of  those  low  ridges  which  it  has 
been  said  diversify  the  champaign  of  Moray  ;  for  behind 
this  hill  there  is  a  vale,  as  if  the  river  Beaulie  had  once 
occupied  its  southern,  as  it  does  now  its  northern  side, 
mixed  with  the  tide :  by  these  two  plains  and  the  inter- 
vening hill,  the  breadth  of  the  parish  in  its  western 
quarter  is  expanded  to  the  breadth  of  3  miles. 

The  soil  in  the  low